arra education funds 101

ARRA Education Funds 101

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ARRA Education Funds 101. ARRA & Purpose. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Signed into law February 17, 2009. Unprecedented effort to jumpstart economy. Save and create millions of jobs. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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ARRAEducation Funds 101

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ARRA & Purpose

• American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).

• Unprecedented effort to jumpstart economy.

• Save and create millions of jobs.

• Down payment on addressing long-neglected challenges so our country can thrive in the 21st century.

• Signed into law February 17, 2009.

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Billion with a Capital B


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ARRA - Education Money


One-time Investment


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ARRA Education Funds

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Stratford’s Share

$2,939,372 = State Fiscal Stabilization

$574,808 = Title 1

$1,692,748 = IDEA Part B & Preschool


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Stratford’s Position

• Identified initiatives that build district’s capacity in meeting educational goals.

• Fully aware the ARRA money is a historic one-time investment.

• Living within our means. Avoiding budgetary “gimmicks”. Such as…

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Stratford’s Share

$2,939,372 = State Fiscal Stabilization

$574,808 = Title 1

$1,692,748 = IDEA Part B & Preschool


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State Fiscal Stabilization Fund

• CT will receive approximately $541 million. 

• Contingent upon maintenance of effort of support for education for FY 2009, 10, & 11.

• The SFSF will be proportionately applied to each town’s ECS grant.  

• Under the Governor’s proposed FY10 – FY11 biennial budget, towns’ ECS grants will remain at the 2008-09 level.

• Punch line = Governor has supplanted ECS funds with SFSF.

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SFSF – How it will work…

• Town Budgeted $20,495,602 for ECS.

• BOE will directly receive $2,939,372.

• Town will be short BOE share.

• BOE will have to make application to State to receive funds.

• Punch line = No NEW money is available for BOE.

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Stratford’s Share

$2,939,372 = State Fiscal Stabilization

$574,808 = Title 1

$1,692,748 = IDEA Part B & Preschool


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Title I - ARRA

• Funds are to be used to close the achievement gap and enable disadvantaged students to reach their potential.

• Title I funds are only to be used for eligible children and schools.

• 85% must be expended by 9-30-10.

• Punch line = ALL statutory & regulatory requirements apply.

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Supplement vs. Supplant

• Intended to ensure that services provided with Title I funds are in additional to, and do not replace or supplant, services that students would otherwise receive.

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Title I – How it will work…

• Vacation/Summer Math & Reading Camps

• Additional Summer Kindergarten Transition

• Kindergarten tutors @ FRA, ACA, NIC

• Additional Preschool Program

• Haskins Literacy Project

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Stratford’s Share

$2,939,372 = State Fiscal Stabilization

$574,808 = Title 1

$1,692,748 = IDEA Part B & Preschool


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• Money must be expended by 9-30-11.

• Punch line = ALL statutory & regulatory requirements apply.

• These funds must be used only for the excess costs of providing special education and related services to children with disabilities.

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Supplement vs. Supplant

• Intended to ensure that services provided with Title I funds are in additional to, and do not replace or supplant, services that students would otherwise receive.

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Maintenance of Effort (MOE)

• Intended to ensure IDEA funds are not used to reduce the level of expenditures for eligible students below the level of those expenditures for the preceding year.

• If BOE “Meet Requirements” on IDEA Determinations by State can use 50% of IDEA increase to “offset” district expenses.

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IDEA – How it will work…

• Exploring assistive technologies.

• Coordinating Early Intervening Funds

• 15% of funds can be used for students not identified as special education.

• Haskins Literacy Project

• Inclusion Facilitator

• 2 PreK, 8 ELE, 6 MID special education tutors

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Accountability & Audit

• To prevent fraud and abuse, support the most effective uses of ARRA funds, and accurately track results, recipients must publicly report on how funds are used.

• Due to the unprecedented scope and importance of this investment, ARRA funds are subject to additional and more rigorous reporting requirements than normally apply to grant recipients.

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Accountability & Audit

• ARRA = Auditors Reemployment Recovery Act

• Various Federal & State oversight agencies.

• New Federal whistleblower protection.

• Emphasis on transparency.

• Real-time audits.

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Audit – How it will work…

• Recovery funds will need to be tracked and reported separately from regular entitlement funds.

• Quarterly financial and program outcome reports.

• Identify numbers of jobs created/retained.

• Will have to pay money back if not spent prudently and in accordance with the law.

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ARRA Education Funds

94.6% is formula based or earmarked.

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Competitive Grants

• “Race to the Top” Funds = $4.35 billion.

• Investing in What Works & Innovation.

• Teacher Incentive; teacher quality enhancement; impact aid construction.

• National Competitive Grants.

• Applications expected Fall 09 & Spring 10.

• 5.4% of $98.2 billion.

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Other Information

- Under “Community”- Budget Information 2009-2010




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ARRAEducation Funds 101

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