army public school, sri ganganagar worksheet...

ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL, SRI GANGANAGAR WORKSHEET (2019-20) CLASS: IV SUBJECT-ENGLISH SECTION-A READING Q.1Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar was a generous and charitable man. From his earliest years he helped the poor and the needy to the utmost of his power. As a boy at school he often gave some of the little food he had to eat to another boy who had none. If one of his school fellows fell ill, little Ishwar would go to his house, sit by his bed and nurse him. When he grew rich, hundreds of poor widows and orphans were supported by him. His name became a household word in Bengal. The rich and the poor, the high and the low, all loved him alike. No beggar ever asked him for relief in vain. He would never have a porter at his gate lest some poor man who wished to see him, should be turned away. ………. On the basis of your reading of the passage: Fill in the blanks with one word only: Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar was known for his ………………… and ……………………… nature. The ……………… and the ……………….. got his maximum help from his earliest years. He often shared his ………………… with a boy who had none. He would visit his school fellow who was ………………… Complete the following sentences: a) Vidyasagar had never a porter at his door because …………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. b) ‘No beggar ever asked him for relief in vain’ means that ……………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. SECTION-B (WRITING) Q.2 Write a letter to your friend telling that you are unable to attend his/her birthday party as you have to go to out of station. __________________ __________________ __________________ Dear _____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

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    WORKSHEET (2019-20)


    SECTION-A READING Q.1Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

    Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar was a generous and charitable man. From his earliest years he helped the poor and

    the needy to the utmost of his power. As a boy at school he often gave some of the little food he had to eat to

    another boy who had none. If one of his school fellows fell ill, little Ishwar would go to his house, sit by his

    bed and nurse him. When he grew rich, hundreds of poor widows and orphans were supported by him. His

    name became a household word in Bengal. The rich and the poor, the high and the low, all loved him alike.

    No beggar ever asked him for relief in vain. He would never have a porter at his gate lest some poor man

    who wished to see him, should be turned away.


    On the basis of your reading of the passage:

    Fill in the blanks with one word only:

    Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar was known for his ………………… and ……………………… nature. The

    ……………… and the ……………….. got his maximum help from his earliest years. He often shared his

    ………………… with a boy who had none. He would visit his school fellow who was …………………

    Complete the following sentences:

    a) Vidyasagar had never a porter at his door because ……………………………………………..


    b) ‘No beggar ever asked him for relief in vain’ means that ………………………………………



    Q.2 Write a letter to your friend telling that you are unable to attend his/her birthday party as you

    have to go to out of station.




    Dear _____________________









  • ______________________________________________________________________________________







    Your loving friend


    Q.3 Write paragraph on ‘My School’ of about 100 words with the help of the following outlines .

    Name………..location………atmosphere free from dust, din and smoke…….majestic

    building…….spacious classrooms, well stocked libraries, up- to- date laboratories……..vast playing

    fields…well-qualified teaching staff……achievements of the school in studies and co-curricular

    activities…..stress on character building………a matter of pride to be a student of the school.

















    Q.4 Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence.

    1. is/ long/the/river/a/Amazon.


    2. speaks/fluently/Sumit/English.


    3. promise/his/keeps/always/He.


    4. is/ expensive/Gold/an/metal.


    5. dictionary/is/not/It/My


  • Q.5 Make these sentences negative:

    1. The player hits the ball very hard.


    2. You cook delicious food.


    3. They like sweet corn soup.

    4. She goes to school by car.


    5. You recite the poem fluently. _____________________________________________________________________________________

    Q.6 Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns and complete the story.

    One day a cap seller was going to a village to sell caps. …….. was tired so ……….. sat down under a tree to

    take rest. Soon ……………. was fast asleep. Some monkeys lived in that tree. ………… got down,opened

    his bag and saw the caps. ……………put on the caps on their head and climbed back on the tree. When the

    cap seller woke up, found his bag empty. He checked ………….. again but not a single cap was in

    …………… Just then ………. saw the monkeys wearing his caps. The monkeys teased ………….. Then

    …….. got an idea. ……… took off his cap and threw ……….. towards ………. The monkeys also imitated

    the man and threw their caps towards ……………. The cap seller quickly collected ………. And went


    Q.7 Fill in the blanks with the possessive adjective form of the given subject pronouns:

    1. Do you fulfill …………. promise? (they) 2. What is …………. name? (you) 3. This is ………… home. (we) 4. India is ………. motherland. (we) 5. She is playing with ………. friends.(she)

    Q8 Spot the errors:

    1. Shopkeepers sells various items. ………………… 2. You don’t knocks at the door. ………………… 3. Does your parent drop you to school? …………….. 4. Riya make fun of people. …………….. 5. We helps the poor. ………………….


    Q.10 Answer the following questions.

    1. What advice did the passerby give the six men?




    2. Describe Gulliver’s struggle to reach the shore.





    3. Why were there only six sailors in the lifeboat?




    4. What piece of news did the six blind men hear?




    Q11 Write the meanings of the following:

    1. voyage: ……………………………………………………………………………………

    2. exhausted: ………………………………………………………………………………..

    3. limp: ………………………………………………………………………………………

    4. jabbing: ………………………………………………………………………………….

    5. generous: …………………………………………………………………………………

    6. barrel: …………………………………………………………………………………….

    7. gasp: ………………………………………………………………………………………

    8. clamber: …………………………………………………………………………………….


    WORKSHEET (2019-20)


    SECTION-A READING Q.1Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

    Penguins are a group of aquatic birds that cannot fly. Their striking black-and-white body is very attractive.

    They live in large groups. They are mostly found in the Southern Hemisphere, especially in Antarctica. They

    can easily live and swim in water because their wings are like flippers. Most penguins feed on fish and other

    sea life. They spend about half of their lives on land and half in the oceans. Penguins have been the subject

    of many books, films and cartoons all around the world.

    There are many species of penguins. The largest living species is the Emperor Penguin. They are about 1.1

    m tall and weigh 35 kg. The smallest penguin species is the Little Blue Penguin, which is also known as the

    Fairy Penguin. It is around 40 cm tall and weighs 1 kg. Penguins have a funny walk: they walk upright,

    shuffling about on their short feet. Penguins are not especially scared of humans. Though they remember to

    keep a short distance between themselves and humans, they do approach groups of explorers without

    hesitation. This may be because penguins have no land predators in Antarctica. Instead, penguins are at risk

    at sea from predators such as the leopard seal. Antarctic tourists are asked to keep a distance of about 3m

    from the birds.

    1. Find the following information from the passage above.

    a. Name of the bird—

    b. Type of bird—

    c. Colour—

    d. Found in—

    e. Feed on—

    f. Name of its largest species—

    g. Name of its smallest species—

    2. Why do penguins have little fear of humans?



    3. Why are Antarctic tourists told to keep a distance of at least 3m from penguins?



    4.Write why Penguin’s walk is said to be funny?




    Q.2Answer the following questions by using your imagination and creativity.

    1.If you could be invisible for a day what will you do?




    2. If you could touch any thing in the sky, what would it be?



  • Q.3 Write a paragraph on- ‘How I spent my Winter Vacation’





















    Q.4 Make these sentences negative.

    1.She likes to dance with her friends.

    2.The teacher scolds the students for shouting.


    3. Radhika goes to meet her granny every month.


    4. It is raining in our town since last night.


    5. Her mother often cooks delicious food for her.


    Q.5 Choose the correct pronoun to complete the following sentences meaningfully.

    1. The doll on the chair is _________ (me/mine).

    2. ________ lives in our apartment. (She/ Her).

    3. Is this pen ___________? (you/ yours)

    4. He wants to take ______ (us/ours) to the temple.

    5. She is not your sister, she’s ___________ (my/ mine).

    Q.6 Correct the underlined words:

    1.Our city has got the better city award in the category of cleanliness. _______________

    2.She is as strongest as her brother. _______________

    3.Please give me the sweet fruit kept in the basket. _______________

    4. He want them to join his group. _______________

  • 5.The dog see its meal and ran towards it. _______________

    Q.7Choose the correct option and write whether it is a possessive pronoun (PP) or a

    possessive adjective (PA) beside it.

