artkat studio newsletterthis in-between colour represents water, thus the names aqua and aquamarine....

Januarie 2010 Die ArtKat bl. 1 die ArtKat Januarie 2010 Uitgawe 1 van 2010 Liewe ArtKat-studente en -vriende, Aan GLH EHJLQ YDQ ZLO HN DOPDO ·Q KDUWOLNH 2010 toewens. Die jaar 2009 is afgesluit met ons heerlike 10 de verjaarsdag se uitstallings wat in Potchefstroom en Pretoria gehou is. Leandi Erasmus het die opening in Potch waargeneem en baie herinneringsgedagtes met ons gedeel. Leandi was die eerste amptelike inwonende Artkat-student. Dr. Piet Muller was ons gasspreker in Pretoria. Kinderkuns wat so spontaan ontwikkel, was nog altyd na aan my hart en Piet het ons juis daarmee gekomplimenteer.

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Page 1: ARTKAT Studio NewsletterThis in-between colour represents water, thus the names aqua and aquamarine. It's also a valuable and popular mineral often turned into jewellery. Turquoise

Januarie 2010 Die ArtKat bl. 1

die ArtKat Januarie 2010

Uitgawe 1 van 2010

Liewe ArtKat-studente en -vriende,

Aan 2010 toewens. Die jaar 2009 is afgesluit met ons heerlike 10de verjaarsdag se uitstallings wat in Potchefstroom en Pretoria gehou is. Leandi Erasmus het die opening in Potch waargeneem en baie herinneringsgedagtes met ons gedeel. Leandi was die eerste amptelike inwonende Artkat-student.

Dr. Piet Muller was ons gasspreker in Pretoria. Kinderkuns wat so spontaan ontwikkel, was nog altyd na aan my hart en Piet het ons juis daarmee gekomplimenteer.

Page 2: ARTKAT Studio NewsletterThis in-between colour represents water, thus the names aqua and aquamarine. It's also a valuable and popular mineral often turned into jewellery. Turquoise

Januarie 2010 Die ArtKat bl. 2

Mandala-nuus uit ArtKat Studio Gedurende die uitstallings het ek ook paar suksesvolle Mandala-werkswinkels aangebied in Potchefstroom en Pretoria. Daar het ook verskeie werkswinkels uit die uitstallings gespruit.

Page 3: ARTKAT Studio NewsletterThis in-between colour represents water, thus the names aqua and aquamarine. It's also a valuable and popular mineral often turned into jewellery. Turquoise

Januarie 2010 Die ArtKat bl. 3


Woensdagoggende van 9:00 - 12:00 as jy self

kritsessie hê.

Die skildery wat Linda Fourie vir ArtKat Studio geskenk het ten bate van ArtKat se hulpfonds is gewen deur Sanra van Zyl. Baie dankie Linda en baie geluk Sanra.

Colour of the month: Turquoise

Refreshing and sophisticated:

Turquoise, a blend of blue and green shades, has a sweet feminine character while the darker teal nuances add a lively sophistication.

Nature of turquoise:

A merging of blue and green to obtain turquoise has the same calming effects of these colors.

Inspired by Vincent van Gogh exquisite his newborn nephew as a symbol of budding life. Flowering branches against a blue sky was a favourite subject of this famous artist.

This in-between colour represents water, thus the names aqua and aquamarine. It's also a valuable and popular mineral often turned into jewellery. Turquoise is closely associated with the Middle East and the American Southwest.

These words are synonymous with turquoise or represent various shades of the colour turquoise: teal, ultramarine, blue-green, aqua, aquamarine.

