art history: native american genocide

Art History: Native American Genocide For each slide: 1. Write down 3 things that you see 2. Go back to the slide and your notes and review it carefully for meaning 3. Create a newspaper headline that is appropriate for this slide.

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Art History: Native American Genocide. For each slide: Write down 3 things that you see Go back to the slide and your notes and review it carefully for meaning Create a newspaper headline that is appropriate for this slide. Boarding Schools. Trail of Tears. Desire for new land. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Art History:   Native American Genocide

Art History: Native American Genocide

For each slide:1. Write down 3 things that you see

2. Go back to the slide and your notes and review it carefully for meaning

3. Create a newspaper headline that is appropriate for this slide.

Page 2: Art History:   Native American Genocide

Boarding Schools

Page 3: Art History:   Native American Genocide

Trail of Tears

Page 4: Art History:   Native American Genocide

Desire for new land

Page 5: Art History:   Native American Genocide

In 1975 alone, Indian Health Services permanently sterilized some 25,000 Native American

women--many after being coerced, misinformed, or threatened. The

population was drastically affected.

On September 8, 2000, the head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)

formally apologized for the agency's participation in the "ethnic

cleansing" of Western tribes and the forced sterilization of Native women.

Ethnic Cleansing

Page 6: Art History:   Native American Genocide

Tom Torlino (Navajo) as he appeared upon arrival to the Carlisle Indian School, October 21, 1882, & Tom later.

Tom Torlino