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Windu Apriliana

English Language Education Department

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

University of Muhammadiyah Gresik

Abstrak: Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang pengembangan materi interaktif listening

menggunakan aplikasi Longtion Autorun untuk kelas 10 di SMA Muhammadiyah 8

Morowudi , Cerme. Sekolah ini dipilih karena sekolah tidak memiliki fasilitas untuk

mendukung kelas listening, seperti laboratorium bahasa Inggris, itu membuat guru sulit

untuk mengajar para siswa dan karena itu siswa mudah bosan dan kadang-kadang tidak

tertarik untuk bergabung dengan kelas listening.

Subjek di sini adalah siswa SMA kelas 10. Sebelum mengembangkan materi,

peneliti memberikan kuesioner untuk 36 siswa dan wawancara kepada satu guru bahasa

Inggris untuk mengumpulkan analisis kebutuhan. Dari kuesioner dan wawancara tersebut,

peneliti menemukan bahwa para siswa dan guru lebih memilih belajar bahasa Inggris

dengan menggunakan media interaktif, terutama dalam mempelajari subjek listening.

Selain itu, peneliti juga mengamati data dari buku pelajaran, silabus dan buku guru dari


Dalam studi ini, peneliti mengembangkan materi untuk siswa kelas 10 pada

semester pertama berdasarkan silabus dan analisis kebutuhan. Peneliti mengembangkan

materi menggunakan aplikasi Longtion Autorun. Aplikasi ini didesain dengan kombinasi

gambar, audio, video dan aplikasi Hot Potatoes. Dalam latihan-latihannya, peneliti

memberikan teka-teki silang, latihan mencocokkan, pilihan ganda dan mengisi. Di sini ,

para siswa juga dapat berlatih berbicara karena peneliti meminta siswa untuk menceritakan

ulang video yang telah diputar. Aplikasi ini dapat disalin dalam DVD dan USB stick dan

media yang digunakan adalah komputer atau laptop.

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Dalam kesimpulan siswa tertarik di media karena tampilan dilengkapi dengan

gambar, suara, video dan latihan yang menarik. Para siswa menikmati dan lebih termotivasi

dalam belajar bahasa Inggris daripada sebelum menggunakan media baru ini. Mereka

semua baik dalam mengoperasikan komputer dan bisa belajar materi mendengarkan dengan

baik. Berdasarkan informasi guru, nilai siswa meningkat secara signifikan setelah

menggunakan media tersebut dalam proses belajar mengajar.

Berdasarkan kesimpulan di atas, peneliti dapat memberikan beberapa rekomendasi

kepada guru bahwa produk ini dapat membantu dalam mengkombinasikan cara mengajar

bahasa Inggris. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya, produk ini dapat dikembangkan menjadi

penelitian tindakan kelas untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan produk dalam subjek

listening. Peneliti juga memberikan saran bagi pengguna, Anda harus berhati-hati dalam

merancang produk ini. Anda harus membuat draft di atas kertas Anda sebagai produk yang

Anda inginkan, Anda harus membuat catatan apa yang harus Anda lakukan, dan apa yang

harus Anda masukkan pada desain Anda . Hal ini dapat menghindari Anda dari kesalahan

dalam mendesain produk.

Kata kunci: Longtion Autorun, Interactive Listening Material

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Abstract: This study described about developing interactive listening material using

longtion autorun application for 10th grade at sma muhammadiyah 8 morowudi, Cerme.

This school is chosen because the school doesn’t have facility to support the listening

subject, like English laboratory, it makes the teacher difficult to teach the students and

because of that the students easy to get bored and sometimes do not interest in joining

listening class.

The subject here is the 10th grade students. Before developing the material, the

researcher gives questionnaire for 36 students and interview for one English teacher to

gather the need analysis. From those questionnaire and interview, the researcher found that

the students and the teacher prefer to choose learning English using interactive media,

especially in learning listening subject. Besides that, the researcher also observed the data

like course book, syllabus and teacher book from DIKNAS.

Here, the researcher develops the material for 10th grade students at the first

semester based on the syllabus and the need analysis. The researcher develops the material

using Longtion Autorun application. The application was design with combination of

picture, audio, video and hot potatoes application. In the exercise, the researcher put

crossword puzzle, matching exercise, multiple choices and fill in the blanks. Here, the

students can also practice speaking because the researcher asked the students to review the

movie that were played. This application can be copied in DVD and USB stick and the

media used is computer or laptop.

