asecap, pula 2006, presentation, radovic nebojsa

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  • 8/10/2019 ASECAP, Pula 2006, Presentation, Radovic Nebojsa



    MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT Case Study: motorway E-75,section Novi Sad - Belgrade

    34 th Study and Inform ation Days o f ASECAP, Pula, 21-24 May 2006

    Neboj a Radovi, M.Sc. (C.E.)

  • 8/10/2019 ASECAP, Pula 2006, Presentation, Radovic Nebojsa


    234 th Study and Information Days of ASECAP, Pula 21-24 May 2006

    1. Introduction2. Scope of Analyses3. Applied Methodology4. Calibration of HDM-4 model5. Maintenance Standards6. Vehicle Fleet Characteristics7. Motorway Road Network Rehabilitation Program

    Analyses8. Case Study: E-75, Section Novi Sad Belgrade9. Conclusions


  • 8/10/2019 ASECAP, Pula 2006, Presentation, Radovic Nebojsa


    334 th Study and Information Days of ASECAP, Pula 21-24 May 2006

    1. In t ro d uc t ion

    Motorways presents a main arterials of road transportsectorPavement quality have a direct impact on the safety anddriving comfort as well as on the travel time spent, andconsequently, on the total road users costs.

    Motorway pavement maintenance cost participate up to80% of total motorway maintenance costsIn Serbia motorway maintenance cost apprx. 30,000Euro/km/year (motorways) and apprx. 22,000Euro/km/year (semimotorways)

    Improve pavement condition of existing road network ofRepublic of Serbia as a basic task of Public EnterpriseRoads of Serbia

  • 8/10/2019 ASECAP, Pula 2006, Presentation, Radovic Nebojsa


    434 th Study and Information Days of ASECAP, Pula 21-24 May 2006

    2. Sco p e of A n aly s es ...

    Analyses comprised:

    579.84 km of motorway road network of the Republicof Serbia

    4 motorway road routes 57 semimotorway and motorway sections accordingto road reference system

    only the sections with bituminous pavement havebeen analyzed

  • 8/10/2019 ASECAP, Pula 2006, Presentation, Radovic Nebojsa


    534 th Study and Information Days of ASECAP, Pula 21-24 May 2006

    2. Sco pe of A nalys esFeature Total Motorway Road

    Network Considered

    Total number of sections: 57

    Total length: 579.84 km

    Average length of sections: 10.17 km

    Average AADT (vpd): 10,155 vpd

    Average pavement width: 18.50 m

    Average CBR: 6.8 %

    Average rut depth: 30.4 mm

    Average share of cracked area: 3.7 %

    Average share of raveled area: 0.7 %

    Mean value IRI (m/km): 3.7 m/km

    IRI - maximal value (m/km): 4.9 m/km

    IRI - minimal value (m/km): 2.2 m/km

    IRI - standard deviation (m/km): 0.57 m/km

    IRI - variance coefficient: 0.33 m/km

    Average IRI weighted by length (m/km/km): 3.6 m/km/km

  • 8/10/2019 ASECAP, Pula 2006, Presentation, Radovic Nebojsa


    634 th Study and Information Days of ASECAP, Pula 21-24 May 2006

    3. A p p l ied m eth o d olo g y...

    A study of motorway network level road rehabilitationprogram analysis was done using HDM-4 model.Period of analysis : 20 yearsDiscount rate: 12%Traffic grow rates were defined by Faculty of Transport

    and Traffic Engineering - University from BelgradeThe maintenance and rehabilitation strategies applied inanalysis are determined on the basis of expecteddeterioration in relation to actual traffic load.Pavement roughness is expressed in terms of

    "International Roughness Index" (IRI), and normalizedaccording to recommendations of World Bank.Dynamic segmentation was used to definehomogenious sections

  • 8/10/2019 ASECAP, Pula 2006, Presentation, Radovic Nebojsa


  • 8/10/2019 ASECAP, Pula 2006, Presentation, Radovic Nebojsa


    34 th Study and Information Days of ASECAP, Pula 21-24 May 2006

    3. A pp l ied m ethod olog y


    Pavement Description IndicativeIRI

    Applies during

    GOOD Free of defects, require only routinemaintenance

    1.5 to 4 First 5-7 years, there is provided a goodroutine maintenance

    FAIR Significant defects requireresurfacing or strengthening to avoidfailure.

