article of association - mannai

Amended Articles of Association of Mannai Corporation Qatari Shareholding Company In accordance with Commercial Companies Law No. (5) of 2002 and the amendments thereto Chapter I Incorporation of the Company Article (1) It is agreed between the parties signing these Articles of Association to adopt these Articles of Association of Mannai Corporation Qatari Shareholding Company after amendment in accordance with provisions of the Commercial Companies Law No (5) of 2002 and the amendments thereto as follows: Article (2) Name of the Company shall be Mannai Corporation “Qatari Shareholding Company”. Article (3) Object of the Company shall be: 1. Financial and administrative control of one or more of the other companies by means of acquiring at least 51% of the shares of such company or companies. 2. Participating in the management of subsidiary companies or those in which it is a shareholder. 3. Investment of its properties in shares, bonds, securities, real estates, and any other investments within or outside the State of Qatar. 4. Providing necessary support to its subsidiary companies. 5. Acquiring invention and commercial patents, franchises and other incorporeal rights, exploiting them and leasing them to its subsidiary or other companies. 6. Acquiring moveable properties and real estates necessary for practicing its business within the limits permissible under the law. 7. Participating in incorporation of shareholding and limited liability companies of all types in accordance with the laws in force. 8. Incorporating special-purpose companies within or outside the State of Qatar. 9. Acting as agent of and representing foreign companies and corporations. لّ ســـي المعذسام الىظـــا المىاعيث ا ـع شركاّ لمجمساهمـــت قطريــت شركــت م( كاث رقموىن الشرحكام قا ً وفقا5 لسىت) 2002 ته م وتعذيلبا اول ب ايس الشركة تأس( ـــــادج 1 ) يضاضو اواا اوا و ل١ليو ا١ذفاق ت اّ ذاوا و ذثو ليضاض اا اوالخ اع شرواع وح٠ح ليرطوا روح شو( لو رواخكو ا لوا يؼىواً فما ٠ تيد ذيد5 حطو ) 2002 ،ذ٠ذيد ٠ ا و: ( ـــــادج 2 ) كروح ا اض: طا شروحالخ ا ع شرواّ ع ح.٠ح لير ( ـــــادج 3 ) : كروح غرض ا1 - و صورو روح شوووح ل٠دااا وح١ايرج ا١طو ا( واىي ذ ىوو وهم خ ايىوررواكو ا51 )% روحكووووه ا ذ ؼةوو ضوو وو ايلوووو لكرواخ. ا2 - روو ا ووا راتيووحخ ارواكووج ادا اح فوووكووا اا.١ ف ذطا3 - اقاي داخطووا ايضووووا فووا ا اضوورصوح د داىوىر اخاح اضرص٠ اخيماا ح١ا اا.ظ ىا لير4 - ا. راتيحخ اكروا ز ادلر ا١ف ذ5 - وووووح٠رعاي اووووواايل ارووووورىروووووه توووووراعاخ ا ذوووووح٠يق اؽمووووو اووووو وووووار١غ زاخوووووا١را كرواخ ار١ذأظ ااضرغ ا.ر١غ ا راتيح ا6 - اكوا ثاشورج وحزاخ ايماا خمه ا ذ.ما ً فما اغ تطد اؽد ا ف7 - ماخ حطووواخ ارواكوووص ا١ ذأضوووح فووووكوووا اً فموووا ووواال ق اىووورووودج لؽووودح ا١طوووي اي.فيح ا٠طا ا١ام 8 - وووح داوووداق اخ ماخ ايرواكوووص ا١ ذأضووو اىوووح لير.ض دىا 9 - ا.١صذ ح١ثخ ايظيضطاا كرواخ اح لوا ا

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Page 1: Article of Association - Mannai

Amended Articles of Association of Mannai Corporation

Qatari Shareholding Company In accordance with Commercial Companies Law

No. (5) of 2002 and the amendments thereto

Chapter I

Incorporation of the Company

Article (1) It is agreed between the parties signing these Articles of Association to adopt these Articles of Association of Mannai Corporation – Qatari Shareholding Company – after amendment in accordance with provisions of the Commercial Companies Law No (5) of 2002 and the amendments thereto as follows:

Article (2) Name of the Company shall be Mannai Corporation “Qatari Shareholding Company”.

Article (3) Object of the Company shall be:

1. Financial and administrative control of one or more of the other companies by means of acquiring at least 51% of the shares of such company or companies.

2. Participating in the management of subsidiary companies or those in which it is a shareholder.

3. Investment of its properties in shares, bonds, securities, real estates, and any other investments within or outside the State of Qatar.

4. Providing necessary support to its subsidiary companies.

5. Acquiring invention and commercial patents, franchises and other incorporeal rights, exploiting them and leasing them to its subsidiary or other companies.

6. Acquiring moveable properties and real estates necessary for practicing its business within the limits permissible under the law.

7. Participating in incorporation of shareholding and limited liability companies of all types in accordance with the laws in force.

8. Incorporating special-purpose companies within or outside the State of Qatar.

9. Acting as agent of and representing foreign companies and corporations.

الىظـــام األساســـي المعذل

لمجمـع شركاث المىاعي

شركــت مساهمـــت قطريــت

م وتعذيالته 2002( لسىت 5وفقا ألحكام قاوىن الشركاث رقم )

ب األولالبا

تأسيس الشركة (1ـــــادج )

االذفاق ت١ اولي١ لو واا ا وا ايضاضو لو ذثو واا ذ

شوروح طواح لير٠وح –عع شرواخ اوال ا ا ايضاض

2002( طوح 5تيد ذيد٠ فما يؼىوا لوا اكورواخ لو ) –

: وا ٠ ذيد٠الذ،

(2ـــــادج )

ع شرواخ اال شروح طا :اض اكروح ح لير٠ح.ع

(3ـــــادج )

غرض اكروح :

اطو١يرج اا١وح اادا ٠ووح لو شووروح وصور وو -1

%( 51اكوورواخ ايىوور مووه وو ىووالي ذىووا )

لووو ايلووو ووو ضووو ؼةووو ذوووه اكوووروح


اكوووا وح فووو ادا ج اكووورواخ اراتيوووح وووا ارووو -2

ذطا ف١ا.

اضووورصا اوووا فووو ايضووو اطوووداخ اي اق -3

اا١ح ايما اخ ٠ح اضرصا اخ ىر داىو دوح

لير ىا ظا.

ذف١ر ادل االز كرواخ اراتيح ا. -4

ذوووووه توووووراعاخ االىرووووورار ايلووووواي ارعا ٠وووووح -5

االر١ووووووازاخ غ١رووووووا وووووو اؽمووووووق اي٠ووووووح

اراتيح ا غ١را. اضرغالا ذأظ١را كرواخ

ذه امالخ ايما اخ االزوح ثاشورج كوا ا -6

ف اؽدد اطغ تا فما ما.

اكوووا وح فووو ذأضووو١ص اكووورواخ اطووواح ماخ -7

اطوووي١ح اؽوووددج لووو اىووورالق الوووا فموووا

ما١ اطا ٠ح افيي.

اىووو ذأضووو١ص اكووورواخ ماخ ايوووداق ا ا وووح د -8

ىا ض دح لير.

اواح ل اكرواخ ايضطاخ ايظث١ح ذص١ا. -9

Page 2: Article of Association - Mannai

In order to achieve its objects, the company may borrow necessary funds from local and foreign banks and financial companies and institutions, and provide guarantees including pledging any of its assets subject to a resolution passed by its Board of Directors. The Company may have interests with corporations having business similar to that of, or related to its business or that may assist it in realizing its objects in Qatar and abroad. It may, as well, participate in any form whatsoever with the said corporations, merge therein, buy or affiliate them.

Article No (4) The term of the company shall be (100) years commencing from the date of entering the amendment of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company in the Commercial Registration, which term may be extended by a resolution by the Extraordinary General Assembly.

Article No (5) The Head Office of the company and its legal domicile shall be (Doha) city, State of Qatar. The Board of Directors may establish branches, offices or agencies in Qatar or abroad.

Chapter II Share Capital of the Company

Article (6

Share Capital of the Company shall be Qatari Riyals 456,192,000 (four hundred fifty six million one hundred ninety two thousand), divided into 45,619,200 (forty five million six hundred nineteen thousand two hundred) ordinary shares, the nominal value of each is Qatari Riyals10 (ten).

Article (7) All shares shall be nominal, and their value shall be paid in full in one payment.

Article (8) The company shall issue Share Certificates wherein the name of the shareholder, serial numbers of shares, the number of shares subscribed, and the value paid up, shall be stated. Shares shall be delivered within one month from the date of entering the conversion of the company into a shareholding company in the Commercial Registration.

كوووروح فووو ضوووث١ ذؽم١وووك ووودافا ام١وووا توووالرراض ايووواي

االزووووح وووو اثوووون اكوووورواخ ايضطوووواخ اا١ووووح اؽ١ووووح

ايظث١ح ذمد٠ اضااخ تا ف١وا و و ظداذوا فموا

عص ادا ذا. مرا ٠ةد ل

٠عووز كووروح ٠ىوو ووا ةووؽح ووع ا١ووواخ اروو ذووساي

توو لوود ٠ياووا لوو ذؽم١ووك كووا ا شووث١ا تكووا ا رةووال

ظ غراضا ف لير ا ا ض وا ٠عز ا ذكررن تأ

اظ ع ا١وواخ اواو ج ذودط ف١وا ذكورر٠ا ذؽموا

تا .

