
he upcoming event in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, which takes place on 19 th of April, will be conducted in the wake of Defense Service Asia Exhibition 2008, that is consid- ered to be one of the world's top 5 Defense and Security exhibitions and firmly remains the Asia Pacific region's most vital procurement hub for Defense and Security. 712 compa- nies from 49 countries participated at the 11 th Defense Services Asia Exhibition and Conference DSA 2008 in Kuala Lumpur, showcasing their products and technology for the Army, Navy, Air Force as well as the security and homeland enforcement agencies. The Malaysian government signed a total of US $360 million of contracts with local and foreign companies and agencies. The Russian Federation traditionally has wide participation in the DSA exhibitions. Last DSA 2008 Russian defense prod- ucts of more than 490 types were put on display as a common exhibition representing 17 enterprises, among them such world- known arms manufacturers as the Almaz-Antei missile develop- er, the Oboronnye Sistemy (Defence Systems), Uralvagonzavod, and Izhmash. The Russian delegation was led by Mikhail Petukhov, Deputy Director of the Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation. The Russian Federation put on view a broad spectrum of prod- ucts of military purpose for all arms and services, including the lat- est products of development studies in the field of land military vehicles: the missile and gun tank T-90S, the armored repair and recovery vehicle BREM-1M and highly mobile versatile GAZ- 39371 Vodnik designed to install functional modules for the trans- portation of people and loads in heavy-going areas. The hosters expect over 700 companies from more than 40 coun- tries to be exhibited their products. More than 25,000 trade visitors from over 60 countries/nations are forecasted to be present. According to the Russian plans in the light of arms export, Moscow plans to export $9–$10 billion worth of arms annually over the coming years. Russia's combat aircraft accounted for some 50% of exports followed by anti-aircraft systems and navy weaponry and equipment. Malaysia remains Russia's main customer. It is among the targets of a marketing blitz aimed at winning new friends as well as to restore defense industries. Already equipped with Russian fighter jets, Kuala Lumpur is believed to be considering other acquisitions from Russia, ranging from battlefield tanks to submarines and mis- sile batteries. Salamat Datang, Russia! DSA 2010: LIVE UP TO EXPECTATIONS T Anton CHERNOV Editor-in-Chief of “ARMS” Magazine

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Page 1: Arms-2010-2

he upcoming event in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, which

takes place on 19th of April, will be conducted in the wake

of Defense Service Asia Exhibition 2008, that is consid-

ered to be one of the world's top 5 Defense and Security

exhibitions and  firmly remains the  Asia Pacific region's

most vital procurement hub for Defense and Security. 712 compa-

nies from 49 countries participated at the 11th Defense Services Asia

Exhibition and Conference DSA 2008 in Kuala Lumpur, showcasing

their products and technology for the Army, Navy, Air Force as well

as the security and homeland enforcement agencies. The Malaysian

government signed a total of US $360 million of contracts with local

and foreign companies and agencies.

The Russian Federation traditionally has wide participation

in the  DSA exhibitions. Last DSA 2008 Russian defense prod-

ucts of more than 490 types were put on display as a  common

exhibition representing 17 enterprises, among them such world-

known arms manufacturers as the  Almaz-Antei missile develop-

er, the  Oboronnye Sistemy (Defence Systems), Uralvagonzavod,

and Izhmash. The Russian delegation was led by Mikhail Petukhov,

Deputy Director of the  Federal Service for Military and  Technical


The Russian Federation put on view a  broad spectrum of prod-

ucts of military purpose for all arms and services, including the lat-

est products of development studies in the  field of land military

vehicles: the  missile and  gun tank T-90S, the  armored repair

and  recovery vehicle BREM-1M and  highly mobile versatile GAZ-

39371 Vodnik designed to install functional modules for the  trans-

portation of people and loads in heavy-going areas.

The hosters expect over 700 companies from more than 40 coun-

tries to be exhibited their products. More than 25,000 trade visitors

from over 60 countries/nations are forecasted to be present.

According to the  Russian plans in the  light of arms export,

Moscow plans to export $9–$10 billion worth of arms annually over

the coming years. Russia's combat aircraft accounted for some 50%

of exports followed by anti-aircraft systems and  navy weaponry

and equipment.

Malaysia remains Russia's main customer. It is among the targets

of a  marketing blitz aimed at  winning new friends as well as to

restore defense industries. Already equipped with Russian fighter

jets, Kuala Lumpur is believed to be considering other acquisitions

from Russia, ranging from battlefield tanks to submarines and mis-

sile batteries.

Salamat Datang, Russia!



Anton CHERNOVEditor-in-Chief of “ARMS” Magazine

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C O N T E N T S2(52).2010


Editor-in-Chief of “Arms” MagazineAnton Chernov

Editor-in-Chief of “Arsenal” MagazineEduard Voitenko

Editor-in-Chief of “Airfleet” MagazineAlexander Gudko

Editor-in-Chief of “World Airshows” MagazineSvetlana Komagorova

EditorsAlexander Velovich, Viktor Murakhovskiy,Yaroslav Parkhomenko

DESIGN AND LAYOUTArt-DirectorAl'vina Kirillova

DesignersAlexander Strelyaev, Alexander Cheredaiko

Layout DesignerElena Shishova

GRAPHIC ARTSPhotoV. Kuzmin, V. Belogrud

PUBLISHING HOUSEDirector GeneralEvgeny Osipov

Deputy Director GeneralAlexander Kiryanov, Vyacheslav Schesnovich

Marketing Directorof “Arsenal” and “Arms” MagazinesValery Parshin

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IT SupportPavel Chernyak

OFFICE IN ST PETERSBURGDeputy Director General, Head of OfficeOleg Perevoschikov

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Circulation: 8000

The magazine is registered in the Committee for Press of the Russian Federation. Certificate № 016692 as of 20.10.1997. Certificate № 77-15450 as of 19.05.2003.Any material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the pub-lisher. The editorial staff’s opinion does not necessarily coincide with that of the authors. Advertisers bear re-sponsibility for the content of provided materials.

ARMS, 2010ADDRESSP.O. Box 77, Moscow, 125057, RussiaTel.: + 7 495 626-52-11Fax.: + 7 499 151-61-50E-mail: [email protected]

Office 1V, 2/6, Moskovsky prospect,Saint Petersburg, 190031, RussiaTel./fax: +7 812 310-61-46E-mail: [email protected]


20 Unified Fire

Control System for

Armoured Vehicles


10 Russian Fleet

Submarine Forces'

Challenging Tasks


32 Upgraded ZU-23

Anti-Aircraft Mount


4 Russian-Malaysian Military

Cooperation Promises

Bright Future


6 Tactical Level Battlefield


14 From Peter the Great's

epoch of cannons

made of bronze up to

cutting-edge space


24 Night Vision


From Generation

to Generation

36 Buk Air Defense

Missile System:

Old Friends are Best


42 Russian light

multirole Armored


p. 10

p. 24

p. 32

p. 42

Page 4: Arms-2010-2


4 ● ARMS Defence Technologies Review

he history of  the bilat-

eral relations between

Russia and  Malaysia

starts in  1966 when

the  first direct con-

tacts between representatives

of  the Soviet Union and  Malaysia

took place in Moscow in September.

Later on, in  the wake of  the con-

tacts in  Moscow, Malaysia hosted

a  meeting in  March 1967. As far as

the first agreements are concerned,

an  intergovernmental agreement

on  air communications was signed

in  1969, after that Aeroflot, then

Soviet Union Airlines, established

a  direct link between Moscow

and  Kuala Lumpur. The same year

saw the  first Soviet trade and  in-

dustrial exhibition held in  Malaysia.

An important event in bilateral rela-

tions happened in 1972, when Prime

Minister Abdul Razak of  Malaysia

paid his first official visit to the USSR

to sign economic-and-technical

and  cultural-and-scientific cooper-

ation agreements.

The nowadays history is marked

by the  visits of  Prime Minister

Mahathir Mohamad to Russia in 1987

and  2002, as well as his working

visits to Khabarovsk and  Ulan-Ude

in  1999. In 2007 Prime Minister

Abdullah Ahmad Badawi hold ne-

gotiations with Russian Federation

President Vladimir Putin concerning

space and  defense cooperation, en-

ergy partnership and bilateral trade.

Regarding the  visits of  some

Russian high ranking officials,

the  visit of  the Russian President

Vladimir Putin in  July 2003 became

a  landmark event in  bilateral rela-

tions where their effectiveness was

concerned. Noteworthy that the  vis-

it was postponed one time. Due

to the  terrorist attack in  Tushino

(Moscow district) in  June of  2003,

the visit was canceled. The Malaysian

authorities fully understood the  de-

cision of  then President V. Putin.

It once again proves the importance

of  the development of  cooperation

between two countries.

The most dynamic component

of  Russian-Malaysian economic rela-

tions is cooperation in the aerospace

sphere. It is no wonder that the first

breakthrough took place in  1994

when the  first 18 MiG-29 fighters

were delivered. That deal marked

the  breakthrough of  Russia to

the South-Asian market and showed

that not all countries would follow

the  United States after the  collapse

of the Soviet Union.

Currently the  two countries have

been developing the  $900 million

worth project on acquiring 18 Russian

serial Su-30MKM Flanker-C fighters

(six of them were delivered in October

2008). The Su-30MKM fighter is very

similar to a  Su-30MKI version which

is delivered to India. However the dif-

ferences are that the Su-30MKM fight-

er is not equipped with Israeli avion-

ics, has thrust vectoring nozzle, ca-

nard surfaces and a phased array an-

tenna radar.

The chose of Su-30MKM Flanker-C

fighters does not mean that Malaysia

has not considered MiG-29 as a  up-

to-date fighter. The decision to pur-

chase 18 Sukhoi jets shows the inten-

tion to increase the  sector of  its de-

fense as the  Fulcrums well provide

closer sector. The task of the Flankers

to enhance Malaysia's strategic capa-

bilities to defend.

The Russia-Malaysia project is al-

so a  unique one, as all Russian gov-

ernmental bodies, such as Ministry

of  Defense, Defense Export State

Corporation Rosoboronexport,

Joint- Stock Com pany Sukhoi

Design Bureau etc. were involved

into the  fulfillment of the project.

A  very important role of  it belongs

to  the  Russian President. So huge

participation of the state bodies pro-

ceeded from the competitors, who al-

so took part in the tender. First of all it

was an American fighter, F/A–18E/D.

The success of  the Russian com-

panies on  the Malaysian market is



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2(52).2010 ● 5

also stipulated by the  verity of  mil-

itary hardware, some Russian enter-

prises are able to offer, and creation

of  some service centers, in  particu-

lar for Su-30MKM Flanker-C.

The bilateral cooperation can

be assessed as good and  the  ten-

dency of  the future development

offers great opportunities. In 2001

Malaysia bought the  “Metis”anti-

tank system and  in  2002 the  “Igla”

air-defense system.

As far as future-oriented projects

are concern, it is necessary to men-

tion the  interest of  purchasing

the  Be-200 and  multipurpose am-

phibious aircraft and  Be-103, a  sea-

plane. Both designed by the  Beriev

Aircraft Company and  manufac-

tured by Irkut. The high perform-

ances of  these planes were tested

by Indonesia in  2006, when the  au-

thorities decided to rent the Be-200

aircraft for one year, by Azerbaijan

EMERCOM, that purchased one

Be-200 and by Greece. The latter or-

dered five planes of this type.

