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  • 7/23/2019 art%3A10.1023%2FB%3AINTS.0000042339.92990.4c


    INTERFACE SCIENCE 12, 411421, 2004

    c 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands.

    The Interfacial Transition Zone (ITZ) Between Cement Paste and Aggregate

    in Concrete


    Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland

    [email protected]

    ALISON K. CRUMBIELyon, France


    Dansk Beton Technik, Denmark

    Abstract. This paper describes the so called interfacial transition zoneITZin concrete. This is the region of

    the cement paste around the aggregate particles, which is perturbed by the presence of the aggregate. Its origin lies

    in the packing of the cement grains against the much larger aggregate, which leads to a local increase in porosity

    and predominance of smaller cement particles in this region. The ITZ is region of gradual transition and is highly

    heterogeneous, nevertheless the average microstructural features may be measured by analysis of a large numbers

    of backscattered electron images of polished concrete samples. Such measurements show that the higher porositypresent initially is significantly diminished by the migration of ions during hydration.

    Keywords: cement, concrete, image analysis, scanning electron microscopy, porosity

    Introduction, Importance of the ITZ

    The interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between cement

    paste and aggregate is the most important interface

    in concrete. Concrete is often considered to be a two

    phase composite materialcement paste plus aggre-

    gates. However even in the most basic phenomena the

    critical role of the ITZ is clear. This is graphically illus-

    trated by comparison of the stress strain curves for ce-

    mentpaste, aggregatesand concrete under compression

    loading (Fig. 1). Individually cement paste and aggre-

    gates both show brittle elastic behaviour, that is to say,

    linear, reversible deformation up to a limit, followed by

    sudden failure. In contrast, concretethe composite

    materialshows significant quasi-ductile behaviour.

    The load bearing capacity continues to increase be-

    yond the linear elastic limit and there is a progressive

    To whom all correspondence should be addressed.

    decrease in load bearing capacity after the peak load.

    Such behaviour, which has important practical conse-

    quences, is due to the development of multiple micro-

    cracking predominantly in the ITZ. This well known

    behaviour leads to the common view of the ITZ as the

    weak link in concrete.

    TheoriginoftheITZliesinthesocalledwalleffectof packing of cement grains against the relatively flat

    aggregate surface (Fig. 2). This is directly responsible

    for the features of the ITZ, particularly its higher poros-

    ity. Due to the way it is formed the ITZ is not a definite

    zone, but a region oftransition. It effective thickness

    varies with the microstructural feature being studied

    and during the course of hydration. As cement is a

    particulate material, the details of this transition zone

    are different around each aggregate particle. The effect

    of the ITZ on mechanical properties has already been

    alluded to. The impact on transport properties is less

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    412 Scrivener, Crumbie and Laugesen

    Figure 1. Comparative stress strain curves for aggregate, paste and

    concrete, the quasi-brittle behaviour of concrete illustrates the im-

    portance of the ITZ on the macroscopic properties of concrete.

    straightforward, but nevertheless significant. Methods

    of modifying the ITZ are critical in the development

    of high performance concrete. The ITZ is also critical

    in determining the effective water to cement ratio of

    mortars and concretes.

    The aim of this article is to present the features that

    give rise to the formation of the ITZ and to discuss how

    Figure 2. Illustration of the wall effect. A flat solid object placed at random in an assembly of cement grains would cut through grains. As

    this is impossible the packing of grains is disrupted to give a zone of higher porosity and smaller grains in the zone close to the aggregate.

    this affects the properties of concrete. The Interfacial

    Transition Zone has already been the subject of threetechnical committees of RILEM, whichhave published

    state of the art reports [1, 2].

    The Origin of the ITZPacking of Cement Grains

    Against Aggregate

    Cement grains range in size from less than a micron to

    up to 100 microns. Aggregate particles are several or-

    ders of magnitude larger. This difference in size means

    that each aggregate particle is a mini wall which dis-

    rupts the packing of the cement grains, resulting in the

    wall effect as illustrated in Fig. 2. If a large objectwere placed in a random assembly of grains, it would

    cut through many grains. As this is physically impos-

    sible in the case of aggregate particles in cement paste,

    the normal packing of the grains is disrupted. The re-

    sult is that a zone closest to the aggregate contains pre-

    dominately small grains and has a significantly higher

    porosity, while larger grains are found further out.

    In concrete this means that the sizeof the ITZ is com-

    parable with the size of the cement grains. As packing

    is a random process, each individual region of ITZ will

    be differentthe ITZ is heterogeneous on the same

    scale as the cement grains, therefore the average ef-fects may not be immediately apparent in images of

    concrete microstructure, as for example Fig. 3. Most

    diagrams of the ITZ found in the literature do not give

    a correct idea of scale. As will be discussed there is no

    discrete boundary between the ITZ and the bulk paste.

    The changes are progressive and are most significant

    in the first 1520 m closest to the aggregate (white

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    Interfacial Transition Zone (ITZ) in Concrete 413

    Figure 3. Backscattered electron(BSE)image of concrete,aggregateon left. Thewhite linesindicates distancesof 20and 50m frominterface.

    lines marked on Fig. 3 are at approximately 20 and

    50m from the interface). Therefore in good quality

    concretes the ITZ is NOT apparent as distinct band of

    higher porosity in, for example, thin sections impreg-

    nated with florescent resin, by light microscopy.

    However, even in good quality concretes, it is quite

    usual to observe heterogeneities in the microstructure

    on a scale of several hundred microns. Figure 4, illus-

    trates sucha casewhere severalaggregatesare clustered

    together. In the oval labelled 1 the microstructure hasa significantly higher porosity. In the oval labelled 2

    there is a concentration of calcium hydroxide along the

    lower edgeof the aggregate, butsuchconcentrationsare

    not observed around all aggregates.

    The challengein characterising theITZ is to measure

    the average microstructure in real concretes. This can

    be done by backscattered electron (BSE) image analy-

    sis of polished sections of concrete [36]. Results ob-

    tained from this technique (mainly from the PhD thesis

    of Crumbie [6]) form the bulk of this paper. The ma-

    jor advantage of this technique is that the ITZ can be

    studied in context in normally prepared concretes. The

    disadvantages of the technique are that it is very time

    consuming and that observations are made on a two-

    dimensional sections through a three dimensional mi-

    crostructure. The sectioning effect means that the dis-

    tance measured on 2D sections are on average greater

    than the perpendicular distances in the 3D microstruc-

    ture, it hasbeen estimatedthat the average lengthening

    factor is around 1.2 [6]. The distances quoted here are

    the uncorrected distances measured on 2D sections.In the development of the BSE/image analysis tech-

    niques considerable work was done to establish the

    number of fields which needed to be measured to ob-

    tain representative results from a concrete. With im-

    age analysis, the compromise must always be made,

    between having the best resolution (highest magnifica-

    tion) to observe thefeaturesof interest,whilst analysing

    a large enough area to be statistically significant. Dif-

    ferentmagnifications, bandwidths and number of fields

    were studied in the PhD thesis of Crumbie [6]. As a re-

    sult of these investigations the fractions of anhydrous

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    414 Scrivener, Crumbie and Laugesen

    Figure 4. BSE image of concrete illustrating typical inhomogeneities. Several aggregate grains are clustered together resulting in the formationof a porous zone (1). Along the bottom of one aggregate there is a high concentration of calcium hydroxide (2).

    cement, calcium hydroxide, other hydration products

    and porosity were evaluated in 30 bands of about 3 m

    in width around aggregate in 100 randomly chosen im-

    ages for each concrete. Taking into account the spec-

    imen preparation, image acquisition and image analy-

    sis, several days were needed to analyse each concrete.

    Therefore, this is not a technique to be applied rou-

    tinely to concretes. However, the detailed study made

    by Crumbie allows the way in which the ITZ forms to

    be understood.

    The measured distribution of unhydrated cement in

    a standard concrete at a w/c = 0.4 at different ages are

    shown in Fig. 5. The earliest age at which it is practical

    to prepare a polished section is 1 day; by which time,

    considerable reaction of the cement has already taken

    place. However the original distribution can be back-

    calculated from the amount of unhydrated cement at

    one day and the amount of hydration products. This

    curve indicates that a deficit in anhydrous grains is only

    significant in a region of about 15 m adjacent to the

    aggregatesimilar to the size of the average cement


    As hydration continues, the more detailed effects of

    the disrupted packing on the grading of the cement

    particles becomes apparent. The small grains quickly

    hydrate completely, while the larger grains have a core

    of unhydrated cement. At any given time the thickness

    of each grain that has reacted will be the roughly the

    same, so the unhydrated fraction will be greater for

    larger grains. This explains the observation that, the

    width of the zone with a reduced amount of anhydrous

    material increases with age up to one year. At 1 year a

    reduction in the amount of anhydrous cement is appar-

    ent over a zone of more than 40 m.

    The secondary minimum at around 35 m, was

    found to occur in all the concretes measured. From

    this it is deduced that as smaller grains pack close

    to the interface, the region further out is depleted of

    small grains, so for the large grains remaining there

    is less reaction of anhydrous materials between 1 and

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    Interfacial Transition Zone (ITZ) in Concrete 415

    Figures 5 and 6. Distribution of unhydrated cement in concrete (w/c = 0.4) at various ages. From the way in which this changes during

    hydration, the effect of the aggregate on the grading of the cement grains in the ITZ can be deduced (Fig. 5). Schematic representation of grading

    of cement grains in ITZ (Fig. 6).

    28 days. These effects are shown schematically in

    Fig. 6.

    Given the relatively large zone in which the packingof the cement grains is disrupted by the aggregate par-

    ticles, it is debatable if the term bulk paste really has

    any meaning in concretefrom the surface area of the

    aggregate and the volume of paste it can be calculated

    that the average thickness of paste around aggregate

    particles is only of the order of 50 m and the typical

    maximum distance between aggregatesseen in sections

    of concrete is only a few hundred microns. However, as

    already indicated, and as will be discussed further, the

    most significant differences occur in a much narrower


    Effective Water to Cement Ratio of Concrete

    The measurements discussed above, show that thewall effect produced by the aggregate leads to a zone

    of the order of 15 m in width around each aggregate

    particle, in which there are less cement grains in the

    fresh state. This is equivalent to a zone of higher water

    to cement ratio. In a typical concrete some 2030% of

    the cement paste lies within 15 m of the aggregate.

    Therefore, a higher water to cement ratio in this zone,

    means that the water to cement ratio of the bulki.e.

    paste more than 15 m from the aggregate must be re-

    duced. For a concrete with an overall w/cratio of 0.4,

    the w/cratio of this bulk paste is only around 0.35.

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    416 Scrivener, Crumbie and Laugesen

    Figure 7. Fluorescent light micrographs of thin sections of mortars with the same water to cement ratio but different sand contents. At lower

    sand contents the lighter appearance of the paste indicates a higher water to cement ratio. The apparent water to cement ratio decreases with

    increasing sand content.

    The impact of aggregate content on theeffectivew/c

    ratio, can be seen more dramatically in Fig. 7, from

    work by Laugesen [7]. This shows a series of mortars

    all with the same w/c (0.45), but with different sand

    contents. The mortars are impregnated with fluorescent

    resin and thin sections prepared. The individual pores

    are not resolved, but the average luminosity of the hy-

    drated areas is proportional to the amount of resin they

    contain and so to their porosity.

    It can be seen that as the sand content increase, the

    paste areas become darker, indicating a lower porosity

    due to a lower effective w/c ratio in the bulk of these

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    Interfacial Transition Zone (ITZ) in Concrete 417

    paste areas. It is estimated that for a standard mortar

    the overall w/c of 0.45 gives an effective w/c in thebulk paste of 0.38.

    Distribution of Hydration Products in the ITZ

    The packing of the anhydrous cement grains is the

    origin of the ITZ, but its eventual structure is also

    determined by the way in which the hydration prod-

    ucts are deposited in this region. During hydration,

    the microstructural development of Portland cement is

    dominated by the formation of the two major hydrate

    phasescalcium silicate hydrate, C-S-H1 and calcium

    hydroxide, Ca(OH)2, CH1. After the first few seconds,

    the concentration of silicate in solution remains very

    low and consequently the C-S-H phase is mostly de-

    posited directly around the cement grains. In contrast

    the concentration of calcium in solution is much higher

    and calcium hydroxide is mainly deposited in the open

    pores. Furthermore, it has been suggested that silica

    inhibits the nucleation of calcium hydroxide, which

    favours the precipitation of this phase as far from the

    cement grains as possible. The resulting microstructure

    is shown schematically in Fig. 8.