(4ـــــادج )

ادج اؽددج كروح ائح ضح ١الد٠ح ذثد ذا ٠خ ارأش١ر

ل ذيد٠ لمد ذأض١ص اكروح اا ايضاض ف اطع

ح غ١ــر ارعا ، ٠عز ـــد ا ادج تمرا اعي١ح ايا


(5ـــــادج )

د٠ح ادؼح تمير . روس اكروح ارئ١ط ؽا اما

٠عز عص اادا ج ٠كئ ا فرلوا ىاذوة ذوو١الخ

ف لير ف ا ا ض.

الباب الثاوي

رأس مال الشركت

( 6ـــــادج )1

تيائح ضرح ) ٠456.192.000ى ش اي اكروح

( لاير لير زلا ىط١ ١ ائح اش١ ذطي١ ف

ضرائح ذطيح ىطح تي١ ١) 45.619.200ل

لاد٠ا، ام١ح االض١ح ى ض ائر فلكر 10( ضا

)لكرج( ٠االخ لير٠ح.

(7ــــادج )

ذى ظ١ع ايض اض١ح ، ذدفع ل١را تاىا ، دفيح اؼدج.

(8ـــــادج )

اطا لا ذةد اكروح شاداخ ض، ٠صثد ف١ا اض

ايض ارططح لدد ايض ار اوررة ف١ا اثاغ ادفلح.

ي اكوروح او شوروح ذط ايض ىالي شر ذوا ٠خ ل١ود ذؽو

طاح ف اطع ارعا .

1 22/10/2012ذ ذيد٠ ا اادج تظة لرا اعي١ح اياح ايمدج ترا ٠خ

This articles has been amended in accordance with a resolution by the General Assembly held on 22/10/2012

Page 3: Article of Association - Mannai

Shares shall be issued from a register with serially numbered coupons to be signed by two members of the Board of Directors and stamped with the company seal. A share shall particularly include the date of publication of the official form in the Official Gazette and in a local newspaper, the value of the share capital, the number of shares in which such share capital is divided, properties of such shares, objects, head office and term of the company. Shares shall have serially numbered coupons also bearing the number of the share.

Article (9) A special register shall be prepared at the head office of the company in which names, nationalities, addresses, professions of shareholders and the number and (serial) numbers of shares each of them holds, and the amounts paid for each share, the date of registration of every member in the Register and date of such member's separation from the company and mode of separation. Acts introduced to the shares or Provisional Certificates representing these shares shall also be entered therein. Ownership of the shares shall be transferred by entering the assignment in writing in the register referred to after submitting an acknowledgement signed by the assignee - and the company shall have the right to request attestation of the signatures of the two parties and prove their legal capacity by legal means. Two members of the Board of Directors shall sign the certificates evidencing entry of the shares in the Registry of Transfer of Ownership.

Article (10) Shareholders shall only be bound by the value of each share and their obligations shall not be increased.

Article (11) Accepting the Articles of Association of the company and resolutions of its General Assembly shall be a mandatory consequence of owning a share.

Article (12) A share shall be indivisible, but two or more persons may jointly hold a share or a number of shares, provided that they are represented by one person before the company. Joint holders of a share shall stand jointly liable for obligations arising out of such ownership.

Article (13) Subject to Article (8) hereof, shares may be sold,

ذطر رض ايض ضع م لطائ تأ لا ططح ٠لوع ل١وا

ذ ر ت اذ اكروح . لضا لضاع عص اادا ج

اط ل ايى ذا ٠خ كر اؽر ارض ٠عة ٠رض

تاعر٠دج ارض١ح فو اؼود اةوؽف اؽ١وح ل١وح ش اواي

لوووودد ايضوووو اووووزر ل١ووووا ىةائةووووا غوووورض اكووووروح

روسا دذا.

لو ٠ى ألض وتواخ ماخ لوا رططوح كورح ٠ضوا

ل اط.

(9ــــادج )

ف١وو ضووا ٠يوود تروووس اكووروح ضووع ىووان طووا١ ذوود

و ظط١اذ لا٠ لدد ايض ارو ٠رىوا وو

لضو فو ض ، ذا ٠خ ل١د و لاا اثغ ادفر ل و

اطع ذا ٠خ افةا ل اكروح و١ف١ح االفةاي .

وووا ذم١وود ف١وو ارةوورفاخ اروو ذعوور لوو ايضوو اكوواداخ

ايلرح ار ذصـا .

ذرم ى١ح ايضو تثشثواخ اروازي وراتوح فو اطوع اكوا ا١و

كووروح –مووه تيوود ذموود٠ الوورا لووع ل١وو وو ارووازي ا١وو

١روا اؽك ف ذية ارةد٠ك لو ذل١وع ايورف١ اشثواخ

تووايرق اما١ووح ٠لووع اشووا وو لضوواع عووص اادا ج لوو

اكاداخ اصثرح م١د ايض ف ضع م اى١ح .

(10ــــادج )

ض ال ٠عز ز٠ادج ارسااذ . ال ٠س اطا اال تم١ح و

(11ــــادج )

ل ى١ح اط لثي ا اكروح ايضاض ٠ررذة ؼرا

لرا اخ ظي١را اياــح .

(12ـــــادج )

اط غ١ر لات رعسئح ، ى ٠عز ٠كررن ش ةا وصر

ف ض اؼد ف لدد ايض ، ل ٠صـ ذعا

اكروح ش اؼد .

طو١ تارضا ل االرسااخ ٠يرثر اكرواع ف اط

.اررذثح ل ا اى١ح

(13ــــادج )

( واا ا وا ٠عوز ت١وع ايضو ال 8ع رالاج ؼىا اادج )

Page 4: Article of Association - Mannai

which sale shall not be held valid against the Company unless entered in the Special Register referred to in Article (9) hereof. Registration shall be made in a sale session attended by the contracting parties or their representatives and company representative. Shares may also be mortgaged, gifted or disposed of in any other way, which disposal shall be subject to provisions of the preceding paragraph. Priorities of mortgagee creditors shall be determined by the date of registering the mortgage in the register prepared for such purpose. A mortgagee creditor shall be entitled to receive share dividends and use other related rights unless otherwise agreed in the Mortgage deed.

Article (14) If the company wishes to list its shares in the Doha Securities Market, procedures adopted at the Doha Securities Market shall be followed.

Article (15) Non-Qatari nationals may buy company shares, whereby their shareholding shall not exceed 25% of the company shares.

Article (16) Every shareholder may hold any number of the company shares, provided that the number of shareholders shall not be less than the minimum provided for in the Commercial Companies Law or the regulations and instructions of the Doha Securities Market.

Article (17) Heirs/heiresses or creditors of a shareholder may not, on whatsoever grounds, demand placement of seals on books of the company nor its stationery nor property, and they may neither demand division nor sale of such property in whole on grounds that the property is indivisible. They may not interfere in whatsoever way in the management of the company, and they shall, in practicing their rights, count on stock-taking lists, final accounts and resolutions of the General Assembly of the Company. Properties of the company shall not be attached in satisfaction of debts owed by a shareholder, but shares of the debtor and dividends of such shares may be attached and reference to such attachment shall be made in the share-registration information in the shareholders register.

Article (18) Each share shall entitle its holder to a portion equal to that of others without any discrimination in ownership of the net assets of the company and in the dividends

٠يرثور اث١وع ضوا ٠ا فو ؼوك اكوروح اال اما ل١ود فو اطوع ا ووان

( .9اكا ا١ ف اادج )

ر اريالوودا وو ٠صووـا ٠ىوو ارطووع١ تعووص ت١ووع ٠ؽضوو

دب اكروح.

ذةورق .ىور. وا ٠عز ايض ثرا ارةرق ف١وا توأ

ذطر ل ارةرق ؼىا افمرج اطاتمح .

ذؽدد رذثح ادائ ارذ ذا ٠خ ل١د ار ف اطوع ايود


اضوورياي اؽمووق ٠ىوو وودائ اوورذ لووثا توواغ ايضوو

ارةح تا ا ٠رفك ف لمد ار ل ىالق مه.

(14ــــادج )

ف ؼاي غثح اكروح تثد اض ضا فو ضوق ادؼوح وأل اق

اا١ح فررثع ااظراعاخ ارثيح د ضق ادؼح أل اق اا١ح.

(15ــــادج )

س ال ذرعووواز ٠عوووز غ١ووور اميووور١٠ شوووراع ضووو اكوووروح تؽ١ووو

% ضا. 25طار ل

(16ــــادج )

٠عز ي طوا ذوه لودد و ضو اكوروح شور٠يح ال

٠م لدد اطوا١ لو اؽود ايدو اةون ل١و فو لوا

ووح ذي١وواخ ضووق ادؼووح ووأل اق ارعا ٠ووح اكوورواخ


(17ــــادج )

شووح اطووا ال دائ١وو تأ٠ووح ؼعووح واوود ٠يثووا ٠عووز ال

ضع ايىرا ل دفاذر اكروح لرا ١طا رىاذوا ال

ا ٠يثووا لطوورا ت١يووا ظووح يوود اىووا امطووح ال ٠روودى

تأ٠ووح ر٠مووح واوود فوو ادا ج اكووروح ٠عووة لوو١ فوو اضوورياي

رد اكروح ؼطاتاذا ا را١وح لو ؼمل اري٠ ل لائ ظ

لرا اخ اعي١ح اي١ح .