Besides, Malaysia is interested

in the Russian combat ships and pur-

chasing of some modern tanks T-90.

Rosoboronexport actively par-

ticipates in  tenders for the  sup-

ply of  BTR-90 APC, the  “Vodnik”

and “Vystrel” 4-wheel drive armored

vehicles and  the  “Avtobaza-M” ra-

dio-electronic surveillance system.

Malaysia expresses interest in  the

Russian transport helicopters, Mi-

26MT, Mi-171 and  Mi-17, as well as

in  some anti-aircraft systems, such

as BUK-M2E and Igla.

In conclusion I'd like to men-

tion that apart of  pure military co-

operation, Russia and  Malaysia ac-

tively seek collaboration in  com-

mercial space reclamation, de-

velopment of  scientific and  tech-

nical cooperation in  the sphere

of  advanced technologies, air-

craft and  shipping development

as well as realization of investment

projects in  Malaysia oriented to lo-

cal markets and  Third Word coun-

tries, first of all the ASEAN countries,

realization of  investment projects

in  Russia and  cooperated promo-

tion in  markets of  Third World


Anton Chernov

Page 6: Arms-2010-2


6 ● ARMS Defence Technologies Review

n modern hi-tech wars,

soldiers die and  are

getting wounded just

as at  the time of  the

Roman legions. There

is a  continuous competition for sol-

dier lives between lethal weapon-

ry and  survival kits on  the battle-

field. The key role is played by mili-

tary medicine.

Progress in  military medicine is

obvious. During World War II, the le-

thal outcome among wounded men

in  the Red Army was 5.7%. 40 years

later, during the Afghan war, it de-

creased to 3.4%. 10 more years lat-

er, during the counter terrorist op-

erations in  Chechnya, the lethal out-

comes compounded 1.2%. Such re-

sults were achieved owing to the de-

velopment of medical technologies as

a  whole and  closer attention to tacti-

cal level medical support of the troops.

For a wounded soldier the first 30

minutes are known to be crucial. This

is the time when most of the wound-

ed men die. That is why the improve-

ment in medical support at the tacti-

cal level is a key element for the sol-

diers’ survival on the battlefield.

There are three major aspects here.

First: how soon the wounded are

found on  the battlefield and  evacu-

IThe armored first-aid medical

vehicle is designed and equipped for setting up mobile dressing posts and rendering first aid in the combat zone.

The MT-LBu multipurpose track-ed armored personnel carrier, used as the baseline chassis, provides cross-country mobility, river cross-ing and protection of its crew against bullets and shell fragments.

Medical equipment and instru-ments, a stock of medicines and dressing materials are housed by the compartment of 8 m³ in the front part of the vehicle. Fold-back seats for the transportation of the lightly

wounded are fixed in it. Three lay-ers of stretchers with the critically wounded can be fixed there.

A special tent is set up opposite the rear door at the stern of the vehicle at the halt and is used as a wound-dressing compartment in the field conditions. When mobile the tent is transported in the bas-kets arranged on both sides of the vehicle.

The vehicle is equipped with the air filtration and climate con-trol units and a potable water tank. The  portable 5kW AC diesel gen-erator is used to maintain self-con-tained power supply of the vehicle.


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2(52).2010 ● 7

ated to the place where medical as-

sistance is rendered.

Second: immediate rendering

of basic medical assistance when the

person is wounded in order to stabi-

lize him or her and prevent the lethal


Third: getting qualified medical

assistance to the battlefield and  its

organization on the battalion level.



Nowadays search and  detection

of  the wounded have not changed

for the last several hundred years: vi-

sual observation and  terrain comb-

ing. However, those methods are get-

ting ineffective as a  theater of  mod-

ern warfare is enlarged in  scale, in-

creased in  pace of  combat and  ri-

val armies are saturated with cut-

ting edge equipment. It is extreme-

ly difficult to search for the uncon-

scious wounded in  combat vehicles,

urbanized areas and  cross-country

terrain, etc.

Due to the entered-in-service ad-

vanced outfit kits as well as personal

radio sets the acuteness of the search

and  rescue problem has slightly dis-

solved. However, in  case of  a  sharp

pain shock, contusion conjugated

with loop of speech and hearing, as

well as unconscious condition a  sol-

dier is not able to report on his or her

being wounded. That is why experts

suggest every soldier be equipped

with an  “emergency button”. When

pushed, it brings into action a  GPS

beacon which transmits the coordi-

nates of a wounded soldier.

Nowadays some outfit-in-built

systems, that are able automatical-

ly register physiological parameters

of a soldier, are under research. Such

systems are able to detect that a sol-

dier has been hit and transmit a sig-

nal to a relevant combat and combat

support network.

The detection of  a  wounded sol-

dier is only the first stage of  casual-

ty evacuation (casevac). It is neces-

sary to whisk the casualty away from

the enemy fire to the nearest shel-

ter where a  soldier can receive first

aid. Based on  the Chechen Counter

Terrorist War experience, ad-hoc ri-

flemen/medics were commissioned

to a  platoon level to search for

and  evacuate casualties from the

battlefield. When necessary, special

search groups headed by a  medic

or paramedic were organized. When

first aid had been rendered, the ca-

sualties were transfered to the shel-

ters where they could be protected

against direct fire of the enemy (the

so-called “nests of  the wounded”. It

could be a trench, a wall, a basement

etc.), and  then they were casevaced

by a combat or a medical vehicle to

the next stage of casevac.

Stretchers of  various types were

used for foot evacuation. The wound-

ed were often dragged under enemy

fire. The special SH-4 stretches were

designed to evacuate the wounded

from combat vehicles.

In the future, it will be possible to

use remote control or self-contained

vehicles for casevac under fire such

as the BigDog quadruped robot de-

veloped by Boston Dynamics.

BММ and  GAZ-59039 special-

ized armored medical vehicles, GTS

and  MTLB tracked carriers, APCs

and IFVs are equipped and used for

casevac from ‘nests of  the wound-

ed’ to the places where the first aid

would be rendered in  the imme-

diate rear area (regimental or bri-

gade level).

At further stages of casevac, Mi-8

helicopters and  An-72 and  Il-76

“Scalpel” airborne hospitals would be

widely used.


As was mentioned above, it is ex-

tremely important to render medical

aid within the first 30 minutes after

a soldier was got wounded to reduce

the possibility of the lethal outcome.

The GAZ-59039 (BMM) ar mo red multipurpose amphibious medical vehicle is used for search, collection and evacuation of the wounded on a battlefield and rendering them first aid during their transportation. It  operates under various weather conditions on inaccessible terrain during day and night.

The vehicle is equipped with a special set of the medi-cal equipment. It consists of the

racks designed for fixation of the stretchers and medical equipment, safe, a tank for potable water, a washstand (a tap is controlled by elbows), a water tank with a bleed valve, a six-man seat with fastened belts. The fully loaded BMM weights 13.6 tons, is manned by three men, seven men can be placed in the medical compart-ment and two on the stretchers on the roof of a vehicle.

Page 8: Arms-2010-2


8 ● ARMS Defence Technologies Review

If we could make some minor chang-

es in  our common soldier medical

skills training, we could improve the

survival rate of  15–20 percent of  all

battlefield deaths.

Based on  the experience in  the

Chechen War on  Terrorism, it is ob-

vious that wounds of  extremities

(63.1%) and  head (24.4%) dominate

among all the wounds due to the

peculiarities of  operations in  urban-

ized areas, numerous snipers used

by the enemy and use of body armor

by personnel.

Heavy wounds totaled 25%. In ac-

cordance with the type of projectile

they are subdivided as follows:

■ 38% of gunshot wounds;

■ 58% of shell fragment wounds;

■ 4% of explosive wounds.

Most of  the deaths on the battle-

field are caused by:

■ fatal trauma — 56%;

■ fatal hemorrhage — 28%;

■ Damage of vitals — 16%.

Statistical analysis of  battlefield

deaths during the US Army opera-

tions in Iraq and Afghanistan showed

that soldiers die from the following


■ penetrating head trauma — 31%;

■ uncorrectable torso trauma  —


■ potentially correctable torso trau-

ma — 10%;

■ hemorrhage from extremity

wounds — 9%;

■ mutilating blast trauma — 7%;

■ tension pneumothorax (collapsed

lung under pressure) 5%.

Modern conflicts show that it is

necessary to improve medical train-

ing of troops and beef up individual

medical kits (for example, AI1 first-aid

individual medical kit and AV troops

first-aid kit) and  group medical sets

(for example, Tactical Medical Kit).

In particular, self-tightening bandag-

es, new sets of stemming of the flow

of blood, etc are needed. It is neces-

sary to develop remote diagnostics

aids integrated into automated com-

mand and control systems.



During the Chechen War

on  Terrorism, medical assistance

came nearer to combat units. The

following medical assistance was de-


■ on the forward edge of the battle

area (FEBA) — first aid and buddy

aid done by a soldier himself or by

ad-hoc combat lifesavers or medi-

cal instructors or paramedics;

■ in the company — advanced first

aid with the elements of first med-

ical assistance in urgent situations.

To exercise the  task a  company

paramedic shall be equipped

with an  Airborne Medical Kit,

an  aid man shall be equipped

with the “PF” Field Medical Kit

and  a  combat lifesaver with

a Tactical Medical Kit;

■ in  the battalion  — first medical

assistance in full;

■ in  the regiment/brigade medical

aid station  — the first medical

assistance in  full with elements

of qualified medical assistance;

■ in special medical groups — qual-

ified medical assistance in  full

with elements of  specialized

medical assistance.

Medical personnel and  special

medical equipment can be increas-

ingly vulnerable to enemy fire when

they get closer to the FEBA. This is

a  main problem of  medical assis-

tance on the battlefield. That is why

the necessity to equip battalions

with armored first-aid medical ve-

hicles was put on  the agenda. Such

vehicles were designed by several

companies and  can be batch-pro-

duced (for example, the PPMP mo-

bile medical assistance post devel-

oped by Minotor-Service in  Minsk,


Viktor Murakhovskiy

Page 9: Arms-2010-2


2(52).2010 ● 9

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10 ● ARMS Defence Technologies Review

n the  5th of  February,

2010 Russian President

D. Medvedev signed

a  Decree that approves

the  Military Doctrine. It

stipulates that Russia was, is and will

remain as a  great power with its

own national interests. It means that

these interests shall be respected by

other states. This is the  imperative

reality of the 21st century. Russia has

not only the biggest territory but al-

so the  biggest sea border. The  ap-

pearance of  some cutting edge un-

der water technologies stipulates

the  expansion of  the economic and

military activities at  the inner space.

Moreover, the  rapidly depleting re-

serves of oil and gas put on an agen-

da the  developing of  under sea gas

and oil reserves as well as other ma-

terials not only at the shelf zones but

also at the abyssal planes. Therefore

the  partition of  areas of  economic

influence in  the  World's oceans and

Seas is getting inevitable. It stands

to reason that these activities are

fraught with grave consequences

which can lead to the rise of military

tensions. The  history of  internation-

al relations has been showing that

approaches and leverages to settle

the  tensions are characterized by

the real potential level and readiness

of  the Navy of  the conflicting par-

ties. The essence of the national pol-

icy of  the sea-power states has not

been changed since the  last centu-

ries and Russia will expect an  inevi-

table contest on this field in the near

future. That's why the  threats from

the  seas and oceans will have a  ten-

dency to be increased. In order to

neutralize military threats Russia will

need the powerful Navy and its inte-

gral part Fleet Submarine Forces.

