as crouch shot joseph grossman, of xo. 2,014 second cver.ue. the ballet struck grossman...

A $300,000 WEST SIDE UlASi'. Heal Estate. SPECIAL MENTION. ALLAXD BROS. GET CONTROL OF BIG BUILDING BEING ERECTED IN 17TH STREET. A 125 th Street Dwelling House To Be Altered for Business— No. 11,2 Watt Street Company May Improve Its Site. MOTOR m YORK IRtIIIBiV Teterhoae Z-Z2O Coiuaias. •Greatest Arts, mrr estabnatesnT - Write tar 'U— trateel boakh *ssj^T. ' f~ -^~ As ! : :m . a\ Kr > nv?, a-toj» rtv» r ...'"T - « GEO. M. CO H A N HEW YOBX HISHON3RTHEMA! ; n. B«sts«a'>si.nlo HUNuR THE MAYab with Mi \u25a0 \u25a0?HknsT OrWaalF 'OR NY rhnrn'm Kiln-Dears. «TiSiti-:« T iSiti- : . :s C'^ I T I *n<« TltAT^artet VPI!U * na < •rw! Starts at 1:39 p m °* «» 3ii, ? * < LYCfUM ffw.y a«4 nth it ErTTT toAuci.t. THE LION xug Moyie to A "«• 'HE LION rYri 1 MOilSc DREAMLAND NOW OPF -Eatlrelr 1111 nsiiiuii at siuiim «-*,. tikk iron »rr\>in.n;< " I*• I HUMWiN-STAHHr IT COMPANY, Capital paid In. tn cash. $J.1»4.M«. 51 Wall Street, New York. improved or inadeqi.i;i f '-ly improved real propertj delay desirable improve- ments because they aft hi doubt as to what kln.l of buildings they ought to erect; others delay be- cause of the difficulty in making financial ar- rangements. This Company will upon application give to owners the benefit of its experience and willad- vise both in respect to the character of the buildings and their cost. No obligation to this Company will be incurred by owners in connection with this preliminary work, even if they determine to employ other con- (ruetors. Citff Pro perl// for Sale. WLBER DX RKVBRB. OAST IR «T.. MOCWT VEKNOX. N. T.. buys, sells, reals aad iHWiiian real estate BRfGHTON BEACM PAe ** \u25a0' \u25a0 \u0084-\u25a0-•• \u25a0\u25a0.- looses Ten Dollar Stack at Rockaicay Beach as Evidence. y I»eput*? i'oli«:e Commissioner Mathot spent the Xiisht of the glorious Fourth of July by the breezy Shores of Rockaway. That domestic beach whs crowded with happy :nen, women and children, and tiot one recognised the thirO in command at Police lleadq:-airtei^. The Deputy Commissioner wished * to maintain bis incognito, and took the precaution to disswiife himself as a stray visitor to the place look'nt; out for' a "hurrah of a time." Few people imagined that Rockaway could fur- ?>isri any more exhilarating sensation than a dip In Its wilfl surf at high water, the numerous children's catch-penny shows, or l'stening to the soothing •trains of a hotel orchestra. \u25a0 But when tae Deputy Commissioner haled three iiN-n, who gave their names as Samuel Levy, grata Herbert and William J. Marshall, into the ••ar Uockitwuy police court yesterday morning' some people oegan to think "that there's been •araerfcin;; d.'in 1 " on the beach that the multitude o:<in*t *»*>. <"aptai;i Tighe, who is responsible for that neighborhood, had his eyes opened wider than they ever were when the Deputy Commissioner tv.;-«d him that he had found a gambling den. In ) the court he sail that Levy was the manager of the place. All »-t<j held In$300 for examination on 3n'r 9. The Deputy CV>rnmission»r was looking about for stronger sensations, when he saw men hurrying In pairs aid groups into the Waverly House, at the Boulevard and Lincoln avenue. He fell in with the Stream »nd «ras carried into the place. He saw men lo*inp money. "What kind of r. chase d'ye call this?" he in- quired. ' •: "Ah, K"hon;» t'yer old woman: this ain't no child's play. SUidoo for yours; y'll try, d'ye see!" «"as the wild admonition from one of the "spot- ters." But th? visitor wouldn't Jiav« it that way. Then they explained the same and its advantages, which mere all his. "I'm with jr* boys. Give us $!•> worth of chips." Mathot played his and lost. "Hard luck." ho commented coolly. "I'm play- ing a lone hand, but this will hold you." He ' showed his badge of office and read the riot act. M.ri'ncr iTTJ.s (rAMi:. A DOWNTOWN PLOT OF 7.000 »Q. FT WITH 1 >:. II STKKET FRdNTMif. I.n.HF <»N IIIKrK sll)K-> CONVKMENT H>K "«MIP I'IM. VUK r . IW.-> 000 RULAND & WHITING CO . 5 BKKKMAN SV. N. T. LARGE PROFITS tn N. T. City real estate. Send t* Illustrated booklet. KLBERT C. SMITH. Msshsttaa Co-operative Real Estate Cto.. a-7 East 4M st City Property to Lei. ni<iMP-nN * \u25a0CJIs»l B <U^LS«bbbT *• LUNA PARK C MlßOt— by D. R. T.Inn Park Kxpre , ta n3;J{% MANHATTAN BEACH PR 1M OS E ' PAIIM'S ..Jgau.j Riverside Drive Automobiles "77; Le<ve FarTe trance. Coloabtu Circle \u25a0» _ ' (Subway Station), 9A. i;. to « p y /\r 7.50 P. M. to S.S> P. M.. every gft»« a nn^.' *»»JC IMA BIS OX ROOF - «3 lX , rz -. SQir.AKfi If ll llk rii.\MrVnsF" BELASCO BLANCHE BATES^yji A 1 A M B A 51 *** Tu »^- Thur*. s«.. He. " 7th Are. & mtu st. DOLLY VAR DEN ICASIIVO I THE social whirl. TJRIVATE HOUSE TO ÜBT.— JIO West «M 8C; fbur X story aad basement; twelve rooms and two baths; bat and cold water In each room. Inquire of J. J. BAOLJST. 25 West 42d St. Unfurnished Apartments Tn Let. HANDSOME COMPLETE APARTMENT For Lcass KNICKERBOCKER. 247 sth Avc. y i "«m» in wax special- Mam MUsKB I noyal ItaUan Orcae«te>. Uj»U» AJ--s Brooklyn. rpo LET. Elesant apartments, all modern improve-- X ments. possession now. rent to begin September 1: 7 and 8 rooms, rent JST« to $62 30. 945-991 President St.. Apply to your own broker or Realty Associates. 174 Kerns? n at.. Brooklyn. If Patch man Says He Fired in Self- Dc fence Victim May Die. Strike violence by sympathisers of truck drivers Tvho left the employ of Bruck & Schulman. whole- Bale grocery dealers, at Xos. S3l and 333 East 103 d •tree!. last Saturday, culminated in a shooting yes- terday afternoon, when Edward McGrane, a watch* shot Joseph Grossman, of Xo. 2,014 Second cver.ue. The ballet struck Grossman under the heart. He »as taken to Harlem Hospital, where slight hopes sire entertained for his recovery. McGrane was held without bail on ;i charge of attempted homi- cide. He paid he tired In self-defence, as he was being beaten by* pickets. McGrane's story was sup- ported by Alfred J. French, another watchman. \rh.'i. running to help him. was stabbed m the Jintid. French accused Samuel Belford. of No. 319 Ea?t 101*t street, who was held in $1,000 bail for felonious assault Meyer Reingold. a picket, had Jim nose broken. The strikers demanded higher wages and shorter hours. On Monday the firm advertised for non- union men. and when some appeared to apply for •work, according to members of the firm, the ap- plicants were attacked. McGrane and French tried to protect the new arrivals, but were attacked. When McGrane was knocked down be drew his pistol and fired. Police were summoned, and twenty arrived, hem- snins in the pickets on both sides of the block. Mc- Grane pave himself up. Coroner Harburser took a •tstenn-iit from the wounded striker at the hospital. Itis said that he charged McGriine with trying t » beat a union man, and when he reproached him for it he was shot. SHOOTS UXIOX PICKET. The Turf. Jersey City. ELEGANT FIjOORS. 7 rooms, bath, modern Improve- ments; selert nrlifhborhood : 10 minutes from N. V.; l»nl reasonable. Cl'NKu, -71 I'alisade aye, Jersey lity Heights. To Let for Business Purposes. CTH AYE.. IT* l^rg' store. I>asement: suitable any O business. Inquire store. 17H Cth «v-*.- CONEY inland JOCKEY CLL'B ! K.%< ING AT SIIEETSnEA© BAT. June 31 to July 10. 3:34 P. M. Rain or !!\u25a0.:;>. ' 14 lit Uul ! PASSY ! -««• Leaie East 34th at.. E. R. via L 1 r. r.. at 11 A. M.. 12:10. 12:4^. 12:50 < 1 00 Parlor Car Trait). 1:11, 1:40. Z: 10. 5:4* P. M. Take ferryboat foot WWtrtia St.. N. T . 11:40 A. M.. and thereafter every 10 nilßßUt. I conn««tinf at 39th st.. Brooklyn. »!?h electric mis* i direct to track. AM Brooklyn troi!«/ car» trSsSkff direct to track. Concert by Lander. Grand Stand. $3; I.nd!?-. 91. 58. Wld Stasit U. •\u2666•MOTOR CABS AND MOTOR CABS TO THE TRACK. New Tork Transportation Co. ffth Are. and 4»th St. Telephone J3»O C->'.an*o« \u25a0 Long Island Real Estate for Sale. SOUTH SHOREJ AND SUFFOLK COUNTY resl.ience-. X? farms and waterfronts. Furnished cottages to rent. WILLIAMHAMILTON.SayvlHe. 1.. I. Public Notice. Country Property for Sale. OAKWOOD. —A beautiful country home for sale. Send \J for booklet, containing 12 views and description, to P.. P. BISS&LL. Manchester. Conu. TTIOR SALE— Orsinlng. N. T.. lar»e house and barn; J7 Root situation; now occupied as boarding house- <asy terms. THO3. LEAKY. IHMain St.. OsFinlnj N. Y. I?*)R SALH.— acres, with modern house and buitfin? : high ground, near BriarclifT Manor; tine location.' THOMAS LEARY.;. N. T. TT^OR SALB—At Plainfieli; large house and barn; on 1? principal street; taken for debt and will be sold at a bargain. FIRST NATIONAL. BANK O9 PLAINFIEIJ) N. J. "\ fOUNT VERNON. Elegant residence. Chester Kill on AL plot 100s2(K>: $33,000; worth $50,000. COOLET & WEST, Mount V»-rn.->n. White Plains. BLOOM FIELD.—New house. 1O rooms-; hardwood floors- all improvements ; 5 minutes' walk to stations- finely located. EDWARD O. WARD. MS Nassau st X T * and >>»» Beach St.. B!oomn>Id. N. J. KUTHERFORD, N. J.—Seven rooms, bath; all improve- i m-r.ts. 48aMS>; large grapevine: all windows and porch screened; hardwcoU floors. O. K. HUNT. 155 West St.. N. Y. A large delegation of the Tobacco <; r . \u25a0we:?' As- •oeiatlon of the I'nited St;iir« arrived 1 asas='a s= ' nlgtii from Xorfolk on the Old Dominion steamship Prin- «-ess Anne. Their annual conference will begin to- «!j»v ia the new (Jrand Hotel. Mr«. Louise K. Stenton. mother of Mrs. Kinnan, •who was murdered on June. S. on the porch of the Stenton home, at Xo. 246S Washington avenue, will be allowed to keep her belongings in the house far a while, and will not be ejected by dispossess proceedings by Lawyer Burton W. Gibson, formerly lier counsel. The forcible removal of Mrs. Marie Ehlppo, the Italian woman who rented the basemen' Of the house from Mrs. Stent<-n. and against whom Gibson ha« brought dispossess proceedings, is also to be delayed. Mrs. Mattie Mayer, wife <>f r>avici Slayer, a dealer In diamonds, at Xo. 1* Maiden Lane, yesterday re- ceived an interlocutory decree of divorce from Jus- tice in the Supreme Court. Forty dol- lars a week alimony was awarded to her. Police Commissioner Binsham yesterday ap- pointed CajJtain Frederic Gusher secretary to Deputy Commissioner Waldo. Mr. Ougher saw ser- vice in the Spanish-American War. Captain Andrew Keyset, who started in a twelve- mile race with Captain "Bab" Peach on Wednes- day, was found in his rowboat off Gover- ritr's Island early yesterday. lie said lie was seized with a cramp in the log after rowing round Bobbins Reef. Julius Wiener, of No. 58 Rutgers street, jumped from the Williamsburg Bridge, near the Manhattan tower, yesterday He die.) 5.,011 after his arrival at tiouverneur Hospital. BAIL BOND GONE; MAGISTRATE ANGRY. The disappearance of a $2,300 bail bond, which Should have been on record in the Lee avenue po- lice court. Williamsburg, and the inability of the police to find Samuel RoFen. a. confectioner, of No. J049 Myrtle avenue, who was released from Ray- mond street jail on the bond, aroused the suspicion of Magistrate Higginbotham yesterday, and he has oi tiered a thorough investigation. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. 1 f\f\ ACRES, half mil* waterfront; accessible to yachts- JLUU low at $25.1)00; magnificent tract. WM. WVLrI LACE TOOKER. Sag Harbor. N. Y. AUCTION SALES YESTERDAY. At 14 Vtßey st— By 1- .1 Phillips &• Co: Broadway \u25a0 » cor I2«th Bt, 1«'.6x7.4x1R.5x1«.1; vacant; Anna PelI man ast •! M Rumpf et al; M R &ll 8 Isaacs, a'».- <• Ijevi ref; partition: to th<? plaintiff fr.r SI.(KKt. By Joseph !' Day: 452 119th st, \u25a0 s, 96 ft w <•'. Pleasant TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. Tucker. Speyer & <*o. have sold for the estate of Helen S. Rapallo and Edward S. RapaMo to the I. C. Lyons Building and Operatlig Company Xos. 230 and £?% :,th aye., two old buildings, on a plot fi«.4xionxl2.j feet, The purchasers gave as part pay- ment the new eleven story mercantile building at Xos. 57 and 59 East 11th St.. on a plot 54x103 feet. The amount involved in the transaction is SUOO.OOO. The oth aye. plot will be improved at once with a twelve story mercantile building. Frederick T. Barry ,ms sold for Marquis Miller, of Philadelphia, Xo. 104 East 6l*d st., a three story and basement dwelling house, 1ft.8x?0.5 feet. Also *ol<! for Frank X. Dodd Xo. 45 East 76th st.. a four story and basement dwelling house, 12.6x102.;: feet. Isaac & Btang have bought for B. Klingenßteln Xo. Clv East 39th st., a five story tenement house, r»xi«to feet. George F. Pi. ken has sold for a Mr. H&ncy Xo. IF* West 119 th sst.. a throe story and basement bruwustoiu- front dwelling house, on a lot I7xl<m.ll fiot. adjoining the southeast oorner of 7th avo. Joel Marks & Co.. in conjunction with David Stewart, have sold for Samuel Wacht and Gelger & Bravornian the northwest corner of Amsterdam aye. and 156th st.. a plot f<?.llx!i;s feet. Kella * Delaney have- sold Isaac Wolf No. 782 Amsterdam aye.. a five et:»ry double flat house, with st"ies, on :i '>>t iix*.". feet. Rubinger, Klinger & <*o. have sold for Osias X irp No. 114.") Ist aye.. a rive story double tenement bouse, ••:] a lot 25x100 feet. Joseph F. Feist has sohl for Herman Schmonsees the f-.tir story sinsle flathouse No. 518 West 46tli st on a lot 20x100.5 feet Julius D. Toblaa has bought from Anson McCook Beard, as trustee for David Stevenson, the tlir?* five story tenement houses No. Mi to -ki* i!tii aye on a plot 74.11x100 f^et. Robert A. White was the broker. Charles X Duross has sold for Edward J. Reilly No. 57 Grove St., a three- story dwelling house, 011 a !>\u25a0( 1ft.10x31.3x irregular. Samuel Brenner lia> resold to a Mr. <'ohen the plot, 50x100 feet, on the east side of Monroe aye. 27© fe--t ),ortii of !74t'.i St. ;;ni Piser has bought the northwest corner aye and 216 th m.. a plot 114>:1<v. feet Columbia Mutual Building and Loan Asso- ciation has s< I<l the two four story flathouses Xos 856 and 858 Kast 136 th .st.. on a plot EOxIOO IVet. K. V. Peseta Co. haw r^S'ikl for a client to Cassle Dubin the four story tenement house at Xo. 306 Concord St., Brooklyn. FOR YONKERS TRACT, $40,000. William E. Folkes has sold the Palmer Heights pr« perty. on Sawmill River Roid and Palmer aye.. Vcnkers. comprising 178 lots, for $40,000. m REALTY NOTES. •Uilin N. folding has rented for Mrs. Daniel La- mont the private stable Xj 19 West 55th st.: also tor Mrs. F. R. Halsey tho dwelling house No. 21 West S2d st. to Mrs. A. U. Shanley for a long term of years; Camp Mahaqua. in Tipper St. Regis I-ake. for J. J. Hill to J. Alnsloy Blair; for the Cruik- phank Company, Xo. 13 Zast 46th st.. to Mary A. Kenny for a term: for Mrs. A. P. Sargeant. No. t>l W<st 50th St.. to Dr. George It. Stewnrt for a t<=rm ol years; for Sum:* A. Farley, tlie Bth floor apart- r.K^nt in the new building, southeast corner Madi- Son aye. and 55th St., to Dr. Clarence Fahnestock; also in the nine buiiding, the 9th and 10th floor apartments to J. H. Moore; for J. H. Ladew. as executor, the stable Xo. 161 Kast ')9th st. for a term of years; for Henry A. Murray. No. 54 West 49th st.. to Dr. Ernest Fahnestock: for the Commercial table O.mpany the basement floor of the new Annex Building. Exchange Place and New st.. for a long term of years to the Exchange Buffet Cor- poration, which will open a large establishment on the promises: for the Commercial Cable Com- pany, a law suite of rooms in name building to J. H. Fortig, in the same building, to the Souvage Safef- Brako Company, a large suite of rooms; to Waterman. Anthony & Co., In tho same building, a large suite of rooms; to Andrew C. Foye for a term of years a large suite of rooms, in the same building. an<l for the Commercial <"'able Company, a jam suite of rooms in the same building to J. H. Mmghan and John J. Moylan. John X. Golding has sold for Mary E. Stamler No. 22 East 120 th St.. a three story and basement dwelling house, 20x100.11 feet, to Alfred A. Acker, who will improve the premises for business pur- ]>oses. Mr. Uoldin;? was also the broker in the sale for St. James's Church, I-ong Island, of No. <58 Trinity Place 10 the United States Express Com- pany. T»w buyers of No. 112 Wall St.. sold recently by Frank L>yman, have organized a corporation to be known as the 111: Wall Street Company. An eighteen story building is projected for the site. D. K. Wells & Co. represented the seller and Alex- ander BchaJe thr buyers. The officers of the pur- chasing company are Dr. Justin Schworin, of Philadelphia, president; Joseph Kahn. vice-presi- dent; Marquis Alfred P. >\e Vtllar. of Paris, second vice-president; Maximilian Kahn, secretary and treasurer. Alexander Sc-hai«\ Henry Seligman and Ertnano Bruner and the officers are directors of the company. M. & L. lioss huve leased to Alland Brothers from the plans the new twelve story and basement fire- proof building being erected for SHberman Brothers at Xos. 14 and 16 West 17th St.. on plot 50x92 feet. Tl^e building is to have about 60,000 square feet and will be' known as the Alland Building. It is rented for a term of ten years at an aggregate rental of about ©00,000. This in the tirst of the new sky- scrapers being t?reot?d In this section that has found a single tenant. RED BANK. N. Stock farm for sale; ISO acres- XV ideal location: "nousp. in rooms; barn and other buildings; $12300. WM. A. HOPPING. Real Estate. * ROCEATVAY FA at LOTS $700. TERMS KAST. Apply Rockaway Park Improvement Co.. 102 Broadwiy HA WORTH. N. J. Building sites. £J»x> up. 14 miles out JAS. JAY SMITH. East 42.1 rft. 4(\f\ ACRF sto«-k farm. Rockland Co.. X. T. ; residence, •tl/Vf fully furnlyhed: stock, implements, grist mill crowinir cr^ps: one third mllo to station. BOOKHOL'T 48 Mai.lei, Lane. Country Property to Let. TO RENT. Seashore cottage, magnificently located at fort Truntbull Beach. MilforjJ; s*fe bathlnn good fishing and clamming. DAVID L. CLARKE. Mil ford Conn. fpo LKT. at Milton -on Hudson, large house and shady X ground-, for tlv» season; barn room If desired J it NOLAN. JR.. Milton. N. Y. gUPKEME COURT. APPELLATE DIVISI03; j First Department. Tn the matter of <•.*» appiicsttca at | th>- Board of Papld Tracslt Kattrnad i^omininiontrt ts , the City of >">->« York for the appointment of i!tr«» Cos- ! missioners to det<»rmln«» and report whether a raj;d craast | railway or railways for the conveyance an-i v oilaUßa of persons* an<l property, as determin-*-! by '.}>>> So«r4 | ought to l<r conyrructej an.i operated. 'White Plains Real route Notfea Is hereby given that th» 3rs;sn«d. XTIB> iani W. Xll?!t. K.!«ari H. Healr and Edward R. fiadl having by an '.r-I*-r of the Appellate Division *.f lie *»• : preme Court for the First Judicial Department. ent»r«l la the above entitled matter on the 27th day of Jus* 130 S. bearing dat? on that day. been appointed comattasfcaMSssi determine and report after duf> public hearing whether C> railway or railways mentioned In the pttiticn of the oil B->ard. pri«»nt<»tl to th-s said Anpe!!ate Pivi»ion oa m about the Stall day of May. 190«. and filed In the offct«i the clerk of said court on or about tha same day, ecgSJ. to be constructed and operated, do hereby appoint » day, the 18th day of July. is*«. at 2 o'clock in the aftsr- noon of that day. at the office of Boardcarr. PUr: a Soley. Number .'«•> Ta" Street. In th» Borv«gh of Sss- hattan. City of New Tork. as the tim» and place at tS» first sitting, and at such sitting and such adjournrt ac- tings as may thereafter be held they will hear all p»r«Ei Interested In said matter. Dated New Tor*. June 3>. 1806. mt,LJAM W. NILKS. EDWARD H. HEALT. EDWARI> R. FINCH- GEORGE I- RIVES. 32 Lab*: Street. N»w York Cttr. nnd EOARI>MAN. PUTT & BOI£T, Wail Stmt New Y<»rk city, Attorneys for the Board of Rap 1 -! Trar«lt Railroad Commissi'ir.ers for tli* City of 3le» York. gUPREME COURT. APPELLATE DIVISION First Department. In th*.raatter of the appllntiw of The Board of Rapid Trs-- Rallroa.l Conuainisww for the City of New York for ir» arpolntrnent cf tar» »'omn:issior.«T3 to determti;* and report whether a fspi transit railway or railways foe th» conveyance and tnrs- portatlon of persona and property, as ilet?rrnine<j by i*» Board, ought to be constructed" and operate-! J»ras» Avenue Subway. Notice is hereby given that the mvlerslg.-.- ! CharifS F. T>il!on. Rudolph Block anrl Edward T. McOan. -;a«tß| by an orfier of the Appellate Division of the SusrsS* Court for toe First Judicial Department, enter-4 to *• above entitled matter on the 27th day of Jun*. 18C6, !**:- Ing date on that day. been appointed oommijsioßers t> determine ar»^ n?rK>rt after dv* public hearicg •jrSsifc*' the railway or railways mentioned in the p^tl'toa of •• «aM Roard. presented the said Appel'ate Divlslaa «\u25a0 or about the 2Sth .lay of ilay. lp«:«. an<! «itd :\u25a0 ti» oSlc© of the clerk of sal court en vr ah^ut tis« ass* day. ought to be constructed and operate. •*> hm^T appoint Tuesday, the 17th day of July, ifrni. at .' >*>SBI in .the afternoon of that day at the oSce of Bo«r*nia P!att A Soley. No. .15 Wail" Street, in ihe 3or—«* •* Manhattan. City of New York, a* •\u25a0. t!ir.^ and pi» * th« first sitting, and at •u-h sitting ar.d such aijourS" sittings as may thereafter held they willhear »a »•> sons Interested in said matter Dated New Tork. June 3(>. lfh*t Charles) r ruui>* Ri : x. GEORGE L. RIVES. 32 T^bertv Sr-eJ-" New TSsasßßßßsi and BOARDMAX. a St)UET. S3 Walt SWf. New York City. Attorneys for the '-.*•\u25a0•' of >•\u25a0 Transit Railroad Corwnlseloners for •-« »:y «£ S** Tork. Furnished House* to Let Country. PEMAgriD HARBOR. MAINE COAST.— fur- \u25a0L nished cottage. 11 r.v>ms; high, extended sea view good boating;, bathing, fishing; pure water, bath; reached by boat from Beaton or Darnariscotta: price S2lrt for sea- son or $125 for August. Address Mrs. JOHN H. EUJS Pemaquld Harbor. Me. •—«. Proposals. QFFICE, COMMISSIONERS. l>. C> VM& Ington. Jun» W. 19«l— SEAT.ED PRCPOSAI-S ••!? received at ihla o!I!c«» until 12 o'clock, noon. ~aiwas* July 14. 1808. for grading certain streets an.) »*•\u25a0• a«grettatlng about 30iOOO y»r of grading. Wan*** of proposal, specification*, and all necessary >r * =! ? will be furnlnhed at this office. H. B. F. MACTaKI* 1 H. I. WEST. JOHN RIDDLE. Commissioners. P~ C - Real Estate To Exchange. DEERFTBUD. MASS. Furnlghed house; all Irnprow- roents: postofnee. steam and trolleys; moderate rent season. JNO H. WRIOHT. 