ح ال ٠عز اؽعس ل اي اكروح اضر١فاع د٠ ررذثح ف م

ؼد اطا١ اا ٠عز اؽعس لو ضو اود٠ تواغ وا

ايض ٠يشر تا ٠ف١د اؽعس ض اث١ااخ ا ا وح تم١ود ايضو

١ .ف ضع اطا

(18ــــادج )

ي اؼث اؽك ف ؼةح يادح ؽةح غ١ر تال ض ٠ و

ذ١١س ف ى١ح اف ظداخ اكروح ف اي تاغ ازلح

ل اظ اث١ ف١ا تيد .

Page 5: Article of Association - Mannai

divided as hereinafter defined.

Article (19) The last owner of a share to be registered in the Company’s register on the date of holding the General Assembly, shall have the right to receive amounts payable on a share, be they share dividends or portion in the assets of the company.

Article (20) Subject to provision of Articles (188) and (190) of the Commercial Companies Law, the share capital of the company may be increased by issuance of new shares of a nominal value equivalent to the nominal value of the original shares.

Such increase of the share capital shall be upon a resolution issued by the extraordinary General Assembly after obtaining Ministry's approval of the increase. The resolution shall define the rate of increase and the price at which the new shares are to be issued

The said General Assembly may authorize the Board of Directors to determine the date of executing such resolution, provided that such date shall not exceed a year from the date of passing the resolution.

The Extraordinary General Assembly may, upon recommendation by the Board of Directors and subject to Ministry’s approval, resolve to add share premium to the nominal value of a share and determine the amount of such premium. Such increase shall be credited to the statutory reserve.

Article (21) Should the share capital of the company exceed its need or should the company incur losses, the share capital may be decreased upon a resolution by the Extraordinary General Assembly after hearing the Auditor's Report and obtaining Ministry's approval of such decrease.

Such reduction may be effected by either devaluation of the nominal share capital of the company by refunding part of the nominal value of the share to the shareholder, or absolving shareholders of all or part of the unpaid amount of the value of the share, or by reduction of the share capital by an amount equivalent to the loss incurred by the company, or by buying back a number of shares equal to the amount required to be decreased or written off. The Board of Directors of the company shall determine the price of the shares to be bought back for the share buy-back to be offered to shareholders.

(19ــــادج )

٠ى ٢ىر اه ط ٠م١د اض فو ضوع اكوروح تروا ٠خ ايمواد

لوثا اثواغ اطورؽمح لو اطو ضواع اعي١ح اياح اؽك فو

واد ؼةةا ف اي تاغ ة١ثا ف اف ظداخ اكروح.

(20ــــادج )

( لا اكرواخ 190( )188ع رالاج ؼى اادذ١ )

ارعا ٠ح ، ٠عز ز٠ادج ش اي اكروح ، تث دا ض ظد٠دج

اي ١ح .تم١ح اض١ح يادح م١ح االض١ح ألض

٠عة ذى ز٠ادج ش اي اكروح تمرا اعي١وح اياوح

غ١ر اياد٠ح تيد افمح ازا ج ل اس٠وادج ، ٠ثو١ امورا مودا

اس٠ادج ضير ا دا ايض اعد٠دج .

ض عووص اادا ج فوو ذؽد٠وود عي١ووح اياووح اوواو ج ذفوو

تؽ١س ال ٠عاز ضح ذا ٠خ د .لد ذف١ا اا امرا ،

٠عووز عي١ووح اياووح غ١وور اياد٠ووح توواع لوو ذ وو١ح عووص

اادا ج ذمر اضافح لالج ا ودا او ام١وح االضو١ح طو ،

ذؽدد مدا ا ، تكر افمح اوزا ج . ذضواق وا اس٠وادج

ا االؼر١ا اما .

( 21ــــادج )

٠عز ذ ف١ا ش ااي تمرا اعي١ح اياح غ١ر اياد٠ح

تيد ضار ذمر٠ر رالة اؽطاتاخ ، افمح ازا ج ل

ار ف١ا ، مه ف ؼاح ز٠ادج ش ااي ل ؼاظح اكروح

١د اكروح ت طائر .

ووا تر فوو١ا ضوواي اكووروح االضوو ، ٠عوور وواا ار فوو١ا ا

ام١وح االضو١ح طو او اطوا ، اتوراع مه ترد ظوسع و

وا تيوا امود غ١ور اودفر و ل١وح اطو، ا رو و وو م

تر فوو١ا ش اوواي تووا ٠يووادي ا طووا ج اروو وواتد اكووروح ،

ا تكراع لدد ايض ٠يادي امد ايب ذ ف١ض اغوا ا

ا ١وور اووراد شوورا. ٠ؽوودد عووص ادا ج اكووروح شوو ايضوو

لرض شراع ايض ل اطا١.

Page 6: Article of Association - Mannai

Article (22)

Without prejudice to provisions of Articles (168) through (176) of the Commercial Companies Law, the Board of Directors may determine to issue bonds of any type whatsoever, which resolution shall state the value of the bonds, issue terms and conditions, and extent of their convertibility into shares.

Article (23) Provisions of Articles (177), (178), and (179) of the Commercial Companies Law shall be applied in case of loss or damage of share certificates or bonds.

Chapter III Bonds

Article (24)

Without prejudice to provisions of Articles (168) through (176) of the Commercial Companies Law, the Board of Directors may determine to issue bonds of any type whatsoever, which resolution shall state the value of the bonds, issue terms and conditions, and extent of their convertibility into shares.

Article (25)

Provisions of Articles (177), (178) and (179) of the Commercial Companies law shall apply in the event of loss or damage of share certificates or bonds.

Chapter IV Management of the Company

Article (26) Company shall be managed by a Board of Directors of 9 members, to be elected by the ordinary general assembly by way of secret ballot for a term of 3 years.

A director may be re-elected more than once. Article (27)

A member of the Board of Directors shall hold at least 20,000 (twenty thousand) shares. Nonetheless, the General Assembly may elect members of the Board of Directors from non-shareholders if interests of the company so require. If a member of the Board of Directors is representing a company, corporation or an establishment, it shall solely have the right to dismiss such representatives or appoint others at any time.

Article (28)

The Board of Directors shall elect by secret ballot a chairman and vice chairman for a term of three years.

( 22ــــادج )

( لا 176( ا )168ع رالاج ؼىا ااد )

اكرواخ ارعا ٠ح، ٠عز عص اادا ج ٠مر ا دا ضداخ

ر وا ٠ضػ اا امرا ل١ح اطداخ شر

ا دا ا د لات١را رؽ٠ ا ض.

( 23ــــادج )

لا (179( )178( )177ذيثك ؼىا ااد )

اكرواخ ارعا ٠ح ف ؼاح فمدا الن شاداخ ايض


البــاب الثالـــث

في السىذاث

( 24ــــادج )

( لا 176( ا )168ع رالاج ؼىا ااد )

اكرواخ ارعا ٠ح، ٠عز عص اادا ج ٠مر ا دا ضداخ

ر وا ٠ضػ اا امرا ل١ح اطداخ اةىن

شر ا دا ا د لات١را رؽ٠ ا ض.

( 25ــــادج )

( لا 179( )178( )177ذيثك ؼىا ااد )

اكرواخ ارعا ٠ح ف ؼاح فمدا الن شاداخ ايض


البــاب الرابع

إدارة الشركت

( 26ــــادج )2

٠ر ة لضاع ذطيح ٠ر ادا ج اكروح عص ادا ج ى

ار اب ايض وصر رجدج شالز ضـــاخ، ٠عز الادج

( 27ــــادج )

٠عة ٠ى لض عص اادا ج اىا يدد ض اكروح ال

ل )لكر٠ ف( ضا تارغ مه ف١عز 200000ذم

عي١ح اياح ار اب لضاع عص اادا ج غ١ر اطا١

اما الرضد ةؽح اكروح مه.

عص اادا ج صال ل شروح ١وح يضطح اما وا لض

ظاز وا د ضواا ؼوك لوسي ويالع اصو١ ذي١و١ غ١ور

ف و لد.

(28ــــادج )

٠ر ووة عووص اادا ج تووااللررار اطوور ئ١طووا ائثووا وورئ١ص

2 2013ا ش 20ا اادج تظة لرا اعي١ح اياح ايمدج ترا ٠خ ذ ذيد٠

This Article has been amended in accordance with a resolution by the General Assembly held on 20 March, 2013.

Page 7: Article of Association - Mannai

The Board may elect by secret ballot one or more managing director(s) The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be the Chairman of the company and shall represent it before courts and third parties, and his signature shall be held as signature of the Board of Directors in the relation of the company with third parties, and he shall implement resolutions of the Board and abide by its recommendations and he shall, when absent, be replaced by the vice chairman.

Article (29) In the event of vacancy of a post of a member of the Board of Directors, such member shall be succeeded by the one who received the highest votes of those shareholders who did not win membership of the Board, and in the event of a barrier, he shall be succeeded by the next, and the new member shall only complete the duration of his antecedent. In the event that vacant posts reach a quarter of the original posts, then the Board of Directors shall call the ordinary General Assembly to convene within two months of the date of the last vacancy to elect members for the vacant posts.

Article (30) The Board of Directors shall be entitled to the broadest scope of authorities to manage the company and shall be entitled to assume all activities required for such management in accordance with its objective. Such authority shall only be restricted by provisions of law or the Articles of Association of the Company or resolutions of the General Assembly.

Article (31) The right to sign on behalf of the Company during absence of the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be delegated to the Vice Chairman, and in case of absence of the latter, it shall be delegated to Managing Director(s), jointly or severally, and they shall as well represent it before Justice and third parties, in accordance with a resolution issued by the Board of Directors in this respect. The Board of Directors may appoint a manager or more for the company and also authorize them, jointly or severally, to sign on behalf of the company.

Article (32) 1. The Board of Directors shall meet upon an

invitation by its chairman or at least two of its members. The number of meetings shall not be less than six as minimum during the one fiscal year, and the meeting shall only be valid if attended by at least two thirds of the members, provided that the number of the present members shall not be less than four. No two full months shall lapse without convening a meeting of the Board.

وصوور وودج شووالز ضوواخ .٠عووز عووص ٠ر ووة تووااللررار

لضا ردتا إلدا ج وصر.اطر

ئوو١ص عووص اادا ج وو ئوو١ص اكووروح ٠صووـا ووا امضوواع

د اغ١ر ٠يرثر ذل١ي ورل١ع عص اادا ج فو لاللوح اكوروح

ا لوورا اخ اعووص ، ٠رم١وود تر وو١اذ ـ توواغ١ر ، ل١وو ٠فوو

ؽ لد غ١ات ائة ارئ١ص . ٠ؽ


اما شووغر روووس ؼوود لضوواع عووص اادا ج ، ىفوو ف١وو وو وووا

ؼووائسا يوصوور اي وواخ وو اطووا١ اووا٠ وو ٠فووزا تيضوو٠ح

اعوص ، اما لوا واع ىفو و ١٠و ٠ىو ايضو اعد٠ود وودج

وا اما تغود اراووس اكواغرج توع اراووس اي و١ح ضف فمو .

وووح اياد٠وووح فثووو ٠ريووو١ لووو عووو ص اادا ج دلوووج اعي١وووح ايا

اليماد ىالي شر٠ ذا ٠خ ى .ىر رووس رر وة و ٠وأل

اراوس اكاغرج .

(30ــــادج )

عووص اادا ج ضووع اطووياخ ادا ج اكووروح وو ثاشوورج ظ١ووع

ايلاي ار ذمرض١ا ا اادا ج فموا غرضوا ال ٠ؽود و وا

ح اال وووا ووو ل١ووو اموووا وووا اكوووروح لووورا اخ اطوووي

اعي١ح اياح .

(31ــــادج )

٠ه ارل١ع ل اكروح ف غ١اب ئ١ص عص اادا ج ائث ف

ؼاي غ١اب اا ايى١ور ايضو ايلضواع ارودت ، عريو١

موورا فوورد٠ ، وووا ٠صووـا ووا امضوواع وود اغ١وور فمووا

اا ٠ةد عص اادا ج ف اا اكأ .

٠عز عص اادا ج ٠ي١ د٠را كروح وصر ٠ و

٠ضا ؼك ارل١ع ل اكروح فرد٠ عري١ .

( 32ــــادج )

٠عرع عص اادا ج تدلج ئ١ط لض٠ -1

. ٠عة لدد االظرالاخ ل لضائ ل ايل ال ٠م

ضرح اظرالاخ وؽد د ىالي اطح اا١ح ااؼدج ال

اال اما ؼضر شصا لدد ٠ى اظرار اعص ؽ١ؽا

لدد اؽاضر٠ ل ل ال ٠م ايلضاع ل ايل

تيح .ال ٠عز ٠مض شرا واال د لمد

اظرار اعص .

Page 8: Article of Association - Mannai

2. The Board of Directors shall be convened at the head office of the company. It may be convened outside the head office on condition that all members shall be present or represented in such meeting.

3. A member of the Board of Directors may deputize, when necessary, a fellow member of the Board. In this case, such a member shall be entitled to two votes. A member of the Board of Directors may not deputize more than one member.

4. Resolutions of the Board of Directors shall be issued by the majority of the votes of present members and in case of equal votes (deadlock) the side of the chairman or the one acting on his behalf shall have a casting vote. Any objecting member shall enter his objection in the minutes of the meeting.

5. General Secretarial works of the Board shall be handled by a Secretary to be chosen by the Board, who shall determine his authorities and his remunerations. Minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors shall be entered into a special register to be signed by the Chairman of the Board, the Managing Director (if any), and Secretary.

Article (33) If a member of the Board of Directors is absent for three successive meetings of the Board or five interrupted meetings without a reason acceptable to the Board, such a member shall be considered to have resigned.

Article (34) Minutes of the Board of Directors shall be entered into a special register and each of these shall be signed by the Chairman of the Board, the Managing Director (if any) and the member or employee acting as secretary of the Board.

Article (35) The Board of Directors shall put at the disposal of shareholders, at least three days before holding the General Assembly convened to look into the balance sheet of the company and the Directors’ Report, a detailed statement including the following data: 1. All the amounts received by the Chairman and

members of the Board of Directors of the Company during the fiscal year, including wages, salaries, charges, and consideration of attending Board meetings, and sundry expenses, in addition to amounts received by each of them as a technical or administrative employee or in consideration of any technical or administrative or consultative work performed to the company.

اادا ج فوو روووس اكووروح . ٠عووز ٠يموود ٠يموود عووص -2

ىا ض روسوا تكور ٠ىو ظ١وع لضوائ ؼاضور٠

صـ١ ف االظرار.

يضوو عووص اادا ج ١٠ووة لوو لوود اضوور ج ؼوود -3

زالئو فوو اعوص . فوو وا اؽاووح ٠ىو وواا ايضوو

ذا . ال ٠عز ٠ب لض اعص لو وصور و

اؼد . لض

ذةوود لوورا اخ اعووص تأغث١ووح وواخ اؽاضوور٠ فووثما -4

ذطاخ ظػ اعاة اا ارئ١ص ٠مو ماو .

يضوووو ايروووورض ٠صثوووود الرراضوووو فوووو ؽضوووور

االظرار .

٠مووو تألووواي اياوووح اياوووح عوووص ووو١ ضووور ٠ روووا -5

اعووص ٠ؽوودد اىرةا وواذ ىافأذوو ، ذوود ؽاضوور

اظرووار عووص اادا ج فوو ضووع ىووان ٠لووع ل١وو ئوو١ص

اعص ايض اردب، ا ظد ١ اطر.

(33ــــادج )

اما ذغ١وووة لضووو عوووص اادا ج لووو ؼضووو شوووالز اظرالووواخ

ررا١وح عووص ىطوح اظرالوواخ غ١وور ررا١وح د لووا ٠مثوو

اعص الرثر طرم١ال.

(34ــــادج )

ؽاضر اظرار عوص اادا ج فو ضوع ىوان ٠لوع وو ذد

ا اؽاضر ئ١ص اعوص ايضو ارودب، ا ظود، فو

ؼوواي ذي١١وو ايضوو ايووف اووا ٠روو لوواي ضووىرذا ٠ح

اعص .

(35ــــادج )

٠ضع عص اادا ج ضو٠ا ذؽود ذةورق اطوا١، لثو ايمواد

اعي١ووح اياووح اروو ذوودل وور فوو ١سا١ووح اكووروح ذمر٠وور

عوووص اادا ج، تصالشوووح ٠وووا لووو ايلووو وكوووفا ذفةووو١١ا ٠رضووو

اث١ااخ ارا١ح:

ظ١وووع اثووواغ ارووو ؼةووو ل١وووا ئووو١ص لضووواع -1

ا١وووح ووو ظووو عوووص ادا ج اكوووروح فووو اطوووح ا

ذيوواب رذثوواخ ماتوو ؼضوو ظطوواخ عووص

اادا ج تدي لو اةوا ٠ف، وواه وا لثضو وو

ت ف يفا ف١ا ادا ٠ا ف ماتو لو

ف ادا اضركا دا كروح.

Page 9: Article of Association - Mannai

2. Entitlements in kind enjoyed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors and members of the Board during the fiscal year.

3. Remuneration the Board proposes to distribute to Board Chairman and Members.

4. Amounts assigned to present and former Chairman and Board Members as salary, reserve, or end of service compensation.

5. Operations in which the Chairman or a Board member or a manager may have interests in conflict with Company interests.

6. Amounts actually spent in any form of publicity and details relating to every amount.

7. Donations, beneficiaries of such donations, reasons for donation and details.

The detailed statements referred to shall be signed by the Chairman and one of the members of the Board of Directors. The Chairman and members of the Board of Directors shall stand jointly responsible for execution of the provision of this Article, and for accuracy of the data given in all the papers provided for in this Article to be prepared.

Article (36) The Board of Directors shall be entitled to call upon the General Manager of the company or any of its employees or other experts to attend the meeting of the Board to provide data or explanations the Board may ask for.

Article (37)

The ordinary General Assembly shall determine remunerations of members of the Board of Directors. The total of such remunerations shall not be estimated at more than 10% of the net profit after deduction of depreciation, reserves, and distribution of dividends of not less than 5% of the capital to the shareholders.

Chapter V General Assembly

Article (38) A properly formed General Assembly shall represent all shareholders and shall only be held in Doha.

Article (39) The Ordinary General Assembly shall meet at least once a year at the head office of the Company during the four months following expiry of the fiscal year of the Company. The Board of Directors may call the Assembly whenever necessary and upon so requesting by the auditor or a number of shareholders representing not less than one tenth of the share capital.

اسا٠ا اي١١ح ار ٠ررع تا ئو١ص لضواع عوص -2

ح.اادا ج ف اطح اا١

اىافوو خ اروو ٠مروورغ عووص اادا ج ذز٠يووا لوو -3

ئ١ص اعص لضائ

اثواغ ا ةةووح ورئ١ص لضوواع عووص اادا ج -4

اؽووا١١ اطوواتم١ ويوواظ اؼر١ووا ذيوو٠ا

ل اراع ا دح.

اي١ووواخ ارووو ٠ىووو ف١وووا ووورئ١ص ؼووود لضووواع -5

عوووص اادا ج اووود٠ر٠ ةوووؽح ذريوووا ض وووع

ةؽح اكروح.

اثاغ ار افمد فيال ف ضث١ ادلا٠وح توأ و ج -6

واد ع ارفة١الخ ا ا ح تى ثغ.

ارثرلوواخ ووع ت١ووا اعووح ارثوورر ووا طووغاخ -7

ارثرر ذفة١الذ.

لوووع اىكوووف ارفةووو١ اكوووا ا١ووو ئووو١ص عوووص ٠عوووة ٠

اادا ج ؼوود ايلضوواع، ٠ىوو ئوو١ص لضوواع عووص اادا ج

طو١ ظال١ا ل ذف١ا ؼىا وا اوادج، لو وؽح اث١اواخ

اا دج ف ظ١ع اي اق ار ةد ل الدادا.

(36ــــادج )

٠وا و يف١وا عص اادا ج ٠ودل ود٠ر لوا اكوروح

غ١ر م ا ثرج ؽضو اظروار اعوص رمود٠ وا ٠يثو

ت١ااخ ا٠ضاؼاخ.

(37ــــادج )

ذؽوودد اعي١ووح اياووح اياد٠ووح ىافوو خ لضوواع عووص اادا ج ال

% وو اوورتػ ٠10عووز ذموود٠ر عوور ووا اىافوو خ تووأوصر وو

الؼر١ا ١واخ ذز٠وع توػ ال اةاف تيد اضورساي االضورالواخ ا

% ش ااي ل اطا١.٠5م ل

البــاب الخامس

الجمعيــت العامــت (38ــــادج )

ح ذى٠ا ؽ١ؽا ذصـ ظ١وع اطوا١ ال اعي١ح اياح اى

٠عز ايمادا اال ف ادؼح.

(39ــــادج )

ف روس اكروح رج ل ذيمد اعي١ح اياح ف اظرار لاد

ف اطح مه ىالي اك اي تيح ارا١ح الراع اطح ايل

اا١ح كروح . عص اادا ج ، دلج اعي١ح اياح وا

دلد اؽاظح ا مه ، ل١ دلذا وا ة مه رالة

ل لكر ش اؽطاتاخ لدد اطا١ ٠صـ ا ال ٠م

ااي .

Page 10: Article of Association - Mannai

In cases where the General Assembly may be called upon request of shareholders representing at least one tenth of the capital or the Auditor, the agenda shall be prepared by the party that requested convening the General Assembly. In this case, the agenda shall be restricted to the subject of the request, and any other issue that is not included in the agenda shall not be discussed. The Concerned Department at the Ministry, after approval of the Minister of Economy and Commerce, may call the General Assembly to convene if a month, after the cause requiring it to convene, lapses without the Board of Directors calling for such convening, or in case the number of members of the Board of Directors becomes less than the minimum provided for in these Articles of Association, or if so requested by the auditor or a number of shareholders representing at least one tenth of the share capital, provided that the auditor or shareholders produce serious justifying reasons. Under all circumstances, invitation expenses shall be at the cost of the company.

Article (40) Every shareholder shall have the right to attend the General Assembly of shareholders in person or by proxy. For the representation to be sound, it shall be evidenced by an ordinary authorization in writing, and the proxy shall be a shareholder. A shareholder shall not authorize a Board member to attend the General Assembly on its behalf. Minors and interdicts shall be represented by their legal guardians. Legal persons shall be represented by their duly authorized representatives. Every shareholder shall, upon voting, have a number of votes equivalent to his shares. Nonetheless, and except for legal persons, the number of votes to which a shareholder is entitled to, whether acting on his own behalf or representing others, shall not exceed 25% of the votes assigned to the shares of those present.

The Board of Directors shall be represented in the General Assembly by not less than the number of members required for its sessions to be valid, provided that the Chairman or Vice Chairman be among those present.

Members of the Board of Directors shall not partake in voting on the resolution of the General Assembly on absolving them from liability.

Article (41) The General Assembly shall be chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or the Vice

ف ايؼاي ار ٠عز ف١ا لمد اعي١ح اياح تاع ل ة

لدد اطا١ ٠ص لكر ش ااي ل ايل رالة

اؽطاتاخ، ٠يد ظدي ايلاي ة ايماد اعي١ح

اياح، ٠مرةر ظدي ايلاي ف ا اؽاح ل ضر

طأح غ١ر د ظح ف ظدي ايلاي. اية ال ٠عز تؽس

إلدا ج ا رةح تازا ج، تيود افموح ز٠ور ايلواي ارعوا ج

دلووج اعي١ووح اياووح اوو االيموواد اما امضوو شالشوو ٠ووا لوو

اطووووثة اظووووة اليمادووووا د ٠وووودل عووووص اادا ج اوووو

ؽود ايدو ايمادا، اما م لدد لضاع عوص اادا ج لو ا

اةوون ل١وو فوو وواا ا ووا، اما ـــووـة مووه رالـــووـة

اؽطواتاخ لوودد و اطووا١ ٠صووـ لكور ش اوواي لوو

تكوور ذىوو وود ارالووة اطووا١ ضووثاب ظد٠ووح ايلوو

ذثر مه، ف ظ١ع ايؼواي ذىو ةوا ٠ف اودلج لو فموح



طوا اؽوك فو ؼضو اعي١وح اياوح طوا١ تير٠وك ى

اي ووواح ا١اتوووح ٠كووورر ةوووؽح ا١اتوووح ذىووو صثروووح فووو

ذفووو٠ا وروووات لووواد ٠ىووو او١ووو طووواا، ال ٠عوووز

طووا ذو١وو ؼوود لضوواع عووص اادا ج فوو ؼضوو اعي١ووح

ؽعو لو١ اوائث لو اياح ١اتح لو. ٠صوـ امةور ا


٠صووو ايشوووو ان االلرثووووا ١٠ صووو افضوووو ذف٠ضووووا


طوووا لووود ارةووو٠د لووودد ووو اي ووواخ ٠يوووادي لووودد ىووو

ال -ف١ووا لوودا ايشوو ان ايوو١٠ – ضــــووـ . ـــووـع مووه

٠ىووو ي طوووا ت وووف ووو١ال ائثوووا لووو اغ١ووور لووودد ووو

%( ووو لووودد اي ووواخ امووور ج يضووو 25اي ووواخ ٠عووواز )


٠عة ٠ى عص اادا ج صـال ف اعي١ح اياوح توا ال ٠مو

٠ىو و ل ايدد ااظة ذافر ةؽح ايماد ظطواذ لو

ت١ اؽض ارئ١ص ائة ارئ١ص.

ال ٠عووز يلضوواع عووص اادا ج االشوورران فوو ارةوو٠د لوو

ر اطي١ح . لرا اعي١ح اياح ا ان تثتراع م

(41ــــادج )

٠ر ش اعي١ح اياح ئ١ص عص اادا ج ائث ٠ردت

Page 11: Article of Association - Mannai

Chairman or the person delegated by the Board for such purpose. The Chairman shall appoint a raporteur for the meeting and vote counters provided that the General Assembly approves their appointment.

Article (42)

The Board of Directors shall serve invitations to all shareholders to attend the General Assembly meeting by an announcement to be published in two local daily newspapers issued in Arabic language and at the Doha Securities Market website. The announcement shall be published at least 15 days ahead of the date of holding the General Assembly meeting and shall include comprehensive summary of the agenda of the assembly and all the data and documents referred to in the preceding article, along with the Auditor’s Report. A copy of the announcement shall be sent to the Concerned Department, in the same time it is sent to newspapers.

Article (43) The agenda of the annual meeting of the General Assembly shall include the following matters:

1. Hearing and approving the Directors’ Report on the business and financial status of the company during the fiscal year.

2. Hearing the Auditor’s report on the financial statements of the company and approving them.

3. Discussing and approving company balance sheet, and profit and loss accounts.

4. Looking into proposals of the Board of Directors concerning distribution of dividends and approving them.

5. Looking into absolving members of the Board of Directors.

6. Appointment of auditors and defining their charges.

7. Election of members of the Board of Directors when necessary.

Article (44) A meeting of the ordinary General Assembly shall only be held valid when attended by a number of shareholders representing at least half of the share capital of the company. In case the quorum is not available in this meeting, the General Assembly shall be called upon for a second meeting to be held within the 15 days following the first meeting, by in accordance with Article 120 of the Commercial Companies Law. Invitation shall be served at least 3

٠ي١ ارئ١ص مر ا الظرار راظي١ عص اادا ج اه،

.فرز اي اخ ل ذمر اعي١ح اياح ذي١١

(42ــــادج )3

٠ظ عص اادا ج ادلج ا ظ١ع اطا١ ؽض اظرار

اعي١ح اياح تير٠ك االال ف ؽ١فر١ ؽ١ر١ ١٠ر١

ر طق ادؼح ذةد ا تاغح ايرت١ح ف الع االىر

٠عة ٠ر االال لث الد اؽدد اليماد أل اق اا١ح.