    4 to 6 First 7-12 years, pavement may stay infair condition for few years more, butroad user cost pit a pat arise

    POOR Extensive defects. Failure isoccurring or already occurred.Reconstruction is required.

    6 or more First 12-15 years, once failed, seriousdeterioration and destruction rapidlyoccur

    Normalized IRI (m/km):

    Typical pavement structure is designed for service life of20 years, but in practice, some resurfacing is needed after10-12 years.

  • 8/10/2019 ASECAP, Pula 2006, Presentation, Radovic Nebojsa


    34 th Study and Information Days of ASECAP, Pula 21-24 May 2006

    4. Calib rat ion o f HDM-4 m o d el

    Calibration for local climate characteristics

    Calibration of Pavement Deterioration Model

    Calibration of Vehicle Fleet CharacteristicsCalibration are followed by comprehensive sensitivityanalyses

    Parameter Ad opt ed values

    Mean monthly precipitation 70

    Mean temperature 10 C Average temperature range 40 C Number of days per year temperature exceeds 32 C 25 days

    Freezing index 75 C -days

  • 8/10/2019 ASECAP, Pula 2006, Presentation, Radovic Nebojsa


    34 th Study and Information Days of ASECAP, Pula 21-24 May 2006

    5. Veh ic le Fleet Ch aract eris t ic s" Analysis on the Representative Vehicle Characteristicsin the Arterial Road Network of the Republic of Serbia' 'made by Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering,University of Belgrade

    Basic vehicle type Numberof


    No. ofshafts

    AnnualK m

    Annualnumber of


    Averageshelf l ife


    Number ofpassengers

    ESAL Weight(t)

    Small-size passengercar 4 2 12,000 500 14 2 1.02 4

    Medium-size passengercar 4 2 16,000 500 15 2 1.14 4

    Bus 6 2 80,000 2,000 14 45 14.40 6

    Light cargo vehicle 6 2 40,000 2,000 14 0 3.26 6

    Medium-size cargovehicle 6 2 40,000 2,000 14 0 6.72 6

    Heavy cargo vehicle 10 3 55,000 2,000 14 0 14.02 10

    Truck trailer 18 5 80,000 2,000 15 0 36.10 18

  • 8/10/2019 ASECAP, Pula 2006, Presentation, Radovic Nebojsa


    34 th Study and Information Days of ASECAP, Pula 21-24 May 2006

    6. Main ten anc e Stand ard s ...

    Different maintenance strategies forrehabilitation/reconstruction of pavement were takeninto considerationThere are two alternatives: basic option, the alternatives with minimum maintenance works

    (crack sealing and pothole patching), rehabilitation option, determined as work

    rehabilitation/reconstruction programme according to adoptedcriteria.

    Maintenance standard StandardCode

    Unit Econ.Price





    Achieved effects

    1 POTHOLE PATCHING POTPAT m 2 6.6 8.3 every year Pothole patching 80%2 CRACK SEALING CRKSL m 2 3.2 4.0 every year Wide and transversal

    cracks 80%

  • 8/10/2019 ASECAP, Pula 2006, Presentation, Radovic Nebojsa


    34 th Study and Information Days of ASECAP, Pula 21-24 May 2006

    6. Main ten an c e Stan d ard sMaintenance standard Standard


    Unit Econ.Price ()

    Finan.Price ()

