article jap

Joarnal of AhdlyticalPsy.bobsy, 20c'6, st, 6$-6je The week the coucharrived Robert F. Tyminski, Saz Fnncisco, CA Al't,a.r: (_hrn8r\ in rhe rhcruprutn r, ironmmr on eticir Inren,c rno unp.edr rrhtr re\p,nr\ rrom prr'rnrs. who rhenrei.r ro rhe new etemcnrs wtrh rheiro$n un,oue rhouahr,.fantrie,,emorionundhrha\iou6.uh.nrhe.hrngen\er],p(,,,.,andwhen n entaihimplications fd rheaeatnent hself, these patienfuesponrs cancoalesce around nore profound expenen. r' "lrhe mn,r.rrnce a, Bcttr\ofiterounrr rin.rerrnre. lhe ruthor. a, J.rndidJre o' rnr\n-in trr nins. purLhr\.J an anrtyrh .uu.h io- hN u,fice ,nd ob.ened rhe untold,nB uf w\ar rl-N neq.ou.h mernr tor rxi,hn8r"errmenr.. Ujng clinicalexamples, he desc.ibes the threemost.ommon patientrcponses that occurredi reie.nns, rmb'valenr. rnd embru.,rB. t hr n.hty rrria;r rde,,rni frnra,e, krJrrd ro ihe analvticcouch rre desdibed, and ihe couch's hisrorywnhin Freudian and Junsian contexts n .eview€d. Pe6onalderermindnts thar coutd teadro rhe decisnh of wheihe. ro u.e J ,,'u.h J\ pJ uf rnrh, \ J,r .or.,drred from rhe jrndDoin, or rt-e rnrlv\r\ prcferen.e' rnd own erperirnce w rh rhr cou.h. the couch rr dn, u,,eda, r .rgnifier or rhe Jnrlrri. rrcs\ wrh.!h!rrl mernins' altudrns noronh ro |lhitrrr.rae^rirr,. bur rl.o to p\v.hol.aical herl'ns dnd .etf devetoDmen,. Ke! tuotds: ^nalytic rraining, couch, counterrransfe.€nce, symbotizarion, rechnique, Introduction How doesa psychotherapist or analystdecide to begin using a couch in his or her practice? What combination of training, personal analysis, typoJogical factors, and .elational preferences enterinro this choicel I had rhousht of the r'ouch a, erpandrng my clni.rl oprron.. anaddirron tike r \rnd trry. o; for rhild pan€nB,new items lor the toy cabinet. Howeye! refleding on my reading oi both Freudand Juns and many of then foltowers and my clinical experience, I cam€ to realize rhar rhis decision was for me morecomDlex and livelierrhan bringing rn rht sand tral or.rn1 orher prece or therapeuri. rurnirure. Vhile visiting Viennain rhe summer of aooz, I wenr ro the FreudMuseum (at Berssasse re). For rne Vienna repr€senrs old world splendour, but also a decaying rimethat is now djpping beyond our understanding. Whenever I return to Anhu. Schnitzfer (Ire Road to the Open; Foli Maiol plays) to oriem ne to'Vienna', as I havedone often over the years, I inruitively rinderstand why .a 266, Th. Sdierv.fAnalical Psy.holosr 6or cinnB@ R4d, orqd ox{ rDa.

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Page 1: Article JAP

Joarnal of Ahdlytical Psy.bobsy, 20c'6, st, 6$-6je

The week the couch arrived

Robert F. Tyminski, Saz Fnncisco, CA

Al ' t ,a . r : (_hrn8r \ in rhe rhcruprutn r , i ronmmr on et ic i r Inren,c rno unp.edr r rht rre\p,nr \ r rom prr ' rnrs. who rhen re i . r ro rhe new etemcnrs wtrh rhei r o$n un,ouerhouahr, . fantr ie , ,emor ionundhrha\ iou6.uh.nrhe.hrngen\er ] ,p( , , , . ,andwhenn entaih implications fd rhe aeatnent hself, these patienfuesponrs can coalesce aroundnore p rofound expenen. r ' " l rhe mn,r . r rnce a, Bct t r \o f i terounrr r in . rerrnre. lheruthor . a, J . rndidJre o ' rnr \n- in t r r n ins. purLhr \ .J an anr tyrh .uu.h io- hN u, f ice,nd ob.ened rhe unto ld,nB uf w\ar r l -N neq .ou.h mernr tor rx i ,hn8 r"errmenr. . Ujngclinical examples, he desc.ibes the three most.ommon patient rcponses that occurredire ie.nns, rmb'valenr . rnd embru. , rB. t hr n.hty r r r ia ; r rde, , rn i f rnra, e, krJrrd roihe analvtic couch rre desdibed, and ihe couch's hisrory wnhin Freudian and Junsiancontexts n .eview€d. Pe6onal derermindnts thar coutd tead ro rhe decisnh of u.e J , , 'u .h J \ pJ

uf rnrh, \ J , r .or . ,drred f rom rhe j rndDoin, or r t -e rnr lv \ r \prcferen.e ' rnd own erper i rnce w rh rhr cou.h. the couch r r dn, u, ,ed a, r . rgni f ier orrhe Jnr l r r i . r rcs\ wrh. !h! r r l mernins ' a l tudrns nor onh ro | lh i t r r r . rae^r i r r , . burr l .o to p\v.hol .a ica l her l 'ns dnd .et f devetoDmen,.

Ke! tuotds: ̂ nalytic rraining, couch, counterrransfe.€nce, symbotizarion, rechnique,


How does a psychotherapist or analyst decide to begin using a couch in hisor her practice? What combination of training, personal analysis, typoJogicalfactors, and .elational preferences enter inro this choicel I had rhousht of ther 'ouch a, erpandrng my clni . r l oprron.. an addirron t ike r \ rnd trry. o; for rhi ldpan€nB, new items lor the toy cabinet. Howeye! refleding on my reading oiboth Freud and Juns and many of then foltowers and my clinical experience,I cam€ to realize rhar rhis decision was for me more comDlex and livelier rhanbringing rn rht sand tral or.rn1 orher prece or therapeuri . rurnirure.

Vhile visiting Vienna in rhe summer of aooz, I wenr ro the Freud Museum(at Berssasse re). For rne Vienna repr€senrs old world splendour, but also adecaying rime that is now djpping beyond our understanding. Whenever I returnto Anhu. Schnitzfer (Ire Road to the Open; Foli Maiol plays) to oriem neto'Vienna', as I have done often over the years, I inruitively rinderstand why

.a 266, Th. Sdierv.fAnalical Psy.holosr6or cinnB@ R4d, orqd ox{ rDa.

Page 2: Article JAP

Rol 'n t . T\D hskl L ueek thc .auch arr i rcd

FrcurJ\ psvchology arosc in such .r cuhurr l conrext. Freui l \ .personrt equrr ion.1o. rhe ful l pedisree ofthis ontr .rpp.trcnrt f lunsl .rn tcnn scc Shamchs.rni . :ocl r

$ , . . r i r , J l , \ r n . l r . r r . r , n . , , t r l . r H r f , l - . u r q r c r c n . r r r t " r . r r c . l h \ r h , , r , . , / .r h l t , , . . . ( . 1 , , . r u r t , 1 . . , J e r t r . s r r r . r p r r r r . r r t r r , n r 1 . \ . r . .

on rhe cert ic is,n of.r l tur ing corL,pnon. I t is surel) . no corncidence rhrr rheps\chologr rhar emcrged from frcLrd in V;enna .rr rhc end oi rhe re., centrrr$ oold dei inir ively bc ibour ror l , iddr i ptcasure ard i rs anrbivatcnt dcn,,r t . I h, :. rr s sensuri neo rol t1inr ic isnr sh.rded r markedl\ ' d isccxrtcnted socie$ rs freudnt l ic.*d n Cnri l izt tn)n dnJ t ts Dts.. , tczts,1e1a). r socicq.much t i ierhe.rr trsr( ;usr. t ! Kl lnts wonrcn: droopv eicd.nd steepr.

[\ oc.riye rcclinins poses chrr.r.r.r,ze rhc imascrl oI fr & sr:rh \ icnn.r andt , - n r J r r h e n , ^ r L n l r e * i , , n ' r r n J \ \ . , , h , , t r , r J , r $ , t r K \ d ( i " . e , , . r t l U f t . r , .r l . r , \ h . , . l r r n $ r L L , l , o . r t r . u J , t n r , , , - ( ( r , , r p . , r r , r , r , t , r n ; , , . r h , . " r i . t ,r n , , r d e r r , , , T . I . r i , r r h c . r ' , r . ^ ' r . r . , r . L . . . , , - r . r l ' r . \ , r t " , , n , t e - . r , . . i ; , tnor.discovcr rhr r is i t rcchnical posrurc br a Vienna al l too *. ,1). r" ." . r ; , , ;r t rhe t inal phrsc of l ts .utminat ing epoch. 1.he couch\ i rrv irr ion m ret lne is.r f 'our resr, opennc$ r() a di f fercDr perrpedir e. and trensi t ion rnto rnorhcr srr te

1 , , : . , . ] F , , J

q r u r , . t r . . , t J r ^ r h . r . l . r r , , r p , r r r r , r r h , p . r r r e r r r , , . r , , r . r! r . $ r , r l i t \ , r t \ t , , r t t , i - r ^ r , r , , r h r , , r c h r . t h r , . r J r r f e r - , n . . . r , | 1 , . r . , , r . . , 1bir \rs; t . ,s drc renrnert of t te hrpnot ic nethod out of which t \ r .hor,r .r l \sr !s ' rs crol led. tsur i t . lcsencs ro be mrrnranred tor reasons_ Th. i i rsr is.pcrsonalnrot ivc. butore rvhrch othcrs mav sh.rrc rvirh mc_ I . . rnnor put up \ i rhhcing srared at by other pcopte trr c ight |ours a, la (- -o." t , ( I . r . . , l

' , , ; r .pI , r j t - r l t ) . Mrny of us ean emprdize rvrrh his pery,nr l mori l r r( , r . e\rD

' t \e do not shrre i t , . rnd rvc can nore thc rrct and crrc nn rhe dignir \ oa rhc. I r h , h , { r o r n , , i h r , . , " r , r n r n e e J r , , T r , , r , , r n , , . n u , r , , , i , , , - ,

r ' , L l p 1 , . , ( . . \ V h . I i , l e * F J , \ - o , r - d p , . ' J I d . h , , s r h r , . ( . o r n m , t t . r ' | , , , r o r h thum:rn need tore certairr distance wirhir so inr i rnatci sert ingas psychoan. l \s;sb..rme a rDle, so sftong in f.rcr th.rt larer in thc samc arricle, F-reud rerers ft) notn d h a l r g n ) i r a s a - ' d e v h n o . ' { f _ r r _ + ) . R e g . r r d r n g p a t i e n r s w h o o b i . c i r ( ) l \ i D gdoMr. he Dores, 'Pcrnr issrrn is rcgLrlrr l r returcd. (p. r lc) . Observing this i letrrprogression of prcferencc to dogm.r. rne,*-ders, lhere the.rnalrr ic couch$ " u l d l r r f l r u J h J . t r - . r e r J . , n , r F . " J t u J e { r n r r r . r F , 1 . . " - r . , , r , . , , t 6 :rhin less, and rnarshal lcd .r t l h is consir terrbl t powers or.rrgumenr to esraht ishr h e \ r l ' , e , , i t " . r , k . , , p , n - r . , ( e . l , \ . h . r n q , . y e r n , r . , l J r h e ? , t , , n , i h r t r , \ I n , , , u -l ? r d . r i \ r , n , o n r h , . ^ , r L \ t r o u t J h e r * r q - e , i , , , I r ( . . t \ o s n f e - . , , n . r t r e e t L g ..r( he .r l (o cr{Jirs rhc les.r | . , ,1 hr nnn,rs

Rtcendq psvchoanalyt ic aurhors h.!e rc vis ircd the couch\ signi f icrDce f( trenalr tic prrctice.Jacobson ( r99j ), ur rn rssue ofps ychoa"a,ttr t,,quin, ,ter..tta.nnrel \rorcontemponrvevalul ionoirhecoLrch,arguesthateffccr i ,eanatrsism , \ r , , ' h e d r | ' - d , r , r t o n r h , . I r r n r ' . r , ̂

r o n . . ( r e I t v , , I r h . . r , , u ( I | , \ u r J\ r ' $ p i , r n r d e l \ , J l r , ' m F e h h e t r h . r r p , r . h , . . r r r t l s i , r , J e r r n c J h ) r h ( n . , r . . , .i n o F u J l \ o l r h L p r , r . . . . n i , r l , \ J r n n , ' r , - . r , , n r J

n h * n e r \ r r n J f , , , r r , , ,

rhe an.rlr sr s behavn,r or of t! lso c i res cnrcrDents rhat cannent(ns cspr.iatly the .rroLrnd ih.tDre and trvord srrong rffecrs in thetrarprrsolel erpcrienccs wrrh thtwrong to hin t teeting like arhat of .oL,rse. coDtd hrve Iand disadranrages of the coLcont l rc ts . and he wonders i f th tsonres her une\plored or defe

ln.orr r r rn. \ \b l f ( ree5) , inposrtrn uduccs eflccts of dbcliev.s ther rhe creatior ofbr relr.rsed ir trnr other way,purs ir. \\'hile rr c.rrnor be rulk inds o i pr \ chorherapr and rhth. .ou.h. rheft .rr bc tutle dihc resressirc .rnd curarive dirrhe.rpculc. i iect ( t . J :o) .