اعي١ح اياح ت طح لكر ٠ا ل ايل، وا ٠عة ٠كر

ل اق ل ظدي لاي اعي١ح ظ١ع اث١ااخ

اي اق اكا ا١ا ف اادج اطاتمح ع ذمر٠ر رالث

ذرض ج االال ا اادا ج ا رةح ف اؽطاتاخ.

ماخ الد اا ٠رض ف١ ا اةؽف.

(43ــــادج )

٠عة ٠رض ظدي اعي١ح اياح ف اظرالا اط

اطائ ا٢ذ١ح:

ضار ذمر٠ر عص اادا ج ل كا اكروح ل .1

روسا اا ىالي اطح اا١ح ارةد٠ك ل١.

ضار ذمر٠ر رالة اؽطاتاخ ل اث١ااخ اا١ح .2

كروح ارةد٠ك ل١ا.

الكح ١سا١ح اكروح ؼطاب اي تاغ ا طائر .3

ارةد٠ك ل١ا.

ا ر ف مررؼاخ عص اادا ج تكأ ذز٠ع .4

اي تاغ الرا ا.

ا ر ف اتراع مح ئ١ص لضاع عص اادا ج. .5

اخ ذؽد٠د ذيات.ذي١١ رالث اؽطات .6

ار اب لضاع عص اادا ج لد االلرضاع. .7

(44ــــادج )4

اال اما ؼضر لدد ال ٠ى اظرار اعي١ح اياح ؽ١ؽا

اطا١ ٠ص ةف ش اي اكروح ل ايل، فثما

٠رافر اةاب ف اا االظرار، ظة دلج اعي١ح اياح ا

ارا١ح الظرار ايي اظرار ٠يمد ىالي ا طح لكر ٠ا شا

يؼىا اادج لا اكرواخ ارعا ٠ح، ٠عة 120فما

ذظ ادلج لث لد االظرار تصالشح ٠ا ل ايل ٠يرثر

ا وا لدد ايض اصح ف١، االظرار اصا ؽ١ؽا

3 This Article has been amended in accordance 26/2/2009ذ ذيد٠ ا اادج تظة لرا اعي١ح اياح ايمدج ترا ٠خ

with a resolution by the General Assembly held on 26.02.2009 4 This Article has been amended in accordance 26/2/2009ذ ذيد٠ ا اادج تظة لرا اعي١ح اياح ايمدج ترا ٠خ

with a resolution by the General Assembly held on 26.02.2009

Page 12: Article of Association - Mannai

days ahead of the date of the meeting. The second meeting shall be held valid irrespective of the number of shares represented therein. Resolutions of the General Assembly shall be passed by absolute majority of the shares represented in the meeting.

Article (45) The extraordinary General Assembly shall meet upon invitation by the Board of Directors or upon a written request submitted to the Board by a number of shareholders representing at least a quarter of the shares. In this case, the Board of Directors shall call upon the General Assembly to convene on an extraordinary basis within 15 days from the date the request is received by the Board.

If the Board fails to extend the invitations within the said period, applicants may approach the Concerned Department at the Ministry to extend the invitation at the cost of the Company.

Article (46) 1. A meeting of the extraordinary General

Assembly shall not be held valid unless attended by a number of shareholders representing at least three quarters of the share capital of the company

2. In the event such quorum is not available, Assembly shall be called upon to convene a second meeting to be held during the 30 days following the first meeting, and such meeting shall be held valid if attended by a number of shareholders representing half of the share capital of the company.

3. If quorum is not available for the second

meeting, invitation shall be extended for convening a third meeting to be held after expiry of 30 days from the date of the second meeting. The third meeting shall be valid irrespective of the number of those present.

4. If the matter concerns dissolution, conversion or merger of the company, any such meeting, to be valid, shall be attended by shareholders representing at least 75% of the share capital of the company.

In all the preceding cases, resolutions shall be issued by the majority of two thirds of the votes represented in the meeting. The Board of Directors shall publicize resolutions of the Extraordinary General Assembly if they involve amendment of the Articles of Association.

ح تايغث١ح ايمح ألض اصح ذةد لرا اخ اعي١ح ايا

ف االظرار.

(45ــــادج )

ذيمد اعي١ح اياح غ١ر اياد٠ح تاع ل دلج عص

ظ ا عص اادا ج لدد اادا ج تاع ل ة ورات

اطا١ ٠صـ ا ال ٠م ل تع ايض، ٠عة ل

عص اادا ج ف ا اؽاح ٠دل اعي١ح اياح الظرار

ذا ٠خ ي تةفح غ١ر لاد٠ح ىالي ىطح لكر ٠ا

اية ا١.

فووثما وو ٠موو اعووص ترظ١وو اوودلج ىووالي اوودج اوواو ج، ظوواز

ياث١ ٠رمدا ا اادا ج ا رةح تازا ج رظ١و اودل

ل فمح اكروح.

( 46ــــادج )

ال ٠ى اظرار اعي١ح اياح غ١ر اياد٠ح ؽ١ؽا ، اال -1

ضر طا ٠صـ شالشح تار ش اي اما ؼ

. اكروح ل ايل

فثما ٠رفر اا اةاب، ظة دلج وا اعي١وح او -2

اظرووار شووا ٠يموود ىووالي اصالشوو١ ٠ووا ارا١ووح الظرووار

ايي، ٠يرثوووور االظرووووار اصووووا ووووؽ١ؽا اما ؼضوووور

طا ٠صـ ةف ش اي اكروح.

اما وو ٠رووفر وواا اةوواب فوو االظرووار اصووا ذظوو -3

ادلج ا اظرار شاس ٠يمد تيد امضاع شالش١ ٠وا و

ذا ٠خ االظرار اصا ، ٠ىو االظروار اصاوس وؽ١ؽا

ا وا لدد اؽاضر٠.

وووا اوووداظا، -4 اكوووروح ذؽ اما ذيوووك ايووور تؽووو

ا 75ظرار ٠ؽضور طوا ٠صوـ ف١كرر ةؽح

تاائح ش اي اكروح ل ايل .

فوو ظ١ووع اؽوواالخ اطوواتمح ذةوود اموورا اخ تأغث١ووح شصوو

ايضوو اصووـح فوو االظرووار لوو عووص اادا ج ٠كوور

د ذيود٠ ا وا لرا اخ اعي١ح اياح غ١ر اياد٠وح اما ذضو

ايضاض كروح.

Page 13: Article of Association - Mannai

No resolution may be adopted in the issues hereunder except by the extraordinary General Assembly:

1. Amendment of the Memorandum or Articles of Association of the Company.

2. Increase or decrease of the share capital of the Company.

3. Extending the term of the company. 4. Dissolution, liquidation, conversion or

merger of the Company into another company.

5. Sale of the entire project for which the Company was incorporated or disposal of such project in whatsoever other way.

Reference shall be made in the Commercial Registration in case a resolution approving any of such issues referred to is adopted.

Article (47) The General Assembly shall not deliberate any issues other than those included in the agenda. Nonetheless, the General Assembly shall have the right to deliberate serious issues discovered during the meeting or if a number of shareholders representing at least one tenth of the share capital request inclusion of a particular issue in the agenda.

Without prejudice to provision of Article (43) of these Articles of Association, no resolution shall be taken by the General Assembly of the company in the issues hereunder except upon agreement of shareholders holding 75% of the share capital of the company:

1. Dissolution, liquidation, conversion or merger of the Company into another company.

2. Sale of the entire project for which the Company was incorporated or disposal of such project in whatsoever other way.

3. Shifting the head office of the company to another country.

Article (48) Resolutions issued by the ordinary or extraordinary general assembly in accordance with these articles of association shall be binding to all shareholders whether they are present in or absent from the meeting in which such resolutions are issued, having agreed or objected to such resolutions. The Board of Directors shall execute such resolutions immediately upon their issuance, and send a copy thereof to the Concerned Department at the Ministry within 15 days from the date they are issued.

ال ٠عز اذ ام لرا ف اطائ ا٢ذ١ح اال اعي١ح اياح

ايمدج تةفح غ١ر لاد٠ح :

ذيد٠ لمد ارأض١ص ا ا ايضاض كروح. -1

ز٠ادج ذ ف١ا ش اي اكروح. -2

ا اح دج اكروح -3

اكروح ذةف١را ذؽا اوداظا فو شوروح -4 ؼ


اكووورر -5 اوووا لاووود ووو ظووو اكوووروح ت١وووع وووو

ظ .ىر. ارةرق ف١ تأ

٠عوووة ٠يشووور فووو اطوووع ارعوووا فووو ؼاوووح اذ وووام لووورا

طأح ا اطائ اكا ا١ا. تاافمح ل

(47ــــادج )

ال ٠عوز عي١ووح اياووح اداووح فوو غ١وور اطووائ اد ظووح فوو

ظدي ايلاي، ع مه ٠ىو عي١وح ؼوك اداوح فو الوائع

ا ي١وورج اروو ذرىكووف شوواع االظرووار اما ووة اد اض طووأح

ي١ح ف ظودي ايلواي لودد و اطوا١ ٠صو لكور ش

ااي ل ايل.

( وو وواا ا ووا، ال ٠عووز اذ ووام 43اج ؼىووا اووادج )ووع رالوو

لرا ف اطائ ارا١ح لث اعي١ح اياح كروح اال تافموح

% ش اي اكروح: 75طا١ ٠ى

اكووروح ذةووف١را ذؽووا اووداظا فوو .1 ؼوو

شروح ىر.

اكوورر اووا لاوود وو ظوو اكووروح .2 ت١ووع ووو

ظ .ىر. ارةرق ف١ تأ

م امر ارئ١ط كروح دح ىر. .3

(48ــــادج )

ذى امرا اخ اةاد ج اعي١ح اياح اياد٠ح غ١ر اياد٠وح

فمووا وواا ا ووا سووح ع١ووع اطووا١ ضوواع ووواا ؼاضوور٠

اع االظرار اوا ود خ ف١و وا امورا اخ غوائث١ لو ضو

واا لد افموا الررضوا ل١وا، لو عوص اادا ج ذف١واا

ا رةووح تووازا ج دا ج إلفوو وود ا ا ضوواي وو ج ووا وو

ىالي ىطح لكر ٠ا ذا ٠خ د ا.

Page 14: Article of Association - Mannai

Article (49) Names of present shareholders shall be registered in a special register evidencing their presence, and whether such presence was in person or by proxy. This register shall be signed before commencement of the meeting by each of the auditor and vote counters.

Article (50) Meeting minutes shall be prepared including names of those present, statutory quorum, and presence of representatives of the Concerned Department at the Ministry. Minutes shall also include ample summary of all General Assembly discussions, all that occurs during the meeting, resolutions taken during the Assembly, the number of votes in favor or against such resolutions and all that is requested by the shareholders or officers of the Concerned Department at the Ministry to be included in the minutes.

Article (51) Without prejudice to Article 135 of the Commercial Companies Law, a minutes of the General Assembly meeting shall be entered in a special register and copies thereof shall be sent to the Concerned Department at the Ministry within maximum a month from the date of holding the Assembly.

Chapter VI Auditing

Article (52)

The Company shall have an auditor or more to be appointed for a term of one year by the General Assembly who shall define their charges, and shall have the right to re-appoint them, provided that the term of appointment shall not exceed 5 successive years. The Auditor shall be registered in the Auditors’ Register provided for in Law No 30 of 2004 regulating the profession of auditors, and shall have practiced the profession for at least 10 consecutive years.

Article (53) The Auditor shall, in delivering auditing works, observe all duties assigned and prohibitions restricted under the law. Auditor shall stand responsible for soundness of the data given in his report in his capacity as agent for all the shareholders. Auditors, in case of multiple auditors, shall stand jointly responsible for auditing works.

Article (54) The auditor shall have the right to review, at all times, books, registers, and documents of the company as well as requesting the information he sees necessary to obtain, and he shall verify assets of the company

(49ــــادج )

ذطع ضاع اؽاضر٠ اطا١ ف ضع ىان ٠صثود ف١و

ؼض ا اما وا ؼض تاي اح تاواح، ٠لع واا

اطع لث تدا٠ح االظرار وو و رالوة اؽطواتاخ ظواي

اي اخ.

(50ــــادج )

٠ؽور ؽضوور اظرووار ٠رضوو اشثواخ اؽضوو ذووافر اةوواب

يموواد ووواه اشثوواخ ؼضوو صوو اادا ج ا رةووح امووا ال

تازا ج.

وا ٠رض ىال ح اف١ح ع١ع الكاخ اعي١ح اياح وو وا

٠ؽودز شواع االظرووار امورا اخ ارو اذ وواخ فو اعي١وح لوودد

اي اخ ار افمد ل١ا ىافرا و ا ٠يوة اطوا

ازا ج اشثاذ ف اؽضر. رالث اادا ج ا رةح ت

(51ــــادج )

( ووو لووا اكوورواخ ارعا ٠ووح ذووود 135ووع رالوواج اووادج )

ؽاضر اظرالاخ اعي١ح اياح ف ضع ىوان ٠عوة ا ضواي

ا رةووح دا ج إل وو ج وو ؽضوور اظرووار اعي١ووح اياووح وو

ىالي شر ل ايوصر ذا ٠خ ايمادا. تازا ج

اب السادسالـب

مراقبــت الحساباث

(52ــــادج )

٠ى كروح رالة ؼطاتاخ وصر ذي١و اعي١وح اياوح ودج

ضووح اؼوودج ذؽوودد ذيووات ٠عووز ووا الووادج ذي١١وو لوو ال

ذرعاز دج اري١١ ىص ضاخ را ح.

اؽطواتاخ ٠عة ٠ى ارالة ام١د٠ فو ضوع رالثو

تر و١ وح 2004( طوح 30اةن ل١و فو اموا لو )

رالووة اؽطوواتاخ، ٠ىوو لوود زاي اووح وودج لكوور ضوواخ

رةح ل ايل.

(53ــــادج )

٠عة ٠رس رالة اؽطاتاخ ف داع ايلاي ارلات١وح تىو وا

ؽ اخ. ٠ىو ظث ل١ اما ا ا ا ل

ارالووة طوووال لوو ووؽح اث١اوواخ اووا دج فوو ذمر٠وور ت ووف

وووو١ال لووو عووور اطا١ــوووـ .٠ىووو ارالثووو فووو ؼاوووح

ذيدد طو١ تارضا ل لاي ارلاتح .

(54ــــادج )

لد اال الر لو دفواذر اكوروح ضوعالذا ٠ؽك رالة ف و

Page 15: Article of Association - Mannai

and its obligations. In case he is not able to utilize such rights, the auditor shall fix such event in writing in a report to be submitted to the Ministry with a copy to the Board of Directors prior to referring the matter to the General Assembly if not settled by the Ministry.

Article (55)

The auditor shall attend the General Assembly and give his opinion in all that relates to his work and, in particular, to the balance sheet of the Company, and he shall recite his report before the General Assembly, which report shall include all the information provided for in the Commercial Companies Law. Each shareholder shall have the right to discuss and request explanations in relation to the facts included in his report.

Chapter VII Finance of the Company

Article (56)

The fiscal year of the Company shall start on the first day of January and end on the thirty first day of December of every year.

Article (57)

The Company shall, after approval of the Concerned Department at the Ministry, publish biannual financial reports in newspapers for the shareholders’ perusal, which reports shall be audited by the Auditor.

Article (54)

A percentage to be defined by the Board of Directors shall annually be deducted from the gross profits for depreciation of the assets of the Company or compensation for their devaluation.

Such moneys shall be utilized for purchase of necessary materials, machinery and facilities or for their repair. Such moneys shall not be divided among shareholders

Article (59) Net profits shall be divided as follows: 1. 10% of the net profits shall be annually

deducted and allocated for the mandatory reserve account until the total mandatory reserve becomes 50% of the nominal share capital. The above said mandatory reserve allocations may be reconsidered from time to time by a special resolution by the shareholders, provided that this reserve shall at all times not be less than the statutory minimum.

2. A portion of the profits to be defined by the General Assembly shall be deducted for meeting obligations of the company under the Labor Laws.

اث١اوواخ اروو ٠وور ضوور ج اؽةووي ل١ووا، طوورداذا ووة

٠رؽمك ظداخ اكوروح ارسااذوا، ل١و فو ؼاوح

لود ذىو و اضورياي وا اؽموق اشثواخ موه وراتوح فو ذمر٠وور

٠موود اوو اووزا ج طوو ح وو اوو عووص اادا ج ذ١وودا يوورض

عر تيرفح ازا ج.اير ل اعي١ح اياح ف ؼاح ذيا يا

(55ــــادج )

لوو ارالووة ٠ؽضوور اعي١ووح اياووح ٠وود فوو االظرووار

وا ٠ريوك تيو تظو ىوان فو ١سا١وح اكوروح، تر ٠ ف و

٠ر ذمر٠ر ل اعي١ح اياح، ٠عة ٠ى

ارمر٠وور كوورال لوو وافووح اث١اوواخ اةوون ل١ووا فوو لووا

طووا ؼووك الكوور ووة اكوور واخ ارعا ٠ــووـح، ٠ىوو ىوو

ا٠ضاؼاخ تكأ الائع اا دج ف ذمر٠ر.

الباب السابع

ماليــــت الشركــــت

( 56ــــادج )

د٠طوثر و 31ذثد اطح اا١ح كروح ي ٠ا٠ر ذر ف

و ضح.

(57ــــادج )

ا رةوح توازا ج تكور ذموا ٠ر ذم اكروح تيد افمح ا ادا ج

ا١ووح ةووف ضوو٠ح تاةووؽف ا ووالر اطووا١، لوو ذوور

راظيح ا ارما ٠ر لث رالة اؽطاتاخ.

(58ــــادج )

٠مريع ض٠ا اي تاغ غ١ر اةاف١ح طوثح و٠وح ٠ؽوددا عوص

ل١روا اادا ج الضرالن ظداخ اكروح اري٠ا ل سي


ذطوري وا ايوواي كوراع اوواد ا٢الخ اكو خ االزووح

ا الؼا . ال ٠عز ذز٠ع ا اياي ل اطا١ .

(59ــــادج )

ذزر اي تاغ اةاف١ح ل اظ ا٢ذ :

%( لكووورج تاائوووح ووو اي تووواغ ٠10مريوووع ضووو٠ا ) -1

اةاف١ح ذ ة ؽطواب االؼر١وا ااظثوا او

%( و 50 ٠ةثػ عر االؼر١ا االظثوا )

ش اوواي االضوو ٠ىوو وو لوود ٢ىوور الووادج

ا ر ت ةةاخ االؼر١ا اواو الوال تمورا

ىوان و اطوا١ شور٠يح ال ٠مو االؼر١وا

وواا فوو ظ١ووع ايلوواخ لوو اؽوود ايدوو اموور


٠مريوووع ظوووسع ووو اي تووواغ ذؽووودد اعي١وووح اياوووح -2

اظووح االرساوواخ اررذثووح لوو اكووروح تظووة

لا١ اي .

