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 No. 10-1337 Title: American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, Petitioner v. United States, et al. Docketed: May 4, 2011 Linked with 10A715 Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Case N os.: (09-0539-cv, 09-0542- cv, 09-0666-cv, 09-0692- cv, 09 -1572- cv ) Decision Date: September 28, 2010 Rehearing Denied: December 2, 2010 ~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jan 18 2011 Appli cation (1 0A715) to ex tend the ti me to file a pet ition fo r a writ of cer tiorari from March 2, 2011 to May 1, 2011, submitted to Justice Ginsburg. Jan 20 2011 Appli catio n (10A715) grant ed by Justic e Ginsburg extendin g the time to file until May 2, 2011. May 2 2 011 Petit ion fo r a wri t of c ertior ari fil ed. (Respons e due J une 3, 2011) May 9 2011 Conse nt to the filing of amicu s curiae briefs, in support of either party or of neither party, received from counsel for the petitioner. May 25 2011 Order extending time to file response to petiti on to and including July 5, 2011. Jun 1 2011 Brief amici curia e of Twelv e For eign Perfor ming Right s So cieti es f iled. Jun 2 2011 Waiver of right of respondent RealNetworks, Inc. to respond filed. Jun 2 2011 Waiver of rig ht of r espondent Yahoo! Inc. to re spond filed. Jun 3 201 1 Bri ef amic us c uri ae of Broadc ast Mus ic, Inc . fi led. Jun 3 2011 Brief amici curiae of As socia tion of Ind ependen t Mus ic Publish ers, et al . fil ed. Jun 3 2011 Brief amicu s cu riae of R alph Oman, Former Register of Copyrig hts filed. Jun 30 2011 Order extending time to file response to pe titio n to and including Jul y 12, 2011. Jul 12 2011 Bri ef of res pond ent Un ited Stat es in opp osi tio n filed. Jul 26 2011 Reply of peti tioner Americ an Soci ety of Compo sers, Autho rs and P ublish ers filed. (Distributed) Jul 27 2011 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of September 26, 2011. Oct 3 2011 Petit ion DENIED. J ustic e Kaga n took no part in th e cons iderati on or decis ion of this petition. ~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Phone~~~ Attorneys for Petitioner: Page 1 of 3 10/3/2011

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No. 10-1337Title: American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, Petitioner


United States, et al.

Docketed: May 4, 2011Linked with 10A715Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Second CircuitCase Nos.: (09-0539-cv, 09-0542-cv, 09-0666-cv, 09-0692-cv, 09-1572-cv )Decision Date: September 28, 2010


December 2, 2010

~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jan 18 2011 Application (10A715) to extend the time to file a petition for a writ of certiorarifrom March 2, 2011 to May 1, 2011, submitted to Justice Ginsburg.

Jan 20 2011 Application (10A715) granted by Justice Ginsburg extending the time to fileuntil May 2, 2011.

May 2 2011 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due June 3, 2011)

May 9 2011 Consent to the filing of amicus curiae briefs, in support of either party or ofneither party, received from counsel for the petitioner.

May 25 2011 Order extending time to file response to petition to and including July 5, 2011.

Jun 1 2011 Brief amici curiae of Twelve Foreign Performing Rights Societies filed.

Jun 2 2011 Waiver of right of respondent RealNetworks, Inc. to respond filed.

Jun 2 2011 Waiver of right of respondent Yahoo! Inc. to respond filed.

Jun 3 2011 Brief amicus curiae of Broadcast Music, Inc. filed.

Jun 3 2011 Brief amici curiae of Association of Independent Music Publishers, et al. filed.

Jun 3 2011 Brief amicus curiae of Ralph Oman, Former Register of Copyrights filed.

Jun 30 2011 Order extending time to file response to petition to and including July 12, 2011.

Jul 12 2011 Brief of respondent United States in opposition filed.

Jul 26 2011 Reply of petitioner American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishersfiled. (Distributed)

Jul 27 2011 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of September 26, 2011.

Oct 3 2011 Petition DENIED. Justice Kagan took no part in the consideration or decision ofthis petition.

~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Phone~~~

Attorneys for Petitioner:

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Theodore B. Olson Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP (202) 955-850

1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20036

[email protected]

Party name: American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers

Attorneys for Respondents:

Thomas P. Lane Winston & Strawn, LLP (212) 294-670

Counsel of Record 200 Park Avenue

New York, NY 10166

Party name: Yahoo! Inc.


Joseph Richard Wetzel Greenberg Traurig, LLP (415) 655-130

Counsel of Record 153 Townsend Street, 8th Floor

San Francisco, CA 94107

[email protected]

Party name: RealNetworks, Inc. 

Donald B. Verrilli Jr. Solicitor General (202) 514-221

United States Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington, DC 20530-0001

[email protected]

Party name: United States, et al.


Ira M. Feinberg Hogan & Lovells US LLP (212) 918-300

875 Third AvenueNew York, NY 10022

[email protected]

Party name: Twelve Foreign Performing Rights Societies


Ralph Oman Pravel Professorial Lecturer (202) 994-212

George Washington University Law School

2000 H Street

Washington, DC 20052

[email protected]

Party name: Ralph Oman, Former Register of Copyrights


Michael E. Salzman Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP (212) 837-600

One Battery Park Plaza

New York, NY 10004

[email protected]

Party name: Broadcast Music, Inc.


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Charles J. Sanders Charles J. Sanders Attorney At Law PC (914) 366-664

29 Kings Grant Way

Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510

Party name: Association of Independent Music Publishers, et al.

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