asap newsletter, 2nd quarter 2014

Reaching Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar & Beyond S ome of my moto-taxi friends call me ‘Grandpa Jesus,’” smiles Mr. Morn Va. It must be because he is always talking about Jesus. Mr. Va wasn’t even a Christian eight years ago. Someone took him along for the ride to a big Seventh-day Adventist camp meeting in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The nice fellowship led him to request baptism. “I began to love Jesus,” Morn Va said, but he didn’t really understand. “At first I believed that I needed to do good deeds to be saved from sin,” he told us. After reading his Bible from cover to cover in one year, truth broke through. “Now I believe that Christ died to give me life.” “Grandpa Jesus” loves to introduce other people to Christ. Recently, a 30-year-old man named Savuth hopped onto Morn Va’s moto-taxi. He had seen Morn Va go to church. “Why do you believe in a foreigner God?” he asked. “I do not believe in a foreigner God,” Morn Va replied. “I believe in the almighty God who can save me and deliver me from sin.” A few days later he had a chance to share with Savuth straight from his now well-worn Bible. “Jesus is the way, the truth, the life,” Morn Va caringly insisted. Savuth was convinced enough to come to church and start studying the Bible. In this ASAP Ministries literacy teacher, we have a great example of making disciples. Morn Va, a follower of Jesus, is introducing people to Jesus. It’s that simple. Still people often get it mixed up. Recently a friend said, “I’ve been in church all my life. Just in the last few weeks I’m learning to love Jesus.” We are not inviting people to a different set of rules or even a different religion, we are inviting them to a vibrant relationship with our living Savior. Jesus said to Peter, “Come follow Me” (Matthew 4:19). He found Philip and said, “Follow Me” (John 1:43). When He appointed the twelve, it wasn’t just for ministry, it was “that they might be with Him” (Mark 3:14). And He taught Martha that sitting at His feet was “the one thing needful” (Luke 10:42, KJV). Whether you are an ASAP worker in Southeast Asia or a member in North America, your first job is to spend time with Jesus. Your second job is to help others have that connection too. This is the Gospel. “Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18). One of the best things you can do for new believers is to help them study the Bible in a meaningful way, finding Jesus on every page. I used to meet weekly in the park with a man named Ray. I asked him to read a chapter from the Bible before he came, then we discussed how it personally applied to his life. It was exciting to watch him grow, even getting victory over his alcohol problem. Connecting to Jesus BY SCOTT GRISWOLD WHAT'S INSIDE? Take courage from “Miracles Born in a Restricted Nation” Enjoy reading about a newlyweds’ unique gift Help raise mission involvement by sharing our new podcast SECOND QUARTER 2014

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Page 1: ASAP Newsletter, 2nd Quarter 2014

Reaching Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar & Beyond

S ome of my moto-taxi friends call me ‘Grandpa Jesus,’” smiles Mr. Morn Va. It must be because he is always talking about Jesus. Mr. Va wasn’t even a Christian

eight years ago. Someone took him along for the ride to a big Seventh-day Adventist camp meeting in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The nice fellowship led him to request baptism. “I began to love Jesus,” Morn Va said, but he didn’t really understand. “At first I believed that I needed to do good deeds to be saved from sin,” he told us. After reading his Bible from cover to cover in one year, truth broke through. “Now I believe that Christ died to give me life.”

“Grandpa Jesus” loves to introduce other people to Christ. Recently, a 30-year-old man named Savuth hopped onto Morn Va’s moto-taxi. He had seen Morn Va go to church. “Why do you believe in a foreigner God?” he asked.

“I do not believe in a foreigner God,” Morn Va replied. “I believe in the almighty God who can save me and deliver me from sin.” A few days later he had a chance to share with Savuth straight from his now well-worn Bible. “Jesus is the way, the truth, the life,” Morn Va caringly insisted. Savuth was convinced enough to come to church and start studying the Bible.

In this ASAP Ministries literacy teacher, we have a great example of making disciples. Morn Va, a follower of Jesus, is introducing people to Jesus. It’s that simple.

Still people often get it mixed up. Recently a friend said, “I’ve been in church all my life. Just in the last few weeks I’m learning to love Jesus.” We are not inviting people to a different set of rules or even a different religion, we are inviting them to a vibrant relationship with our living Savior.

Jesus said to Peter, “Come follow Me” (Matthew 4:19). He found Philip and said, “Follow Me” (John 1:43). When He appointed the twelve, it wasn’t just for ministry, it was “that they might be with Him” (Mark 3:14). And He taught Martha that sitting at His feet was “the one thing needful” (Luke 10:42, KJV).

Whether you are an ASAP worker in Southeast Asia or a member in North America, your first job is to spend time with Jesus. Your second job is to help others have that connection too. This is the Gospel. “Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18).

One of the best things you can do for new believers is to help them study the Bible in a meaningful way, finding Jesus on every page. I used to meet weekly in the park with a man named Ray. I asked him to read a chapter from the Bible before he came, then we discussed how it personally applied to his life. It was exciting to watch him grow, even getting victory over his alcohol problem.

Connecting to JesusBY SCOTT GRISWOLD


Take courage from “Miracles Born in a Restricted Nation”

Enjoy reading about a newlyweds’ unique gift

Help raise mission involvement by sharing our new podcast







Page 2: ASAP Newsletter, 2nd Quarter 2014


Thoughts From: With my own children, I’ve found it helpful to teach them to ask five questions for each passage they read: (1) What does it tell me about God? (2) What does it tell me about humans? (3) Is there a command to obey or an example to follow? (4) Is there a promise to claim? (5) What is God especially trying to teach me today? The point is we need to deliberately help new followers know how to connect with Jesus through the Bible. It doesn’t just automatically happen. This is also true with learning how to pray. The disciples heard Jesus praying powerfully with great faith. They said, “Teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1), and He gave them what we now know as the Lord’s Prayer.

Like Morn Va, people begin attending church because of friendly fellowship. Others are intrigued by prophecy or a freshly-discovered truth like the Sabbath. However, they may still be far from Jesus. Our job is to connect everything back to the great Center. For example, we can show that the Sabbath is about a relationship with Jesus, and that the people at church are nice because of Jesus.

Making disciples takes time. Our landlady in Thailand, Khru Yuuy, had never known God. In her huge financial difficulties, she had prayed, “Whatever divine beings are out here, please help me!” When we rented her house and she saw us pray, she became convinced it was our God who had answered her prayers.

But she had never known the God of the Bible. She knew about gods and spirits who had temples. You had to take an offering and get your help at that specific holy place. Over time she watched us pray in our house, in the car, and at her home. She heard us ask for safety on the road, healing for a friend, and protection from snakes. She learned to talk to God for herself and saw miracles in her own family.

Every kind deed, prayer, and story grew her understanding of who our God was. Finally, she watched the Jesus video and agreed to Bible studies. She was the first one baptized in our church plant in Ayutthaya. What a joy to be an “ambassador for Christ, as though God were pleading through us” (2 Corinthians 5:20).

Khru Yuuy learned a lot more about Christianity after that. However, her greatest need remains—a daily connection with Jesus. That is why, whether you are an ASAP national missionary or a church member in North America, we must keep focused on our main job—to be connected to Jesus and connect others to Him.

Let’s make disciples A.S.A.P.!

“Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18).

Think about one of your best friends. Do the words loyal, transparent, unselfish describe the person well?

My father, Jerry Aitken, had such a friend. When my dad was falsely accused and found himself in a despicable Thai prison, this friend came to his aid when many other “friends” deserted him. This friend gave up his land as “bail” and my dad was set free and able to bring his family to America. When I met this friend, I could not hold back my tears of gratitude. What would my father’s life have been like without his friend’s selfless deed? Immediately this godly man pointed upward. “Do not thank me, thank Jesus!” he humbly replied. Friendship with Jesus, who gave His life for us, was the impetus for his actions that rescued my dad.

In the same way, I can clearly see how many of the ASAP missionaries have that beautiful, personal friendship with Jesus, too. This newsletter emphasizes the primary role of our disciple-makers—introducing others to their friend Jesus. This is so beautiful and powerful in Buddhist countries where the concept of “God as friend” is completely foreign.