Page 16: Article of Association - Mannai

3. The Board of Directors may assign a portion of the profits for the purposes of starting an employees’ incentive fund. The Board of Directors shall set the rules and regulations relating to such fund.

4. The General Assembly may, upon a proposal by the Board of Directors, decide deduction of part of the net profits for an optional reserve account, and such reserve shall be utilized in the aspects the General Assembly decides.

5. An amount not exceeding 10% of the net profit, after deduction of depreciation, reserves and at least 5% of the share capital shall be allocated for remuneration of members of the Board of Directors.

6. The balance of profits shall then be distributed among shareholders or be carried forward, upon a proposal by the Board of Directors, to the following year, or be allocated for starting any reserve or other allocations account.

Article (60) Dividend allocations shall be paid in the place and time defined by the Board of Directors, provided that it shall not exceed a month from the date of the General Assembly’s distribution resolution.

Article (61) Any resolution issued by the General Assembly absolving the Board of Directors shall not result in abatement of civil liability suit against members of the Board of Directors for mistakes committed by them while delivering their assignments. If the act giving rise to liability is referred to the General Assembly by a report from the Board of Directors or a report by the auditor, civil liability suit shall abate by lapse of five years from the date of passing the resolution of the General Assembly approving the report of the Board of Directors. Nonetheless, if the act attributed to the members of the Board of Directors represents a crime or felony, liability suit shall not abate except by abatement of public suit.

Article (62) Without prejudice to statutory rights of shareholders, disputes affecting public interests or jointly brought against the Board of Directors or any one or more of its members, shall only be filed in the name of all the shareholders and upon a resolution by the General Assembly. Every shareholder who wishes to start such a dispute shall so inform the Board of Directors at least a month ahead of holding the General Assembly, and the Board shall include such proposal in the agenda of the Assembly.

٠عز عص اادا ج ذ ة١ ثغ اي تاغ غا٠واخ -3

ذأض١ص دق رؽف١س ايف١، ٠ضع عوص اادا ج

ح اائػ اريمح تاا اةدق. اي

٠عز عي١ح اياح ، تاع ل الرراغ عص اادا ج ، -4

ذمووور الريوووار ظوووسع ووو اي تووواغ اةووواف١ح ؽطووواب

اؼر١ا اىر١ا ، ٠طري اا االؼر١ا ف اظو

ار ذمر ا اعي١ح اياح .

د % ارتػ اةاف تي٠10 ة ا ال ٠س٠د ل -5

% ل ايل 5اضرساي االضرالواخ االؼر١ا ١اخ

ش ااي مه ىاف خ لضاع عص اادا ج .

٠زر اثال اي تاغ تيد مه ل اطا١ -6

٠رؼ ، تاع ل الرراغ عص اادا ج ا اطح

امثح، ٠ ة اكاع ؼطاب اؼر١ا ١اخ

ةةاخ ىر.

(60ــــادج )

ذدفع ؼةو اي تواغ او اطوا١ فو اىوا ا١يواد اوا٠

٠ؽووددا عووص اادا ج تكوور ال ٠عوواز شوورا وو ذووا ٠خ لوورا

اعي١ح اياح تارز٠ع.

(61ــــادج )

ال ٠ررذووة لوو لوورا ٠ةوود وو اعي١ووح اياووح تووثتراع مووح

اد١ح ضود لضواع عوص عص اادا ج ضم دل اطو١ح

اادا ج تطثة ايىياع ار ذمع ف ذف١ا ا.

اما وا افي اظة طو١ح لد لرض لو اعي١وح اياوح

ترمر٠وور وو عووص اادا ج ذمر٠وور وو رالووة اؽطوواتاخ، فووث

دلوو اطووو١ح ذطووم تضوو ىووص ضوواخ وو ذووا ٠خ وود

ح تاةادلح ل ذمر٠ر عص اادا ج.لرا اعي١ح ايا

ووع مووه، فووث وووا افيوو اطووب اوو لضوواع عووص اادا ج

ظا٠ووح ظؽووح، فووال ذطووم دلوو اطووو١ح اال تطووم اوودل


(62ــــادج )

ع لد ااىالي تؽمق اطوا١ امور ج لاوا، ال ٠عوز فوع

ؽح اياووح اكوورروح ضوود عووص اازلوواخ اروو ذووص اةوو

اادا ج ضووود اؼوووود وصووور وووو لضوووائ اال تاضوووو عوووور

اطا١ تمرض لرا اعي١ح اياح.

ل و طا ٠ر٠د اشوا ج وسار و واا امث١و ٠ يور تواه

عوص اادا ج لثوو ايموواد اعي١وح اياووح تكوور اؼود لوو ايلوو

ص ٠وود ض وواا االلرووراغ فوو ظوودي لوواي ٠عووة لوو اعوو


Page 17: Article of Association - Mannai

Chapter VIII Expiry of the Company and its Liquidation

Article (63) The company shall expire by one of the following matters: 1. Expiry of the defined term, unless renewed

as provided for in the Memorandum and these Articles of Association.

2. Completion of the object it is originally incorporated for or if such object becomes impossible to be achieved.

3. Transfer of all the shares to a number of shareholders less than the statutory minimum.

4. Issuance of a court verdict on dissolution, or bankruptcy of the company.

5. Merger of the Company into another company or corporation.

6. Dissolution of the company before expiry of its term in accordance with provisions of these Articles of Association.

7. Loss of all or most of the properties of the company in a way that makes fruitful investment of the remainder not possible.

Article (64) If company losses reach half of the share capital, the Board of Directors shall call upon the extraordinary General Assembly to decide whether to dissolve the company before expiry of its term, reduce the share capital, or take other proper measures. If the Board of Directors does not call upon the extraordinary General Assembly, or the quorum for holding it is not satisfied, or the General Assembly refuses to dissolve the company, or it becomes not possible to issue a resolution on the subject for any reason whatsoever, each shareholder may ask the Civil Court to dissolve the company.

Article (65) Company shall be liquidated after its expiry in accordance with provisions of the Commercial Companies Law.

Chapter IX Final Provisions

Article (66)

Provisions of the Commercial Companies Law shall apply to all matters that are not covered with a special provision in these Articles of Association. All the amendments to that law shall be held as complementary or amending to these Articles of Association, as the case may be, without the need for taking any measure except for entering matters that require to be entered in the Commercial Registration of the Company.

البــاب الثامه

اوقضــاء الشركــت وتصفيتهـــا

(63ــــادج )

ذمض اكروح تأؼد اي ا٢ذ١ح :

اراع ادج اؽددج ا، ا ذعدد ل اؽو اوا د فو -1

لمد ارأض١ص اا ا ا.

و ظو اكوروح اضوورؽاح ارواع اغورض اوا لاود -2


لو اؽود -3 ارماي ظ١ع ايض ا لدد اطا١ ٠م

ايد امر لاا.

اكروح اشا افالضا. -4 د ؼى لضائ تؽ

اداض اكروح ف شروح ١وح ىر . -5

ؼ اكروح لث اراع دذا فما يؼىا اا ا ا. -6

الن ظ١ع اي اكروح ي ، تؽ١س ٠ريا اضرصا -7

اثال اضرصا ا عد٠ا.

(64ــــادج )

اما تغد ىطائر اكروح ةف ضاا، ظة ل عص

اادا ج دلج اعي١ح اياح غ١ر اياد٠ح رمر ا اما وا اير

اكروح لث اراع ايظ اؽدد ا ذ ف ١ا ٠طرظة ؼ

ش ااي اذ ام غ١ر مه اردات١ر ااضثح . اما ٠م

عص اادا ج تدلج اعي١ح اياح غ١ر اياد٠ح، ٠ر

ايمادا يد ذافر اةاب اما، فضد اعي١ح ؼ

اكروح، ذيا ا دا لرا ف اضر ي ضثة

م ةؽح ايضثاب، ظاز ى ٠ية ا اؽىح اد١ح ؼ


(65ــــادج )

ألؼىـــا اةــــن ذعر ذةف١ح اكروح تيد امضائا فما

ل١ـــا ف لا اكرواخ ارعا ٠ح .

الباب التاسع

أحكام ختاميت

( 66ادج )

ذطر ؼىا لا اكرواخ ارعا ٠ح ف١ا ٠رد ف شأ

اا ا ا، ذيرثر وافح اريد٠الخ ار ذير ل مه ىان ف

اما تصاتح تد ىح اا ا ا يدح ؼطة ايؼاي

د ؼاظح ا اذ ام اظراع ض ارأش١ر ف اطع ارعا

كروح تاي ار ذطرظة مه ارأش١ر.

Page 18: Article of Association - Mannai

Article (67)

Courts of the State of Qatar shall have the jurisdiction to look into any dispute arising of executing provisions of these Articles of Association.

Article (68) These Articles of Association shall replace any other Articles of Association of the company.

(67ادج )

ذ ر اؽاو امير٠ح ف ا ر ف سار ٠كأ ل ذيث١ك

ؼىا اا ا ا.

(68ادج )

٠ؽ اا ا ا ؽ ا .ىر كروح.