artificial photosynthesis: beyond mimicking nature · 2017. 12. 4. · artificial photosynthesis:...

BNL-114802-2017-JA Submitted to ChemSusChem November 2017 Chemistry Department Brookhaven National Laboratory U.S. Department of Energy USDOE Office of Science (SC), Basic Energy Sciences (BES) (SC-22) Notice: This manuscript has been authored by employees of Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE- SC0012704 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The publisher by accepting the manuscript for publication acknowledges that the United States Government retains a non-exclusive, paid- up, irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes. Artificial Photosynthesis: Beyond Mimicking Nature H. Dau, E . Fujita

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Page 1: Artificial Photosynthesis: Beyond Mimicking Nature · 2017. 12. 4. · Artificial Photosynthesis: Beyond Mimicking Nature. Holger Dau,* [a] Etsuko Fujita,* [b] and Licheng Sun* [c,


Submitted to ChemSusChem

November 2017

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Notice: This manuscript has been authored by employees of Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE- SC0012704 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The publisher by accepting the manuscript for publication acknowledges that the United States Government retains a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes.

Artificial Photosynthesis: Beyond Mimicking Nature

H. Dau, E . Fujita

Page 2: Artificial Photosynthesis: Beyond Mimicking Nature · 2017. 12. 4. · Artificial Photosynthesis: Beyond Mimicking Nature. Holger Dau,* [a] Etsuko Fujita,* [b] and Licheng Sun* [c,


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Page 3: Artificial Photosynthesis: Beyond Mimicking Nature · 2017. 12. 4. · Artificial Photosynthesis: Beyond Mimicking Nature. Holger Dau,* [a] Etsuko Fujita,* [b] and Licheng Sun* [c,

Artificial Photosynthesis: Beyond Mimicking NatureHolger Dau,*[a] Etsuko Fujita,*[b] and Licheng Sun*[c, d]

Emission of carbon dioxide by the burning of fossil fuels isthe predominant driving force of global warming and relatedclimate changes with potentially catastrophic consequences.The evidence for this statement has been summarized in de-tailed reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on ClimateChange (IPCC, see The IPCC proposes tolimit the temperature rise to a maximal level of 2 8C, in orderto avoid the most severe consequences of global warming.Reaching the 2 8C goal will require a drastic reduction in CO2

emissions and thus a global transition towards CO2-neutralenergy systems. The recent IPPC reports emphasize the neces-sity of reducing the net CO2 emission on a global scale to thezero level within the second half of the 21st century.[1] This re-quirement is not only well accepted among climate scientists,but is also largely accepted in the political arena, as manifestedby the Paris agreement, which was signed in December 2015by nearly all countries organized within the United Nationsframework. The Paris agreement[2] declares a limitation on therise of the globally averaged air temperature to ideally 1.5 8Cand minimally 2 8C (Article 2), and specifies (Article 4): “In orderto achieve the long-term temperature goal set out in Article 2,

Parties aim to reach global peaking of greenhouse gas emissionsas soon as possible, recognizing that peaking will take longer fordeveloping country Parties, and to undertake rapid reductionsthereafter in accordance with best available science, so as toachieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sourcesand removals by sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half ofthis century, on the basis of equity, and in the context of sustain-able development and efforts to eradicate poverty.” It is remark-able and quite extraordinary in an international treaty that therole of “best available science” is emphasized. Moreover, theParis agreement leaves no doubts that the well-developedeconomies should reach a CO2-neutral energy system earlierthan in the second half of this century. This implies that al-ready in 2050, the burning of fossil fuels should no longer bethe rule but the exception in the technologically well-devel-oped parts of the world. Such an earlier deadline for completemitigation of fossil-fuel usage clearly applies to the countriesrepresented by the contributors to this special issue of Chem-SusChem on artificial photosynthesis (AP). The Paris agreementmay have stimulated their research efforts in addition to thefascinating, but formidable scientific challenges associatedwith research on artificial photosynthesis.

Non-Fossil Fuels

Massive use of renewable electricity from wind and solarpower will be a key element of a global, CO2-neutral energysystem; energy storage in the form of batteries also will playan increasingly important role. However, the renewable pro-duction of electricity and its direct storage cannot facilitate acomplete substitution of fossil fuels. The storage density ofbatteries is far below that of fuels with respect to both weightand volume. Consequently, parts of the transportation sectorcannot operate well with electricity only, specifically air trans-port and large oversea vessels. Even more striking is the un-solved storage problem. Conventional storage involving, forexample, pump stations for water reservoirs powering electri-cal generators, cannot meet the demand on a global scale.Large-scale battery-based storage systems that compensate forthe diurnal rhythm of solar energy already represent a majorscientific, technological and economic challenge—even more

[a] Prof. Dr. H. DauDepartment of Physics, Freie Universit�t BerlinArnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin (Germany)E-mail : [email protected]

[b] Dr. E. FujitaChemistry Division, Brookhaven National LaboratoryUpton, NY 11973-5000 (USA)E-mail : [email protected]

[c] Prof. L. SunDepartment of ChemistryKTH Royal Institute of TechnologyStockholm 10044 (Sweden)E-mail : [email protected]

[d] Prof. L. SunState Key Laboratory of Fine ChemicalsDUT-KTH Joint Education and Research Centre on Molecular DevicesDalian University of Technology (DUT)Dalian 116024 (PR China)

The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article canbe found under

This publication is part of a Special Issue on Artificial Photosynthesis forSustainable Fuels. A link to the issue’s Table of Contents will appear hereonce it is complete.


Page 4: Artificial Photosynthesis: Beyond Mimicking Nature · 2017. 12. 4. · Artificial Photosynthesis: Beyond Mimicking Nature. Holger Dau,* [a] Etsuko Fujita,* [b] and Licheng Sun* [c,

so as the availability of the current raw materials for large-scaleapplications may become increasingly problematic. However,storage capacity for meeting diurnal fluctuations is not eventhe main problem. Large-scale storage for clearly more extend-ed periods ranging from several weeks to about one year is re-quired to deal with the fluctuating wind energy supply, theannual rhythm of solar energy, and, last but not least, comfort-able reserves for unforeseen developments relating to, amongother factors, (inter)national security issues.

A future free of fossil fuels does not need to be a fuel-freefuture. Alternative options for CO2-neutral production of fossilfuels are listed in Figure 1. The sequence in this (incomplete)list is determined by the relatedness of the respective route tooxygenic photosynthesis in its native environment, withpower-to-X in position 9 being the least related technologicalroute.

Mimicking Biological Photosynthesis?

Terrestrial plants, algae, and cyanobacteria are capable ofphotosynthesis. Driven by solar energy, they use water and at-mospheric CO2 as raw materials for the formation of carbo-hydrates.[3] These carbohydrates ’fuel’ biological cells regardingmetabolic maintenance and growth (biomass formation). At-mospheric O2 is formed as a byproduct. Consequently, thisform of photosynthesis, which clearly is predominant on earth,is denoted as oxygenic photosynthesis. Without any overstate-ment: Life on earth is fueled in a highly sustainable way byoxygenic photosynthesis. The “success” of oxygenic photosyn-thesis renders the biological process a paradigmatic demon-stration of large-scale production of non-fossil fuels driven bysolar energy. This has led to the idea of artificial photosynthesisas a biomimetic version of biological photosynthesis. Yettoday, close synthetic mimics of the biological system are nolonger conceived as a technologically attractive option. Why isthat?

Biological photosynthesis has been evolutionarily optimizedfor billions of years and refined by breeding of agriculturalplant species. In several regards, the performance characteris-tics of photosynthetic organisms are unmatched by recenttechnological systems. This applies especially to self-reproduc-tion (and repair), reduction of dilute CO2 in an O2-rich atmos-phere, and the ability to synthesize with high specificity a widerange of complex compounds. However, there are serious limi-tations regarding efficient, large-scale production of fuels :

a) Low energetic efficiency of photosynthetic organisms

In oxygenic photosynthesis, the annually averaged solarenergy conversion efficiency is species dependent but general-ly low. For agricultural plants, the fraction of the incomingsolar energy that is converted into chemical energy typicallydoes not exceed 1 %.[4] In this case, the stored chemical energy

Holger Dau received his physics diplo-

ma in 1985 and doctoral degree in

1989 in Kiel, Germany, working with

U.-P. Hansen, and at the Weizmann In-

stitute (Rehovot, Israel, 1987–88). After

postdoctoral work with K. Sauer at

U. C. Berkeley, USA, and H. Senger in

Marburg, Germany, he received his ha-

bilitation degree at the Biology De-

partment of Philipps University Mar-

burg in 1994. Besides photosynthesis

research in Marburg, he developed bi-

otest applications at bbe Moldaenke GmbH (1997–1999). Since

2000, he has been a full Professor at the Physics Department of

the Free University in Berlin, Germany, where he investigates bio-

logical and synthetic metal sites with X-ray spectroscopy and com-

plementary methods. His current focus lies in catalysis of water

oxidation, H2 formation and CO2 reduction, in both biological and

non-biological systems.

