ashton beisel's letter to governor

from Ashton Beisel<[email protected]> sender- time Sent at 9:30 PM (GMT-07:00). Current time there: 11:18 AM.  toBobby Torres <[email protected]>, Ceci Torres <[email protected]>, Deanna Mattingly <[email protected]> dateSun, Mar 27, 2011 at 9:30 PM subject Hope 4 Teens - Ashton Beisel mailed- by signed- by hide details 9:30 PM (13 hours ago) Bobby and Ceci Torres and their entire family have changed my life. They have been there for me through the hardest most transforming times of my life. I would most likely be dead or still on drugs if it was not for them and all the sacrifices they make to serve God and help teens. I am a successful wife and mother with impeccable sales skills thanks to the character I learned while in Hope4Teens and spending time with Bobby and Ceci together and separately. God used this ministry to change my life! My parents got a divorce when I was 6 and were both re-married by the time I was 8. I spent all of my time with my friends, playing basketball and involved with my youth group. My parents have been taking me to church for as long as I can remember. I was the girl who piled all of her friends in her mom's suburban and took them to church. I had several boyfriends by the time I was a freshman in high school and was already sexually active. I gave away my heart time and time again always to find myself heartbroken. I didn't have self-confidence at all, I found my only happiness in basketball and my friends. Despite my bad choices in the boyfriend area of my life, I would have considered myself a "normal" teenager. I made A's and B's, was a part of the Varsity Basketball team at my high school and went to church every Wednesday and Sunday. The summer before my senior year my grandpa died. I have a very close family and this was a hard thing for us all. Also to add to my grief my boyfriend of two years and I had just broken up. Nevertheless school started in August and so did basketball off-season. On August 22nd one of my friends John, who was one of my first friends at this school, was killed in a car wreck. Not understanding why God would let this happen, I got drunk the night before his funeral. I ended up nearly getting hit by a car and receiving a public intoxication ticket. Seeing as I was a varsity basketball player, this was not good. I was to be out 30% of the season.So in my clouded state of mind, I quit a sport that had been my life since I was 6 years old. My life began to change right before my eyes; new friends and a new me. I started to smoke weed everyday after school, to forget about my problems. On October 2nd my friends Jodie killed herself. I was with her two nights before, so you can imagine my confusion, guilt and sorrow. After this I began to hate my life. I hated who I was, what I was doing and who I was becoming. By January of 2005 I was doing cocaine, ecstasy, smoking weed, dropping acid, and drinking on a regular basis. In March I totaled my car going 70 mph on a highway. This gave my whole family and myself a reality check. I slowed down a lot after this near death experience. I began counseling and increasing my dose of anti-depressants. After graduation and prom I began to get very depressed again. All of my friends had plans to go to college and I had nothing, I wasted my senior year doing drugs. The disappointment in myself only led me to do drugs once again. I started smoking crystal meth, lost 20 pounds in a month and began dating a drug dealer. My mom, in desperation to get me away from my town, got me into Oklahoma State University where my sister Taylor was going to college. I went to college at OSU in August and tried to start new, but the depression, guilt, resentment and low-self esteem wouldn't leave. I would do drugs when I would go home to Texas on the weekends and stayed in close contact with my boyfriend. One weekend I lost it. I screamed crying the whole way back up to college,

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Beisel<[email protected]>sender-

timeSent at 9:30 PM (GMT-07:00).

Current time there: 11:18 AM. ✆✆✆✆ toBobby Torres

<[email protected]>,Ceci Torres<[email protected]>,Deanna Mattingly<[email protected]>

dateSun, Mar 27, 2011 at 9:30 PMsubjectHope 4 Teens - Ashton Beiselmailed-



hide details 9:30 PM (13 hours ago)

Bobby and Ceci Torres and their entire family have changed my life. They have been there for methrough the hardest most transforming times of my life. I would most likely be dead or still on drugs if itwas not for them and all the sacrifices they make to serve God and help teens. I am a successful wife andmother with impeccable sales skills thanks to the character I learned while in Hope4Teens and spendingtime with Bobby and Ceci together and separately. God used this ministry to change my life! My parentsgot a divorce when I was 6 and were both re-married by the time I was 8. I spent all of my time with myfriends, playing basketball and involved with my youth group. My parents have been taking me to churchfor as long as I can remember. I was the girl who piled all of her friends in her mom's suburban and tookthem to church. I had several boyfriends by the time I was a freshman in high school and was alreadysexually active. I gave away my heart time and time again always to find myself heartbroken. I didn't haveself-confidence at all, I found my only happiness in basketball and my friends. Despite my bad choices inthe boyfriend area of my life, I would have considered myself a "normal" teenager. I made A's and B's,was a part of the Varsity Basketball team at my high school and went to church every Wednesday and

Sunday. The summer before my senior year my grandpa died. I have a very close family and this was ahard thing for us all. Also to add to my grief my boyfriend of two years and I had just broken up.Nevertheless school started in August and so did basketball off-season. On August 22nd one of myfriends John, who was one of my first friends at this school, was killed in a car wreck. Not understandingwhy God would let this happen, I got drunk the night before his funeral. I ended up nearly getting hit by acar and receiving a public intoxication ticket. Seeing as I was a varsity basketball player, this was notgood. I was to be out 30% of the season.So in my clouded state of mind, I quit a sport that had been mylife since I was 6 years old. My life began to change right before my eyes; new friends and a new me. Istarted to smoke weed everyday after school, to forget about my problems. On October 2nd my friendsJodie killed herself. I was with her two nights before, so you can imagine my confusion, guilt and sorrow.After this I began to hate my life. I hated who I was, what I was doing and who I was becoming. ByJanuary of 2005 I was doing cocaine, ecstasy, smoking weed, dropping acid, and drinking on a regularbasis. In March I totaled my car going 70 mph on a highway. This gave my whole family and myself a

reality check. I slowed down a lot after this near death experience. I began counseling and increasing mydose of anti-depressants. After graduation and prom I began to get very depressed again. All of myfriends had plans to go to college and I had nothing, I wasted my senior year doing drugs. Thedisappointment in myself only led me to do drugs once again. I started smoking crystal meth, lost 20pounds in a month and began dating a drug dealer. My mom, in desperation to get me away from mytown, got me into Oklahoma State University where my sister Taylor was going to college. I went tocollege at OSU in August and tried to start new, but the depression, guilt, resentment and low-self esteemwouldn't leave. I would do drugs when I would go home to Texas on the weekends and stayed in closecontact with my boyfriend. One weekend I lost it. I screamed crying the whole way back up to college,

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and once I got there I laid in bed for days. My time was coming to an end, I saw no reason to liveanymore. Suicide was in the near future.But God had a different plan for me. My mom came toOklahoma, put me on a plane and sent me to Hope for Teens in Arizona where I found myself surroundedby the love of Jesus. The program I was in was a 30 day spiritual treatment program for people strugglingwith addictions. I arrived on November 10th, 2005 and on Friday November 18th I let my guard down at aSpirit Life Church, Friday Night Live service. I re-committed my life to Jesus. After that night God began tore-new and restore my whole being. He healed me from my depression and for the first time in as long asI could remember I was smiling. God took me in his arms and made me new, he gave me more peace,love and joy in a month than I had found in years of searching for it in basketball, boys, friends and drugs.I felt innocent again. God restored my relationship with both of my parents. After I completed the program,I chose to be apart of Elijah Generation, a bible college that helped me to grow in character and learn thetrue meaning of being a leader. I then went to cosmetology school to become a hairstylist. Thanks toGods favor and the character I learned in this program, I have had the opportunity to work in the numberone Salon in Scottsdale. I am also one of the Pastor's at Spirit Life Church and love to minister to women.After being single for three years, God faithfully gave me the man of my dreams. August 7th, 2008 Devinand I got married. We saved our first kiss until our wedding day and God has blessed us so much! Noneof this would be possible without Bobby and Ceci Torres and the amazing people they are!