as chairman of the eu military committee that...

1 Ladies and Gentlemen good morning, As Chairman of the EU Military Committee that consists of the Chiefs of Defence from 28 European Member States, I am glad to be here at the Slovenian Centre of Military Schools. It’s a pleasure for me to speak to you, the young and senior leaders of the professional Slovenian Armed Forces. You are the ones who will shape the future of your Armed Forces. I would like to share some thoughts with you on the European Union with regard to security and defence issues. I deem it of mutual benefit to share our insights on these topics. As you will soon take on higher responsibilities in the military and security .

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Page 1: As Chairman of the EU Military Committee that …  · 1 Ladies and Gentlemen good morning, As Chairman of the


Ladies and Gentlemen good morning,

As Chairman of the EU Military Committee that consists of theChiefs of Defence from 28 European Member States, I am gladto be here at the Slovenian Centre of Military Schools.

It’s a pleasure for me to speak to you, the young and seniorleaders of the professional Slovenian Armed Forces. You are theones who will shape the future of your Armed Forces.

I would like to share some thoughts with you on the EuropeanUnion with regard to security and defence issues.

I deem it of mutual benefit to share our insights on these topics.As you will soon take on higher responsibilities in the military andsecurity .

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A brief Summary of my presentation.

In the next slides I will give you a short overview on:

• Challenges

• CSDP Structures

• EU Missions and Operations

• Way ahead

And of course we will also have a QnA session


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Before talking about what the EU does I would like to clarify theenvironment where the EU is currently acting.

Today we perceive that our world is unpredictable; but this is not a newthing, the world has always been unpredictable.

We also perceive that crisis are highly asymmetric; but once again,asymmetry and, in particular, achieving asymmetry in technology andnumber of troops on the ground, has always been a relevant factorthroughout military history.

What could be perceived as new, is that today's actors are moreinterconnected (due to information technology and social medias), andhave developed a wider variety of tools available in order to solve thesecrisis. This is the case of the EU.

What is definitely new is our capability to access information almost inreal time and decide. Globalization, by increasing exchanges of allkinds, has therefore created new challenges with an impact on ourdefence and security policies.

These challenges relate to the fight over resources such as theenvironment, energy, food and water which often result in territorialdisputes. Asymmetric threats like transnational terrorism, ballisticproliferation and cyber threats are able to strike at the very heart ofour societies and piracy which has an impact on different regions,undermines the flows of goods and represents a threat to strategicinterests and sea lines of communication.

Furthermore, recent events in the Ukraine also show us that effects ofsocial and political instability are difficult to assess in the long run.

But what is really new is our understanding that these challengesrequire responses on a scale that individual States, and even regionalorganisations alone, can't provide.


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Before going further, let me remind you some fundamental information and key figures about the EU.

The European Union is a unique Institution for close political and economic cooperation. It has grown from 6 Members States to a unique body uniting 28 European democracies today.

More than 500 million people live in the EU member states. The EU share of world trade is about 20 %. Many countries are still waiting in line to join. 18 of the Member States also share a common currency, the Euro.

The border-free Schengen Area guarantees free movement to more than 400 million EU citizens, as well as to many non-EU nationals, businessmen, tourists or other persons legally present on the EU territory. Today, 22 EU Members States can enjoy passport-free travel.

The European Union is not a "super State" directed by a central government. The nations remain to a very large extent sovereign, and the 28 governments retain most of their prerogatives (diplomacy, defense..)..

However, as a common EU policy develops, the European dimension increases at the expense of the national dimension.

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To manage this complex interplay of national and EU competences, there is anEuropean Parliament, an European Commission, and an EU Council of Ministers.The EU has its European budget, its own External Action Service as well as otherinstitutional structures in Brussels and elsewhere in Europe.

The EU maintains diplomatic relations with nearly all countries in the world. It hasstrategic partnerships with key international players, is deeply engaged withemerging powers around the globe and has signed bilateral AssociationAgreements with a number of States in its vicinity.

Abroad, the Union is represented by approx. 141 Delegations.

Another challenge, a structural one, therefore, is achieving the best coordination,synergy and synchronisation of all these tools available within the EU toolbox.The EU is in fact stronger, more coherent, visible and effective in its externalrelations, when all institutions and the Member States work together on the basisof a common strategic analysis and vision. And this is what the ComprehensiveApproach is all about.

In pursuit of a real and effective Comprehensive Approach, the Lisbon Treaty of2009 sets out the principles, aims and objectives of the external action of the EUand in pursuit of these objectives it call for consistency between the differentareas of the EU external action and between these and its other policies.

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This broad introduction now leads me to introduce the EU Common Security andDefence Policy.

The EU Common Security and Defence Policy was launched in 1999 in order to enablethe European Union fully to assume its responsibilities for crisis management in its ownneighbourhood and beyond. For this, permanent political and military structures have beenestablished, in particular:

The High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. The HR leads theEuropean Action Service and chairs the Council of Foreign Ministers. The current HR is ladyAshton. I am her Military Advisor.

The Political and Security Committee is a permanent body dealing with Common Foreignand Security Policy issues, including Common Security and Defence Policy. It consists ofambassadors from the EU member states and usually meets twice per week.

The European Union Military Committee (EUMC).

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The European Union Military Committee (EUMC) is the highest militarybody set up within the Council.

The EUMC is composed of the Chiefs of Defence (CHOD) of the MemberStates, who are on a daily baisis represented by their permanent MilitaryRepresentatives (MilReps) based in Brussels.

The EUMC directs all EU military activities and provides the Political andSecurity Committee (PSC) with advice and recommendations on militarymatters.

As Chairman, I have been selected by the Chiefs of Defence of theMember States and appointed by the Council for a three year term.

I am acting as a Military advisor to the HR and represent the primary pointof contact to the Operation Commanders of CSDP military operations and

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In this slide you can see in a nutshell my interactions as Chairman of the EUMC and advisor to the HR

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Therefore what is the way ahead for the European Union?

In December 2013 the Heads of State and government decided to putdefence issues at the top list of their debates, what had not occurred forfive years.

The preparatory process was very intense and fruitful. The EU MilitaryCommittee frequently discussed the topic at the level of the CHODs andprovided input to the work.

Having expressed the willingness that EU becomes and effective securityprovider, the Heads of State and government have adopted conclusionswhich have set the stage for further work. They have identified anumber of priority actions and will assess concrete progress on all issuesin June 2015. In Brussels, but also within each Member States, we havenow a full agenda and important milestones.

Let me highlight five of these priority actions:

• First of all, systematic and long-term cooperation in the domain offuture defense capability planning has to be developed. In particular,we need to increase transparency and information sharing in order tofacilitate capability convergence between Member States.

• The EU Maritime Strategy identifies concrete initiatives such asshared awareness in EU waters, maritime command and operatingwith coastguards. It was adopted by General Affairs Council 23

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June 2014.

• We also need to go further ahead and to invent solutions inorder to deploy military assets rapidly and effectively. Inparticular, there is a need to improve the EU rapid responsecapabilities, including trough more flexible and deployable EUBattle groups.

"Costs lies where they fall" is a mantra that becomes a stalematewhen it comes to rapid action on behalf of the European as awhole. Current developments in Africa largely highlight this fact.

• Continuing dialogue with partners and particularly withNATO is also essential to ensure complementarity and avoidduplication notably as regards capability development. Thenext NATO Summit in September will help us to work on thisissue.

• Last, but not least, in terms of capabilities, the EuropeanCouncil of December has also highlighted the need to addressthe topic of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS).

The aim is:

• to prepare a programme of next generation European MediumAltitude Long Endurance RPAS,

• to establish an user community among the participatingmember States

• to find appropriate funding from 2014 for Research andDevelopment activities.

• On a military perspective, this implies that we addresscollectively the issue of how we plan to operate these assets inthe future (doctrine, concept, requirements, scenarios…) whenwe are engaged in an EU operation.


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Over the last ten years, the European Union has gained legitimacy,operational capability, and above all, real experience in external crisismanagement.

In this framework, Military operations are seen as a part of a broader EUstrategy. The ultimate solution of a crisis will always be political, and willdefinetely require the use of civilian means just as much as military ones.This is the reason why we believe that security should be addressedcomprehensively.

The EU's Comprehensive Approach is therefore that term that indicatesthe concerted use of the various instruments at the disposal of the EU inthe area of diplomacy, security, defence, finances, trade,development, and humanitarian aid. All these tools have to be appliedin a strategically coherent and efficient manner.

The possibility to use all our tools in a combined manner, drivingtowards a single vision, is one of the greatest strengths of the EU.

Let me just add that the CA is much more than just adding the civilian tothe military components; it requires mutual knowledge and trust; it istherefore a mind-set.

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Talking about our foreign engagements, first of all, I would like tothank Slovenian servicemen and woman for having been activelyinvolved in international Missions and Operations around the world.Slovenia's contribution of troops and military staff to EuropeanMissions and Operations has been much appreciated. More recently,the professionalism of the your personnel, serving in the Balkans, andin the Sahel, has contributed to the effectiveness of EUFOR Altheaand EUTM MALI missions

As you probably know currently five EU military operations andmissions are ongoing, with approximately 3000 militarypersonnel deployed in 5 Missions and Operations. It can be seenas a modest military effort but please keep in mind that this is the firsttime in its history that the EU has so many military Missions andOperations at the same time. Furthermore the EU deploys 12 civilianmissions. As I said before, the EU's approach to help settling conflictsis comprehensive and it involves both civilian and military tools:

Take the example of Africa. In order to provide common guidance the EU has introduced an unprecedented comprehensive strategy in the Horn of Africa, whereby numerous single actions and

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interventions are progressively being inserted.


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Operation Atalanta is the European Union’s counter-piracy operation offthe coast of Somalia.

As part of the Comprehensive Approach to Somalia, in December 2008the EU launched the European Union Naval Force Operation Atalantawithin the framework of the Common Security and Defence Policy(CSDP), in response to the rising levels of piracy and armed robbery offthe Horn of Africa and in the Western Indian Ocean.

Under the EU Council Joint Action, which is based on various UNresolutions, EU NAVFOR’s mandate is to conduct:

• The protection of World Food Programme (WfP) vessels deliveringaid to displaced persons in Somalia, and the protection of AfricanUnion Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) shipping.

• The deterrence, prevention and repression of acts of piracy andarmed robbery at sea off the Somali coast.

• The protection of vulnerable shipping off the Somali coast on a caseby case basis.

• In addition, EUNAVFOR also contributes to the monitoring of fishingactivities off the coast of Somalia

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In Somalia the EU training Mission was launched in 2010, in order tocontribute to strengthening the Transitional Federal Government(TFG) and the institutions of Somalia.

Since 2010, EUTM Somalia has contributed to the training ofapproximately 3,600 Somali soldiers with a focus on the training ofNon-Commissioned Officers (NCOs), Junior Officers, specialists andtrainers.

Initially Training was provided in Uganda due to the political andsecurity situation in Somalia, in close collaboration with the UgandaPeople’s Defence Forces (UPDF). Since 2014 the Mission has beenredeployed in Somalia. More than 1800 personnel will be trained inMogadisho this year.

The EU is also supporting regional maritime capacity building trough the civilian EUCAP Nestor mission which has started to train Coast Guards in Djibouti, Kenya, the Seychelles but also the coastal police in Puntland and Somaliland region.

These CSDP actions are part of an overall engagement which includes also EU Development and Humanitarian Assistance. It helps to enhance longer-term stability and prosperity in the Horn of Africa.

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There is no doubt that the EU's engagement in the Horn of Africahas increased significantly over recent years and thecomprehensive approach is growing in effectiveness significantly.

Here, from the political point of view, the EU's overall engagement isunderpinned by the EU strategy for the region.

An EU Special Representative (EUSR) is in place, supported by an EUDelegation;

A Military Operation (EUNAVFOR Atalanta), a military Mission (EUTMSomalia) plus a civilian Mission (EUCAP Nestor) are deployed on theground and at sea.

In addition, the European Commission supports the region throughvarious programs.

The Commission is funding AMISOM troops in Somalia since 2007.

Other funding is applied in the area of development and humanitarianaid.


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But let me shift to two other areas in Africa where the EU is engaged, namely Mali and the Central African Republic.

In Mali, the EU training Mission was launched in 2013 at the request of the Malian authorities, and in accordance with international decisions on the subject, in particular United Nations Security Council Resolution 2085 (2012), for an initial mandate of 15 months that is now extended until May 2016

The restoration of security and lasting peace in Mali is a major issue for the stability of the Sahel region and, in the wider sense, for Africa and Europe.

As of today 4 Malian battalions have been trained in Mali for a total of more than 2800 malian soldiers and 4 more Battalions will be

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At the beginning of April 2014 the EU has launched a new militaryOperation in the Central African Republic in order to contribute to asecure environment in the Central African Republic, as authorised bythe UN Security Council in resolution 2134 (2014).

EUFOR RCA is to provide temporary support in achieving a safe andsecure environment in the key areas of Country's Capital (Bangui), witha view to handing over to African partners. The force will therebycontribute to international efforts to protect the populations most at risk,creating the conditions for providing humanitarian aid.

Since 15 June, EUFOR RCA has reached its full operational capability.Around 700 EUFOR troops are deployed to Bangui and are patrolling

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on a daily basis the 3rd and the 5th district of RCA's Capital city.


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Bearing in mind all the CSDP operations and missions mentioned, youwill realize that the European Union is an important security provider,with the military being one within a wide array of available tools.

There are though some areas of concern. In particular, whenever I thinkabout our engagement in Bosnia or off the coasts of Somalia, I amsomehow concerned about the consequences in case MS should decideto unplug the military action.

Let's not forget that military engagements are not the ultimate solution tocrisis. And that the military are a very useful tool to stabilize and create afavourable environment for the civilian tool to intervene in hostile andnon-permissive environments.

But applying the CA means synchronizing tools which are and shouldremain different in nature, in order to address issues from differentperspectives. The need to preserve everyone's specificity is paramountin the CA.

For us, the military, a clear example of specificities is what we call thechain of command.


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Cooperation with partners, in particular with NATO, the UN andother regional and International Organizations, in a globalizedworld is and will continue to be crucial in order to maximize synergiesand avoid duplication.

We live in an instantaneous world, where crisis pop up in the news,almost without warning, where our citizens ask for immediate responsesto very complex situations. We therefore also need better strategiccommunication and the capability to act swiftly using our RapidResponse Capabilities.


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To conclude I would like to say that the world around us is changing fast.And today, we must do more to shape events.

The European Union has shown in the past ten years that it is asignificant and credible security provider, through military executiveand non-executive engagement.

With your country, we Europeans, have common interest in securityissues.That is also why we have to build together an even strongercooperation in order to meet the security challenges that our world hasto face.

Therefore international cooperation and partnership are and will remaincrucial elements to maintain or establish security.

The EU is building on these principles.

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Thank you for your attention, I am looking forward to a fruitful discussion.