as evaluation question 5

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience? When making my magazine, attracting the audience was the most important thing I had to think about, trying to appeal to them in a way that would draw them in to my final product. I achieved this in many different ways, using the style, layout and content of the magazine to address and attract my target audience. Firstly, I used the magazine content, using famous bands within my genre boundaries such as Slipknot, Linkin Park and Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! These bands are of a wide variety of both genre and fame, attracting both the mainstream rock audience with well- known bands like Linkin Park as well as smaller, niche audiences for bands such as Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! The is furthered by the language included throughout the magazine, using widely informal and, in some areas, humerous language to mimic the way the audience speak and draw them into the articles, mirroring their own talking patterns throughout. The also addresses the audience in a friendly manor, building a sense of trust and making the information more enjoyable to read. The images also attract the audience, with the overall gothic style of the magazine keeping the niche audience interested as well as drawing in audience members by providing larger images of the lead vocalist. This addresses the audience as it is a recreation of their taste in music as well as showing off their choice of fashion through a possible favourite artist. The layout was also an important aspect, keeping it professional and toning down the chaos of magazine like Kerrang! This is attractive to an older audience with other magazines being less appealing due to their cluttered, child-like covers. This addresses the audience as it is a representation that those who are older and more mature can also enjoy this style of music, as well as attracting them as it looks like a more sophisticated read without compromising the informal and friendly language of magazines like Kerrang! The colour scheme of the overall magazine aided to with the dark background colouring being more brooding and close to the colouring popularised within the metal genre, keeping the bright red that will draw the eye of the audience towards the magazine, making it aesthetically pleasing for them to read without overpowering them with bright colours, making it hard to concentate on the article they are reading. Finally, I have addressed the audience through the use of fonts, with the thick grunge font and the sharp and jagged font attracting them as they are similar to those used in popular band logos while also using simpler basic fonts for smaller print, keeping the sophisticated look that attracted them to the magazine originally. Overall, I have included many features in order to attract my target audience, addressing them in a way which is both appealing and personal to them.