    1. She is not your sister, she’s ______________ (my/ mine).

    2. I don’t know ______________ (their/ them) family very well.

    3. Is this pen ______________ (your/yours)?

    4. ______________ (Her/Hers) main aim was to help poor people.

    5. ______________ (Our/Ours) country has many languages and cultures.

    Q.8Complete the below given table ( formation of the degrees of comparison.

    Positive Comparative Superlative

    1.Fair _______________ ______________

    2. thin _______________ _______________

    3. hot _______________ _______________

    4. expensive _______________ _______________

    5.useful _______________ _______________

    6. happy _______________ _______________

    7. sweet _______________ _______________

    8.tough _______________ _______________

    9. pretty _______________ _______________

    10. beautiful _______________ _______________

    Q.9 Underline the adjectives in the paragraph given below.

    I was ten years old. My grandmother sat on the string bed under the mango tree. My

    grandmother was knitting a woolen scarf for the winter months. She was very old, dressed in a plain white

    dress. Her eyes were not very strong but her fingers moved quickly with the needles and the needles keep

    clicking all afternoon.


    Q.10 Answer the below given questions.

    1.Why were the six blind men eager to see the elephant?



    2. What was the advice given by passer by to the six blind men?



    3.Why it is useless to catch ink?



    4.Why did Gulliver signed as ship’s doctor?



  • 5. How did Gulliver reach the shore all alone?





    6. What was the height of the tiny people and what were called?



    7.What did Gulliver find when he woke up after his nine hour sleep?



    8. What kind of place would you like to visit , if you are given an opportunity to do so?



    Q.11 Write meaning and frame sentences using the given words.






    Q.12 Describe what did the Lilliputians do to satisfy Gulliver’s hunger and thirst.









    Q.13 Which is your the most favourite part of the story - Gulliver in the land of Lilliput and why?






    WORKSHEET 1(2019-20)

    Class- IV Sub : EVS

    NAME__________ ROLL NO-______

    Q.1 State whether the following statements are True or False

    (i) Evaporation and condensation of water vapour cause rain,

    dew snow, hail and fog. ( )

    (ii) NGOs are non-government organizations. ( )

    (iii) The first municipal government was started in 1687. ( )

    (iv) We have three levels of government the central, the state

    And the local self government. ( )

    (v) Private properly belongs to the public. ( )

    Q.2 Fill in the blanks with suitable words:-

    (i) When the wind blows gently it is called _____________

    (ii) ____________is one such organization which only look after the

    Welfare of women and children.

    (iii) ___________is the first women sarpanch of Soda village in Rajasthan.

    (iv) Rain, snow, hail frost falling from clouds in called __________

    (v) The chairman of Sri Ganganagar is _______________.

    Q.3 Match the following

    Column A Column B

    Gram Panchayat Breeze

    Women’s organisation Frost

    Gently blows wind 5 years

    Freeze dew drop Councillor

    Elected member for ward SEWA

    Q.4 Tick ( ) the correct option :-

    (i) The ___________causes changes in the weather conditions.

    (a) Moon (b) Sun (c) Earth d) None of these

    (ii) How many branches the Indian Red Cross has in India?

    (a) 800 (b) 1000 (c) 700 (d) 500

  • (iii) He is the head of the Municipal Council -

    a) Commisioner (b) Chairman (c) Sarpanch (d) Teacher

    (iv) Which Garden in the Rashtrapati Bhawan is open for the public

    for 3 months.

    (a) Nehru Garden (b) Pratap Garden

    (c) Mughal Garden (d) Rose Garden

    (v) What is beginning age for voting?

    (a) 25 (b) 30 (c) 18 (d) 28

    Q.5 Answers the following questions

    (i) How does the sun cause change in weather?



    (ii) Find out any two women’s organization.



    (iii) Who is the Prime Minister of India?



    (iv) Who is the Presidentof India?



    Q.5 Draw Neat and Labelled Diagram of Water Cycle


    WORKSHEET 2(2019-20)

    Class- IV Sub : EVS

    NAME-________________ ROLL NO -_____

    Q.1 State whether the following statements are True or False

    (i) It is our duty to take care of monuments. ( )

    (ii) Clean surroundings help in the growth of germs. ( )

    (iii) Military use of weapons and rocketry cause air pollution. ( )

    (iv) We must spit on walls. ( )

    (v) Incineration is a process of dumping waste in big furnaces. ( )

    Q.2 Fill in the blanks with suitable words:-

    (i) Private property is that which belongs to an ___________

    (ii) ___________plays a very important role in keeping us healthy.

    (iii) ___________is one of the biggest killer affecting over 100 million


    (iv) Our school is like our extended___________

    (v) By using the ___________we can reduce the carbon footprints.

    Q.3 Match the following

    Column A Column B

    Paper Land Pollution

    Markets Biodegradable waste

    Mismanagement of land Recyclable material

    Hygiene Public Property

    Fallen leaves Healthy body

    Q.4 Tick ( ) the correct option :-

    (i) Which is public property?

    (a) fan (b) chalk (c) Zoo d) text book

    (ii) What causes malaria?

    (a) cockroach (b) mosquitoes (c) honey bee (d) butterfly

    (iii) Which resource will not get over?

    a) air (b) metal (c) coal (d) petroleum

  • (iv) Mixing of dirty unwanted elements in the water bodies is called___

    (a) water pollution (b) air pollution

    (c) noise pollution (d) land pollution

    (v) Which are not the part of our cultural heritage?

    (a) historical monuments (b) national museums

    (c) zoo (d) hospitals

    Q.5 Answers the following questions

    (i) Name a few famous public places which are not in your text book.



    (ii) How does increasing population affect our surroundings?.



    (iii) Why should we not use plastic bags?



    Q.6 Define these terms :-

    1) Reduce :- _________________________________

    2) Re-use :- _________________________________

    3) Recycle :- _________________________________

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    ROLL No:

    Q.1 Write the next five multiples of the following numbers.

    12 = ____, ____, ____, ____, _____

    Q.2 Write whether true of false.

    a) Every number is a multiple of itself. ( )

    b) 20 is a multiple of 1. ( )

    Q.3 List all the factors.

    18 = ___________________________________________

    Q.4 Fill in the blanks.

    a) The number _____ is a factor of every number.

    b) Each prime number has exactly _______ factors.

    Q.5 Ring the odd numbers.

    15, 8, 11, 4, 21

    Q.6 Which is the smallest prime number?


    Q.7 Which number is neither prime nor composite?


    Q.8 Find the first two common multiples of this pair.

    9, 6




    Q.9 Using the division method, find the prime factors of this number.


    Q.10 Test divisibility

    Which number is divisible by 5.

    75, 26, 125, 32, 148


  • Q.1 Fill in the blanks using the properties of multiplication.

    a) 3658 x _______ = 3658 b) 269 x ______ = 0

    Q.2 Complete the following.

    a) 12 x 3000 = __________ b) 125 x 2000 = ___________

    Q.3 Multiply

    a) 4 3 8 b) 6 0 5

    x 2 1 3 x 1 0 7

    Q.4 Find the products.

    a) 625 x 348 b) 180 x 425

    Q.5 Estimate the product as indicated

    By rounding off to the nearest hundred.

    a) 489 x 365 b) 750 x 826

    Q.6 When a multiplicand is multiplied by the multiplier we get the:

    a) sum b) difference c) product d) quotient

    Q.7 456 multiplied by 10,00,000 is:

    a) 45,600 b) 45,60,000 c) 4,56,00,000 d) 45,60,00,000

    Q.8 98756987 x 0 =

    a) 98756987 b) 1 c) 0 d) 9875698

    Q.9 A dealer buys 560 bicycles. Each bicycle costs him Rs 950. How much does he pay?

    Q.10 What is the total cost of fencing 750 plots of land if the cost of fencing one plot of land is Rs 1200?




    ROLL No: