as unit g321 research and planning presentation

AS MEDIA AS UNIT G321 FOUNDATION PORTFOLIO IN MEDIA RESEARCH AND PLANNING Candidate Name Candidate Number Centre Name Centre Number Nathan Hicks The Leigh Academy

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Page 1: As unit g321 research and planning presentation




Candidate Name

Candidate Number

Centre Name

Centre Number

Nathan Hicks

The Leigh Academy

Page 2: As unit g321 research and planning presentation

• This magazines title uses or follows conventions as its masthead is in the place where most magazines would place it which is the top left, or some magazines may have it in the Centre

• This magazines color scheme also follows conventions as it only uses about 3 colors which leaves it quite basic and gives it an organized look

• It does not have a skyline but has some information above the masthead which could be a sort of skyline, so its challenging conventions.

• The main coverline is placed right below the main image which is using conventions as that is where almost all main coverlines would be placed.

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Representing and appealing to social groups

• This sort of magazine cover would appeal to the social group E as it is mostly students or teenagers that watch a lot of TV and listen to a lot of mainstream music, this magazine mentions some popular pop singers such as Justin Bieber and Ellie Goulding, the main image is a large picture of Justin Bieber which would show that the magazines main article would involve him and as many students or teenagers listen to artist such as Justin it may make them want to read this magazine.

• He is crouching down toward the camera and the lighting is mostly on his face which makes it brighter and stand out more, also his eyes are widened out and it seems as if he is staring at you because he is looking straight into the camera, which would also make some fans much more attracted to this magazine once it catches their eye. The language is quite simple and short, also its quite informal to also appeal to the younger crowd as it doesn’t use large words and doesn’t try to over complicate things.

• The colors are very bright and are not dull So that a younger crowd would find it more eye-catching.

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Identifying music magazine forms and conventions.

There distributor is Bauer mediaThey are a self regulator

There distributor is also Bauer media

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Technologies and ProcessesPhysical technologyPhotographical cameras – used to take main images and pictures to describe articles.

Studio – there would normally be certain lighting and a typical backdrop. used for photo-shoots to produce the images for magazines.

Digital technologyComputer hardware – used to edit and put together magazines.

Memory cards – can save a lot of work and store it, can be used to keep all the pages of a magazine together.

SoftwarePhotoshop – computer program used for editing photos, making the front cover of the magazine

Promotional software - electronic billboards

Printing Printer processes - printing press, printed out on a massive machine and then cut out into magazines.

Printing hardware – the machines that run the printing press.

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Researching preliminary exercise

The masthead is presented in a typical place and it has followed conventions. It has a main image across the left side they have clearly pointed out there main coverline or anchorage text by titling it as the cover story, there also are some sell lines that reveal information on other articles and where these articles would be found. It has a very plain background which is quite a dull color which may have been done to keep your eyes concentrated on the main image and information.

It sticks to three basic colors which are red and blue and then the beige sort of color that is presented as the background. There are some insert images placed on the side linked to another article on year 11s prom, which works quite well as there is not only one main image on the cover. There is no skyline which challenges conventions or there is no issue number but there is a publishing date.

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Researching preliminary exercise

The masthead is very unique as is is in a digital or computerized sort of style, but is placed in a typical place so again follows convention. This magazine also has its own slogan ‘your magazine your issues!’. There skyline is at the bottom of the page which shows they have challenged conventions, because normally it would be placed at the top of the page. They have not cut the background off of the main image or they haven't edited it at all because the girl is standing in front of her school and it is a school magazine so the background works well with this magazine.

they have used two main colors which are green and yellow. Which are colors which are rarely used so it makes it more unique and eye catching, the main coverline is very large and is placed right under the main image so its easy to see, there are sell lines presented in boxes to show information on other articles presented in this magazine.

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Which forms and conventions will be used in my design?

-I'm going to have a skyline at the top of my page which will include a publishing date & issue number and there will be a masthead just underneath that in the top left.-I will have a dark blue and light blue color scheme as they are the main colors of my school and my school logo and I don’t want to use too many colours as it would make it look less professional .-I will have a fairly large image on my cover of a medium close up of a person who is in school uniform and will be holding a book or folder.-I will have puffs in shapes of open books with information written in as shapes like that would relate to education.-my main cover line will be large and written underneath the main image, as that is where most main coverlines are placed so I will be following conventions with this.-

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Main task research The masthead of the contents page is in quite a common place and follows conventions, but it is made in a large font and some of the letters are on different lines to the others which is very different and may in a way challenge conventions, I believe this is effective though as it stands out a lot.

There is a large black and white main image on the left side which is a normal sort of place for a image to be placed so it is following conventions. It is Kanye West with an arm round him holding a heart and the heart is the only thing on the image with color which again is another thing on this page that really stands out and draws your eye towards the center of the page, also kanye is looking straight towards the camera which may be using or following conventions as people on the main images are normally looking towards the camera.

The color scheme is very simple there is only red used for the heart and blue used for the V that stands for the magazine name which is ‘vibe’ as well as the black and white used for the main Image, background and text

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Main task researchThe contents masthead is on the top left of the page with the date above it which I haven’t seen before so I think it may be developing conventions. There are many images around the page which have numbers on the top left of them as they all connect to articles or features which are written down the let side. So it shows you a sample of what you will be seeing on that page. The main image is larger than all the others and it is from the exclusive article to make that article stand out more to the c readers.

The color scheme is quite simple as they have only used black, white and red which follows conventions as magazines normally stick to three or four colors. Also red is quite a common color for this sort of magazine as it is based on the music genre of rock.

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Double page spread researchThe masthead is developing conventions as it is in the bottom right corner, this masthead is the name of the rock band ‘a day to remember’. There is a large main image of the band above the masthead and the article is down the left side of the left page.

The text is white as the background is black and white stands out a lot against it. This sort of page or article would attract younger years, teenagers/students as it may be the sort of music that is popular to most people of that age. And the lay out of the page is very bold and exciting, its not trying to be neat and there isn't too much detail or writing which means it probably wouldn’t appeal to older people.

The masthead follows conventions as It is in the top right side of the article which s where I have seen the masthead a lot. It is very large and bold and is red and white which again stands out against the black background. There is a main image covering most of the left page but there are also smaller images placed underneath the article in order to show pictures on other parts of the article, so that its not just all reading but you can also see pictures of the band and their lead singer.

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