Jesus is calling you and me to a deeper friendship with Him, too. Will you respond to His invitation today?

PHOTO: (Cover) Morn Va gives a ride on his motorcycle. (Inside L-R) Khru Yuuy learning about God. Morn Va loves his Bible.

Page 3: ASAP Newsletter, 2nd Quarter 2014

Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

Volunteers, Staff, National Missionaries, ASAP Ambassadors, Prayer Partners, Donors, Board Members and Gift Recipients

Notes from our ASAP Family

In 2013, ASAP was able to provide support to the Karen Adventist Academy (KAA), due to the kindness of Versacare and some private donors. I think it is so special that we

actually have a Seventh-day Adventist School in the primitive Mae Ra Moo Refugee Camp located right on the border of Myanmar and Thailand!

In this K-12 school, 1,174 students have an amazing opportunity to prepare for a better future through this school’s education. More than that, they are able to learn about Jesus’ love and become His disciples.

The money ASAP sends supports teachers and their students. Their leader, Thien Than Aye, is pastor and principal. His number one desire is for each student to accept Jesus as Savior and live the truth. He is also a man of prayer, having prayed for over

six years to obtain the books Education and The Desire of Ages. Why? He wanted them as textbooks for the 10th and 11th graders. He wanted the Baptists, Buddhists, Animists, and the growing group of Seventh-day Adventists to have a truly clear picture of Jesus and His calling on their lives. Those books are now in their hands changing lives.

The school building is just bamboo slats, big teak leaves for the roof, and a dirt floor; however, the students keep it very clean and take pride in it! The outreach activities they participate in give them a purpose outside themselves that lifts the hopelessness of living in a refugee camp for years!

I thoroughly enjoyed the adventure of visiting Karen Adventist Academy this past year, especially as I saw the smiles on the faces of the children, the respect they have for their teachers, and the quality teaching that was taking place. This brought praise to my lips and gratefulness to my heart for all those who supported this school. You can sponsor a KAA teacher for $50/month or give in general for KAA today! n JULIA O’CAREY


I want to share this kind note because it highlights the beautiful spirit that God has brought to the ASAP Ministries team. It’s not bragging because I wasn’t one of those she was talking about! But I want you to know how blessed we are in this office by the many volunteers who help with such programs and the frequent mailings we do. It is the spirit of Jesus every time a kind deed is done with love. n SCOTT GRISWOLD

Hi! I’m a student at Andrews University in the Department of Nutrition and Wellness, studying in the dietetics program. I helped cook a large amount of Asian food for the ASAP Ministries’ Mission Celebration and also helped serve lunch, sell at the mission market, and clean up. The ASAP staff I worked alongside definitely lived the life they were trying to get others to have. They were so kind and compassionate and grateful for our help to the point that I was grateful to be able to help in any way that I could. I would definitely help them again. — NOADYA LEGRAND, MI

Visit our website and share in our joy by watching Karen Adventist Academy in action.

Page 4: ASAP Newsletter, 2nd Quarter 2014

Advocates Supporting & Assisting the Persecuted

Has the government refused to let you hold evangelistic meetings in your community? Did a policeman break up your Sabbath School discussion last week? Did you

get thrown in jail for handing out a GLOW tract? Probably not. You likely enjoy an amazing amount of religious freedom.

Not so with many of our brothers and sisters around the world. In 2013, 2,123 killings of Christians were documented. That is double the amount in 2012. “This is a very minimal count based on what has been reported in the media and we can confirm,” said Frans Veerman, head of research for Open Doors. “Estimates by other Christian groups put the annual figure as high as 8,000.” (Reported Christian 'Martyr' Deaths Double in 2013, January 8, 2014,

Voice of the Martyrs has a map that shows various countries included in their list of “Restricted Nations,” where the government prevents the distribution of Bibles and Christian literature or has various laws and settings where Christians are harassed, imprisoned, or killed. The website: gives another list of 50 countries in order from extreme to moderate persecution.

ASAP Ministries supports workers in four of the “Restricted Nations” list. Thong Sivong* is one of those workers. He lives among the rice fields and rubber plantations in Laos helping villagers who live in poverty.