NlorLrnrs I I 995) , return ingneed ior pn\.r.\'. {.hich he sayHeconrnrcnt ! . ln mlopin ion, ,rd borh pirrtlciprnrs involvedrr tur . r l rn . . r r )d rhe crpacrry focr tes rhe coueh s endurance evt1e.9. . r r )nr thc inr .apsychic np. .1061 rhr ! h . \e o.currcd s inc

rhcs. ,rx)dern .urhors have abv c i r ing rhc rechDrcr l , pery)natner s . r r r . rcarcd br , ; rs userhc cou.rr br(,mc.lrcobsorThe couch. !s . jmosr j r rera l ly rrreqLrend\ quire narurcouch .s supf.,nile. as seducrdenc.r ins. ind ! , lor rh ' (pp.clc,selr wirh rhc clinic.rl mareriaclenrinstrrre hos thc couch cantantasies rh.rt rre nor ret realize

L,( r rs te 'n i regr) hrghl ighrs tpronx)re! r'ghrtrenrjspherc acti'nduce re\cr ie rDd 1cs5 censorsbcl ierrs rhrr rhr couch jn analysen.rb lcs p. r r ienr and ln i lyst !o j (

Page 3: Article JAP

Tbc l.etk tha couch arruted

d,spersonal equrnon'seeShandasln i . :oo I rt shaped b) th. l;, Jra Part rcular cmphres

) coincideflce rhir rhend of the r lh t tnrurrmbivr lent deni r l . Thisentedvrc ierr l is l reudety much l ike lhei r t is t

t de s;jcle Vrenn.r ,rndude incentr i l l_r r rope.nts l,ving on rhe coLrchYct I wrnder ii h€ ddll too rcady to rcclircinritarion to reehnc rst ion in to another nare

he prii€nr b lie on .rement has 3 historl.ltwbich p l ichor l r . r l \ s isreaso s. Th€ 1i6t is a: . I c a n n o t p u t u p $ r hr m o r e ) 1 f r € u d i e J j .rnal mot i ! r r ion. e\enfor the clignnr oi rhe

'ct hrs own auftfo'ni

t ing as tsychornr l !s is:le, Freud rcfcrs t<, notts who obiccr ro lr irg) . Observ ing th is c l tarre the:n. r lv t ic cou.h)re e_\'e cont.ct rrtherargumenr to er tabl ishresponsibilit) for ()!r

own personal leel ings

;uch's srgnificance iordlfti. Inqun .lc\ arcdrrhatef fect ivr anr l is isr' on ihis issur I fr\ or !rdef ined by thc nrmrcserver's siandfornt oi

rhe an.r l ) sr s bchavrrr or o i the p. r t i rn t s posrurr ' 1p. I rz) . co ldbergcr ( r9e5).rlso cites enicrnrcDrs rhar c.n i erfere lvith rhc benefrrs oi using the couch. Shcnrentr rns espcerr l lv rhe potent ia l lor the f rhcrr ro use rhe couch to nobi lzcdefences i rcund sh.Drc rnd the rn. l lvst i prc icrencc f<r $e a rvay t<rt rvo id st ro gaf t i . rs iDrhetransference {p. l . , r ) . L i .hrcDberg t reej )d iscu\scs h ispersonal e:periences rvrrh rhe couch.rnd c:rnrlidlr rcknos,ledses wherc it leltsrong ro h i ln l ice lnrs Lkc a creb l \ ' i rg on i rs ba.k. p. z8:) , i r r r r r ibur ion,that o i coLrrse, could havc bccr r f ro iecr ion. He eramincs thc rdvanragesand d isrdr l rnt rees o i the coucb iD thc conre\r o i speci f ic far icnt nccds:rndc( ,nf l ,crs . . r rd he \o ders i f thc c{r .h c , ,u ld le i !eerper iences.entr iDg on shanrev)neshrr une\p lored or defcnlcd asr insr .

In corr r rsr . Ubl i 1r 9r . ) t l , nr the srmc loumi l . emphis izrs rhar ' thc rccunrbenrposnrrn ' rnduces e i fects of depcndeno, s leep l rke st r tes. lnd rcgfcss io. . I Iebel icr ts that the cre. r t icn of rcgressru i r p . r r rcu lJr . r 'h ich cannot so eesr lvbe rc lcrstd u enr other ua1- , argucs st rongl r ior rhe use of the couch. As hcprrs i t . Whi le r r .aDror l t ru lcd out thrr suni ler pro.css.s nr l r occur u) othcrk i rds o i psr chorherapr rnd rhr t regressrons mar a1!) o. .ur \ , i rhour rhe use otrhe corch, therc c.n be l i r r lc doubr rhr t rhe use ot the couch grear lv f . rc i l i t . r tesrhe regresj t r r iDd eunr le d isrupr |on r . ' \k) r i rx , r scquence rhat is cmcir l t t rrherrpcut ic et ic . i 1 t . r :o)-

\ ior . r r t is r r99j ) . rcrurn ing r . r Lreud, io .us. \ hrs rncnnon on rhe r r ) l ls t \need lor pr i r . rer . sh ich hc s. rys is nnne$har sai igurrdcd | r 'use o l the couch.HecoDnrent ! . ln nr opin ion. nra i f r i ln i fg rhe.rn. r l r sr s pr iu te sprce is essent ia lt i r b o r h f r r i l c i p . r n t s i n r o l v c d . . . I t e n r b l e s r h e . r n r l \ s r i o n e r n r a i n s r n i r ' .r . rnon:r l i t r . . rnd rhe c. rp. rc i tv l i r autononmrrs ih in l i , rc {p. l ro) . Mor l i r ls r lso. i rcs rhr . ( .h \ e idurr rcc oen in rhc 1, r . . oa rhe nunerous rhcorct rcal sh i t rs(c.s . , l fom ihe rnr . rpsrchlc to rhc rntcrpersrn. r l . rnd to rhe nrcrsublcct i re.r . . l o ' , r h . r r h . , \ ' , " . r r r r . . l . r r r . , I r , r r J . r r r r -

t hcsc Inoden, . rurhors h. \ c r f tcDrpicd f t ) c l , rn ' \ rhe . . r r ion! lc f ( , r couch $or lbr e i t rng tht tchrrcr l , pcrynal l l uxrvrr t r l . . rnd proccss dc i in ing asfc. rs rh. r rths s. r \ i r . ! f . r r .d hr i ts usr : in anal rs is . Ih t r . r l ro rore how srurHr l ladcnrhe cou.h hr \ b . .ome. . l r co bsor r rotes how thc rouch r . rn sr inru l . r re pro ieenon:'The couc| . l . r lnost l r rcr r l lv the t le . r rer o i thc rDr l rs .nd dur in i i r l re . rnr l isrs .hcquefr l \ . r f i . r . rs . qui tc nrnrra l ly , inrpor t .ur t r r rns icrcnce e l . rbor . r t r ins thccoLr.h rs surrorn!c. rs scducr i !e , rs inr r t rng o i surrcr t l t r . rs c( ! r i in ins. isdtmc.rn in l t . . rnd so forrh 14r . l ro r r ) . lhesc srmhol ic r r r r ibut io ls aceordclosel r * i rh rht t l inrcal r r r ter i . r l rhrr t I rv i l l prcscnr l r rer rn rh is prpt r , arrd rhcrdcnronsrr . r re h() \ rhc eouch crn gener. r re r . . rns icrcn.c ani l .ounrenr . r rs iereo( .txntrs i .s rh. r i . r re for \cr rerLzcd or verbrr l ized.

( , rorsrcrn r re i r hrghl lFhts thc bcn. t r r qrrned $hel rhr usc of rhc cor .hp( , r ' ro t ! nghr h. r rsphere.rcr iy i r l in rhc hrr in . , rnd fc rh i r rks rhrr th is crni rc luct r t rcr rc . rn,1 less cerrvrship h(rn rh. le i r l re rspherc. Odgcn ( re96lI t l ievcs th. r t thc coLrch i r1 . r r . r l ls is .an nr) r . r . r5r l \ cre. r t t :ur anr lvnc rh i fd rh. r ren.rb les prnrnt rnd rnr l rs t to jo in in fc lcnc ! rer i r r )nrg i r ( rn nuruel Lnrcrp l r r r

Page 4: Article JAP

Robut L . T \ f l1 i ' t sk i 1f t u c tL tht iouch ar

of thc i r unconscrrus conrenrs. rnd th. r r rhe co|ch pror ides sui i icrenr pr i reeyfor both participants n) th.rt this crn occur. I Ie further stntcs rhar hc prcfcrsr l l rnr lv t ic ivr rk hc conr lucrcd r r i rh the pat ient on the couch regi rd less of rhcnumlt r of t imcs per weel rh i r rhr prr ient is being seen lp. 88-1. ( )gden b!scshis prefercncc on h is exper ience thr t ihe couch fnc i l i t r tcs. rcccss ro p lar spacc ,rc \er i r . rnd \he uncoisc ious rnr l r i ic rh i rd .

As L ipton ( r9, r ) nores, I rcud s use of thc couch for ps)cho.rn. r1r t i . pr rpc,sesbegrn in rhe mid r l lgos. lnr rcrrcompel l ingar t ic le . rbout Freuds tech. iquei .the I orenz case l the l iar i \hn. ! .nr ! l l ) Damrd Ernst t . . r zer) . L ipto, r isser tsth. r t the ider of rechniquc has hccn great lv expanded b l nxrdern ps 'chorrr lvs lskr .o\er much nrcre rhan Frcud ocr nrcnded. lhere is now rhe rer l iz : r t ion thatthe work lnvolves the rn, r l rsr 's roul personal io , but a lso inpl r rng th. r t thernr lvsfs personr l i rv c : rD hc rcchnrcal l \ ' Inaniged. He c l isrgrees s i th t l is l r t tersrepandprovic lcscr : rmplcsoihowl i reudt . rc t io fs . rndpersonr11rr .anrerhroughmuch nnrc, r r t lcss l ' in * , r rs rh ich *ould not hare been rcccprcd hr thcrcv is i rn isr appl icar ion of rechnique th. r t demanded of the rnrhst nrch nnrc. , , r r - r , , r r . . . , r r r , , l , , s h . r r i , 1 r - , n r . d r " r l ' e p . r , r e r ' .