Etsuko Fujita is a senior chemist with

tenure and leader of the AP group in

the Chemistry Division at Brookhaven

National Laboratory (BNL). She is the

recipient of the 2008 BNL Science and

Technology Award for outstanding re-

search in solar fuels generation. She

received a B.S. in Chemistry from

Ochanomizu University, Tokyo and a

Ph.D. in Chemistry from the Georgia

Institute of Technology. She joined her

current group in 1986. Her major

research interest is solar fuels generation from H2O and CO2, focus-

ing on mechanistic and kinetic investigations.

Licheng Sun received his PhD degree

in 1990 from Dalian University of Tech-

nology (DUT), and went to Germany as

a postdoc at the Max Planck Institut

f�r Strahlenchemie with Dr. Helmut

Gçrner (1992-1993), and then as an

Alexander von Humboldt postdoc at

Freie Universit�t Berlin (1993–1995)

with Prof. Dr. Harry Kurreck. He moved

to KTH Royal Institute of Technology,

Stockholm in 1995 as a postdoc with

Prof. Bjçrn �kermark, became Assistant

Professor in 1997, Associate Professor in 1999 at Stockholm Univer-

sity, and full Professor in 2004 at KTH. He is presently also a Distin-

guished Professor at DUT. His research interests cover artificial pho-

tosynthesis, including dye-sensitized solar cells, perovskite solar

cells, bio-inspired catalysts for water oxidation and hydrogen gen-

eration, nanomaterials, and photoelectrochemical cells for water

splitting and CO2 reduction.


Page 5: Artificial Photosynthesis: Beyond Mimicking Nature · 2017. 12. 4. · Artificial Photosynthesis: Beyond Mimicking Nature. Holger Dau,* [a] Etsuko Fujita,* [b] and Licheng Sun* [c,

is measured as the heating value of dried biomass; the effi-ciency is even lower at the level of a technically relevant fuelformed from biomass, such as ethanol (for genetically modifiedmicroalgae or cyanobacteria in specific photo-bioreactors,higher values may be obtainable, but measured values for theannual biomass production driven solely by sunlight have, to

our knowledge, not been reported to date). The efficiency ofsolar energy conversion matters. The Department of Energy(DOE) of the United States (USA) mentioned in its 2005 reporton Basic Research Needs for Solar Energy Utilization:[5] “At atypical latitude for the United States, a net 10 % efficient solarenergy “farm” covering 1.6 % of the U.S. land area would meetthe country’s entire domestic energy needs ; indeed, just 0.16 % ofthe land on Earth would supply 20 TW of power globally” (withan estimated global energy demand of about 30 TW by 2050).These figures suggest that the availability of land for installa-tion of solar energy farms is unlikely to become a limitingfactor. However, the situation is different when viewed from amore regional perspective, for example, by considering Germa-ny, an industrialized country with a comparatively high popula-tion density and only moderate exposure to solar energy. InGermany, about 10 % of the land area could supply all primaryenergy currently needed (in Germany) if solar energy wereconverted with an efficiency of 10 % towards a useful energycarrier (electricity and technically relevant fuels). However, foremployment of photosynthetic organisms with an energy effi-ciency below 1 %, the complete German land area would beinsufficient.

There are several reasons for the typically low efficiency ofphotosynthetic organisms, including the energetic costs formaintenance and repair of the biological system. Anotherreason is the issue of light saturation characteristics, which is abasic design aspect of the photosynthetic apparatus thatshould be avoided rather than mimicked in artificial systems.By means of an extended system of 100–300 “antenna pig-ments” that drive charge separation in a single “reactioncenter”, photosynthetic organisms are evolutionarily optimizedfor harvesting solar energy efficiently at low levels of solar irra-diation.[3] Light saturation is often already reached at 10–20 %of the maximal solar power (1000 W m�2) because the high ca-pacity for light absorption and fast primary reaction steps arenot matched by the capacity of subsequent redox chemistry.Especially critical is the complex chemistry of CO2 reductionand carbohydrate formation, which is mostly rate-limiting athigh light intensities. Consequently, bright sunlight, whichwithout saturation would contribute strongly to the annualbiomass production, is largely dissipated in the form of heat.In clear contrast, photovoltaic cells can also operate close totheir maximal efficiency (15–20 % in typical commercial siliconsolar cells) at the highest light intensities. Any synthetic sys-tems of technological relevance need to be designed such thatthere is no major performance mismatch between the initiallight-driven charge separation processes and subsequentcatalytic steps, at low and high light intensities.

b) Extreme complexity of biological photosynthesis andreliance on self-repair

In oxygenic photosynthesis, hundreds of distinct polypeptidesand numerous cofactors are needed for light-driven formationof carbohydrates from water and atmospheric CO2.[3] Even iso-

Figure 1. Alternative (or complementary) routes to sustainable production ofnon-fossil fuels from highly abundant molecules (water, CO2 or N2) and ener-getically driven by solar energy (1–8). Further routes towards solar fuels,such as solar thermochemical fuel production, are not considered. Thepower-to-X approach (9) can be employed in a largely sustainable way oncegrid electricity is provided predominantly by renewable sources. The em-ployment of (1) and (2) is well established; further upscaling of their em-ployment for sustainable replacement of fossil fuels is mostly conceived asproblematic. Power-to-X is running in numerous pilot plants; this technolo-gy is commercially available for production of hydrogen and methane, thelatter of which typically uses flue gas as a carbon source. Routes 3–8 form arapidly developing research field often denoted as “solar fuels”. Artificialphotosynthesis (4–8) aims at integrated devices that facilitate the efficientlocal coupling of solar energy conversion and fuel production.


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lated components, such as the photosystem II protein com-plex, function with a complexity that cannot be reproduced by(nonbiological) synthetic chemistry. Moreover, the biologicalcomponents are not stable in the long term, for reasons in-cluding the high reactivity of optically excited states in an O2-enriched aqueous environment. Photosynthetic systems canoperate continuously because of a repair mechanism involving,for example, degradation of damaged protein subunits and in-corporation of freshly synthesized polypeptide chains. Themost prominent example is photosystem II, which needs to berepaired every half hour for illumination with strong light.[6]

Technologically relevant synthetic systems for light-driven fuelproduction will clearly involve less complex components thatcan ensure stable operation over extended time periods (mini-mally months, ideally >20 years).

Artificial Photosynthesis

As outlined above, close synthetic mimicry of biological sys-tems in artificial photosynthesis will not lead to solutions oftechnological relevance. The situation may be comparable tothe development of the first airplanes. Studies of bird flighthave not only motivated the development of airplanes, butalso provided (scientific) insight into the detailed aerodynamiccharacteristics of the bird wing. Otto Lilienthal was the firstperson to achieve repeatedly (well-documented) flights withunpowered airplanes. In a paradigm of knowledge-based tech-nology development, he published his monograph “Der Vogel-flug als Grundlage der Fliegekunst” (translatable as “Bird flightas the basis of aviation art”, 1889[7]). Birds and airplanes, bothindeed can fly—or rather glide—based on identical physicalprinciples discovered in the 18th century by Bernoulli and Ven-turi, when analyzing fluid dynamics. However, the use of bio-logical wing material (feathers), as well as all attempts tomimic the flapping of a bird’s wings, blatantly failed (often dra-matically). Use of completely different wing materials and com-binations with technologies that had been previously devel-oped in a different context (e.g. , combustion engines) were re-quired to construct airplanes of practical importance. By analo-gy, the development of artificial photosynthesis may also re-quire the use of currently unforeseen material combinationsand new technological solutions, but are likely to benefit fromsolutions in other scientific and technological areas (e.g. , fuelcell and battery technologies, nanostructures, microfluidics). Atthe present stage, the multitude of approaches and researchdirections represents a strength in research on artificial photo-synthesis. However, the pace of progressing towards technolo-gies needs to accelerate so that artificial photosynthesis cancontribute to the CO2-neutral energy systems of the future.

Figure 1 suggested a broad definition of “artificial photosyn-thesis”. It comprises all conceivable (and unforeseen) solutionsthat facilitate the local combination of light-harvesting andfuel formation (5–8 in Figure 1). Power-to-X technologies in-volve massive energy transport via the general electrical grid.Therefore power-to-X is distinguished from artificial photosyn-

thesis. However, both nonbiological routes toward fossil fuelsare closely related regarding their need for energetically effi-cient and chemically specific catalyst materials. In the future,both routes may also involve more complex, multistep catalyt-ic systems. Molecular catalysts and nonmolecular catalyst ma-terials are indeed a focal point of most of the contributions inthis Special Issue, as outlined in the following sections.

1. Molecular Catalysts for Water Oxidation andHydrogen Evolution Reactions

Molecular catalysis for artificial photosynthesis remains a hotresearch topic, which is reflected in this Special Issue, in whicha range of molecular catalysts based on transition metal com-plexes and hybrid systems are reported for the oxygen evolu-tion reaction (OER) and hydrogen hydriogen evolution reaction(HER).