Besoek die web om fotos van die Soul Windows uitstallings te sien: Ctrl+klieknet voor die


(Potchefstroom) en


Page 4: ARTKAT Studio NewsletterThis in-between colour represents water, thus the names aqua and aquamarine. It's also a valuable and popular mineral often turned into jewellery. Turquoise

Januarie 2010 Die ArtKat bl. 4

Artkat-kunsklasse. Klasse maksimum 6 studente. Enkelklas - 2 uur. Dubbelklas - 4 uur. Kinderklas-1½ uur. Aan die begin van die maand vooruitbetaalbaar: Kinders: R130 (R520 of R650/m). Enkelklas: R130 (R520 of R650/m) Dubbelklas in die week: R170 (R680 of R850/m) Dubbelklas Saterdae: R220 (R880 of R1100/ m) Klasse kan gedurende die maand ingehaal word maar nie oorgedra word na die volgende maand nie. Bevestig net asseblief vooraf. Enkel klasse wat per klas betaal word: Dit word vooraf met my bespreek want jou plek word nie outomaties gehou nie: Enkelklas: R150 per klas. Dubbelklas in die week: R250 Dubbelklas Saterdae: R300 Mandala werkswinkels: R400 materiaal ingesluit. Klasse wat per klas betaal word gee die vryheid en vrymoedigheid om te kom wanneer dit jou pas.

Jaarprogram Dinsdag: Volwassenes: 8:30 - 12:30

Kinders: 16:00 17:30

Woensdag: Kritsessie vanaf 9:00

Donderdag: Volwassenes: 8:30 12:30

Kinders: 16:00 17:30

Saterdag 9 vm 13.00 nm

Saterdag geskeduleer word.

Jaarkursus Sommer vroeg in die nuwe jaar het ons reeds vordering gemaak met ons nuwe projekte en verskeie studente is sterk op dreef met die jaarkursus. Elke student werk volgens sy eie ritme en dit neem nie noodwendig jaar om die kursus te voltooi nie. Gedurende die

kursus leer die student tekenmerke en verftegnieke in verskillende mediums en kleure. Kleur wat steeds die vlagskip van Artkat is, word op interessante en stimulerende manier bestudeer en toegepas sodat die student reeds gou met kunswerk kan spog. Ons nuwe Perdeprojek het spontaan ontstaan na aanleiding van Marinda se belangstelling in perde.

Om nie net perde realisties te teken en te skilder nie, maar meer van die agtergrond, emosionele en simboliese waarde van die perd en ook sy plek in die letterkunde te kon weergee, was spanpoging. Dankie vir julle vrywillige samewerking.

Het julle geweet dat die eerste perd piepklein was?

Paar feite: E O H I P P U S. The very first horse was called "Eohippus" meaning "Dawn horse". It was dog sized (60 cm long and 8-9 inches high to withers) It had 4 hoofed toes on the front feet and 3 hoofed toes on the hind feet. Its skull was long with 44 low-crowned teeth. H I S T O R Y. It has been said the Eohippus once roamed the earth 60-45 million years ago. Its species lived throughout Asia, Europe and North America. Marinda Pringle.

Page 5: ARTKAT Studio NewsletterThis in-between colour represents water, thus the names aqua and aquamarine. It's also a valuable and popular mineral often turned into jewellery. Turquoise

Januarie 2010 Die ArtKat bl. 5

Horses on the Carmague A poem written by Roy Campbell in 1930.


Roy Campbell (1901 loved and hated because of his strong moral convictions and his refusal of political correctness. Perhaps he indirectly identified with the horses of the Camargue noble, strong, persistent, independent. nothing so powerful, nothing less violent, nothing as quick and nothing m .

The Camargue is in France, a country in which Roy lived for a number of years. It is a vast plain with harsh climates, ranging between scorching heat in wet summers, to extreme cold in dry, white winters. A wasteland inhabited by a few indigenous people. Its horizons are infinite because land, lagoon and sea share the same horizontal plain. Today it is a protected delta land.

Roy Campbell makes use of numerous figures of speech in this poem, so that the reader can create a mind picture of these wild horses that run free on miles and miles of snow-covered land where they rule without fear. Horses are a symbol of freedom, strength and courage.

In Greek mythology Poseidon was the supreme ruler of water and the seas. He was associated with storms, earthquakes and other violent forces of nature. The Romans called him Neptune, an awesome, unruly and powerful god. If he was angered, he would use his trident, (a fork with 3 prongs) to strike the sea to cause a storm, or the earth to cause an earthquake. Yet at a glance he would bring calmness to the sea. He was also worshipped as the god of horses.