As for thc couch. Lipron r rites: The ide.r that the p.rnenr nr!krs .r "tlcdgc '

ro l iconthccouch isa la ter i id ; rur to techrr ique. Frerrd s insrrucr tns to l -orenz( I r c u L l r r o e , f . r t e ) d o f l o t c \ e n r e | t i o n r h e c o u c h , r n d n o d r i n g l k n o w o i t h a tf reud cvcr srote convers the ide.r rhr i he grrc drc use of thc couch the great$eight whlch o lhers ha!e g1i en i r sDbseqlrcr t jv (p.z tS) .Vh. t t is inrr igr i rghere

is L iptof \ denronstr r r i (n thr t f reud wrs not as nr le bound rs h is aol lowers.. rnd thr l r ter rer is ions ro psrchorrr l ls is nrey havc c l is to. red Freud s i r te f t ions.rbout the use of the corch rnd other tcchnical issucs r iuch r j e \pressiorrs of thernr lvst 's persor . r l i ry and l rchrx, rship { i rh the prr ient . lOr th is point ,n'e .rlsl, l\lichillel Gu) Tlnnrll'on. Th ltutb About l rtul s Tt.liihtrr. t 991.1

l - rngs ( r9 i l ) , rhose srrk in othcr wr_vs of tcn ins is ts on rhe ntccssi t r o tsr ic t lv rdher ing ro hrs ic e lernents ofchssical psycboani lv t ic technique. esche\ isrhe corch brs. . l on drcrapcrnc eonccrns re l i t i rg to both p. r t ien i . rDd rn. lvsr, rnd thc lack o i cmpir ica lc \ i . tence ro support i ts usc. I Ie \ r f l r .s i

l h . s l i .c l t ic , , \c o i ihc r . t r .h n) . rs . J i \o in i , ) . i n d is .uss ing . . r t . i . mrr .n. r l r ronl \rnrhs is o i rhc r r r rets o i thr J i r t r r r l i r r $d byprses r lN .pfot run r f (J \ i rcnsrhfniht . rpr . i rv o i rhe f r t ,eni ' eso ro ro ler . t . .nx icry . , rd nJ rc{nrc t r \ vru, .es. 1t mr}fRm,)te in inten'ii,rrt,o. oi r.$! .nd dct.nscs rvhleh lcrJ r, : t[,sing off ofnrtenrl rt all le'rls. Ii,.rhrl' ,i 'uy . ,lctcnsr on the prn oi the the pir\ho is h n,sc l i !nconrnr t rh l . ur dr ! i r .e n) tuce nx) le. sedu. t i ' t Nd h,r r i l . ' NJf \es.rnLl not ls o mrkt nrc p. tent un, lu l r r l tsen,gt r , mr1 . ! , { n \ueh t r r l re ' . r t ie . Thcserre. l i i f rcuht , ,dekr t rnddsrnrguishi ronrnr1)o$ih ldh. ' ip tnt iLrd\ rnr igethr t the.ou.h n[ ] h . \ . . LJnf pnN.n o ihc^v ise. rhr n i ry drnseA rdd d i t t l , rn l . rges o i th.. ( )uch . rpp. . r ro ourqr i l rh rn\ r ) \s ib le v i lue iK use n ' ry hr \e.

{ r ' I ' ? )

I t is inpor t . r . t ro nore rhar I . rngs is d iscussing ps)choxnxlvt i . psrchorherrp! ,rnd th. r t he e lsewhere d isnnguishcs that thc couch is used h psrchornr lvs is

proper \ore the 1css,couch rs rn rn.rlrtic in

.lLrns. eTecially afrerrp\ ind rn \srs s errthc rn. rhne coucht thrn indi \ idu.1 lherapisri\1 t), t o n c :. D rca"1s, RelAn.r l isr rnd p3r icnt s i rro s.r\. hDt so has rhe parre no aiph.rbetical refeir the rolunre devoted t,'n r ta ter r rom 1974 (i r ! i .u lared dur ing one cthc c.rse oi. ieeling typgi \es rhc bcsr s t t r renenorrlcr to hc eble to sbosrsrcD. l h . \ 'e ro s i t opprnd c.rD sr. rh:u I am lir

on rhc orher hand, F.ouch. I his hook fu,srrersons for its use. whicinc ludc: rhe p. r icnr : c(( . rsrer . rc . .ss ro rhe unc(oi sonrari! oc.urrences;rhe c l in icr l p( ,cess (pp.crernng r 'c loscd '

sysrednd prr icDr l . whc.eas JLsls tenr in *h ich rhe ana

The \lrnbolic couch

I rh ink rhai thc heightrdcpendcnr Lrpon the patiin the room as a sympsvchothefipli lofdhanbecorne rerr important rc(,mpc,nenrs oi rhe beintworrh\ oi .onrment werinrm .rnd rhe objects inthe anltllsr nceds ro be aot parrs o l h imsel f rhat ,suppo(! nrl idca rhar inrhe srDboli. clemenrs inas a rcsult new behaviou

Page 5: Article JAP

Robe F. TJminski

ovides suff icient privacyLcr states thar he prefersc couch 'resardl€ss of the,n' (p. 887). Osden basestes access to 'play space"

: psychoanalytic purposesbout Freud's rechnique in

Lanzef ), Lipron asse.rsy mod€rn psychoanal)'siss now th€ realization rhat|t also implying thar thedisagrees with this latter

F.sonaliry came rhroughve be€n accepted b,v the,f the analyst much more

patient nakes a 'pledge"

Ldt instructions ro Lorenzndnothing I know of thatLse of the couch the greati).Vhat is intriguing hereibound as his follosers,stoned Freud's intenrions;uch as expressions of rhee patient. (On this point,iead's Techniq ue, \ 9 9 4.Jlsists on rhe necessin ofull'tic r€chnique, eschevsboth patient and analvsrHe writes:

sing ceriair marcrial lloidsE oPPonun'lv to st.€ngtheno reslve its sources. It m!)'hich lead to a closins off ofon the pan of rhe ther.pisrdudive and hostile morivcs,ist in such a therapisr- Theseeraleuric dYantase that ibe,rr and disadvanrases of rbc

{ p . ' 7 7 )

Loanab'tic psychothe.ap-Y,Ls used in psychoanalysis

'fhe ueeh tbe couch atriuetl

proper. None rhe less, his warnings sound close to Jung's objections about thecouch as an anal''tic instrument.

Jung, especially after his break wirh Freud in r9rz, b€licved that psychother-ap-v and analysis were less d€pendent upon rechnical condnions (includingthe analvric couch) than upon th€ uniqu€ diakrgue that develops betweenan individual rherapist and an individual parient. l-or example! he writes inMenoti.s, Drcans, Retle.tors: 'Analysis is a dialogue demandinstwo partners.Analyst and patient sit facing one another, eye to evei the docror has somethingtosay, butsohasthepat ienf (Jung r961, p. r t r) . Inthe Col/erted wo/&s, thereare no alphabetical references to the couch in either the Genevl lndex (.'1791olin the volume devoted to Fread awl Psychoanalys,i (Ju ns r 9o5 r e j 5 ). Fordhamin a paper from 1974 comments on Jungk disinclination roward the couch asarticulated during one of the Tavistock Lectures (r9t 5) \\'hile he was discussinsrhe case of a feeling ope analysand:'lr is in relation ro rhis case that he ljunglgives the best statement I know about whv he does not use the couch: 'So, inorder to be able to show my patienrs that rheir rcactuns have arived in mrsystem,l have to sit opposite them 5() tharthej-- can read the reactions in my faceand can see rhar I am l istening' (F-ordham in Shamdasani (ed.) r996, p. r1r) .

On the orher hand, Fordham expresses a srrong prcfcrence for the use of thecouch. In his book /!r,siar P sychotberapl, p:ublished in r e78, he enumerates sixreasons for jrs use, which he believes brings'specific adlantages'(p. 68). Theseinclude: rhe parientl comfort and relaxation; facilitation of regressive stat€s;easier access ro the unconsciousl intensificarion of the transference; awarenessoI v)matic occurrcncrs; and an incr€ase in the analysCs capacity io attend tothe clinical process (pp. 68 59). Fordham writes that Freud saw rhe couch ascreating a 'closed's,lstem for anabsis ldefined by separation between analystand patient), whereas Jung's own .pproach to analvsjs was b.rsed on an 'open'

system in which the anai,vst participated.

The svmbolic couch

I think that the heightening of ihe transferences in my cases was not tustdependent upon the patients actuall-v using the couch, but rather to its presencein the room as a symbolic object. Earlier in rhe same book on Jungianpsychotherapr', Fordham comments rhat the contents of the .nalyst\ officebecome ver,v important to patients as the],represent the actual and fantasizedcomponents of the being of the therapist or analvsr: This m:y scarcel,v seemworthy of comment were it no! th.rt sooner or later patierts will include theroom and the objecrs in it as part oi their rransfe.ence projcctionsi so just asthe analyst nceds to be aware of his inne. world, so does he need to be awareof parts of himself that ar€ outside him in the room' (p. 65). This observitionsuppons rny idea that introducing the couch into an existing practice changesthe symbolic elements in th€ transference-counten.ansference relationship and,as a resulr new behaviours emergc that .eflecr these changes.

Page 6: Article JAP

Robct F. T)r"nski-rbe veeh the .ou.h |tri

Vith thcse consicltraoons in Dind. I will prcsenr clinicrl liglrerres ol panerrs

that I wrs work ing rv i th r r thc per iod just a l ter dc l i ler ! o l a couch t ( ) mv

officc- Everv pitienr n m! Prrcti.e at that time hid a nor:rblc and unrrppressed

reactur , a ;d I tound rh: r thecouch in thc room hadrni rnpacton Derswel l ln

rluxt all inst.rnccs, there \!rs Dore anxietv in mv pariei's trilnstcrence !nd nrv

cou ter t ransference abonl the chaDges in mvsel i th ' r t h ld r l loNcd mc to br ing

rhis neq decidedlv non ,reutral picce of furniturc into rht room.

The rnost inportant t.ansferential responscs to thc couch tn\ollcd paocnts

" ' , " . " ' ' * , f " ' r h e r h r J . l n * r , J r h ' i ' l h i o J n r 4 ' t r c ' r ' n $ 1 r r ' r r ! : J r l f e r e r r ' l \ '

i i . - . . ' , . 1 . " " . t . ' \ m r \ ' l r l , r " r h o r h m r p r r r c r r r ' r n J r r " r l t r r l J e ' r r ' t o

nov e fron .r n r li ticr lh orienred psYchorhcrapist to t n a li sr- Th' responses ro th ts

".cl,.,4y p..."i".a i.'lre ranged from rejecriDg to amtrivalcnt to enrbracng'

trlv coNrterrm siercnce ieelings in each crsc helpcd me ro uDdersrrnd nrv

p i f l c n t s ' l n X i e t i e s t h a r \ \ e r e a s s o c i J t e d w i t h t h l s . h J n g e � � � � � � � � � � � � � �jnrentnrr , . .d akr ied me to accept norc consctrus lv the idca thrr I $ 's

becornrng an .rnalrst. \('rth rhis elolv;rg sclf image 'ts an rnahst in rrirn'ng

ci rmc a srcater rv i l |ngness ro exper inent wi th r isk ing n\sel i

in l ichr ; f , tssumnrg ih i ' ro lc \ot corncidenral lv . I bought rhe couch rhc

u'eck tbat I passed into the conrrol stage of mv Insfitute\ I lnurg pft)graJnnrc

"n. l r ' . rs thus ebout to begin ml analvr ic contro l work ' $hr 'h nr Drv Inst i

mrc rvould bc the i i .sr su ler l isn, r of mv f t rnct rcning rs r Ps\ 'horher 'p 's t

' ihe such thrr I purch.rsed lvas a chaise lonsue lvh ich n lcrns that l t inv i les

one ( ) rest in ! semt_recl 'nurg posi r ion wi thour enorc l t g i l rnc up f t ( sense or

srr i ine l l1 . r chai r . I r hdd I deeplr cushoncd hal f 'brck lerd lng ro rn angled arn l

, ' ' , , , , ' " . . ia . t ' *n, f , . - t t . .c"mptet" ty op" ' t t * "s thusnotrhc i lu t 'uDequivoci l

moderD iralvtic couch oi rhe t-rle ihlt is sometimcs rd\enrsed n)r s'rlc to

nsvchoan,r l t s is . s ince I in tcnded i r ro bc rvai lable f ( r e idrer vr r ins or l rurg

l , ' * " . r " * " r . ,a . . "p. , r i n l o f f ice, i r rcphccd an o lc lcr corduror k leseet th ' t t

on\' accomnrod.rr<l nvr people .rnd wrs clcerlv ftx for h rns do\B''' lif.r.

',-" -".r. ".rs "ppn,','rrrrcll one-third longer rhin the old onc Both

*,crc of r s l r rdc of drrk sreen Al ih( ,ur ,h I hrd rhoughr replec ing rht couch

-*r . , f ' ; r " " 'Ug' - " . r * ise l<ngue touid a l low prcr ious occuparts of the o ld

1 , , \ . . . . l l . r m p l \ r , , ' r r " r r r . , ' h , . r . ' u r " n r r L t h ' r n ' r r ' r r r ' " r " l r i ' r n h c r I r ' l '

| ! 1 r ' . N r n " r I J r l r . ' r r r r l l r ' r p p - e . r ' r r ' h " w t h ' r r ' s l i r - \ \ " r J r 1 e \ i r r e r r r r

pcrceived es .rsscnnrg th.1t I e\Pecrcd a sirtcr to rccli e I'n il rs $cll

My patients'responscs ro the introduction of the cou'h

I hale s. lected rcsponscs to rh is ch. tnge ( ' ler f ro ln rhr te ot ' r \ P ' I rents- I

wi l l not prov idt r rnrc rhrn cursor l ' . rn i l evcn thei r necess!r i l r d isguiscd '

luckerNnd inf(rnr.rrtn on rnv oi rhem. since nrv trrre'csr lrerc i! to e\anrinc the

; ; ;J;";: ; . ;" ;"; .nsu",r upon the' ' .rrcn orthe couch. part icurarri

thc re. r ! t r rgs i t g tnereted. A1l pract is ing psvchorherapists know how var icd

a parienis emotional re

the therapistt physical :

even ii the palient onhreactions ro such detailllife and world rhan rhetransfcrence. I believe tlguesr, the couch, and th

characterized thes€ traninirial emotional respor

couch: rejccring; ambiv,and evolred, especiallYsomething about a pat

couch had cntered therhe nerv rlement in theexpressing the embraciresponse, startle and sLrhese affects gave a dilcould not have a single,

I he 0rrnf l r \ L nrve (

could easilr be perceiv(

terrirorv rhat wrs revtDleanirg attribud)n, ar

My responses to the co

I had tncountered theanalrsis rvhen I was :

occurrcd lvirhout use oseemcd to bring togeth.rlso bec.Dre somethng, literrl sieppnrg-stonefound rhc couch especself cenrrship, and issrmore re.enl .nal,vsLs! nben€iicr!1, prrticuiarlyfd.e to f..€ inalysis rerhe couch berrg presen

Snnrlar t(t m,r patten

couch. Thc f i rs t day, I t

.rnd I sondcred how l

rn lnrb i la lent phase o

doubts serned to centre\ample r ts tvocanon

Page 7: Article JAP

Tbe teek tlte couch arrttl

clinicrl i.ignerr.s of patienrs

deliver,v of .r couch to m-r'

a notable and unsuppressedlan impact on ne . ts \Le1l . Inatientt trrn+erence rtd nrvat had a l losrd me to br ing

the couch involred peoents:rest in $.orking driierrntl\.ts and nyself m! deerr toLnalyst. The responses to th t so ambivr lent to embncing.ped ne ro undersrand nrrs change in nrr .onscrousiously the idcr that I srs

te as |n anal 's t i . r r i in ingisking mvscliy , I boushr rhe.ouch thetitute's trainrng pr()grtrmnrcI work, whi.h trr n,\ lnsrioning as r ps ' chother .prst

which mern! th . r t i r rnr i t tstirely giviflg up rh. \en!r oick lcading to .rn rngled .trnrhus nonhe il.rr. unequi. c,c.r Iimeq adler t ised n)r \ r le toe for e i tb€r sr f t ing or l \ i ' rgo lder corduror lor t ' t r t thr trt for lYing do\ur.nger thrn rhc o ld o, r . . l : l ( , rhhought rc t l i ( r rs rhc.ou.hevious o..up.rnts ol rhc oldlvitat()n l() lic iu(hcr br.k.)w form $rNld tre !o rcr.lilrl lne on i t rs r t l l .

)m th.ce o i nr f pr l icnrs. Ithei r necessrr i l r Jrssurscd.nteresthere is ( , e \ rnrnctheon of the couch. p, in icu lar l rherapi , ts knos hos r in td

a p. r ie las enrot ioDal bc f t r ehangcs in the therapist ' .s of f ice. rnthe therrp is t s phls icr1 appearance, or l r moods or l i fe euents of the therrp isr .even i f tbe pr t ient onlv knows rbout these through intu i t ion. The pr l ienCsre.ct ions io such det . r i ls . \ 'h ich more proper l r belong rnore to rhe therupisr \l i te . rnd sond rhan rhc p l r icnt l , o l ten br ing. t s t rorg emot ionr l r<ne r ) rhcrransiererce. I belicvc that tLcrc werc distin.t enrotioirl responses n) this Dc$guest . rhc couch, r rd that ther corre l . r€d c losel \ ' to the enr) t ion.1 st r tcs $hr .hcheracrcrrzcd rhesc translirence counterrinsierencc drnemics. I dctectccl threcrnr t ie l cmor()n. r1 respc,nses (undoubredlv !hcrc $ere Dr( ' re) touar l the ne*coueb: rereer ing; anlb i r . r ler t i . rnd embrrc ing. Thcsc srances of course chrngedend evol red. especia l l ! lo l loa i rs d isc l |ss ions in which I usual l , inr€rpretedsoniethrns about . r pdt ier t \ . rnx ier , ! o \er ho\ '1 Dr ighr .hangc no$, th. r t thecouch had enterrd the office. The clues Io rhcsc dccp cmotrrnal rcsponses tothc ne\ \ e lernent in the hold ing envr<,nment ucrc dr i ierent d isccrr ib le. r f fects:expressing the enbrrcrng, ref lnsc, cxcr tcment and cur ios i t ) ; the.nrb iv . t lentresporse. s t rn ic rnd suryr isc; thc rc jcct ing response. . rnger t rnd iexr hch o irhele raifcrs garc r Jiffcrcnt melntrrg to the couch. *tich .rs r rnre slnrbolcould not harc a s i rg lc , f ixrd s igni l ic . t t i (n .

Ihe er . rmplcs I harc o i icrcJ here revolvr r round . r ne\r p iece of turn inr fc rhrrcoLrL<l e. rsr l r hc pcrcc ivcd as in tended k, r re. lnr ins. r rd rs such. thc s lmbrn,crerr i rorr rher r r rs rcver lcc l makes ior . rn inr€resr i rg srudy ot inraginrnon.nrcani ig r f t r ibur ion, and r f lcct r rousal .

M-v rcsponses to rhe couch

I hrd rncountcrcd r l rc couch as r th(r . rpeur . insrrLrment dur ing r pcrsonr lmr l ls is shcr 1 las soncwhat t ioungel r i r \ m()re re.enr . lungi rn inrh! \occurrcJ \ \ r r l lNr usc o ia couch. tor ntc , t l te coLr .h $. rs . rn e\crr ingopnon r lurstnrcd to brurg togcthcr d i rcrg in l ; espcca o l nr \ ,^r r urr l t r ic cxpcr i .n .cs. I re lso bccemc somcrhing that i f l r rcnt i . red r rc i ronr nrr curr tnr rnr l \ 's r . pc|hepsr l i rcr r l s tppurg stone into r l i td iv idu. t r ion. ts . rn rnr l ts t in t r r innr i t . I hrdlound thc.ouch especi r l lv help i r r l in rddrcssrng ssucs rehrcd n, i t rh i l ) i r io f i ! .se l f censorshlp. rnd issui rs rh l r u c fc R)r . r ! pr . . r lo t nrc l r rourscr n l . r r . I i n \nror t r tccnr . rnr l 's is , not us ing thc conrh rnd bcrng t r .e to l i (e $,crc ho$$rrbcnci ic i . r l . p . rn icu l r r ly r r r , t r rd ropics rh. r r Jcr l r sr rh nurnc. r r r cxper i tncc,r if r rc to i . r . :e . r r l . l1 , s is re i lected hy m.rnr r r r t l l ,n thrr I c i rcJ crr l ic r I lso * i thoutt h c c o u . h I ' c i r g p r t s e n t . I f o r r r d . r * r v t o r c r l n c i n t h i s r n r h s i s i r t r t o r t r v . t r '

S imi l . r r n , mr f incnts. I a lso hrd r r rngc o i enro l ;o i r l rercnons r ) nr) n.$.ou.h. lh . hr l l .1a\ ' .1 \ \ rs s t . r r t led bv i t . i t loonred l , r r i r , . r ih in l i i . in nrr fs \ .hc.I rd I \onJcrrd ho$ I nr ight gcr r id o i i t . \ \ i rhrr r \ ! . .k , I hrd shihtd rnt i rrn rmhi \ ph.rse o i doubt . r rc l ( ip i imisn ]boui i ts lhcc in nry r r r rk . lhcdouhs srcmtd ro ecnrrc or horv I thoughr rhe.ou.h t r igh i bc inrcrpf t r .d , h,crrmplc r t ' cr r r r r i r r r <, f hz iness. s txu.r l r r ' . . rnd.rn, , ld i . rnroncd ! r . fc( , r !pr

Page 8: Article JAP

Robert L T\nli/tski 1'he utcek the cou& t

rbout psvchorn.r lvr ic prac lce. Al l a long howcvcr , I rccognized c lcr r momcntsof enthusiasm. and I en;ored tbe couch rs r r objcct of fantesr . rmagin. r r rn, enderplorat ion. Invas r i ter a l l something to be curr )us rbour . : rnd I iDl i ied otherst . h . r - e r t < r . ' s r r r h o r r 3 h ' . r n t J i e e r n g s . r h ' , u t r r .

l r mv rnr lvr ic r r i inrng. rhecouch had becn d iscusscd onl r nrc l r ' . so l d ic l havcsnc anrrcq ebout hou l Nould hcgxl to usc it. Nlorc to the point, sould Ihavc to rcgulate theeouch in somc nanrrer . l ike r t r . r ln conducror te l l ing prr ier tsi r ) mrrr : t 'ou get on. but not roui we r re he.rd ing tor 'ard th;s deni .a( ion, notth. r t ouc? The ide.1 th. r t I might e d up t icket ing the couch led to r rer l iz . r r ionthat , nhhough I could idenr i f l cer ta i r pr t terns wirh d i i lerer t p i t ier ts . IcoLr ldnot dr . ide who wr i n , , r . rb le ro use the couch.r rc l *ho $. rsn\ . rn. rnore th. rn Icould predict how the curch would be sy-nbol izec l . I * ould h. r re to rccept , as Ih. i !e in n.ny othrr . rspecrs of .n. l r t ic p. rc t ice, rhat I rvas less a condLrcror thrr. r prssenger tak i rg severr l r . r ins a dry wi th unkno$r desr inal ion! .

The conducror inr . rge and i ts . r t terdanr rnx icr \ '$crc rc i lcetcr l in a drcen Ihrd dur ing rhe rveek rhar rhe couch arnvcd:

Inrn l , r 'se l i n , ronJu.r i i \ ur i i ( ,m,nr J { r . i f go i fg i l ( in \unn.r r r . ' . l l i fBs€$r i id ro$r .d 5or th(n (n in i i ! or m.r 'bc S$ir^y ld id. \ i (opt . t i r s . lzb!41. fd r brnch . f pr$.dg.6 coi or ar onc. . inJ I N.s ry ng h .hc.k . rnt l r rnch i l , .r ickcrs ln r ln ' nr id{ othc roniuson. 1 rvonler l dut I rvould not be:h lc r , get r l l thesctickctr vrl rte.l rn,l *rll be \urc rh.{ $er\orf $.rs gorng ''lrctr thr, .eed.l k' so.

rhc upholstcrcd scrrs rn the rmrn crr had thc srmc prr rcrn rs thc fahr ie I h . rdsc lcctcd n, r nrv courh. I hc drcanr hegan in Austr i . t , Freud-s countr r . ard rx , rcdtoserd.Jnngs r . rnror ! : rhrs route ra iscd tLc lerr rbar I might not bc . rb lc toncgot i i tc thc r fansinon ro rouch rvork in r prrpt rh in iornred . r rd indi ! iduLr l l )nrrnccd sav- Sin.c I eDr r f ic l ing-nru i t ivc t ;pe. the confusion of the r l rear tsccnrcc l to point to thc areas o i th ink ing xnd sensr tnrn. thr t is . orgrn izr ts . rnd\cr i i r ing rhc th. r rpcur i . choiccs in a rat i<nal enpi r ic : r l ser .

\ l ) inrcrprcr ing rhc r l rcrm along thrse l ines mrde me.r \ . r .e thur person.r lrvpologv is p. r r t l r responsib le t ix the re lc t ions o i r therapist or . r r . r lvst u,hodeci . les to use the coucf . A\ r resul i o f th is undenrrnding of r r r drcen. 1re. r l izec l th . r t m' decis ion to use the couch, rv i th i rs capecrn to bc r mul t i re lcntsrrnt 'o ] . prr l ' mor lvr ted hr rnv desi re to lse more o i mr i re l ing funct ion.r d in tLr i t ion. This cholce Nrs noi pr inr t r r i l ,v nbt i reted br r dcs i rc to cnhrnccnr) techr iq!e; r r ther . i t seems to hrve been thr t the corrch crcr tcd nr mc vrmcfreedom to erpress npologr thr t I had kept h iddcn f rom mrscl f .

Vher the corrch r r r i red. horvercr . e l though Iscrrehcd thc l i tcr r rurc I f r rndno guidchncs es to rhrr ar tc l l nr pat icnrs. tor cremplc. r l nrncone wi thr psrchor ic concl inon wcrc ur tercsteJ in l l ing down. rvould I . rgrce? \ \ 'h : r t i fvnconc rvrntcd ro usc n intenrittently, rvith on d.rvs .rnd off drvs? Thesesecmccl to hc technicr l questr rns of rhe s. rme fhvour . rs the choice o i whether . rdrcrm gcrs discu*ccl or not. I inrigined thrt if I coulcl gerr .rccess to ho'r, otherrhcrapists rcsol rcc l thesc prrb lems, I rvould f ind d i f ferences i .en een I ' reL,d i rnsand lungians, and nur hc amons t reudians . r d Jungi . rns.

Howeler, with no im\ osn pr3ctice. whot condLrcnng'some,q ho elected ro use it,mv cDcour:glng thenmight tu.n out ro beout the ncw modalitlbeneius alnrst immernew opporrunry of paticnrs ofreetpressed a fear that rwould perhrps be ref

V/herers it nay beknoNs best , or xs Be,good for irself', in thistrearmenisi patlents dthcir c l in ic: l process.bel ie!e,ofhowtheSelpsrchorhera p!. Iflhatto bc Dnnrirored by tlarr i red aDd my learni lto believe thrt rhe Selnrr oirice. lhe learnnsrnrbolized rhe relaxntaloured. rathcr, an ic l inrcr l rvork rvould b

Beebe 1r e9:) comn

. lunsi rn .nal l ls hd!undebtrndinJr how alinieg.nv. Vhen affecrthrt mrrc.iouslr pan.rirer lndi.n ph losopl

I r \ \ rs in th is vc in I compel l ingproccss. The couch fenrr erpcrence of marle.rrning. Perhaps rhiss) mbolic !ftir!de rhar

Page 9: Article JAP

Rlbctt f. lrmnskt T h u r L 1 1 ' c , , n r l ' . r t u c t

wever. I recognrzc,l cle.rr momcntsobject of fanrr!r. in.tginitior. rn.l

cur ious rbour . rnd i ur \ i ted orhcfs

rd iscused onl i fure l .soI d idhavcuse i t . Nlo.e Io rhr porn i , would Ike a t ra in comlucror te lhng pat ier t tsading k^!a th is dfsnnat i (n, Dot3! ing the.ou.h lcd ro . rer l iz , r r ionrns with diiierenr t.rflcnts. I coultlh and who srsni . enr nore rhan I'o l ized. I rvould h. r rc to rccept , rs I

ce, thar I less r . ( )ndud(n lhrrunknorvn desnnrtLons.nxietr !!er€ in r drerm I

r t r i in gomB f r , t I \u{ r i . r r . . r r t l L .AE SB,tzerh.d \ \ . r , ) f rd. r r \ i l7h, , rsd I wis q ng n) .her l . r fd r , ,n .h rh lthar I $ !oLd not be rh le r i ! . r r l l d t \ l: was going \vhe. . ( l r ( \ nc.d. .1r) go.

hc san€ p i r rem rs rhe i rbr ic I hrdmstr i r , f reud s iour t r r . . t r . l nrovcdre lerr rhai I mighr ror l .c rb lc t i rproper lv rnnxn,ed , r rd in d i i iL lu r l l i' t ,vpe, ihe.oniu i ron o i thc c l t t ' . t t r rI sers i t ion, th . r t s . o fsrn i / r r rc . r rdl lempir ic ! l $r \ .Lnes medc m. r$. r i ( tnr l fcr ! ) r . lions of r thenpist or rnrhsr *hohis underst . r rd ing o i nr \ drernr . Iv i th i ts c .prcLr \ n) h. . r nru l r i ! . l rnrto use nrore o i m. i t ( l ing auncr i ( r ry mot i \ r red hr r Jcr i r t ro.nhrnecrhar thecoLrch ercrrcd ior nrr somc:hidden f rom mrsel i .gh I se i rche' l rhc l , Ie r ! l t ( { ,ndrus. for rxrmplc. i r nn.onc $ ' i rhing dorvn, Mruld I . rs f f . : vrh. r l i l

w i tL on d: r \s . rnd , ) i i Jr \ ! : Thc\ .

e fh 'our rs th l chorct , ' i . 'hethcr r

r i ( Icoul t l ga in , rcccss ro h inr otht rf ind d i f fere i .es bcn\ ccn f fuodi rns

Hos $tr . * i th no r r fornr i t ion i \ t r i l . r t r l r . I had to ia l l brck on r hr t tnned urm\ o$n | rLrct ice. \Vhrr I drcorerc( lsrs rhrr I rarc ly had ro in terrene rn furnsoi coDdr. t ins 'uneonc t ixverc l thc. rpproprntc usc o i thc eouch. Ihc pr t icr ts*ho c l rc ted to usc i t , a t ter our r t iscussing thei r at t i tudcs:rbout Ivurg d<r in and

n crcorr . rs ing thcrr to sN wh.r rerr r . r r r t to thc i r t r r inds, ey.n though rh i \nr ight tunr o l t to be harc lcr to c lo thrn i r sr tnr td, appeered qui rc r tadr m rr roui the neN mod.r l i ry , indeed intu i t i \e l \ r r i ted ior i t rnd c. rp. rb l r o t scel rg i rsbenei i ts . r lmosr immedir te l r . The p.r renr s ho chose to f . r re l l t t le to do s j th rhenc$ of tornrn i r r l ikc$isc rppc.r td to knos uhat thc_v ucrr i lo i rg. Thi r l , r t tcrgfoup of t . r i ic f ts of ten comnrrr r red or the regressivc rspects o i l r rng dos n r l r lcrprcsscd.r ferr th . r t they $1,u ld e\per icncc.r l . rck ofgrounr l ing th. r t . I thr iLrghr .rould perh.rps be re i lect ive o i derr nrre i r r i l ego st rLrcf t res.

\ \ h . r . is i r mr] - . lx some$ing o i . rn rn iLrr i le lerp t r i s t r re thrr ' rhe p. r rentkn(^\ \ h ls t . or .s Brebe I r ee-) renrr rks ihrr rhere rs r 'se l f th : r t kros r s h. r t sgood nr r rsc l f . rn rh is . i rcumstrncc u hen thc cou.h wrs in t foduccd inn) c \ i \ r ingrr r . r rn) tnrs, f . r t jer rs d id secnr to knoq shether l r insd( , !vnc( ,uk lhc lporhnJerr l r r l r c l r r ic . r l pnrcess. Thci r i rs t t r r . r i \c \urerrc!s n, th is regrre l is rn errnplc . Il , t l idr . o ihoq thc Scl f mrnnon rhrr rhc psrchc r r tcc ls in rn rnr lvs is or rnr l r ncpsr thothcr apr . \ \ rhat thc rnr l l r ic psr ehothcr rp is t nceJs in thr t rork r lvr rccmsro be nur i torcd br thc Sel i . Rci lc .nns on mr rcspolscs to rhr rouch rhcn r t. r r r i \ e d . u ) d n r \ l e . t r r t i n g c u r r c i r r r c l r i n s o n u p s r c h o t h c r a p c u r i r a l l r h r s l t r l m e11, br l i r \e ih . , r d t Scl l i , r i lurn.ed n\ rqo lons.x)u$css l ( ) i .qu i re r .ou.h tori r \ i , i t i * The lc . rn i i r t i th . r t i r \crnr .d I nct ' lcd ro rcc lu i rc n. rs thrr rh. . (N.hsvnhol , ret l t lc rehr i rg, re lers ing. rnd l t r t in* go,n cgo dr ivr i m,) ' r i ( ) r l r )s . r ' rdi lourct l . n ther . . r . in i r i r i ! . or i l r th . r r thc rnr , rges rnd r f fects cr i ' . r red i r mrrLn[r ] qork wor lJ bc ierd orr t rs n{JcJ tor i rs dc lc lof ,nenr .

Bccbc t r grr r conrnrcnrs:

l ! n g r . n ) . , i , J l \ s i \ l n s l c r r o n t h t l . . , J L , i { d { r , , i t l , i \ . o , t L , , v \ r s \ . h ( t h r r . , f L i nu.d.^ i indrng h.{ . f t ' . ( . rn i in , . ! r i . 1 . , l .n{ ,g l , r t , )g f rhd i f rh . r , { inru. rL,nr ( i linr . i r r r \ . \ \ h . r . r t lc . r in( l imi . r . . r re !nrr ,a l . . l l . r r lh f r \ f . Ls rc l . i \ . (1 . . r . . ( , ) r ( i ( . ! \ih I N {e, i ( r r l r f r r i . r r i t .s ,n the L. t . !nn\ r fo \cr o l drc l \vLhr dr . r r Jun. : . rL l .d .. i r ( i r l f ( l r .n i thr l , rodr) . th f \ f l r . f t J , t r . r , , ( r ) , , r ( r t r l r f r l r r , .n i r i i . . r r ,nn$ ' ,^ i . .

i | 1 . r r l r i r

I t $ , r i r r r h i i \ e i r r h l l I i . r e r f . r i / e d r h . r J n . r s r , , i r ( . l i r i , r ! : r c P i i \ f n r . l l \ r h c. { i u . h r ! r . o m f . l l r n g s } n r b o L o i t r u . t r r r h r n r n c n r t t o f t h t p s r c h o t h o r p t u r i cprotcss. Ihc. ( ,u.h ic l r r l i f . ro nr t rs sonr t thrng thr t hr t l . rssr t i . r r i r r rs sr thf , r f \ f ' . r i .n(c ( ,1 i r .n t rcr rs ot rnrLr ' r . . pcrsonal JcvcIDnrcnt r r . l rnr l r rcl r rn i r i r . I ' t rh t rps th is 1s r lso * l . r t S i tgc l r r r . r r r I r , ) . )o) J .s(r ibc ' . r \ (onsrrunrg . rsrnrbol ic r r r i ruc lc rhr t is lo t . r r l , i r rurr . rnr l rcr r r r i r rs operr ro r ru l t ip l r rc tercnrs '

Page 10: Article JAP

Rab(rt L l\nlinski Th. u'eek the cou.h dl

My patients'ongoing responses to the couch

\Ydr,1i1lg "p ro thc Llitrh

The rzrrdcrz.q rcrcrrn ro the couch engrged curiosit!, phr iul ianrares, rnderploret ion of i rs possrb i |nes. \ Is . O. t r r i i rsr h. rd rn. r r f i ru lor t rcryrnsctos ' : r rd the couch, rhoush shc qurck ly shi f rcd inro embrrc ing i rs pote r ia l . Sbc{rs in i i i l lh s t . r r t led br i ts presence, savrng that she ieh d isor iented br that.ouch. ' l ' � rcv iousl ,v consistent in $here sbe sat , shc wavcrcd bcnveer s i t t ing onrhc couch, rs she hrd on the o ld sofa, and s i t t ing in rhc chi ' r . She found i rrJ i i l icu I t to com prehend her rerct iors because her anxieo.epfcared ro her rs ourof prrportion to the change. \\'hen I urrndcrcd al(rd (, hcr la she \,lls possiblvafrard $at I mighr a lso change in wars that fc l t sr rangc erd unrnlc ipr ted. shecalDrcd dour co.s ider ib l r . rnd soon exprcssed intercsr in h rns doNn.

Decid i rgtot r r i r . shcsubsequent ly remrrked that . rhhough shedid nrssscci rgmy hce, she fe l t nrrc medi tar ive.rnd dream l ike whi le ly t r rs therc. Shr bec.nrcenrhusi . ts t icabout lvrngonlhccouch aDdconrmented th. r t i tnos srerr rcd st rangcth. r t she had cver misscd rhc o ld s , f i . She sr id , l could or l r sct rhrr o ld sofaIor how wc wcre togethea rnd I rhought I was bs ing rh. r r . Bur rhc couch rs.r new opportunrrvi nurhc a war ro gnnv into sonething I hrdni imaginccl,sonreth i rg. rbout ho$ l rc lare ro Dr! uncursc lors ' . She seemed s i l l ins to acccptthe d i f fererce bec.rusr i t garc hcr hopc thet shr could lerm.r id d iscoler nr$pr rts of hcrself as a resulr oi r .rginarion anl fantasr,. And indeed. thrs occurredas Ms. O. lrcanre .*rrre of .r nruch y-ounger pan oi hcfselt rhar shc refetred roas thc s i lcr t yourg one . She thoughr that th is pan o i hcr was rounger rhrnfnc, end thar i r represented r p. r in fu l r inrc m hcr l i fe rvhcn shc hrd fe l r thatrhc onlv rv . rv to deiend rg. lust her r l r l l rhr r 's overwheln ing inr .us i rcness wls ro$ ' i thdmrv in to sr lence. I e \ . r (ounter t r rns lcrcnec rcacrrn consisr ing ofr hcs i t ron to sperk rs I thousht rh. r t I woulc l inrcrrupt hef t lo$ o i .ssoci r r ionsi f I ivcrc not c . r re iLr l . I * ondered i i . r r rspcr t of her in t rus i r r morhcr hrd beerpnr jcctec l in to m.. \ ls- O- Norned, houever, that her scnst of nr hc ing lcssint€r . rc t ivc whcn she hr oD rhe cou.h wrs I reminder o i iee l ins. rb. rndoned brher f r thel rho hrd sc.ncd i ( , embodv marcrnr l c . r r ing. )et he vuld leavclor k ,ng hourr r t r<, r [ . r reanrng rhr t shc l , , rs $en le i t . r lone u i th her nr i , therI r ing on the coueh t 'cr rnre r rehic lc nrr Nls. O. to i i rd I ro ice. quiet r rc ln,ourr ) tu l , lor her ur l i l i ie crpcr icnccs ur th rn unc.r r ln i t . nr . r lero lent rnorhcrrnd r r lor i Is f r thcr r hosc ibscn.cs ha. l dc l ivcfcd her eren more i r ro her r r rotbcr 's

Up nnJ lou'/' t'ith odc.i:n,1

l \ l r . 8 . , t r g . r r - nun, bourrerL l onto thc cou.h rnLl c \ .h inrcd. ^- ice couchlSo, !o l | ' r { goi fg t l ie ( r rd i t i lD.r l shr i r rk routc, ch?. l )csPrc h i r o lenl r upl t r rrcmrrLs, Mr. B. nr . r lnr . r ioed .n urrdcr l r ing az nulzrr r rhour thc 'nev couch.l lc runr in. ted orr r thr .hoicc o i *he$cr to l ic doivn or ro rcm.rr r r f r r i rg . Vt

were mccting nultipleto ln.orPorare rhe cousessbn lving down, thonenrar ion. his anbivsexual impl'carions of tdcsoibed hi! resisr:nc,

-U. B. subsequcnrlyol rhc arivrl of the cor

I n or the t,p floorofa c$5. soneonc is rhensensors ror saferq I fi.rther ' t l bc o i ur . I ree.I ll So \yrlk s'irh him ir

As hc associated to the rcloselr ar rhe couch: 'l

astonished ro find him!couch: 'h\ like a Newreplr rhrr I uonderedi frvith mc: he could bc pJenough to turn rhat thrbasis that I had int rodurthc.c Nrs i third possitrnc anr l f r rc Process! asroom in the drcam.

As se drscusred histhc couch: that rs he as' ta lk ing g ibbcr ish i ikeththe gooh gu!, and he theren for par ts ofh im th:thoughr rhar rhe good va nes pcrspective on orhorv he vished to let hiwas irnpoxible wuh hirmen. In nr_\' counrertranhow riskv rhis situatiorin t imacr and rhe fear oI

Other par ienrs had a rexpressed as anger, parroom's contents (includi

Page 11: Article JAP

Robed F. Tyninski

rio6ity, playtul fantasies, andd ^n ambhnlent rcswnsesbracing its porential. SheAt 'felt disorienred by that|.nvcled between sining ong h the chair. She found itaiety apFared to her as outud to her if she was possiblyqe and unanticipared, sher.3t in lying down.rdtbough she did niss seeingrbile lying there. She becamed that it now seemed strangecould only see that old sofaxing that. But rhe couch isoething I hadnt imagined,ibc sremed willing ro acceptuld leam and discover newry. And indeed, rhis rxcurredf hcrself that she refered toc of her was 'younger thanlife when she had feh that

clrning intrusiveness was roelence reaction consisring oflpt her flow of associarions! intrusive mother had beenher s€nse of my being less

tcr of feeling abandoned bycaring. Yet he would leaveleft alone with her find a voice, quiet and

rcaring, malevolenr mothereven more into her mother's

The ueck tbe couch arrhed 6st

were meeting multipl€ times weekly, and he opted ro rry varying compromis€sto incorporate the couch into our work: halfa session lying, half upright; or asession lying down, the next sitting. Consistent with his extroverted sensationorientation, his ambivalence was enacted pradically and physically, and thesexual implications ofthe new posrure were easy for him to access. He accuratelydescribed his resistance to lying down as based on the feeling that it made us

Mr B. subsequently reponed a dream that he related to the effects on hinselfof the arival ofthe couch:

I'm on the top floor ofa three srorey boilding. There a.€windows all arou wilh soodviews. Som@neisrhefe as nypartner There's aday bed. Someone's insralli.s morion\eni.h for efen. I frnd rcme rh-ee dimenlon,l rr(h"rc'\ 'cale, for mear;inp. andthey'll be of us. I see a soofy guy across rhe strei ralkiins to hinself. I rhink maybeI'll so walk wirh him in rhe park.

d exclaimed, 'Ni€€ couch!Despite his openly upbeatt as abour the n€w or to r€main sittinS. we

As he associated to the dream, he identified me as rhe partner, and rhen he look€dclosely at the couch: 'I can't believe it - the day bed. it's this couch!, He wasastonished to find himself enacting the 'clich6' of dreaming about his analyst'scouch: 'It's like a Nera YorAer canoon about a oatient and his shrink'. I said inreply thar I wondered i t he mighr he conf l icted aboui ihe po<{br lr e. of inr imacywirh me he could be pleasantly surprised by the idea, but then atso threatenedenough to turn that thought into something canoonish and laughable, on thebasis that I had introduced an analytic stereotype into the office.I indicared rhatthere was a third possibility suggesred by his dream: a more enabling space forthe analytic process, as synbolized by the higher level ofthe open, comfonableroorn in the dream.

As we discussed his dream, Mr. B. discovered another worry he had aboutthe couch: that as he associated more freely while lying down, he might end uptalkingsibberish like the goofyguy'.I asked about Mr. B.'s going for a walk wirhthe goofy guy, and he thoughrtharthis was an expression ofsympathn possiblyeven for parts ofhim rhatcould seem less coherent,l€ss well put togethe.. Mr. B.thought that the good views ofhis dream meant thatthe couch coDld offer hima new perspectiv€ on our work together, and he began to speak openly abouthow he wished to l€t himself feel closer to me, something that he had rhoughtwas impossible with his remote father and only very difficult now with othermen. In my countertransference I felt aftection for Mr 8., yet I also could sensehow risky this situation might feel to him. I was aware of both his wish forintimacy and the fear of it, and the couch had become rhe ptace wherc we wereworking rhis out.

N o t u y

Other patienrs had a more orcrtly rciecring .esqse to the couch that wasexpressed as angeq particularly over their loss of conrrol of the consultingrooml conrenis lincluding me), as though the new couch impinged upon a need

Page 12: Article JAP

Robert F. TYmitlski The ueel

Symbolcan aplf€€lings

It seemswith the


the patft

The ointroducan emerl



This p'

The lyirin the t!surrendthis idc.

The dand oul

analytht h e n q

fePomland d&

On€ Ibeen sqthe co{

6 5 4

ro exoenence unchanging irabi l i rv in the ther ipeurr ' : sprce q here inrrrps)cht

"il::J$'"'ff;'.H.':I :i'",I.:,;*l ;::::,,::iHi.f:i ^,1r.';:::.;

t*"rn'h+'tf rilti:l:.Jr':.l lim r*: i,,"..t*lxi*[iii:f r'il'd:t*:tfi :iv,#;;',"'Hti:i:;r:ris*1ffif+iti"i fiu5$i.;g:i'"':"1, T, is';f '.T +'il. :.H ii:T,lillltii:L',rillil"\,;'il.'":l*1int''r:li"'l'.hr,,-trulji:r',*.i::il;!l;..oilLli';.,*'i'1,i'i;iii" ;::'l.l*"",1'i;t}:'*ffi $Jlt[iT:ifllr,li','Jililt]rif ,''r'i:]':iilil::,I,:l.inTru:";�, tl

-'.::ll*:J:ru;',:'-;;:'L'.TI J;3:'ff :;I"::;

il**'ttf*t**::."",,'"qh".":'j#?ifl*ti**x'rrfil";i'g.*::*;::::ll?J:tiil**:i-:ti""ff l$ff;:6:*i*t":q,4i", " llkHifi#;l':'#x'firpiiff l'#"fl*.fi fl $$i{r'tldir*:fril'":J"k;::i'fyfi:::',lii;.'J;l""i"ii ilTift ; ;.;.i." or -ea;.ar,,au^"u


:T:;-f Hl; l?$i'.TJ ::'ji?E*:1"i" :;:::ii*:';",":["'""T:::i"-"g .."." i. ''Sv-Uot" "nd th€ inrerpretarion of &eams '

Page 13: Article JAP

Robert F. Tltn;nski The week tbe coucb arriued 6 5 i

Lrtic space where intrapsychic

ears earlier alier a long seriesBordeq obi€cted immediately'the couch for rhe fir$ rime.ytt another burden had be€non the chrir, which she had

t usually deliberates carefullyrernarked that she appearedrt warning her of its arrival.: suspect rbar I had been bothumping into rhe chaiq I alsoI again to aniculate the waytn to how you nave come toit in to the room is upsettingCecision'. She listened, easedl, yes, that really threw me!'lid not fit her picture of herrutacked by the change, as if Iw our relationship should bected unilaterally and seemedBst the new ingredienr in thciive her psyche an honourcd

I se€thing resignation seemedfher experiences as the childom€ to view them as useless,Ier seeming defeat over theof this €xpectation with me.nxiety about the heat of herhe gave up on telling me herpist for a bit, and I sr.uggledd also felt negl€ltful for nots I reflected on our exchang€mpletely-surmised that Ms.the times sh€ had been lyinga s€ries of medical traumara

een that the couch is a symbolr95r, shonly before he died,

Svmbok,like dreams are prodocrs, bur th.y do nor oaur only in dreans. Thev. r n J p p c a r i n r n , n u m b e r o f p , y . h r m r n r f e , r a r r o n , , r h e r e r r e l m b o t r . r h o u q h r , a n : lr e f r , n t s \ . \ I m & r t ' c J L r r r a J \ i r u r ' , , n . . J n d r ' o f t e n t c , t , r \ r t n , . r o n t ) r t - e u n . ; n \ r o u .ou( Fven ,nan,nJre obte\ r \ se-e. on. ur inS in rhe r rngcmerr , , f ,1nb, , t i . panern,

0ung r96r, par. .480)

It seems clear rhar the arrival of a new couch inio my office .concurred,with thr rran' ferrnce rounrenran,feren.e panern.. which I hJ\ e dewrbed. Thepre\ence ol I he Louch \eem, 'o hr!e fr . r l i r l rd or eren ar.elerared rhe emeraenctlCambray zoo: r of more \ i !bte rrrn+eren( e rea.t ion. whi, h orheru i ,e i ighrhave remained obscured, dormant, or anticipatory. In other words, Ior each"oith€ patienrs I have described, and for me as well, the couch was a catatvst forour erpresson of ranou\ rruruder Jhour rhr rherapeurr. rejaronsho.

The couch i \ of couhe I hoJr) \ , tsnir ier . f rnatt \s r t ,et f . Hore"er. , , r hen Iinrrnduced a (ou.h inro m) . l ice. I f .und rhl rhe.ouch be.rme d rrue,vmbol-an emergenr symbol rhar c;raly,ed ne" {gnif icrnce\.

lung clearly thoughr that the deconsrucrion of rhe eeo as well as anrccompnnying regre., ion were analyr ic stapler regrrdles of rhe paI 'ent\pny\ lcrr to\rnrr. l

h ' \ commentary on the Ro:airn pirrurer rplate -r . Jung

l h i \ p N r u r e r - r . , { r e , p o r J , p t . h o t u g n / } r u a d a r t , r a r e o . J , o a e n . J r i o n . t h rde!ompos,r r 'n ot rh. e 'crenr . ind iLJ,e, d i \ !o . , r r ,on Jnd ,hc.o tJr ,e or rhr e\Anns

. . Th. c" l lap,e rnd dnorrenr ; r ion or , , r . . rorr rc , . mrr tast econ{dcrrb le nnr !nd i r i ' or re of r he ros dr f f r r uh r ran, i f ion, rhr andty{ hr . ro der lwith, demandins the sreatest parience, courase, and fai,t ." rt" p"n 6r a.a..

{Junts I q4b. pJrr . 476)

The cof f in- l 'ke b

h ,n rh i , p tare har a .hape nor unt i te rhat of an ; n , : tyr r . .out h.I ne r ) Ing down In_rh^ pLrure . ) mhot ize. rhe heal ing posvhi l r r re, of regrerr ronIn rhe lorm ol r J<l ,nrng or re. t in ,ng of ecrr . r rn esu arr i ruJer . t , , i , ; r , ,o rsunender of a kind of verricatity abour oneself in rhe world, and it seenrs rhatthis idea encompasses a core [uth aboutanalysis eitber in a chair or on a couch.

I he drnamr\m ot any \J mb. t depend\ upon , , \ caparrry to ref l<ct borh rnnerand oufer rer f re\ r r rhe same r ime. Jung wr i res. .A synhol do* aot dt ,guts?.i t tc .u.a l5 n t lme r i r r l . or igrnat . lung rc6r , prra. aSrr . { long rhe,e t rnes, . rndnat) rk conch.r , porenr iat l ) iu \ r ar reveal ing, ro borh pat ienr . rnd anr tyst . o fIne nrrure ot the anr t l r rc pro(($ r \ rhr dnaly\ r \ \ummer \aLrr ion r .ee In th i rconrextRossnert book entitled A,al/rr)! rhe frameoftbefi{ty minure,hour,. rhereponingofdre:ms. the u,e,or drr r ion nor to us. ) p\ ) .horropi . medr.arruns,and the attirudes toward the fees that we charee.

One mrghr argue rhat rhe a*o.r . r r ron of rh i .ou.h wrrh ps l .hoanatysrr ha.been so successfully apprehended by modern culture that ;ts semiotic referent,the couch, is now readily availa ble as a symbot deployed as part ofthe discourse

Page 14: Article JAP

Rabert E l rminskl The u,eek the couch t

I ' t twecn pat icnt : rd enr l t r ic therapist . Such rvr i lab i l i tv tor srmirc l ic d iscoursc

is qui tc ep.r r r f rom an\ I i rera l bencf i t or l imi ia t ion $c ure o i the couch br ings

ftr dre trcrtnrent proccss. ls a result. in nn)st caser' m) Fnerts 5r\r rnc coucn'

correcth deduced thar i t mcant vrncth ing about Ih i r I in teDdeJ rhei r thcrnP)

nr iehr te, a" , l then r tspondcd wr lh I faDtrs,v of shet i t r ign i f ied rbout our

- if'"". a*-lr'-r thrcc such respoDses thet rverc repearcd hv rrrn-v of rnv

r l Those pxt ie l r ts rvho mrni fesr td an cmbracng 'esporsr serc ' I thu lk '

sienallngto me thcir readiness for mergcr 'r n d ro'ir'"'o Grcerirg the couch

" ' l ' r le ; i ' " " r or " . . rc i . ing thei r opi r )n for increasccl in turac l ancl hold ing

wi th in orr rc l . r t ( )nshiP.:) The anbiv.rlenr rtsponse represented I mi\ture oi gnon t' rnd resentntnt

torv.rrd the .rnelrtic procex nself' rvhich is root'd in r 'hallengnlg dvnamrc

of reercssion " .a f ' " . ' t ' 'g . lhe couch rvas r iewtd rs 'onrbnr i rg potrnr i r l

r tcre looment rvr th ercate i vu lnerrb i l i tv lhe ' rmbir ' r lent responsc conveved

u, ,u. i f ' . t t f , . p"r i . * i . twareness of the bcnef i ts to bc gained b1 us ing thc

couch ha<t to be measured.rgainst sorne calcLr lat i rn ot rhe emot ional costs

11 : lhe

rc iect ing rcsporor rppcared to erprcss a pr im'r l fc i r o i the pt r r icnt th i t' '

t l 'e . " ,ch *s. r " *por rhxt I Nas us ing to ' r t tac l h im/her ' l he re! ' t ion sas

in rnsrr counter r t t . rck in tendcd to qut l l my ruron)nr ! rhat had d isrnptcd

the i l lus ion of thc p. r t rent s conrro l of the anal-v t ic procesr '

h e: rch of the thrce resp<)nses. rhc in t roduct( )n of rhc couch incrcascd mant lest

at i (nrs of the t r .n+;rence and countcnrrnsfcrencc ' which $erc generated bv

speci f ic i t r r ibut ions mrdc rbout thc ro le of the couch for c"h p ' t renr \

theraneut ic r t l r l ionshiP.The pe*on.rl dctclnrnants rhat se€m signific'nt in the decision io usc or not

to use a .ouch includc, personrl experienccs on and off rhe couchi trPologicll

f:rctors: helief in the holding c.rpacitv of the couch for regressive slrrki and '

..nviciu,n th.t it creetes opporrunities for psvchologicrl growth lhe crDch

, , r e n e d r L e r h i r . r r e r r r r . \ t . , \ f r o ' m e l ' \ c i \ i n c m e l r r m r $ r i r r o - ^ r e r R f r

. i p , . * . o * , ' f r r ' . r n r u r l i , n ! r n L r l e e l r - g ' i n r 1 ' r ' r n r l r t r c n ' u u " r r r ' I e r h r p '

-'l l.*l,lnu rt .t th. *. of the couch would frce me to be nrre full-r' rnvsell is

wiry I boughr rt. I realize rhar this slatemcnt would nor b€ truc for orhcrs' and it

ccrtllnlv is rot bv ;tsclf a cornpelling reason to buv or use thc couch in iD.rlvtic

*o.t . i",. n an.. lap ,o underscore thet thc use of the couch is verv persor:l'

"',a ,f'"..'"." a-t*i '.ould hare .rn interesting storu to tell ahout rvhv he or

she <tccided to have. or not to ha!e' ' couch in rhc ofii'e

It rrrisht be a lvorrh(hrle project to gather more ofthese slorres io try r() exlract

. , , n r - o r r n r r . o n r l r . i \ r ' r \ r r ^ m r h e n r I n r t m i ! h r h ( l p e \ F l i t r r $ h r a t u l ! ' r ' I r

t o r , ' r i c r l n ' r r h e . , " n h . t h e . , ' m o r n ' o n o f r h ' 5 h " n r l n ' r r i e ' " i a n i l ) ' r \ t r . m

a;r r -o i i " . " t . " r i . . 'n , ' "uni t ies could a lso hc lp to pro! ide rnore deta i led i s ight

into whl rbe couch Ithe pcr$nal srories (of berng on the coucinal,rsis borh on and.rnd ianra,ics rre stimro frame this aspect ohelp to deepen an aplrhdr unfo ld i f and wh

t)$€henis dans,mpr i \ is ib lcs chez les timonons fi !ftirudes. (rmplicaron\ tour lc trco 'nbine.are.dcsv€cusd ..heri un diur pouct r .conre ce qn ' i l a (rr.tirc'nenrs dat, en ouplu5 h. rb i rL, . l le ! qui aptmonr.r\ lcs ririldonsreceoron dr l'hisroire cdar..nntrnts tler!)nnelsuril;.tion ou pas.onn,p.6farcnccs de l .nalysteir,nr un lgoifi.ri culrrrtereotvpcs connus, maidarehrpcmcnr du soi.

Vcr:indernngen in derih(Reaktiorcn der Paiientftir ihrcn cigcncn einzig:rers,e.en. \vcnn es sicIftpl,kInnrcn fiirdieBelder Parenten und Parierlve ih d€r (;qrrn!buralk .u i te e 'ne anrht ische (dicscr neuen cou(h in decher Bcisprcle be$hreibi2urn.klreisend, ambivalrund Fanhsien in bezugalBedeuNns Jer Couch ic.cirte.t. Persanliche DeCouch rls ein B*tandtPraifcrcnzen des Analril

Page 15: Article JAP

Roberr F. Tymqtki

railability for symbolic discoursertion the use of rhe couch bringsases, my parienrs saw rhe couch!,ur whar I inrended their therapy' of what it signified about our

were repeated by many of my

racing response were, I think,d.orirr.tto. Greeting rhe couch' increased intimacy and holding

ture of gratitude and resentmentrooted in a challenging dvnarnicviewed as combining poteDtial

e anbivalenr responsc conveycd:nefits to be gained by using thelculation of thc cmotional costs

a primal fear of the patient thatattack hitl/her Thc rracti{)n wasoy autonom,! that had disrupted

ofthe couch incrcased manifcst'rence, which werc gcneratcd blf the couch for cach paticncs

:ani in the d€cision ro use or notn and off the couch; typobgicalouch for regressive work; and a;ychological growth. The couchg m€ p€rmission to more treelythe analytic €ncounter. Perhaps:ee rne to be more fullv myself is,uld not betrue for others, and itbuy or use the couch in analyticrse of the couch is very personal,ng story to tell about lvhy he orthe offic€.

re of these stories to try to extractt help explain whv analysts arepersonal stories ofanalysts fromto provid€ more detailed ins;ght

The ucek tbe corcb arrh'ed 6 s z

inro why the couch has enduled. It migh( be p.rricularly interesting ro knowthe personal stories of pari€nts whose rrearmenrs seerncd to lounder becauseof beins on the couch. Likewisc, personal stories of those who have been inanalysis borh on and off rhe couch mishr assisr in undcrstanding which .rffectsand lantasics rre sdmulated or inhibitcd by horv a therapist or analyst choosesto lrame this aspect of the analytic rclarionship. All o{ the ibove inquirjes marhelp to deepen an appreci:tion of the changes fo. borh patients and rherapisrstbat unfold i f and vhen the couch actual ly arrrvrs.