In conclusion the students were interested in the media because the display is

completed with picture, sound, video and interesting exercise. The students enjoyed and

were more motivated in learning English than before using this new media. They are all

good in operating the computer and could learn listening material well. Based on the

teacher information, the students score significantly increased after using the media.

Based on the conclusion, the researcher may give some recommendations to the

teacher that this product could help in combining the way of teaching English. For the next

researcher, this product can be developed into classroom action research to find out the

effects of implementing product in listening subject. The researcher also give suggestion

for the user, you should be careful in the designing of this product. You should make a draft

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on your paper as product as you want to be, you should make a note what should you do,

and what should you put on your design. It can avoid you from mistakes in designing the


Keywords: Longtion Autorun, Interactive Listening Material

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Listening subject is one of four skills in learning English at Senior High School.

English listening skill is a subject that explores our comprehension to get information,

especially in English, either directly through conversation or indirectly through media such

as songs or movies. In learning English, each learning activity should be done in

interestingly, so the students can have spirit and motivation in joining English class. But

learning English in Senior High School at this time is mostly focused on vocabulary,

grammar pattern and structure.

The basic problems encountered in teaching and learning listening is “the students

are rare in listening practice, learning media in listening subject has not been used

effectively by the teachers and learning techniques in listening subject are lack of variation

in which the processes of teaching and learning is only done by reading the text and the

students are asked to listen or hear”. It’s like what Yayat (2012) pointed out. He also said

that “teachers should implement more variations of teaching techniques and the use of

media. Therefore, the application of methods and media of learning by teachers is one way

to improve the learning process. To get this purpose, it needs a teaching method which can

motivate the students so that they could actively learn English by using learning media.”

Today, learning English at Senior High School is less attention so that listening subject

becomes less interactive in terms of delivering content learning materials.

From the analysis of the previous study by Zholikhah (2010) entitled “The

improvement of listening skill through CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning)

method at the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Babadan”, the researcher got an

information that the implementation of CALL method in teaching and learning process

gave satisfactory results in increasing students’ proficiency in listening subject.

In this modern era, teacher should know about technology because teaching will be

interesting if the teacher can use the variation in teaching and learning process. The suitable

media for learning in listening subject today is to use media-based technology information.

Nowadays is the era of information so that technology of information plays an important

role in the learning process. The good way of delivery listening material must be combined

with the maximum role of technology of information.

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The options of CALL media, which is suitable with the teaching and learning

process, especially in listening subject are Ulead, Movie Maker, HotPotatoes, Adobe

Auditon, Longtion Autorun. For those applications, the appropriate creative application in

listening subject is Longtion Autorun. It is suitable with the listening subject because we

can design the listening material by ourselves. If in the course book the material less of

interactive, we can add more content in this application so the listening material can be

more interactive and interesting to be learned by the students. Using Longtion Autorun

application, the materials that deliver to the students can be more interesting because we

can also add more applications in this Longtion Autorun. This program supports the

students not to study only in the class, but also out of the class in order they can be more

confident in learning listening.

The researcher has conducted the survey on Senior High School in Morowudi, SMA

Muhammadiyah 8 Morroudi, Cerme Gresik. The tenth grade students have been selected

and the researcher has also conducted some interviews with one of the English teachers

there, and has given questionnaire to the 36 students. There were some problems when the

teacher taught; the students were not too interested in studying the lesson.

The writer formulates a question in carrying out this study. The question was about

how to make interactive listeening material using Longtion Autorun application for the

tenth grade students at SMA Muhammadiyah 8 Morowudi.


The method was an important thing to conduct the research and also to answer

certain question. The research questions were explained in the introduction. The question

was about how to make interactive listening material using Longtion Autorun application

for the tenth grade students at SMA Muhammadiyah 8 Morowudi, based on the statement

the researcher case about the ways in developing material through Longtion Autorun

application. In this study the researcher uses research & development (R&D). For

developing the material, the researcher must pass some steps. There are many instructional

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development models. One of them is using ADDIE Model that stands for Analysis, Design,

Development, Implementation, and Evaluation.

To gather the need analysis, the researcher did an analysis by interviewing the

teacher to investigate the needs of the students of SMA Muhammadiyah 8 Morowudi,

Cerme. The researcher did the interview with the English teacher. The next step is giving

the questionnaire to the students of 7th grade of junior high school.

In designing the product the researcher tries to develop the materials using KTSP

curriculum and based on the syllabus that composed by the researcher. It focused on

listening skill. After get the needs the researcher develop it into Longtion Autorun

application. In evaluating the product, the researcher use two expert validation of this

product; first expert validator checked the development of Longtion Autorun application

and second expert validator checked the development of listening material of 10th grade

senior high school.



The researcher tries out to students to know the level of success of the product. This

test conducted in the class and the researcher facilitate some laptops to used by the

studemts because in their computer laboratory, they do not have speaker to play the sound.

Try out is conduct by the researcher for students in10th grade in SMA Muhammadiyah 8

Morowudi, Cerme. The researcher deliver English subject by using Longtion Autorun

application, the researcher design listening material in based on the syllabus and the

learning need.

The researcher developed the material in first semester and consists of 13 topics

there are greetings and partings, introducing, making invitation, accepting the invitation and

declining the invitation, making an appointment, accepting an appointment, cancelling an

appointment, showing happiness, giving attention and showing affection, giving

instructions, short functional text; announcement, advertisement, invitation and letter, and

also monologue text; recount, narrative, procedure. In the material there are practice

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activity and exercise.

Kinds of activities are; first, the introduction of the material based on the topic

which was completed with text, sound and video, the students can listen and watch

carefully to the sound and video, so they can practice to listen and practice to speech the

material like the example. Here, the students can listen more than once because they can

repeat again if they still do not understand with the sound. After that, the students can start

to do the exercise. In the exercise, there are several types of exercise; crossword puzzle,

multiple choices, fills in the blank, matching exercises, and retells the story. All the

exercises supported with Hot Potatoes, except retell the story (using video), but the display

still in the form of Longtion Autorun application. Hot Potatoes is one of the application of

CALL. We can make exercise for the students from this application. All of the exercises

here, some clue was given using sound and some others using video. The researcher takes

the sound from Google Translate then developed it on the Adobe Audition. Adobe Audition

is the application to edit sound. For the video, the researcher find it on the,

we can look for a video that we want to find. Here, the product was from the in offline that

would make the students easier to do without internet connection.

Activities of pre-teaching here is introduced the topic which were completed with

the sound how the way to pronounce. In 1st semester has 13 topics, there are: greetings and

partings, introducing, making invitation, accepting the invitation and declining the

invitation, making an appointment, accepting an appointment, cancelling an appointment,

showing happiness, giving attention and showing affection, giving instructions, short

functional text; announcement, advertisement and invitation, and monologue text; recount,

narrative, procedure. In the main-teaching, the researcher gives some exercise to develop

their knowledge more. The exercise appropriated with the topic. The last is post-teaching;

an activity in post teaching is reviewing the lessons that have been taught. Here, before the

teacher end the lesson, the teacher always asked to the students what material that have

been taught by teacher.

After developing the product, the researcher tried it out to eleven students of 10th

grade in SMA Muhammadiyah 8 Morowudi, Cerme randomly. The researcher took 30%

students from total of the students as the sample. In this case, the students operated the

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media by him/ herself because the researcher facilitated laptop for the students. Here, the

researcher did limitation try out because the time did not support to tried out the product as

a whole. At that time, the students was take the final exam and then they got a long holiday.

After the researcher tried out the product, she had ready to gave questionnaire to the

eleven students. The researcher wanted to know about their comments of the product.

Researcher gave 5 questions on the questionnaire after the tryout. The questions were about

excited and interested with the products, terms of colors, images and models of the practice

and exercise, their comment about the clearness of the sound and difficulties to operate the

media. All of them said that they were very happy, for the appearance they also interesting

with the design, for the exercise some students were very interesting with the exercise but

some other still confused because this is something new for them, and to operate the

computer, and they are all good in operating the computer.