    Trigger criteria Achieved effects

    1 POTHOLE PATCHING POTPAT m 2 6.6 8.3 each year Pothole patching 80%2 CRACK SEALING CRKSL m 2 3.2 4.0 each year Wide and transversal

    cracks 80%3 THIN AC OVERLAY,

    d=30 mmTHIN30 m 2 7.8 9.4 Total area damaged

    > 15% and rut < 25mm and cum . SAL 15% and rut 25-40mm and cum . SAL25%and cum ESAL 2x10 6

    IRI=derived,Total damaged area =0%Mean rut depth =0mm

    7 AC OVERLAYd=70+50=120mm

    OVL120 m 2 23.8 28.6 IRI 5.0 and cumESAL >2x10 6

    IRI=derived,Total damaged area =0%Mean rut depth =0mm

    8 PAVEMENTRECONSTRUCTIONd=50+70+300=420mm

    PAVREC m 2 31.7 38.0 IRI 6.0 and cumESAL >2x10 6

    IRI=derived,Total damaged area =0%Mean rut depth =0mm

  • 8/10/2019 ASECAP, Pula 2006, Presentation, Radovic Nebojsa


    34 th Study and Information Days of ASECAP, Pula 21-24 May 2006

    7. Moto rw ay Ro ad Netw o rkReh ab i l i tat io n Prog ram A n alys es ...

    Average Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) persection is EIRR = 37.6%. The range of achieved EIRR isfrom 10.3% to 87.6% .Total Net Present Value (NPV) is NPV= 360.6 millionsEUR.The average pavement condition in year 2022 in case ofbase alternatives (do minimum) will be IRI=9.8 / The average pavement condition in case ofrehabilitation alternatives will be IRI=2.9 / Total cost of maintenance works in case of rehabilitationoptions is estimated to be 302.6 millions EUR.

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    1434 th Study and Information Days of ASECAP, Pula 21-24 May 2006

    7. Moto rw ay Ro ad Netw o rkReh ab i l i tat io n Prog ram A n alys es ...

  • 8/10/2019 ASECAP, Pula 2006, Presentation, Radovic Nebojsa


    1534 th Study and Information Days of ASECAP, Pula 21-24 May 2006

    8. Cas e Stud y : m o to rw ay E-75,s ec t io n No v i Sad - B elg rade...

    A two homogenious sections has been defined: Novi Sad Beska, l=35.3 km Beska Beograd, l=30.2 km

    An optimal maintenance program has been defined forboth carriageways separately divided into homogeneoussectors.

  • 8/10/2019 ASECAP, Pula 2006, Presentation, Radovic Nebojsa


    1634 th Study and Information Days of ASECAP, Pula 21-24 May 2006

    8. Cas e Stud y : m o to rw ay E-75,sect ion Nov i Sad - B elgrade

    Total pavement maintenance costs for bothcarriageways in analyses period is estimated to:53,800,209 .Optimal rehabilitation works should be carried out on theexisting (left) carriageway on homogeneous sector NoviSad Beska during the 2004 and 2020.Optimal rehabilitation works should be carried out on theexisting (left) carriageway on homogeneous sector

    Beska Beograd during the 2004, 2013 and 2023.Optimal rehabilitation works should be carried out on thenew (right) carriageway on homogeneous sectors NoviSad Beska and Beska Beograd during the 2014.

  • 8/10/2019 ASECAP, Pula 2006, Presentation, Radovic Nebojsa


    1734 th Study and Information Days of ASECAP, Pula 21-24 May 2006

    9. Co nc lus ion s

    A procedure for collection and processing of pavementdistress data with video-camera has been investigatedand veryfied.

    A procedure for determining of homogeneous section-

    links to be involved in the using of decision model HDM-4, has been defined and verified. Adaptation and calibration of worldwide popularmaintenance management model HDM-4 for local

    conditions in Serbia has been accomplished. A technical-economic analyze of pavement rehabilitationneeds on motorway road network in Republic of Serbiausing calibrated HDM-4 model has been comprised.

  • 8/10/2019 ASECAP, Pula 2006, Presentation, Radovic Nebojsa


    1834 th Study and Information Days of

    ASECAP Pula 21-24 May 2006

    Thank you for your attention!