Today Russian specialists have re-

stored and renewed technologies

of building nuclear submarines, have

embarked on  the process of  deep

modernization of  the fleet as well as

launched new battle ship projects,

which are planned to be the  face

of  the  new generation fleet, Fleet

of  the 21st century. Today scientif-

ic facilities and industrial enterprises

are undergone the  complex process

of transformation towards the new re-

alities of the 21st century. The Military

Doctrine is expected to push the proc-

ess of modernization and transforma-

tion. However to achieve the  desire

hight some important disposal, con-



Anton Chernov


Page 11: Arms-2010-2


2(52).2010 ● 11

struction and upgrading activities are

to be completed. It's clear that the use

of old infrastructure, scientific and in-

dustrial facilities as well as engineer-

ing capabilities give no chance for up-

to-date submarine forces.

Currently Russian engineers

are working on  a  New Look of  the

Russian Navy at a quick pace. Rus sian

President D. Medvedev In  a  speech,

addressed to the  high ranking mil-

itaries and politicians, heralds that

Russia needs the powerful Navy and

all efforts are done to achieve this

goal. He underlines that the  time

when Russia patched the  holes has

already past for good and the Russian

Federation has started the  crea-

tion of  the new Armed Forces lest

a thought to threaten Russia or its al-

lies should cross somebody's mind.

In accordance with the  Naval

Doctrine, scheduled up to 2020,

the main task of the Russian Navy is

to provide the  strategic deterrence

of  initiation of a  war against Russia

and its allies. In this vain, the  sub-

marine forces are considered to be

the  most effective element of  the

Naval presence in  the  important ar-

eas of the oceans as well as in peace

and war time.

Today submarine forces are posed

as a  backbone of  the Russian Naval

Strength. At war possessing much

more combat stability in  compari-

son with other forces of  the Navy,

the  Russian Submarine Forces such

as missile cruisers of  general-pur-

pose naval forces and nuclear-deter-

rent naval forces are the  most credi-

ble element to ensure retaliation. In

future operational flexibility and of-

fensive firepower of  the Submarine

Forces are going to be improved

due to the  phase-in operation com-

mand and control systems, including

the wide usage of multi-purpose and

multi-role robots and unmanned ve-

hicles, strike radio-electronic warfare

systems, navigation systems, com-

munications systems and up-to-date

facilities of coastal infrastructure.

It is worth to mention that

the  Navy, and the  Submarine Forces

in  particular, will be the  first to face

the cruise missiles and aircraft of a foe

in case a war breaks out. As all missiles

and aircraft should cross the  Russian

sea border first. Taking into account

the  experience of  the Cold War,

the  deterrence is possible in  case if

Yuriy Dolgorukiy is the first SSBN submarine of the Borei class

Today Yuri Dolgorukiy-class

submarines are one of the best

in the world. In the nearest dec-

ade they will be the main Russia’s

strategic nuclear weapon in

the Navy. Having relatively low

cost, these vessels are powerful,

well-equipped and controlled

and possess an extremely high


Laid down 2 November 1996

Launched 13 February 2008

Displacement ■ 14,720 t (14,488 long tons) surfaced

■ 24,000 t (23,621 long tons) submerged

Length 170 m (557' 9'')

Beam 13.5 m (44' 3'')

Draught 10 m (32' 10'')


■ 1 × OK-650B nuclear reactor

■ 1 × AEU steam turbine

■ 1 shaftSpeed 25 knots (29 mph; 46 km/h)

Complement 130 officers and men


■ 16 × Bulava SLBMs

■ 6 × SS-N-15 cruise missiles (21'' (533 mm) torpedo


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12 ● ARMS Defence Technologies Review

unavoidable and unacceptable losses

be inflicted by All-Arms Naval Forces.

In this context the  real combat readi-

ness of the Submarine Forces will play

the utmost important role.

One cannot slough off a  role

of  the Navy in  the  Sixth Generation

Wars, network centric warfare, with

great use of verity of robots and un-

manned vehicles in  the  air, on  the

land and of  course in  the  sea. For

sure, the Russia's activities in the seas

and oceans should be enough to

provide security and stable econom-

ic development of the country. In ac-

cordance with the International Law,

Russia has 12 million square meters

of  sea-bed economic area. However,

some areas are disputable and moot-

ed by the neighboring states. If one

remembers the  history of  the past

wars, mostly they emerge from some

territorial disputes.

Nowadays a  new territori-

al dispute can appear. It is Arctic.

The  question about the  Arctic terri-

tories is considered as a  milestone

in  the  international relations of  the

21st century. The question is getting

tougher due to oil and gas reserves

got depleted as well as due to the sit-

uation in the Middle East and North

African Countries which remains un-

predictable and volatile.

Today the  intentions of  groups

of  the countries, which are aimed

at  some territorial changes in  Arctic,

have been determined. The  first

group is composed of  USA, Canada,

Norway and Denmark. These coun-

tries united and consolidated their

position in  the  framework of  NATO

and stand for a  solution by force.

They have already embarked on cre-

ation of  a  fleet armed with ice class

battle vessels, deployment of  mili-

tary infrastructure and increase

of  fishery and scientific-research ac-


The second group is charac-

terized by some countries, for in-

stance China and Japan, which call

for fair partition of  common herit-

age of mankind located in the Arctic


Taking into account the  last de-

velopments over Arctic and posi-

tion of some countries Russia needs

the powerful Northern Fleet in order

to secure its own Northern border. To

face the challenging task the Russian

leadership has already done some

steps and propelled counter meas-

ures, in particular, Arctic troops were


Speaking about the  usage of  ro-

bots and unmanned vessels its worth

to mention their big role and success-

ful implementation on the battlefield

based on  the Iraq and Afghanistan

Wars on  Terrorism. In many eyes re-

connaissance-and-attack robots are

going to become the  main weapon

of  the 21st century. Their main com-

bat feature is a  high level of  opera-

tional security and as a consequence

of this fluidity, surprise and unavoid-

ably of  a  strike. The  vanishing-man

concept in  the  Armed Forces has

been launched and cannot be halt-

ed also due to the  fact that a  robot

does not take into account its own

life, so the only one thing can matter

is selection of  a  target and the  way

the  target has to be destroyed. It

seems that military multi-robot sys-

tems will play the main role on mat-

ters of  the victory or devastated de-

feat during a  network centric war-

fare. Unmanned underwater vehi-

cles, which are able to submerge

at  a  depth of  more than 200 me-

ters and sail without refilling and re-

charging up to 400 nautical miles,

are considered today as a  momen-

tous weapon. Their cheaper price

less tonnage than a submarine make

them far more attractive.

The project 941 or Akula class

submarine (NATO reporting name: Typhoon)

is a type of nuclear-

powered bal-listic missile

submarine deployed by

the Soviet Navy in the 1980s

Displacement ■ 23,200–24,500 t (22,830–24,110 long tons) surfaced

■ 33,800–48,000 t (33,270–47,240 long tons) submerged

Length 175 m (574' 2'')

Beam 23 m (75' 6'')

Draught 12 m (39' 4'')


■ 2 × OK-650 pressurized-water nuclear reactors, 90 MW

(120,700 hp) ea.

■ 2 × VV-type steam turbines, 37 MW (49,600 hp) ea.

■ 2 shafts

■ 7 bladed shrouded screws

Speed22.22 knots (41.15 km/h; 25.57 mph) surfaced

27 knots (50 km/h; 31 mph) submerged

Endurance 180 days submerged

Test depth 400 m (1,300')

Complement 163


■ 1 × 9K38 Igla SAM

■ 2 × 650 mm (26'') torpedo tubes

■ RPK-7 Vodopad AShMs

■ Type 65K torpedoes

■ 4 × 533 mm (21'') torpedo tubes

■ RPK-2 Viyuga cruise missiles

■ Type 53 torpedoes

■ D-19 launch system

■ 20 × RSM-52 SLBMs

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2(52).2010 ● 13

The Ocean Engineering is

a  complicated, hard and com-

plex work that could be compared

with the  Space engineering, thus

the  work needs much concentra-

tion by the  government to mobi-

lize the  manufacturing, financial

resources and facilities as well as

combined research and scientific

activities not only of  naval spe-

cialists but also other fields spe-

cialists. Every step on  the path to-

wards the bottom line of the Ocean

requires up-to-date and break-

through sci-tech technologies and

bushels of money.

But efforts and money are worth

to be spent on  if Russia does not

want to be hedged and isolated

within its land borders and final-

ly be destroyed. These active steps

should be done in  the  nearest fu-

ture even regardless of the financial,

technical and organizational burden

housed on  the shoulders of  mod-

ern Russia. The  Ocean Engineering

stems from the necessity to acceler-

ate the process of the Russian indus-

try of  the Undersea Fleet. This top-

ic is put on the agenda of some na-

tional oriented authorities as well as

militaries and politicians.

The unification of  efforts

of  a  wide range of  specialists, think-

tanks and manufacturing facilities

in order to create underwater weap-

onry, military and special equip-

ment of  new generation should be

done in the framework of a Focused

Government Program calculated

on  a  five, ten, fifteen, twenty and

more year period. The  Government

Program should have top-priority as

these weaponry military and special

equipment will provide the  securi-

ty of the national interests of Russia

and assist to react towards challeng-

ing threats.

Only the  successful implementa-

tion of  the Government Programs

will lead to the  creation of  the cut-

ting-edge underwater weapon sys-

tems which provide the military and

economic security of  the Russian

Federation on its sea borders.

The Soviet Union/Russian Navy Project 705 (Лира/Lira) was a sub-marine class of hunter/killer nuclear pow-ered vessels

The Russian border of the

Arctic Region is planned to be

secured by the FSB Boarder

Guards by 2016. Combined

troops are also expected to be

deployed in the region.

Class and type attack submarine

Displacement 2,300 tons surfaced, 3,200 tons submerged

Length 81.4 metres

Beam 9.5 metres

Draught 7.6 metres


■ OK-550 or BM-40A, 155-MWt Lead-bismuth cooled

fast reactor

■ 40000 shp steam turbine, one shaft

Speed 12 knots surfaced, 41 knots submerged

Test depth 350 m test

Complement 31 (all officers)


■ Six 533-mm (21-inch) torpedo tubes:

■ 18 SET-65 or 53-65K torpedoes

■ 20 VA-111 Shkval torpedoes

■ 21 SS-N-15 cruise missiles

■ 12 SS-N-16 cruise missiles

■ 24 mines

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14 ● ARMS Defence Technologies Review

he St. Petersburg “Arse-

nal” Enterprise is the

oldest Russian defense

factory, which was built

under the Peter the First'

s decree in 1711 to produce more ad-

vanced naval and army artillery am-

munition. At that time it was called

“Liteiny Dvor” (Mold Yard) and sit-

uated closer to the Niva at an ave-

nue which was called Liteiny (Mold).

The “Arsenal” factory was relocated

out of the city to the opposite bank

of the river in the middle of 19th cen-

tury. Afterwards the Arsenal quay

and the Arsenal avenue appeared at

the new place.

Unique up-to-date army and na-

val artillery guns have been pro-

duced along the all history of the

factory. However, not only the mod-

ern artillery pieces were produced

here. The famous Peter-on-Horse

monument by B. Rastrelli, which is

situated closer to the Engineer Castle,

and world wide known the Bronze

Horseman, monument to Peter the

Great by A. Falcone, were produced

by the molders of the plant. The first

missile launchers were developed

and manufactured in the 20s of the

19th century under the leadership of

a new chief of the plant, famous artil-

lery general, Alexander Dmitrievich

Zasyadko, the creator of the first sol-

id fuel rockets. However the main

output of the factory was naval artil-

lery for the Russian Navy.

A part of the factory was relocat-

ed in the rear. The engineers, de-

signers and workers who left at the

“Arsenal” plant managed to devel-

op and produce an anti-tank gun

based on the 45mm casemate artil-

lery piece within 24 days. By means

of hundreds of these guns an ene-

my tank assault was stopped. At the

same time mortars were also man-

ufactured at the plant and were de-

livered to the front line. Since 1944

for war effort “Arsenal” embarked on

the producing of the BS-3 100 mm

antitank gun  — the danger for the

fascist “Tiger” heavy tanks.

After the war the Russian Navy de-

manded recovering and new up-to-

date military hardware. For that pur-

pose Central Design Bureau-7 (now-

adays Design Bureau “Arsenal”) was

founded at “Arsenal” in 1949, which

possessed experiment production

capacities for developing naval an-

ti-aircraft artillery automatic weap-

on. “Arsenal” has created more than

20 models of one-, two- and four-

gun artillery systems with the cali-

ber from 45 to 130 mm. The “Arsenal”

specialists also developed antiair-

craft naval missile systems and jam-

ming systems. The AK-130 multipur-

pose artillery system, which was put

into service in 1985, ranks second

Old building of “Arsenal”

Nowadays “Arsenal”




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2(52).2010 ● 15

to none in the world for fire power.

The vast majority of the Russian bat-

tle ships have military hardware pro-

duced by the “Arsenal” enterprise.

The Design Bureau and facto-

ry manufactured strategic combat

missile systems armed with solid fu-

el ballistic missiles. The following

missiles were designed and hand-

ed over for trial performance: the

first in the world mobile combat

missile system armed with the RT-15

middle range missile was created

for the Strategic Missile Forces; the

D-11 combat missile system armed

with the R-31 medium range missile,

which was the first Russian solid-fu-

el ballistic missile, was created for

the Submarine Fleet.

Acting as a head contractor, the

“Arsenal” Design Bureau in 1972 mod-

ernized, completed and delivered to

the Strategic Missile Forces inven-

tory the RT-2P silo-based intercon-

tinental ballistic missile, which was

equipped with a suppression of an-

timissile defense system. The missile

had been in the combat duty during

20 years since.

Taking into the account the tech-

nical level of “Arsenal”, it was ordered

to develop high-accuracy and high-

AK 130 artillery piece

ZIF-122 launcher


Number of guns 2

Caliber, mm 130

Range of fire, km up to 23

Preset limits of pointing:

elevation, deg

traverse, deg


–8... +80


Rate of fire, rounds/min up to 60

Personnel 6

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16 ● ARMS Defence Technologies Review

power actuators with digital control

system for a swiveling chamber of

the liquid-fuel missile engines of the

“Energiya” (Energy) booster of the

“Energiya-Buran” expendable launch

system. Later on, after moderniza-

tion, an actuator was installed on

the RD-180 engine, which is used by

the United States of America at the

“Atlas-III” and “Atlas-V” expendable

launch systems.

Since 1969 “Arsenal” has been em-

barked on space-based technology.

In 1981 the “Arsenal” Design Bureau

was awarded a head contractor sta-

tus for some space complexes of a

naval space reconnaissance and tar-

get designation system. Since that

times space-based technology has

become a general guidance.

“Arsenal” produced two types of

spacecraft: radar surveillance and

communications surveillance craft.

The radar surveillance craft were

equipped with the “Buk” and “Topaz”

nuclear propulsion units. Around 30

craft of this type were launched into

space. World space technology had

no experience in use of the space-

craft equipped with nuclear propul-

sion units. The spacecraft of this type

have a specially designed system

which allows to shift a radiation haz-

ard part of a craft to a higher orbit af-

ter the term of usage.

Experience gained by “Arsenal”,

both Design Bureau and Machine

Engineering Plant, could be used to

develop some advanced spacecraft

equipped with much more powerful

nuclear propulsion units.

In 1980-s “Arsenal” exercised

modernization of the spacecraft

of the space complexes of a naval

Self-propelled launcher with RT-15 missile

Loading the RT-2P missile

to silo

R-31 ballistic missile

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2(52).2010 ● 17

space reconnaissance and target

designation system and improved

much their functional and perfor-

mance characteristics. The space-

craft equipped with radar surveil-

lance systems had been provided

Russian Navy with needed informa-

tion 24 hours a day under different

weather conditions for a long time.

The 300-year-anniversary of the

“Arsenal” foundation is getting closer

(it will be celebrated on October 15,

2011). During last decades the main

creative efforts of “Arsenal” and the

co-enterprises were aimed at the de-

velopment and ground-completion-

methods of a new space system de-

signed for radiophysical research of

the land surface (different terrain

and sea areas) in order to enlarge

broad spectrum of manifold chal-

lenges on behalf of different custom-

ers. The being created space com-

plex uses cutting-edge research-

and-engineering achievements

in the industry sector. Particularly,

the latest radio-technical and radar

equipment is used in the complex.

Nowadays the “Arsenal” enterprise

has embarked on flight tests and

full-scale development test of the

new generation spacecraft which is

integrated into the mentioned space


The “Arsenal” Design Bureau is

engaged into the diversification of

the space topics in order to provide

the economic stability under the

market relations which the Design

Bureau is involved in. The most ra-

tional decision of the diversification

for the Design Bureau is to design

some space systems for scientific

and social-economic purposes. For

instance, the Design Bureau created

a pilot scheme of the “Neva” Unified

Small Space Platform, as well as an

integrated working-out and several

projects of space systems were done

which are used on the basis of the

Unified Small Space Platform.

For example the “Zvezdny Patrul”

(Star Patrol) development activities

were furnished. The aim of the ac-

tivities is to develop a space sta-

tion to control over the circum-

terrestrial space and create opti-

cal transients to use them in outer-

space. The “Arsenal” Design Bureau

Submarine fir-ing the R-31 missile

R-31 missile salvo

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18 ● ARMS Defence Technologies Review

in cooperation with Institute for

Astronomy of the Russian Academy

of Sciences (INASAN, Moscow) in

accordance with design specifica-

tion by Central Research Institute for

Engineering Technology conduct-

ed scientific research of the possi-

ble layout of a future space com-

plex designed to control the circum-

terrestrial space as well as to solve

the problems with asteroidal threat.

The implementation of “Zvezdny

Patrul” can be done with use of

spacecraft which are built on the ba-

sis of low earth orbit and high earth

orbit variants of the “Neva” Unified

Small Space Platform. Roskosmos,

the Russian Academy of Sciences,

the Ministry of Defense and Ministry

of the Russian Federation for Civil

Defense, Emergency Management

and Natural Disasters Response

show their interest in this devel-

opment. Bearing in mind the ur-

gency of an issue, the “Arsenal”

Design Bureau suggested that the

“Zvezdny Patrul” development activ-

ities should be done before 2020. At

the same time some activities are

in progress on the foreign markets

to forward the projects where they

could find a use. For this purpose

an agreement with “Kosmoexport”

was inked.

It should be noted that the

“Arsenal” Design Bureau has been in-

volved in further research activities

to use spacecraft equipped with nu-

clear propulsion units to meet social-

economic and scientific challenges

including national and global secu-

rity tasks.

Coming closer to the 300 anni-

versary St. Petersburg “Arsenal” does

not forget its traditional assignment,

which was given by Peter the First, to

work out the A-192 new-generation

multipurpose gun mount.

“Arsenal” Design Bureau“Arsenal” Federal State Unitary

Enterprise, Press ServiceAdvertising and Public Relations Departmentof OJSC “MZ “Arsenal”

US-AM spacecraft

US-PU spacecraft

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2(52).2010 ● 19

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20 ● ARMS Defence Technologies Review


ne of  the  main factors

leading to increase

of combat effectiveness

of  existing armoured

ve hicles is the  use of

more advanced fire control system

(FCS). Therefore more and  more of-

ten increase in combat effectiveness

is reached by means of  upgrading

FCS of  combat vehicles’ (CV) weap-

on systems.

For decades development of  fire

control systems for light armoured

vehicles (IFV, AAV and  APC) lagged

behind the  development of  tank-

mounted fire control systems.

For firing BMP-1 IFV’s 73 mm

gun coupled with a  machine gun

and  for firing the  Malyutka ATGM

system the  vehicle is equipped with

a combined periscopic gunner’s sight

with dependent (on the  gun) LOS

and non-stabilized electric drive mo-

tor. Hence, BMP-1 IFV is capable of fir-

ing all weapon systems only in sta-

tionary position.

FCS for the  BMP-2 IFV is the  first

fire control system for light combat

vehicles featuring weapon system

stabilizer which enables firing 30 mm

gun and coupled machine gun both

in stationary position and  on  the

move, while firing ATGM only in sta-

tionary position.

While tanks were already equip-

ped with laser rangefinders and  bal-

listic computers with fire conditions

sensors, combat vehicles, like BMP-2

IFV for example, were not.

Adopting BMP-3 infantry fighting

vehicle by the Russian Armed Forces

in 1987 was a  qualitative leap for

lightly armoured vehicles. the  BMP-

3 weapon system was created at KBP

Instrument Design Bureau. In terms

of  its composition and  fire power it

was a unique system, excelling both

existing series production systems

and  future IFVs from all countries

of  the  world. the  system includes

a 100 mm gun, a 30 mm gun, guided

weapon with a  tube-launched mis-

sile and  FCS, whose specifications

were not inferior to tank FCS being

even superior in some aspects.

For the  first time BMP-3 FCS, as

opposed to BMP-2 FCS, used ana-

logue ballistic computer and  gun-

ner’s sighting unit with independent

line of sight (LOS), the latter ensuring

firing on  the move both unguided

and guided weapons. Some of the pa-

rameters were fed from sensors auto-

matically, e.g. vehicle speed and  az-

imuth, angular speed of  the  target

in azimuth channel, vehicle roll, dis-

tance to target. Range was measured

by laser rangefinder mounted on the

barrel. the parameters which change

slowly, like ambient air and  charge

temperature, atmospheric pressure

and  muzzle velocity deviation could

be fed manually. Hence, develop-

ment of  BMP1–>BMP2–>BMP3 FCS

demonstrates convergence of trends

of tank FCS and lightly armoured ve-

hicles (IFV in particular) FCS devel-


At the  same time the  BMP-3 ad-

opted more than 20 years ago pos-

sessed a  sufficient reserve for en-

hancement of  performance charac-

teristics. a new step in development

of  IFV FCS was the  KBP-developed

fire control system for BMD-4 air-

borne assault vehicle which in many

aspects excelled tank FCS.

The FCS consisted of  the  follow-

ing major components: combined

gunner’s day/night sight, command-

er’s panoramic sight, accuracy arma-

ment stabilizer, digital ballistic com-

puter with sensor package and IR au-

tomatic target tracker.

The combined gunner’s sight (GS)

combines range-finding, thermal



BTR-90 armed with unified

FCS and Berezhok

fighting compartment

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2(52).2010 ● 21


imaging, sighting and  missile guid-

ance channels in one module featur-

ing one head mirror which ensures

high accuracy LOS stabilization in

two axes. This allows detecting tar-

gets at  large distances while mov-

ing, reliable target tracking in au-

tomatic and  semiautomatic modes

with stabilization accuracy of  0.005–

0.10 mrad. Incorporation of  ther-

mal imaging sight allowed firing all

types of  ammunition both by day

and  at  night and  under limited visi-

bility (haze, smoke) conditions at  all

weapon operating ranges.

Limitation in number of  ATGM

launch cycles typical of  BMP-3 was

removed. Unified design of the mod-

ule ensures that misalignment of op-

tical axes of range-finding and sight-

ing channels in the  course of  life-cy-

cle with no adjustment carried out

does not exceed 0.1 mrad, this en-

hancing performance characteristics

of the sight.

Range-finding channel of the

sight ensures measuring distance

to target with a  frequency of  4–5

Hz, this increasing efficiency of  fire

against ground and  especially aeri-

al targets.

Commander’s panoramic TV sight

(CPS) with independent two-axis

LOS field stabilization, with frequen-

cy laser range-finder and  TV guid-

ance channel ensures quick and  reli-

able search and detection of ground

and  aerial targets, all-round surveil-

lance independent of  the  gunner’s

sight, accurate target designation

(up to 0.1 mrad) in azimuth and  el-

evation and  efficient firing all types

of armament.

FCS features full back-up of  com-

mander’s actions during the process

of  firing all types of  armament in-

cluding guided missiles both by day

and at night.

Mirror pointing angles increased

to 60° in elevation and  LOS angular

velocities increased to 20 deg/s in

“aerial target” mode, as well as high

frequency (up to 5 Hz) range-finding

ensure highly efficient firing against

aerial targets especially in automatic

tracking mode.

Ballistic computer with sensor

package. Adoption of  digital ballis-

tic computers instead of  analogue

ones makes it possible to process in-

creased data flow with higher speed

and  accuracy and  to use advanced

fire algorithms.

FCS of  the  BMD-4 and  upgrad-

ed BMP-2 vehicles take account

of  the  following factors: CV speed,

roll and  trim difference, target rela-

tive angular speed, distance to tar-

get, type of ammunition, CV bearing

angle, air temperature and  pressure,

charge temperature, angle of  target

position, changing distance to tar-

get during CV motion, projectile ex-

it angle, number of  shots made by

the gun.

FCS of  the  adopted BMD-4 more

accurately than the  1V539 ballistic

computer (that of  BMP-3) considers

parameters of  target movement rel-

ative to the  platform: LOS angular

speed in horizontal and vertical axes,

speed of target approach to platform.

Considering the  following parame-

ters also adds significantly to the  in-

crease of  fire accuracy: angle of  tar-

get position when determining aim-

ing angles, projectile flight time, fir-

ing range limits, non-linear depen-

dence of  range corrections on  me-

teoballistic factors  — air pressure

and  temperature and  their non-lin-

earity and  cross-effect in particular,

ballistic wind.

Moreover a  newly developed fire

permission algorithm allows consid-

ering limiting characteristics of  CV

subsystems during firing, e.g. it fea-

tures automatic prohibition of  firing

beyond maximum aimed and  aim-

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22 ● ARMS Defence Technologies Review


off fire distances, when exceeding

permissible LOS angular speed, etc.

However tank FCS considers only limi-

tation in permissible drive motor error.

The new 1V539M digital ballistic

computer in contrast to BMP-3 ana-

logue ballistic computer ensures easy

programming for use of  virtually un-

limited number of ammunitions with

new ballistic characteristics and  its

use as a  component of  FCS of  vari-

ous CVs.

This combination resulted in in-

crease of  firing accuracy. the  maxi-

mum errors of  aiming angle and  lat-

eral lead calculation in 1V539M bal-

listic computer do not exceed tenths

of mrad.

Armament stabilizer along with

the gunner’s and commander’s sights

performs stabilization and  laying

of the system’s weapons when firing

all types of ammunition in stationary

position, on the move and afloat.

The operation speed of  the  stabi-

lizer is enhanced owing to the  con-

figuration of  the  stabilizer con-

trol unit in the  form of  an  electron-

ic device based on  a  minicomput-

er as well as thanks to application

of  a  DC electric motor with commu-

tatorless electronic switching. As a re-

sult, armament stabilization accura-

cy is enhanced and  dynamic errors

are reduced. the  new stabilizer en-

ables optimal operation of the turret

and  armament laying drives in var-

ious modes, as well as adjustment

of  the  drives in case of  wide spread

of  mechanical parameters of  differ-

ent objects of control.

TV/IR automatic target tracker au-

tomatically tracks the  LOS of  the TV

(commander’s panoramic sight) or

thermal (thermal module of the gun-

ner’s sight) sight to the  target as-

signed by the gunner or commander.

It also enables high-precision laying

of the aiming mark at the target in re-

al combat conditions, which is partic-

ularly important when firing a  guid-

ed missile.

The TV/IR automatic target track-

er implements the  “fire-and-for-

get” principle. the  hit probability

of  the  missile becomes technical-

ly guaranteed because the  man is

excluded from the  guidance loop.

This enables to reduce the workload

on the operator, to have stable track-

ing in stress situations of  the  battle,

as well as to restore tracking after

its loss owing to the inertial tracking

mode in case of  temporal interrup-

tion (up to 5 seconds) of the signal in

respect of the target.

The installation of  the  new FCS

on the BMD-4 imposed additional re-

quirements on the automatic loading,

and  this issue was solved by a  com-

mon automatic loader of  unguided

and guided projectiles.

Automatic target tracking signif-

icantly increases fire accuracy, espe-

cially when firing at  moving targets

and  when moving with high speed.

the  TV/IR automatic target tracker

enables to reduce errors of LOS stabi-

lization by a factor of 1.5–2.5.

The proposed FCS features mod-

ular design: various types of Russian

and  foreign thermal imagers can

be installed; anti-tank missile guid-

ance modules can be replaced; vari-

ous ballistics of unguided projectiles

can be input; layout of  the  modules

on  the CV can be varied. According

to customer’s request any FCS com-

position version can be installed, in-

cluding a reduced one.

The FCS modular design allowed

to use the prevailing part (up to 90%)

of  the  FCS of  the  BMD-4 fighting

compartment in the  fighting com-

partment of  the  upgraded BMP-2:

the  missile guidance channel is re-

placed in the  BMP-2 FCS; the  com-

mander’s sight is installed behind

the  turret due to the  lack of  space.

In addition, the  new FCS installed

on the BMP-2 has enabled to conduct

missile salvo firing to engage hardly-

armoured targets, to fire an automat-

ic grenade-launcher while stationary,

on the move and afloat, as well as to

fire other weapons.

Furthermore, in order to upgrade

lighter vehicles, e. g. BMD-2, the FCS

was installed in the reduced version:

only a  part of  the  FCS and  a  part

of the armament (one launcher).

The FCS was tested on  the T-72

tank in the  course of  its upgrade ac-

cording to one of the options.

The FCS has imparted the  follow-

ing new features to weapon systems

of combat vehicles:

■ enhancement of  gun fire accu-

racy; the  effective range of  fire

of 30 mm projectiles has increased

from 1100–1400 m up to 1800–

2000 m; the  maximum range

BMD-4 armed with unified FCS

and Bakhcha fighting


BMP-3 armed with unified

FCS and Bakhcha fighting


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of fire of 100 mm projectiles has in-

creased from 4 up to 7 km; the ef-

fective range of  tank guns has in-

creased by a factor of 1.3–1.8;

■ increase of  target hit probabili-

ty by an anti-tank guided missile;

■ enhancement of  target search

and  detection capabilities, full

backup of firing all types of weap-

ons by the commander;

■ capability to kill a  wide range

of  targets (stationary, maneuver-

ing, small-size, high-speed targets,

including aerial targets) under ad-

verse weather and  survey con-

ditions while stationary, on  the

move and  afloat, day and  night,

by all weapons installed on  the

combat vehicle;

■ increase of air target kill probabil-

ity by more than an order of mag-

nitude while reducing ammuni-

tion expenditure; the  effective-

ness of  air-defence fire of  com-

bat vehicles approximates to that

of specialized close-in air-defence

missile-gun systems;

■ capability of  firing from indirect


■ “fire-and-forget” missile fire;

■ engagement of  current and  ad-

vanced tanks due to salvo fire

of  two anti-tank missiles in one

beam and  due to elevated mis-

sile fire;

■ ease of  usage, opportunities to

promptly increase the  number

of types of weapons and ammuni-

tion being used and to orient one-

self in the  combat situation; im-

provement of  ergonomic charac-

teristics of the combat vehicle.

Thus, introduction of  the  unified

automatic round-the-clock FCS has

enabled to significantly increase

the  effectiveness of  armoured vehi-

cles armament under all conditions

of  combat operation: typical target

kill probability of  the  BMD-4 is in-

creased by a  factor of  3–4 as com-

pared to that of  the  BMP-3, and  by

a factor of 4–7 for the upgraded BMP-

2 as compared to the BMP-2.

The KBP-designed BMD-4 and the

fighting compartment of  the  up-

graded BMP-2 with the  unified FCS

currently have the  performanc-

es, which are superior to those

of  the  best foreign counterparts:

Bradley (US), Marder (Germany).

This FCS can be used (totally or

partially) as a part of weapon systems

in the BMD-2, BMD-3, BTR-90, BMP-3,

in the T-72, T-80, T-90 tanks as well as

in weapon systems installed on river

and sea vessels.

KBP has studied an opportunity to

install weapon systems with the new

FCS of the BMD-4 on foreign custom-

er’s vehicles: Patria (Finland), ASCOD

(Austria) and  FAHD (Egypt), and  the

FCS of the upgraded BMP-2 — on ve-

hicles of the Italian company IVECO.

Thus, the  proposed FCS is cur-

rently in quantity production at  KBP

Instrument Design Bureau and  can

be installed on  various vehicles ac-

cording to customer’s request.

BMD-3 armed with unified FCS and Berezhok fighting compartment

BMP-2 armed with unified FCS and Berezhok fighting compartment

BMP-3 armed with unified FCS and Berezhok fighting compartment

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ungary, to the south

and south-east of Lake

Balaton Soviet Union

troops were repelling

an assault of the large

infantry and cavalry German forc-

es». The Sovinformbjuro broadcast-

ing agency reported it on March

6, 1945 and repeated it without any

changes on March 7 and 8. One day

later it was announced “Soviet Union

troops were repelling an  assault of

the large infantry and cavalry enemy

forces directed towards the Danube

to the south-east and south of Lake

Balaton in Hungary. Having suffered

heavy losses the enemy managed to

buckle in our defense line in sever-

al sectors. 72 German tanks and self-

propelled guns were destroyed on

March 9 in the region”.

The unimportant buckling in a

line was as many as 30 kilometers!

That was the first time during the

war the Germans had conducted an

offensive at night. They forced to the

Danube and were stopped at a great

cost of life. 33 thousand men were

killed, wounded or missed in action.

But the Germans also lost 40 thou-

sand men and half of the 900 tanks.

The  Balaton only disappeared from

the reports on March 16.

Short on a time, but exclusive

on its dynamics and slogging bat-

tles the Balaton defensive operation

of the 3rd Ukrainian Front could be

compared with the battle of Kursk.

Anyone who knows the history

of World War II even a little will pay

attention to an unusual combina-

tion  — the Germans and night bat-

tles, moreover offensive operations.

No doubt the German tank troopers

saw in darkness like cats!