In a Minireview, Zhang and co-workers have summarizedtheir efforts on the design and synthesis of Mn4Ca clusters bymimicking the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) in photosyste-m II. New strategies are suggested for constructing morestable and efficient catalytic materials for the water splitting re-action based on the artificial Mn4Ca cluster, providing a direc-tion for developing future Mn-based molecular catalysts. In aReview article, Liao and Siegbahn discuss the recent progressin applications of DFT to elucidate the O�O bond formationmechanisms of molecular water oxidation catalysts (WOCs).This Review covers molecular WOCs composed of various tran-sition metal complexes, in particular, manganese, iron, cobalt,nickel, copper, ruthenium, and iridium complexes.

Molecular water oxidation catalysts based on ruthenium andpy5 ligands are reported by Luber, Llobet and co-workers.They observed that the chlorido ligand in the ruthenium firstcoordination sphere and a dangling pyridine group enhancedwater oxidation catalysis by these ruthenium pentapyridylcomplexes. Luber and co-workers report novel open cubane-core structures for {LnCo3(OR)4} (Ln = Er, Tm) WOCs and investi-gate the influence of implicit and explicit solvation on those


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structures. Three [IrCp*] complexes with hydroxy- or amino-functionalized N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligands are report-ed by Martin-Matute, Thapper, and co-workers as molecularcatalysts for water oxidation. Hydroxy groups on the NHCligands are proposed to structurally stabilize high-valent Irspecies, increasing their activity up to 15 times over that of an[IrCp*] complex without heteroatom functionalization. In lightof clues and doubts on the nature of the active species forwater oxidation, Macchioni and co-workers have bench-marked WOCs based on molecular iridium complexes. The ac-tivity of archetypal iridium WOCs has been evaluated under ex-actly the same experimental conditions (pH 7, 258C), exploitingNaIO4 as an electron acceptor. [Ir(OH)6]2- was found to be themost active catalyst, reaching a record TOF value. Comparativekinetic analysis suggests that the active species has to be mo-lecular in nature. In addition to molecular Ir and Co complex-based WOCs, two Cu complex-based molecular WOCs were in-vestigated by Wang and co-workers. They found that one Cucatalyst exhibited a significantly smaller overpotential than theother under identical test conditions. Possible mechanisms forO2 evolution reactions catalyzed by both Cu complexes are dis-cussed based on experimental evidence. Their comparative re-sults indicate that fine-tuning the structures of tetradentate N4

ligands can bring about a significant change in the per-formance of Cu complexes for electrochemical water oxidation.

In terms of molecular catalysts for hydrogen generation,Blakemore and co-workers report on hydrogen evolution cat-alyzed by [RhCp*] complexes bearing substituted bipyridine li-gands. Involvement of multiple modes of metal–ligand cooper-ativity was found to give rise to effective catalysis, includingformation of h4-Cp*H en route to H2 production. Synthetic andelectrochemical studies support the assignment of a newmechanism of catalysis involving bpy-centered reduction. Caoand co-workers report graphene-supported molecular cobaltcorroles as active and stable catalysts for the hydrogen evolu-tion reaction in water over the wide pH range of 0–14. The in-troduction of a pyrenyl group to the corrole macrocycle andthe use of a triphenylphosphine axial ligand on Co improvedthe catalytic efficiency significantly. Alberto, Probst, and co-workers investigate structure–activity and stability relation-ships for cobalt polypyridyl-based HER catalysts in water, alsoby using py5-type ligands. The acyclic, methylene bridged bis-bipyridyl framework emerged as a superior polypyridyl ligandframework, both in terms of catalytic rate and catalyst stability.The developed design strategy, coupled with their syntheticscheme, allows for future rational design of new polypyridylscaffolds to further corroborate the elaborated trends. Sartor-el, Bonchio, and co-workers introduce a novel iron(III) molecu-lar electrocatalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction that un-dergoes pH-controlled interconversion between the mononu-clear and dinuclear structure. The FeL/Fe2L2 manifold enablesinvestigation of possible synergistic effects of proximal metalcenters in HER electrocatalysis.

Regarding light-driven hydrogen generation systems, Hananand co-workers report a three-component system with a het-

eroleptic bisamide Ru photosensitizer and a cobaloxime-basedcatalyst, giving rise to a large improvement in photocatalyticstability, rate of activity, and efficiency in photocatalytic H2 pro-duction compared to [Ru(bpy)3]2 + . The bisamide rutheniumpolypyridyl complex was found to be highly efficient underblue-light and green-light irradiation whereas [Ru(bpy)3]2 + wassignificantly less effective. In their Full Paper, Schmuttenmaer,Crabtree, Brudvig, and co-workers report a new photoanodecontaining a molecular [IrCp*] WOC and a porphyrin photosen-sitizer. Departing from the traditional use of phosphate as theanchoring group, silatrane and tetrahydropyranyl hydroxamicacid anchors were used to bind the molecules to a SnO2 elec-trode. The photosensitizer/catalyst ratio was varied to optimizethe electrodes for best performance. Photocatalytic water oxi-dation was confirmed over 20 hours in real time by using aClark-type electrode, though the photocurrent density was nothigh. Shafaat and co-workers report light-driven hydrogenevolution by an enzymatic system in which a ruthenium chro-mophore covalently attaches at four different positions ofnickel-substituted rubredoxin. The photo-induced activity ofthe hybrid enzyme is significantly greater than that of a two-component system, but the activity is dependent on the effec-tive distance between the ruthenium center and the nickelcenter, indicating that intramolecular electron transfer plays animportant role.

2. Solid-State Materials for Water Oxidationand Hydrogen Evolution Reactions

The catalytic center of photosynthetic water oxidation con-tains a protein-bound Mn4Ca–oxo cluster (see the Minireviewby Zhang and co-workers). There are remarkable similaritiesregarding structure and function between the biological cata-lyst and some synthetic manganese oxides, so it may be ap-propriate to denote these materials as biomimetic oxides.Three contributions address new synthetic routes and the cata-lytic activity of manganese oxides. Kurz, Messinger, and co-workers present a method for in situ synthesis of manganeseoxides on carbon materials and discover that only specificgraphitic carbon substrates are stable at the potential requiredfor electrocatalytic water oxidation. Sun and co-workers de-scribe electrocatalytic water oxidation by nano-architecturedturbostratic d-MnOx on carbon nanotubes and report thatmanganese oxides, as a structural and functional model of theOEC in photosystem II, can reach a comparable level of per-formance to most Ni- and Co-based catalysts. Risch and co-workers address the mechanism of electrocatalytic water oxi-dation by means of an outstandingly thorough electrochemicalcharacterization of LiMn2O4 electrodes and discuss similaritieswith the biological paradigm. Mei and co-workers report asignificant improvement in the quantum yield of the well-es-tablished photocatalyst SrTiO3 by controlled incorporation ofmagnesium. In photocatalytic overall water splitting, theMg:SrTiOx composite has an efficiency up to 20 times higherthan the parent oxide.


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The use of metal phosphides in HER and OER catalysis repre-sents a comparably recent development, which is reviewed byChen and co-workers with a focus on the use of metal phos-phides as cocatalysts in photocatalytic and photoelectrocata-lytic systems. (We note that for direct coupling of a photoac-tive material, which promotes light-harvesting and charge sep-aration, with a catalytic material, the latter is often denoted asa “cocatalyst.” In purely electrocatalytic systems, the same ma-terials may be denoted simply as “catalysts.”) Kwong, Messing-er, and co-workers address the important role of deviationsfrom crystalline order as a promoter of efficient catalysis. Theyinvestigate how cationic vacancy defects support efficient andstable electrocatalytic hydrogen formation in iron phosphides.Downes and Marinescu review the progress in employmentof specific metal–organic framework (MOF) materials forcatalysis of OER, HER, ORR (oxygen reduction reaction), andCO2 reduction. They highlight the recent progress in this area,including the opportunities resulting from development ofconductive MOFs.

3. Catalysis of CO2 Reduction

Contributions from CO2 reduction-related research papersinclude photochemical reduction using molecular catalysts,electrochemical CO2 reduction using a CuOx-coated glassy

carbon electrode or a gas-diffusion layer-type electrode, andCO2 hydrogenation as an alternative to photo- and electro-chemical CO2 reduction. In addition, there are also Reviews onCO2 reduction in this Special Issue.

In their Communication, Rao, Bonin, and Robert report visi-ble-light photocatalytic CO2 reduction by using a tetraphenylFe porphyrin bearing trimethylammonio substituents at thepara positions of the four phenyl rings as a catalyst, purpurinas a photosensitizer and sacrificial electron donor in a CO2-saturated acetonitrile/water (1:9 v/v) solution. CO is producedwith 95 % selectivity with a turnover number up to 120 after94 h irradiation (l>420 nm) with triethylamine.

Electrochemical CO2 reduction with a Cu electrode is wellknown to produce higher-value products, such as ethyleneand other hydrocarbons, but with relatively low efficiency andselectivity over CO. Strasser and co-workers demonstrate thetuning of the hydrocarbon selectivity during catalytic CO2 re-duction by adjusting the particle density of CuOx nanoparticles(defined as catalyst mass per cm2 geometric electrode surfacearea) on a glassy carbon electrode. They observed a shift in far-adaic efficiency toward ethylene over methane at higher densi-ty. Ampelli, Canivet, and co-workers carried out CO2 reduc-tion by using a gas-diffusion layer-type catalytic electrodecomposed of a substituted imidazolate-based metal–organicframework (MOF) and Pt-doped carbon nanotubes (Pt/CNTs)on the MOF-free side. The selectivity to >C1 carbon-contain-ing products, such as ethanol, acetone, and isopropanol, wasenhanced compared to that by using Pt-based electrocatalysts,owing to the higher CO2 concentration at the active surface ofthe electrode.

As an alternative to photo- and electrochemical CO2 reduc-tion using H2 that can be generated by artificial photosyntheticmethods, Ertem and co-workers used [IrCp*] complexes withproton-responsive azole-type ligands for selective CO2 hydro-genation to formate. Spectroscopic and computational investi-gations revealed that the deprotonation of the ligand and asecond coordination sphere effect led to high catalytic activitywith a turnover frequency of 2000 h�1 and a turnover numberof 8200 in 24 h at 50 8C.

Recent developments in metal-based electrocatalysts for CO2

reduction to liquid hydrocarbons are reviewed by Lu, Amaland co-workers. They address the limitations of the currentunderstanding of the reaction mechanisms, and suggestdesign guidelines and research strategies based on their find-ings regarding high-performance catalysts. In the aforemen-tioned Minireview by Downes and Marinescu on electrocata-lytic MOFs for energy applications, several CO2 reduction stud-ies using copper MOFs, metalloporphyrin based MOFs, and tri-carbonyl rhenium bipyridine based MOFs are also summarized.The incorporation of redox-active complexes in the MOF struc-ture can facilitate not only efficient charge transfer, but also anincrease in the stability of the catalytic systems. As a comple-mentary technique to laser flash photolysis, Grills, Polyansky,


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and Fujita highlight thermodynamic and kinetic investigationsof CO2 binding to reduced metal centers for obtaining knowl-edge of CO2 reduction catalysis by using pulse radiolysis intheir Minireview on applications of pulse radiolysis for investi-gations on artificial photosynthesis including water oxidationand reduction. The pulse radiolysis technique, which utilizesshort, high-energy electron pulses from an accelerator, isfound to be a powerful method for preparing catalytic inter-mediates and investigating the reaction mechanisms. Recentdevelopments of photoelectrochemical technology using sili-con materials for solar-to-chemical conversion, including appli-cations in photoelectrochemical CO2 reduction, are discussedin the Minireview by Jingying Shi and co-workers. They con-clude that silicon is an ideal material for the cost-effective pro-duction of solar chemicals. Molecular photocatalysts and pho-toelectrocatalysts have also undergone some impressive recentadvancements, as exemplified by Feng Wang in a Minireviewon cobalt complexes for CO2 reduction.

4. Solid-State Materials for Photoelectro-chemistry

Photoelectrochemical systems involve the direct coupling of aphotoactive semiconductor material, which facilitates light-har-vesting and initial charge separation, with a cocatalyst promot-ing the desired electrochemical reaction. Four contributionsaddress optimization of the interface between photoactivesemiconductor and catalyst materials. Galan-Mascaros and co-workers employ density functional theory (DFT) to estimatethe energy-level alignment for thermodynamically favored holetransfer from photoactive semiconductor to cocatalyst. Theyaddress specifically hematite/cobalt hexacyanoferrate photoan-odes and point out that predictions of plausible semiconduc-tor/catalyst combinations may generally accelerate the devel-opment of improved photoelectrocatalytic systems. Brunsch-wig, Lewis, and co-workers investigate Pt nanoparticles(Pt NPs) on p-Si and p+Si electrodes by using a combination ofscanning probe methods. Their single-particle imaging ap-proach addresses the heterogeneity of the nanoparticle–semi-conductor connection and reveals that only a minor fraction ofthe “electro-less” deposited Pt particles supports high currentdensities. Ong, Chen, Peng, and co-workers investigate theoptimized ZnIn2S4/MoSe2 heterojunctions for noble-metal-freephotocatalytic hydrogen evolution. Their results illustrate thepotential of hierarchical nanoarchitectures for a multitude ofenergy storage and solar energy conversion applications. Inthe aforementioned Minireview by Shi and co-workers, therecent developments of crystalline and thin-film silicon-basedphotoelectrodes—including amorphous, microcrystalline andnanocrystalline silicon—for photoelectrochemical HER and CO2

reduction are discussed, as well as photoelectrochemicalregeneration of discharged species in redox-flow batteries.

New approaches for improved performance of the photoac-tive semiconductors are of obvious importance. Xie, Zhang,Xie, and co-workers have investigated the beneficial influence

of fluorine doping on the performance characteristics of hema-tite nanocrystals. They detect remarkably improved visiblelight absorption, as well as enhanced OER catalysis. Kudo,Kato, Miyasaka, and co-workers describe a complete photo-electrochemical system for H2 formation from water, whichcomprises a Pt-loaded SiC photocathode, a CoOx-loaded BiVO4

photoanode, and a perovskite solar cell. They used a combina-tion of photoactive materials that absorb a major fraction ofthe visible light. The solar-to-hydrogen (STH) efficiency is0.55 %, without any external bias voltage and at 100% faradaicefficiency. Zhang and co-workers have investigated the use ofcarbon quantum dots (CQDs) for photocatalytic applications.They report that controlled nitrogen doping represents auseful strategy for optimizing the performance of CQD–semi-conductor hybrid photocatalysts.

Photoelectrochemisty and related photocatalytic systems arenot restricted to the formation of molecular hydrogen or prod-ucts obtainable by the reduction of CO2. Yuan, Wang, and co-workers report the performance of graphitic carbon nitridesregarding benzyl alcohol oxidation by photocatalytic nanopar-ticles in solution. Their results confirm, among other observa-tions, that a high crystallinity accelerates the separation andtransfer of photogenerated charge carriers in the nanoparticles.Mao and Cong report the light-induced radical addition byatom-transfer to unactivated terminal alkenes. This photocata-lytic process is facilitated by titanium dioxide as a photoactivematerial and a hypervalent iodine(III) reagent as co-initiator.

5. Alternative Device Components and ProcessSchemes in Artificial Photosynthesis

The upconversion of photon energies may facilitate the useof low-energy photons of the solar spectrum for driving reac-tions that otherwise can be driven only by high-energy pho-tons. The use of nonlinear optics for upconversion of photonenergies is still at a very early stage of research and develop-ment, at least regarding employment in artificial photosynthe-sis. Zeng, Li, and co-workers converted red excitation intogreen emission photons. They achieved an upconversion quan-tum yield of 0.29�0.02 % upon excitation with a 640 nm laserof only 120 mW cm�2. Bipolar membranes (BPMs) could facili-tate the efficient operation of anodic and cathodic reactions atdifferent pH values, provided their H+/OH- conductivity is highenough. McDonald, Freund, and Hammond investigated con-ductive BPMs that they obtained through layer-by-layer depo-sition. Seo, Woodbury, and co-workers investigated an espe-cially sophisticated biological hybrid system. They report en-hanced photocurrent generation for the photosynthetic reac-tion of the reaction center (RC) in a photoelectrochemical cell.The enhancement of light-induced current results from in vitrocoupling of the reaction center protein with an additionallight-harvesting antenna comprising DNA and dye molecules.

In their Review, Fukuzumi, Lee, and Nam discuss fuel produc-tion from seawater and fuel cells operated with seawater.


Page 10: Artificial Photosynthesis: Beyond Mimicking Nature · 2017. 12. 4. · Artificial Photosynthesis: Beyond Mimicking Nature. Holger Dau,* [a] Etsuko Fujita,* [b] and Licheng Sun* [c,

Aside from examples of light-driven water electrolysis, unusualsystems are also discussed, such as reversible metal hydrolysisor H2 formation from deep-sea H2S. In their Essay, Centi, Pera-thoner, and co-workers discuss general opportunities forcreating various chemical compounds energetically driven byrenewable energy, with a focus on compounds that are morecomplex than H2 or the primary products of electrochemicalCO2 reduction.

By summarizing the above investigations that depart fromthe usual realm of research on artificial photosynthesis, weclose this Editorial. We hope that the articles in this SpecialIssue of ChemSusChem provide a useful overview on the broadrange of topical subjects investigated by an increasing numberof researchers around the world, who jointly aim at progressalong the route towards artificial photosynthesis.

Keywords: artificial photosynthesis · CO2 conversion ·electrocatalysis · photocatalysis · solar fuels

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