Horses on the Camargue Interpretation

In the grey wastes of dread, The haunt of shattered gulls where nothing moves

But in a shroud of silence like the dead, I heard a sudden harmony of hooves,

These horses are wild and free to run across the snowy lands that are compared to the silver runway Neptune uses across the water. They kick up snow as they run like white waves leading the wind.

And, turning, saw afar A hundred snowy horses unconfined, The silver runaways of Neptune's car

Racing, spray-curled, like waves before the wind.

Picture the wastelands covered in snow. Grey

quiet. Nothing moves. No wind. No gulls to break the silence that covers the area like a shroud (a blanket a dead person is wrapped in before being buried). It is in these wastelands that he hears the harmony of hooves.

Sons of the Mistral, fleet As him with whose strong gusts they love to flee,

Who shod the flying thunders on their feet And plumed them with the snortings of the sea;;

He compares the speed they travel to the speed of the Mistral, a cold wind that blows in France. The thunder of their hooves can be heard as they speed past - blowing (snorting) up snow that covers them like plumes (feathers).

Kunswerk in wording. Susan Maré

Page 6: ARTKAT Studio NewsletterThis in-between colour represents water, thus the names aqua and aquamarine. It's also a valuable and popular mineral often turned into jewellery. Turquoise

Januarie 2010 Die ArtKat bl. 6

Theirs is no earthly breed

Who only haunts the verges of the earth And only on the sea's salt herbage feed-

Surely the great white breakers gave them birth.

Surely these horses do not only belong to an earthly breed that haunts the plains to eat the grass and salt (there are salt pans in the Camargue.) Surely they come from the sea sent by Neptune.

For when for years a slave, A horse of the Camargue, in alien lands,

Should catch some far-off fragrance of the wave Carried far inland from this native sands,

These horses were captured and domesticated. They are known to be hard working reliable horses. Here they are compared to being slaves in areas where they do not belong. Yet as the story is told, there are times when the wind blows strong and they get the smell of their homelands.

Many have told the tale Of how in fury, foaming at the rein,

He hurls his rider;; and with lifted tail, With coal-red eyes and cataracting mane,

It is then that they leash their anger like Neptune striking the earth with his trident. They fight against their reins, throw their riders off, lift their tail and with eyes of anger they speed off with their manes blowing in the wind - resembling water falling.

Heading his course for home, Though sixty foreign leagues before him sweep,

Will never rest until he breathes the foam And hears the native thunder of the deep.

They head homewards;; they will not be stopped even by sixty foreign armies (they were used to fight in French wars). They will not stop when they can breathe freedom, and hear the thunder of the hooves of their tribe.

And when the great gusts rise And lash their anger on these arid coasts,

When the scared gulls career with mournful cries And whirl across the waste like driven ghosts;;

These horses are not afraid of the strong winter winds that lash in anger on the dry coasts of the wasteland. Neither do they experience fear when the frightened gulls leave the area with sad cries as they circle the wasteland like ghosts being driven out when winter comes.

When hail and fire converge, The only souls to which they strike no pain Are the white crested fillies of the surge And the white horses of the windy plain.

When the summer rains and hail and often fires come they do not scare off the newborn fillies of these wild horses or the white horses who roam the windy plains.

Then in their strength and pride The stallions of the wilderness rejoice;;

They feel their Master's trident in their side, And high and shrill they answer to his voice.

The stallions or leaders of the wild horses rejoice in their strength, they can feel the encouragement of the trident of their Master (Neptune) as he prods them in their sides. They answer in high shrill voices, neigh triumphantly.

With white tails smoking free, Long streaming manes, and arching necks, they show

Their kinship to their sisters of the sea- And forward hurl their thunderbolts of snow.

They speed off with tails and manes flying free, proudly arching necks - they show their bond with their sisters of the sea as they leave behind the thunder of their hooves.

Still out of hardship bred, Spirits of power and beauty and delight Have ever on such frugal pasture fed

And loved to course with tempests through the night.