That was almost in  that way:

the image intensifier tube was devel-

oped in 1934. The electrons knocked

off the photocathode by the IR radia-

tion are accelerated and focalized by


Mikhail Timoshenko


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an electric magnetic field on the an-

ode drawing image visible in an eye-

glass on  a  luminescent screen. By

the  end of  the  war Germany pro-

duced up to thousand IR-devices

a month. They were mounted on the

PzKpfw V Panther tanks. It allowed

SS-troops to buckle in  the Soviet

defense line during the  first days

of the battle of Balaton Lake though

the  Soviet units had superiority

in tanks and artillery.

Those devices had low sensi-

tivity  — for their usage (they al-

lowed engaging our tanks and guns

at the  range of  400 m at night)

the  auxiliary illumination was nec-

essary. It was provided by the flood-

lights covered with ebonite sheets

and mounted on the Sd. Kfz. II51/II0

Valke APCs. And they had their own

heel of Achilles — bright direct light

burnt the  photocathode out put-

ting the  image intensifier tube out

of action. Wasn’t that the reason why

our antiaircraft floodlights flood-

ed the  Germans when attacking at

the  Battle of  the  Seelow Heights?

Unfortunately, we’ll never find out

the  truth. But what a  brilliant exam-

ple of  successful electronic warfare

it could be!

Those image intensifier tubes be-

came night vision device of  gener-

ation zero. Disadvantages: necessi-

ty of an active auxiliary illumination

provided by the  IR-floodlight which

is also a signature; lack of protection

against bright light (flash out protec-

tion) and low sensitivity.

Active IR devices with an  aux-

iliary illumination were improved

in  the first post-war decade. By

the  end of  1950s the  march speed

of American military convoys at night

was almost the  same as in  daytime.

But at night an  IR-floodlight mount-

ed on  the APC or tank was actually

“screaming”: ‘I am the target!’ And ac-

tive devices of generation zero were

replaced by the passive or image in-

tensifying ones.


Passive night vision device tech-

nology is based on  the image in-

tensifier tubes (photomultipliers) lo-

cated between the  photocathode

and the eyeglass. It allows the device

to intensify visible and an  IR ranges

and draw the image. In other words

an  electron knocked off the  pho-

tocathode by light is transmuted

into the  whole stream of  electrons

because of  the  secondary emission

in  several stages. And this stream

can be focalized to draw the  visu-

al image.

The principle of operation of such

devices is based on the fact the bat-

tlefield is not dark; it is always illumi-

nated either by fires, moonlight or

stellar light. The  human eye is capa-

ble to fix even a  separate quantum,

but it is better to see the  enemy  —

and  image intensifiers transmute

separate quantum into bright image.

There were several generations

of  image intensifying night vision

devices. Gen I, tested in  Vietnam,

produced a  light amplification

of  around 1000x and  allowed to

fight at the  light of  the  quarter

moon. Gen II (the Falkland War, 1982

and  the  Desert Storm, 1991) pro-

duced a light amplification of around

20000x and  worked at the  starlight.

Then the  researchers managed to

resist the  whiteout at the  expense

of application of micro channel tech-

nology. Improved image-intensifier

tubes utilizing micro-channel plate

(MCP) accelerate electrons in a large

number of  bypass channels of  di-

ameter about micrometer. If any

of  them is blinded there will be no

problem: a  micron size bright point

will not spoil the  image. Generation

III uses a  photocathode made with

gallium arsenide, which further im-

proves image resolution and  ampli-

fies to around 30000–50000x. They

are in use nowadays. And Generation

IV has an  automatic gated power

supply and endless MCP system reg-

ulates the  photocathode voltage al-

lowing the  NVD to instantaneously

adapt to changing light conditions

and increase its range.

Photomultipliers are compact,

keep the  platform camouflaged

and  have the  high-resolution capa-

bility ensuring confident target iden-

tification and exact sniper shooting.

But they are only effective against

darkness and  ineffective against

aerosols (fog, smoke) and rain. As ill

luck would have it war always takes

place in bad weather!


That is why thermo vision tech-

nologies were also being devel-

oped along with image intensifica-

tion, the long-wave one which does

not need any celestial light. As all

the  military science interesting ob-

jects radiate electromagnetic waves

in the infra-red spectrum. Even kids

know about an  IR-homing head

of  air-to-air missiles. And there are

also tank engines, radars, etc. If we

consider ourselves, body tempera-

ture of human being is 36.6°С.

First, this radiation was captured

by thermo resistances ruler, then  —

sub matrix (both of  them had me-

chanical scanning), and  later  — ma-

trix. The  devices were to be cooled

to liquid nitrogen temperature in or-

der to suppress thermal interfer-

ence. That is why, for example, very

powerful compact cooler body was

one of the critical technologies used

in tank infra-red thermal imagers.

Finally, matrix on  uncooled sil-

icon microbolometers appeared.

They require neither cooling nor me-

Restored PzKpfw V

Panther tank with night

vision device mounted on its


GOES 34210M

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chanical scanning. However, such

a  matrix usually uses the  Peltier de-

vice which can both cool and  heat

up and  serves as a  method of  ther-

mal stabilization. In the  English-

speaking literature such devices are

referred to as TEC (Thermoelectric

Cooler). Thermoelectric cooling us-

es the Peltier effect to create a heat

flux between the  junction of  two

different types of  materials (normal-

ly bismuth telluride and  silicon ger-

minades) which transfer heat from

one side of  the  device to the  oth-

er side against the  temperature gra-

dient (from cold to hot), with con-

sumption of electrical energy. If cool-

ing the  heating part of  a  Peltier de-

vice, for example by a radiator or fan,

the temperature of the cold one will

become lower. In different equip-

ment these devices are often used as

the second or third stage of cooling.

It allows attaining the  temperatures

of  −80°К for one-stage refrigerators

and −120°К for the two-stage ones.

Quality of  an  image drawn by

thermal imagers does not depend

on  the target’s illumination. And its

range does depend on  the air con-

dition as it operates in  a  long-wave

spectrum. Effective range probabil-

ity of  thermal imagers is about 90-

92%. They have better interference

immunity, but both thermal imagers

and night vision devices do not pro-

vide necessary range at unfavorable

weather conditions. Thermal imag-

ers are more complicated, expen-

sive and larger than photomultipliers.

They have lower resolution and  do

not seem to like wet, covered with

dirt or snow targets. That is why re-

al weapons systems combine both

light amplification and  thermo vi-

sion channels.


Modern night vision devices are

manufactured in  several basic ver-


Night monocular is the  simplest

variant  — It is normally a  telescope

of low magnification degree handed

by the operator.

Night vision binoculars have two

image intensifier tubes and produce

magnified stereoscopic picture.

Night vision goggles are fixed

on a head, provide wide field of view

and normally do not magnify the im-

age or have variable magnification

of  1х and  more which allows us-

ing them as a  binocular. Night vi-

sion goggles use pseudo-binocu-

lar (Cyclops) image intensifier tubes

when one image intensifier tube

sends picture to both eyeglasses.

Night sight is fixed on  the small

arms and, as a rule, magnifies the im-

age and has a reticule. These devices

should stand the kick and it restricts

their application on high-power small

arms. The alternative for the night vi-

sion device laying is the  IR laser tar-

get director which is an  invisible la-

ser beam being watched through

the night vision goggles.

The night vision devices mounted

on combat vehicles are integrated in-

to their targeting systems.


So, image intensifier tube is

the  basis of  any night vision de-

vice. Image intensifier tubes devel-

op in  a  close co-operation genera-

tion development of night vision de-

vices. Gen I of  night vision devices

are based on  one- and  multistage

image intensifier tubes using a  mul-

tislot photocathode of  220 μA/lm

made primarily of glass to accelerate

the  electrons, input and  output fi-

ber-optical elements. Gen II of night

vision devices are also based on  im-

age intensifier tubes. They had input

and  output fiber-optical elements,

micro-channel plate (MCP) and  mul-

tislot photocathode which had a sen-

sitivity of  around 300 μA/lm. This

generation is subdivided into invert-

er and  biplanar image intensifier

tubes. These are two gaps with par-

allel electric field: photocathode- mi-

cro-channel plate and  micro-chan-

nel plate -screen. Depending on sen-

sitivity of the multislot photocathode

night vision devices are subdivid-

ed into Gen II, Gen II+ and Gen II++

and based on the biplanar image in-

tensifier tubes. Gen III night vision

device is a biplanar image intensifier

tube using photocathode made with

gallium arsenide.

Gen II+, II++ and  III are being

developed within the  last 25 years.

However, Generation IV image in-

tensifier tube has become a  real

achievement for the  last few years.

This is an image intensifier tube with

the  A3V5 photocathode with an  ion-

barrier film on a micro-channel plate.

It has an automatic gated power sup-

ply. Such image intensifier tube has

increased impulse/noise ratio (above

33) and  extended to 1000 lx opera-

tive illumination range. It increases its

effective range in  extreme low light

conditions and  allows conducting ef-

fective observation in  the dynamic

lightning including urbanized areas.

As far as the  other trends are

concerned it is necessary to note

Agava-II Thermal sight

Tank Thermal Vision "ESSA"

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28 ● ARMS Defence Technologies Review


interest and  progress in  the field

of  hybrid-module intensifiers (HMI)

where there is an  electron-raised

charge-coupled matrix built-in

the  image intensifier tube. In such

HMI there are no losses caused

by the  conversion of  an  electronic

stream to the  image drawn on  the

screen, losses of emanation and res-

olution in  the optical devices. And

there are no screen luminophor

noises. The possibility of converting

the image to the analogue or digital

signal allows the operator to receive

the image on the monitor removed

from the sensor block and conduct

video processing.

Quality of image intensifier tubes

is expressed in  a  calculated factor

called Figure of Merit (FOM) which is

an  abstract measure of  image tube

performance, derived from the num-

ber of line pairs per millimeter (reso-

lution limit) multiplied by the tube's

signal-to-noise ratio. High quality im-

age intensifier tubes are known to

have a  FOM of  1200–1500. Active

growth of  Gen II + and  III image in-

tensifier tube parameters decreased

in the last decade of the XX century.

It should be mentioned that Russian

image intensifier tubes of  Gen II+

and III have increased their FOM dur-

ing the last years.

A number of design projects have

been completed in  Russia recent-

ly. Biplanar image intensifier tubes

of Gen II, II+, II++ with multislot pho-

tocathode and  Gen III tubes with

AIIIB5 photocathode for night vision

devices have been developed. Next

generation of  night vision devices

based on  biplanar image intensifi-

er tubes has been successfully de-

signed and their production has been

partially mastered. In particular, such

night vision devices as Naglaznik

pseudo-binocular goggles, Leader

pseudo-binocular night vision field

glasses, Skosok flying night vision

goggles, etc. Despite the mentioned

night vision devices a  great number

of unusual ones based on the image

intensifier tube technology was de-

signed. Such as low-profile night vi-

sion goggles, wide-field goggles with

the  user's field of  view to around

60 degrees, etc.

The US companies mastered

the  production of  biplanar image

intensifier tubes of Gen III with rota-

tional image displacement and with-

out it; the European and  Israeli pro-

duce biplanar image intensifier

tubes of  Gen II+ and  II++ for night

vision devices. The  USA run a  full-

scale production of night vision de-

vices based on  Gen III image inten-

sifier tubes, the  NATO countries’ re-

search is based on  II++ ones. Key

characteristics of  foreign night vi-

sion devices are comparable with

ours. In fact, night vision device

based on  Gen III image intensifier

tubes are only implemented in poor

visibility (Е <1•10-3 lx). At this visi-

bility effective range of  Gen III im-

age intensifier tubes excel Gen II++

ones. Gen III night vision devices are

~1.5–2 times more expensive than

generation II++.