As Thong Sivong was reaching out, he met a man named Vang along with his wife. In time he learned their sad story. They were so pleased when their first child was born as it was a son. However, he soon died. In time a second son was born, who also died. When a third boy was born, they were really afraid. They carefully protected the child, but within a month he too was gone.

Sivong came close to them and said, “Jesus can help you.” Vang asked Sivong to teach him about God. They opened the Bible together in their home and before long Vang and his wife accepted Jesus as their Savior.

Together they began to pray for healthy children. Sivong happily reported that Vang now has three girls and one boy. Strong faith burns in the hearts of the whole family.

All this happened in an area where the government does not allow church members to have a church. Permission is not granted to pass out Bibles or song books to new members like Vang.

Please pray for these countries’ governments to give greater freedom. More importantly, pray for courage and determination among the persecuted and for us also to be ready for the days that are ahead.

Have you watched our podcast, Reach the World—A.S.A.P.!?

We hope by now you have enjoyed several of these programs:

• Orphans No More• A Dynamite Thirst Quencher• Do You Believe in Ghosts?• Squeeze My Hand

If not, watch them at or on our YouTube channel for ASAP Ministries. A new podcast (video or audio) is available weekly by Thursday evening. You can also subscribe at iTunes.

Our purpose is to inspire God’s people to pray, give, and live for Jesus’ soon return. The world’s needs are enormous but God’s power and plans are perfect for finishing the work.

Please join us by sharing these podcasts with others:• Copy the link to your Facebook page, comment on or

subscribe to our YouTube channel.• Forward the weekly email announcement to others.• Retell the story at Sabbath School.• Use the information to organize a Pathfinder mission

fundraiser.• Show it to your family during Friday night worship.


Check out our Podcast!

Page 5: ASAP Newsletter, 2nd Quarter 2014

Always Say A Prayer


Intercede for Asia

Sixty-eight local and online prayer partners felt impressed to join ASAP’s 21-Day Prayer and Fasting

initiative from January 11-31. We sought a deeper infilling of the Holy Spirit (revival and reformation) so we can be used in God’s mission in a greater way and each had their personal prayer burdens. Thank you to all who participated!

As director, the finances at ASAP are always on my heart. I daily asked God to provide not only for our budgeted needs, but above and beyond. He reminded me of the time when we were so short of funds, we considered laying-off missionaries. But before we could do that, God impressed one donor to give $100,000 and that gave us the needed funds and confirmation to hire even more!

During the 21 days, God did not send the major gifts for our greatest needs that I was praying for. Instead, He impressed three donors to support large special projects. I was rather exasperated. I asked God, why are you sending money for “extras” when we do not have enough for the missionaries and general operations? He answered, “Julia, would a responsible earthly Father buy an expensive bike for his son and not feed him supper? Of course not! Do not worry. Your Heavenly Father will take care of ASAP!” This lesson in trust was just what my heart needed! I hope it helps you too as you bring your needs and your wants before God. n JULIA O’CAREY

I f you abide in Me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you” (John 15:7). According to Jesus, having an abiding relationship is the

key to an effective prayer life. R. A. Torrey in his book, How to Pray, says, “The whole secret of prayer is found in these words of our Lord.” What would it look like to abide in Christ? Torrey writes: “Now for us to abide in Christ is for us to bear the same relation to Him that the first sort of branches bear to the vine; that is to say, to abide in Christ is to renounce any independent life of our own, to give up trying to think our thoughts, or form our resolutions, or cultivate our feelings, and simply and constantly look to Christ to think His thoughts in us, to form His purposes in us, to feel His emotions and affections in us.... When we do this, and in so far as we do this, our prayers will obtain that which we seek from God” (44, 45).

Ask Jesus to show you how to line up your branches with His vine. Pray for ASAP workers to do the same. We will see many more answers to our prayers!


Some of those who prayed and fasted during the recent initiative reported the following benefits:

A closer relationship with GodHealing and recoveryFinancial blessingsUnity in their churchClearer direction for the future This experience is much more than an empty plate! Visit our website to learn more on how and why to pray and fast.

Prayer &Fasting,

How & Why

FLICKR PHOTO CREDIT: Jer Photography twentyten

Page 6: ASAP Newsletter, 2nd Quarter 2014

Reaching the World Next Door—A.S.A.P.!ASAP, REFUGEES, AND YOU! n JULIA O'CAREY

1. Evangelism for Refugee Church Plants $31,0002. Albany NY Church Plant for Karen Refugees $24,0003. Indy IN Church Plant for Refugees from Burma $15,0004. Voice of Love radio and website in Khmer $25,0005. Humanitarian Needs for Refugees $5,0006. TV and Radio Ministry for the Vietnamese $40,0007. Reach the World Next Door Training $10,000


One million immigrants enter the United States each year legally. That is two new immigrants every minute!*

WHAT IS ASAP DOING TO REACH THEM? 1. We send them Bible workers who speak their own languages.2. We connect those who are Seventh-day Adventists already to the conferences and churches near them. 3. We help them with clothes, food, and other basic necessities they lack upon arrival.4. We train members to be good friends to them and how to share their friend Jesus with them. 5. We help refugee leaders and members meet together for training and camp meetings.6. We purchase vans to help bring refugees to church.7. We help bring inspiring messages to them in their heart languages via radio, websites, and TV. 8. We advocate when negligence or prejudice hurts their feelings.9. We mediate when problems come from cultural and language barriers.10. We nurture and engage the youth so they do not get caught up in gang activity.

Important note: We work closely with the North American Division Adventist Refugee and Immigrant Ministries, (ARIM). *Emma Britz and Jeanne Batalova, “US in Focus.” Migration Information Source.

HOW CAN YOU HELP? Jesus was an advocate for the foreigner and you can be too! Please give of your time to be a missionary among them. Please give your money to bring a missionary to them. Our budget needs are:

Page 7: ASAP Newsletter, 2nd Quarter 2014

Your Gifts at Work

In Loving Memory & Honor

Praises in Preah VihearTwenty years ago it was too dangerous for Cambodia Adventist Mission officers to visit the remote Cambodian province called Preah Vihear. Today, through the sacrifice of dedicated workers, there are a number of church groups meeting each week. One of those groups now worships in the beautiful church/literacy center that is pictured here. How did it get built? A request came from the church, which was passed on to ASAP Ministries. A couple in California felt impressed by the Lord to give $1,545 for a church in Cambodia and the same amount for a church in Thailand. God impressed other donors to give as well. Those dollars were wired across the ocean to Preah Vihear where the building materials could be bought and built. In a place where Buddhists worship in highly decorated, long-standing temples, this nice church helps the community feel a bit better about the trustworthiness of the gospel. For the church members, it is a great joy to meet and worship in the church each Sabbath. After many months of waiting and praying, they are praising God for His kindness to them through your gifts!

On your wedding day, do you remember receiving some gifts you did not need? Like three toasters? Five popcorn poppers? That is why couples often use registries, so people can buy the couple what they truly need.

Recently, we were happily surprised by a wedding announcement sent to our office. Joseph Reeves and Ruthie Mills went beyond Bed Bath & Beyond to include ASAP Ministries as a place where friends and family could buy a wedding gift for them. Well, not really for them, but for the “least of these.” What a special way to celebrate new love—a party that includes widows, orphans, and the unreached!


IN MEMORY OF:PAUL W ESSIG by Karen Bowen • ESTHER FALK by Cindy and Bob Carmen • EVELYN WALLACE, ELSA FRIESEN AND EVA KOOP by Christian and Betty Christianson • GEORGE E CRIDER by Kim Crider • BILL MCKINNEY by James C and Judith A Culpepper • LONDA RAINES by Gilson R and Jane L Girotto • DON GRE by Jack and Bethene Griswold • JOSEPH (ROM) DUMOUCHEL by Terry R Haynes • EUGENE HILDEBRAND by Jean Hildebrand • TAO SURACHAICHOTIPHAN by Lance Lemos • WILMA MAYOR by Dr Ray Mayor • E JENICKE AND J KRAVIG by Sandy Monette • JEAN MARIE FOSTER by Linda J Nettleton • GRANDMA GENEVA GALUSHA by Leilani Oliverio • PAUL REICHARD by Elda Reichard • BOB AND ELMA ISAACS by Berwyn and Barbara Rogers • HAZEL ALKIRE, RON SQUIER, AND JERRY AITKEN by Carol Squier • JOYCE AUGSBURGER by Ed and Linda Sutton • NATHAN STOLL by Cherilyn Typaldos • CHARLES CORDELL, SR. by Horace and Jackie Walker • BOB WARD by Evelyn P. Ward • PAUL WHITLOCK by Marge Whitlock • PEARL, RUTH, AND ROGER KELLER by Herbert and Phyllis Wrate • JERRY AITKEN by John and Harryette Aitken