Dcs ch.nsedenis dans lc licu de la thlrapre peurenr susciter des raacrions inrcnses etimpralisibles chcz les paricnrs, ch.cun d'eux arcc lcure propres pensaes, frnrasmes,€morions et atrnudes. Quand lc chinsement est tris sp6cifique, et lo6qu'il porte dcsimplicarnlns pour Ie tari€nent lui mCmc, les rC.ciions de ces parienis peuvenr rconbinerave( des vicus plus profonds du ransfc.r ainsique du ..ntretransfcrr. l. duteu.a acher6 trr di!.n pour son cabiner lo.squ'il a comnrenc6 sa fornation analyrique,et..conte ce qurl a observi des effets lusre de la prisence de ce div,n d.ns lesIr!,tcmeors dejii en .ours. A pdrr; d exenples cliniqucs il dicrit les iiois riacrions lesplur h.bnuelles qni apparaissenr chez les p ,enrs: rejcr,.mbivdlen.€, !.loprn,n. Sonrmontics lcs ld.ianons iris richcs dars les idles er f.nrasnrcs rel.rifs au di'an. U.cre.enson dc lhistojre du divan d.ns les coniexid freudiens cr juryiens est faire. I_csd6ierminan6 pcBon.els qui p€nvent anrcner i la d6c,sxrn de considirer le diyan er sonutilis.ibn ou p.s comme parrie intasranre de l'analvse sont resrrd€s d! polnt de vue.lesp.6f6.eocesde I'an.lyste et dc sr propre exp€rience du divan. Le divan est dicrir comnBitant !n cukurel du p.oce$us analrtiqu€ se rappo.r.ri lon seulemen! auxee.eolvpcs cotrnus, nai aussi,i la d6rcnre et li ci.arris.tion fsychologlque,insi qu'au.lavek'rpemcnr du soi.

Ver:!nderunsen in dc.rherapeutis.hen timscbung kain0en inrensive und unvorhe.sehbareRedktionen der Plrienrcn und Paiientinnen{en. die auf das ncue [lementm'r ihrcn eigenen einzis.rtiscn Ceddnken, F.nbsi€n, Emorione. und Verhahen$veseoreasieren. v/cn. es si.h um eine schr spezifis.he Verandcruns hrndelt, die auchInplikrtioncn frjr d ie Behandluns an sich beioh.her,dann rerbindcn sich die Rerkthnender Pitienren und Parienrinneh mirtiefgehenden t.tahrunsen in dcr Uberfaguns ebensowie in der Ccgcnnberrngung. Der Au(r -.k Krndidat oder Anallriker n Ausb,ldunql . ,drr c ,n" rnr ! u . .he ( o, . h t , , r , .ae PrJyr . (nd bp^hJ. l - .de, q ic ! .h Jr BFJruruardiese. neuen c{ruch in den l.ufenden Behandlunscn aus$irkie und zeisrc. Anhand klinis.hcr B.ispiele besch.eibr cr die dreiam h:infilrr€n vo.kommenden lati€ntcnrcakrionen:^rdck$ ciscnd, .hbivalent und bceerstert annehmend- Dic schr unterschiedlichen Ideenond Fania\ie. in bezus aof die dn,lytische Couch werden berchriebcn und die historischcBcdeutunB dcr Couch in lieudianis.hen und tung,anischen Zusrnrmcdhnngen wnderct(crt. Pe6onliche Dcrcrmin.nten, die zu. Fnrscheidung kdnnren, ob eineCouch .ls ein Besrandrcil der Analysc benurzr Ni.d, Ne.den vonr Smndptrokt derl rJ fcn, . /pn dr AaJ \ r \cr . r .1d Je, . ,c . r .n I r f rhrunS m,r J , I r . , r , , t - ! r - rhrer . Dx

Page 16: Article JAP

6 j E Kobeft t. tJmtnsRl The ueeh the coud, afti&l

Couch wird als sisnifikanr des analvtischen Prozesses

B€d.'rrunten sich nicht nur auf v.n.aure stereorvPen

Dsvchi$he Heiluns aod SelbsNeMirklichuns.

diskuden, in dem kulturelleb.ziehen, $nde.n auch aul

Fo.dham. M. lreTE). l.ryi'/tChichesrff & Ns York: Jobr

Freud, S. (rerl). 'On b€ginning- lreto). Ciuilitltiol and i4Goldb3rrer , M. ( r99t) . .Thc

Psy.hoa ha Iy I i. Qundlh 4Crot5r€in. J. S. (r9er). 'A dr..

Inqunr, t j, 196-1ot.Jacobson, J. c. t r ee r ).

'Th. .!dIn4uiry. I j,, to4-r1.

Jing, C. G. I teo6 19$1. Fh.d- ( r ra6).

'Psycholog,, of rh. l-(re6rl. Symbolr and rh. ir- \ t96 t). Mdon6 Dt ,,ttt )

- lr979l.,Geldal t'td.t to aLangit, R- | | 97 jl. The\i4|.

C-n.a. t, T h e o I e t kataatThmpist t I edEn i6.lW.

ticht flb..8, J. D. lreerl.'Foqend wirhout rhe couch'. Prrd

Lipron, S. D. (re77). 'Thc rdvsthe' . lstdtutional h

Moranis, c. ( r ee r ). 'Th. colrf, |

Ogdm, T. H. (1996). 'Rccool

I"tdatr',ul Jourial of Ptrd,Rossner, J. (re8l).,4!s6t. NcwSchnirzler, A. lteg9l. Fo// la,

Fftt rror). T.ans. C.R. M|l.lLSchnittcr, A. (re22, ori8. rgot)

Shamdasani, S. (Ed.) (rr95).! Mi.hael Fonfhanl.It oJ

- lz@jl. luae aid the MtlCambridSe Camb.idsc Univ.r

SieSelmad, E. Y (r eeo).

Thonpsotr, M. c. (r994). Tr, tiR"dl. New Yo.k: N* York Ul

Iqolf, f,. s. ( r 9r r ). 'Brief not6 orl


Th. author exrends speial thrdearli.r drafts of this papei

lMrft$ r&!iv.d .lune [email protected]

Cambirmenti nell'a mbient. terap€uri.o Possono eli.itare rsposte inrcnse € imp'evcdibili

dr Dane dei prlrntr, (he @si*ono rllora ir nuuvr elemrnl ton ' p'oPri prN'nrli

*".'*,'- r,.,'". ".,.."r e 'o-p,,nr-.nn Quando rlc:mbrrmenro e moho specifn"

e ouando c"nporta implicazioni Per il totiamento s(esso, le risposre di questi Paz'ennp*s,rnn unl.ti inrotn" " esPericnz. pin P.ofonde del $ansfert o del cont'ot'ansfe'r'

i.'a,'t,".. qu,"d" "ra c"ndidato e enalista in trainins, acquisrd un lerrino anal'tico per

il suo stuiio e osso,; lo sYiluppo di ci6 che questo nuovo lcnino sisrifica!' P€r '

.rinamfnd in cors. Usando esmPi clinici, esli de$rNe le t'e '6poste Pii comuo' de'

pazienti: rifiuro, ambivJeua e acccnazione. V.nsono de$rine le ida e lefant'sie rilthc

li varia,ioni .elative al leirino analii.o e viene rivista la storia del le ino neiconresti(.eudianie iunghiani. Determinanti p€rsodali che Potrebbe ponare alla decisione* usare

".i.tti"....i p*t" adt "nalisi ven6ono considerate dal punto divkra delh prefer'nre

dell analista e della sua pcrsonalc esFricu dellcttino.ll lertinovi'ne di$uso in quanto

sienifican.e cukurale d.l Proc6so .nalnico! che incorpora resre$ion', 'ilassamenro ' il

r;linare de8li esoici Pre.cdetrremente fiss,ti

Los cambios ed el entorno rerap6urico Puede' dcs'ubrn resPucstas imP'eds'bles etr

lc Daci.ntes. ellos reaccionan a lo nuevos elcnentos con P€ns'mcoros' iaDta'as'

emciong y conducrrs, .s.os $n Propios e idividuales Cuando cl canbio es muv

especifico, y cuando connor. inplicaciones Pa.a el ffaramiento en ti mismo' las resPuestas

de etos pacienrc puedo estuaurarse ahededor de experiencias aun mas P'ofundrs

de la rranderencia y asi como en la conttauansferencia El autor' como andidaro o

analnr. en enrremnrnro, comPr6 un divttr analirico para su oficinav obso6 lo quc

esiedivin sisnific6 para kBtrarmienros.xistntes Medi'nreel u$ d' eiemPlosclini'os'

desnbe las r€sPuestas que curcn con mavor frecuencia: Rshazo' ambivalencia'

v .omororns.'. se deserrbe la riqursrma vrnedrd de rdcds , rrntatJt en rela\i'n (un (l

i l , ' , " , 'v * * ' - r " r ' i ' - * del r l * rnen e lconrerrof rcuJrrnov lunBu' 'no seconsidrran

los deterrninantes pesonales en la dccisi6tr para usar el div:n como pa'te del analisis

,iesde cl plunto de 'istr dc las pref.rencias d.l an.lisra v la expe'ien'ia per$nal con el

divin. Se di$ute eldivin como sisnific.nte del prGeso af,'liticoque incorPort

a la respuesra resresiva ) la delinaci6n de las ataduras del ego fiiadas p'eviamente


Berbc,l. tr99rl.lttag,ry,' D.pll Ncw Yo.k: Fromm Intem'nonal PublishinS---'ii."'i rr" --* ,ir loania clersrrl approrch tn rhe cadbldqc cmpanba

r" /;';, ed'. P louns-Fl'endrath & T D;son cambridge crmhndse Unrvrritv

umbrav. I. rroo:,. Svnchronicirv rnd emr'8mcr'. Ade|@n ImaP, \e' 4oe t4'

l-Jf'.'i, i. . r ' jr z+ r' j *g\ . on. iption ol rr nslcrene e' ln Atulv't Pdtent I ntdr'tion:' - c-it",ia ra*i." nin,q"., id. S Shamda'ani. l .ndon & New Yorl ' Rouded8e'

Page 17: Article JAP

161.s dislutien, ii d€m kufturellef.'?cn betehen, sond€rn auch auf

i ,t{€.risp6r€ inrens e impievedibili

lqvt e|emenn con I ProPfl personanib il canbianento i moho specificol;t se, le risposte di questi pazieniib &l uansfen o del conrotransferr.tiru, rcquistd M lettino analitico pe.p€lto nuovo lettino srSnificava per i

fFcriv.le tre risposre pin conuni dei

$lo d€scrine l€ ide e le fantasie ricche

[viata la storia del leaino nei conrestipgcbbe ponare alla deisione se usale

Ft &l pmro di visra delle prefe!€nzeliro. I lettino vien di$u$o in quantoiupora r€sre$ione, rila$amento e il

Robert E Tynhski

tscubrir respuestas impredecibles enmfios con p€nsamienros, fantasias,iridude. Cuando el cambio es muyr,:tami€nro a si mismo, las respuesrasr d. dpcriflcias aun mas profundasItrcria. El autor, como candidato oitico para su oficinay ob*n6 lo que. M.didte el Bo deejemplos clinicos,r fieumia: Reh,zo, ambivalenci.,lc id€6 y fdrasias ed relaci6n con elI Feudi{o y imsuido. s€!5ar €l divio como pane del adlisisrlista y la experiencia personal con eld dcl pro.eso analitico que incorpoiaifts del eso fiiadas previamente.

lonn Intemtional Publ;hing.!,fl|.'.hThe Canbt lse Cotupdniont C.fbridSe Camb.idse University

r\ baa;ar tnaso, sg, to,)'. ln Atubst- Pa ti ek t Inte/acti ok :ai. London & New York: Rordedse,

S.hnl t te f . Ar 'eca ' . t .w Ualot ptay, la Ro, . lp , aatot , t tcI r r tarozr . I r rn ' . ( .R. \4Lcl le i I yme. NH: smirh & Krru\ .

schnr . l r . . A ( lcr : ,o g. tcoa) .Thp Rna. l to th" Op"r . t tan.ron,

tordhrm. M. hns'ah P,r.hothnat y: A St*ly ia \aatrtLat ps\,holosy.chrh6rer & New york: iohn'wJe,

Freud, S. (rrrl). 'On besin;ins rhe datnenc. SE 12.- lrgJol. Ciuilizatioa ahd is .lis.ontents. SE z t.Goldbersa, M. (r99j). 'The couch as defen* and as porential for edacrmeni.^ Psy.hoaMlyt i Qaaterly, 6a, 2 J-42.Grot \ re,n, | \ . r rqet l . 'A reJsesnenr of rhecou(h In p{chornJt) i r . p , r .nodruryr .

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The aurhor exrends special rhanks ro Sam Naifeh and John Beebe who assisred w,rhea.lier drafrs of this paper

IMs fi^t ie.rived June zoo5i finalversion Aprit166l