3S Broad stf. X fW F)R SAIJS OR EXCHANGE foe private nous*, lot »Ht9B. on 8U Nicholas are. near 14Ut st.* owner J. B. POWERS. Woodlawn. Bronx. * own * r ' Real Estate Loans. MOXET TOI»AN on improved property: 0.i1.-k answer <X>RTUA?O>T MORTGAGE caV^WUIlanV QFFICE. COMMISSIONERS. C. WAa# Inston. June 28. 1801. Sealed proposal* will M eetved at this ofllc» until 12 o'clock m.. on SaturiW- *S 14. IMS. for icradlne and regulating suburban »tr*f*7J avenues. Blank forma. of proposal spectncatiort» •» *! necessary Information will be furnished on arrtic»J??- ? this ofßce. H. B. F. lIACFARU\ND. HENRY I* "> JOHN Rlin>UK. Commissioner!-. P. C. QFFICE. COMMISSIONERS. DISTRICT C? Colunsbia. Washington. June 80. IPC9.—Sea!** ,?££ roaals w«l b* receive at thla ofßce until 12 m.. i™Ll, \mm. for furnishing water meters. fVrrr«. spefISSBBBS' and necessary Information may b.- obtain*d at tin* J*s Henry B. F. .Uacrariand, Henry U West. J«*» \u25a0•"* Commlsaleawra. D. C. William B. Konda, of No. 45 Clarendon Place?, voluntary petition, showing liabilities. 534.055; assets. $720. Principal creditors. Mary M. Foote, Oxford, P.nn.. $1,187; Charles \V. Roepper, Phila- delphia. $4.5(»; Susan B. londa. Short Mills. N. J., SB.sfiO; Cornelia Howland. Morristpwn. N. J.. »5.300. Will: mi Wilson, u<>cu|iutiun "treasure-r," No. no Liberty street, voluntary petition, showing debts of $30,if..., and assets of $21,167. The principal cred- itor* are Henry 8. Botonot, 74iii street and Broad- way, ->.l'«l. \u25a0«•.•:, |.v itiKilance policy; .1. & J. ICtigan, No. 34 run street. 11.304; United Merchants' Realty ami Trust Company. H,«IC. The assets con- Kist or rash in bank. 121 : the bankrupt ha* two notfs for 110/ iK) and 17.5W, mad*- by the Wilson Itr'jj- Btoro Company. oti which $:{.iW has been paid, teitTtoffUl balrmtv >.i SU.u:*,.; due netilioner o.i o._ .' uccount, J'/X-j; i. ii \u25a0!•; iiuittcj cUuna, $3,OC«J. Archibald. Frank D. 11. F. Kauffman; November 15. I'JO4 $78 08 Bailey. William U. Utlca Heater Company; March 20. 1909 -" '-"- Blttner. Mary— P. J. Frawley; February 11, 1!X)4. 4js 15 Collins, Charles W;—City uf New York: July 24. 1003 (vacated) 487 40 Evens, Morris— Kastern Hydraulic Press Brick f-ompany; October I*. IHJW (cancelled) 214 35 Faber, Ebarhard- -Rritifh ami Foreign Marine In- gurance Company; April 11, 1!« ! "> 103 90 Sam» earn*; January 25. I** 88 16 Oene. Frank— L. Kohn ft ,ii: June 11. 1906 40 01«*>urt. William K. Pester' Agricultural \u25a0 < "hemlcal Works; May 17. lKni 1.02953 Hatch. Alfred -' atiri Frederic H.— A. a. Man- del; December 5. 1800 I. BOS IS Mack, James C- Planet. Cement Company; June 28 1906 183 00 Meghan, James K. Meal Estate Record Assocla- !•...• June 23. IfXM (cancelled) 2** l Same— F. Hecht; August 'SZ. V.»H ( cancelled) 5,080 23 Saire K. Manley; November 13, i!<oi (can- ceiled) ' 1.f>2«14 Same— A LV Canfleld; November 14".' 1001 (can- c.flledi SSI «6 Sam«—- J. W. Rapp: May 23. 100J S3 71 Same— Sargent et al; March 28. 1001 338 04 Specter Oussle and Barnet— Sundchovitz; June 20. 1906 100 31 Sch.iplro. Jacob, an.l Joseph Anderson— D. OewltSCh; June 21. 100« 4.^2 58 Schrader. William, jr. J. RoberU; March S. 18OT (vacated) <5140 Velebil Alfred—V. Pavelka; June 23. 1900...... li>B02 Verschlerser, Max—Balsler Heating Company: June 10. lOOH 159 K7 Worthlnston, Henry B City of New York; June 25 1906 225 on International Steam Pump Company City of New York; June 2T«. 1806 22500 JUDGMENTS. Th« following judgments were filed yesterday, the first name being that of t*:e debtor: Arenson Barnett Friedman $84230 Bu-kley. Anna—Nicholas Helms 155 4 Bloyen. Speiee Augusts I* Louis 81 BB r;rli William J.—City or New York; coats £sri :;r, Same— John B. McDonald: costs 234 5)6 gan,,. i>gnnn-McLean Contracting Company; fOHtS \u25a0• \u25a0 •'• S5 OT Castle, Homy D.—City of New York 1,38214 Conlan. James W. Same \u25a0»•» 22 Carlisle. John C. -Bam« 1!« B4 Colt. Augustus B. Same IB6oa Camblaco, Ellis J. tiama *»'>4 4»> Callahan. Walter— Same 854 48 Craig, Susan A.-- Charles I* Cralsr 2.897 91 Oarr. It.njamin J. Jr.—George Brown i(H> <»> Ellis, George V. George A. Merser lia... Blsenhuth. John W. Rudolph Hermann 26,817 31 Franchl Krnesta. (not summoned) and Angeollna— Nathan Tannenbaum °» VI Fotopoloa, Peter— August L- Louis 4j it; Friedman. Daniel— Mutual Milk and Cream Com- pany ? ?4? 4 Pulton John— George A. Varnay. et al. ; cunts. ... 58 12 Gulager, George F*. T. Bltaa W. Train ex al.; . costs SiS? Goldman, Israel Samuel Cohen 20881 Goldman Solomon -Jacob Scheer, <t al.; costs... llr. S.i Goodman. Abraham and Isaac Knot summoned) 1 :,. \u25a0 net Friedman 34- 50 Hartwig. Außust M Zlmmenuan Company ..*... 56299 Hernnan. William—Abraham Eaianbeln 2.257 88 Hlrßhberpr. Isldor Barnet Karol 16863 Hornf r. Ernst— Robert Sugden 1.028 64 Kaufman Abraham— Ralph Newstead •*» «i Kelioe. Florence M.—Daniel Mayer et al 67188 Koven, Max and Abraham— Mark I. Knapp Ji 41 Krerss, Dora Mayor, etc.: costs 114 X". Levy go] i. 1.-iuta Levy; costs I*J(>3 Lee," Henry—Soclete Anonym* de« Ancient Estatv- llshment et al : 3i2 20 M>ers, Joseph— J. Currle Wllmerdlng et al (>\u25a0'- <n McGown. Mary— City or New York; cost« 114 Marks.. Mary K. Weher-Bunke- Lange. Coal Com- pany ( . ........... 4«41 Moses, Alfred lacob Roaenthal et «i 63097 Mann. Alfred C—George Henke 1.17 06 McNamara Ellen— Peter J. Ryan 871 83 McDonald, James— Raoul A. Frechette 07 47 Mclaughlin. John X.—Philip A. VVeinr*r costs.. 23 77 O'Donovsn, K\\< n I- t-r J. Ryan 37193 R«s.>nl>frK. Samuel Exchange Ba.ik 143*56 Seeley, David—Bernard F. Lynch 46 34 Fchctn. Max—Thomas Rosaum 25 40 Schoen. Ferdinand and Frederick— New York Tele- phone Company .I* 37 Smith Francis K. -Reginald H. Schenck 34 «<> Smith, Frederick H. David J. Bannon 420 45 Sauir. Kate Louis Silv.-rtiian 49 31 V*rrrill>e. A."hl>*l U. Samuel Makransky et al. : costa 70 35 Weseley. Frederick ScbwaraachUd & Sulzberger Company »» 07 Weieert. Hubert L—John A. Bpeherttng 32 3S Warren. William T- Acker. Mem. l! A c,>r..iit Compan) S9 63 Walker. Augusta M.—Arthur H. Jones 1.23D4H Waters. John— G-orce Bmwn 206 Wilmjn, William lobnson & Johnson fi.M 76 Young, William H. Rowland N. Hazard 243 »1 Corporate Agent Company- City of New York... 135 48 Morris <; Cohen & <*\u0084 Same \u25a0». u<< Creditors' Kecuritv Company Same ::5:t9 C. H. Clayton & Co. -Same U<2 M Pile Block Company Trade Press Con.pary 23172 Gotr-am Auto I'ompany Pennsylvania Rubber Company, of New York 200 33 City of Sew York—Herbert S. Ackerman: costs.. 112 IS T. K. Hayrnan Company -Theodore J. Hobe et al. 153 IH PETITIONS «IN BANKRUPTCY. The foliowinß petitions in bankruptcy were filed yesterday with the clerk of the United States Dis- trict Court: SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. The first nanio is that of the debtor, the second that of the creditor and date when judgment was tiled: L - PE\DE\; Broadway, n. o. corner 148 th st . !n».llxlOo: \nson 41cC Beard aRt. James McClenahan et al. (action to impress trust); attorneys. Glfford. Uobbs. Haskcll & Beard Monroe et.. No. 133: Adoiph Shapiro agt. Morris Gold- stein (specific performance); attorney, J. .Levy Manjfin St.. No. 29: Edward Mandel agt." Julius Myer et al. (fort-closure of mortgager, attorney, A. C Mandel Mh aye.. w. s.. 20 ft. s. of l»«tb »t.. 24.11x85; Marie Btolndler agt. Harru Herzog et al. (foreclosure of mort- eas.n; attorney. E. M. Stelndler. Hoad leading from Fordham to West Farms, n a,. 43 ft. w. of Taylor aye.. 2Sxtl3x irrtxnlar: Catharine C. Hill asrt. <'harles Knauf et al. (foreclosure of mortgage ; attorney. H. Hill. 10th w. s., 74.1 ft. n. of 40th st.. 49.4x1110; 42rl St.. a. s.. 1, r ft. w. of «>th aye.. 25x»5.»; road leading from Kln«3i>rldge to Williainsbrldnte. s. s.. adjoining land of Nathaniel P. Bailey and Charles Drake. Bronx; parcel of land on w. s. land from Williains'bridge Road to land of N. P. Hallf-y. adjoining land of Mary O'Nrtll; G. C Barber agt. Josephine F. Ohllds et al. (paUitlon); at- torneys. Heaves. Todd & Swain. lK>ts 191 and 192. map of Gleason property. 60x100. 24th Ward; NHls H. A. Nellson agt. Alice M. Lynch (specific performance); attorney, J. t*. McKachen. aye,. w. .'., 130.8 ft. n. of ittd st.. 20. lOx 100.11; Johr Yule ast. Amelia NVn-mark et al. (foreclosure of mortgage); attorneys, QuackenhuMh A Adams. 116th St.. No. .",74 West; I'hlilj. Kauer agt. Isaac M. Witt (.action to recover deposit, etc.); attorney. H. Berg- I'nion aye.. c. s.. 100 ft. n. of 16ttth St.. 10Oxl0<>: American Mortgage Company agt. Esther Blsenberg et al. (foreclosure of ni"rtgaße); attorneys. Bowers & Sands. I<)7th tt., n. w. corner Extirior st., 17<»xl00.11x ir regular; William C. Reet.»»r et al. agt. Isaac Sakotskl et al. (foreclosure of mortgage); attorney. J. V. Fallon. Jr. MANHATTAN BUiLDING PLANS. Xth St.. Nos. 428 and *"0 Kast. for a five story brick factory. »)xSf>.»>; Biahop (iutta Percha Company, owner; J. P. Volker. architect $57.<KK> Lexington aye.. w. s.. between 130 th and 131 st sts. ; for four six story brick flats and stcres. 41*.11x72: Hauben Realty 4 'ompanv. owner; Bernstein & Bernstein, architects lSi».00O l*6th st.. s. g.. 100 ft. w. of 7th aye.: for five six story brick flat.*, 40x88.11; j. Rosenberg and M. Perelson. Beristein i Bernstein, archi- tects 175.000 146th st.. s. s.. 300 ft. w. of 7th aye. : for two rix story brick flats. 37.0xH«.11 ; RonenLenr & Pfrel sen. owner; Bernstein & Eernstein. architects.. 70,000 121 st st.. s. s.. 0O ft. c. of Park aye.: for a six story brick tenement an-1 storr, 25x87.11; H. Seplowltz, owner: <;. F. Pelham, architect 28,500 Dey st., No. 38; f-.r a two story frame shed. 26.8 x •3.5; (VRourke Kngineering Construction Cora pany, owner; J. Swanndl, architect . 800 Oth St.. Nos". 154 and 15«; for a tnree stor>- and basement trick dwelling house 40x92 11 S. H. Brown, .wner: K. P. Casey, architect 50.000 Both st., Nos. 550 and .102 Kast; for- a »U story l>r;,-k tenement hou** anq stpfe; Lie.l^ntha'l Bros., owner; O. P. Pelham. architect 40,000 AmMoruam aye.. s. w. corner 114 th at.; for tluee six story brick flats, .VtxlOU: J Weinst.-in : owner; stem * Morris, architect* 215 000 131st >t.. s. s.. mi ft. c. of Old Proadway; for two six story l>ri< k tenement houses, 41. 7 x lrrejj. Holdman Realty and Construction Company' owner; stern & Morris, architects .". 75.000 a»e. 1(1. 8x100. 11: r. sty hrk ten h; S S Glauber Cb at;t O Levoli et ol; A Salomon, fitty; C W Rldßway. ref: amt (iup. $1.840 40: taxcr. etc $»;»»!a; subl to four prior movts aggrcKatlng ?12,S0O; to S Feldmark for ?1«,985. AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. At 14 Vesey st— By D P Ingrahajn & Co: 1083 liitor- vale aye, w a, 4iW. 11 ft s of lti'th st, 25x82.3; 3 sty ir ten h; H S.-h\vanew»de agt O Boehmer et al; O H Hyrte. atty; s L II Ward, ref: amt due. 55.336 32; taxes, etc. $21. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Greenwich st. es.s3ft wof Murray st, 26. 'Jx ; Uiate. V Roloff el al. executors, to Richmond Weed : mortgage. $12.0»i0 $37,000 180Ui st. No 208 West. 17x99.11; Alexander Horn - bf-Tfeer to Rosa Homberger 1 10th st, s s. 126 ft w of Oth aye. 26x92; Frederic <le p Foster and another, executors, to Amon P Eno CO.OOO Bcnrottf r. New Yor» for Hamburc .aad \u25a0«*«!*. Hamburg. July 6. 1 p m— Arrived, steamers Ptffg^ <G«r). KaempfC. New Tor* via Plymouth «**JE 8 5i bourg; July 4. Oreana <O«t>. Me? or. New l** Pljn.outh an* Cherbourg. li«* •Alßlara. June 20— Sailed, steamer Alberto- Trev*^"* CVocco (from Smyrna). New York and FhUad**^sk Urard. July s— Pasaed. steamer Narragansstt iSr>. *\u25a0"" New York for London. '\u25a0c.o'i Barbados. July 4—Arrlvad. steamer At"at»<s*a 2 New York, via Kingston. Colon. etc. fer SVi~£ : '\u25a0'\u25a0' '. \u25a0 Barcelona. July I—Arrived, steamer Uallla (ftK E*rT New York. , ,-,t Usard. July Th» Holland- America ttee, !£*trt Noordam. from New York for Boulop* •*» *3h? dam. was la communication by wlrelesa "\u25a0,»>,- with the station kar*. when tba Tes-il * a!,,,",«.- alaht mils? west of this point, at »» °£J£\ A ;.' ably arrive, at Bouloene about \u25a0MIIUM I \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 W Naples. July 4— Arrived previously, steamer* AM*** <- Warn. New Yor&: arrived. Cretle <»>. «**«& York for Genoa, etc; Kb. 4 » m. Koes!-^ »• (tter>. Volger. New York via Gibraltar «>r «•»•' Singapore. July a~Arrlved previously, ateso*. yari* Singapore. July » Arrived previoualv. am«»» r «Br». Prlt.-hard. New York via %*\u25a0>•- __,-,- <•» Palermo. July »— Sailed, steamer Napolltaa »•\u25a0»•\u25a0, Kaglet,.n (from Naples*. New York. «_,_-»,-«\u25a0\u25ba Saetla. July •. midnight Sailed, •naraer *«'** ** Meyer. New Yora. . ; »»j«. \u25a0 »» Th.Mnaa. July 4 sp, Arrived, Meafaer r **T^ii»J *-"*»ey. Now York for 8t Crolx. « KM" I «• Ceiaerara. Port of Hew York, Thursday, July 5, 1903. ARRIVED. Steamer Majestic (Br). Hayes. Liverpool June 27 and Quten»town •». to th« White Star Une. with 173 cabin and 3M> steerage passengers, mails and raij-e. Arrived at the Bar at 12:44 am. * Steamer TJomo iNor». Nielsen. Progr— o June 28 and «I»nipeche 27. to Thebaud Bros, with mdse. Arrived at the at 1 « m. \u25a0 Stt-amer lv>tte Menzell (Qer). Payson. Loutsburs V 8 July 1. to the Vogemann Une. In ballast. Arrived off the Bar at I*:-1 " a m. Steamer iiidra-.vailt <Br). Hill. Hakodate March "1 Yokohama April '\u25a0'\u25a0. Kobe 7. Shanghai "I, Manila May Z. Cebu '.<, Sliiiiiii'oif lti. Sabang 18. Port Said June 8 Gibraltar 17 «i>il lloeton July 4. to Flinch. Kdye ik Co' with iii'lm . Arrived at the Bar at 5 a m. Strainer <;iull. lAuat>, I'arovlch. Trieste June 16 Mes- sina 1I» and Palermo 20, to Phelpg Broa A to. with 13 cabin and 1102 Mirage paisengers and radse. Arrived at the Bar at 7 p m. earner c-allust (Or), Fdlin. New Orlean June 28 to SKIPPING NEWS Vessel. I"or Line. Mail closes. satl« Prlns P. Hendrick, HayU. D. W. 1.... 11 :00 am I:<M>nm Prlnz E. Friedrleh. Colon. Hamb- Am. .12*00 ra Z'<«> p m Sablnc. Brunswick. Maliory 3:oOpra Jamestown, Norfolk. Old Dominion... 3:00 pm Comancbe, Jacksonville. Clyde . 3:00 pm SATURDAY. JULY 7. Philadelphia. Southampton. Amer 6:00 am 0:30 am I.n< ania. Liverpool. Ounard 10:3i> a m 2-00 n m Silvia. Newfoundland, Red Cross 7:30 anj 11 -no am Philadelphia, Curacao, Had D 8;80 am 12:00 m ManoH. St. Thomas. Quebec 0:30 am 12 00 m Morro Castle. Havana. Ward 10:00 am l^)Opm Sarnia. Jamaica, Ilamb-Am 11:30 am 2:00 p m Finance. Colon. Panama 11:30 am 3:00 pm Kroonland. Antwerp. Red Star 7-OOam Bulgaria. Hamburg. Hamb- Am e-«K>ara Astoria. Glasgow, Anchor 11-OOam Kfinig Albert. Naples. N G Lloyd . 11:00 am Italia. Naples. Anchor El Mar. Qalvaaton, Morgan 3-OODm El Monte. New Orleans. Morgan 3-00 pm Ban Jaclnto. Galveston. Mallory 3 : oODtn Hamilton, Norfolk. Old Dominion S OODm City of Columbus. Savannah. Savannah 300 Dm Algonquin. Jacksonville. Clyde 3:oopm MONDAY. JULY ». Asuncion de I^rinaga, Argentine 5:00 «m 7 30am Princess Anne. Norfolk. Old Dominion. . 3 : *>pm TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Destination and steamer. Close In N V Japan. «"orea. China and Philippine Isl- * * Tydeus via Tacomt) To-day A-flO n m New Zealand. Australia (except West). T wwpn New I'aledoniu. Samoa. Hawaii and FIJI Islands— Sierra (via San Fran- cisco) July 8. 12:30 am Australia (except West). FIJI Islands and --»•\u25a0\u25a0 New Caledonia (via Van- couver and Victoria. B C July 13, 0:(« i p m OUTGOING STEAMERS. TO-DAY. INCOMING STEAMERS. TO-PAY. Vessel. From. Una. •Urenaaa Grenada, .".tine 24 Trinidad •Valdivla Inasua, July 1 Ha nib-APennsylvania Hamburg, June 23 Hamb Am Yucatan Santiago, June 30 Ward El Rio Galveston. Jun» 29 Morgan Exeter City Bristol. June 23 Bristol El Old New Orleans. June 20 Morgan Nueees Oalvastoa. June 30 Jlallory %A'o SATURDAY. JUL.Y 7. •Uffibrta Liverpool. June 30 Cunard •St. Paul i .Southampton, June 30 American •I.a Touralne Havre, June SO French Kansas City savannah, july 4 Savannah SUNDAY. JULY 8. •Columbia Glasgow. June 30 Anchor Celtic Liverpool, June 2» White star El Dia Qalveaton. July 2. Morgan MONDAY. JULY D. •Ryndam Rotterdam. June- 30 Holland- Km •Zetland \ntwerp. June Jso Rea g tar •Carlbbee Uemerara. June 30 Quebec Panr.onia Gibraltar. June 28 .'Canard Proteus New Orleans. July 4 Morgan City of M aeon Savannah, July \u25ba> Savannah El Dorado fS-alveston, July 3 Morjran l>en\or Galveston, July 3 Maliory •Brings mail. WIRELESS REPORTS. The Pennsylvania reported to Newport yesterday as having p;t«*-d Nantucket South Shoals Lightship at 2 p. ra. Sh<» is expect e-1 to dock to-day about 7:30 a. m. The <_*olunibia reported to Sable Island yesterday at 4:55 p. m. when 180 mtlM east of that station. She' will probably dock about 2 p. m. Saturday. The Celtic reported to Sable Island at 7:28 p. m. yesterday when 3<*> miles southeast of that station. She is expected to dock Sunday, about 7:. a. m. , Young Han Who Abused and Shot His Aged Father Must Stay in Jail. Fred CnpingtH-, twenty-six years old. of No. B*-'." Westchester avenue, who shot his father. Richard Copinger. fifty-five years old. a retired merchant. in a quarrel Wednesday night, was held without ball until Saturday by Magistrate Walsh, in th? West Chester police court yester- day. His friend. Joseph Dosth, of No. 218 T. Sec- ond avenue, who Is accused of helping In the assault with an iron bar. was likewise held. The elder Coplnger is In Fordham Hospital, where it was said last night that he would recover. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ' : MINIATURE ALMANAC. Sunrise 4:34iSuisct 7:33 i Moon sets 1 Moon's age l."> HIGH WATER. A. M.— Sandy Hook 7 70 Got. Island S:00|He!l Gate 9:5.1 P. M.— Sandy Hook T:s2|Gov. Island S:l«iHell Gate 10-.OT ASSATJLTEB HELD WITHOUT BAIL Yonkers Mystery Solved by Young Servants Confession. The mystery surrounding the death of James Mc- Keon, coachman for F. L. Graves, a Wall Street broker, at Hartsdale. on Wednesday of last week, has been solved. Eddie Quinn. a nfteen-year-old boy employed at Mr. Oraves"s country home, confessed to Sheriff Mprrltt yesterday that he did the shooting, but said it was an accident. The boy did not make the confession until Sheriff Merritt and his deputies had worked on the case for nearly a week and had employed Pinkerton men to help them unravel the mystery. The boy says that he kept silent be- cause he was afraid of the etectrte chair. Quinn says that on the day of the shooting the ooachman drove Mrs. Graves to the stat on. and as he was going out of the yard she willed his at- tr-ntlon to the boughs of some trees which overhung tlie drive and told him to trim them. When the coachman returned he attempted to take a nap. Quinn went to his room and told him that he had better get up and do as Mrs. Graves had instructed him. and was told to "go away." "Then I saw the old musket In the corner of the room." said Quinn. "and picked it up and began to fool with it. I didn't think tt was loaded, as It had been then* a long time." The coachman saw me with it and snid: "That Is an old thing, and it Is broken. It's no good." "I still thought it wasn t loaded, so I kept on fooling and pulled back the trigged. 1 didn't mean to point it toward Mi-Keon. but it went oft while the muzzle was within a few feet of his head, heard him scream an«l was so scared that I rushed downstairs without turning to look at him. "I didn't know whether I nit him or not. but kept mum about it and went back to work. When it came dinner time I rang the bell, but McKeon did not come. Then I said to ihe other servant.*. •I guess he's asleep. I'llrun over and call him' I didn't knov h*> was killed until I went back the second time; then I saw that his brains were scattered on the floor. I went back and told the other servants that some one had killed him." The boy took a likingto Sheriff Merritt. and for this reason mario him his r-onfidant. Although he has served several years in the Catholic Protectory. Oulnn is not a bad boy. and the Sheriff and Coroner Russell believe that he has told them the truth. HOY KILLED COACHMAN. Steamers Amerika <Ger>. for Hamburg via Plymouth and fherbours;: La Lorraine <•». Havre; Frtedrtch dar Grass* tOer\ Bremen via Plymouth and Cherbourg; Helll*Olav iDan). ChrWttsnia and Copenhagen; BliMflelUs. Baltimore. THE MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS FOREIGN PORTS. Liverpool. July 6- Arrived, steamers Teutonic (Br>. Thompson. New fork via Queenstown; Sasonla 'tßr». Charles. Hoaton via yueenstown. Queenntown. July 6. 1 p m -Hailed, steame. Oceanic ißr). Cameron, from Liverpool for New York Cherbourg. July 4. 3:15 p m— Arrived. at*amers Deutsch- land ««er>. Kaempff. New York via Plymouth for Hamburg land proceeded; sth. Ham. Prinses* AH«-e ««;er>. Polark. New York via Plymouth for Bremen •and proceeded; 4th. 7 » ro. sailed, steamer Kaiser Wllhelm If i«Sei>. Hogemann. from Bremen aiul Southampton for New York. Dover. Jul* 5. 1p in- Arrived, (leaser Pretoria t«e»>. Busk * Jevons. In ballast. Arrived at the Bar at 1 m m Steamer Us»nter. rates, towing bare* Fred P utch- field Port Arthur 8 days, t.i th* J M Gufrey Petroleum Company, with oil. IWt Quarantine at 5:12 p m. Dare- L.ltrhn*M anchored In Sandy Hook Bay at i:33 n m Steamer Jamestown. Hlller, Newport News and Nor- folk, to th« Old Dominion Steamship Company, with pa* sengers and mdae. Left Quarantine at 2:40 p m. Steamer City of Columbia, Smith, savannah July 2. to th» Ocean Steamship Company, with passengers and mdsa, Left Quarantine at 5:05 a m. Steamer Corf* Castle (Br). Nutman. Philadelphia, July 4. to Norton £ Son. In ballast. In Quarantine at 4:40 a m. Will load for South Africa. Sandy Honk. N J. July 5. 9:38 p m— Wind east south- east, light breeze; clear. SAILED. Amusements. A \u25a0 Wealth of Good Things Next Sunday including a fascinating article on Aferial traffic ITS REGULATION AND LIMITATIONS By Edwin A. Hood \u25a0 Don't fail to Read Next Sunday's Magazine TRIBUNE. NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, FRIDAY. JULY 6, lOOf*. S rtM.-nirnt. •ilmltlw' Info f!ir«* rn!nmn. art recommend Ml I- Mr r ti.l-r, of The Trtbiin* \u25a0• •horons'i!" •-'!\u25a0' I*. ami I>u*'.ii-m inn b«> 'ion., by auU wttb the otlvertUer with ixr/rct »afe'r. CROUCH & . 17? BROADWAY. «X 8 BROADWAY. 723 SIXTH AVEX US. »MllIlflV« FT..VDF.K* riKE BETS. Ccr&ir of lilt»t THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC FOR 1905 On Sale at AllNewsstands Price 25 Gents TWQINOKE EMTocal lenses for NEAR and DISTANT VIS10 V CSSVIKk ftiMir—. > ;•/ ar.j.s^r.- :.u cool kla4 that o«v*r mitt at ! SPENCER'S, IX MaiJro I.anr. FRANK H GRAF

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Page 1: As CROUCH shot Joseph Grossman, of Xo. 2,014 Second cver.ue. The ballet struck Grossman under the heart. He »as taken to Harlem Hospital, where slight hopes sire entertained

A $300,000 WEST SIDE UlASi'.Heal Estate.SPECIAL MENTION.


A 125 th Street Dwelling House To Be Altered for Business— No. 11,2

Watt Street Company May Improve Its Site.


Teterhoae Z-Z2O Coiuaias.•Greatest Arts, mrr estabnatesnT -Write tar 'U—trateel boakh *ssj^T. '

f~ -^~As!::m.a\Kr >nv?,a-toj» rtv» r ...'"T




;n.B«sts«a'>si.nlo HUNuR THE MAYabwith Mi\u25a0 \u25a0?HknsT OrWaalF 'OR

NY rhnrn'm Kiln-Dears. «TiSiti-:«TiSiti-:.:sC'^

ITI *n<« TltAT^artet VPI!U*na <•rw! Starts at 1:39 p m

°* «» 3ii,?


LYCfUM ffw.y a«4 nth itErTTTtoAuci.t. THE LION xug Moyieto A"« "«• 'HE LION rYri1 MOilSc

DREAMLANDNOW OPF-Eatlrelr 1111 nsiiiuii at siuiim «-*,.tikk iron »rr\>in.n;<


Capital paid In. tn cash. $J.1»4.M«.

51 Wall Street, New York.

improved or inadeqi.i;i f'-lyimproved real propertjdelay desirable improve-ments because they afthi doubt as to what kln.lof buildings they oughtto erect; others delay be-cause of the difficulty inmaking financial ar-rangements.

This Company willupon application give to owners thebenefit of its experience and willad-vise both inrespect to the character ofthe buildings and their cost.

No obligation to this Company willbe incurred by owners in connectionwith this preliminary work, even ifthey determine to employ other con-(ruetors.

Citff Properl// for Sale.

WLBER DX RKVBRB. 1« OAST IR «T.. MOCWTVEKNOX. N. T.. buys, sells, reals aad iHWiiian

real estate


\u25a0' \u25a0 \u0084-\u25a0-•• \u25a0\u25a0.-

looses TenDollar Stack at RockaicayBeach as Evidence.

y I»eput*? i'oli«:e Commissioner Mathot spent theXiisht of the glorious Fourth of July by the breezyShores of Rockaway. That domestic beach whscrowded with happy :nen, women and children, andtiot one recognised the thirO in command at Policelleadq:-airtei^. The Deputy Commissioner wished*to maintain bis incognito, and took the precautionto disswiife himself as a stray visitor to the placelook'nt; out for' a "hurrah ofa time."

Few people imagined that Rockaway could fur-?>isri any more exhilarating sensation than a dip InIts wilflsurf at high water, the numerous children'scatch-penny shows, or l'stening to the soothing•trains of a hotel orchestra.

\u25a0 But when tae Deputy Commissioner haled threeiiN-n, who gave their names as Samuel Levy,grata Herbert and William J. Marshall, into the••ar Uockitwuy police court yesterday morning'some people oegan to think "that there's been•araerfcin;; d.'in1

"on the beach that the multitude

o:<in*t *»*>. <"aptai;i Tighe, who is responsible forthat neighborhood, had his eyes opened wider thanthey ever were when the Deputy Commissionertv.;-«d him that he had found a gambling den. In

) the court he sail that Levy was the manager ofthe place. All»-t<jheld In$300 for examination on3n'r 9.

The Deputy CV>rnmission»r was looking about forstronger sensations, when he saw men hurrying Inpairs aid groups into the Waverly House, at theBoulevard and Lincoln avenue. He fell in with theStream »nd «ras carried into the place. He sawmen lo*inp money.

"What kind of r. chase d'ye call this?" he in-quired. ' •:

"Ah, K"hon;» t'yer old woman: this ain't nochild's play. SUidoo for yours; y'll try, d'ye see!"«"as the wild admonition from one of the "spot-ters."

But th? visitor wouldn't Jiav« it that way. Thenthey explained the same and its advantages, whichmere all his.

"I'm with jr* boys. Give us $!•> worth of chips."Mathot played his and lost."Hard luck." ho commented coolly. "I'm play-

ing a lone hand, but this will hold you." He'showed his badge of office and read the riot act.

M.ri'ncr iTTJ.s (rAMi:.


<»N IIIKrKsll)K-> CONVKMENT H>K "«MIPI'IM. VUK r. IW.-> 000


LARGE PROFITS tn N. T. City real estate. Send t*Illustrated booklet. KLBERT C. SMITH. Msshsttaa

Co-operative Real Estate Cto.. a-7 East 4M st

City Property to Lei.

ni<iMP-nN *\u25a0CJIs»l B <U^LS«bbbT *•

LUNA PARKC MlßOt— by D. R. T.InnPark Kxpre , tan3;J{%



PAIIM'S ..Jgau.jRiverside DriveAutomobiles "77;Le<ve FarTe trance. Coloabtu Circle \u25a0»

_ '

(Subway Station), 9A. i;. to « p y /\r7.50 P. M. to S.S> P. M..every gft»«a nn^.' *»»JC


«3lX,rz —-.

SQir.AKfi Ifllllk rii.\MrVnsF"—


Tu»^- Thur*. s«.. He."

7th Are. &mtu st. DOLLY VARDENICASIIVOITHE social whirl.

TJRIVATE HOUSE TO ÜBT.—JIO West «M 8C; fburX story aad basement; twelve rooms and two baths; batand cold water In each room. Inquire of J. J. BAOLJST.25 West 42d St.

Unfurnished Apartments Tn Let.




m£ yi"«m» in wax special- MamMUsKB I noyal ItaUan Orcae«te>. Uj»U» AJ--s


rpo LET.—

Elesant apartments, all modern improve--X ments. possession now. rent to begin September 1:7and 8 rooms, rent JST« to $62 30. 945-991 President St..Apply to your own broker or Realty Associates. 174Kerns? n at.. Brooklyn.

IfPatch man Says He Fired in Self-Dcfence

—Victim May Die.

Strike violence by sympathisers of truck driversTvho left the employ of Bruck & Schulman. whole-Bale grocery dealers, at Xos. S3l and 333 East 103 d•tree!. last Saturday, culminated in a shooting yes-terday afternoon, when Edward McGrane, a watch* shot Joseph Grossman, of Xo. 2,014 Secondcver.ue.

The ballet struck Grossman under the heart. He»as taken to Harlem Hospital, where slight hopessire entertained for his recovery. McGrane washeld without bail on ;i charge of attempted homi-cide. He paid he tired In self-defence, as he wasbeing beaten by*pickets. McGrane's story was sup-ported by Alfred J. French, another watchman.\rh.'i. running to help him. was stabbed m theJintid. French accused Samuel Belford. of No. 319Ea?t 101*t street, who was held in $1,000 bail forfelonious assault Meyer Reingold. a picket, hadJim nose broken.

The strikers demanded higher wages and shorterhours. On Monday the firm advertised for non-union men. and when some appeared to apply for•work, according to members of the firm, the ap-plicants were attacked. McGrane and French triedto protect the new arrivals, but were attacked.When •McGrane was knocked down be drew hispistol and fired.

Police were summoned, and twenty arrived, hem-snins in the pickets on both sides of the block. Mc-Grane pave himself up. Coroner Harburser took a•tstenn-iit from the wounded striker at the hospital.Itis said that he charged McGriine with trying t »beat a union man, and when he reproached himfor it he was shot.


The Turf.Jersey City.

ELEGANT FIjOORS. 7 rooms, bath, modern Improve-ments; selert nrlifhborhood :10 minutes from N. V.;

l»nl reasonable. Cl'NKu, -71 I'alisade aye, Jersey lityHeights.

To Let for Business Purposes.CTH AYE.. IT*

—l^rg' store. I>asement: suitable any

O business. Inquire store. 17H Cth «v-*.-


June 31 to July 10. 3:34 P. M. Rain or !!\u25a0.:;>.'

14 lit Uul ! PASSY ! -««•Leaie East 34th at.. E. R. via L 1 r. r.. at 11

A. M.. 12:10. 12:4^. 12:50 <1 00 Parlor Car Trait). 1:11,1:40. Z:10. 5:4* P. M. Take ferryboat foot WWtrtiaSt.. N. T. 11:40 A. M.. and thereafter every 10 nilßßUt. Iconn««tinf at 39th st.. Brooklyn. »!?h electric mis* idirect to track. AM Brooklyn troi!«/ car» trSsSkffdirect to track. Concert by Lander.

Grand Stand. $3; I.nd!?-. 91.58. Wld Stasit U.•\u2666•MOTOR CABS AND MOTOR CABS

TO THE TRACK.New Tork Transportation Co.

ffth Are. and 4»th St. Telephone J3»O C->'.an*o« \u25a0

Long Island Real Estate for Sale.SOUTH SHOREJ AND SUFFOLK COUNTY resl.ience-.X? farms and waterfronts. Furnished cottages to rent.WILLIAMHAMILTON.SayvlHe. 1.. I.

Public Notice.Country Property for Sale.

OAKWOOD. —A beautiful country home for sale. Send\J for booklet, containing 12 views and description, toP.. P. BISS&LL. Manchester. Conu.TTIOR SALE— Orsinlng. N. T.. lar»e house and barn;J7 Root situation; now occupied as boarding house-<asy terms. THO3. LEAKY. IHMain St.. OsFinlnj N. Y.

I?*)R SALH.— acres, with modern house and buitfin?: high ground, near BriarclifT Manor; tine location.'THOMAS LEARY.;. N. T.

TT^OR SALB— At Plainfieli; large house and barn; on1? principal street; taken for debt and willbe sold at abargain. FIRST NATIONAL.BANK O9 PLAINFIEIJ)N. J.


Elegant residence. Chester Kill onAL plot 100s2(K>: $33,000; worth $50,000. COOLET &WEST, Mount V»-rn.->n. White Plains.

BLOOMFIELD.—New house. 1O rooms-; hardwood floors-all improvements ;5 minutes' walk to stations- finelylocated. EDWARD O. WARD. MS Nassau st X T *and >>»» Beach St.. B!oomn>Id. N. J.

KUTHERFORD, N. J.—Seven rooms, bath; all improve-i m-r.ts. 48aMS>; large grapevine: all windows andporch screened; hardwcoU floors. O. K. HUNT. 155 West

St.. N. Y.

A large delegation of the Tobacco <;r. \u25a0we:?' As-•oeiatlon of the I'nited St;iir« arrived 1a sas='a s=


from Xorfolk on the Old Dominion steamship Prin-«-ess Anne. Their annual conference will begin to-«!j»v ia the new (Jrand Hotel.

Mr«. Louise K. Stenton. mother of Mrs. Kinnan,•who was murdered on June. S. on the porch of theStenton home, at Xo. 246S Washington avenue, willbe allowed to keep her belongings in the housefar a while, and will not be ejected by dispossessproceedings by Lawyer Burton W. Gibson, formerlylier counsel. The forcible removal of Mrs. MarieEhlppo, the Italian woman who rented the basemen'Of the house from Mrs. Stent<-n. and against whomGibson ha« brought dispossess proceedings, is alsoto be delayed.

Mrs. Mattie Mayer, wife <>f r>avici Slayer, a dealerIn diamonds, at Xo. 1* Maiden Lane, yesterday re-ceived an interlocutory decree of divorce from Jus-tice in the Supreme Court. Forty dol-lars a week alimony was awarded to her.

Police Commissioner Binsham yesterday ap-pointed CajJtain Frederic Gusher secretary toDeputy Commissioner Waldo. Mr. Ougher saw ser-vice in the Spanish-American War.

Captain Andrew Keyset, who started in a twelve-mile race with Captain "Bab" Peach on Wednes-day, was found in his rowboat off Gover-ritr's Island early yesterday. lie said lie wasseized with a cramp in the log after rowing roundBobbins Reef.

Julius Wiener, of No. 58 Rutgers street, jumped

from the Williamsburg Bridge, near the Manhattantower, yesterday He die.) 5.,011 after his arrivalat tiouverneur Hospital.

BAIL BOND GONE; MAGISTRATE ANGRY.The disappearance of a $2,300 bail bond, which

Should have been on record in the Lee avenue po-lice court. Williamsburg, and the inability of thepolice to find Samuel RoFen. a. confectioner, of No.J049 Myrtle avenue, who was released from Ray-mond street jailon the bond, aroused the suspicionof Magistrate Higginbotham yesterday, and hehas oitiered a thorough investigation.•


1f\f\ACRES, half mil* waterfront; accessible to yachts-JLUU low at $25.1)00; magnificent tract. WM. WVLrILACE TOOKER. Sag Harbor. N. Y.AUCTION SALES YESTERDAY.

At 14 Vtßey st— By 1- .1 Phillips &• Co: Broadway \u25a0 »cor I2«th Bt, 1«'.6x7.4x1R.5x1«.1; vacant; Anna PelImanast •! M Rumpf et al; M R &ll8 Isaacs, a'».- <• Ijeviref; partition: to th<? plaintiff fr.r SI.(KKt.

By Joseph !' Day: 452 119th st, \u25a0 s, 96 ft w <•'. Pleasant

TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY.Tucker. Speyer & <*o. have sold for the estate of

Helen S. Rapallo and Edward S. RapaMo to theI.C. Lyons Buildingand Operatlig Company Xos.230 and £?% :,th aye., two old buildings, on a plotfi«.4xionxl2.j feet, The purchasers gave as part pay-ment the new eleven story mercantile building atXos. 57 and 59 East 11th St.. on a plot 54x103 feet.The amount involved in the transaction is SUOO.OOO.The oth aye. plot will be improved at once with atwelve story mercantile building.

Frederick T. Barry ,ms sold for Marquis Miller,of Philadelphia, Xo. 104 East 6l*d st., a three storyand basement dwelling house, 1ft.8x?0.5 feet. Also*ol<! for Frank X. Dodd Xo. 45 East 76th st.. a fourstory and basement dwellinghouse, 12.6x102.;: feet.

Isaac & Btang have bought for B. KlingenßtelnXo. Clv East 39th st., a five story tenement house,r»xi«to feet.

George F. Pi. ken has sold for a Mr. H&ncy Xo.IF* West 119 th sst.. a throe story and basementbruwustoiu- front dwellinghouse, on a lot I7xl<m.llfiot. adjoining the southeast oorner of 7th avo.

Joel Marks & Co.. in conjunction with DavidStewart, have sold for Samuel Wacht and Gelger& Bravornian the northwest corner of Amsterdamaye. and 156th st.. a plot f<?.llx!i;s feet.

Kella *Delaney have- sold Isaac Wolf No. 782Amsterdam aye.. a five et:»ry double flathouse, withst"ies, on :i '>>t iix*.". feet.

Rubinger, Klinger & <*o. have sold for OsiasX irp No. 114.") Ist aye.. a rive story double tenementbouse, ••:] a lot 25x100 feet.

Joseph F. Feist has sohl for Herman Schmonseesthe f-.tir story sinsle flathouse No. 518 West 46tli ston a lot 20x100.5 feet

Julius D. Toblaa has bought from Anson McCookBeard, as trustee for David Stevenson, the tlir?*five story tenement houses No. Mi to -ki* i!tiiayeon a plot 74.11x100 f^et. Robert A. White was thebroker.

Charles X Duross has sold for Edward J. ReillyNo. 57 Grove St., a three- story dwellinghouse, 011 a!>\u25a0( 1ft.10x31.3x irregular.

Samuel Brenner lia> resold to a Mr. <'ohen theplot, 50x100 feet, on the east side of Monroe aye. 27©fe--t ),ortii of !74t'.i St.

;;ni Piser has bought the northwest corneraye and 216 th m.. a plot 114>:1<v. feetColumbia Mutual Building and Loan Asso-

ciation has s< I<l the two four story flathouses Xos856 and 858 Kast 136 th .st.. on a plot EOxIOO IVet.

K. V. Peseta Co. haw r^S'ikl for a client toCassle Dubin the four story tenement house at Xo.306 Concord St., Brooklyn.


William E. Folkes has sold the Palmer Heightspr« perty. on Sawmill River Roid and Palmer aye..Vcnkers. comprising 178 lots, for $40,000.—


REALTY NOTES.•Uilin N. folding has rented for Mrs. Daniel La-

mont the private stable Xj 19 West 55th st.: alsotor Mrs. F. R. Halsey tho dwelling house No. 21West S2d st. to Mrs. A.U. Shanley for a long termof years; Camp Mahaqua. in Tipper St. RegisI-ake. forJ. J. Hill toJ. Alnsloy Blair; for the Cruik-phank Company, Xo. 13 Zast 46th st.. to Mary A.Kenny for a term: for Mrs. A. P. Sargeant. No. t>lW<st 50th St.. to Dr. George It. Stewnrt for a t<=rmol years; for Sum:* A. Farley, tlie Bth floor apart-r.K^nt in the new building, southeast corner Madi-Son aye. and 55th St., to Dr. Clarence Fahnestock;also in the nine buiiding, the 9th and 10th floorapartments to J. H. Moore; for J. H. Ladew. asexecutor, the stable Xo. 161 Kast ')9th st. for a termof years; for Henry A. Murray. No. 54 West 49thst.. to Dr. Ernest Fahnestock: for the Commercialtable O.mpany the basement floor of the newAnnex Building. Exchange Place and New st.. fora long term of years to the Exchange Buffet Cor-poration, which will open a large establishmenton the promises: for the Commercial Cable Com-pany, a law suite of rooms in name building toJ. H. Fortig, in the same building, to the SouvageSafef- Brako Company, a large suite of rooms; toWaterman. Anthony & Co., In tho same building,a large suite of rooms; to Andrew C. Foye for aterm of years a large suite of rooms, in the samebuilding. an<l for the Commercial <"'able Company,a jam suite of rooms in the same building toJ. H. Mmghan and John J. Moylan.

John X. Golding has sold for Mary E. StamlerNo. 22 East 120 th St.. a three story and basementdwelling house, 20x100.11 feet, to Alfred A. Acker,

who will improve the premises for business pur-]>oses. Mr.Uoldin;? was also the broker in the salefor St. James's Church, I-ong Island, of No. <58Trinity Place 10 the United States Express Com-pany.

T»w buyers of No. 112 Wall St.. sold recently byFrank L>yman, have organized a corporation to beknown as the 111: Wall Street Company. Aneighteen story building is projected for the site.D. K. Wells & Co. represented the seller and Alex-ander BchaJe thr buyers. The officers of the pur-chasing company are Dr. Justin Schworin, ofPhiladelphia, president; Joseph Kahn. vice-presi-dent; Marquis Alfred P. >\e Vtllar. of Paris, secondvice-president; Maximilian Kahn, secretary andtreasurer. Alexander Sc-hai«\ Henry Seligman andErtnano Bruner and the officers are directors ofthe company.

M. &L. lioss huve leased to Alland Brothers fromthe plans the new twelve story and basement fire-proof building being erected for SHberman Brothersat Xos. 14 and 16 West 17th St.. on plot 50x92 feet.Tl^e building is to have about 60,000 square feet and

will be' known as the Alland Building. Itis rentedfor a term of ten years at an aggregate rental ofabout ©00,000. This in the tirst of the new sky-scrapers being t?reot?d In this section that hasfound a single tenant.

RED BANK. N. Stock farm for sale; ISO acres-XV ideal location: "nousp. in rooms; barn and otherbuildings; $12300. WM. A. HOPPING. Real Estate.


ROCEATVAY FAatLOTS $700. TERMS KAST.Apply Rockaway Park Improvement Co.. 102 Broadwiy

HAWORTH. N. J.Building sites. £J»x> up. 14 miles out

JAS. JAY SMITH. 3» East 42.1 rft.

4(\f\ ACRF sto«-k farm. Rockland Co.. X. T.;residence,•tl/Vf fully furnlyhed: stock, implements, grist millcrowinir cr^ps: one third mllo to station. BOOKHOL'T48 Mai.lei, Lane.

Country Property to Let.


Seashore cottage, magnificently located atfort Truntbull Beach. MilforjJ; s*fe bathlnn good

fishing and clamming. DAVID L. CLARKE. MilfordConn.

fpo LKT. at Milton-on Hudson, large house and shadyX ground-, for tlv» season; barn room Ifdesired J itNOLAN. JR.. Milton. N. Y.

gUPKEME COURT. APPELLATE DIVISI03; jFirst Department. Tn the matter of <•.*» appiicsttca at |

th>- Board of Papld Tracslt Kattrnad i^omininiontrt ts ,the City of >">->« York for the appointment of i!tr«» Cos- !missioners to det<»rmln«» and report whether a raj;d craast |railway or railways for the conveyance an-i voilaUßaof persons* an<l property, as determin-*-! by '.}>>> So«r4 |ought to l<r conyrructej an.i operated. 'White Plains Realroute Notfea Is hereby given that th» 3rs;sn«d. XTIB>iani W. Xll?!t. K.!«ari H. Healr and Edward R. fiadlhaving by an '.r-I*-r of the Appellate Division *.f lie *»• :preme Court for the First Judicial Department. ent»r«l lathe above entitled matter on the 27th day of Jus* 130 S.bearing dat? on that day. been appointed comattasfcaMSssidetermine and report after duf> public hearing whether C>railway or railways mentioned In the pttiticn of the oilB->ard. pri«»nt<»tl to th-s said Anpe!!ate Pivi»ion oa mabout the Stall day of May. 190«. and filed In the offct«ithe clerk of said court on or about tha same day, be constructed and operated, do hereby appoint »day, the 18th day of July. is*«. at 2 o'clock in the aftsr-noon of that day. at the office of Boardcarr. PUr: aSoley. Number .'«•> Ta" Street. In th» Borv«gh of Sss-hattan. City of New Tork. as the tim» and place at tS»first sitting, and at such sitting and such adjournrt ac-tings as may thereafter be held they will hear all p»r«EiInterested In said matter.


GEORGE I- RIVES. 32 Lab*: Street. N»w York Cttr.nnd EOARI>MAN. PUTT & BOI£T, :« Wail StmtNew Y<»rk city, Attorneys for the Board of Rap 1-!Trar«lt Railroad Commissi'ir.ers for tli*City of 3le»York.


—In th*.raatter of the appllntiw

of The Board of Rapid Trs-- Rallroa.l Conuainiswwfor the City of New York for ir» arpolntrnent cf tar»»'omn:issior.«T3 to determti;* and report whether a fspitransit railway or railways foe th» conveyance and tnrs-portatlon of persona and property, as ilet?rrnine<j by i*»Board, ought to be constructed" and operate-! J»ras»Avenue Subway.

Notice is hereby given that the mvlerslg.-.- ! CharifS F.T>il!on. Rudolph Block anrl Edward T. McOan. -;a«tß|by an orfier of the Appellate Division of the SusrsS*Court for toe First Judicial Department, enter-4 to *•above entitled matter on the 27th day of Jun*. 18C6, !**:-Ing date on that day. been appointed oommijsioßers t>determine ar»^ n?rK>rt after dv* public hearicg •jrSsifc*'the railway or railways mentioned in the p^tl'toa of

••«aM Roard. presented U» the said Appel'ate Divlslaa «\u25a0or about the 2Sth .lay of ilay. lp«:«. an<! «itd :\u25a0 ti»oSlc© of the clerk of sal court en vr ah^ut tis« ass*day. ought to be constructed and operate. •*> hm^Tappoint Tuesday, the 17th day of July, ifrni. at .' >*>SBIin .the afternoon of that day at the oSce of Bo«r*niaP!att A Soley. No. .15 Wail" Street, in ihe 3or—«* •*Manhattan. City of New York, a* •\u25a0. t!ir.^ and pi»

*th« first sitting, and at •u-h sitting ar.d such aijourS"sittings as may thereafter b» held they willhear »a »•>sons Interested in said matter

Dated New Tork. June 3(>. lfh*tCharles) r ruui>*Ri : x.

GEORGE L. RIVES. 32 T^bertv Sr-eJ-" New TSsasßßßßsiand BOARDMAX. a St)UET. S3 Walt SWf.New York City. Attorneys for the '-.*•\u25a0•' of >•\u25a0Transit Railroad Corwnlseloners for •-« »:y «£ S**Tork.Furnished House* to Let


PEMAgriD HARBOR. MAINE COAST.— fur-\u25a0L nished cottage. 11 r.v>ms; high, extended sea viewgood boating;, bathing, fishing; pure water, bath; reachedby boat from Beaton or Darnariscotta: price S2lrt for sea-son or $125 for August. Address Mrs. JOHN H. EUJSPemaquld Harbor. Me. •—«.Proposals.

QFFICE, COMMISSIONERS. l>. C> VM&Ington. Jun» W. 19«l—SEAT.ED PRCPOSAI-S ••!?received at ihla o!I!c«» until 12 o'clock, noon. ~aiwas*July 14. 1808. for grading certain streets an.) »*•\u25a0•

a«grettatlng about 30iOOO y»r l» of grading. Wan***of proposal, specification*, and all necessary >r*=! ?willbe furnlnhed at this office. H. B. F. MACTaKI*


H. I.WEST. JOHN RIDDLE. Commissioners. P~ C -Real Estate To Exchange.


Furnlghed house; all Irnprow-roents: postofnee. steam and trolleys; moderate rentseason. JNO H. WRIOHT. 3S Broad stf. X

™ fW

F)R SAIJS OR EXCHANGE foe private nous*, lot»Ht9B. on 8U Nicholas are. near 14Ut st.* ownerJ. B. POWERS. Woodlawn. Bronx.* own*r'

Real Estate Loans.MOXET TOI»AN on improved property: 0.i1.-k answer<X>RTUA?O>T MORTGAGE caV^WUIlanV *»

QFFICE. COMMISSIONERS. 1» C. WAa#Inston. June 28. • 1801. Sealed proposal* willMJ£eetved at this ofllc» until 12 o'clock m.. on SaturiW- *S

14. IMS. for icradlne and regulating suburban »tr*f*7Javenues. Blank forma.of proposal spectncatiort» •»*!necessary Information will be furnished on arrtic»J??- ?this ofßce. H. B. F. lIACFARU\ND. HENRY I*">JOHN Rlin>UK. Commissioner!-. P. C.

QFFICE. COMMISSIONERS. DISTRICT C?Colunsbia. Washington. June 80. IPC9.— Sea!**,?££

roaals w«l b* receive at thla ofßce until 12 m.. i™Ll,\mm. for furnishing water meters. fVrrr«. spefISSBBBS'and necessary Information may b.- obtain*d at tin*J*sHenry B. F. .Uacrariand, Henry U West. J«*» \u25a0•"*Commlsaleawra. D. C.

William B. Konda, of No. 45 Clarendon Place?,voluntary petition, showing liabilities. 534.055;assets. $720. Principal creditors. Mary M. Foote,Oxford, P.nn.. $1,187; Charles \V. Roepper, Phila-delphia. $4.5(»; Susan B. londa. Short Mills. N. J.,SB.sfiO; Cornelia Howland. Morristpwn. N. J.. »5.300.

Will: mi Wilson, u<>cu|iutiun "treasure-r," No. noLiberty street, voluntary petition, showing debtsof $30,if..., and assets of $21,167. The principal cred-itor* are Henry 8. Botonot, 74iii street and Broad-way, ->.l'«l. \u25a0«•.•:, |.v itiKilance policy; .1. & J.ICtigan, No. 34 run street. 11.304; United Merchants'Realty ami Trust Company. H,«IC. The assets con-Kist or rash in bank. 121:the bankrupt ha* twonotfs for 110/ iK) and 17.5W, mad*- by the WilsonItr'jj- Btoro Company. oti which $:{.iW has beenpaid, teitTtoffUl balrmtv >.i SU.u:*,.; due netilioner .' uccount, J'/X-j; i.ii\u25a0!•; iiuittcjcUuna, $3,OC«J.

Archibald. Frank D.—

11. F. Kauffman; November15. I'JO4 $78 08

Bailey. William U.—

Utlca Heater Company;March 20. 1909 -" '-"-

Blttner. Mary—P. J. Frawley; February 11, 1!X)4. 4js 15Collins, Charles W;—City uf New York: July 24.

1003 (vacated) 487 40Evens, Morris—Kastern Hydraulic Press Brick

f-ompany; October I*.IHJW (cancelled) 214 35Faber, Ebarhard- -Rritifh ami Foreign Marine In-

gurance Company; April 11, 1!«!"> 103 90Sam» earn*; January 25. I** 88 16Oene. Frank—L. Kohn ft ,ii: June 11. 1906 40«*>urt. William K.

—Pester' Agricultural \u25a0<"hemlcal Works; May 17. lKni 1.02953

Hatch. Alfred-' atiri Frederic H.—A. a. Man-

del; December 5. 1800 I.BOS ISMack, James C- Planet. Cement Company; June

28 1906 183 00Meghan, James K.

—Meal Estate Record Assocla-

!•...• June 23. IfXM (cancelled) 2**lSame— F. Hecht; August 'SZ. V.»H (cancelled) 5,080 23Saire K. Manley; November 13, i!<oi (can-


1.f>2«14Same— A LV Canfleld; November 14".' 1001 (can-

c.flledi SSI «6Sam«—- J. W. Rapp: May 23. 100J S3 71Same— Sargent et al; March 28. 1001 338 04Specter Oussle and Barnet— Sundchovitz;

June 20. 1906 10031Sch.iplro. Jacob, an.l Joseph Anderson— D.

OewltSCh; June 21. 100« 4.^2 58Schrader. William, jr.

—J. RoberU; March S.

18OT (vacated) <5140Velebil Alfred—V. Pavelka; June 23. 1900...... li>B02Verschlerser, Max—Balsler Heating Company:

June 10. lOOH 159 K7Worthlnston, Henry B

—City of New York; June

25 1906 225 onInternational Steam Pump Company

—City of New

York; June 2T«. 1806 22500

JUDGMENTS.Th« following judgments were filed yesterday, the

first name being that of t*:e debtor:


Barnett Friedman $84230Bu-kley. Anna— Nicholas Helms 155 4Bloyen. Speiee

—Augusts I*Louis 81 BB

r;rli William J.— City or New York; coats £sri :;r,

Same— John B. McDonald: costs 234 5)6gan,,.

—i>gnnn-McLean Contracting Company;

fOHtS \u25a0• \u25a0

•'•S5 OTCastle, Homy D.—City of New York 1,38214Conlan. James W. Same \u25a0»•» 22

Carlisle. John C. -Bam« 1!« B4Colt. Augustus B.

—Same IB6oa

Camblaco, Ellis J.—

tiama *»'>4 4»>Callahan. Walter— Same 854 48Craig, Susan A.--Charles I*Cralsr 2.897 91

Oarr. It.njamin J. Jr.— George Brown i(H> <»>Ellis, George V.

—George A. Merser lia...

Blsenhuth. John W.—

Rudolph Hermann 26,817 31Franchl Krnesta. (not summoned) and Angeollna—

Nathan Tannenbaum °»VIFotopoloa, Peter— August L- Louis 4jit;

Friedman. Daniel— Mutual Milk and Cream Com-pany • ? ?4?4

Pulton John— George A. Varnay. et al.;cunts.... 58 12Gulager, George F*. T.

—Bltaa W. Train ex al.; .

costs SiS?Goldman, Israel—

Samuel Cohen 20881Goldman Solomon -Jacob Scheer, <t al.; costs... llr.S.i

Goodman. Abraham and Isaac Knot summoned)—

1:,. \u25a0 net Friedman 34- 50Hartwig. Außust

—M Zlmmenuan Company ..*... 56299

Hernnan. William—Abraham Eaianbeln 2.257 88Hlrßhberpr. Isldor

—Barnet Karol 16863

Hornfr. Ernst— Robert Sugden 1.028 64Kaufman Abraham— Ralph Newstead •*» «i

Kelioe. Florence M.—Daniel Mayer et al 67188Koven, Max and Abraham— Mark I. Knapp Ji 41Krerss, Dora Mayor, etc.: costs 114 X".Levy go] i.

—1.-iuta Levy; costs I*J(>3

Lee," Henry—Soclete Anonym* de« Ancient Estatv-llshment et al : 3i2 20

M>ers, Joseph— J. Currle Wllmerdlng et al (>\u25a0'- <nMcGown. Mary—City or New York; cost« 114

Marks.. Mary K.—

Weher-Bunke- Lange. Coal Com-pany •

(............ 4«41

Moses, Alfred lacob Roaenthal et «i 63097Mann. Alfred C—George Henke 1.17 06McNamara Ellen— Peter J. Ryan 87183McDonald, James— Raoul A. Frechette 07 47Mclaughlin. John X.—Philip A. VVeinr*r costs.. 23 77O'Donovsn, K\\< n • I- t-r J. Ryan 37193R«s.>nl>frK. Samuel

—Exchange Ba.ik 143*56

Seeley, David—Bernard F. Lynch 46 34Fchctn. Max—Thomas Rosaum 25 40Schoen. Ferdinand and Frederick— New York Tele-

phone Company .• • I*37Smith Francis K. -Reginald H. Schenck 34 «<>Smith, Frederick H.

—David J. Bannon 420 45

Sauir. Kate—

Louis Silv.-rtiian 49 31V*rrrill>e. A."hl>*l U.

—Samuel Makransky et al.:

costa 70 35Weseley. Frederick

—ScbwaraachUd & Sulzberger

Company »» 07Weieert. Hubert L—John A. Bpeherttng 32 3SWarren. William T- Acker. Mem. l! A c,>r..iit

Compan) S963Walker. Augusta M.—Arthur H. Jones 1.23D4HWaters. John— G-orce Bmwn 206 7«Wilmjn, William lobnson & Johnson fi.M76Young, William H.

—Rowland N. Hazard 243 »1

Corporate Agent Company- City of New York... 135 48Morris <; Cohen & <*\u0084

—Same \u25a0». u<<

Creditors' Kecuritv Company Same ::5:t9C. H. Clayton & Co. -Same U<2MPile Block Company

—Trade Press Con.pary 23172

Gotr-am Auto I'ompany—

Pennsylvania RubberCompany, of New York 200 33

City of Sew York—Herbert S. Ackerman: costs.. 112 IST. K. Hayrnan Company -Theodore J. Hobe et al. 153 IH

PETITIONS «IN BANKRUPTCY.The foliowinß petitions in bankruptcy were filed

yesterday with the clerk of the United States Dis-trict Court:

SATISFIED JUDGMENTS.The first nanio is that of the debtor, the second

that of the creditor and date when judgment wastiled:


PE\DE\;Broadway, n. o. corner 148 th st. !n».llxlOo: \nson 41cC

Beard aRt. James McClenahan et al. (action to impresstrust); attorneys. Glfford. Uobbs. Haskcll & BeardMonroe et.. No. 133: Adoiph Shapiro agt. Morris Gold-stein (specific performance); attorney, J. .Levy

Manjfin St.. No. 29: Edward Mandel agt." Julius Myeret al. (fort-closure of mortgager, attorney, A. C Mandel

Mh aye.. w. s.. 20 ft. s. of l»«tb »t.. 24.11x85; MarieBtolndler agt. Harru Herzog et al. (foreclosure of mort-eas.n; attorney. E. M. Stelndler.

Hoad leading from Fordham to West Farms, n a,. 43ft. w. of Taylor aye.. 2Sxtl3x irrtxnlar: Catharine C.Hill asrt. <'harles Knauf et al. (foreclosure of mortgage ;attorney. H. Hill.

10th w. s., 74.1 ft. n. of 40th st.. 49.4x1110; 42rlSt.. a. s.. 1,rM» ft. w. of «>th aye.. 25x»5.»; road leadingfrom Kln«3i>rldge to Williainsbrldnte. s. s.. adjoining landof Nathaniel P. Bailey and Charles Drake. Bronx; parcelof land on w. s. land from Williains'bridge Road to landof N. P. Hallf-y. adjoining land of Mary O'Nrtll;G. CBarber agt. Josephine F. Ohllds et al. (paUitlon); at-torneys. Heaves. Todd & Swain.

lK>ts 191 and 192. map of Gleason property. 60x100.24th Ward; NHls H. A. Nellson agt. Alice M. Lynch(specific performance); attorney, J. t*. McKachen.

aye,. w. .'., 130.8 ft. n. of ittd st.. 20. lOx100.11; Johr Yule ast. Amelia NVn-mark et al. (foreclosure

of mortgage); attorneys, QuackenhuMh A Adams.116th St.. No. .",74 West; I'hlilj. Kauer agt. Isaac M.

Witt (.action to recover deposit, etc.); attorney. H.

I'nion aye.. c. s.. 100 ft. n. of 16ttth St.. 10Oxl0<>:American Mortgage Company agt. Esther Blsenberg et al.(foreclosure of ni"rtgaße); attorneys. Bowers & Sands.

I<)7th tt., n. w. corner Extirior st., 17<»xl00.11x irregular; William C. Reet.»»r et al. agt. Isaac Sakotskl etal. (foreclosure of mortgage); attorney. J. V. Fallon. Jr.

MANHATTAN BUiLDING PLANS.Xth St.. Nos. 428 and *"0 Kast. for a five story

brick factory. »)xSf>.»>; Biahop (iutta PerchaCompany, owner; J. P. Volker. architect $57.<KK>

Lexington aye.. w. s.. between 130 th and 131ststs.;for four six story brick flats and stcres.41*.11x72: Hauben Realty 4 'ompanv. owner;Bernstein & Bernstein, architects lSi».00O

l*6th st.. s. g.. 100 ft. w. of 7th aye.: for five sixstory brick flat.*, 40x88.11; j. Rosenberg and M.Perelson. Beristein iBernstein, archi-tects 175.000146th st.. s. s.. 300 ft. w. of 7th aye.:for two rixstory brick flats. 37.0xH«.11 ;RonenLenr & Pfrelsen. owner; Bernstein & Eernstein. architects.. 70,000

121st st.. s. s.. 0O ft. c. of Park aye.: for a sixstory brick tenement an-1 storr, 25x87.11; H.Seplowltz, owner: <;. F. Pelham, architect 28,500

Dey st., No. 38; f-.r a two story frame shed. 26.8 x••3.5; (VRourke Kngineering Construction Corapany, owner; J. Swanndl, architect . 800•Oth St.. Nos". 154 and 15«; for a tnree stor>-and basement trick dwelling house 40x92 11•

S. H. Brown, .wner: K. P. Casey, architect 50.000Both st., Nos. 550 and .102 Kast; for-a »U storyl>r;,-k tenement hou** anq stpfe; Lie.l^ntha'lBros., owner; O. P. Pelham. architect 40,000AmMoruam aye.. s. w. corner 114 th at.; for tluee

six story brick flats, .VtxlOU: J Weinst.-in :owner; stem * Morris, architect* 215 000131st >t.. s. s.. mi ft. c. of Old Proadway; for twosix story l>ri< k tenement houses, 41.7 xlrrejj.•

Holdman Realty and Construction Company'owner; stern & Morris, architects .". 75.000

a»e. 1(1. 8x100. 11: r. sty hrk ten h; S S Glauber Cb at;tO Levoli et ol; A Salomon, fitty;C W Rldßway. ref: amt(iup. $1.840 40: taxcr. etc $»;»»!a; subl to four prior movtsaggrcKatlng ?12,S0O; to S Feldmark for ?1«,985.

AUCTION SALES TO-DAY.At 14 Vesey st—By D P Ingrahajn & Co: 1083 liitor-

vale aye, w a, 4iW. 11 ft s of lti'th st, 25x82.3; 3 sty irten h; H S.-h\vanew»de agt O Boehmer et al; O H Hyrte.atty; s LIIWard, ref:amt due. 55.336 32; taxes, etc. $21.

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.Greenwich st. es.s3ft wof Murray st, 26. 'Jx


Uiate. V Roloff el al. executors, to RichmondWeed :mortgage. $12.0»i0 $37,000

180Ui st. No 208 West. 17x99.11; Alexander Horn-

bf-Tfeer to Rosa Homberger 110th st, s s. 126 ft w of Oth aye. 26x92; Frederic

<le p Foster and another, executors, to Amon PEno CO.OOO

Bcnrottfr. New Yor» for Hamburc .aad \u25a0«*«!*.Hamburg. July 6. 1p m— Arrived, steamers Ptffg^<G«r). KaempfC. New Tor* via Plymouth «**JE85ibourg; July 4. Oreana <O«t>. Me? or. New l**Pljn.outh an* Cherbourg. li«*

•Alßlara. June 20—Sailed, steamer Alberto- Trev*^"*CVocco (from Smyrna). New York and FhUad**^skUrard. July s—Pasaed. steamer Narragansstt iSr>. *\u25a0""

New York for London. '\u25a0c.o'iBarbados. July 4—Arrlvad. steamer At"at»<s*a 2New York, via Kingston. Colon. etc. fer SVi~£:'\u25a0'\u25a0' '. \u25a0

Barcelona. July I—Arrived, steamer Uallla (ftK E*rTNew York. , ,-,tUsard. July Th» Holland- America ttee, !£*trt

Noordam. from New York for Boulop* •*»*3h?dam. was la communication by wlrelesa "\u25a0,»>,-with the station kar*. when tba Tes-il *a!,,,",«.-alaht mils? west of this point, at »» °£J£\ A ;.'ably arrive, at Bouloene about \u25a0MIIUM I\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 WNaples. July 4—Arrived previously, steamer* AM***<-Warn. New Yor&: arrived. Cretle <»>. «**«&York for Genoa, etc; Kb. 4 » m. Koes!-^ »• ,»(tter>. Volger. New York via Gibraltar «>r «•»•'

Singapore. July a~Arrlved previously, ateso*.yari*

Singapore. July » Arrived previoualv. am«»»r«Br». Prlt.-hard. New York via %*\u25a0>•- __,-,- <•»Palermo. July »— Sailed, steamer Napolltaa »•\u25a0»•\u25a0,Kaglet,.n (from Naples*. New York. «_,_-»,-«\u25a0\u25ba

Saetla. July •. midnight Sailed, •naraer *«'****

Meyer. New Yora. . ; »»j«. \u25a0»» Th.Mnaa. July 4 sp,—

Arrived, Meafaer r**T^ii»J*-"*»ey. Now York for 8t Crolx. « KM"I «•Ceiaerara.

Port of Hew York, Thursday, July 5, 1903.ARRIVED.

Steamer Majestic (Br). Hayes. Liverpool June 27 andQuten»town •». to th« White Star Une. with 173 cabinand 3M> steerage passengers, mails and raij-e. Arrived atthe Bar at 12:44 am.

*Steamer TJomo iNor». Nielsen. Progr— o June 28 and«I»nipeche 27. to Thebaud Bros, with mdse. Arrived at

the at 1 « m. \u25a0 •Stt-amer lv>tte Menzell (Qer). Payson. Loutsburs V 8

July 1. to the Vogemann Une. In ballast. Arrived offthe Bar at I*:-1"a m.

Steamer iiidra-.vailt <Br). Hill. Hakodate March "1Yokohama April '\u25a0'\u25a0. Kobe 7. Shanghai "I,Manila May Z.Cebu '.<, Sliiiiiii'oif lti. Sabang 18. Port Said June 8Gibraltar 17 «i>il lloeton July 4. to Flinch. Kdye ik Co'with iii'lm. Arrived at the Bar at 5 a m.

Strainer <;iull. lAuat>, I'arovlch. Trieste June 16 Mes-sina 1I» and Palermo 20, to Phelpg Broa A to. with 13cabin and 1102 Mirage paisengers and radse. Arrived atthe Bar at 7 p m.

earner c-allust (Or), Fdlin. New Orlean • June 28 to


Vessel. I"or Line. Mailcloses. satl«Prlns P. Hendrick, HayU. D. W. 1....11 :00am I:<M>nmPrlnz E. Friedrleh. Colon. Hamb- Am..12*00 ra Z'<«> pmSablnc. Brunswick. Maliory 3:oOpraJamestown, Norfolk. Old Dominion... 3:00 pmComancbe, Jacksonville. Clyde . 3:00 pm

SATURDAY. JULY 7.Philadelphia. Southampton. Amer 6:00 am 0:30 amI.n< ania. Liverpool. Ounard 10:3i> a m 2-00 nmSilvia. Newfoundland, Red Cross 7:30anj 11 -no amPhiladelphia, Curacao, Had D 8;80 am 12:00 mManoH. St. Thomas. Quebec 0:30 am 12 00 mMorro Castle. Havana. Ward 10:00 am l^)OpmSarnia. Jamaica, Ilamb-Am 11:30 am 2:00 p mFinance. Colon. Panama 11:30 am 3:00 pmKroonland. Antwerp. Red Star 7-OOamBulgaria. Hamburg. Hamb- Am e-«K>araAstoria. Glasgow, Anchor 11-OOamKfinig Albert. Naples. N G Lloyd . 11:00 amItalia. Naples. AnchorEl Mar. Qalvaaton, Morgan 3-OODmEl Monte. New Orleans. Morgan 3-00 pmBan Jaclnto. Galveston. Mallory 3:oODtnHamilton, Norfolk. Old Dominion S OODmCity of Columbus. Savannah. Savannah 300 DmAlgonquin. Jacksonville. Clyde 3:oopm

MONDAY. JULY ».Asuncion de I^rinaga, Argentine 5:00 «m 7 30amPrincess Anne. Norfolk. Old Dominion. . 3:*>pm

TRANSPACIFIC MAILS.Destination and steamer. Close InN VJapan. «"orea. China and Philippine Isl-

* *—Tydeus via Tacomt) To-day A-flO n m

New Zealand. Australia (except West). T wwpnNew I'aledoniu. Samoa. Hawaii andFIJI Islands— Sierra (via San Fran-cisco) July 8. 12:30 amAustralia (except West). FIJIIslands and


New Caledonia—

(via Van-couver and Victoria. B C July 13, 0:(« ip m



Vessel. From. Una.•Urenaaa Grenada, .".tine 24 Trinidad•Valdivla Inasua, July 1 Hanib-Ar»Pennsylvania Hamburg, June 23 Hamb AmYucatan Santiago, June 30 WardEl Rio Galveston. Jun» 29 MorganExeter City Bristol. June 23 BristolEl Old New Orleans. June 20 MorganNueees Oalvastoa. June 30 Jlallory


•Uffibrta Liverpool. June 30 Cunard•St. Paul i.Southampton, June 30 American•I.a Touralne Havre, June SO FrenchKansas City savannah, july 4 Savannah

SUNDAY. JULY 8.•Columbia Glasgow. June 30 AnchorCeltic Liverpool, June 2» White starEl Dia Qalveaton. July 2. Morgan

MONDAY. JULY D.•Ryndam Rotterdam. June- 30 Holland- Km•Zetland \ntwerp. June Jso Rea gtar•Carlbbee Uemerara. June 30 QuebecPanr.onia Gibraltar. June 28 .'CanardProteus New Orleans. July 4 MorganCity of Maeon Savannah, July \u25ba> SavannahEl Dorado fS-alveston, July 3 Morjranl>en\or Galveston, July 3 Maliory

•Brings mail.

WIRELESS REPORTS.The Pennsylvania reported to Newport yesterday as

having p;t«*-d Nantucket South Shoals Lightship at 2p. ra. Sh<» is expect e-1 to dock to-day about 7:30 a. m.

The <_*olunibia reported to Sable Island yesterday at4:55 p. m. when 180 mtlM east of that station. She' willprobably dock about 2 p. m. Saturday.

The Celtic reported to Sable Island at 7:28 p. m.yesterday when 3<*> miles southeast of that station.She is expected to dock Sunday, about 7:. a. m. ,

Young Han Who Abused and Shot His AgedFather Must Stay in Jail.

Fred CnpingtH-, twenty-six years old. of No.B*-'." Westchester avenue, who shot his father.Richard Copinger. fifty-five years old. a retiredmerchant. in a quarrel Wednesday night, washeld without ball until Saturday by MagistrateWalsh, in th? West Chester police court yester-day. His friend. Joseph Dosth, of No. 218T. Sec-ond avenue, who Is accused of helping In theassault with an iron bar. was likewise held. Theelder Coplnger is InFordham Hospital, where itwas said last night that he would recover.


Sunrise 4:34iSuisct 7:33iMoon sets 1 Moon's age l.">HIGH WATER.

A. M.—Sandy Hook 7 70 Got. Island S:00|He!l Gate 9:5.1P. M.—Sandy Hook T:s2|Gov. Island S:l«iHell Gate 10-.OT


Yonkers Mystery Solved by YoungServants Confession.

The mystery surrounding the death of James Mc-Keon, coachman for F. L. Graves, a Wall Streetbroker, at Hartsdale. on Wednesday of last week,

has been solved.Eddie Quinn. a nfteen-year-old boy employed at

Mr. Oraves"s country home, confessed to SheriffMprrltt yesterday that he did the shooting, butsaid it was an accident. The boy did not makethe confession until Sheriff Merritt and his deputies

had worked on the case for nearly a week and hademployed Pinkerton men to help them unravel themystery. The boy says that he kept silent be-cause he was afraid of the etectrte chair.

Quinn says that on the day of the shooting theooachman drove Mrs. Graves to the stat on. and ashe was going out of the yard she willed his at-tr-ntlon to the boughs of some trees which overhungtlie drive and told him to trim them. When the

coachman returned he attempted to take a nap.

Quinn went to his room and told him that he hadbetter get up and do as Mrs. Graves had instructedhim. and was told to "go away."

"Then Isaw the old musket In the corner of theroom." said Quinn. "and picked it up and began tofool with it. Ididn't think tt was loaded, as Ithadbeen then* a long time." The coachman saw mewith it and snid: "That Is an old thing, and it Isbroken. It's no good."

"I still thought it wasn t loaded, so Ikept onfooling and pulled back the trigged. 1didn't meanto point it toward Mi-Keon. but it went oft whilethe muzzle was within a few feet of his head,

heard him scream an«l was so scared that Irushed downstairs without turning to look at him.

"I didn't know whether Init him or not. butkept mum about it and went back to work. Whenit came dinner time Irang the bell, but McKeondid not come. Then Isaid to ihe other servant.*.•I guess he's asleep. I'llrun over and call him' Ididn't knov h*> was killed until Iwent back thesecond time; then Isaw that his brains werescattered on the floor. Iwent back and told theother servants that some one had killed him."

The boy took a likingto Sheriff Merritt. and forthis reason mario him his r-onfidant. Although hehas served several years in the Catholic Protectory.Oulnn is not a bad boy. and the Sheriff and CoronerRussell believe that he has told them the truth.


Steamers Amerika <Ger>. for Hamburg via Plymouth andfherbours;: La Lorraine <•». Havre; Frtedrtch dar Grass*tOer\ Bremen via Plymouth and Cherbourg; Helll*OlaviDan). ChrWttsnia and Copenhagen; BliMflelUs. Baltimore.


Liverpool. July 6- Arrived, steamers Teutonic (Br>.Thompson. New fork via Queenstown; Sasonla 'tßr».Charles. Hoaton via yueenstown.

Queenntown. July 6. 1 p m -Hailed, steame. Oceanic ißr).Cameron, from Liverpool for New YorkCherbourg. July 4. 3:15 p m—Arrived. at*amers Deutsch-land ««er>. Kaempff. New York via Plymouth forHamburg land proceeded; sth. Ham. Prinses* AH«-e««;er>. Polark. New York via Plymouth for Bremen•and proceeded; 4th. 7 » ro. sailed, steamer KaiserWllhelm If i«Sei>. Hogemann. from Bremen aiulSouthampton for New York.

Dover. Jul* 5. 1p in-Arrived, (leaser Pretoria t«e»>.

Busk *Jevons. In ballast. Arrived at the Bar at 1 m mSteamer Us»nter. rates, towing bare* Fred P utch-field Port Arthur 8 days, t.i th* J M Gufrey PetroleumCompany, with oil. IWt Quarantine at 5:12 p m. Dare-L.ltrhn*M anchored In Sandy Hook Bay at i:33 n m

Steamer Jamestown. Hlller, Newport News and Nor-folk, to th« Old Dominion Steamship Company, with pa*sengers and mdae. Left Quarantine at 2:40 p m.

Steamer City of Columbia, Smith, savannah July 2. toth» Ocean Steamship Company, with passengers and mdsa,Left Quarantine at 5:05 a m.

Steamer Corf* Castle (Br). Nutman. Philadelphia, July4. to Norton £ Son. In ballast. In Quarantine at 4:40a m. Will load for South Africa.

Sandy Honk. N J. July 5. 9:38 p m—Wind east south-east, light breeze; clear.





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