Their lives are not easy, survival is hard but they are strong spirited, beautiful and delightful to observe. They feed on pastures that give them enough to eat and they have the courage and perseverance to run with the storms of the unknown.

Rina Coetzee.

Page 7: ARTKAT Studio NewsletterThis in-between colour represents water, thus the names aqua and aquamarine. It's also a valuable and popular mineral often turned into jewellery. Turquoise

Januarie 2010 Die ArtKat bl. 7

Liefdestake Aan die einde van verlede jaar het ons ontspan ná die jaar se harde werk. Spesiale geskenke en skilderye is vir familie en vriende gemaak Gogh se

vir my dogter.

Rina Coetzee is besig met haar jaarkursus en het besluit om vir haar kleinkinders elkeen kunswerkie te maak as geskenk. Sy het ook vir die hele familie persoonlike mandalas gemaak..

Joey Potgieter het landskap vir haar oom geskilder. Susan Maré het vir haar skoonseun Namakwalandse Landskap gemaak. Grada het haar geliefde hond in aksie geskilder.

Droomkaart Collages Die eerste opdrag van die jaar het menige katjie onkant gevang. Dit het egter soveel waarde gehad en goeie vrugte afgewerp. Studente kon na hartelus deur tydskrifte blaai om prente wat met hul resoneer uit te knip en op vel papier te plak. So kon hul vasstel wat hul behoeftes, begeertes en passies vir die nuwe jaar is.

Page 8: ARTKAT Studio NewsletterThis in-between colour represents water, thus the names aqua and aquamarine. It's also a valuable and popular mineral often turned into jewellery. Turquoise

Januarie 2010 Die ArtKat bl. 8

Our Season Tree If there is anyone that wishes to receive the newsletter electronically, please send an e-mail to me at

[email protected] so that I can place your name on my distribution list.

Kinderklasse Daar was een kinderklas verlede jaar wat ek nie sal vergeet nie. Wassily Kandinsky was kunstenaar wat kleur en klank bymekaar kon bring. Die kinders kon spontaan en na hartelus op maat van musiek merke maak en kleure gebruik. Geruime tyd was die outjies se gedagtes nie meer in die klas nie, maar fantasiewêreld gevul met kleur en klank. Die kommentaar agterna was so verfrissend eerlik en opreg dat hierdie klas verseker ook volwasse studente dieselfde moontlikheid kan bied.

Aan die einde van die jaar was die laaste klassies net betyds vir die groot vakansie.

Die Harlekynhempies wat deur die jaar geverf is, is aangetrek en die fotosessie het begin.

Page 9: ARTKAT Studio NewsletterThis in-between colour represents water, thus the names aqua and aquamarine. It's also a valuable and popular mineral often turned into jewellery. Turquoise

Januarie 2010 Die ArtKat bl. 9

Voorspoed vir die nuwe jaar! Ek wens julle baie prettige ure toe en hoop julle sal leer dat verleenthede in die lewe eintlik geleenthede is om nuwe oplossings met kreatiewe idees te vind.

Ons neem met vreugde afskeid van ons Boom van die Maand. Ek het nou die dag met die straat langs gestap en opgelet dat die vinke besluit het om in die boom nes te maak. Eers het ek gedink die boom is dalk siek totdat ek die nessies aan die leë takke sien swaai het. Hierdie b o nie. Met my terugstap het die reuseboom wat direk by Artkat se hek staan, my aandag getrek. Ek het besef dat dit die enigste apiesdoring in die straat is. My buurman het egter sy bousand eenkant neergesit wat my onmiddellik herinner het dat dit dui op iets nuuts, op nuwe groei. Chivas, Artkat se borderkollie, het sommer so terloops nader gestaan. Ek verwelkom dus ons nuwe boom van die maand en sien reikhalsend uit na die beloftes van nuwe groei. Aan ons vorige boom van die maand wens ek baie sterkte toe met die behuising van al die nuwe vinkbabas en hoop dat die mammavinke nie te puntenerig gaan wees met die nessies nie.

Family: Fabaceae Common Name: Monkey thorn / Apiesdoring. Kliek op die link: