as powerpoint

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products. - My magazine uses similar contents to a real magazine as I have tried to make it in a way which looks professional. -I think my magazine looks like a real magazine as I have made it quite simple and it looks quite original, but also looks professional. - In this project I have made a Front cover, contents page and a double page spread.

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Post on 22-May-2015




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Page 1: As powerpoint

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products.

- My magazine uses similar contents to a real magazine as I have tried to make it in a way which looks professional.

-I think my magazine looks like a real magazine as I have made it quite simple and it looks quite original, but also looks professional.

- In this project I have made a Front cover, contents page and a double page spread.

Page 2: As powerpoint

The masthead

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products.

The name of the artist is in large letters so it is clear who is going to be in the magazine.

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In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products.


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In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products.

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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I have targeted my magazine to young people, generally girls. I have used pink and purple colours in my magazines to attract girls as these are the stereotypical colours for young girls. This type of genre is very popular as most people like to listen to this type of music and the type of artists in this genre.

The pictures in the magazine are made to look ‘cool’ and this is the look that most young people want. I think that this magazine is also a way that young people can look at their style icons and to get tips off them. E.g., to see what they were wearing on a night out etc.

I have made the magazine look quite busy as the audience will think it has more stories in and will pick this magazine than others as it looks more interesting. This magazine is made to be simple do it is easy for the younger audience to understand.

The costume of the artist in the magazine are made to be quite simple and aren’t wearing bright colours, I think I should have put some brighter colours on them to make them stand out more but I still think the costume they are in is still suitable for the magazine type.

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What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think my magazine most suits the music magazine ‘Vibe’ as the artists in my magazine are wearing simple costumes like they are in Vibe. The Vibe covers have a busy front cover, I tried to make my front cover like this too so it would look more professional. My magazine and Vibe has the same kind of audience which makes them very similar to each other.

The front cover on the left is the one I like the most, I would like to think my magazine is like this as it looks very professional. I have tried to use the same styles and set out as Vibe, I think my product could benefit from being distributed by Vibe as they could make my product better.

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Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my magazine is young girls aged 14-24, my magazine is clearly targeting girls as I have used bright colours and girly colours, including pinks and purples. My magazine is for people who like the R&B music as the artists in my magazine are from this genre. I did an interview of a pop star as this type of audience usually like to read about who they like. In my questionnaire I found that young girls wouldn’t be able to afford an expensive magazine so I made my magazine a reasonable price of £1.50, I think this is quite cheap and young girls will be able to afford this, so I listened to what the people in my questionnaire had said. The audiences favourite R&B artist is Beyonce so I mentioned her in my double page spread, I think this would attract more people to the magazine. I have mentioned Chris Brown in my magazine as I found that he is popular in the music industry. In the questionnaire I found that most of the people in my target audience would buy a music magazine weekly, so in that case I would sell my magazine weekly.

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How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted my audience by using girly colours which will attract the audiences eye. The media product represents teenagers and young adults. I used quite a lot of picture as I found out that people like to see pictures in a magazine from my questionnaire. The pictures I have used represent the social groups of the audience and show the social lives of the people in the media which the audience would like to see. The clothes the artists in my magazine are wearing are there for a purpose too, as the audience usually like to see what their favourite artists or bands are wearing so they can copy them etc. The way the artists in the magazine look can effect what type of audience they attract. I put the important head lines e.g. The masthead or titles in larger letters to catch the readers eye, this also tells the audience what they are about to read about and will inform them. The band on the front are wearing military boots which are in fashion today with young people, this shows that the band has good fashion sense and could be seen as role models. In the double page spread I have made the writing easy and simple to understand as I know that some younger people will be reading it. I have used a font which is neat, and the writing is a reasonable size. I think my magazine attracts the audience well as it suits the type of reader, for example using pink as it is a magazine mainly for girls.

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What have you learnt about technologies for the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt how to use the modern technologies in constructing this product, the main technology I used was Photoshop. I learnt how to cover up blemishes, how to get rid of red eyes. I also learnt how to brighten up images and just generally making the images look more professional.

Here I have changed removed the red eye from the picture. I did this by using the ‘red eye’ tool on Photoshop. This makes the picture look better and more professional.

Here I covered up the dots on the woman’s face using a tool called ‘spot healing brush tool’ on Photoshop. This has made the picture look a lot better.

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Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I feel as though my final product is a lot better than my preliminary product, I think it looks a lot more professional. My final media product looks a lot busier than my preliminary task did, I think this magazine looks a bit plain. The colours I used aren’t really very eye catching and it wouldn’t stand out to the audience very well. As the product went on I learnt more and more about how to use Photoshop and my skills progressed as the task went on. The colours I used on my final product look a lot better than on the preliminary task as I kept to the same kind of colours. For my final product I had learnt a lot more techniques to make it look more professional. Overall I think the preliminary task helped me a lot with my final product.

Preliminary task Final product