    As explained above, the packing of cement grains

    leaves an initially more porous zone around the ag-gregate. This favours the deposition of more calcium

    Figure 8. Schematic representation of the microstructure of

    Portland cement pasteC-S-H product deposits around the ce-

    ment grains, while calcium hydroxide precipitates in the pore


    Figure 9. Average distribution of calcium hydroxide in the ITZ.

    hydroxide in this region as can be seen from the experi-

    mental results shown in Fig. 9. As the quantity of anhy-

    drous material in this region is low, most of this calcium

    hydroxide must form from calcium ions coming from

    the reaction of anhydrouscement outside theinterfacial

    region. From the calculated initial distribution of the

    anhydrous cement grains and the amount remaining at

    a given time the amount of calcium hydroxide, coming

    from the cement grains in each band can be calculated.

    By comparison with the actual amounts, the amount

    of excess or deficit, relative to the case of local depo-

    sition can be calculated. These calculated amounts are

    shownin Fig.10.From Figs. 9 and 10it can beseen that

    the zone of increased calcium hydroxide corresponds

    very closely to the zone which is deficit in anhydrous

    material on mixingi.e. has excess porosity. Most of

    the excess calcium hydroxide is precipitated in the first

    Figure 10. Redistribution of calcium hydroxide in the ITZthe

    area of excess is the % area above that which would have been

    formed from the local reaction of anhydrous material. This indicates

    that there hasbeen a netdiffusion of calcium andhydroxide ions into

    the 10 m closest to the aggregate.

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    418 Scrivener, Crumbie and Laugesen

    day, with a slight increase to 28 days, but negligible

    further increase to one year.Although it has been shown that the ITZ contains

    excess calcium hydroxide compared to the bulk, this

    amount in the ITZ is by no means a continuous layer

    around all aggregates, as Fig. 3 illustrates. Even in the

    3 m band closest to the aggregate the amount of cal-

    cium hydroxide is only on average around 13%i.e.

    about one eighth of the total volume. Higher excesses

    of calcium hydroxide may be seen locally as in Fig. 4.

    These heterogeneities are a normal feature of well for-

    mulated concrete. In poorly formulated concrete mi-

    crobleeding may occur and lead to the formation of

    lenses of water beneath aggregate particles which be-

    come filledwith calcium hydroxide.Such features werenot included in any of the measurements shown in this


    With the BSE imaging technique it is not possible to

    measure the orientation of the calcium hydroxide. Ear-

    lier work from the group at Toulouse University using

    X-ray diffraction and progressive polishing on model

    specimens, with cement paste cast against a single mas-

    sive aggregate indicated that there is a preferential ori-

    entation of Calcium hydroxide with thec-axis parallel

    to the aggregate surface [8].

    The distribution of C-S-H and its redistribution com-

    pared to formation solely from anhydrous material inthe immediate area is shown in Figs. 11 and 12. Despite

    the lower mobility of silica, there is still significant re-

    distribution of this product between the interfacial zone

    and the bulk during the first day. However, it is appar-

    ent that redistribution occurs at a more local scale

    material deposited in the first 5 m is compensated by

    a deficit in the next 10 (515) m. After the first day,

    there is little further change over 1 year. These obser-

    Figure 11. Average distribution of other hydration products, pre-

    dominantly C-S-H.

    Figure 12. Redistribution of C-S-H in ITZ (excess of C-S-H over

    that which would be formed by the local reaction of anhydrous ma-


    vation confirm the lower mobility of silica (needed to

    form C-S-H) compared to calcium.

    The other hydrate whose distribution in the ITZ has

    been studied is ettringite. Monteiro and Mehta [9] mea-

    sured an increase in ettringite in theITZ (usingin model

    specimens by the Toulouse XRD technique). The small

    crystals of ettringite cannot be easily resolved in BSE

    images, so it has not been possible to confirm this mea-

    surement in real concretes. The ions forming ettringite

    are highly mobile in cement pastes, as witnessed by

    the recrystallisation of ettringite into pores and voids

    in mature concretes. Therefore an increased concen-

    tration of this phase in the more porous ITZ would be


    Porosity in the ITZ

    Porosity is the volume not filled by cement grains or

    hydration products and therefore is the result of all the

    effects described above. The variation in distributions

    with age is shown in Fig. 13. The importance of hy-

    drate redistribution in modifying the excess porosity

    in the ITZ are clear. On mixing the porosity adjacentto the interface is some 40% higher than that in the

    bulk. After the first day this difference is reduced to

    only 1020 % and the gradient is less steep. At greater

    ages the porosity in the ITZ reduces by about the same

    amount as it is reduced in the bulk. As there is much

    less anhydrous material remaining in the ITZ, this re-

    duction must be attributed to the deposition of hydrates

    from the migration of ions from the reaction of cement

    further from the interface.

    These results of image analysis show how the over-

    all amount of porosity changes in the ITZ. This overall

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    Interfacial Transition Zone (ITZ) in Concrete 419

    Figure 13. Average porosity in ITZ at various ages.

    amount will be the major factor determining the me-

    chanical properties of this region. However, the trans-

    port properties will depend more on the connectivity

    of the porosity. It is not possible to obtain information

    about connectivity from a two-dimensional polished

    section of a three-dimensional structure. Nevertheless,some other work [10] gives some indication that the

    connectivity of the ITZ is increased. In this study, con-

    crete specimens were subject to mechanical testing.

    At various load levels the samples were intruded with

    Woods metal while under load and subsequently sec-

    tioned and polished. In the polished sections it was

    observed that the penetration of the Woods metal oc-

    curred preferentially around the aggregate particles,

    which suggests a higher connectivity of the porosity

    in the ITZ (Fig. 14). It must be borne in mind that the

    samples treated with Woods metal were dried prior

    to the experiment and heated to 80C to allow the in-

    trusion of the Woods metal. Although this treatmentcould have led to microcracking, linking pores which

    were not connected in the original state, such cracks

    were not seen.

    What Happens Right at the Interface

    We have seen that the ITZ arises from the packing of

    the anhydrous cement grains, which produces a region

    of high porosity in the first 1520 mm. However, the

    other feature of the ITZ is what happens right at the in-

    Figure 14. Concrete impregnated with Woods metal, which has

    penetrated better through the ITZ.

    terface. Early work on model systems [11] found that

    a film of calcium hydroxide frequently precipitated in

    this region. However, observations in real concretes

    and mortars indicate that there is more often the pre-

    cipitation of a thin layer of C-S-H directly at the in-

    terface [12]. As discussed above during the very early

    stages of hydration both calcium hydroxide and C-S-H

    form through solution, so the aggregate surface may

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    420 Scrivener, Crumbie and Laugesen

    act as a heterogeneous nucleation site for both phases.

    Siliceous rock types are essentially inert (leaving asidethe possibilities of alkali silica reaction on much longer

    time scales) and there is no chemical bonding at the in-

    terface. Calcareous aggregates may react very slightly

    leading to the formation of calcium alumino monocar-

    bonate in the ITZ.

    Modification of the ITZ

    Quantitative image analysis clearly shows that the ITZ

    is caused by the disruption of packing the anhydrous

    cement grains in this region. Thus the ITZ may be mod-

    ified by changing the particle size distribution of thecementitious materials. This is now done routinely by

    adding around 510% of silica fume, which consists

    of particles of amorphous silica ranging in size down

    to about 100 nm (0.1 m). This technology is used

    widely in the production of high strength concretes.

    Early work with the backscattered electron image anal-

    ysis techniqueby theauthor andBentur [4]showed how

    additions of silica fume densified the packing in the in-

    terfacial transition zone (Fig. 15). Even at 1 day the

    porosity in this region is much reduced.

    Consequences of the ITZ

    Despite theclear difference of theITZ from a bulk paste

    it is still very difficult to precisely quantify its effect.

    This is first because it is not a discrete zone but a re-

    Figure 15. Distribution of Porosity in the ITZ of concretes with

    and without silica fume. Adapted from [4].

    gion of gradually changing microstructure. Secondly,

    the preparation of model specimens in which the prop-erties of the ITZ can be measured separately tend to

    produce different ITZs from those in real concrete.

    As described in the introduction the impact of the

    ITZ on mechanical properties is not in doubt. Never-

    theless, evaluation of the mechanical properties of the

    ITZ from those of the overall concrete is an inverse

    problem. Monteiro has reviewed the possibilities for

    mechanical modelling [13] and recently published an

    analysis with Hashin [14] based on the generalised self

    consistent scheme in which the elastic modulus of the

    ITZ was estimated to be about 50% lower then the

    bulk paste.

    Theimpact of theITZ on Transport properties, whichdetermine durability, is more complex and has been

    well reviewed by Marchand and Delagrave [15]. Al-

    thoughthe higherporosity andprobablehigher connec-

    tivity of this porosity suggest that transport of species

    should be faster in the ITZ, this effect is counteracted

    by several other effects:

    The overall volume of the cement paste (the perme-

    able component of concrete) is reduced.

    The presence of aggregates increases the tortuousity

    of the path for transport.

    The porosity of the bulk paste is reduced comparedto a pure paste with the same overall w/cratio.

    Experimental studies (such as [16, 17]) in which the

    aggregate content has been varied keeping the water

    to cement ratio constant indicate that rates of trans-

    port are decreased as aggregate content increases, de-

    spite the increase in the amount of ITZ. This indicates

    that the effects of decreasing paste volume and tortu-

    ousity outweigh any effect of increased transport in the



    The ITZ is a zone oftransitionnot radically differ-

    ent to the rest of the cement paste and its effective

    width depends on the microstructural feature be-

    ing considered and the degree of reaction.

    Quantitative characterisationof the interfacial transi-

    tion zone (ITZ) between aggregate and cement paste

    in concrete, confirms that it arises due to the packing

    of cement grains against the larger aggregate par-

    ticles. This initial packing leads to a more porous

    zone some 15 to 20 m in width. The deposition of

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    Interfacial Transition Zone (ITZ) in Concrete 421

    hydration products, especially calcium hydroxide

    tends to fill this zone, but even in mature pastes theITZ still has a significantly higher porosity.

    Because of the packing effect extra water is incor-

    porated in the ITZ and the effective water to cement

    ratio of the bulk paste in reduced by around 0.05.

    The most effective way to modify the ITZ is to add

    a proportion of fine particles, such as silica fume,

    which can pack closer to the aggregate surface.

    The impact of the ITZ on mechanical properties is of

    considerable significance, leading to increased duc-

    tility amongst other effects.

    Any impact of the ITZ on transport properties is

    counteracted by other factors which generally lead

    to a reduction of transport rates with increasing ag-gregate content if other variables are held constant.


    1. These abbreviations use cement chemist notation, C = CaO;

    S = SiO2; A = Al2O3; F = Fe2O3; H = H2O; the nomencla-

    ture C-S-H indicates the variable stoichiometry of this phase.


    1. J.C. Maso(ed.), Interfacial Transition zonein Concrete, RILEM

    report 11 (E&FN Spon, London, 1996).

    2. M.G. Alexander, G. Arliguie, G. Ballivy, A. Bentur, and J.

    Marchand, Engineering and Transport Properties of the Inter-

    facial Transition Zone in Cementitious Composities, Report 20

    (RILEM Publications S.A.R.L., 1999).

    3. K.L. Scrivener and E.M. Gartner, in Bonding in Cementitious

    Composites (Proc. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp., 114, 1988), p. 77.

    4. K.L. Scrivener, A. Bentur, and P.L. Pratt, Adv. Cem. Res.1, 230


    5. K.L. Scrivener, A.K. Crumbie, and P.L. Pratt, in Bonding in Ce-

    mentitious Composites(Proc. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp., 114, 1988),

    p. 87.

    6. A.K. Crumbie, PhD Thesis, University of London, 1994.

    7. P. Laugesen, presentation 4th Euroseminar on Microscopy Ap-

    plied to Building Materials, June 1993.

    8. J. Grandet and J-P. Ollivier, inProceeding of 7th International

    Congress of the Chemistry of Cement(Editions Septima, Paris,

    1980), vol. III, pp. VII 6368 and 8589.

    9. P.J.M. Monteiro and P.K. Mehta, Cement and Concrete Research

    15, 378 (1985).

    10. K.L. Scrivener and K.M. Nemati, Cement and Concrete Re-

    search26, 35(1996).

    11. B.D. Barnes,S. Diamond,and W.L. Dolch, Cement andConcrete

    Research8, 233 (1978).

    12. K.L Scrivener and P.L. Pratt, in Proc. 8th Int. Cong. on the

    Chemistry of Cements, Rio de Janeiro (1986), vol. III, p. 466.

    13. P.J.M. Montiero, in ref. 1, p. 64.

    14. Z. Hashin and P.J.M. Montiero, Cement and Concrete Research

    32, 1291 (2002).

    15. J. Marchand and A. Delagrave, in ref. 2, p. 157.

    16. A. Delagrave, J. Marchand, and M. Pigeon, Advanced Cement

    Based Materials7, 60 (1998).

    17. N.R. Buenfeld and E. Okundi, Magazine of Concrete Research

    50, 339 (1998).