asian american survey codebook

7/23/2019 Asian American Survey Codebook 1/115 National Asian American Survey, 2008 ICPSR 31481 Karthick Ramakrishnan University of California-Riverside Jane Junn University of Southern California Taeku Lee University of California-Berkeley Janelle Wong University of Southern California Codebook Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research P.O. Box 1248 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106

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National Asian American Survey,2008

ICPSR 31481

Karthick RamakrishnanUniversity of California-Riverside 

Jane Junn

University of Southern California 

Taeku LeeUniversity of California-Berkeley 

Janelle WongUniversity of Southern California 


Inter-university Consortium for

Political and Social Research

P.O. Box 1248

Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106

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Terms of Use

The terms of use for this study can be found at:

Information about Copyrighted Content

Some instruments administered as part of this study may contain in whole or substantially

in part contents from copyrighted instruments. Reproductions of the instruments areprovided as documentation for the analysis of the data associated with this collection.

Restrictions on "fair use" apply to all copyrighted content. More information about thereproduction of copyrighted works by educators and librarians is available from the United

States Copyright Office.


The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the makingof photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions

specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other

reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction isnot to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If auser makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in

excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

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ICPSR PROCESSING NOTE FOR # 31481 2008 National Asian American Survey 

ICPSR Notes 

1) Value Labels : 

•  For consistency, ICPSR has added value labels according to the codebook deposited bythe principal investigator.

2) Data File Conversion:  

•  ICPSR converted the original STATA data file into a STATA Version 9 data file forprocessing purposes. No changes were made to the data because of this.

Principal Investigator Notes 

1) Confidentiality: 


To help protect confidentiality of subjects, any county or state where the relevantnational origin group has fewer than 5,000 residents is labeled as "PROTECTED". Inaddition, any county or state is labeled as "PROTECTED" where the respondent'sethnicity is NOT Asian Indian, Bangladeshi, Cambodian, Chinese, Filipino, Hmong,Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Pakistani, Taiwanese, Vietnamese.

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Data Completeness Report

Notes: (1) Variables are individually listed only if they have greater than 5% missing data. These variables are listed under 

the appropriate percentage category in the order in which they appear in the data file. (2) The Data Completeness Report

only captures information about system missing or other values that are declared missing. Codes that have a label implying

that they are missing but that are not declared missing values are not reflected in this report. Data users should consult the

codebook for more specific information about missing values. (3) Some variables that have 100% missing data may have

been blanked by ICPSR to protect respondent confidentiality. Data users should consult the codebook for more specific

information about blanked variables. (4) Data do not contain skip patterns or skip patterns are not reflected in the data as


Table 1: Distribution of Variables by Percentage of Missing Values

Percent of Cases with

Missing Values

Variable Name and Label

(Total Cases = 5159 )

have 0% Missing Values( 172 of 173 variables)99.4%

have 0% - 1% Missing Values( 0 of 173 variables)0.0%

have 1% - 3% Missing Values( 0 of 173 variables)0.0%

have 3% - 5% Missing Values( 0 of 173 variables)0.0%

have 5% - 10% Missing Values( 0 of 173 variables)0.0%

have 10% - 20% Missing Values( 1 of 173 variables)0.6%

11.7%National Weight Variable, yrs in usNWEIGHTNATYRS

have 20% - 40% Missing Values( 0 of 173 variables)0.0%

have 40% - 99% Missing Values( 0 of 173 variables)0.0%

have 100% missing values( 0 of 173 variables)0.0%

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ICPSR 31481

National Asian American Survey, 2008

Variable Description and Frequencies

Note: Frequencies displayed for the variables are not weighted.

They are purely descriptive and may not be representative of the

study population. Please review any sampling or weighting

information available with the study.

Summary statistics (minimum, maximum, mean, median, and

standard deviation) may not be available for every variable in

the codebook. Conversely, a listing of frequencies in table format

may not be present for every variable in the codebook either.

However, all variables in the dataset are present and display

sufficient information about each variable. These decisions are

made intentionally and are at the discretion of the archive

producing this codebook.

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National Asian American Survey, 2008

National Weight Variable, yrs in usNWEIGHTNATYRS

1-15 (width: 15; decimal: 10)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Based upon 4556 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 1813.0013169447

•   Minimum: 164.8903016598

•   Maximum: 27352.5456437820

•   Standard Deviation: 2008.5508501022

R1 Are you comfortable continuing this conversation in English?QR1

16-16 (width: 1; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

 Are you comfortable continuing this conversation in English?Question:



Label Value

59.9 %3091Yes1

40.1 %2068No2

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 1.40

•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 2.00

•   Standard Deviation: 0.49

R2 Would you prefer we talk in another language?QR2

17-18 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Would you prefer we talk in another language?Question:



Label Value

1.0 %54Japanese0

11.8 %608Mandarin2

3.5 %178Cantonese3

9.8 %508Korean4

11.8 %608Vietnamese5

0.2 %11Hindi6

0.0 %1Hmong7

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Label Value

1.9 %100Tagalog8

59.9 %3091Skip/NA97

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 59.61

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 0.00

•   Maximum: 97.00

•   Standard Deviation: 45.73

R4. Confirm as adultQR4

19-19 (width: 1; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

 Are you 18 years old or older?Question:



Label Value

100.0 %5159Yes1

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 1.00

•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 1.00•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 1.00

•   Standard Deviation: 0.00

QS1 Gender of respondentGENDER

20-20 (width: 1; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

 Are you male or female?Question:



Label Value

53.8 %2777Male1

46.2 %2381Female2

0.0 %1Uncertain9

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 1.46

•   Median: 1.00

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•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 9.00

•   Standard Deviation: 0.51

QS2 What race or ethnicity do you consider yourself?QS2

21-22 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

What race or ethnicity do you consider yourself? [IF MORE THAN ONE RESPONSE, ENTER FIRST








Label Value

0.2 %9Black/African American1

26.1 %1347 Asian or Asian American2

0.3 %16Native American/American Indian3

0.1 %3Hispanic/Latino4

0.4 %21White/Caucasian5

18.8 %968Chinese6

13.1 %677Indian7

0.6 %30South Asian8

9.8 %508Filipino9

11.4 %587Vietnamese10

7.9 %405Korean117.9 %409Japanese12

0.2 %10Hmong13

1.2 %64 Asiatic14

0.0 %2Bangladeshi15

0.0 %2Burmese (Burmese American)17

0.0 %1Cambodian/Kampuchean (Cambodian American)18

0.0 %2Laotian22

0.0 %1Madagascar 23

0.0 %1Malaysian24

0.0 %1Maldivian25

0.0 %1Pakistani28

1.0 %54Taiwanese31

0.0 %2Thai32

0.4 %20Other (no Asian group)33

0.2 %8Don't Know98

0.2 %10Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

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•   Mean: 7.54

•   Median: 7.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 7.10

QS3A Other racial or ethnic group (first mention)QS3A

23-24 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

 Are there any other racial or ethnic groups that describe you? [CHECK UP TO TWO MENTIONS]Question:



Label Value

40.1 %2068No, no other racial or ethnic groups describe me0

1.2 %61Black/African American1

24.5 %1262 Asian or Asian American2

0.4 %20Native American/American Indian3

0.3 %16Latino4

2.1 %108White5

5.6 %290Chinese6

5.5 %282Indian7

1.6 %85South Asian8

1.0 %51Filipino9

2.7 %141Vietnamese10

3.9 %203Korean11

1.7 %86Japanese12

0.0 %1Hmong13

1.2 %61 Asiatic14

0.0 %1Bangladeshi15

0.0 %2Burmese17

0.2 %8Cambodian (Kampuchean)18

0.0 %1Indonesian20

0.0 %2Laotian22

0.0 %1Pakistani280.0 %1Singaporean29

0.0 %1Sri Lankan30

1.3 %68Taiwanese31

0.0 %1Thai32

0.5 %27Other (no Asian group)33

0.3 %18Skip/NA97

4.0 %206Don't Know98

1.7 %87Refused99

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Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 9.22

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 0.00

•   Minimum: 0.00•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 23.17

QS3B Other racial or ethnic group (second mention)QS3B

25-26 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

 Are there any other racial or ethnic groups that describe you? [CHECK UP TO TWO MENTIONS]Question:



Label Value

0.1 %4 Asian or Asian American2

0.0 %1Latino4

0.0 %2White5

0.2 %10Chinese6

0.0 %2Vietnamese10

0.0 %2Korean11

0.1 %3 Asiatic14

0.0 %1Indochinese19

0.1 %7Taiwanese31

0.0 %2Other (no Asian group)3399.3 %5125Skip/NA97

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 96.45

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 2.00

•   Maximum: 97.00

•   Standard Deviation: 6.80

QS4 Do you consider any part of your family background to be Asian?QS4

27-28 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Do you consider any part of your family background to be Asian? [IF S2 NOT EQUAL TO "Asian"

OR "Asian ethnicity" OR S3 NOT EQUAL TO "Asian" OR "Asian ethnicity"]




Label Value

1.0 %53Yes1

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Label Value

99.0 %5106Skip/NA97

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 96.01

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 97.00

•   Standard Deviation: 9.68

QS5A Asian background (first mention)QS5A

29-30 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

What part of Asia is that part of your family from? IF MORE THAN ONE RESPONSE, ENTER FIRST





Label Value

0.1 %6China6

0.3 %18India7

0.0 %2South Asia8

0.2 %8Philippines9

0.1 %3Korea13

0.1 %3Japan14

0.0 %1Laos23

0.0 %2Taiwan31

0.0 %1Thailand32

0.2 %9Other 33

99.0 %5106Skip/NA97

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 96.15

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 6.00

•   Maximum: 97.00

•   Standard Deviation: 8.43

QS5B Asian background (second mention)QS5B

31-32 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

What other part of Asia is that part of your family from?Question:

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Label Value

0.0 %1Indonesia21

100.0 %5158Skip/NA97

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 96.99

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 21.00

•   Maximum: 97.00

•   Standard Deviation: 1.06

QA1 What is your ancestry or ethnic origin?QA1

33-34 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

What is your ancestry or ethnic origin? [DO NOT READ. IF MORE THAN ONE RESPONSE, ASK





Label Value

24.2 %1248Chinese6

21.2 %1096Indian7

1.0 %50South Asian8

11.7 %603Filipino9

13.9 %719Vietnamese10

11.9 %614Korean11

10.5 %540Japanese12

0.3 %14Hmong13

1.5 %75 Asiatic14

0.1 %4Bangladeshi15

0.1 %5Burmese17

0.1 %3Cambodian (Kampuchean)18

0.0 %1Indochinsee19

0.0 %1Indonesian20

0.1 %7Laotian22

0.0 %1Madagascar 23

0.0 %1Malaysian24

0.0 %1Maldivian25

0.0 %1Okinawan27

0.1 %3Pakistani28

0.0 %1Sri Lankan30

2.0 %101Taiwanese31

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Label Value

0.1 %3Thai32

0.6 %32Other (No Asian Group)33

0.4 %22Don't Know98

0.3 %13Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 9.88

•   Median: 9.00

•   Mode: 6.00

•   Minimum: 6.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 8.53

QA2 Was your mother born in the United States?QA2

35-36 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Now I want to ask you about where your parents were born. Was your mother born in the United





Label Value

6.4 %328Yes1

93.4 %4820No2

0.1 %6Don't Know98

0.1 %5Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 2.14

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 4.46

QA3 Was your father born in the United States?QA3

37-38 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

How about your father; was he born in the U.S.?Question:



Label Value

5.2 %269Yes1

94.5 %4876No2

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Label Value

0.2 %8Don't Know98

0.1 %6Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 2.21

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 5.02

QA4 Were you born in the United States or some other country?QA4

39-40 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

How about you? Were you born in the United States or some other country?Question:



Label Value

11.1 %574United States1

88.5 %4568Some other country2

0.3 %14Don't Know98

0.1 %3Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 2.21

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 5.53

QA5 What country were you born in?QA5

41-42 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

What country were you born in?Question:



Label Value

0.3 %14United States1

19.9 %1028China (People's Republic of China)2

17.6 %906Indian3

10.2 %524Philippines4

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Label Value

3.3 %171Vietnam5

9.1 %469South Vietnam6

2.0 %101North Vietnam7

10.0 %517Korea82.2 %115South Korea9

0.1 %6North Korea10

5.4 %279Japan11

0.2 %11Bangladesh12

0.1 %5Burma/Myanmar 14

0.3 %13Cambodia/Kampuchea15

0.0 %1Indonesia16

0.3 %16Laos17

0.2 %10Malaysia18

0.0 %2Maldives19

0.0 %2Nepal20

0.2 %8Other 21

0.1 %5Pakistan22

0.0 %1Singapore23

2.3 %117Sri Lanka/Ceylon24

2.3 %121Taiwan25

2.5 %129Thailand/Siam26

11.1 %574Skip/NA97

0.1 %3Don't Know98

0.2 %11Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 16.87

•   Median: 5.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 29.35

QA6 What year did you first come to live in the United States on a permanent baQA6

43-46 (width: 4; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IFFOREIGN-BORN] What year did you first come to live in the United States on a permanent basis?Question:



Label Value

11.4 %588Skip/NA97

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Label Value

1.0 %53Don't Know98

4.6 %236Refused99

0.0 %1-1924

0.0 %1-19300.0 %1-1933

0.0 %1-1940

0.0 %2-1941

0.0 %1-1942

0.0 %1-1945

0.1 %3-1946

0.1 %5-1950

0.0 %1-1951

0.1 %3-1952

0.1 %6-1953

0.1 %6-1954

0.2 %10-1955

0.1 %5-1956

0.2 %8-1957

0.2 %10-1958

0.2 %11-1959

0.5 %25-1960

0.1 %7-1961

0.3 %15-1962

0.3 %18-1963

0.3 %14-1964

0.6 %33-1965

0.4 %20-1966

0.5 %25-1967

0.7 %38-1968

0.8 %41-1969

1.4 %73-1970

0.9 %46-1971

1.5 %75-1972

0.9 %47-1973

1.2 %61-1974

2.8 %142-1975

1.3 %69-1976

1.0 %50-1977

1.9 %98-1978

1.9 %98-1979

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Label Value

3.7 %192-1980

1.7 %88-1981

2.2 %112-1982

1.6 %80-19832.1 %110-1984

2.6 %135-1985

3.0 %154-1986

2.0 %102-1987

2.6 %136-1988

2.9 %148-1989

3.9 %202-1990

3.2 %166-1991

3.3 %171-1992

3.0 %156-1993

2.6 %135-1994

2.4 %122-1995

2.2 %113-1996

2.4 %123-1997

2.7 %140-1998

2.0 %102-1999

2.4 %123-2000

1.7 %90-2001

1.3 %65-2002

1.0 %52-2003

1.0 %52-2004

0.9 %44-2005

0.9 %45-2006

0.6 %32-2007

0.4 %21-2008

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 1665.49

•   Median: 1985.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 97.00

•   Maximum: 2008.00

•   Standard Deviation: 709.71

QA6A How old were you when you first came to live in the United States on a per QA6A

47-48 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

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numericVariable Type:

[IF A6="R taking too much time to recall" or "Don't know"] How old were you when you first came to

live in the United States on a permanent basis?




Label Value

0.0 %1-1

0.0 %1-4

0.0 %1-5

0.0 %1-6

0.1 %3-7

0.0 %1-9

0.0 %1-10

0.0 %1-11

0.0 %1-12

0.0 %1-13

0.0 %2-15

0.0 %1-17

0.0 %2-18

0.0 %1-19

0.0 %1-20

0.0 %2-25

0.0 %2-26

0.0 %1-27

0.0 %1-28

0.0 %1-29

0.1 %3-30

0.0 %1-31

0.0 %1-33

0.1 %3-35

0.0 %1-38

0.0 %1-39

0.0 %1-40

0.0 %1-43

0.0 %1-45

0.0 %1-48

0.0 %1-49

0.0 %2-50

0.0 %1-51

0.0 %1-53

0.0 %1-54

0.1 %3-55

0.0 %1-56

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Label Value

0.0 %1-58

0.0 %1-67

0.0 %1-80

99.0 %5106Skip/NA97

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 96.32

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 97.00

•   Standard Deviation: 6.91

QA7 When you first came to the U.S., what city did you live in?QA7

49-50 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF FOREIGN-BORN] When you first came to the U.S., what city did you live in? [DO NOT READ]Question:



Label Value

0.5 %28 Anaheim, CA1

0.1 %7 Anchorage, AK2

0.2 %9 Arlington, TX3

0.3 %17 Austin, TX40.1 %3Bellevue, WA5

0.3 %16Berkeley, CA6

1.2 %62Boston, MA7

0.1 %6Charlotte, NC8

1.9 %99Chicago, IL9

0.4 %20Columbus, OH11

1.2 %60Dallas, TX12

0.1 %4Daly, CA13

0.7 %36Denver, CO14

0.2 %9El Monte, CA15

0.5 %25Fremont, CA16

0.4 %19Fresno, CA17

0.1 %5Fullerton, CA18

0.5 %25Garden Grove, CA19

0.0 %2Garland, TX20

0.2 %11Glendale, CA21

0.3 %18Hayward, CA22

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Label Value

1.3 %67Honolulu, HI23

1.5 %78Houston, TX24

0.1 %4Huntington Beach, CA25

0.2 %12Irvine, CA260.1 %6Irving, TX27

0.2 %11Jacksonville, FL28

2.5 %128Jersey City, NJ29

0.2 %10Las Vegas, NV30

0.3 %14Long Beach, CA31

7.7 %398Los Angeles, CA32

0.2 %10Lowell, MA33

0.4 %23Milwaukee, WI34

0.7 %37Minneapolis, MN35

10.6 %545New York, NY36

0.8 %42Oakland, CA37

0.5 %28Oklahoma, OK38

1.0 %54Philadelphia, PA39

0.4 %20Phoenix, AZ40

0.0 %2Plano, TX41

0.5 %24Portland, OR42

0.2 %10Riverside, CA43

0.9 %47Sacramento, CA44

0.2 %9San Antonio, TX45

1.5 %77San Diego, CA46

4.6 %238San Francisco, CA47

3.1 %159San Jose, CA48

0.4 %20Santa Ana, CA49

0.2 %12Santa Clara, CA50

1.7 %86Seattle, WA51

0.1 %5St. Paul, MN52

0.1 %3Stockton, CA53

0.2 %12Sunnyvale, CA54

0.2 %8Tacoma, WA55

0.3 %13Torrance, CA56

0.1 %6Vallejo, CA57

1.1 %57Virginia Beach, VA58

0.9 %45Washington, DC59

0.1 %7West Covina, CA60

34.2 %1763Other 90

11.4 %588Skip/NA97

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Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 60.33

•   Median: 51.00

•   Mode: 90.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 97.00

•   Standard Deviation: 30.49

QA8 How many years did you live there?QA8

51-52 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF FOREIGN-BORN] How many years did you live there?Question:



Label Value

10.4 %539Less than 1 year 1

22.0 %11371-5 years2

53.8 %27785 years or more3

11.4 %588Skip/NA97

1.1 %56Don't Know98

1.2 %61Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 15.45

•   Median: 3.00•   Mode: 3.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 32.56

QB1 How interested are you in politics?QB1

53-54 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

How interested are you in politics - very interested, interested, somewhat interested, or not at all





Label Value

18.4 %948Not at all interested1

37.4 %1928Somewhat interested2

24.9 %1286Interested3

17.4 %900Very interested4

1.8 %91Don't Know98

0.1 %6Refused99

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Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 4.22

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 13.03

QB2 Do you read newspapers for information about politics?QB2

55-56 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

People rely on different sources for political information. Do you read newspapers for information

about politics?




Label Value

67.3 %3473Yes1

32.3 %1665No2

0.4 %20Don't Know98

0.0 %1Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 1.72

•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 6.18

QB2A Is that Asian-language, English-language, or both?QB2A

57-58 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[If B2=YES] Is that Asian-language, English-language, or both?Question:



Label Value

20.5 %1057 Asian-language1

27.8 %1435English-language2

18.9 %977Both3

32.7 %1686Skip/NA97

0.1 %4Don't Know98

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

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•   Mean: 33.11

•   Median: 3.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 98.00

•   Standard Deviation: 44.61

QB2AA Do you listen to radio for political info?QB2AA

59-60 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Do you listen to the radio for political information?Question:



Label Value

49.2 %2537Yes1

50.4 %2602No2

0.4 %19Don't Know98

0.0 %1Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 1.88

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 6.02

QB2AB Is that Asian-language, English-language, or both?QB2AB

61-62 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[If B2aa=YES] Is that Asian-language, English-language, or both?Question:



Label Value

13.7 %705 Asian-language1

25.1 %1293English-language2

10.4 %537Both3

50.8 %2622Skip/NA97

0.0 %2Don't Know98

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 50.29

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

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•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 98.00

•   Standard Deviation: 47.53

QB3 Do you watch television for political information?QB3

63-64 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Do you watch television for political information?Question:



Label Value

85.8 %4424Yes1

13.9 %715No2

0.4 %19Don't Know98

0.0 %1Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 1.51

•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 6.03

QB3A Is that Asian-language, English-language, or both?QB3A

65-66 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[If B3=YES] Is that Asian-language, English-language, or both?Question:



Label Value

14.5 %750 Asian-language1

45.5 %2349English-language2

25.5 %1317Both3

14.2 %735Skip/NA97

0.1 %6Don't Know98

0.0 %2Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 15.79

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 33.32

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QB4 Do you use the Internet for political information?QB4

67-68 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Do you use the internet for political information?Question:

%Unweighted Frequency Label Value

53.1 %2742Yes1

46.5 %2398No2

0.3 %17Don't Know98

0.0 %2Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 1.82

•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 5.88

QB4A Is that in an Asian language, in English, or both?QB4A

69-70 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[If B4=YES] Is that in an Asian language, in English, or both?Question:



Label Value

7.6 %394 Asian-language1

29.5 %1523English-language2

15.9 %821Both3

46.9 %2417Skip/NA97

0.0 %1Don't Know98

0.1 %3Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 46.67

•   Median: 3.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 47.34

QB5 What do you think is the most important problem facing the United States toQB5

71-72 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

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numericVariable Type:

What do you think is the most important problem facing the United States today? [DO NOT READ]Question:



Label Value

9.0 %466Iraq War 1

60.9 %3142Economy in general22.8 %144Unemployment/Jobs3

1.6 %85Terrorism4

1.0 %50Ethics/Morality/Family decline5

1.4 %70Education/Educational system6

0.8 %39Immigration/Illegal Immigration7

0.2 %10More services for immigrants/Lack of immigrant rights8

0.4 %22Poverty/Homelessness/Hunger 9

2.7 %138Lack of/Cost of healthcare/Hospital services10

4.6 %238Fuel/Gas/Oil Prices11

0.7 %35Race/Ethnic relations/Ethnic groups getting along12

0.3 %16Racial discrimination13

0.2 %12Language barriers14

7.7 %397Other (see othb5)15

5.3 %271Don't Know98

0.5 %24Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 9.39

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 22.23

record other problem hereOTHB5

73-166 (width: 94; decimal: 0)Location:

character Variable Type:

Record other problem here.Question:

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

QB5AA What other important problem faces the United States today?QB5AA

167-168 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

What other important problem faces the United States today?Question:

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Label Value

12.2 %631None/No others (DO NOT READ)0

18.1 %932Iraq War 1

12.5 %644Economy in general2

7.4 %384Unemployment/Jobs33.7 %190Terrorism4

1.2 %62Ethics/Morality/Family decline5

4.5 %233Education/Educational system6

2.2 %113Immigration/Illegal Immigration7

0.3 %16More services for immigrants/Lack of immigrant rights8

0.9 %49Poverty/Homelessness/Hunger 9

5.8 %300Lack of/Cost of healthcare/Hospital services10

7.2 %371Fuel/Gas/Oil prices11

1.6 %81Race/ethnic relations/ethnic groups getting along12

0.8 %43Racial discrimination13

0.2 %8Language barriers14

12.2 %628Other (see othb5aa)16

5.7 %295Skip/NA97

3.2 %167Don't Know98

0.2 %12Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 13.98

•   Median: 3.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 0.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 27.05

record other problem hereOTHB5AA

169-370 (width: 202; decimal: 0)Location:

character Variable Type:

Record other problem here.Question:

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

QB5BB Any other important problem facing the United States today?QB5BB

371-372 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

 Any other important problem facing the United States today?Question:

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Label Value

18.3 %944None/No others (DO NOT READ)0

7.2 %369Iraq War 1

4.2 %215Economy in general2

6.1 %314Unemployment/Jobs32.6 %135Terrorism4

1.3 %69Ethics/Morality/Family decline5

5.3 %272Education/Educational system6

2.6 %133Immigration/Illegal Immigration7

0.4 %23More services for immigrants/Lack of immigrant rights8

1.5 %75Poverty/Homelessness/Hunger 9

6.2 %320Lack of/Cost of healthcare/Hospital services10

6.3 %323Fuel/Gas/Oil prices11

1.5 %78Race/ethnic relations/ethnic groups getting along12

0.8 %40Racial discrimination13

0.4 %21Language barriers14

10.2 %524Other (see othb5bb)17

21.4 %1105Skip/NA97

3.6 %186Don't Know98

0.3 %13Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 29.11

•   Median: 10.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 0.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 39.91

record other problem hereOTHB5BB

373-553 (width: 181; decimal: 0)Location:

character Variable Type:

Record other problem here.Question:

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

QB5A Which one of these issues is the most important to you personally?QB5A

554-555 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF B5aa NE DK, REF] Which one of these issues is the most important to you personally? [READ



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Label Value

7.0 %360Iraq War 1

54.9 %2833Economy in general2

4.1 %210Unemployment/Jobs3

1.9 %98Terrorism41.5 %76Ethics/Morality/Family decline5

2.3 %119Education/Educational system6

1.1 %55Immigration/Illegal immigration7

0.2 %9More services for immigrants/Lack of immigrant rights8

0.4 %19Poverty/Homelessness/Hunger 9

4.2 %218Lack of/Cost of healthcare/Hospital services10

4.3 %221Fuel/Gas/Oil prices11

0.6 %31Race/ethnic relations/ethnic groups getting along12

0.5 %24Racial discrimination13

0.3 %17Language barriers14

4.7 %245Other 15

4.1 %211Skip/NA97

7.3 %379Don't Know98

0.7 %34Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 15.30

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 30.80

QC1 Are you now registered to vote at your current address?QC1

556-557 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Next, I would like to ask you about your views on political issues and the U.S. presidential election.

I am interested in your views, even if you are not eligible to vote or not registered to vote here. These


days, people are so busy they cannot find time to register to vote or they have moved and their voter registration has lapsed. Are you now registered to vote at your current address?



Label Value

67.2 %3467Yes1

19.9 %1029No2

11.8 %609Not eligible3

0.8 %43Don't Know98

0.2 %11Refused99

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Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 2.45

•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 9.87

QC1A Which political party are you registered with?QC1A

558-559 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF C1="Yes"] Which political party are you registered with?Question:



Label Value

27.5 %1419Democratic1

14.6 %755Republican2

10.8 %558Independent/Decline to state (DO NOT READ)3

1.5 %76Other party4

32.8 %1692Skip/NA97

9.7 %500Don't Know98

3.1 %159Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 45.31•   Median: 3.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 47.62

QC1B Are you planning to register to vote before the November 2008 election?QC1B

560-561 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF C1 NOT EQUAL TO "Yes"] Are you planning to register to vote before the November 2008election?




Label Value

6.1 %317Yes1

11.3 %581No2

13.0 %670Not eligible3

67.2 %3467Skip/NA97

2.2 %116Don't Know98

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Label Value

0.2 %8Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 68.22

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 43.62

QC2 Rate the chances that you will vote in the presidential election in NovembeQC2

562-563 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF C1="Yes" OR C1b="Yes"] I would like you to rate the chances that you will vote in the presidential

election in November. Are you absolutely certain to vote, will you probably vote, or is the chance

50-50, or less than that?




Label Value

55.2 %2848 Absolutely certain to vote1

7.1 %366Will probably vote2

7.1 %364Chance is 50-503

2.3 %118Less than that4

26.7 %1375Skip/NA97

1.4 %74Don't Know98

0.3 %14Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 28.52

•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 43.14

QC3 Plan to vote for who? (rotated)QC3

564-565 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF C1="Yes" OR C1b="Yes"] Do you plan to vote for [RANDOMIZE ORDER FOR MCCAIN AND

OBAMA] John McCain the Republican, or Barack Obama, the Democrat, or another candidate for 

President of the United States, or are you unsure at this point in time?


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Label Value

16.0 %826John McCain1

27.5 %1417Barack Obama2

0.0 %2Bob Barr (DO NOT READ)3

0.1 %4Ralph Nader (DO NOT READ)40.6 %31Other 5

22.2 %1145Unsure at this time (DO NOT READ)6

26.7 %1375Skip/NA97

3.5 %182Don't Know98

3.4 %177Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 34.78

•   Median: 6.00•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 44.53

QC3A Which candidate for president are you leaning toward voting for (rotated)?QC3A

566-567 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF C3="Unsure at this time" OR C3="Don't know"] Which candidate for president are you leaning

toward voting for? Are you leaning toward voting for [RANDOMIZE ORDER FOR MCCAIN ANDOBAMA] John McCain, the Republican or Barack Obama, the Democrat or someone else?




Label Value

3.5 %179John McCain1

4.7 %240Barack Obama2

0.0 %1Ralph Nader (DO NOT READ)4

0.9 %46Other 5

74.3 %3832Skip/NA97

15.7 %811Don't Know98

1.0 %50Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 88.59

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 27.32

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QC4 If you could vote, who vote for (rotated)?QC4

568-569 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF C1 NOT EQUAL TO "YES" OR C1B NOT EQUAL TO "YES"] If you could vote, would you vote

for [RANDOMIZE ORDER FOR MCCAIN AND OBAMA] John McCain the Republican, or Barack


Obama, the Democrat, or another candidate for President of the United States, or are you unsureat this point in time?



Label Value

4.6 %237John McCain1

9.4 %484Barack Obama2

0.0 %1Bob Barr (DO NOT READ)3

0.0 %1Ralph Nader (DO NOT READ)4

0.7 %38Other 5

73.3 %3784Skip/NA97

10.7 %552Don't Know98

1.2 %62Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 83.09

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 33.81

QC4A Does the fact that Barack Obama grew up in Hawaii?QC4A

570-571 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[4-WAY SPLIT SAMPLE (one quarter get each variant of C4a-d)] Does the fact that Barack Obama

grew up in Hawaii make you have a more favorable impression of him, a less favorable impression

of him, or does it not change your opinion of him?




Label Value

1.7 %90More favorable impression1

1.2 %61Less favorable impression2

18.6 %958Does not change opinion3

75.1 %3872Skip/NA97

2.9 %151Don't Know98

0.5 %27Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

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•   Mean: 76.79

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 38.73

QC4B Does John McCains experience in Vietnam?QC4B

572-573 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Does John McCain's experience in Vietnam make you have a more favorable impression of him, a

less favorable impression of him, or does it not change your opinion of him?




Label Value

5.8 %298More favorable impression1

1.7 %87Less favorable impression2

14.4 %741Does not change opinion3

75.0 %3871Skip/NA97

2.9 %149Don't Know98

0.3 %13Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 76.39

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 39.10

QC4C Does the fact that John McCain has an adopted daughter from Bangladesh?QC4C

574-575 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Does the fact that John McCain has an adopted daughter from Bangladesh make you have a more

favorable impression of him, a less favorable impression of him, or does it not change your opinion

of him?




Label Value

2.5 %131More favorable impression1

0.7 %37Less favorable impression2

18.4 %950Does not change opinion3

75.0 %3869Skip/NA97

2.9 %151Don't Know98

0.4 %21Refused99

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Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 76.61

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 38.86

QC4D Does the fact that Barack Obama has a sister from Indonesia?QC4D

576-577 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Does the fact that Barack Obama has a sister from Indonesia make you have a more favorable

impression of him, a less favorable impression of him, or does it not change your opinion of him?




Label Value

0.9 %45More favorable impression1

1.2 %60Less favorable impression2

20.0 %1034Does not change opinion3

74.9 %3865Skip/NA97

2.7 %140Don't Know98

0.3 %15Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 76.25

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 39.07

QC7 Did you vote in the 2004 U.S Presidential election?QC7

578-579 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Thinking about past elections, did you vote in the 2004 U.S Presidential election?Question:



Label Value

52.3 %2696Yes1

30.6 %1581No2

15.5 %800Not eligible3

1.3 %67Don't Know98

0.3 %15Refused99

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Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 3.16

•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 12.10

QC8 Who did you vote for President in the 2004 election (rotated)?QC8

580-581 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF C7="Yes"] Who did you vote for President in the 2004 election? Was it [RANDOMIZE ORDER

FOR BUSH AND KERRY] George W. Bush, John Kerry, or someone else?




Label Value

22.0 %1133George W. Bush1

22.7 %1171John Kerry2

0.2 %10Ralph Nader (DO NOT READ)3

1.8 %94Other candidate4

0.3 %17Did not vote (DO NOT READ)5

0.1 %5Not eligible to vote (DO NOT READ)6

47.7 %2463Skip/NA97

2.3 %121Don't Know98

2.8 %145Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 52.17

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 47.68

QC9 Did you vote by absentee ballot?QC9

582-583 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:


by absentee ballot?




Label Value

15.2 %783Yes1

35.2 %1816No2

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Label Value

48.2 %2485Skip/NA97

1.3 %69Don't Know98

0.1 %6Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 49.00

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 47.67

QC10 Did you vote in your state s primary or caucus earlier this year?QC10

584-585 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF C1="Yes"] Generally speaking, fewer people vote in primaries and caucuses before the November

general election. How about you? Did you vote in your state's primary or caucus earlier this year?




Label Value

29.8 %1539Yes1

34.4 %1775No2

0.8 %39Not eligible3

32.8 %1692Skip/NA97

2.0 %103Don't Know98

0.2 %11Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 34.99

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 45.57

QC10A Which presidential candidate vote states primary or caucus?QC10A

586-587 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF C10="Yes"] Which presidential candidate did you vote for in your state's primary or caucus? [DO



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Label Value

11.6 %598Hillary Clinton1

0.2 %11John Edwards2

0.1 %4Rudy Giuliani3

0.2 %8Mike Huckabee40.1 %3Dennis Kucinich5

5.7 %296Barack Obama6

4.3 %224John McCain8

0.3 %16Mitt Romney9

0.9 %47Other candidate11

70.2 %3620Skip/NA97

3.7 %193Don't Know98

2.7 %139Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 75.35

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 39.43

QC11 NJ Senate: Lautenberg or Zimmer (rotated)?QC11

588-589 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF NJ RESIDENT AND IF C1="Yes" OR C1b="Yes"] If the election for Senator were held today, for

whom would you vote [ROTATE CHOICES] Frank Lautenberg the Democrat, or Dick Zimmer the





Label Value

3.6 %184Frank Lautenberg1

0.9 %47Dick Zimmer 2

91.2 %4706Skip/NA97

3.8 %196Don't Know980.5 %26Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 92.76

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

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•   Standard Deviation: 19.83

QC12 NJ Governor Corzine approval?QC12

590-591 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF NJ RESIDENT] Do you approve or disapprove of the way Jon Corzine [CORE-ZYNE] is handling

his job as Governor?




Label Value

4.3 %220 Approve1

2.3 %121Disapprove2

87.8 %4528Skip/NA97

5.1 %264Don't Know98

0.5 %26Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 90.74

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 23.78

QC13 NY Governor Paterson approval?QC13

592-593 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF NY RESIDENT] Do you approve or disapprove of the way David Paterson is handling his job as





Label Value

2.3 %119 Approve1

0.6 %31Disapprove2

91.5 %4719Skip/NA97

5.5 %283Don't Know98

0.1 %7Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 94.27

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 16.11

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QC14 How spend one extra hour per day?QC14

594-595 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

If you had one extra hour per day, how would you spend it? For example, would you spend [ROTATE

CATEGORIES 1 AND 2 ONLY] more time with family and friends, more time at work, or something





Label Value

61.1 %3154More time with family and friends1

6.0 %310More time at work2

30.0 %1548Something else3

2.6 %136Don't Know98

0.2 %11Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 4.43

•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 16.07

QC15_1 Discussed politics with family and friends?QC15_1

596-597 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

In the last 12 months, have you discussed politics with family and friends?Question:



Label Value

69.8 %3601Yes1

29.8 %1536No2

0.3 %15Don't Know98

0.1 %7Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 1.71

•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 6.34

QC15_2 Worked for a candidate, political party, or some other campaign organizaQC15_2

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Label Value

10.5 %541Yes1

88.9 %4584No2

0.6 %30Don't Know98

0.1 %4Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 2.53

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 7.79

QC15_5 Worked with others in your community to solve a problem?QC15_5

604-605 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

In the last 12 months, have you worked with others in your community to solve a problem?Question:



Label Value

22.2 %1147Yes1

77.0 %3973No2

0.7 %34Don't Know98

0.1 %5Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 2.50

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 8.36

QC15_6 Visited an internet site or on-line community to discuss a candidate or QC15_6

606-607 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

In the last 12 months, have you visited an internet site or on-line community to discuss a candidate

or issue?




Label Value

11.4 %590Yes1

88.0 %4540No2

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Label Value

0.4 %23Don't Know98

0.1 %6Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 2.43

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 7.21

QC15_7 Attended a protest march, demonstration, or rally?QC15_7

608-609 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

In the last 12 months, have you attended a protest march, demonstration, or rally?Question:



Label Value

4.8 %247Yes1

94.7 %4885No2

0.4 %20Don't Know98

0.1 %7Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 2.46

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 6.95

QC16 Political party or candidate contacted you about a campaign?QC16

610-611 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

In the past 12 months, has a political party or candidate contacted you about a campaign?Question:



Label Value

29.4 %1519Yes1

69.6 %3592No2

0.8 %40Don't Know98

0.2 %8Refused99

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Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 2.60

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 9.27

QC17 Other organization contact you about a campaign?QC17

612-613 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Did any other organization contact you about a campaign in the past 12 months? [IF RESPONDENT

 ASKS FOR CLARIFICATION] We are talking about groups like unions, community groups, and other

organizations outside of political parties and campaigns.




Label Value

16.3 %840Yes1

82.5 %4256No2

1.1 %59Don't Know98

0.1 %4Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 3.01

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 10.58

QC18 Take part in immigration marches during the spring of 2006?QC18

614-615 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Did you take part in any of the mass marches about immigration during the spring of 2006?Question:



Label Value

1.0 %53Yes1

98.3 %5071No2

0.5 %28Don't Know98

0.1 %7Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 2.64

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•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 7.90

QC19_1 Sent money to people in that country?QC19_1

616-617 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Now I have a few questions about the country where you or your ancestors are from. In the past 12

months have you sent money to people in that country?




Label Value

33.1 %1706Yes1

65.5 %3381No2

0.7 %35Don't Know980.7 %37Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 3.02

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 11.37

QC19_2 Participated in any activity dealing with the politics of that country?QC19_2

618-619 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

In the past 12 months have you participated in any activity dealing with the politics of that country?Question:



Label Value

3.8 %194Yes1

95.4 %4923No2

0.5 %25Don't Know980.3 %17Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 2.75

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

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•   Standard Deviation: 8.67

QC19_3 Been in contact with family or friends in that country?QC19_3

620-621 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

In the past 12 months have you been in contact with family or friends in that country?Question:



Label Value

75.6 %3900Yes1

23.6 %1220No2

0.5 %25Don't Know98

0.3 %14Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 1.97

•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 8.42

QC20 Before came to US, were involved in party or political organization?QC20

622-623 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF FOREIGN-BORN] Finally, thinking about before you came to the United States, were you involved

in a political party or other type of political organization?




Label Value

4.2 %215Yes1

83.1 %4285No2

11.7 %602Skip/NA97

0.6 %31Don't Know98

0.5 %26Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 14.11

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 31.77

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QD2 Do you think there are important differences between the Democratic Party aQD2

624-625 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Do you think there are important differences between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party



%Unweighted Frequency 

Label Value

53.2 %2743Yes1

17.6 %910No2

8.0 %413Skip/NA97

20.5 %1058Don't Know98

0.7 %35Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 29.42•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 43.88

QD2A Which party do you think is closer to your views on this issue?QD2A

626-627 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF D2="Yes" OR D2="Don't Know"] Which party do you think is closer to your views on this issue?Question:



Label Value

16.2 %836Republican1

34.1 %1758Democratic2

26.3 %1358Skip/NA97

9.7 %503Don't Know98

13.6 %704Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 49.44

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 48.04

QG1 Getting along financially these daysQG1

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628-629 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

We are interested in how people are getting along financially these days. Would you say that you

(and your family) are better off, worse off, or just about the same financially as you were a year ago?




Label Value

9.9 %511Better off 1

40.4 %2085Worse off 2

47.0 %2423Just about the same3

2.1 %107Don't Know98

0.6 %33Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 4.98

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 3.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 15.59

QG1A Much better or somewhat better?QG1A

630-631 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF G1="Better off"] Much better or somewhat better?Question:

%Unweighted Frequency Label Value

3.3 %172Much better 1

6.4 %329Somewhat better 2

90.1 %4648Skip/NA97

0.2 %8Don't Know98

0.0 %2Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 87.74

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 28.24

QG1B Much worse or somewhat worse?QG1B

632-633 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

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[IF G2="Worse off"] Much worse or somewhat worse?Question:



Label Value

17.6 %907Much worse1

22.4 %1157Somewhat worse2

59.6 %3074Skip/NA970.4 %19Don't Know98

0.0 %2Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 58.82

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 46.77

QG2 How would you rate your overall physical healthQG2

634-635 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Next, how would you rate your overall physical health -- excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor?Question:



Label Value

4.8 %247Poor 1

18.5 %954Fair 235.5 %1834Good3

25.6 %1320Very good4

14.9 %768Excellent5

0.4 %23Don't Know98

0.3 %13Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 3.94

•   Median: 3.00•   Mode: 3.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 7.99

QG3_A The U.S. should get our military troops out of Iraq as soon as possibleQG3_A

636-637 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

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Now I'm going to read you a list of statements. For each statement, please tell me if you agree

strongly, agree somewhat, neither agree nor disagree, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?

The U.S. should get our military troops out of Iraq as soon as possible.




Label Value

7.0 %361Disagree strongly1

7.5 %389Disgree somewhat2

10.9 %562Neither agree nor disagree3

17.1 %882 Agree somewhat4

48.7 %2512 Agree strongly5

7.5 %387Don't Know98

1.3 %66Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 12.28

•   Median: 5.00

•   Mode: 5.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 26.67

QG3_B The federal government should guarantee health care for everyoneQG3_B

638-639 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

The federal government should guarantee health care for everyone.Question:



Label Value

4.9 %253Disagree strongly1

6.0 %311Disgree somewhat2

6.2 %322Neither agree nor disagree3

21.1 %1088 Agree somewhat4

58.7 %3030 Agree strongly5

2.5 %129Don't Know98

0.5 %26Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 7.09

•   Median: 5.00

•   Mode: 5.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 16.07

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QG3_C Abortion should be legal in all casesQG3_C

640-641 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

 Abortion should be legal in all cases.Question:



Label Value

22.7 %1173Disagree strongly1

15.4 %792Disgree somewhat2

18.4 %947Neither agree nor disagree3

16.3 %843 Agree somewhat4

18.8 %971 Agree strongly5

7.0 %362Don't Know98

1.4 %71Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 10.92

•   Median: 3.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 26.45

QG3_D The U.S. should provide a path to citizenship for people in this countryQG3_D

642-643 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

The U.S. should provide a path to citizenship for people in this country illegally.Question:



Label Value

26.5 %1366Disagree strongly1

19.0 %978Disgree somewhat2

15.5 %800Neither agree nor disagree3

17.8 %916 Agree somewhat4

12.4 %640 Agree strongly5

7.7 %397Don't Know98

1.2 %62Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 11.17

•   Median: 3.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

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•   Standard Deviation: 27.21

QG3_E U.S. immigration policy should H1B over family reunificationQG3_E

644-645 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

U.S. immigration policy should favor people with professional qualifications over those who already

have family in the United States.




Label Value

8.5 %440Disagree strongly1

12.9 %665Disgree somewhat2

20.8 %1075Neither agree nor disagree3

22.5 %1163 Agree somewhat4

25.0 %1289 Agree strongly5

9.1 %467Don't Know98

1.2 %60Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 13.14

•   Median: 4.00

•   Mode: 5.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 28.69

QG5_A Politics so complicated cant understand what going onQG5_A

646-647 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Sometimes politics and government seem so complicated that a person like me can't really understand

what's going on.




Label Value

9.2 %473Disagree strongly1

12.5 %647Disgree somewhat2

9.7 %501Neither agree nor disagree3

29.7 %1532 Agree somewhat4

31.5 %1627 Agree strongly5

6.5 %336Don't Know98

0.8 %43Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 10.61

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•   Median: 4.00

•   Mode: 5.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 24.68

QG5_B We can trust our government in Washington to do what is rightQG5_B

648-649 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

We can trust our government in Washington to do what is right.Question:



Label Value

12.1 %625Disagree strongly1

20.0 %1031Disgree somewhat2

15.8 %817Neither agree nor disagree3

26.3 %1359 Agree somewhat4

16.0 %828 Agree strongly5

0.0 %1Skip/NA97

8.7 %451Don't Know98

0.9 %47Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 12.34

•   Median: 4.00

•   Mode: 4.00•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 28.09

QG5_C Public officials and politicians care what people like me thinkQG5_C

650-651 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Public officials and politicians care what people like me think.Question:



Label Value

11.5 %591Disagree strongly1

19.8 %1023Disgree somewhat2

15.6 %806Neither agree nor disagree3

28.4 %1466 Agree somewhat4

13.3 %688 Agree strongly5

0.0 %1Skip/NA97

10.4 %538Don't Know98

0.9 %46Refused99

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Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 13.90

•   Median: 4.00

•   Mode: 4.00

•   Minimum: 1.00•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 30.13

QG5_D People are better off avoiding contact with governmentQG5_D

652-653 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

People are better off avoiding contact with government.Question:



Label Value

26.4 %1364Disagree strongly1

29.7 %1530Disgree somewhat2

14.0 %724Neither agree nor disagree3

12.5 %644 Agree somewhat4

6.6 %338 Agree strongly5

9.8 %507Don't Know98

1.0 %52Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 12.73

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 29.78

QG6 Change California constitution to define marriage?QG6

654-655 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF CA RESIDENT] Do you favor or oppose changing the California State Constitution to define

marriage as between a man and a woman, thus barring marriage between gay and lesbian couples?




Label Value

10.7 %551Favor changing the constitution1

21.8 %1126Oppose changing the constitution2

60.4 %3114Skip/NA97

6.1 %317Don't Know98

1.0 %51Refused99

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Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 66.09

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 44.71

QD1 Party identification screener (rotated)QD1

656-657 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a [RANDOMIZE ORDER OF REPUBLICAN AND

DEMOCRAT] Republican, Democrat, Independent, some other party, or do you not think in these



%Unweighted Frequency 

Label Value

15.2 %786Republican1

30.8 %1591Democrat2

21.1 %1086Independent3

0.4 %23Other party (Specify)4

23.0 %1185Do not think in these terms (DO NOT READ)5

7.1 %365Don't Know98

2.4 %123Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 11.86

•   Median: 3.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 27.96

record other party hereOTHD1

658-674 (width: 17; decimal: 0)Location:

character Variable Type:

Record other party here.Question:




0.0 %2Green

0.0 %1Green Party



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0.1 %4Libertarian


99.4 %5130Skip / NA0.0 %1TAO

0.1 %6Unspecified/Blank

0.0 %1liberal

0.0 %2libertarian

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

QD1A Would call yourself a strong Republican or not a strong Republican?QD1A

675-676 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF D1="Republican"] Would you call yourself a strong Republican or not a strong Republican?Question:



Label Value

8.4 %431Strong Republican1

6.4 %331Not a strong Republican2

84.8 %4373Skip/NA97

0.4 %19Don't Know98

0.1 %5Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 82.89

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 33.91

QD1B Would call yourself a strong Democrat or not a strong Democrat?QD1B

677-678 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF D1="Democrat"] Would you call yourself a strong Democrat or not a strong Democrat?Question:



Label Value

13.3 %684Strong Democrat1

16.7 %861Not a strong Democrat2

69.2 %3568Skip/NA97

0.8 %42Don't Know98

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Label Value

2.5 %127Did not think in terms of parties (DO NOT READ)5

88.6 %4571Skip/NA97

0.8 %41Don't Know98

0.1 %4Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 87.10

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 28.89

QD3A Mother party identificationQD3A

683-684 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF U.S. BORN] Now thinking about your mother, when you were growing up, did your mother think

of herself mostly as a Democrat, a Republican, or did she not think in terms of political parties?




Label Value

3.7 %192Democrat1

1.2 %62Republican2

0.4 %20Independent (DO NOT READ)3

2.6 %134Other 4

2.6 %135Did not think in terms of parties5

88.6 %4571Skip/NA97

0.8 %40Don't Know98

0.1 %5Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 87.11

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 28.88

QG4 Ideological self-placementQG4

685-686 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

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When it comes to politics, do you usually think of yourself as a liberal, a conservative, or a moderate,

or haven't you thought much about this?




Label Value

21.8 %1127Liberal1

15.6 %807Conservative2

33.1 %1709Moderate3

21.1 %1091Haven't thought much about this4

6.5 %334Don't Know98

1.8 %91Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 10.46

•   Median: 3.00

•   Mode: 3.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 26.32

QG4A Strong liberal or not so strong liberal?QG4A

687-688 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF G4="Liberal"] Do you think of yourself as a strong liberal or as a not so strong liberal?Question:



Label Value

9.8 %505Strong liberal1

11.4 %586Not so strong liberal2

78.2 %4032Skip/NA97

0.6 %33Don't Know98

0.1 %3Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 76.82

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 38.99

QG4B Strong conservative or not so strong conservative?QG4B

689-690 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

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[IF G4="Conservative"] Do you think of yourself as a strong conservative or as a not so strong





Label Value

6.1 %313Strong conservative1

9.2 %473Not so strong conservative2

84.4 %4352Skip/NA97

0.4 %20Don't Know98

0.0 %1Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 82.47

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00•   Standard Deviation: 34.29

QG4C More like a liberal or more like a conservative?QG4C

691-692 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF G4="Moderate" OR "Haven't thought much about this"] Do you think of yourself as more like a

liberal or more like a conservative?




Label Value

22.4 %1156More like a liberal1

15.3 %788More like a conservative2

45.7 %2359Skip/NA97

15.2 %782Don't Know98

1.4 %74Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 61.16

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 46.47

F101 Race/Ethnicity Self-described term 1QF101

693-694 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

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I now have a few questions about groups in society. People of Asian descent in the U.S. use different

terms to describe themselves. In general do you think of yourself as [RANDOMIZE ORDER OF





Label Value

16.2 %838 Asian American1

24.4 %1259(Ethnic/National Origin Group)2

40.9 %2111(Ethnic/National Origin Group) American3

11.0 %566 Asian4

1.5 %79Other 5

3.1 %160 American (DO NOT READ)6

0.6 %31None of these (DO NOT READ)7

0.7 %35Skip/NA97

0.9 %47Don't Know98

0.6 %33Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 4.81

•   Median: 3.00

•   Mode: 3.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 14.12

F101 Race/Ethnicity Self-described term 2QF102

695-696 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

People of Asian descent in the U.S. use different terms to describe themselves. In general do you






Label Value

3.7 %189 Asian American1

6.6 %339(Ethnic/National Origin Group)2

5.4 %277(Ethnic/National Origin Group) American3

4.1 %211 Asian4

0.1 %6Other 5

0.3 %17 American (DO NOT READ)6

79.9 %4120Skip/NA97

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 77.98

•   Median: 97.00

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•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 97.00

•   Standard Deviation: 37.88

F101 Race/Ethnicity Self-described term 3QF103

697-698 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

People of Asian descent in the U.S. use different terms to describe themselves. In general do you






Label Value

2.6 %134 Asian American1

3.0 %153(Ethnic/National Origin Group)2

2.9 %150(Ethnic/National Origin Group) American32.4 %126 Asian4

0.1 %4Other 5

0.2 %11 American (DO NOT READ)6

88.8 %4581Skip/NA97

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 86.42

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 97.00

•   Standard Deviation: 29.79

F101 Race/Ethnicity Self-described term 4QF104

699-700 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

People of Asian descent in the U.S. use different terms to describe themselves. In general do you






Label Value

1.8 %94 Asian American1

1.7 %90(Ethnic/National Origin Group)2

1.9 %99(Ethnic/National Origin Group) American3

1.8 %94 Asian4

0.0 %1Other 5

0.0 %2 American (DO NOT READ)6

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Label Value

92.6 %4779Skip/NA97

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 90.04

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 97.00

•   Standard Deviation: 24.68

F101 Race/Ethnicity Self-described term 5QF105

701-702 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

People of Asian descent in the U.S. use different terms to describe themselves. In general do you






Label Value

0.2 %8Other 5

0.2 %12 American (DO NOT READ)6

99.6 %5139Skip/NA97

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 96.65

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 5.00

•   Maximum: 97.00

•   Standard Deviation: 5.68

QF2 What happens to other Asians affects your life?QF2

703-704 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:Do you think what happens generally to other Asians in this country affects what happens in your 





Label Value

44.8 %2313Yes1

45.4 %2341No2

8.9 %457Don't Know98

0.9 %48Refused99

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Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 10.96

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 28.71

QF2A Will it affect you a lot, some, or not very much?QF2A

705-706 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF F2="Yes"] Will it affect you a lot, some, or not very much?Question:



Label Value

9.0 %463 A lot1

28.7 %1479Some2

6.3 %327Not very much3

55.2 %2846Skip/NA97

0.8 %40Don't Know98

0.1 %4Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 55.20

•   Median: 97.00•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 47.20

QF3 What happens to other [R Ethnic Group] Americans affects your life?QF3

707-708 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Do you think what happens generally to other [R ETHNIC GROUP FROM A1] Americans affects

what happens in your life? [MARK "MAYBE", "SOMEWHAT", "A LITTLE", "SORT OF" AS YES]




Label Value

50.1 %2583Yes1

40.1 %2069No2

0.7 %35Skip/NA97

8.2 %421Don't Know98

1.0 %51Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

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•   Mean: 10.94

•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 28.76

QF3A Will it affect you a lot, some, or not very much?QF3A

709-710 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[F3="Yes"] Will it affect you a lot, some, or not very much?Question:



Label Value

13.1 %675 A lot1

30.1 %1552Some2

6.0 %307Not very much3

49.9 %2576Skip/NA97

0.9 %46Don't Know98

0.1 %3Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 50.28

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 47.58

QF4 Candidate Group QA1; more likely to vote him her?QF4

711-712 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Suppose you have an opportunity to decide on two candidates for political office, one of whom is [R

ETHNIC GROUP FROM A1]-American. Would you be more likely to vote for the [R ETHNIC GROUP

FROM A1]-American candidate, if the two candidates are equally experienced and qualified?




Label Value

56.9 %2934Yes1

26.5 %1369No2

0.7 %35Skip/NA97

14.2 %733Don't Know98

1.7 %88Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

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•   Mean: 17.37

•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 36.00

QF5_A (FB) Ever been unfairly denied a job or fired?QF5_A

713-714 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF FOREIGN BORN] We are interested in the way you have been treated in the United States, and

whether you have ever been treated unfairly because of your race, ancestry, being an immigrant, or 

having an accent. Have you ever been unfairly denied a job or fired?




Label Value

8.6 %443Yes1

77.1 %3976No2

11.7 %602Skip/NA97

2.2 %114Don't Know98

0.5 %24Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 15.57

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 33.42

QF5_B (FB) Ever been unfairly denied a promotion at work?QF5_B

715-716 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Have you ever been unfairly denied a promotion at work?Question:

%Unweighted Frequency Label Value

12.7 %653Yes1

72.2 %3723No2

11.7 %602Skip/NA97

2.9 %149Don't Know98

0.6 %32Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

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•   Mean: 16.33

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 34.24

QF5_C (FB) Ever been unfairly treated by the police?QF5_C

717-718 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Have you ever been unfairly treated by the police?Question:



Label Value

11.4 %589Yes1

74.9 %3866No2

11.7 %602Skip/NA97

1.5 %78Don't Know98

0.5 %24Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 14.87

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00•   Standard Deviation: 32.72

QF5_D (FB) Ever been unfairly prevented from renting or buying house?QF5_D

719-720 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Have you ever been unfairly prevented from renting or buying a house or apartment?Question:



Label Value

4.7 %242Yes1

81.8 %4220No2

11.7 %602Skip/NA97

1.4 %71Don't Know98

0.5 %24Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 14.81

•   Median: 2.00

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•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 32.56

QF5_E (FB) Ever been treated unfairly or badly at restaurants or stores?QF5_E

721-722 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Have you ever been treated unfairly or badly at restaurants or stores?Question:



Label Value

16.3 %840Yes1

70.5 %3638No2

11.7 %602Skip/NA97

1.1 %55Don't Know98

0.5 %24Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 14.40

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 32.28

QF5A_A (NB) Ever been unfairly denied a job or fired?QF5A_A

723-724 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IFU.S. BORN] We are interested in the way you have been treated in the United States, and whether

you have ever been treated unfairly because of your race or ancestry. Have you ever been unfairly

denied a job or fired?




Label Value

0.7 %38Yes1

10.4 %534No2

88.6 %4571Skip/NA97

0.3 %15Don't Know98

0.0 %1Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 86.46

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

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•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 29.85

QF5A_B (NB) Ever been unfairly denied a promotion at work?QF5A_B

725-726 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Have you ever been unfairly denied a promotion at work?Question:



Label Value

1.0 %51Yes1

10.0 %517No2

88.6 %4571Skip/NA97

0.3 %17Don't Know98

0.1 %3Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 86.54

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 29.77

QF5A_C (NB) Ever been unfairly treated by the police?QF5A_C

727-728 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Have you ever been unfairly treated by the police?Question:



Label Value

1.2 %63Yes1

10.0 %518No2

88.6 %4571Skip/NA97

0.1 %4Don't Know98

0.1 %3Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 86.29

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 30.07

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QF5A_D (NB) Ever been unfairly prevented from renting or buying house?QF5A_D

729-730 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Have you ever been unfairly prevented from renting or buying a house or apartment?Question:

%Unweighted Frequency Label Value

0.6 %31Yes1

10.6 %548No2

88.6 %4571Skip/NA97

0.1 %7Don't Know98

0.0 %2Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 86.33

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 30.01

QF5A_E (NB) Ever been treated unfairly or badly at restaurants or stores?QF5A_E

731-732 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Have you ever been treated unfairly or badly at restaurants or stores?Question:



Label Value

3.2 %167Yes1

8.0 %414No2

88.6 %4571Skip/NA97

0.1 %5Don't Know98

0.0 %2Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 86.27

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 30.13

QF6 Ever been a victim of a hate crime?QF6

733-734 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

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numericVariable Type:

Have you ever been a victim of a hate crime? That is, have you ever had someone verbally or 

physically abuse you, or damage your property specifically because of your race or ethnicity?




Label Value

9.9 %513Yes1

88.5 %4564No2

1.2 %62Don't Know98

0.4 %20Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 3.43

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00•   Standard Deviation: 12.05

QF7_A Do Asians share a common race?QF7_A

735-736 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

What, if anything do Asians in the United States share with one another? Would you say they share

a common race?




Label Value

53.5 %2761Yes1

30.8 %1591No2

14.9 %767Don't Know98

0.8 %40Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 16.49

•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 35.13

QF7_B Do Asians share a common culture?QF7_B

737-738 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Would you say they share a common culture?Question:

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Label Value

64.9 %3347Yes1

24.9 %1285No2

9.7 %498Don't Know98

0.6 %29Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 11.16

•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 29.31

QF7_C Do Asians share common economic interests?QF7_C

739-740 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Would you say they share common economic interests?Question:



Label Value

54.1 %2791Yes1

28.8 %1487No2

16.3 %843Don't Know98

0.7 %38Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 17.86

•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 36.39

QF7_D Do Asians share common political interests?QF7_D

741-742 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Would you say they share common political interests?Question:



Label Value

39.3 %2029Yes1

39.7 %2050No2

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Label Value

20.2 %1040Don't Know98

0.8 %40Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 21.71

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 39.28

QF8_A How much in common with African Americans or Blacks?QF8_A

743-744 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Thinking about government services, political power and representation, would you say Asian

 Americans have a lot in common, some, little in common, or nothing at all in common with [INSERT






Label Value

6.5 %336 A lot in common1

26.5 %1368Some2

25.6 %1320Little3

22.3 %1151Nothing in common4

17.6 %906Don't Know98

1.5 %78Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 20.96

•   Median: 3.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 37.45

QF8_B How much in common with Latinos or Hispanics?QF8_B

745-746 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

How about [SECOND CATEGORY]? Would you say Asian Americans have a lot in common, some,

little in common, or nothing at all in common politically with [CATEGORY 2]?


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Label Value

7.2 %369 A lot in common1

29.1 %1500Some2

25.6 %1321Little3

18.9 %973Nothing in common417.8 %917Don't Know98

1.5 %79Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 21.11

•   Median: 3.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 37.66

QF8_C How much in common with whites?QF8_C

747-748 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

How about [THIRD CATEGORY]? [READ IF NECESSARY] Would you say Asian Americans have

a lot in common, some, little in common, or nothing at all in common politically with [CATEGORY





Label Value

9.8 %504 A lot in common1

36.3 %1873Some2

22.7 %1173Little3

14.3 %740Nothing in common4

15.4 %793Don't Know98

1.5 %76Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 18.60

•   Median: 3.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 35.79

QF9 How would you describe your skin color?QF9

749-750 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

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We are interested in how you would describe your appearance. How would you describe your skin

color with 1 being very light and 5 being very dark or some number in between?




Label Value

1.4 %70Very light1

10.9 %561Light2

33.0 %1704Medium3

1.9 %98Dark4

0.3 %13Very dark5

50.0 %2577Skip/NA97

1.4 %71Don't Know98

1.3 %65Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•  Mean: 52.36

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 47.10

QF10 Describe Tiger Woods skin color QF10

751-752 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF F9=1,2,3,4,5] Now, thinking about the golfer Tiger Woods' appearance, how would you wouldyou describe his skin color using the same scale, with 1 being very light and 5 being very dark or 

some number in between?




Label Value

0.3 %15Very light1

2.4 %123Light2

14.5 %748Medium3

20.9 %1077Dark4

2.2 %115Very dark5

52.6 %2713Skip/NA97

6.3 %324Don't Know98

0.9 %44Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 59.44

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

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•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 45.90

QH1 What is your religious background?QH1

753-754 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

What is your religious background? [RECORD CURRENT RELIGION. IF RESPONDENT SAYS I






Label Value

0.2 %117th Day Adventist0

0.0 %2 African Methodist Episcopal/ AME1

1.8 %92 Agnostic or Atheist2

1.1 %59Baptist3

15.0 %776Buddhist4

16.8 %866Catholic5

17.2 %889Christian6

0.1 %6Christian Scientists7

0.0 %1Church of the Nazarene8

0.1 %3Congregationalist (includes United Church of Christ)9

0.1 %7Disciples of Christ, Churches of Christ10

0.1 %4Episcopalian, Anglican11

16.6 %854Hindu12

0.1 %5Jehovah's Witnesses13

0.0 %1Jewish14

0.1 %4Lutheran15

0.5 %24Methodist16

0.1 %7Mormon, Church of the Latter Day Saints17

0.3 %17Muslim, Mohammedan, Islam18

0.1 %5Pentecostal (includes Church of God in Christ)20

0.3 %17Presbyterian21

0.8 %41Protestant (no denomination given)22

0.1 %4Reformed, Dutch Reformed, Christian Reformed23

1.0 %51Other Non-Christian (Specify)25

0.3 %18Jain30

1.4 %70Sikh31

0.1 %3Falun Gong32

19.7 %1016No religion (DO NOT READ)97

1.9 %98Don't know98

4.0 %208Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

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•   Mean: 30.78

•   Median: 6.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 0.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 39.40

QH3 Fundamentalist, evangelical, born again Christian, Pentecostal or CharismatQH3

755-756 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF H1 IS NOT = 2, 4, 12, 14, 18, 20, 25, 30, 31, 32] Would you describe yourself as any of the

following [READ: "A fundamentalist or evangelical Christian, a born again Christian, Pentecostal or





Label Value

16.0 %827Yes1

17.9 %921No2

62.2 %3209Skip/NA97

3.7 %190Don't Know98

0.2 %12Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 64.69

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 45.22

QH4 Have always been Christian or converted?QH4

757-758 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF H1 IS NOT = 2, 4, 12, 14, 18, 25, 30, 31, 32] Have you always been a Christian, or did you convert

at some point in time?


%Unweighted Frequency 

Label Value

27.4 %1414 Always Christian1

9.0 %462Converted2

62.1 %3204Skip/NA97

1.3 %66Don't Know98

0.3 %13Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

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•   Mean: 62.20

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 46.08

QH4A Convert before migrating to the United States?QH4A

759-760 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF H4="Converted" AND FOREIGN-BORN] Did you convert before migrating to the United States?Question:



Label Value

3.0 %157Yes1

4.7 %242No2

92.2 %4755Skip/NA97

0.1 %4Don't Know98

0.0 %1Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 89.62

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00•   Standard Deviation: 25.49

QH2 How often do attend place of worship?QH2

761-762 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

How often do you attend your place of worship: at least every week, almost every week, a few times

a month, only a few times during the year, hardly ever or never?




Label Value

23.1 %1193 At least every week1

11.8 %611 Almost every week2

11.5 %593 A few times a month3

13.8 %711Only a few times a year 4

6.6 %340Hardly ever 5

4.0 %207Never 6

27.4 %1414Skip/NA97

1.0 %52Don't Know98

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Label Value

0.7 %38Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 30.24

•   Median: 4.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 42.91

QH2A Take part in activity your place of worship?QH2A

763-764 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Other than attending services or prayer, do you take part in any activity with people at your place of 





Label Value

29.6 %1528Yes1

41.2 %2124No2

27.4 %1414Skip/NA97

1.0 %53Don't Know98

0.8 %40Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 29.48

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 43.44

QH5 Involved with org or community group (non-relig)?QH5

765-766 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Other than a religious group or place of worship, is there any other group or organization in your 

community that you are involved with?




Label Value

18.1 %932Yes1

78.3 %4041No2

1.4 %71Don't Know98

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Label Value

2.2 %115Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 5.30

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 18.05

How many members are [R's ETHNIC GROUP]?QH5B

767-768 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IFH5="Yes"] Andhow many members of this group would you say are [R'S ETHNIC GROUP FROM

 A1] - all of them, most, about half, some of them, or none?




Label Value

5.4 %281 All of them1

5.1 %265Most2

1.0 %53 About half 3

4.0 %205Some of them4

1.6 %83None5

82.1 %4234Skip/NA97

0.4 %22Don't Know98

0.3 %16Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 80.76

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 35.68

QH5C How many members are college-educated?QH5C

769-770 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF H5="Yes"] How many members of this group would you say are college-educated - all of them,

most, about half, some of them, or none?


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Label Value

4.7 %243 All of them1

6.8 %352Most2

2.1 %107 About half 3

2.5 %130Some of them40.2 %10None5

81.9 %4227Skip/NA97

1.5 %77Don't Know98

0.3 %13Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 81.54

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 35.06

QJ1 Highest level of formal education completedQJ1

771-772 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

What is the highest level of formal education you completed?Question:



Label Value

4.1 %212Primary or grammar school1

4.6 %237Some high school2

15.9 %819High school graduate3

10.8 %557Some college4

33.6 %1733College graduate5

18.4 %949Masters (all Masters except MBA; IF MENTIONS MA, MSc,



1.2 %61Business Degree (MBA)7

0.3 %16Law Degree (JD)8

0.9 %47Medical Degree (M.D., D.O.; Dentistry, Optometry)9

5.5 %286Doctorate (all other Doctorates; PhD, Ed.D, Psych D)10

0.7 %35Other 11

0.9 %49Don't Know98

3.1 %158Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 8.61

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•   Median: 5.00

•   Mode: 5.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 18.54

QJ2 Complete all formal education in the United States?QJ2

773-774 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Did you complete all of your formal education in the United States?Question:



Label Value

33.2 %1714Yes1

64.1 %3305No2

0.3 %14Don't Know98

2.4 %126Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 4.30

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 15.81

QJ3 Married or living with someone?QJ3

775-776 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

 Are you currently married or living as married with someone or are you widowed, divorced, separated

or have you never been married?




Label Value

79.4 %4096Married/living as married1

4.2 %217Widowed2

2.9 %150Divorced30.6 %29Separated4

9.5 %488Never married5

0.4 %23Don't Know98

3.0 %156Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 4.89

•   Median: 1.00

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•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 17.86

QJ3A Currently in a serious relationship?QJ3A

777-778 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF J3 NE "Married / living as married"] Are you currently in a serious relationship?Question:



Label Value

3.2 %164Yes1

13.2 %679No2

79.4 %4096Skip/NA97

0.9 %48Don't Know98

3.3 %172Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 81.52

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 35.24

QJ3B1 Race or ethnicity of former spouse or partner (1st mention)QJ3B1

779-780 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IFJ3="Married / living as married" OR J3a="Yes"] What is the race or ethnicity of your wife, husband





Label Value

0.1 %6Black/African American1

10.5 %541 Asian or Asian American2

0.4 %20Native American/American Indian3

0.6 %30Hispanic/Latino4

3.7 %190White/Caucasian5

18.4 %949Chinese6

13.8 %711Indian7

0.1 %6South Asian8

6.6 %342Filipino9

11.2 %576Vietnamese10

8.5 %439Korean11

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Label Value

5.2 %270Japanese12

0.1 %5Hmong13

0.2 %10 Asiatic14

0.1 %3Bangladeshi150.0 %1Burmese17

0.1 %4Cambodian (Kampuchean)18

0.1 %3Laotian22

0.0 %1Malaysian24

0.0 %2Pakistani28

0.0 %1Sri Lankan30

1.3 %65Taiwanese31

0.0 %2Thai32

0.6 %33Other (NO ASIAN GROUP)33

17.4 %899Skip/NA97

0.3 %13Don't Know98

0.7 %37Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 24.36

•   Median: 9.00

•   Mode: 6.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00•   Standard Deviation: 34.81

QJ3B2 Race or ethnicity of spouse or partner (2nd mention)QJ3B2

781-782 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IFJ3="Married / living as married" OR J3a="Yes"] What is the race or ethnicity of your wife, husband





Label Value

0.1 %3White/Caucasian5

1.6 %83Chinese6

1.3 %68Indian7

0.5 %25Filipino9

0.3 %14Vietnamese10

0.5 %28Korean11

0.3 %14Japanese12

0.0 %2Hmong13

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Label Value

0.1 %3 Asiatic14

0.0 %1Burmese17

0.0 %2Malaysian24

0.0 %1Nepalese260.0 %1Singaporean29

0.5 %27Taiwanese31

0.1 %5Other (NO ASIAN GROUP)33

94.6 %4882Skip/NA97

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 92.38

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 5.00

•   Maximum: 97.00

•   Standard Deviation: 19.50

QJ3C1 Race or ethnicity of former spouse or partner (1st mention)QJ3C1

783-784 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF J3="Divorced" OR J3="Separated" OR J3="Widowed" AND J3B NOT ASKED] What is the race

or ethnicity of your former wife, husband, or partner? [CHECK UP TO TWO CATEGORIES]


%Unweighted Frequency 

Label Value

0.0 %2Black/African American1

0.6 %30 Asian2

0.0 %1Native American/American Indian3

0.0 %2Hispanic/Latino4

0.4 %22White/Caucasian5

0.8 %40Chinese6

0.4 %19Indian7

1.2 %61Filipino9

0.8 %40Vietnamese10

0.7 %35Korean11

1.0 %52Japanese12

0.0 %2 Asiatic14

0.0 %1Burmese17

0.0 %1Indonesian20

0.1 %4Taiwanese31

0.1 %4Other (NO ASIAN GROUP)33

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Label Value

6.7 %345-1

24.0 %1236-2

19.9 %1026-3

25.4 %1312-410.2 %525-5

4.1 %211-6

2.0 %101-7

0.8 %41-8

0.2 %12-9

0.5 %2810 or more10

6.2 %322Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 9.37

•   Median: 3.00

•   Mode: 4.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 23.18

QJ5 How many of them are children under 18?QJ5

789-790 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

How many of them are children under 18?Question:



Label Value

47.9 %2469-0

17.1 %881-1

17.0 %875-2

3.7 %190-3

1.1 %56-4

0.3 %16-5

0.1 %5-6

0.1 %5-7

0.0 %1-8

0.0 %1-9

0.0 %110 or more10

6.7 %345Skip/NA97

6.1 %314Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

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•   Mean: 13.21

•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 0.00

•   Minimum: 0.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 32.45

QJ6 Pre-tax household income last year QJ6

791-792 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Which of the following best describes the total pre-tax income earned by everyone in your household

last year? [READ CATEGORIES]




Label Value

8.3 %426Up to $20,00017.3 %376$20,000 to $35,0002

7.4 %384$35,000 to $50,0003

10.7 %553$50,000 to $75,0004

8.6 %445$75,000 to $100,0005

7.4 %383$100,000 to $125,0006

3.9 %203$125,000 to $150,0007

9.0 %465$150,000 and over 8

13.4 %693Don't Know98

23.9 %1231Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 39.54

•   Median: 7.00

•   Mode: 99.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 45.62

QJ7 Employment statusQJ7

793-794 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

What is your employment status? Are you: working full-time, working part-time, laid off, a student, a

homemaker, retired, permanently disabled, or something else [CHECK ONE ONLY].




Label Value

51.2 %2639Working full-time1

8.5 %439Working part-time2

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Label Value

1.3 %66Laid off 3

2.7 %137 A student4

7.0 %362Homemaker 5

19.7 %1016Retired60.7 %35Permanently disabled7

2.9 %148Unemployed8

1.5 %75Other 9

2.0 %103Don't Know98

2.7 %139Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 7.39

•   Median: 1.00•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 20.37

QJ8 On average how many hours a week do you work?QJ8

795-797 (width: 3; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF J7="Working full-time" OR "Working part-time"] On average how many hours a week do you work?Question:

%Unweighted Frequency 

Label Value

0.0 %1-1

0.0 %1-4

0.2 %10-5

0.1 %6-6

0.2 %12-8

0.0 %2-9

0.3 %15-10

0.2 %10-12

0.1 %3-14

0.6 %30-15

0.1 %6-16

0.1 %4-18

0.0 %1-19

2.3 %117-20

0.0 %2-21

0.0 %2-22

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Label Value

0.0 %1-23

0.4 %22-24

0.8 %43-25

0.0 %1-260.1 %3-27

0.1 %3-28

2.1 %110-30

0.3 %13-32

0.0 %1-33

0.0 %1-34

1.4 %70-35

0.4 %20-36

0.2 %12-37

0.1 %6-38

33.3 %1717-40

0.0 %2-41

0.4 %22-42

0.1 %5-43

0.1 %5-44

2.3 %119-45

0.1 %4-46

0.1 %3-47

0.4 %22-48

4.9 %251-50

0.0 %1-51

0.0 %2-52

0.0 %1-53

0.1 %3-54

0.7 %38-55

0.1 %4-56

0.1 %3-58

2.3 %121-60

0.0 %1-62

0.0 %1-63

0.0 %1-64

0.2 %9-65

0.0 %1-69

0.7 %37-70

0.1 %7-72

0.1 %3-75

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Label Value

0.0 %1-76

0.0 %1-78

0.4 %22-80

0.0 %2-850.0 %1-90

0.0 %2-100

40.3 %2081Skip/NA997

1.3 %65Don't Know998

1.4 %73Refused999

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 451.96

•   Median: 50.00•   Mode: 997.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 999.00

•   Standard Deviation: 473.72

QJ9 Do you belong to a union?QJ9

798-799 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Do you belong to a union?Question:

%Unweighted Frequency 

Label Value

8.7 %449Yes1

86.7 %4473No2

0.8 %39Don't Know98

3.8 %198Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 6.36

•   Median: 2.00•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 20.30

QJ10 What year were you born?QJ10

800-803 (width: 4; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

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What year were you born?Question:



Label Value

0.0 %1-1912

0.0 %1-1913

0.0 %1-19150.1 %3-1916

0.1 %4-1918

0.1 %4-1919

0.1 %6-1920

0.2 %8-1921

0.1 %6-1922

0.2 %11-1923

0.3 %18-1924

0.4 %19-1925

0.4 %20-1926

0.5 %26-1927

0.7 %37-1928

0.5 %28-1929

1.0 %50-1930

0.6 %31-1931

0.9 %48-1932

0.9 %48-1933

0.9 %49-1934

1.2 %62-1935

1.2 %62-1936

1.4 %70-1937

1.3 %66-1938

1.2 %63-1939

1.7 %88-1940

1.2 %61-1941

1.2 %60-1942

1.5 %78-1943

1.4 %73-1944

1.8 %93-1945

1.5 %79-1946

1.6 %83-1947

1.7 %86-1948

1.6 %83-1949

2.4 %126-1950

1.7 %90-1951

1.6 %85-1952

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Label Value

1.6 %83-1953

1.9 %99-1954

1.7 %88-1955

1.9 %100-19562.1 %106-1957

2.1 %107-1958

2.1 %106-1959

2.4 %124-1960

1.1 %59-1961

1.7 %90-1962

1.8 %93-1963

1.5 %77-1964

2.1 %106-1965

1.3 %66-1966

1.3 %68-1967

1.7 %89-1968

1.7 %90-1969

1.8 %91-1970

1.4 %72-1971

1.6 %81-1972

1.0 %54-1973

1.0 %52-1974

1.0 %50-1975

0.9 %47-1976

0.5 %27-1977

0.7 %34-1978

0.7 %36-1979

0.7 %35-1980

0.6 %29-1981

0.9 %45-1982

0.7 %35-1983

0.4 %20-1984

0.6 %29-1985

0.6 %32-1986

0.4 %22-1987

0.4 %21-1988

0.4 %20-1989

0.3 %13-1990

18.1 %936Refused9999

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

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•   Mean: 3414.75

•   Median: 1960.00

•   Mode: 9999.00

•   Minimum: 1912.00

•   Maximum: 9999.00

•   Standard Deviation: 3100.13

QJ10A Could you give the decade when you were born?QJ10A

804-805 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF J10= DK OR REF] Could you give the decade when you were born? [Do not read response





Label Value

0.1 %61920s (78-88)20.8 %401930s (68-77)3

1.5 %771940s (58-67)4

1.9 %981950s (48-57)5

2.3 %1191960s (38-47)6

1.3 %691970s (28-37)7

0.4 %211980s (18-27)8

0.1 %31990s9

81.9 %4223Skip/NA97

1.1 %56Don't Know98

8.7 %447Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 89.49

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 2.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 25.48

QJ11 How many years have you lived at your current address?QJ11

806-807 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

How many years have you lived at your current address?Question:



Label Value

4.9 %253-1

5.6 %287-2

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Label Value

7.2 %373-3

5.9 %302-4

7.9 %405-5

3.9 %202-63.8 %195-7

4.9 %253-8

1.9 %99-9

9.4 %487-10

1.6 %80-11

2.6 %136-12

1.4 %73-13

1.6 %82-14

4.2 %216-15

1.4 %73-16

1.0 %50-17

2.0 %102-18

0.9 %46-19

4.8 %248-20

0.6 %29-21

0.9 %47-22

0.8 %43-23

0.5 %28-24

1.3 %68-25

0.5 %26-26

0.4 %20-27

0.9 %48-28

0.3 %15-29

2.1 %108-30

0.2 %11-31

0.3 %15-32

0.3 %14-33

0.2 %10-34

0.4 %20-35

0.2 %9-36

0.1 %7-37

0.1 %7-38

0.1 %3-39

0.6 %33-40

0.0 %2-41

0.1 %7-42

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Label Value

0.1 %3-43

0.0 %1-44

0.1 %7-45

0.0 %1-470.1 %6-48

0.3 %14-50

0.0 %1-51

0.1 %3-52

0.0 %2-53

0.0 %2-54

0.0 %1-58

0.0 %2-60

0.0 %1-61

0.0 %1-64

0.0 %1-66

0.0 %1-70

11.2 %580Don't Know/Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 21.15

•   Median: 10.00

•   Mode: 99.00

•   Minimum: 1.00•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 29.13

QJ12 Own or rent?QJ12

808-809 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Do you own or do you rent the place where you currently live?Question:



Label Value

68.1 %3513Own1

23.4 %1207Rent2

1.2 %62Don't Know98

7.3 %377Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 9.56

•   Median: 1.00

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•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 27.24

QJ13 Visa, green card, or U.S. citizen?QJ13

810-811 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:


people in the U.S. are not citizens. Some are on student or travel visas, or they have green cards


because they are permanent residents. Are you currently on a visa, have a green card, or are you

a U.S. citizen?



Label Value

2.8 %147Visa1

14.7 %756Green card2

75.6 %3898U.S. Citizen3

1.7 %90Skip/NA97

0.8 %41Don't Know98

4.4 %227Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 9.42

•   Median: 3.00

•   Mode: 3.00

•   Minimum: 1.00•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 24.30

QJ13A What kind of visa?QJ13A

812-813 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF J13="Visa"] Is the visa the H category such as H1b or H4, or an F category visa for students, or 

something else?




Label Value

1.0 %52H1b visa1

0.1 %3H42

0.5 %28F (student visa)3

1.0 %53Other 4

97.2 %5012Skip/NA97

0.1 %5Don't Know98

0.1 %6Refused99

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Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 94.51

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 15.13

QJ14 What year did you become a U.S. citizen?QJ14

814-817 (width: 4; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF J13="U.S. Citizen"] What year did you become a U.S. citizen?Question:



Label Value

0.0 %2-1918

0.0 %1-1919

0.0 %2-1920

0.0 %2-1921

0.0 %1-1922

0.1 %3-1924

0.1 %4-1925

0.0 %1-1926

0.0 %1-1927

0.0 %2-1928

0.0 %2-1929

0.1 %5-1930

0.1 %4-1931

0.1 %4-1932

0.0 %2-1933

0.1 %4-1934

0.1 %4-1935

0.0 %1-1936

0.0 %1-1937

0.1 %3-1938

0.1 %3-1939

0.1 %5-1940

0.0 %2-1942

0.1 %3-1943

0.1 %3-1944

0.1 %5-1945

0.0 %2-1946

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Label Value

0.0 %2-1947

0.1 %4-1948

0.0 %1-1949

0.1 %4-19500.1 %3-1951

0.1 %4-1952

0.0 %2-1953

0.1 %3-1954

0.1 %3-1955

0.1 %3-1956

0.0 %2-1957

0.1 %4-1958

0.2 %8-1959

0.1 %7-1960

0.0 %1-1961

0.0 %1-1962

0.1 %4-1963

0.1 %6-1964

0.2 %8-1965

0.2 %8-1966

0.1 %6-1967

0.2 %12-1968

0.1 %5-1969

0.5 %25-1970

0.2 %8-1971

0.3 %15-1972

0.3 %18-1973

0.3 %18-1974

0.7 %37-1975

0.8 %43-1976

0.4 %21-1977

0.8 %40-1978

0.5 %25-1979

1.6 %81-1980

0.7 %35-1981

0.9 %48-1982

0.6 %32-1983

0.8 %43-1984

1.8 %91-1985

1.1 %57-1986

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Label Value

0.7 %34-1987

1.1 %58-1988

1.1 %57-1989

1.9 %98-19901.1 %57-1991

1.6 %81-1992

1.0 %51-1993

1.3 %66-1994

2.2 %112-1995

2.0 %105-1996

1.5 %77-1997

3.2 %167-1998

2.1 %109-1999

3.8 %196-2000

2.1 %106-2001

1.8 %91-2002

2.1 %107-2003

1.6 %84-2004

1.9 %99-2005

2.2 %113-2006

1.9 %99-2007

1.5 %79-2008

1.0 %54Respondent taking too long9996

30.2 %1559Skip/NA9997

6.9 %355Don't Know9998

6.5 %335Refused9999

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 5565.35

•   Median: 2006.00

•   Mode: 9997.00

•   Minimum: 1918.00

•   Maximum: 9999.00

•   Standard Deviation: 3980.32

QJ14A How old were you when you became a citizen?QJ14A

818-820 (width: 3; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF J14="R taking too much time to recall" or "Don't know"] How old were you when you became a




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Label Value

0.0 %1-0

0.0 %1-1

0.0 %1-2

0.0 %1-40.0 %1-6

0.0 %2-7

0.0 %1-8

0.1 %3-10

0.0 %1-11

0.1 %3-12

0.1 %3-13

0.0 %2-14

0.0 %2-15

0.0 %1-16

0.0 %1-17

0.1 %7-18

0.0 %1-19

0.1 %4-20

0.0 %1-21

0.0 %1-22

0.0 %1-23

0.0 %1-25

0.1 %3-26

0.0 %2-27

0.2 %8-30

0.0 %2-31

0.0 %1-32

0.0 %1-33

0.1 %3-34

0.2 %9-35

0.0 %2-36

0.2 %10-40

0.1 %3-41

0.0 %2-44

0.1 %4-45

0.0 %2-46

0.0 %1-48

0.2 %8-50

0.0 %1-52

0.0 %1-53

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Label Value

0.1 %7-55

0.1 %7-60

0.0 %1-62

0.0 %1-650.0 %1-70

92.1 %4750Skip/NA997

4.4 %229Don't Know998

1.2 %60Refused999

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 974.65

•   Median: 997.00

•   Mode: 997.00

•   Minimum: 0.00

•   Maximum: 999.00

•   Standard Deviation: 145.32

QJ15 Plans for U.S. citizenship?QJ15

821-822 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF J14 NOT EQUAL TO "U.S. Citizen"] Are you currently applying for U.S. citizenship, planning to

apply, or not planning to become a citizen?


%Unweighted Frequency 

Label Value

1.9 %100Currently applying1

8.0 %413Planning to apply2

6.1 %314Not planning to apply3

77.3 %3988Skip/NA97

2.2 %113Don't Know98

4.5 %231Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 81.92

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 34.82

QJ16 How well speak EnglishQJ16

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823-824 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF LANGUAGE INTERVIEW IS NOT ENGLISH] Now I would like to ask you about your English

language skills. How well can you speak English? Very well, pretty well, just a little, or not at all?




Label Value

6.6 %340Very well1

12.3 %636Pretty well2

16.6 %856Just a little3

3.5 %183Not at all4

59.9 %3091Skip/NA97

0.3 %13Don't Know98

0.8 %40Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 60.08

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 46.16

QJ16A How well read EnglishQJ16A

825-826 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF LANGUAGE INTERVIEW IS NOT ENGLISH] How well can you read English? Very well, pretty

well, just a little, or not at all?




Label Value

8.5 %436Very well1

12.9 %666Pretty well2

13.9 %716Just a little3

3.8 %198Not at all4

59.9 %3091Skip/NA97

0.3 %13Don't Know980.8 %39Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 60.03

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

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•   Standard Deviation: 46.21

QJ17 How well speak GROUP languageQJ17

827-828 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

[IF LANGUAGE INTERVIEW IS ENGLISH] Now I would like to ask you about your [LANGUAGE OF

R'S ETHNIC GROUP AT A1] language skills. How well can you speak [LANGUAGE OF R'S ETHNIC

GROUP AT A1]? Very well, pretty well, just a little, or not at all?




Label Value

32.7 %1687Very well1

8.8 %454Pretty well2

4.1 %210Just a little3

1.7 %86Not at all4

49.7 %2565Skip/NA97

0.1 %6Don't Know98

2.9 %151Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 51.93

•   Median: 97.00

•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 47.76

QJ17A Would use election materials in language?QJ17A

829-830 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:


available to you in your language, would you make use of them?




Label Value

25.1 %1297Yes1

4.7 %241No2

68.9 %3556Skip/NA97

0.8 %39Don't Know98

0.5 %26Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 68.44

•   Median: 97.00

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•   Mode: 97.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 43.86

QJ18 Race of interviewer QJ18

831-832 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

Sometimes, people can tell a lot just from listening to a person's voice over the telephone. During

the interview did you think I was white, African American, Latino, Asian, or someone of another race?




Label Value

8.9 %457White1

5.8 %301 African American2

1.0 %51Latino3

71.0 %3661 Asian4

2.3 %118 Another race5

6.2 %319Don't Know98

4.9 %252Refused99

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 14.08

•   Median: 4.00

•   Mode: 4.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 99.00

•   Standard Deviation: 29.78

Unique respondent IDRESPUNIQUE

833-841 (width: 9; decimal: 0)Location:

character Variable Type:

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

State of respondentSTATE

842-850 (width: 9; decimal: 0)Location:

character Variable Type:




0.1 %7 AK

0.1 %6 AL

0.0 %2 AR

0.8 %43 AZ

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38.8 %2003CA

1.2 %61CO

0.5 %25CT

0.1 %3DC0.1 %3DE

1.8 %93FL

1.7 %90GA

2.2 %112HI

0.2 %9IA

1.5 %78IL

0.5 %24IN

0.3 %14KS

0.1 %6KY

0.3 %15LA

1.2 %60MA

2.1 %109MD

1.0 %51MI

1.2 %61MN

0.4 %19MO

0.0 %1MS

1.4 %72NC

0.1 %7NE

0.1 %7NH

11.8 %608NJ

0.0 %1NM

0.9 %47NV

8.3 %426NY

0.8 %40OH

0.3 %17OK

1.0 %54OR

1.2 %64PA


0.0 %1RI

0.1 %4SC

0.2 %12TN

5.0 %256TX

0.5 %28UT

3.6 %187VA

3.5 %182WA

0.4 %21WI

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Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

County and stateCOUNTYNAME

851-892 (width: 42; decimal: 0)Location:

character Variable Type:




4.9 %253 Alameda County, California

0.0 %1 Albany County, New York

0.1 %7 Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

0.0 %2 Anchorage Municipality, Alaska

0.2 %9 Arapahoe County, Colorado

0.1 %5 Atlantic County, New Jersey

0.0 %2Baltimore County, Maryland

2.2 %114Bergen County, New Jersey

0.1 %6Bexar County, Texas

0.2 %9Bronx County, New York

0.2 %9Broward County, Florida

0.1 %4Bucks County, Pennsylvania

0.2 %8Burlington County, New Jersey

0.3 %13Camden County, New Jersey

0.0 %2Chester County, Pennsylvania

0.8 %43Clark County, Nevada

0.2 %8Clayton County, Georgia

0.2 %10Cobb County, Georgia

0.4 %20Collin County, Texas

1.6 %84Contra Costa County, California

0.9 %44Cook County, Illinois

0.1 %4Cuyahoga County, Ohio

1.0 %52Dallas County, Texas

0.1 %3Dane County, Wisconsin

0.1 %4DeKalb County, Georgia

0.1 %3Delaware County, Pennsylvania

0.2 %9Denton County, Texas0.2 %9Denver County, Colorado

0.1 %4District of Columbia, District of Columbia

0.3 %15DuPage County, Illinois

0.1 %4Duval County, Florida

0.1 %3El Paso County, Colorado

0.0 %1Erie County, New York

0.5 %27Essex County, New Jersey

2.4 %125Fairfax County, Virginia

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0.1 %7Fairfield County, Connecticut

0.3 %14Fort Bend County, Texas

0.2 %9Franklin County, Ohio

0.1 %6Fresno County, California0.2 %12Fulton County, Georgia

0.1 %4Guilford County, North Carolina

0.7 %35Gwinnett County, Georgia

0.0 %2Hamilton County, Ohio

0.9 %48Harris County, Texas

0.1 %6Hartford County, Connecticut

0.2 %8Hawaii County, Hawaii

0.5 %28Hennepin County, Minnesota

0.0 %1Henrico County, Virginia

0.2 %11Hillsborough County, Florida

1.9 %97Honolulu County, Hawaii

0.1 %5Howard County, Maryland

0.7 %37Hudson County, New Jersey

0.0 %2Jefferson County, Kentucky

0.2 %8Jefferson Parish, Louisiana

0.1 %6Johnson County, Kansas

0.0 %2Kane County, Illinois

0.0 %1Kauai County, Hawaii

0.0 %2Kent County, Michigan

0.2 %9Kern County, California

2.6 %132King County, Washington

2.2 %112Kings County, New York

0.0 %2Kitsap County, Washington

0.1 %7Lake County, Illinois

0.1 %3Lancaster County, Nebraska

10.8 %557Los Angeles County, California

0.4 %19Loudoun County, Virginia

0.0 %1Macomb County, Michigan

0.0 %2Marathon County, Wisconsin

0.8 %39Maricopa County, Arizona

0.1 %4Marion County, Indiana

0.1 %6Maui County, Hawaii

0.3 %14Mecklenburg County, North Carolina

0.5 %25Mercer County, New Jersey

0.0 %2Miami-Dade County, Florida

0.4 %22Middlesex County, Massachusetts

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2.9 %150Middlesex County, New Jersey

0.0 %2Milwaukee County, Wisconsin

0.6 %31Monmouth County, New Jersey

0.1 %3Monroe County, New York0.1 %4Monterey County, California

1.5 %75Montgomery County, Maryland

0.1 %6Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

0.7 %36Morris County, New Jersey

0.4 %22Multnomah County, Oregon

0.3 %18Nassau County, New York

0.1 %3New Castle County, Delaware

0.1 %4New London County, Connecticut

0.9 %49New York County, New York

0.2 %8Norfolk County, Massachusetts

0.0 %1Norfolk city, Virginia

0.4 %21Oakland County, Michigan

0.1 %3Oklahoma County, Oklahoma

3.9 %203Orange County, California

0.3 %17Orange County, Florida

17.9 %923PROTECTED

0.2 %9Palm Beach County, Florida

0.2 %11Passaic County, New Jersey

0.3 %16Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania

0.1 %6Pierce County, Washington

0.0 %1Pima County, Arizona

0.0 %2Pinellas County, Florida

0.2 %10Prince George's County, Maryland

0.1 %5Prince William County, Virginia

0.0 %1Providence County, Rhode Island

3.2 %167Queens County, New York

0.0 %1Ramsey County, Minnesota

0.2 %12Richmond County, New York

0.7 %34Riverside County, California

0.0 %2Rockland County, New York

1.6 %81Sacramento County, California

0.3 %16Salt Lake County, Utah

0.3 %16San Bernardino County, California

1.8 %92San Diego County, California

2.4 %123San Francisco County, California

0.3 %15San Joaquin County, California

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1.0 %520924

1.1 %580925

0.9 %470926

1.1 %5909271.7 %880928

1.0 %520929

0.7 %340930

0.5 %271001

0.5 %271002

0.4 %231003

0.2 %101004

0.3 %171005

0.5 %271006

0.5 %241007

0.8 %391008

0.9 %491009

0.4 %221010

0.3 %161011

0.2 %111012

0.3 %161013

0.2 %111014

0.1 %61015

0.2 %101016

0.2 %81017

0.3 %181018

0.3 %181019

0.6 %321020

0.8 %411021

0.3 %131022

0.2 %81023

0.0 %11025

0.0 %21028

0.2 %91029

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

Respondent ethnicity, from qa1, qs5, & qs 4ETHNICITY

897-897 (width: 1; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:

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Label Value

22.3 %1150 Asian Indian1

26.2 %1350Chinese2

11.7 %603Filipino3

10.5 %541Japanese411.9 %614Korean5

13.9 %719Vietnamese6

3.5 %182Other Asian7

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 3.19

•   Median: 3.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 7.00

•   Standard Deviation: 1.88

Recode as citizen if regvote is 1 and more than 5 ys in usCITIZENRECODE

898-899 (width: 2; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:



Label Value

20.2 %1041No0

79.8 %4117Yes10.0 %1Don't Know98

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 0.82

•   Median: 1.00

•   Mode: 1.00

•   Minimum: 0.00

•   Maximum: 98.00

•   Standard Deviation: 1.41

Audrey Singer Six-Fold TypologyNEWDEST6

900-900 (width: 1; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:



Label Value

12.4 %642New Destination: Emerging1

8.7 %448New Destination: Re-Emerging2

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Label Value

2.6 %132New Destination: Pre-Emerging3

3.9 %200Traditional Destination: Former 4

37.9 %1954Traditional Destination: Continuous5

24.4 %1257Traditional Destination: Post-WW2610.2 %526None of the above9

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 4.80

•   Median: 5.00

•   Mode: 5.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 9.00

•   Standard Deviation: 2.18

Audrey Singer Two-Fold TypologyNEWDEST2

901-901 (width: 1; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:



Label Value

23.6 %1220New Destination1

66.2 %3413Traditional Destination2

10.2 %526None of the above9

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

•   Mean: 2.48

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 9.00

•   Standard Deviation: 2.24

Asian American DestinationsNEWASIANDEST

902-902 (width: 1; decimal: 0)Location:

numericVariable Type:



Label Value

10.3 %529Small AA Destination1

66.8 %3444Traditional AA Destination2

23.0 %1186New AA Destination3

Based upon 5159 valid cases out of 5159 total cases.

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•   Mean: 2.13

•   Median: 2.00

•   Mode: 2.00

•   Minimum: 1.00

•   Maximum: 3.00

•   Standard Deviation: 0.56

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