art gallery of ballarat 14-15 annual report · 2018-07-04 · annual report 2014-15 issn 0726-5530...

14-15 Art Gallery of Ballarat Annual Report

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Page 1: Art Gallery of Ballarat 14-15 Annual Report · 2018-07-04 · Annual Report 2014-15 ISSN 0726-5530 Art Gallery of Ballarat ACN: 145 246 224 ABN: 28 145 246 224 40 Lydiard Street North

14-15Art Gallery of Ballarat

Annual Report

Page 2: Art Gallery of Ballarat 14-15 Annual Report · 2018-07-04 · Annual Report 2014-15 ISSN 0726-5530 Art Gallery of Ballarat ACN: 145 246 224 ABN: 28 145 246 224 40 Lydiard Street North

Annual Report 2014-15

ISSN 0726-5530

Art Gallery of BallaratACN: 145 246 224ABN: 28 145 246 224

40 Lydiard Street NorthBallarat Victoria 3350T 03 5320 5858F 03 5320 5791

[email protected]

Image right: installation view of EIKŌN: Icons of the Orthodox Christian WorldImage next page: Hugh DT Williamson Gallery

Chair’s Report 4

Director’s Report 8

Association Report 10

Gallery Guides Report 12

Acquisitions 14

Adopt an Artwork 26

Donations, Gifts, and Bequests 27

Exhibitions 28

EIKŌN: Icons of the Orthodox Christian World 30

Touring Exhibitions 32

Outward Loans 34

Publications & Merchandise 36

Education Report 38

Public Programs 40

Gallery Staff and Volunteers 49

Board Members 50

Budget Summaries 52

Page 3: Art Gallery of Ballarat 14-15 Annual Report · 2018-07-04 · Annual Report 2014-15 ISSN 0726-5530 Art Gallery of Ballarat ACN: 145 246 224 ABN: 28 145 246 224 40 Lydiard Street North


VisionThe Art Gallery of Ballarat where Art Inspires, Stimulates and Challenges

MissionTo foster and enrich the cultural life of our city, our region and the Nation by acquiring, conserving

and presenting a great collection of art.

Image: installation view of Art and Australia 2003 – 2013

Page 4: Art Gallery of Ballarat 14-15 Annual Report · 2018-07-04 · Annual Report 2014-15 ISSN 0726-5530 Art Gallery of Ballarat ACN: 145 246 224 ABN: 28 145 246 224 40 Lydiard Street North


I often tell people that the Art Gallery of Ballarat is about art: we buy it, we show it, we lend it and we store it. The challenge for us is how to do this in a creative and inspiring way.

Our 2014-2018 Strategic Plan Building for the Future is the way we plan to go about doing this, and this year’s milestones aim to achieve our four key building pillars: to build an inspiring exhibition schedule, and to build our footprint, our collection, and our relationships. This year saw our diverse exhibition schedule once again continue to deliver successful and profitable exhibitions with record visitor numbers attracting people to the gallery many for their first visit.

In my first official duty as Chair, I had great pleasure in attending the opening of EIKŌN: Icons of the Orthodox Christian World. Most visitors to this exhibition were from outside Ballarat and kicked off our schedule with something quite unique to Ballarat.

This year the Capturing Flora exhibition on loan to Cairns Regional Gallery did exceptionally well gaining more than 25,000 visitors and a request from the Director at Cairns for more of our ‘home grown’ shows.

As I write this, the Gallery is experiencing more than 1100 visitors per day to the Archibald Prize 2015 Exhibition, and the Board is confident we will easily meet projected targets and KPIs. These visitors have enjoyed not only the Archibald exhibition, but many other Ballarat attractions after a joint project with the City of Ballarat saw the appointment of Jennifer Ganske as the Season of the Arts Coordinator.

Jennifer worked with a range of key stakeholders to build

Chair’s ReportArt Gallery of Ballarat Board of Directors

a city wide program around the exhibition, including launching the Season of the Arts Program. The Archibald Prize 15-16 Exhibitions and the Art Gallery of Ballarat major exhibitions will be a key feature of the program. Staff are already working on the 2017 exhibition, something very different and original. It is clear we have an exciting few years ahead of us.

In coming months, we will begin work on our gap analysis and concepts for the building redesign. Having the Archibald Prize Exhibition entrance and other activities in Alfred Deakin Place has shown how activated the space can be with just a little work. Recent discussions about our plans with Natalie Reiter, City of Ballarat General Manager, will see a Master Plan for the Gallery precinct developed to support our Strategic Plan work in the coming months.

We are often so focused on what needs to be accomplished that we forget to stop, review and reflect on what we have achieved. Much of the work for the Board in the past year has been one of consolidation; it has been a time to review our processes, to ensure that after four years with our current governance structure we have the correct processes and agreements in place. It is also important to ensure that we have the right people and resources in order for us to achieve our vision and deliver the Strategic Plan.

With this in mind, the Board undertook a review of our City of Ballarat Service Agreements. Key outcomes from the review include changing the Funding Agreement from annual to triennial funding, and updating the Premises Agreement to give control of the café lease to the Board.

With control of the café lease and liquor licence, the Board has greater flexibility in how we can provide catering for Gallery events. This was demonstrated when the sudden

withdrawal of our café proprietors early this year allowed us to trial The Salon, a relaxed meeting area, which has been very popular with Association Members, staff and visitors.

Whilst it is not yet quite complete, I have worked with the leaders of the Gallery Association, Foundation and Guides, to create a draft Gallery Alliance MOU. The MOU will document a number of past commitments, and the relationships and the expectations each group has with each other. The document has taken longer than expected, but should be completed early in 2016.

This year, with assistance from the City of Ballarat, we continued to support and provide governance professional development with other local boards, holding our second Governance Training Day in May. With twenty-five in attendance, representing at least twelve boards, the overall feedback was positive with requests for us to do this again.

I would like to thank Natalie Reiter and the City of Ballarat for their ongoing commitment to the Gallery. Thank you for having faith in the Board and allowing us to grow and develop the Gallery as we believe it needs to.

In October, we held our second Western Region Gallery Forum with the topic ‘Models of Gallery Directorship’. Gallery Directors from most of our regional galleries attended, and there was plenty of food for thought with clearly some interesting challenges for some directors and galleries.

To Kelly Smith and her ‘no problems’ attitude, your work with the Board is greatly appreciated.

Thank you to Gordon Morrison and his team of very committed and skilled staff for their dedicated work. Once again, staff across the Gallery delivered another year of

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outstanding exhibitions and results. Congratulations to Ben Cox for his work on the For Auld Lang Syne catalogue, which won the first prize at the national printers awards for best quality bound book in Australia in 2014.

To assist the Chair this year, we formed an Executive and Risk Sub-committee who oversee Board agendas, follow up on outstanding actions and provide advice on key issues. I would like to thank Peter Afford, Mark Harris and Tunde Meikle for your support this year and assistance on this committee.

The Governance and Nominations Committee had a busy year developing and reviewing a number of Board policies and procedures. This included a simplification of the Acquisitions and Deaccession Policies and Procedures, and a formal process for Board Recruitment and Appointment.

This year we farewell several directors including Derek White, Garry Taylor and Joe Fleming, who left at last year’s AGM, or earlier in the year. Angela Carey and Tunde Meikle have not reapplied to the Board due to work and family commitments. I take this opportunity to thank all retiring Directors for their contribution over the past three years and wish them well.

We welcomed two new ex-officio members onto the Board this year — Barry Wemyss, President of the Gallery Association and Mark Guirguis, Chair of the Gallery Foundation. Barry and Mark provide a connection for the Board with the Association Members and Foundation Trustees, whilst providing an opportunity for them to contribute to the Board’s overall strategic work.

Stacey Grose has held a casual vacancy on the board since May. I am pleased that we will appoint her and three new

directors, Stirling Larkin, Simon Cox and Michelle Dunn to the Board. These individuals bring a wealth of experience, skills and networks to our Board.

I thank my fellow Directors on the Art Gallery of Ballarat Board for their commitment to delivery of the Strategic Plan, and the contribution they make at Board level and on the various sub-committees.

To our volunteers and Gallery friends, the Gallery Association, and the Gallery Foundation, the Guides, Women’s Association, thank you for your hard work and commitment to the Gallery and its projects.

Finally, I look forward to the coming year as we work together to build and strengthen the Art Gallery of Ballarat as Australia’s foremost regional gallery.

I leave you with a quote from Helen Keller, ‘Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much’.

Cr Vicki ColtmanChair

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Director’s Report

Always it seems that it is the major temporary exhibitions that dominate our reporting and in the 12 months here under review it is no exception. We began this period with the final month of the monumental for Auld Lang Syne exhibition and we ended the year with preparations in full swing for the 2015 iteration of the Archibald Prize.

However, it was during the months from October 2014 until January 2015 that we mounted an exhibition that was unprecedented in the annals of the Art Gallery of Ballarat – EIKŌN: Icons of the Orthodox Christian World. I make special claims for this exhibition because no other art allery in Australia had ever presented an exhibition devoted exclusively to the unique devotional art of the Orthodox Christian world. There had been a small installation of mainly Russian Icons at University Galleries, and the Hellenic Museum in Melbourne had shown a fine exhibition of Greek icons and liturgical articles. However, the show in Ballarat covered most of the Orthodox Christian world: Syria, Cypress, Asia Minor, Crete, Northern Greece and Russia.

Many of the loans came from one remarkable private collection in Sydney, but this corpus of work was augmented by some important loans from the NGV as well as two monumental ‘Cathedral’ icons from the Temple Gallery in London. Nearly 20,000 people visited the exhibition including a large number of individuals from Orthodox Communities throughout South-Eastern Australia. The beautiful in-house designed and produced catalogue sets a special standard for such publications in this country.

The second of three Victorian Indigenous Art Awards also occurred during this period – once again demonstrating the vitality of indigenous visual arts practice in South-Eastern Australia.

In Autumn we mounted the second Guirguis New Art Prize in conjunction with Federation University. While the winning work, Lou Hubbard’s Dead Still Standing passed into the University collection, the Art Gallery of Ballarat chose to purchase Pakitiringa (Rain) by Conrad Tipungwuti.

From a human resources perspective the 2014-15 period was one of continuity with no significant changes to report. It almost goes without saying that the Gallery’s extraordinary ability to present so many exhibitions of such a consistently high standard is a testimony to the wonderful commitment, talent and endurance of the team we have here.

I particularly enjoyed working with Board Chair Cr Vicki Coltman, who has such a strong understanding of the distinctiveness of our gallery and who champions us so effectively in so many ways. Also it has been a pleasure working with Divisional Manager Natalie Reiter, who has also grasped the concept of a semi-autonomous gallery with both hands, seeing how much potential exists in the new model of governance that is at work in the Gallery. We are in a very strong position to do even more exciting things.

Gordon MorrisonDirector

Conrad Tipungwuti (b.1966) Pakitiringa (Rain) (detail) 2014 natural ochres on linen, 180 x 240cm.

Purchased with funds from the Colin Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2015

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Association Report By far the most pleasurable duty of the Association this year was to resume hosting Gallery exhibition openings, in particular Alumination by thirty post-graduate students of the University of Ballarat, Paper Scape by local artist Tarli Glover, and Mycolinguistics by Ash Coates. In all, outstanding events! The supply of name badges to Association Council members has assisted in identifying them, making clear the Association’s active assistance with Gallery activities.

The Gallery’s exhibition schedule, which included annual Victorian Indigenous Art Awards, presented a vast array of medium and subject matter. In particular, the exhibitions revealed to visitors the Gallery’s commitment to local and regional artists, along with highlighting the magnitude and extent of their work.

October 2014 saw the significant 130th anniversary of Art Gallery of Ballarat Association, where a capacity 300-strong audience heard art valuer Simon Storey share his experiences, and revealing some of the nation’s archival storeroom mysteries. Following Simon’s highly entertaining talk, Members gathered on the grand, historic Gallery staircase, witnessing the cutting of the Birthday cake.

Association memberships have grown this year, and with the ever-attentive work of the Membership Sub-Committee, it is anticipated that it will continue to grow in the lead-up to, and during the Archibald Exhibition. With distinctive and beneficial incentives for Membership, including social function, we are likely to continue to greet new Members.

Coinciding with the extremely popular EIKŌN exhibition, Association members enjoyed a festive night of Greek culture — Greek foods, Greek music, and Greek dancing — in a full house at the Mechanics Institute Minerva Space.

Thanks to Garry Taylor, a bus trip in August offered Members the chance to view the marvellous Masterpieces from the Hermitage at the National Gallery of Victoria. A large group of enthusiastic Members took part in this very successful Association social activity.

Unknown to most Members, a core team of Brian Hay, Garry Taylor, Loris Button, and Mary Doyle volunteer their time every Monday morning to process and renew Association Memberships. This dedicated team is the most active group of our Council volunteers, and deserve our appreciative thanks.

Our magazine, Association, is a fine example of our proficient and dedication volunteers as written by, with contributions from various contributors. This quarterly magazine is vital in keeping Members informed and providing them with items of artistic interest. Including a message from the Director, New Acquisitions, reports on gallery activities, interviews and member profiles, Association is a quality publication of great interest to Members and readers, near and far.

All Association Council Members have undertaken varied and extensive voluntary work on behalf of the Gallery and Members, and none more so than Treasurer Brian Hay, and Secretary Anne Beggs Sunter. Together with the work groups that plan and prepare exhibition openings and coordinate our occasional social events, you are work-beavers extraordinaire — well done, and thank you all!

Barry WemyssPresident


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Gallery Guides Report

It is my pleasure to report on the activities and progress of the Art Gallery of Ballarat Volunteer Guides for 2014–15.

The Gallery Guides’ group is made up of forty-one amazing people who voluntarily guide visitors through the gallery collection and designated special exhibitions. In addition, nine equally amazing people joined us in February 2015 as trainee guides. They will graduate in November 2015 and we will number forty-eight. The Guides meet twice-monthly and the leadership committee of nine members meet monthly, in addition.

I am proud to report that the Guides’ basic goal, to welcome and introduce visitors to the Gallery permanent collection and specific other exhibitions, has been well and truly achieved this year, with 5,608 people participating in 409 tours — an average of 107.8 visitors per week. A grand achievement indeed! As of September, guided tours will increase from five to seven days per week, another milestone!

In July 2014, as For Auld Lang Syne drew to a close, a spike in visitor numbers meant that we guided 1,462 visitors through its lochs and glades. I wish to offer hearty congratulations to the Gallery production team, led by Director Gordon Morrison and Exhibition Officer Ben Cox, of the catalogue For Auld Lang Syne: Images of Scottish Australia From First Fleet to Federation, which won a Gold Medal for the best quality bound book in Australia in 2014 at the 2014 Media Super National Print Awards. Well done!

No sooner had the lilt of the bagpipes faded and the Ballarat tartan been folded away, than we Guides launched into a learning frenzy in preparation for EIKŌN: Icons of the Orthodox Christian World. In coming to grips with the challenging concept behind the images used in Orthodox

religious worship, we read, discussed and made site visits to the Serbian Monastery in Elaine and St Patricks Cathedral in Ballarat. The visitor response to EIKŌN through spring and summer was amazing, with 2647 visitors all told. The Guides scheduled extra tours in January, as the numbers peaked towards the end of the exhibition. Australians at War 1914–1945 during autumn saw lower visitor numbers but they were very appreciative and impressed.

A clear commitment to the study of art is integral to art gallery guiding. Throughout the year we participated in a comprehensive program Into the Galleries, which was devised by our inimitable education team. Experienced Guides used their considerable knowledge about movements in art, art analysis, history and methodology, focusing on the Gallery’s comprehensive collection of Australian art. Iconography in Christian Orthodoxy was our focus for EIKŌN as were the methods and media used to record Australian responses to WWI & II for Australians at War, while portraiture was a focus in preparation for the Archibald Prize exhibition.

Our knowledge of artistic endeavour was also enhanced by our organisation of and attendance at the fortnightly public lecture program Art Insights at the Gallery and Federation University. Visits to the Bendigo Art Gallery and the NGV to view exhibitions Ned Kelly and Australians at War extended our understanding of other galleries and our experience of other guiding techniques.

Our very own website, as it develops and grows continues to enable paper-saving access to our invaluable resources and up-to-date information. Fourteen Art Gallery of Ballarat Guides will be among the gallery guides from across Australia who will gather in

The Gallery Guides aim to extend the visitor experience beyond the Archibald, taking visitors into our permanent collection upstairs seven days a week and twice daily, if required.

We wish the Gallery staff, Board, Association and Foundation a record-breaking, fulfilling Archibald period and offer our full and ongoing support to promote the Art Gallery of Ballarat as a premier regional gallery.

Veronica Stott Convener

Adelaide in October for the National AAGGO Bi-annual conference, Engage. We look forward to much inspiring input, much socialising and inspiration AND a presentation on the development of our website by Vanessa Burgess, who helped to develop it. I wish to congratulate the Gallery Director Gordon Morrison and staff for the diverse, thought-provoking exhibitions we have seen this year. We have been impressed and enjoyed viewing and promoting each one, especially The Inimitable Mr Meek, curated by our guide colleague Joan Luxemburg.

As I conclude, I am mindful of the enormous amount of planning and workload required of Gallery staff in readiness for the Archibald Exhibition. Many artworks have been relocated, the building looks fresh and marketing minds have been preparing for what augers to be a busy six weeks.

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Louis AbrahamsLion’s head 1880oil on board 11.9 x 11.9 cmGift of the Estate of Beverley Brown, 2015

Yvonne AudetteMoving symbols No4, as seen in a burnt landscape 1995-98oil on plywood 122 x 182 cmDonated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by Yvonne Audette, 2015

Richard CrichtonSeaside 1963oil on board 122.3 x 122.3 cmDonated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by Matthew Crichton, 2015

William DobellStudy for ‘The Cypriot’ circa 1938oil on board 27.2 x 28 cmGift of the Estate of Beverley Brown, 2015

Harold GreenhillThe Gasball, Manly 1943oil on board 39.4 x 47.2 cmPurchased with funds from the Colin Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2015see image p48

Frank HodgkinsonCave 1957acrylic on board 56 x 76 cmPurchased with funds from the Colin Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2015

Narritjin MaymuruCrabs circa 1960ochres on bark 40.7 x 16.2 cmGift of Simon Storey, 2015

Alec MingelmanganuWandjina circa 1971earth pigments on bark 114 x 74 cmPurchased with funds from the Colin Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2014see image left

James OldhamLake Burrumbeet 1893oil on canvas 51.3 x 68.7 cmGift of Ian Oldham, 2014

John PassmoreUp the orchard 1946oil on canvas 45.5 x 35.5 cmPurchased with funds donated in memory of Margaret Martin with assistance from Robin and Andrew Ferry and the Association, 2014

Jim PatersonBroken Hill 2007gloss enamel and latex acrylic on board 125 x 369 cm (two panels)Gift of the artist, 2014

Lars StenbergTipperary Track II (Grey trunks) 2006acrylic on canvas 50.7 x 101.8 cmGift of Maria Ridsdale, 2015

Conrad TipungwutiPakitiringa [Rain] 2014natural ochres on linen 180 x 240 cmPurchased with funds from the Colin Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2015

Unknown artistWandjina not datednatural pigments on bark 41 x 23.5 cmPurchased with funds from the Colin Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2015

Unknown artist[Spirit figures] not datednatural pigments on bark 43.5 x 22.5 cmPurchased with funds from the Colin Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2015

Tibor WienerSelf portrait with palette circa 1945oil on board 63 x 47 cmPurchased with funds from the Art Gallery of Ballarat Foundation, 2015


Unknown artistPortrait of Mrs Henderson circa 1824oil on canvas 63.8 x 51 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2014


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Amanda AhmedOf Faith 2015graphite on Schoellershammer paper 12 x 12 cmGift of the artist, 2015

Kim Andersongroup of 3 worksUntitled (banana peel #1 & 2) 2014pen on 2 sheets of paper, each 17 x 18 cmUntitled (two rats) 2014copic liner on paper 38 x 28 cmUntitled (kangaroo vertebrae) 2014copic liner on paper 30 x 24 cmPurchased with funds from the Elinor Morcomb Bequest, 2014

Yvonne AudetteStudy for ‘The Refugees’ 1955ink & wash on paper 22.5 x 25.5 cmDonated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by Yvonne Audette, 2015

George FineyIf 1930sink on textured paper 38.8 x 50 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2015

Lucas GroganEssential Reading 1 2014ink & acrylic on mount board 51 x 38 cmPurchased with funds from the Art Gallery of Ballarat Association, 2015

John D MooreSurrealist landscape with Stones and Bones 1944

watercolour & ink on paper 28 x 37.7 cmPurchased with funds from the Colin Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2015

Jim PatersonImaginary Heads 2000–01ink on 32 sheets of paper 76.7 x 105.8 cmGift of the artist, 2014

Norma RedpathFlight from Jerusalem (also known as Exile into Egypt) 1952-55ink & wash on paper 45.5 x 57 cmPurchased with funds from the Lois Valerie Sheldon Bequest, 2015

