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  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties




  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties



    China is believed to have the oldest continuous civilization.

    China has over 4,000 years of verifiable history.

    Beijing is the capital of China and is the focal point for thecountry. The official language is standard Chinese, which is

    derived from the Mandarin dialect.

    There are strict rules regarding childbirth and each couple islimited to only one child.

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    Geert Hofstede Analysis

    The Chinese rank lower than any other Asian

    country in the Individualism factor. This can beattributed primarily to the Communist rule andits emphasis on a collectivist culture.

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    Business Meeting

    Whats in a name?

    Names are very important to the Chinese and you must establish how to address

    someone during your first meeting. Chinese surnames come first, not last.

    Business Cards : should be exchanged at the beginning of a business meeting.

    Dont be late!

    Punctuality is considered a virtue. Guests are greeted upon arrival by a

    representative and escorted to the meeting room; hosts are expected to be in place

    before guests arrive.

    Just saying No:

    Actually, never say NO, try and find more indirect ways of saying it, such as, I

    will have to look into that, or, I am not sure we could do that

    To the right:

    The principal guest is usually seated to the principal hosts right, on a sofa or chairs

    opposite the door.

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    Business Meeting

    Speaking: Speak slowly and use short sentences.

    Reactions :Do not expect an immediate reaction from your Chinesecolleagues. The Chinese like to consolidate their position in a measuredand considered fashion.

    Colours:Avoid White; it is the colour of mourning. Red, suggests power,prosperity and authority, and is the preferred colour in China.

    Numbers:4 and 14 are very bad and mean death. 3 means longevity and 8 meanswealth/prosperity.

    Let them smoke: Many Chinese consider smoking, usually among men,the right thing to do in a business environment. Let them do it!

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    Hong Kong

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties



    Hong Kong is one of two special administrative regions (SARs) of thePeople's Republic of China (PRC), the other being Macau.

    A city-statesituated on China's south coast and enclosed by the PearlRiver Delta and South China Sea, it is renowned for its expansive skylineand deep natural harbour.

    Hong Kong is predominately Chinese with a population of approximately7.0 million as of 1992.

    There are two official languages, Chinese and English.

    Hong Kong has no official religion.

    Hong Kong operates under a capitalist form of government.

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    Hong Kong was ceded to the United Kingdom in 1898 at the culminationof the Opium War. It remained a British Crown Colony until 1997 when itwas returned to China.

    As part of China, Hong Kong is now an economic and cultural bridgebetween the capitalist West and the Communist East.

    There is little doubt that changes will take place within Hong Kong overthe next few years.

    One change that is already apparent is a transition from an Englishspeaking to Chinese speaking populous.

    Whether this will reduce the worldwide luster of Hong Kong is yet to bedetermined.

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    Business Facts In business dealing with Westerners, the Chinese often

    chose a nickname.

    Dont be surprise if during your business dealing with theChinese they ask to consult with a fengshui man (ageomacer).

    A fengshui man may be brought in determine good luckdates or the proper special arrangement for a building oroffice. This individual's opinion should be observed.

    The Geert Hofstede analysis for Hong Kong is almostidentical to that of other Asian countries.

    Where Hong Kong differs dramatically is in theirUncertainty Avoidance factors.

    Most Asian countries rank fairly high in this category,however in Hong Kong they tend to be greater risk takers.

    The highest-ranking factor is Long-term Orientation,which reflects their emphasis on relationships.

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    Hong Kong's Geert Hofstede analysis has Long-termOrientation (LTO) as the highest-ranking (96) factor,which is true for all Far East Asian cultures.

    This Dimension indicates a societies' time perspectiveand an attitude of persevering; that is, overcomingobstacles with time, if not with will and strength.

    Of note is Hong Kong's relatively low Uncertainty

    Avoidance (UAI) Dimension ranking of only 29,compared to an average of 63 for the Far East Asiancountries.

    This very low level of Uncertainty Avoidance is thefourth lowest in the World, with only Denmark (23),Jamaica (13), and Singapore (8) having lower scores for

    this Dimension.

    The low Uncertainty Avoidance ranking indicates asociety that not only tolerates uncertainty and afreedom of opinions, but uses this strength, in the caseof Hong Kong, to be a place where many varyingcultures and ideas can come together.

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    Hong Kong has an Individualism (IDV) ranking of25, second highest for Far East Asian countries,

    behind Japan's 46 ranking, and compared to anaverage of 24.

    This may be attributed, in part, the long termBritish (IDV of 89) rule of Hong Kong and theinfluence of European culture, which has anaverage Individualism rank of 61.

    Hong Kong's Individualism ranking indicates a highlevel of emphasis on a Collectivist society ascompared to one of Individualism.

    The low Individualism ranking is manifest in a close

    and committed member 'group', be that a family,extended family, or extended relationships.

    Loyalty in a collectivist culture is paramount. Thesociety fosters strong relationships where everyonetakes responsibility for fellow members of theirgroup.

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    Appearance The color red is considered a lucky color

    in Hong Kong.

    When dressing for a business meetingselect a red tie to impress your host.

    The color white is synonymous withdeath.

    It is common in China to show one'ssurprise or dismay by sucking air in

    quickly and loudly through the lips andteeth. If you have been shown thisgesture, it would be advisable to modifyyour request. Your host is obviouslydispleased.

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  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    Behavior The toast is an integral part of the culture in Hong Kong.

    Everyone is expected to drink a toast.

    The guest of honor makes the first toast.

    Follow the lead of your host when dining.

    Do not blow your nose at the table or in public.

    Do not rub your chopstick together before dining. It implies that youhave been given poor quality chopsticks that may have splinters.

    It is impolite to refuse to drink. Even if you do not drink, accept it andtoast with your host.

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  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    Communications The handshake is fairly common in Hong Kong, however a slight bow will

    show a sign of respect.

    A round of applause may greet you during your visit. The Chinese like toapplaud. You are expected to return the applause out of respect.

    Because Hong Kong is so densely populated the Chinese tend toconverse very closely together.

    Silence is held in high regard in Hong Kong. Allow your host tocontemplate without interruption.

    Names are usually written in the following order the last name first,middle name second and the first name last.

    Use titles with names whenever possible.

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    Appointments are recommended.

    Punctuality is expected.

    Use only black and white materials for presentations, as colors are verysignificant.

    Patience is important. The Chinese do not make business decisionsquickly.

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties



  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    Introduction Macau ,also spelled Macao is, along with Hong Kong, one of the two special

    administrative regions of the People's Republic of China.

    It lies on the western side of the Pearl River Delta, bordering Guangdongprovince to the north and facing the South China Sea to the east and south.

    The territory's economy is heavily dependent on gambling and tourism but

    also includes manufacturing.

    Macau was a Portuguese colony and both the first and last European colonyin China.

    Portuguese traders first settled in Macau in the 16th century andsubsequently administered the region until the handover on 20 December1999.

    The Sino-Portuguese Joint Declaration and the Basic Law of Macau stipulatethat Macau operates with a high degree of autonomy until at least 2049, fiftyyears after the transfer.

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    Under the policy of "one country, two systems", the PRC's Central

    People's Government is responsible for the territory's defense andforeign affairs, while Macau maintains its own legal system, police force,monetary system, customs policy, and immigration policy.

    Macau participates in many international organizations and events that

    do not require members to possess national sovereignty.

    According to The World Factbook, Macau has the second highest lifeexpectancy in the world.

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    Etiquette People in Macau are honest, pleasant and soft-spoken.

    Deep regard for moral values and respect for human

    life are primary traits of the Macau etiquette.

    The tourists are given high regard and due respect.These behavioral traits in Macau have been helpful inmaking Macau a successful tourism destination.

    The local customs are very much akin to the westernsociety. However, the older cohort is still prettyconservative.

    The visitors are advised to refrain from being overlywarm in public areas. People in Macau are not used tochat about contentious issues in the public or withoutsiders.

    The younger residents in Macau are much morewestern in their thinking. Their behavior in Macau isdiffers from the conservative old generation.

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    Business Etiquette

    Gifts The exchange of gifts is not widely practised orexpected in business in Macau.

    Business cards The exchange of business cards is amust in Hong Kong so its advisable to carry a largenumber on you. Business cards should be presented andreceived with both hands.

    Establishing contacts and networks The quality ofyour agent or representatives contacts is crucial, andbusiness introductions are vital, as companies do notdeal with unknown contacts.

    Preparation and follow-up Exporters should send asmuch documented information about their companies,products and services as possible in advance of theirvisit. Business visitors must remember to follow up ontheir meetings in Macau when they return to Australia.

    Business entertainment Dinners and lunches withlocal representatives and customers help to developnetworks and are a normal part of doing business inMacau.

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    Correspondence Answer enquiries, proposals, correspondence and

    invitations as soon as possible.

    Face Avoid embarrassing Chinese in the presence of others. To avoidthe person losing face, discuss any criticisms or disputes in private.

    Punctuality Chinese place importance on punctuality and visitorsshould do their best to avoid arriving late at appointments.

    Business attire Business attire is expected for formal meetings, smart

    casual in other occasions.

    Forms of address Many Macau business people will have an Englishfirst name, used with a Chinese family name, eg. Peter Chan.

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    Tariffs and Non-Tariff Barriers

    Macau is virtually a free port, with tariffs being imposed only on tobaccoproducts, petrol, vehicles and spirits.

    All livestock, plants, vegetable products, meat and food are subject toCivic and Municipal Affairs Bureau's sanitary quarantine.

    In order to prove that they are edible for human consumption, food thatneed not to apply for the import license but still have to undergo sanitaryquarantine are those edible vegetables, fruits, mushroom spawn, sugarcane and caviar, etc.

    Import licences are required for importation of pharmaceuticals,chemicals, weapons, transceivers and radar equipment, and equipmentand materials for manufacture of optical discs.

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties




  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    South Korea North Korea

    Formal name:- Republic ofKorea.

    Capital city:-Seoul

    Location:- East Asia

    Government type:-

    republic National language:-


    Population:- 68,846,823

    Formal name:-TheDemocratic People'sRepublic of Korea

    Capital city:-Pyongyang

    Government type:-

    communist National language:-Korean


  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    North Korea

    Economic structure of north Korea ischaracterized by state ownership of allproduction,command economies and closedeconomic system.

    Self reliant economy of north Korea lead toreject the import of foreign capital and

    technology and they mostly uses their ownresource to produce products.

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties




    For men: conservative, dark colored suits with white shirts andconservative ties.

    For women: conservative business suits or dresses and blouses areappropriate. Avoid tight fitting and sleeveless attire.

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    Customs:-- greet with a slight bow sometimes

    accompanied with a handshake.

    - do business with whom they have personalconnection.

    - address people with their title.

    Business card:-- always have a business card ready

    (preferably bilingual)

    - exchange of business cards- use both hands to present and receive a card

    - read and comment on it before puttingaway

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties



    - book meetings well in advance- most convenient time 10am to

    12 pm and 2pm to 4pm

    - punctuality is important.

    - most senior member enters theroom and be introduced first.

    - agreement reached once trustis established.


  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties



    - Koreans value relationship building andharmony so avoid hard selling, pressure

    tactics and any sort of conflict orconfrontation.

    - Even though Koreans value a directcommunication style in most things,they try to avoid using no in answering


    Gift giving:-- If invited to a Korean home, it is

    appropriate to bring flowers, wine,

    and/or chocolates.-Avoid green, white or black wrappingpaper as well as giving gifts in sets offour.

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    Location:Eastern Asia, Island chain between theNorth Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan/East Sea, eastof the Korean Peninsula.

    Capital:TokyoPopulation:127,333,002 (July 2004 est.)

    Religions:Observe both Shinto & Buddhist 84%, other16% (including Christian 0.7%)

    Facts and Statistics

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    The Japanese Language Japanese is the sixth most spoken language in the

    world, with over 99% percent of the country'spopulation using it.

    The origin of the Japanese language has many theoriesin reference to it, some believe it is similar to the Altaiclanguages, namely Turkish or Mangolian. It isrecognized to be close in syntax to the Koreanlanguage.

    Dialects are used in areas, particularly in Kyoto andOsaka, but standard Japanese, based on the speech ofTokyo, has become more popular through the use oftelevision, radio and movies.

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    Business Etiquette and Protocol

    Business Cards

    Dress Etiquette

    Business Negotiation

    Watch your Table Manners

    Gift Giving Etiquette

    Meeting Etiquette

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    Business Cards.1. Business cards are exchanged constantly and

    with great ceremony..2. Invest in quality cards.3. It is wise to have one side of your business card

    translated into Japanese..4. Give your business card with the Japanese sidefacing the recipient.

    .5. Make sure your business card includes yourtitle, so your Japanese colleagues know yourstatus within your organization..6. Business cards are given and received with twohands and a slight bow..7. During a meeting, place the business cards on

    the table in front of you in the order people areseated..8. When the meeting is over, put the businesscards in a business card case or a portfolio.

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    Dress Etiquette

    .1. Business attire is conservative.

    .2. Men should wear dark-coloured,conservative business suits..3. Women should dress conservatively.

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    Business Negotiation.1. They have a difficult time saying 'no', so you must be vigilant at

    observing their non-verbal communication.2. Written contracts are required..3.The Japanese often remain silent for long periods of time. Be patient andtry to work out if your Japanese colleagues have understood what was said..4. Japanese prefer broad agreements and mutual understanding so that

    when problems arise they can be handled flexibly..5. Using a Japanese lawyer is seen as a gesture of goodwill.6. Never lose your temper or raise your voice during negotiations..7.Some Japanese close their eyes when they

    want to listen intently..8. The Japanese do not see contracts as final

    agreements so they can be renegotiated.`

    Watch your Table Manners

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    Watch your Table Manners

    .1.The honoured guest or the eldest person will be seated in

    the centre of the table the furthest from the door..2. The honoured guest or the eldest is the first person tobegin eating..3. Never point your chopsticks..4. It will yield tremendous dividends if you learn to usechopsticks.

    .5. Do not pierce your food with chopsticks.

    . Place bones on the side of your plate.

    .6.Don't be surprised if your Japanese colleagues slurp theirnoodles and soup..7. Mixing other food with rice is usually not done8. To signify that you do not want more rice, finish every grain

    in your bowl..9. It is acceptable to leave a small amount of food on yourplate when you have finished eating..10. Conversation at the table is generally prohibited.

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    Gift Giving Etiquette.1. Gift-giving is highly ritualistic and meaningful..2. The ceremony of presenting the gift and the way it is wrapped is as important--

    sometimes more important--than the gift itself.3.The gift need not be expensive4. Good quality chocolates or small cakes are good ideas.5. Do not give lilies, camellias or lotus blossoms as they are associated with funerals..6. Do not give white flowers of any kind as they are associated with funerals..7 Do not give potted plants as they encourage sickness, although a bonsai tree is always

    acceptable..8.Give items in odd numbers, but not 9..9. If you buy the gift in Japan, have it wrapped..10. Pastel colours are the best choices for wrapping paper..

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties


    Meeting Etiquette1.Appointments are required and, whenever possible, should be made severalweeks in advance.

    2.It is best to telephone for an appointment rather than send a letter, fax or email.3.Punctuality is important. Arrive on time for meetings and expect your Japanesecolleagues will do the same.4.Since this is a group society, even if you think you will be meeting one person, beprepared for a group meeting.5.The most senior Japanese person will be seated furthest from the door, with the

    rest of the people in descending rank until the most junior person is seated closestto the door..6.Always give a small gift, as a token of youresteem, and present it to the most seniorperson at the end of the meeting7.While foreigners are expected to shake

    hands, the traditional form of greeting isthe bow..

  • 7/31/2019 Asian Counties