The researcher developed the materials that available in first semester, based on

syllabus the researcher divided the material become 3 parts. Chapter one consisted of

Greetings & Partings, Introducing, Inviting, Appointment, chapter two consisted of

Showing Happiness, Showing Affection, Giving Instructions, Announcement,

Advertisement and chapter three consisted of Showing Happiness, Showing Affection,

Giving Instructions, Announcement, Advertisement . The researcher downloaded the

material from the network that related to each topic. For the sounds, the researcher make

and downloaded it from Googletranslate, for the videos the researcher downloaded from and for the picture the researcher downloaded from This product

can used in everywhere because it was portable, it can be copied in CD or USB stick. The

teacher or the students only need laptop and speaker to used his product.

In developing the material the researcher use two expert of validations who checked

the project was ready to be released or not and there must be revision. There were two

expert validation of this product; first expert validator checked the development of

Longtion Autorun application and second expert validator checked the development of

listening material of 10th grade senior high school.

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As it mentioned in method, the researcher took Miss. Dian Kurnia Oktaviani S.Pd

as the expert validator of development Autoplay. She is a lecturer of CALL in University of

Muhammadiyah Gresik; she is teaching of CALL 1 and CALL 2 of D1 computer, she has

experience in using Longtion Autorun application, hot potatoes and adobe audition. The

second expert validator is Mrs. Ana Abidin, S.Pd as the expert validator for development

listening material of this product. She is English teacher of SMA Muhammadiyah 8

Morowudi, Cerme, she is the correct validator to check the material for students. She

knows the background of students, is the material too difficult to students to understand or


The result shows that the researcher should change the front’s color because it does

not contrast with the background page. Then, corrected some grammatical error on this

product. The researcher should develop this material deeper than before. And the last, the

researcher needs to revise the subtitle page. The researcher would revise the material as

suggested from the expert validator.


The result of this development was Logtion Autorun. The researcher has passed some steps

in developing interactive listening material; Need Analysis, Design, Development, Expert

Validation, Revision, Try Out, and Final Product. The result of need analysis shows that

actually majority of the students have good enough ability in listening skill. They were also

interested in joining listening class but sometimes they were become less in concentration

when the media was not interesting and the material was difficult to understood. They were

usually listen to the English music and watched the English movie to improve their

listening skill. They liked audio-visual and game in learning English. They usually used

computer and network as the media in learning English. They were prefered to choose

using learning media that can guide them to learn listening and speaking at the same time.

Based on the result of need analysis above, the researcher began to develop the

product. The researcher also look at the syllabus as the guide in developed the product.

Because the students like audio-visual and game in learning English, especially in listening,

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so the researcher made the product by the combination of pictures, sounds, movies and

games. The games was covering crossword puzzle exercise, matching sounds exercise, fill

in the blanks exercise and jumble sentence exercise. The researcher divided the material

become 3 parts, chapter one consisted of Greetings & Partings, Introducing, Inviting,

Appointment, chapter two consisted of Showing Happiness, Showing Affection, Giving

Instructions, Announcement, Advertisement and chapter three consisted of Showing

Happiness, Showing Affection, Giving Instructions, Announcement, Advertisement . The

researcher downloaded the material from the network that related to each topic. For the

sounds, the researcher make and downloaded it from Googletranslate, for the videos the

researcher downloaded from and for the picture the researcher downloaded

from This product can used in everywhere because it was portable, it can be

copied in CD or USB stick. The teacher or the students only need laptop and speaker to

used his product.

Next step was expert validation. There were four components which were used for

evaluation; attractiveness, mechanics, content, and originality. The result shows that the

researcher should change the front’s color because it does not contrast with the background

page. Then, corrected some grammatical error on this product. The researcher should

develop this material deeper than before. And the last, the researcher needs to revise the

subtitle page.

Then, the researcher has to try out the product to students of the 10th grade of SMA

Muhammadiyah 8 Morowudi, Cerme, Gresik. The result shows that they were very happy,

for the appearance, they were also interesting with the design, for the exercise some

students were very interesting with the exercise. But some other still confused because this

is something new for them, and to operate the computer, they're good in operating the

computer. Based on the teacher information, the students score significantly increased after

using this media. It is indicated that the product is good and appropriate used to the


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Finally, I would like to acknowledgment my deepest gratitude to my advisors Dr,

Khoirul Anwar, M. Pd and Candra Hadi Asmara, M. Pd for their assistance, patience,

guidance, suggestion and motivations in the writing of this thesis, so based on my thesis, I

could make this article more insightful.


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