SPOONERgroup of 38 worksLiquidation Sale 2013watercolour & ink on paper 18 x 24.9 cmAcceptable imagery 2013ink on paper 27 x 37 cmKim Jong-un 2013[Denis Napthine] 20142 works, watercolour & ink on paper 37 x 27 cmDenis Napthine 2013...a terrible risk to the alpine ecosystem 2011Ticking the Boardroom boxes 2013Dad apps 2013The Draft Racial Discrimination Act 2014Hi, its Wayne 2013After the Resurrection 2013Sticking to the message 2013At least interest rates are on hold 2013The Auto Industry 2013$30 billion deficit 2013Greg Hunt almost gets it 2013Real economic problems 2014Peer review rescue 2014Cleaning up the attic 2013

We should have objected more... 2013Fair Trade 2013The protests must be so upsetting 2013I thought you said he’s changed 2013The man who fell to earth again 2013Oops 2013Its Rudd’s people again 2013Australian treachery 2013Who killed Cock Robin 2013Former thriving country town [email protected] 2014Australia Day all over again 2014[Putin] 2014The workers get liberated... 2014They’re doing it tough down south 2014The Last Samurai 2014The wink 2014Change of plan 2014The self-made Knight 201434 works, watercolour & ink on paper 27 x 37 cmDonated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Program, 2015

Unknown artist[Emily Jones] circa 1860pastel on paper 30.5 x 25.7 cmGift of the Estate of Beverley Brown, 2015

Harold Freedmangroup of 31 worksPortrait of Alan Marshal 1942pastel on paper 61 x 40.5 cm[man and old woman] not datedink on paper 25.5 x 15.3 cm[landscape, large central tree] not datedpencil on paper 37.3 x 26.2 cmBruse not datedink & coloured pencil on paper 13.6 x 12.8 cm

The best drink of all times not datedgouache, pencil & ink on paper 21.7 x 14.2 cmThe very best beer of all time not datedgouache & ink on paper 16.8 x 10.1 cmGoat not datedink on paper 11.2 x 12 cmBrighton Cathedral not datedpencil & ink on paper 32.8 x 20.9 cmCocktail bar, Shamrock Hotel, Bendigo not datedink on paper 26.5 x 20.8 cm[tree - unfinished drawing] not datedpencil on paper 37.5 x 26.5 cmTaradale not datedink on paper 34.5 x 43.3 cmRailway Station, Taradale not datedink on paper 34.3 x 43.3 cmPost Office, Taradale not datedink on paper 43.5 x 34.2 cmMalmsbury not datedink on paper 34.1 x 43.2 cmMalmsbury, near railway, the old Commercial pub not datedink on paper 34.1 x 43.2 cm [buildings at Tahbilk] not datedink on paper 29 x 45.4 cm [cottage - possibly at Tahbilk] not datedink on paper 31.7 x 41.5 cm [bridge and trees - possibly at Tahbilk] not datedink on paper 31.5 x 41.4 cm [boat house and pier] not datedpencil on paper 38.6 x 41.5 cm [boat house and pier] not datedpencil & ink on paper 38.6 x 41.5 cm [1880s street scene] not datedink & gouache on paper 25.1 x 37.9 cm[back of buildings - possibly at Tahbilk] not datedink on paper 38 x 50.7 cm

[view through trees to bridge & houses] not datedpencil on paper 50.5 x 34.7 cmArthur the rigger 1942pencil on paper 52.2 x 33.5 cm[woman looking left] 1942pencil on paper 52.2 x 34.6 cm[hand study for East Melbourne mural] not datedpencil on paper 29 x 22.6 cm[figure study - arms up, for East Melbourne mural] not datedpencil on paper 36.4 x 25.2 cm[head study - bearded man, for East Melbourne mural] not datedpencil on paper 44.2 x 28.4 cmThe Beauty of Victoria - Taradale not datedpencil & ink on paper on card 32.7 x 20.8 cmHitler’s fallacy - you must fight to live circa 1940ink on paper on card 46.2 x 36.2 cm[soldier] 1942pencil on paper 75.9 x 55.5 cm Donated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by David Freedman, 2015


Arthur Bartholomew, Charles Troedel, Frederick McCoyMegascolides australis (McCoy), The Giant Earth-Worm circa 1890chromolithograph on paper 27.2 x 17.7 cmPurchased with funds from the Hilton White Bequest, 2015

William Blandowski,James Redaway & Sonsgroup of 6 worksFoot of Diogenes Monument, 4 miles N from Mount Macedon, 40 miles NNW from Melbourne 1855-56engraving on paper 21.3 x 27.9 cmDiogenes Monument “Anneyelong” looking south towards Mount Macedon 1855-56engraving on paper 21.2 x 28.1 cmWater over basalt columns “Noer”, 30 miles NNW from Melbourne not datedengraving on paper 21.4 x 28.3 cm“Pattowatto”, Granite Boulder (Perrys Haystack) looking NW 47 miles N by W of Melbourne 1855-56engraving on paper 21.3 x 28 cmBrowns Dos a Dos near Mount Macedon 45m N by W from Melbourne 1855-56engraving on paper chine colle print 21.1 x 28.3 cmCompressed Strata, West of Section 512 near Morphet Valley, 16 miles S from Adelaide 1855-56engraving on paper 21.3 x 28 cmPurchased with funds from the Hilton White Bequest, 2014

Noel Counihan,Norman O’ConnorAlbert Namatjira 1960sserigraph on paper 41.5 x 18.4 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2015

Noel CounihanImage 5 (Old woman) 1981lithograph on paper 55 x 40 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2015

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William Dymock, after John Eyre, John Heaviside Clarkgroup of 2 worksView of Sydney from the East Side of the Cove, No.1 & 3 circa 1880View of Sydney from the West Side of the Cove, No.2 & 4 circa 1880chromolithograph on paper 33 x 97 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2015

Ambrose DysonTch! Begging, someone should report it 1941drypoint etching on paper 44 x 35.7 cm Purchased with funds from the LJ Wilson Bequest, 2015

George Dancey, Melbourne PunchAnd well he might! 1895photogravure on paper 40.8 x 28.8 cm Purchased with funds from the Hilton White Bequest, 2015

RD Fitzgerald, Arthur Stopps, Surveyor General’s Officegroup of 28 worksDendrobium phalaenopsis 1880 64.9 x 49.4 cmDendrobium falcorostris 1879 65.4 x 49.2 cmDendrobium superbiens 1879 63.5 x 49.6 cmPhajus grandifolius 1893 65 x 50.7 cmCaleola ledgerii 1882 62.7 x 49 cmDendrobium speciosum 1891 64.1 x 49.9 cmDendrobium undulatum 1887 65.7 x 49.2 cmDendrobium æmulum 1887

Pterostylis woollsii & P.rufa c.1880 2 works 50.2 x 33.8 cmSarcochilus falcatus & S.montanus 1878 Cleisostoma tridentatum 1878 2 works 49.3 x 33.7 cm Sarcochilus hillii & S.olivaceus 1879 Thelymitra canaliculata & T.ixioides not dated Diuris laevis & D.palleus 1886 3 works 49.3 x 33.5 cmBolbophyllum exiguum & Adelopetalum bracteatum 1891 Bolbophyllum baileyi & Cirropetalum clavigerum 1891 2 works 50.9 x 34 cmPhaius bernaysii 1892 46.9 x 33.8 cmCaladenia latifolia & C.flava 1889 50.1 x 32.7 cmDendrobium bigibbum 1891 50.1 x 33.2 cmDiuris sheaffiana & D.platichilus 1888 49.8 x 33.3 cmCaladenia menziesii & Leptoceras fimbriata 1889 49.7 x 33.2 cmSarcochilus rubricentrum 1882 49 x 33.2 cmCaladenia labata & C.plicata 1882 49.3 x 33.2 cmBolbophyllum ellisæ 1882 49 x 33 cmPrasophyllum elatum & P.australe 1879 49 x 32.5 cmCaladenia reticulata & C.leptochila 1883 49 x 32.9 cmPterostylis recurva & P.turfosa 1882 49.1 x 33.2 cmEriochilus scaber & E.autumnalis 188449.1 x 33.3 cmlithographs on paper some hand

coloured, some gum arabicPurchased with funds from the Victor Gordon King Bequest, 2015

Harold Freedman, Victorian Railways, FW Niven and Cogroup of 9 worksMen of Service: The Passenger Guard 1947 101.2 x 63.9 cmMen of Service: The Workshop Welder 1947 101.5 x 63.7 cmWomen of Service: The Porter 1947 101.7 x 63.6 cm see image rightMen of Service: The Station Master 1947 101.5 x 63.3 cmMen of Service: Locomotive Driver and Fireman 1947 101.5 x 63.2 cmMen of Service: text poster 1947101.1 x 63.2 cmgroup of 6 colour lithographs on paperShop Off Peak; it’s cheaper 1950s 101.5 x 63.4 cmVictorian Centenary Jubilee Train (1950) 101.1 x 63.4 cmBendigo Centenary Festival Year (1951)101 x 63.1 cmgroup of 3 colour lithographs on paperDonated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by David Freedman, 2015

Harold Freedman, Victorian Railways, Government Printer, MelbourneCoronation Commemoration Book - Have you signed? (1952)colour lithograph on paper 101.8 x 63.4 cmDonated through the Australian

Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by David Freedman, 2015

Harold Freedman, Athol ThompsonWhite City not datedcolour lithograph on paper 50.5 x 63.3 cmDonated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by David Freedman, 2015

Harold FreedmanEx libris - Ann Bridge not datedcolour lithograph on paper 11.2 x 7.4 cmDonated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by David Freedman, 2015

Harold Freedman, FW Niven and CoRAAF Log 194350.8 x 35.6 cmcolour lithograph on paperDonated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by David Freedman, 2015

Bruno LetiOne hectare (Clonbinane) 1972coloured etching & aquatint on paper diptych 56 x 91 cmPurchased with funds from the LJ Wilson Bequest, 2015

James MeekHistorical and Descriptive Atlas of the British Colonies in Continental and Insular Australia 1861lithograph on paper on cloth on wood 204 x 120 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2015

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Ethleen PalmerProwling 1936linocut on paper 11.8 x 18.7 cmPurchased with funds from the Lois Valerie Sheldon Bequest, 2015

George Thomson, James J Blundell & Cogroup of 2 worksSketch in Bourke Street, Arrival of the Mails from the Diggings circa 1855engraving on paper 14.3 x 22.8 cmSketch on Sandridge Pier circa 1855engraving on paper 14.8 x 22.9 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2014

Lesbia ThorpeDiving Pelican 1960slinocut on tissue paper 69.8 x 31 cmPurchased with funds from the Lois Valerie Sheldon Bequest, 2015

Unknown artist, Melbourne PunchYe Caledonian Corrobboree 1859wood engraving on paper 27.4 x 21.1 cmGift of Patricia MacDonald, 2015

Unknown artist, Melbourne PunchMr Punch’s Review of Everybody not dated 27 x 41.5 cmDr Lang throws a boomerang, which recoils upon himself 1856 21.1 x 26.2 cmRaising the Standard 1875 27.6 x 21.3 cmSweet Edinbro’, I smell thee noo 1877 27.6 x 20.9 cmwood engravings on paperGift of Alison Inglis, 2015

Unknown artist, Melbourne PunchThe Unwelcome Welcome 1858 27.4 x 21 cmAn explanation (Blandowski) 1858 27.5 x 21 cmThe Patriarch of the Bedouins 1858 The J.O’S.(S) 18582 works 27.37 x 21.1 cmWanted a governor 1855 January, The Monster Ballarat Nugget not dated Yan Yean Impurities 18583 works 28 x 21 cmHold on old quarter-deck-stick by her 1855 26.2 x 21.1 cmWat Tyler, a la Chinoise 1859 27.4 x 21.1 cmThe Wrong Man in the Wrong Place 1858 21.2 x 27.4 cmDaylesford Institution 1865 27 x 20.9 cmwood engravings on paperPurchased with funds from the Hilton White Bequest, 2015

Unknown artist, A Willmore, Sands & KennyRev.Irving Hetherington’s Scotch Church and Manse, Melbourne circa 1862engraving on paper hand coloured 20.5 x 27.5 cmGift of Alison Inglis, 2015

Various Artists, Andrew GarranPicturesque Atlas of Australasia 1886 parts 1, 7, 20 and 384 bound magazines, steel & wood engravings on paper 46.5 x 36 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2014

Various Artists, Phillip L HarrisAussie: The Australian Soldier’s Magazine, No.4 and No. 6 19182 printed publications 25.8 x 17.8 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2014

Wayne Vineygroup of 2 worksGolden Spring I, Daylesford 1983monotype on paper 50.7 x 41.1 cmGolden Spring II, Daylesford 1983monotype on paper 51 x 41.7 cmGift of the artist, 2015


Walter Fitch, William Jackson Hooker, Vincent Brooksgroup of 2 worksPlatycerium grande, Great Stag’s-horn Fern 1859Gleichenia dicarpa, Br, Twin-fruited Gleichenia 1859lithographs on paper, hand coloured with gum arabic 31.2 x 25.1 cmPurchased with funds from the Hilton White Bequest, 2015

Godart, Guillaume SevereynsDoryanthes palmeri 1897chromolithograph on paper 16.5 x 25.5 cmPurchased with funds from the Hilton White Bequest, 2015

Samuel Holden, Joseph PaxtonEucalyptus macrocarpa 1849engraving on paper, hand coloured with gum arabic 23.5 x 15.9 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2014

Jacques Kuyper, Louis Portman, Johannes AllartVan Diemen Landers 1802stipple engravings on paper, hand coloured 21.9 x 12.5 cmPurchased with funds from the Hilton White Bequest, 2015

Jacques Kuyper, Louis Portman, Johannes AllartNieuw-Hollanders 1802 stipple engravings on paper, hand coloured 23.2 x 13.9 cm Purchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2014

Laplante, GirouxOrnithorhynque de la Nouvelle Hollande circa 1840engraving on paper hand coloured with gum arabic 10.2 x 13.7 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2014

John LewinYango Mungo Ye Yango of Bathurst’s Plains, New Holland 1824engraving on paper, hand coloured 21 x 12.9 cmPurchased with funds from the Hilton White Bequest, 2015

Robert Neill, T&W BooneWylie 1845steel engraving on paper 21.8 x 14 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2014

Frederic Sherbol, R Ackermanngroup of 6 worksMan of New Holland 1824 Native of New South Wales Dancing 1824 Musician of New Holland 1824Woman of Van Diemen’s Land, 18244 works 13.7 x 8.7 cmNative of the East Coast of New Holland 1824 13.7 x 8.8 cmMan of Van Diemen’s Land 1824 13.6 x 8.7 cmaquatints on paper, hand colouredPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2014

Unknown artist, Louis van HoutteDoryanthes excelsa Corr 1845offset lithograph on paper, hand coloured, gum arabic 24.7 x 33.7 cmPurchased with funds from the Hilton White Bequest, 2014

Unknown artistPortrait of Bennilong; a native of New Holland, who after experiencing for two years the Luxuries of England, returned to his own Country and resumed all his savage Habits early 19th centuryengraving on paper 25.8 x 20.8 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2014

Unknown artist/sgroup of 3 worksEinwohner auf van Diemensinsel circa 1820engraving on paper hand coloured 19.7 x 12 cm Frauen aus Sudaustralien 1890Schilde der Australier 1890engravings on paper 25.1 x 17.2 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2014

Unknown artist, Jacques Aragogroup of 3 worksNaturel de la Nouvelle Hollande 183925.9 x 16.7 cmLe Serpent noir (Nouvelle-Galles-du-Sud) 183916.7 x 25.9 cmDuel (Nouvelle-Galles-du-Sud) 183916.8 x 25.9 cmlithographs on paper Purchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2014

Henry Winkles[Dance of the Australian Savages, & other images] 1851steel engraving on paper 30.2 x 23.5 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2014


Carole WilsonFerns on Everest 2008Wallerawang Jug 20082 paper cut-outs on paper 100 x 70 cmGift of the artist, 2015

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Rick AmorAbstract (Gutting) 1968gouache on paper 76 x 55.5 cmPurchased with funds from the Colin Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2015

Duncan Elphinstone CooperHis Home Landscape circa 1840watercolour on paper 11.9 x 18.8 cmPurchased with funds from the Colin Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2015

James OldhamDungan circa 1890watercolour on paper 37.5 x 50.1 cmGift of Ian Oldham, 2014

John Pastoriza-Piñolgroup of 3 worksFlindersia australis 2012watercolour on paper 29.3 x 22.8Hakea laurina 2012watercolour on paper 45.1 x 31.8 cmKonrad — Michelia doltsopa, Michelia pods 2014watercolour on deer vellum 12.5 x 12 cmsee image leftGift of the artist, 2015

Ellis RowanBull Banksia circa 1890watercolour & gouache on paper 74 x 54 cmPurchased with funds from the Lois Valerie Sheldon Bequest, 2015

Reginald Ward Sturgessgroup of 2 worksTwo long-legged long-jawed iron gray

dogs 1913watercolour & ink on paper 18.7 x 12.6 cmBatouch 1912watercolour & ink on paper 12 x 8.2 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2015

Unknown artistgroup of 2 worksRosalie Waterhouse circa 184020.1 x 16.3 cm George Waterhouse circa 184019.9 x 16 cm watercolour on paper with gum arabic, on cardboard,Gift of the Estate of Beverley Brown, 2015


Various Artists, Australian Army Education ServiceSALT magazineVolume 1 1941 no.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14Volume 2 1942 no.2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13Volume 3 1942 no.2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13Volume 4 1942 no.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13Volume 5 1942-43 no.1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13Volume 6 1943 no.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13Volume 7 1943-1944 no.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13Volume 8 1944 no.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13Volume 9 1944-45

no.1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13Volume 10 1945 no.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13Volume 11 1945-46 no.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13Volume 12 1946 no.1, 2, 3, 4printed publications 18.8 x 13 cmPurchased with funds from the LJ Wilson Bequest, 2015Individual gifts from Peter Freund and also Mrs Marie Nailon in memory of her father Royden James Corrie Private VX45410

Various Artists, BulletinThe Lone Hand 1912printed publication 24.1 x 16.3 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2015

Will Dyson, Stanley Paul & CoKultur Cartoons 1915printed publication 36.5 x 27 cmPurchased, 2015

Frederick Bailey, Karl StaigerNative Grasses of Queensland circa 1875bound publication 22.8 x 15.5 x 0.4 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2015

Phil May,BulletinPhil May in Australia 1904printed publication 37.4 x 25 cmPurchased with funds from public donation, 2015

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Cecil Hartt, Australian Trading & Agencies Co LtdHumorosities 1917printed publication 28.5 x 22.4 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2014

Alan MccullochSo this was the spot: being several simple centenary reflections reflected in words and pictures1934printed publication 27.5 x 20.6 cmPurchased with funds from public donation, 2014


Peter BlizzardPonte timeless coast circa 1989steel, wood &stone 331.5 x 197.5 x 170 cmDonated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by Robert and Emma House, 2014

Euan Henggroup of 3 works Dove descending 200742 x 45 cmSnail (Momento) 200729 x 50 cmElephant 2007120 x 99 cmneonDonated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by Mr LG Cox AO, 2015see image right

Euan Henggroup of 2 works

E is for elephant 2007artist’s book and neon 30 x 46 x 6 cmTree form & Hen 2007neonDonated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by Mr William Nuttall and Annette Reeves, 2015

Inge Kinggroup of 2 worksOpen stage 1992polychrome steel 59 x 57.5 x 35 cmForest 1996bronze 44 x 20 x 18.5 cmDonated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by Inge King AM, 2015


Ralph EberleinVase 2004glazed ceramic 32.5, diam:14.5 cmDonated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by Guy and Kim Abrahams, 2014

Bern EmmerichsMermaid and Merman plates 1991glazed ceramic 3.2 cm, diam:24.2 cmDonated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by Guy and Kim Abrahams, 2014

Ray Hearn14 Natural Prints 1977stoneware &wood 46 x 147.4 cmGift of the artist, 2015

Brian KeyteSpheroid bowls 2014glazed ceramic, chun & temoku glazes, 7-11 cm, diam:9.5-15 cm Purchased, 2015

Maria KuczynskaSphinx not datedglazed ceramic 14.8 x 26.5 x 14.5 cmDonated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by Guy and Kim Abrahams, 2014

Fiona Murphygroup of 2 works Vase not datedglazed ceramic 31.5, diam:12.5 cmConcave Black, 2002glazed ceramic 63 x 17 x 12.5 cmDonated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by Guy and Kim Abrahams, 2014


Thomas HarrisonHat - beret not datedvelvet, grosgrain ribbon, metal & elasticGift of Jill Fowler and Andrew Baird in memory of their mother Joy Baird, 2014


M Chatelain Will DysonL’Europe anti-Prussienne, No.4 1915printed publication 32.8 x 25 cmPurchased, 2015

John Ferres, Government Printer, Melbourne, Ludwig BeckerReport of the Select Committee of the Legislative Council of The Aborigines; together with the proceedings of committee, minutes of evidence and appendices 1859printed publication 31.5 x 20.5 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2014

Harold FreedmanScrapbook of newspaper clippings not datedbound book 50 x 25 x 15 cmDonated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by David Freedman, 2015

Petermann’s Geographische MittheilungenOrographische Karte der Provinz Victoria zur Übersicht der Höhenmessungen 1871lithograph on paper 27.1 x 45.8 cmPurchased with funds from the Joe White Bequest, 2014

Various ArtistsArmy magazine, 2 copies 1943 & 1944printed publications, 27.5 x 20 cmPurchased with funds from the LJ Wilson Bequest, 2015

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Donations, Gifts and Bequests

do not have to go towards the acquisition of works of art, but can include conservation work, support of publications or establishing community programs. The variety of ways in which your contribution can have a lasting impact is almost endless.

Gifts to the Gallery can be made through the Art Gallery of Ballarat Foundation, a Charitable Fund whose role is to assist the Gallery with specific projects or acquisitions.

The Art Gallery of Ballarat is a Not for Profit Company Limited by Guarantee which has Charitable Institution status and is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR).

For more information, or to arrange an appointment with the Gallery Director, contact the Art Gallery of Ballarat Business Support Officer on 5320 5858 or [email protected]

Giving to an art gallery is not just an act of generosity, it is a powerful expression of your own personality, recognisable for generations to come. The generosity of individual donors has the power to transform art institutions, bringing a lasting benefit to their communities and creating a lasting memorial to the giver.

Over the years, the Art Gallery of Ballarat has benefitted from the generosity of members of the community and many of the Gallery’s most famous artworks have been acquired as the result of donations, gifts and bequests. Hans Heysen’s The three gums, Tom Roberts’ A summer morning tiff and E Phillips Fox’s A love story were acquired in this way in the past, while more recent examples are Rick Amor’s Study for the dry season, Brett Whiteley’s Portrait of Richard Neville and Jeffrey Smart’s The listeners.

Donations, gifts or bequests

The Gallery would like to thank the following sponsors for their support during 2014–15

• City of Ballarat

• Creative Victoria

• Gandel Philanthropy

• The Art Gallery of Ballarat Foundation

• The Art Gallery of Ballarat Association

• Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

• Catholic Education Office Ballarat

• Hilton White Estate

• Joe White Bequest

• Colin Hicks Caldwell Bequest

• Adopt-an-Artwork Donors

• And forty-eight donations with Association Membership renewals, from $5 to $200 totalling $1,720.

This program gives individuals or groups the opportunity to contribute towards the conservation treatment and maintenance of artworks in the Art Gallery of Ballarat Collection.

The Gallery would like to thank the following donors for their support during 2014–15 above: detail of grime being cleaned off

Christabel Cockerell’s Portrait of a lady

Adopt an Artwork

Silver donations$5,000 up to $25,000

• The Ballarat Courier

• The Isobella Foundation

• Mrs Ridsdale in memory of her husband, Leonard Darrell Ridsdale

• Michael Stubbs

Other donations

• Ballarat National Theatre Inc

• Heather Boyd

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University of Melbourne25 October – 18 JanuaryHelen Macpherson Smith Trust and Minnie Williamson galleries

Eureka 160: Battle DrawnAn Art Gallery of Ballarat exhibition15 November – 11 JanuaryGordon Victor King Gallery

Director’s Cut: Works by members of the Ballarat Society of ArtistsArt Gallery of Ballarat: supporting local artists13 December – 18 JanuaryMars Gallery

46th Ballarat National Photographic Exhibition Art Gallery of Ballarat: supporting local artists13 December – 18 JanuaryTimken Gallery

Sally Miller: ZooanthropomorphismArt Gallery of Ballarat: supporting local artists17 January – 15 MarchGordon Victor King Gallery

Ron Millar: Homage to BaudelaireAn Art Gallery of Ballarat exhibition24 January – 8 MarchMars Gallery

Amanda Ahmed, Mali Moir, John Pastoriza-Piñol, Sandra Severgnini: VignettesAn Art Gallery of Ballarat exhibition31 January – 15 MarchTimken Gallery

Next Gen 2015: VCE Art & DesignArt Gallery of Ballarat: supporting local artists7 February – 22 MarchIan Potter Foundation Gallery

Emma Stoneman and Antonietta Covino-Beehre: Structures and FacadesArt Gallery of Ballarat: supporting local artists14 March – 12 AprilMars Gallery see detail left

Pat and Mark Shannon: Sea, Sky and the Hills BehindArt Gallery of Ballarat: supporting local artists 21 March – 19 AprilTimken Gallery

GNAP Guirguis New Art Prize 2015Jointly presented by Federation University and the Art Gallery of Ballart 11 April – 31 MayIan Potter Foundation, Selkirk Family, Gordon Victor King, Helen Macpherson Smith Trust and Minnie Williamson galleries

Australians at War 1914 – 1945An Art Gallery of Ballarat exhibition18 April – 21 JuneMars Gallery

University of Ballarat Alumni: AluminationArt Gallery of Ballarat: supporting local artists25 April - 31 MayTimken Gallery

Ash Coates: MycolinguisticsArt Gallery of Ballarat: supporting local artists6 June – 19 JulySelkirk Family GalleryThe Inimitable Mr MeekAn Art Gallery of Ballarat exhibition13 June - 9 AugustTimken Gallery

Australia’s Robinson Crusoe: the fabulous tale of Louis de RougemontAn Art Gallery of Ballarat exhibition13 June – 9 AugustGordon Victor King Gallery

Recent AcquisitionsAn Art Gallery of Ballarat exhibition20 June – 26 JulyIan Potter Foundation Gallery

For Auld Lang Syne: Images of Scottish Australia from First Fleet to FederationAn Art Gallery of Ballarat exhibitionto 27 JulyIan Potter Foundation, Mars, Selkirk Family and Timken galleries

Art and Australia Collection 2003–2013A Newcastle Art Gallery and Art & Australia travelling exhibition 16 August – 28 SeptemberIan Potter Foundation Gallery

Victorian Indigenous Art Awards 2014 Jointly presented by Creative Victoria and the Art Gallery of Ballart 23 August – 5 OctoberMars and Timken galleries

Stuart Campbell: The essence of you30 August – 12 OctoberMinnie Williamson Gallery

EIKŌN: Icons of the Orthodox Christian WorldAn Art Gallery of Ballarat exhibition18 October – 26 January Ian Potter Foundation Gallery

Imhoff: A life of grain & pixelsAn Art Gallery of Ballarat exhibition11 October – 7 DecemberMars and Timken galleries

Radicals, slayers and villians Prints from the Baillieu Library

Exhibitions 2014 - 2015


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Members’ PreviewFriday 17 October

Morning Art Insight: Sir Richard Temple BtFriday 17 October

EIKON Family DaySunday 25 October

Greek Feast at Ballaarat Mechanics InstituteSaturday 15 November

Byzantine Choir of David the Psalmist: The Heart of Byzantine ChantSaturday 15 November

TWILIGHT TALKS:Gordon Morrison: Material and ImmaterialWednesday 22 October

Sasha Grishin: The Novgorodian IconWednesday 12 November

Diane Micich, Ballarat icon artist Wednesday 19 November

Dr Jennifer Jones-O'NeillWednesday 12 November

Sophie Matthieson, Curator of International Art NGVCretan icons in EIKON, the role of Crete under Venetian rule in the Byzantine eraWednesday 26 November


VOX: Windows on Heaven — Russian Orthodox Choral MasterpiecesSaturday 18 October Damask and Singers of the Black Book: Prayers of Angelic PraiseSaturday 25 October

EIKŌN: Icons of the Orthodox Christian WorldArt Gallery of Ballarat18 October 2014 – 26 January 2015

This exhibition of over sixty icons, many of them drawn from an extraordinary Australian private collection, as well as significant loans from the National Gallery of Victoria, the Abbey Museum of Art and Archaeology in Queensland and the Temple Gallery in London.

Most of the icons in the exhibition originate from Greece and Russia, with examples from other parts of the eastern Mediterranean. They range in time from the twelfth to the early nineteenth centuries.

The exhibition aimed to explain the origin of the icon, exploring their meaning to the communities who create and venerate them, and to give visitors insights into their extraordinary power to sustain and shape belief in different times and contexts.

Viewing the exhibition was a special event, with dramatic lighting and a soundscape incorporating traditional chanting, bells and other sounds of an Orthodox service, recreating the original setting of the works. There was a calendar of talks, concerts and family activity days.

A creative and engaging education program was developed in conjunction with the exhibition.An Education Trail through the exhibition was provided for schools and family visitors with fun “Pilgram’s Facts”.

EIKON was accompanied by a lavishly illustrated catalogue, as well as specially produced Christmas cards and other merchandise.

The Gallery’s dedicated Guides offered special exhibition tour, daily at 11.30am from Wednesdays to Sundays.

Visitation to the exhibition was 16,449.

Nick Tsiavos and Adam Simmons: Icons and PortraitsThursday 13 November

Greek ChoirSaturday 15 November


Teachers's Professional DevelopmentThursday 23 October

For students throughout the exhibition:Reflecting Critically toursStory-telling with Anne E Stewart Paint-your-own-Icon workshops

30 31

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scientific team included the naturalist Joseph Banks and the young artist Sydney Parkinson. Their work – some of it undertaken in coastal northern Queensland – is the starting point for Capturing Flora: A Passion for the Exotick.

Housed in a landmark heritage building the Cairns Regional Gallery is Far North Queensland’s premier destination for exhibitions featuring historical and contemporary art by leading regional, national and international artists.


One hundred and twenty-nine botanical works from the Art Gallery of Ballarat Collection.



Cairns Regional Art GalleryCairns, Queensland 1 August – 12 October 2014

This major exhibition examined the way in which Australia’s amazing and diverse flora has been recorded, interpreted and popularized by botanical artists, in particular the new ‘exotick’ plants in Britain and Europe.

When James Cook’s ship the Endeavour sailed up the eastern coast of Australia in 1770, Cook’s

Opposite: Guillaume Severeyns lithographer,

Belgium, after Ellis Rowan artist, Australia, b.1848, d.1922 from The garden. An illustrated weekly journal of horticulture in all its branches

Blandfordia flammea var. Princeps, B.nobilis & B.marginata (detail) 1895, chromolithograph

on paper. Purchased with funds from the Hilton White Bequest, 2011. Below: installation view .


Touring exhibitions


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Outward Loans

Inclusion in display Museum of Australian Democracy at Eureka, March –September 2014 Unknown - Australia, Fragment of the Flag of the Southern Cross, 1854May 2015-February 2017 Unknown maker, Liquor bottle, not dated

Moya Dyring: An Australian Salon in Paris Heide Museum of Modern Art, October 2014-March 2015Mary Evatt, Portrait of Moya Dyring (in a French town), 1938

The Three O’s: Orban, Olsen and Ogburn Orange Regional Gallery & tour, November 2013-August 2014 John Olsen, Bird in landscape, 1959 Desiderius Orban, Still life, 1944

Inge King: ConstellationNational Gallery of Victoria, May-August 2014 Inge King, Double boulder, 1968 Grahame King, Medieval motifs, 1952Grahame King, The shearer, 1946

New era: Second Time LuckyKoorie Heritage Trust, May –July 2014 Pitcha Makin Fellas, We know where you live, 2013

The Great War – A Graphic LegacyGeelong Gallery, June-September 2014 William Lionel Wyllie, The Ypres Salient, 1916

Colour Music Drill Hall Gallery, Australian National University, August-September 2014 Frank Hinder, Polaroid, c.1965Stan Ostoja-Kotkowski, The Sun - Polychromatic Image, c1967

Instinct Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, December 2014-March 2015 Basil Bradley, Grouse shooting - Pointer and Setter at work, 1890Basil Bradley, Grouse hunting in the Highlands – Waiting, 1890William Strutt, Eaglehawk, c1860Unknown artist, [Dog retreiving game], not dated

Country & Western: landscape re-imagined Perc Tucker Regional Gallery & tour, July 2014-March 2017 Imants Tillers, Model of Reality, 1989

Aleks Danko: My Fellow Aus-tra-aliens Museum of Contemporary Art & tour, Sydney, July 2015-March 2016 Aleks Danko, Bill Posters will be prosecuted, 1971Aleks Danko, Block bag, 1970

Geoffrey Bartlett: 1977-2015McClelland Art Gallery and Sculpture Park, February –May 2015 Geoff Bartlett, Untitled, 1976

Ash Keating: Selected Works 2005-2015Benalla Art Gallery, May-June 2015 Ash Keating, EurEco, 2009

After 65 – The Legacy of PopLatrobe Regional Gallery, May-July 2015 Stan Ostoja-Kotkoski, Dodecahedron 2, 1983Col Jordan, Daedalus Series No. 1, 1960-68

Long term loans to Department of Premier & CabinetJune 2015-November 2016 Deborah Klein, Vorticist 2, 2004Kerrie Leishman, Terra Cumulus, 2011

Dorrit Black Art Gallery of South Australia, June-September 2014 Dorrit Black, Still life with grapes, 1928

Page.Print.Post: 50 Years of Artists Books Post Office Gallery, Federation University, July–August 2014 Robert Jacks, Family of Forms, a book of original serigraphs by Robert Jacks, 1999Lyre Bird Press, Kate Maconochie, The Pink Spotted Leopard who lost her spots, 1996Jenny Zimmer, On the desk, 1996

Delinquent Angel: John Perceval’s AngelsShepparton Art Museum, August – November 2014 John Perceval, Angel with lute, 1959

reciprocal loan related to For Auld Lang Syne Savage Club, April-July 2014 Norman Lindsay, Who Conquers Fear, 1945

Robert Jacks RetrospectiveNational Gallery of Victoria, October-February 2015 Robert Jacks, Compelling Vesture No.1, 1965 see detail leftRobert Jacks, Untitled (Totem), 1965

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EIKŌN: Icons of the Orthodox Christian World Catalogue: 220-page, 210 x 268mm ISBN: 9780992481407 (hardback). Invitations: Exclusive Opening 6–page large postcard, Members Preview double-sided DL. Merchandise:2015 Calendar, fifteen months, 580 x 280mm, spiral headermagnets, six designs, 85 x 60mmgreeting cards, twelve designs, 170 x 120mm




This charming portable triptych exemplifies

work produced at an artisanal level in places like

the Southern Peloponnese or the Ionian Islands in

around 1700. It was probably commissioned for a

moderately wealthy farmer or townsman for use

inside the home, or perhaps in a private chapel. The

work makes no claims to being ‘high art’, but is well

crafted with some costly materials, such as gold

leaf. Although the execution of the sacred portraits

is somewhat crude, the iconography itself is fully

grounded in a tradition that reaches back to the

courtly art of late Byzantium.

The upper register of the three panels represents

the core image of Deesis, or Intercession, with the

Mother of God and John the Forerunner in postures

of supplication, directing their attention to a half-

length figure of Christ the Ruler of All, who holds

the Gospels in his left hand and makes a gesture of


Triptych with Deesis and four patron saints

blessing with his right. Above Christ are images in

red of two of the six winged Seraphim, the highest

order of the angels, who the Old Testament tells were

so bright that they used their wings to shield their

hands, feet and faces.The lower register presents saints particular

to the family of the person who commissioned the

work: Michael the Archangel in his guise as leader

of the Heavenly Host; the Holy Bishops of the First

Nicene Council, Nicholas and Athanasius, champion

of the doctrine of the Trinity; and finally on the right,

Stylianos, a wonder-working hermit of sixth century

Paphlagonia in Asia Minor, who was highly regarded

as a patron of children, both born and unborn.

Saint Stylianos is one of a relatively small number of

Orthodox saints who is usually shown with an external

‘attribute’ by which he can be quickly recognised. In his

case, it is an image of a baby in swaddling clothes.38 GM


Triptych with Deesis and four patron saintsGreece, probably Ionian

Islands circa 1700

egg tempera, gold leaf

and gesso on wood32.0 x 32.6 cm (open)32.0 x 16.8 cm (closed) Private collection, Sydney

Adoration of the Magi

Russia 17th century

egg tempera, gold leaf and

gesso on linen over wood

31.5 x 26.6 cm

Private collection, Sydney

In this image the Wise Men of the East are

presenting their offerings to the Christ

Child, Mary and Joseph who are sitting in

the ruins of a building. All the costumes

are of Western design, showing that this

icon is based on Catholic rather than

Orthodox Christian models.



Wednesday ThursdayFriday


1 2

3 Good Friday (Western) public holiday 45 Orthodox Palm Sunday - The Entry of Christ into Jerusalem

6 Easter Monday (Western) public holiday 7


10 Orthodox Great and Holy Friday 1112 Orthodox Holy Pascha







2425 ANZAC Day public holiday 26

27 28


Saint George and the Dragon (detail)Crete, circa 1500 egg tempera, gold leaf and gesso on wood 27 x 21.3 cm. Private collection, Sydney

2015 Calendar

Fridge Magnet

Publications & MerchandiseExhibition invitations:Art and Australia Collection 2003 – 2013 4–page DL

Victorian Indigenous Art Awards 20146–page large postcard

Stuart Campbell: The essence of youdouble-sided DL

Imhoff: A life of grain & pixels double-sided DL

Director’s Cut: Works by members of the Ballarat Society of Artistsdouble-sided DL

46th Ballarat National Photographic Exhibition double-sided DL

Sally Miller: Zooanthropomorphismdouble-sided DL

Ron Millar: Homage to Baudelaire double-sided DL

Vignettes: Amanda Ahmed, Mali Moir, John Pastoriza-Piñol, Sandra Severgnini double-sided DL

Next Gen 2015: VCE Art & Designdouble-sided DL

Emma Stoneman and Antonietta Covino-Beehre: Structures and Facadesdouble-sided DL

Pat and Mark Shannon: Sea, Sky and the

Hills Behinddouble-sided DL

GNAP Guirguis New Art Prize 2015double-sided large postcard

Australians at War 1914 – 1945double-sided large postcard

University of Ballarat Alumni: Aluminationdouble-sided large postcard

Ash Coates: Mycolinguisticsdouble-sided DL

The Inimitable Mr Meekdouble-sided large postcard

Exhibition catalogues:Victorian Indigenous Art Awards 2014 60-page, 225 x 180mm ISBN: 978-0-9872345-9-9 (paperback)

Sally Miller: Zooanthropomorphism6-page roll fold, 210 x 148mm

Ron Millar: Homage to Baudelaire 6-page roll fold, 210 x 148mm

Vignettes: Amanda Ahmed, Mali Moir, John Pastoriza-Piñol, Sandra Severgnini 52-page, 205 x 205mm ISBN: 978-0-9924814-2-1 (paperback)

NextGen 2015: VCE Art and Design 44-page, 190 x 148mm ISBN: 978-0-9924814-4-5 (paperback)

What’s On brochures:Spring 2014, 32-page, A5 Summer 2014, 24-page, A5Autumn 2015, 36-page, A5Winter 2015, 36-page, A5

Other publications:EIKŌN: Icons of the Orthodox Christian World flyer double-sided DLEureka 160 Calendar of Eventsdouble-sided A3 folded to DLOutside the frame: poems from the Art Gallery of Ballarat book launchdouble-sided DLPercy and the Blue-tailed butterfly book launch double-sided DLArt Gallery of Ballarat Annual Report 2013-14 68-page 205 x 205mm ISSN: 0726-5530

Membership invitations and publications:Association Ceilidh invitationdouble-sided DLAssociation 130th Anniversary celebration invitation Association Ceilidh invitationdouble-sided DL

Ballarat Fine Art Public Gallery Association Annual Report of the 130th year 2013-2014 36-page 205 x 205mm ISSN 0726-5530

association magazine; 205 x 205mmSpring 28-page; Summer 24-page with colour cover; Autumn 32-page, full-colour; Winter 36-page, full-colour.

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Education Report

The gallery education programs continue to attract students from across the state and beyond. Over the past twelve months a range of special programs were developed to complement different exhibitions as well as events such as Reconciliation Week and Children’s Bookweek. Our most popular programs continue to be created in partnership with schools and are designed to support specific curriculum needs of the school. That said the history of Ballarat and gold continues to be in demand, with our Hall of debate and ST Hill programs attracting schools from Adelaide to Sydney and schools in between. It has become a significant part in many schools curriculum.

Also growing in popularity is the VCE Studio Arts Making of an Exhibition day which is designed to complement the studio arts study design. This program gives the students an insight into the workings of the gallery and it is valued because students have the opportunity to see and hear from the gallery staff themselves. It is wonderful to see this partnership with the gallery and school community.

The number of students who come to take part in the special programs run at the gallery as well as using the permanent collection as a resource continues to grow. As an example of the type of tours and workshops run, we had the wonderful Eikōn exhibition attracting students from all levels and also included special sessions for teachers with some schools using it as staff meeting, gaining greater insight under the guidance and expertise of Gordon Morrison. Students had the opportunity to view the exhibition, study the materials and technique used and then create their own Icon painting, painted on prepared wooden panels. These works then created a mini exhibition back at the participating schools.

SPECIAL PROGRAMSVCE Studio Arts Day: The Making of an ExhibitionVCE Studio Arts Day: About GNAPBook Week with Anne E StewartEureka SoundscapeNext Gen 2015 ExhibitionMindshop program, Ballarat Secondary SchoolColour and Shape for pre schoolers with Kelly MaddafordFederation Univeristy Science CampEikōn exibition Teacher Professional DevelopmentEikōn exibition Teacher viewing

PRE SCHOOLAlfredton Pre-SchoolBallarat Clarendon College Early Learning Centre Ballarat Grammar Early Learning CentreBuninyong Pre-SchoolJubilee KindergartenSkipton KindergartenWendouree PreschoolYork Street Kindergarten

PRIMARY SCHOOLSLOCALBlack Hill Primary School Dana Street Primary SchoolLumen Christi Primary School, DelacombeOur Lady Help of Christian’s Primary School, Wendouree

Pleasant Street Primary School, Lake WendoureeSt Alipius Primary School, Ballarat EastSt Columba’s Primary School, Soldiers HillSt Emmaus Catholic Primary School, Mount ClearSt James Parish School, SebastopolSt Patrick’s Primary School Drummond StreetSt Thomas More Primary School, AlfredtonREGIONALAllansford & District Primary SchoolBreamar College, Woodend Briagolong Primary SchoolCreswick Primary School Cowes Primary SchoolEast Loddon P–12 College Junior SchoolHaddon Primary SchoolHamilton North Primary SchoolJamieson Primary SchoolMerrijig Primary SchoolOur Lady of the Rosary Primary School, KynetonToolern Vale & District Primary SchoolSacred Heart Primary School, YarrawongaSkipton Primary SchoolSt Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, BallanSt Brendan’s Primary School, DunnstownSt Mary’s Primary School, Clarkes HillSt Michael’s Primary School,

SpringbankSt Patrick’s Primary School, GordonWoori Yallock Primary SchoolMETROPOLITANAscot Vale Primary SchoolEmerald Primary SchoolHawkesdale P – 12 CollegeHoly Trinity Primary School, Eltham North Kilvington Grammar School, OrmondMentone Girls’ Grammar SchoolMount Dandenong Primary SchoolRegency Park Primary School, WantirnaSpringvale Park Special Developmental SchoolSt Jude the Apostle Primary School, ScoresbyYarra Valley Grammar

SECONDARY SCHOOLSLOCALBallarat Clarendon CollegeBallarat and Queen’s Anglican Grammar SchoolBallarat High SchoolBallarat Secondary CollegeDamascus CollegeLoreto CollegeMount Clear CollegePhoenix P12 Community CollegeSt Patrick’s CollegeYuille Park P–8 Community CollegeREGIONALCamperdown CollegeCatholic Regional College SydenhamColac Secondary College

Donald High SchoolHopetoun P–12 CollegePortland Secondary CollegeStaughton College, MeltonSt Brigid’s College, HorshamMETROPOLITANDiamond Valley CollegeEpping Secondary CollegeKurunjang Secondary College, MeltonMentone GrammarSt Kevin’s College, ToorakTaylors Lake Secondary CollegeUniversity High School, Parkville

TERTIARY EDUCATIONRoyal Melbourne Institue of TechnologyGordon Institute of TAFE, GeelongFederation University, BallaratAustralian Catholic University, Ballarat

INTERSTATEAscham School, Edgecliff NSWDanebank Anglican School for Girls, Hurstville NSWSt John’s Primary School, Dubbo NSWSt Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Corowa NSWSt Michael’s Primary School, Deniliquin NSWPLC Sydney, Croydon NSWBirdwood High School, SAPrescott Northern Primary School, Para Vista SANaracoorte Primary School, SALoxton High School, SA

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Public Programs


Ballarat Arts Foundation ConcertSaturday 12 July

Seraphim Trio: Fairy TalesWednesday 6 August

Celebrating ChopinSaturday 9 August

Australian String Quartet: Quartets at SunsetSunday 26 October

Seraphim Trio: Beethoven TriosThursday 12 March

Grigoryan Brothers: This TimeSaturday 18 April

Nick Parnell with Julie Sargent: Vibes VirtuosoFriday 15 May

Toot Sweet, Mon AmourSaturday 30 Maysee image left

Matthew Fagan: Virtuoso — A Tribute to my AncestorsSaturday 13 June


Piano for PleasureSunday 20 July

Last Sunday of July ConcertScottish - multiple?Sunday 27 July

Festival of Slow Music: Tasting PlateSaturday 30 August

Last Sunday of August ConcertBallarat High SchoolSunday 31 August

Peter Blizzard Memorial ConcertSunday 31 August

Last Sunday of September ConcertBallarat Clarendon CollegeSunday 28 September

Con for KabulSaturday 11 October

Piano for PleasureSunday 19 October

Last Sunday of October ConcertMusic from Around the WorldSunday 26 October

Market LaneSaturday 1 November

Oja PrelovsekSunday 2 November

Students of Rosario Martin Sunday 2 November

Jason White and Isabel Unwin: Piano for PleasureSunday 16 November

Last Sunday of November ConcertSt Augustines, Creswick: The Joy of Christmas Sunday 30 November

Damask and Singers of the Black Books: Christmas ConcertSaturday 6 December

St Cecilia Singers: A Christmas Invitation Sunday 7 December

Ballarat Grammar RecitalTuesday 9 December

VOX: O magnum mysteriumFriday 12 December

Kate Hill piano studentsSunday 21 December

Organs of the Ballarat GoldfieldsWednesday 14 and Friday 16 January

Last Sunday of February ConcertSunday 22 February


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Piano for PleasureSunday 8 March

Last Sunday of March Concert: The Anita Hoekstra QuintetSunday 29 March

Last Sunday in April: Hana ZreikatSunday 26 April

Con for KabulSaturday 2 May

Last Sunday in May: Our Anzacs and their LegacySunday 31 May

Piano for PleasureSunday 14 June

VOX: Battlecrys and PrayersSaturday 27 June

Last Sunday of June ConcertSunday 28 June

ART INSIGHTS - Lunchtime Talks


Richard BroomeWednesday 9 July(morning tea talk)

Peter Freund: The Scots in BallaratWednesday 9 July

Valda CatriceWednesday 16 July

Penny ByrneWednesday 6 August

Moya McKennaWednesday 13 August

Paul CroftWednesday 20 August

Bernard Catrice: Mirka MoraWednesday 27 August

Art & Australia Collection 2003–2013 Wednesday 10 September

Jenny CromptonWednesday 24 September

Robert ImhoffWednesday 8 October

Sir Richard Temple BtWednesday 17 October

Gordon MorrisonWednesday 25 October

Felicity St John Moore: Danila VassilieffWednesday 16 November

Tony Ellwood, Director, NGVGreg Binns Memorial LectureWednesday 25 February

Michael Nichols: Next Gen 2016Wednesday 11 March

Antonietta Covino-Beehre and Emma StonemanWednesday 25 March

Gordon Morrison:An overview of 2016–2017Wednesday 8 April

Ted Gott, Senior Curator, NGV: Demonising the enemyWednesday 22 April

FEDERATION UNIVERSITY ARTS ACADEMY SERIES 6, 13, 20 & 27 May: GNAP: Guirguis New Art Prize artists


Tarli GloverWednesday 10 June

Joan Luxemburg: James MeekWednesday 24 June

BALLARAT HERITAGE WEEKENDTours of the Gallery CollectionAustralia at War Guided ToursRadio Play Live!Poems of WW2Ginger Mick’s WarMusic of the WarsSaturday 9 & Sunday 10 May


Sautrday 5 JulyDawn Whitehead book launch

Lucy Brisbane: Percy and the blue-tailed butterfly book launchSunday 31 August

Barry Breen Book Launch: Outside the Frame: Poems written in the Art Gallery of Ballarat Saturday 13 September

Association 130th CelebrationWednesday 15 October

Members only: Behind the Scenes tourMonday 13 October

Lorraine McGuigan: Poetry LaunchSaturday 13 December

The School of Life: Night of Better ConversationsThursday 11 June

Spoken wordLet’s Talk Poetry with Barry Breen Tuesdays 8 July, 12 August, 9 September, 14 October, 11 November, 9 December, 9 February, 10 March, 14 April, 12 May

Ballarat National Theatre at the GalleryMore Party Pieces Sunday 17 August Scenes from the Classics Sunday 12 October Across the Wide Atlantic Sunday 9 NovemberTwo Handers Sunday 1 March Radio Play Live! Saturday 9 & Sunday 10 May

Children’s Week at the GalleryMake your own TygerWednesday 23 OctoberMake your own 3D object or TriptychSaturday 25 October


Art & Australia 2002–2012Saturday 16 August

Victorian Indigenous Art AwardsSaturday 23 August

Stuart Campbell: The essence of youSaturday 30 August

Imhoff: A life of grain & pixelsSaturday 11 October

EIKŌN: Icons of the Orthodox Christian WorldVIP Opening: Thursday 16 OctoberAssociation Opening: Friday 17 October

Ballarat Camera Club: National Photographic ExhibitionSunday 14 December

Sally Miller: ZooanthropomorophismFriday 16 January

Amanda Ahmed, Mali Moir, John Pastoriza-Piñol, Sandra Severgnini: VignettesSaturday 31 January

Next Gen 2015Friday 6 February

Ron Millar: Homage to BaudelaireSaturday 7 February

Antonietta Covineo-Beehre and Emma Stoneman: Structures and FacadesSunday 15 March

Pat and Mark Shannon: Sea, Sky and the Hills BehindSaturday 21 March

Guirguis New Art Prize 2015Friday 10 April

University of Ballarat Alumni: AluminationFriday 24 April

Australians at War morning teaThursday 7 May

Ash Coates: MycolinguisticsFriday 5 June

Tarli Glover: Paper ScapeFriday 12 June

The inimitable Mr MeekSunday 14 June

Victorian Indigenous Art Awards 2015Friday 26 June

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Twilight Talks

Alison Inglis Wednesday 2 July Peter Freund: Scottish CelebrationsWednesday 9 July

Concerts and events

Icons Trio: Laverocks Tweedlin' - Scots HaikuSunday 6 July

Scotch Malt Whisky Tasting Friday 11 July see image above

Weston Bate and Danny Spooner:

An Afternoon with Scots of the Western DistrictSunday 13 July

Marjory Kennedy-Fraser, Scottish musicianSunday 27 July

Victorian Indigenous Art Awards

Twilight Talks

Megan CopeWednesday 10 September

Deanne GilsonWednesday 17 September Jenny Crompton, 2014 Deadly Award winner

Wednesday 24 September(also Lunchtime Talk)

Josh Muir and ABC OpenWednesday 1 October

EIKŌN: Icons of the Orthodox Christian World — see page 31

Eureka 160 at the Gallery

Eureka Hall of DebateMonday 1, Wednesday 3 – Friday 5 December

The Sounds of EurekaTuesday 2 December

Australians at War 1914 – 1945Twilight Talks

Gordon Morrison: Iconography of The Digger Wednesday 8 April

Clare Gervasoni: Will Dyson and the Ballarat TunnellersWednesday 15 April

Ted Gott, Senior Curator, NGV: Demonising the enemyWednesday 22 Aprilsee image above

Frank Golding: Making men out of boysWednesday 29 April

Caroline Winter: War memorials — Perceptions in Ballarat

and the Western FrontWednesday 6 May

Sheridan Palmer: Ballarat sculptor Ken PalmerWednesday 13 May

Anne Beggs Sunter: The cockies from Bungaree and the Easter RebellionWednesday 20 May

Julie McLaren: Graphic artist and muralist Harold FreedmanWednesday 27 May

Peter Freund: Three Ballarat artists of WW2Wednesday 3 June

Michael Grant:

The Legacy of WarWednesday 10 June

Melissa Watts: Female Cartographers of WW2Wednesday 17 June

Prof Keir Reeves: Walking the heritage battlefields of Anzac — artistic representations ofGallipoliWednesday 24 June

Ballarat International Foto Biennale BIFB Workshops: Designing and installing exhibitionsSaturday 18 April

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Secret kid’s business with Chris EllisWednesday 1 October

Make your own Mokuhanga (Wood Block Print) with Terry MckennaThursday 2 and Friday 3 OctoberIcon-painting with Melinda MuscatMonday 12 January

Magic-weavers with Jodie Goldring and Anne NewtonTuesday 13 January

Junkyard Challenge with Mark Maxwell Wednesday 14 January

Colour & Shape with Kellie MaddafordThursdays 15, 22 January

Do You See What I Hear? with Carmen ChanThursday 15 January

Dragons with Pauline O’Shannessy-DowlingFriday 16 JanuaryMerry-go-Round with Carla MaxwellMonday 19 January

Drawing with Shane BolandTuesday 20 January

Mosaics with Chris EllisWednesday 21 January

3D Faces with Attitude with Maggie DannattThursday 22 January

The Four Storey Tree House with Mark Maxwell


Create A Plaque with Melinda MuscatTuesday 1 July

Realistic Drawing with Shane BolandWednesday 2 July

Make your own Mokuhanga (woodblock print) with Terry McKennaThursday 3 and Friday 4 July

Create a Stained Glass Window with Chris EllisMonday 7 July

Dynamic Drawing skills with Ewen RossTuesday 8 July

Scottish Portraits with Carla MaxwellWednesday 9 July

Celtic Creatures with Pauline O’Shannesy-DowlingThursday 10 July

Darn-Garrabeel: The White Swan with Deanne GilsonMonday 22 September

Make a Wall Hanging with Melinda Muscat

Tuesday 23 September

Spring Mystery Box with Pauline O’Shannessy-DowlingWednesday 24 September

Faces and Shapes with Kellie Maddaford and Finola KennedyThursday 25 September

The power of culture with Carla MaxwellMonday 29 September

Multi-storey tree houses with Mark MaxwellTuesday 30 September

Monday 30 March, Wednesday 1 April

Fabergé Eggs with Melinda MuscatTuesday 31 March

Willow Pattern Plate with Chris EllisThursday 2 April

Mad Hatters with Carla MaxwellTuesday 7 April

Mokuhungu — Japanese Wood Block Printing with Terry McKennaWednesday 8 and Thursday 9 April

Plural = Mural with Pauline O’Shannessy-DowlingFriday 10 April


Realistic Drawing with Shane BolandMondays, 28 July – 15 September

Who Am I with Melinda MuscatTuesdays, 29 July – 16 September

Discover Mokuhanga (Japanese Printmaking) with Terry McKennaWednesdays, 30 July – 17 September

Bohemians in the BushThursdays, 31 July – 18 September

The Tree of Knowledge with Deanne GilsonMondays, 13 October – 1 December

All the fun of the Fair with Mark MaxwellTuesdays, 14 October – 2 December

Exploring with Clay with Josh PikeWednesdays, 15 October – 3 December

Shelter with Mark MaxwellTuesdays 28 April – 16 June

Realistic Drawing with Shane BolandWednesdays 29 April – 17 June

Paper Capers with Chris EllisThursdays 30 April – 18 June


Discover the Gallery with Kellie Maddaford9 October, 13 November, 11 December

Pre-schoolers Workshops with Kellie MaddafordThursdays 5, 12, 19 Marchwith Christine HicksonThursdays 7, 14, 21 May


Life DrawingSaturdays and Sundays, , four eight-week terms

Portait DrawingSaturdays, four eight-week terms

Gallery Sketch GroupThursdays 7 – 28 May

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Gallery Staff and Volunteers

Director Gordon Morrison

Registrar Anne Rowland

Marketing and Public Programs OfficerPeter Freund

Business Support Officer Kelly Smith

Exhibition Officers Ben CoxBrenda Wellman

Registration AssistantJulie McLaren

DEECD Education Officer Michael Nichols

Catholic Education Officer Pauline Doran

Eureka Education Officer Robert Allan

Retail Manager Sue Jackson

Visitor Services Mark MoravecAndi SimkinKiri Smart


Visitor ServicesKelly BrettMatthew DeeksPaige DugganVerity HigginsEmma LorenzenDeborah MeyersKate StevensonAmy TsilemanisSam ThomasAndrea ThorpeStacey WellmanTarah WestbladeExhibition ServicesRichard GriggMark HughesDan Kelly Anthony SawreyLars Stenberg Julia Young


Research: Alison Steel

Library: Helen Dehn

And the many members of the Gallery Foundation, Gallery Association, Women’s Association, Gallery Guides and the community who readily give their time and energy to support the Gallery.


Gallery visitation108,888

Touring visitation25,526



left:Harold Greenhill The Gasball, Manly (detail)1943

oil on board 39.4 x 47.2 cm. Purchased with funds from the Colin Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2015

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Assoc Prof Jennifer Jones-O’Neill PhD and Grad Dip Business Administration (LaTrobe University), Post Grad Dip Art Curatorial Studies and Grad Dip Library and Information Studies (Melbourne University)

Jennifer is Deputy Dean, Arts,Humanities and Social Sciences at theUniversity of Ballarat. Jennifer is also onthe Art Association Council. Previously,Jennifer has worked in managementand held a curatorial role at theNational Gallery of Victoria. She hasalso been Deputy Head of Departmentat Monash University.

Ruth RentschlerBA(Hons) Melb, GradDip Vic College,PhD Monash

Ruth is Chair, Academic Board andProfessor, Arts and EntertainmentManagement, Deakin University. She isa widely published arts managementacademic and is an artist in her privatelife. Ruth is the author of a number ofprofessional papers and the editor ofbooks and consultancy reports andmanuals. She is deputy chair of theboard of Multicultural Arts Victoria.

Colin Stephens

Colin is a Ballarat based antique and art collector. He is a past President of the Association and a retired public servant and has served on many community organisations.

Board SubcommitteesGovernanceFinanceStrategic AllianceEureka Flag


Mark Guirguis Chair, Art Gallery of Ballarat Foundation

Barry WemyssAssociation President

Gordon Morrison Art Gallery of Ballarat Director


Mark Guirguis, ChairVicki ColtmanPam DaviesDaryl Powell Craig MitchellGarry Taylor

Cr Vicki ColtmanChair GAICD MBA, B.Bus

Vicki is a Councillor with the City of Ballarat and a Trustee for the Art Gallery Foundation. She has many years’ experience working in the business sector designing and implementing IT systems and processes for small to large private and public organisations. Vicki is a past Director of Central Highlands Water and a past board member of BRACE and Lead On Ballarat. She has a strong commitment to her community and has assisted many organisations.

Assoc Prof Gerard FlemmingBA(Melb), BEd(LaTrobe), GradCertRE,MEd, PhD(ACU), Campus Dean,Australian Catholic University (BallaratCampus)

Gerard (Joe) has a long standingcommitment to education and hastaught in both primary and secondaryschools then branched into leadershippositions in education institutions.He has been awarded two majorinternational scholarships. The firstat Bat Kol Institute in Jerusalemthen in 2005 he was appointed theCardinal Basil Hume Visiting Scholarat the Margaret Beaufort Institute atCambridge University. Joe previouslyserved on the Board of the Committeefor Ballarat.

Board MembersAs of 30 June 2015

Dr Mark HarrisDeputy Chair

Mark Harris works locally as a medical practitioner in the emergency departments of the city’s hospitals. His community involvement includes being a field emergency medical officer with State Displan and an active reserve medical officer.

Peter Afford Treasurer and Company Secretary B Bus (Ballarat), CPA

Peter is a Tax and Accounting Partner at the Ballarat based accounting practice, PPT. He is involved in a number of school and sporting organisations and currently chairs the finance sub-committee and is a member of the Governance sub-committee.

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Budget Summary

for the year ending 30 June 2015



Earned income

Admission frees (exhibitions/concerts/public programs) 190,498

Venue hire 41,922

Merchandise 381,485

Other earned income 23,723

Government Funding

State Government funding 358,141

City of Ballarat funding 1,224,999

Private support

Philanthropic trusts 75,000

Sponsorship 68,030

Donations / fundraising 61,731

TOTAL INCOME 2,425,529


Salaries/fees 1,180,208

Marketing/promotion 261,885

Program expenditure 415,141

Administrative overheads 374,323

Other expenditure 193,972


OPERATING RESULT Surplus/(Deficit) 0


Earned income

Admission frees (exhibitions/concerts/public programs) 134,689

Venue hire 51,331

Merchandise 290,897

Other earned income 23,059

Government Funding

State Government funding 21,677

City of Ballarat funding 1,453,482

Private support

Philanthropic trusts 203,506

Sponsorship 52,932

Donations / fundraising 38,750

TOTAL INCOME 2,461,323


Salaries/fees 1,146,859

Marketing/promotion 204,878

Program expenditure 536,246

Administrative overheads 423,417

Other expenditure 149,923


OPERATING RESULT Surplus/(Deficit) 0

Budget Summary

for the year ending 30 June 2014


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