IN HONOR & THANKFULNESS OF:JESUS CHRIST by Aily Kraulins, Shadrack Daniel • JUDY AITKEN by Bruce and Marilyn Christensen • PASTOR AND MRS VAN SAILO by Carol Hedsey • ZOANY PEREZ by Mary Johnson • ESTHER YELIM KIM, OUR DAUGHTER'S ENGAGEMENT by Chan Kim • DON AND CLARETTA KLUGE by Leilani Oliverio • SUC PROFESSORS: BEARY, MCCLUSKEY, IRVINE, AND WASHAM by Clint and Sandy Washam • GOD'S HEALING OF DYANE B PERFERSON by William C and Dyane Pergerson

Go online to read more about this couple's decision to include ASAP in their celebration.

The new church/literacy building in Preah Vihear.

Page 8: ASAP Newsletter, 2nd Quarter 2014

ASAP Ministries is fueled by mission-minded, faith-filled individuals whom God impresses. Be assured that 100% of your gift will go directly to the projects you specify. However, in the blessed event that the project you chose is fully funded, ASAP will use your gift for a similar project or where most needed to help spread the gospel and ease suffering in the countries ASAP operates. Because ASAP is a §501(c)(3) non-profit organization, your donations are tax-deductible.

ASI MEMBER ASAP Ministries has been a member of ASI (Adventist-layman’s Services and Industries) since 1996 and is grateful to be an ASI grant recipient.


BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair: Bruce Bauer, Judy Aitken, Peter Van Bemmelen, Christopher Carmen, Steve Chang, Chan Sun and Esther Hwang, Denzil McNeilus, Mary Ann McNeilus, Byron and Carol Reynolds, Tom Evans, and Trudi Starlin.

TOLL FREE 1-866-365-3541PHONE 269-471-3026FAX 269-471-3034EMAIL [email protected]

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version® copyright ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.





PASAP serves people from the countries of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar and Beyond!*At times, photos are blurred and names changed to protect the safety of God's workers.

DVD EVANGELISM With so many churches to oversee, Chien sometimes travels alone to visit members’ homes while Cong stays back to lead the worship service at their house church. Often they give out DVDs with evangelistic messages to people from many different walks of life. They are excited that many readily receive them and respond very positively to what they see. Chien and Cong praise God for the success of this ministry, confident that this is because of their prayers before they pass out the DVDs. Church members join to pray and help distribute. One church group passes out 1,200 DVDs each week! God is answering our prayers to raise up more laborers for the harvest!

JOIN THE ACTION Chien and Cong are sponsored by another husband and wife team—ASAP donors Duane and Ruth. In addition to supporting Chien and Cong, they pray for them and their family every day. If you would like to experience the joy of sponsoring an ASAP Vietnamese national missionary at $95/month, contact us today! You can team up with a friend, a co-worker, or your spouse, like Duane and Ruth. Join the action and call today!

PRAYER REQUEST A nonprofit organization near the Tangs helps people in need, especially children who have been orphaned or abandoned. Chien and Cong have been going with their two daughters, ages 15 and 10, to this village to befriend the orphans. They all really care for the children and teach them about God’s love.

POSITION Lay PastorsLOCATION VietnamDYNAMIC DUO Chien leads 10 house churches in Vietnam. His wife, Cong, enjoys helping him share God’s love in this communist nation.

Meet Chien and Cong Tang*