The image intensifier tubes of Gen

IV should have 1.5 micron spectral

sensitivity, resolution of  64  lp/mm,

wave length sensitivity of  1.0  mi-

crons S> 100 μA/W, a  signal/noise

ratio of  more than 63. Night vision

devices based on  the biplanar im-

age intensifier tube with the  1.1 mi-

cron photocathode sensitivity, mi-

Thermal Vision "Sosna"

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cro-channel and  fiber-optical plates

with the  54 lp/mm resolution have

been designed. It is possible to re-

search new generation of  night vi-

sion devices based on  the new sen-

sitive elements and increase their ef-

fectiveness in 1.5–2 times. Such night

vision devices also ensure higher in-

terference immunity.



Thermo imaging development is

divided into four generations:

Gen I: thermal imagers on  single

rulers of optical detectors on the ba-

sis of  a  MCT (mercury cadmium tel-

luride) liquid melt with two-dimen-

sional scanning. It should be men-

tioned that a  MCT bulk crystal is

much more expensive than gold;

Gen II: thermal imagers on  sub-

matrix on  the basis of  a  MCT with

signal summation of  more than

2  elements and  one-dimensional


Gen III: thermal imagers

on  CdHgTe matrix with 20-micron

sensitive elements. Hyper sensi-

tivity of  such optical detectors al-

lows gaining temperature sensitivi-

ty of T<0,07°С;

Gen IV: thermal imagers on  un-

cooled thermal matrix on  the basis

of  silicon microbolometers or pyro-

electric matrix and  other VO mate-

rials. There is no detector and  deep

cooling system in  Gen IV thermal


In Russia there is a  concept

of  thermal imagers based on  rul-

ers with small number of  elements

The mili-tary man is equipped with the Alfa-9022 monocular and Alfa-7115 laser target pointer fixed on the assault rifle

Page 30: Arms-2010-2


(10–32). Though the  concept of  pro-

duction of  such optical detectors

is very attractive they yield to for-

eign on  60-element optical detec-

tors. Within the limits of the Federal

Night Vision Developments Program

Ministry of  Defense and  civil com-

panies have designed the  module

construction of  thermal imagers.

Some modules as separate elements

were made for all the 4 generations

of thermal imagers.

Production of  MCT bulk crys-

tals has been mastered in  the USSR

in  the 1980s, and  thermal imagers

for some military equipment could

be produced in lots. That means that

USSR could have had tank and  he-

licopter thermal imagers even

at  the  Afghan War. But … then oth-

er times have come, and  capitalism

building in  Russia ruined military-

industrial complex. The  main tasks

of  the  Russian Ministry of  Defense

were personnel reduction and  logis-

tic support of those in service.

Russia produces Gen 0 Posobie-1

and  Gen I Posobie-2 and  Agava-2

thermal imagers. Posobie-1 is an  IR-

camera based on a 50-element JnSb

optical detector for the  reconnais-

sance post. Pokolenie-2, modification

of  Posobie-1, uses Nevesomost-64

photo-receiving device which con-

sists of 64-element ruler of MCT crys-

tals. We also produce Agava-2 ther-

mo vision sight on the basis of Archa

photo-receiving device which is

based on the 128-element photo re-

sistor made from MCP.

Orion R&D designed thermal im-

agers with good system of  a  sig-

nal processing. They are based

on  128-element 4-column matrix

with staggered ordering of  plots

and MCT matrix.

The US and  NATO troops are

equipped with thermal imag-

ers of  all generations. All the  im-

agers have module construction.

Texas Instrumemts, Hughes (USA)

has developed gamma thermal

imager on  the basis of  microbo-

lometric and  pyroelectric matrix-

es. There are gamma thermal im-

agers such as small arms sight

in mass of 1.77 kg and 800 m range,

and  some other infra-red imag-

ers with excellent performances,

for example, the  Sophie binocular

of French CSF Company on  the ba-

sis of  a  4х288-element submatrix,

2 kg in  weight. It detects a  human

being at the range of 1200–1300 m.

On the basis of this type of optical

detectors a driving thermal imager

was developed for driving of  vari-

ous military vehicles and some oth-

er infra-red imagers.

The mili-tary man is

equipped with the PNV-10T night vision device Alfa-7115 laser

target pointer fixed on the assault rifle

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targeting your audience

since 1997

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32 ● ARMS Defence Technologies Review

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2(52).2010 ● 33

pen Joint Stock

Company Podolsky

Electromechanical Plant

of Special Engineering

“PEMZ Spetsmash” and

Closed Joint Stock Company “NTC

Elins” have introduced to the world

market the up-to-date ZU-23M1-4

Anti-Aircraft Mount, that was built

on the basis of ZU-23 anti-aircraft

gun and modernization equipment


The 23 mm twinned gun AA

mount has been soldiering for 50

years in different countries all over

the world, particularly in Army Air

Defense units and Airborne units of

the Russian Armed Forces. 14000

ZU-23 AA guns were produced dur-

ing Soviet Union time, Bulgaria and

China obtained a license to produce

and manufactured several thousand

mounts more. ZU-23 was exported

intensively to the Warsaw Pact coun-

tries, as well as Africa, Middle East

and other regions.

The outstanding AA mount capa-

bilities were proved and tested in dif-

ferent conditions and always demon-

strated its outstanding combat char-

acteristics. As a corollary the ZU-23

mount was considered to be a basis

for a much more cutting-edge weap-

on system.

Embarked on modernization OJSC

“PEMZ Spetsmash” and CJSK “NTC

ELINS” set a goal to update by far the

aiming and guiding systems of ZU-23.

Besides, the goal of modernization

was to provide day and night opera-

tional use capabilities of the system.

To achieve the goal the enterpris-

es, which were involved in the cre-

ation of ZU-23/30M1-4, fulfilled re-

search and development activities

as well as big number of actual fir-

ing exercises at real air targets were


After the modernization the

23mm ZU-23M1-4 twin anti-aircraft

gun mount was created to provide

protection of sites and non-mobile

objects against tactical and assault

aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles,

as well as to inflict damage on UAVs

and light armored combat vehicles

during day and night under condi-

tions of limited visibility.

Modernization equipment pack-

age of ZU-23 consists of:

■ Vertical and Horizontal Homing

Electrical Drives;



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34 ● ARMS Defence Technologies Review

■ Optoelectronic Unit;

■ Tracking Automatic Unit;

■ Digital Computing System;

■ Display;

■ Control and Display Panel;

■ Operator Control Panel;

■ Electric Power Supply Unit;

■ Autonomous 27V DC Generating


■ Installation Kit.

The 2A14 anti-aircraft guns, load-

ing mechanisms and towed chassis

remain unchanged in ZU-23/30M1-4

Target search, finding the tar-

get, tracking the target (automatic

or semiautomatic), engaging the tar-

get are exercised at ZU-23/30M1-4 by

one operator instead of two at ZU-23.

The modernization of ZU-23 can

take place either in Russia or in an-

other place where a customer resides.

The modernization at the custom-

er's place is done at an enterprise,

designated by the customer, in coop-

eration with teams of Russian special-

ists and customer's specialists using a

modernization equipment package

as well as adjusting and alignment

equipment and tools, delivered from

Russia to update in-inventory ZU-23

mounts. As far as customer's special-

ists master the modernization proc-

ess of ZU-23, the upgrading can be

handed over to them fully or partially.

At the customer's discretion ZU-

23/30M1-4 can be equipped with

a target designation system, which

receives the coordinates and com-

mands via digital coded wire links

and radio links from the automated

command and control post of a unit.

Units with the in-service up-

graded Anti-Aircraft Mounts can be

equipped with spear parts tools and

accessories for the modernization

equipment package. In addition a

maintenance workshop can be com-

missioned. The workshop provides

maintenance and first line repairs of

ZU-23/30M1-4 in the field. The deliv-

ery package can also have simulators

which allow to train operators with-

out using the AA mounts and flying


Generally, the upgrade of ZU-23

to ZU-23/30M1-4 has provided:

■ Improvement of the effectiveness

while engaging air or ground tar-


■ Day and Night fighting capabil-


■ Automated process of aiming a

target and its tracking;


Type ZU-23 ZU-23/30M1

Armament Two 2A14 23-mm guns Two 2A14 23-mm guns

“Igla” (Igla-S) short range guided missiles

Platform Two-wheeled towed chassis Two-wheeled towed chassis of ZU-23

Guidance System Manual optical with mechanical sightOptoelectronic automatic, semiautomatic and

manual (as a backup)

Targeting System Manual using flywheels Electro drive

Effective Area of Engagement, km


Range of Fire

Up to 1.5

Up to 2.0

Up to 3.5

Up to 5.0

Velocity of Effectively Engagement

of a Target, m/sUp to 50 Up to 400 (200 for guns)

Target Engagement Probability Not more than 0.023Not more than 0.7

(up to 0.2 for guns)

Ability to engage ground targets Yes Yes

Velocity of targeting, degrees./second

Horizontally 30 60

Vertically 40 50

24-Hour Fighting Performance Not provided Provided

Crew 2 1

Combat Load, kg 970 1100

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2(52).2010 ● 35

■ No-live operator estimation of col-


■ The wide range of effective en-

gagement of fast moving targets;

■ Downsize of the crew.

Hereafter ZU-23/30M1-4 can be

armed with man portable SAM weap-

on “Igla-S” using the “Strelets” equip-

ment and module set. The “Igla-S” sur-

face-to-air missile can be launched

from a module that consists of the

ZU-23 chassis and “Strelets”. The

launch is controlled and command-

ed via ZU-23/30M1-4.






“The upgraded ZU-23M1-4 AA

mount was created by a group of

leading Russian specialists head-

ed by Head Designer V. Kokurin,

who unfortunately passed away in

2008. His work was continued by O.

Avdakov. Both were able to create

autonomous and high performance

complex, which has optimum struc-

ture, combat capabilities and price.

The backbone of the ZU-23 mod-

ernization was the integration of a

modern fire control system produced

by Closed Joint Stock Company “NTC

Elins” under the leadership of its

Director General TIKMENOV Vasily.

Our enterprise in cooperation

with Closed Joint Stock Company

“NTC Elins” totally finished the need-

ed work-out of the AA mount and is

ready to deliver it both Russian and

foreign customers.

ZU-23 M1-4's characteristics and

terms of delivery cause interest in

many countries and regions all over

the world: Latin America, Africa,

South-East Asia. The mount is need-

ed to be examined and for sure it

takes time. However we already

managed to ink a deal with a foreign

customer on delivery of several hun-

dreds of the AA mount. Preliminary

agreements have been reached with

other customers as well.

In cooperation with our counter-

agents and “Rosoboronexport” the

after-sale service of upgraded AA

mounts is provided in the customer's

place. The fulfillment of the after-

sale service in the customer's place

is facilitated due to the well engi-

neered modular structure of the sys-

tem as well as simplicity and mainte-

nance of the guns. I am sure that a cli-

ent will receive comprehensive high-

grade and high quality service.

Upgraded ZU-23

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36 ● ARMS Defence Technologies Review

arious modifications

of  the Buk air defense

missile system have

been in service in var-

ious countries for over

30 years. Why so long? First, the Buk

is being constantly improved to be

always up-to-date. Second, it proved

to be a reliable system working in se-

vere conditions without any prob-

lems. Third, the Buk can be easily in-

tegrated in air defense and  aviation

combat control systems.

Its history dates back to 1972

which saw the  creation of  the Buk-

1 first-stage air defense missile sys-

tem designed to reinforce batteries

of  Kub air defense missile systems

that were part of  air defense regi-

ments of  tank divisions — the main

striking power of the Soviet Army.

The 9A38 transporter erector

launcher and  radar vehicle (TELAR)

placed on  the GM-569 chassis com-




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2(52).2010 ● 37

bined functions of the self-propelled

target acquisition vehicle and  self-

propelled launcher. It carried out

search for targets in a  determined

sector, their detection and  lock-in,

pre-launch actions, launch and hom-

ing of  its three missiles as well as

three 3M9M3 surface-to-air missiles

(SAM) placed on  a  coupled 2P25M3

self-propelled launcher. The self-pro-

pelled launcher could receive control

and  target information from both

the reconnaissance and targeting SP

vehicle and independently.

The 9A38 TELAR included

the  9S35 radar; digital computing

system; launching machine with

a  servodrive; ground-based interro-

gator operating in the Parol recogni-

tion system; TV/optical sight; equip-

ment for data communications with

the  reconnaissance and  control ve-

hicle and wire communications with

the SP launcher; self-contained pow-

er supply system based on  the gas

turbine device; navigation, location

and  orientation equipment; life sup-

port system.

The progress in the  develop-

ment of  microwave devices, quartz

and  electromechanical filters and

computers allowed the 9S35 radar to

operate as a  target detection, track-

ing and illumination radar. It worked

in the centimeter band using one an-

tenna and  two transmitters (pulse

and  continuous emission). The  first

transmitter was used for target de-

tection and  tracking in the  quasi-

continuous emission mode or, if

there are problems with unambigu-

ous range definitions, in the chirped

pulse mode.

The second continuous-emis-

sion transmitter was used for tar-

get and  SAM illumination. The  an-

tenna system provided sectorial tar-

get search in the  electromechanical

mode, target tracking by angular co-

ordinates and range — in the mono-

pulse mode, while the  signals were

processed by the  on-board comput-

er. The noise factor of the radar’s sur-

veillance and  direction-finding re-

ceivers was below 10 dB. The  radar

reaction time was 20 sec. It was pro-

tected from active, passive and com-

bined jamming.

The 9A38 TELAR vehicle has

a  launcher with replaceable guides.

The 9M38 SAM had a two-mode sol-

id-fuel propulsion. It featured a  nor-

mal X-shaped configuration with

a low-aspect wing.

The front part of  the missile suc-

cessively includes the  semi-active

homing head, autopilot system,

power sources and warhead. In order

to reduce the  alignment dispersion

by flight time, the  grain chamber

is placed closer to the  missile cen-

ter and  the  nozzle cluster includes

an extended duct surrounded by ac-

tuator elements.

The 9M38 missile was delivered

to the  armed forces fully fitted in

a  transport container. The  period

of  its maintenance-free operation

reached 10 years.

The 9M38 was able to engage air-

craft flying at altitudes of up to 3 km

from the  range of  3.4 to 20.5 km

and at an altitude of 30 m — from 5

to 15.4 km. The  missile could shoot

down targets at altitudes from 30 m

to 14 km, and at a course parameter

of up to 18 km. The aircraft hit prob-

ability equaled 0.70–0.93.

The 9S470 command post vehi-

cle placed on  GM-579 chassis pro-

vided receiving, reflecting and  pro-

cessing of  target information com-

ing from the  9S18 target acquisition

radar (TAR) and  six 9A310 self-pro-

pelled mounts as well as from higher

command posts, selecting dangerous

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38 ● ARMS Defence Technologies Review

targets and their distribution among

self-propelled mounts in manual

and automatic modes, assigning their

responsibility sectors, depicting in-

formation on the availability of SAMs

on  SP mounts and  loading mounts,

modes of  illumination transmitters

of  SP mounts, their operation, oper-

ating regimes of  the target acquisi-

tion radar. It also ensured the system’s

work in ECM environment and  dur-

ing enemy’s employment of  antira-

dar missiles as well as operation docu-

menting and crew training. The com-

mand post processed information

about 46 targets at altitudes of up to

20 km at  a  range of  100 km for one

surveillance cycle of the target acqui-

sition radar and  sent up to 6 instruc-

tions to SP launchers.

The 9S18 Kupol 3D coherent/

pulse detection and  tracking cen-

timeter-band radar featuring elec-

tronic scanning by elevation angle

and  mechanical (round or in a  spe-

cific sector) antenna rotation by az-

imuth using an  electric or hydrau-

lic drive was designed to detect

and  recognize aerial targets at  alti-

tudes of up to 120 km (45 km at an al-

titude of  30 m) and  submit air envi-

ronment information to the  9S470

command post vehicle.

Depending on  the surveillance

sector by elevation angle and  ECM

environment, the  surveillance rate

was from 4.5 to 18 sec in circular

scanning and  from 2.5 to 4.5 sec in

scanning within a 30° sector.

In order to prevent selective jam-

ming, methods of  pulse-to-pulse

carrier frequency tuning, distance

interval blanking, change of  linear

FM inclination and  distance sectors

blanking were used. In case of noise

barrage jamming of  self-protection

and  external protection of  select-

ed levels, the  target detection sta-

tion could detect a fighter at a range

of 50 km. The station allowed target

tracking with a probability of at least

0.5 against the  background of  local

objects and  passive jamming envi-

ronment by means of  the moving-

target indicator canceller with wind

speed self-compensation. It was pro-

tected from antiradar missiles by

means of  programmed carrier fre-

quency tuning within 1.3 sec, switch-

ing to circular ranging signal polar-

ization or pulsed light (glitter) mode.

The 9A310 TELAR vehicle differed

from the  9A38 one by the  connec-

tion with the  9S470 command post

vehicle and 9A39 transporter-erector

launcher (TEL) with a data communi-

cations line.

In addition, four 9M38 SAMs were

placed on  the launching machine

of  the 9A310 TELAR vehicle. Its reac-

tion time equaled 5 min. It took 20 sec

to switch the system from the stand-

by to working mode, particular-

ly after changing its position with

switched equipment. The  9A380

TELAR was loaded with four SAMs

from the  transporter-erector launch-

er within 12 min and from the trans-

porter vehicle — within 16 min.

The 9A39 TEL placed on  the GM-

577 chassis was designed to transport

and  store eight SAMs (four on  the

launch machine and stationary lodg-

ments), launch four SAMs, self-load

its launch machine with four SAMs

from the  lodgments and  transport

containers, load and  unload the  SP

launch vehicle with four SAMs. Thus,

the Buk’s transporter-erector launch-

er combined functions of  the trans-

port-launch vehicle and  SP launch-

er. Besides the  launcher with a  ser-

vodrive, crane and  lodgments,

the  transporter-erector launcher in-

cluded the  computing system, nav-

igation, survey control and  orienta-

tion, data communications and pow-

er supply equipment as well as pow-

er supply units.

The system’s command post re-

ceived aerial situation data from

the  command post of  the Buk air

defense missile brigade (Polyana-D

ACS) and  target detection station,

then processed it and  sent instruc-

tions to SP launch vehicles, which

search for targets and  tracked them

using this information. The  SAM

was launched when targets reached

the  engagement zone. The  missile

was homed using the  proportion-

al navigation technique ensuring

high homing accuracy. Approaching

the target, the seeker sent the close

arming command to the  radio prox-

imity fuse. The warhead detonated 17

m away from the target. In case of ra-

dio proximity fuse failure, the  SAM

self-destructed. If the target survived,

the second SAM was launched.

The Buk-1 system allowed the  si-

multaneous engagement of up to six

targets by one division and, if need-


Complex 9K37 "Buk" 9K37-1 "Buk-1"9K37M1




Command Post 9S470 9S470 9S470M1 9S470M1-2 9S510

Surveillance Radar

9S18 Kupol 1S91M3 9S18M1 Kupol-M1 9S18М1-1 9S112 9S36

TELAR 9А310,9А38 9A38 9A310M1 9A310M1-2 9A317, 9P619

TEL 9А39 2P25M3 9A39M1 9A39M1, 9A39M1-2 9A316


Missile 9М38 9М38M1 9M317

Missiles per TEL 4 4 4

Missile Weight 690 kg 690 kg 720 kg

Engagement range 4–30 km 3–42 km 3–45 km

Engagement altitude 30–14000 m 30–22000 m 30–25000 m

Maximum target speed (Mach) 2,5 4 4

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2(52).2010 ● 39

ed, fulfilling up to six independent

combat tasks independently using

SP launch vehicles. It provided high

target detection reliability by means

of joint surveillance of the target de-

tection station and six SP launch ve-

hicles, enhanced jamming protec-

tion by means of  the target seek-

er’s onboard computer and  special

illumination signal and  high target

engagement efficiency due to in-

creased SAM warhead power.

Practical and simulation launches

proved that the Buk air defense mis-

sile system can engage non-maneu-

vering targets flying at a speed of up

to 800 m/sec at altitudes from 25 m

to 18 km at  ranges from 3 to 25 km

and course parameter of up to 18 km

with a  single-launch hit probabili-

ty of  0.7–0.8. The  hit probability re-

duced down to 0.6 if the  target ma-

neuvered with G loads of up to 8.

Also, the  system included

the  9V881 maintenance vehicle,

9V883, 9V884 and  9V894 technical

service and  maintenance vehicles,

9V95 automated control and  test

mobile station, 9T229 transport-

er vehicle with 9T319 technologi-

cal equipment set, 9T31M autocrane

and other assets.

The 9S18 TAR, 9A380 TELAR

and  9S470 command post vehi-

cles were made by the  Ulyanovsk

Mechanical Plant. The 9A39 TEL was

produced at the Sverdlovsk Machine-

Building Plant.

In 1983, the  Buk air defense mis-

sile system was modernized to raise

its combat performance and  ECM

and antiradiation missiles protection.

The  upgraded Buk-M1 featured lon-

ger aircraft engagement range, was

able to shoot down ALCM cruise mis-

siles with a  single-launch hit prob-

ability of  0.4, Hew-Cobra helicop-

ters  — with a  hit probability of  0.6–

0.7 and  hovering helicopters  — 0.3–

0.4 at a range of 3.5–10 km.

The TELAR vehicle employs 72

pre-set illumination frequencies (in-

stead of  36), which raises its pro-

tection from mutual and intentional

interference. It can recognize three

types of  targets  — aircraft, ballis-

tic missiles and  helicopters. When

compared with the 9S470 command

post, the  9S470M1 one supports si-

multaneous reception of  data from

the  own target detection station

and  information about six targets

from the air defense command post

of  the motorized infantry (tank) di-

vision or from that of  the army as

well as comprehensive training of all

combat crews.

As compared with the  9A38,

the  9A310M1 TELAR allows target de-

tection and lock-in at longer ranges (by

25–30%) as well as recognition of  air-

craft, ballistic missiles and  helicopters

with a probability of at least 0.6.

The system incorporates a  more

advanced 9S18M1 (Kupol-M1) TAR

featuring a  flat elevation-scanned

phased array and basing on the GM-

567M tracked chassis.

The Buk-M1 system features ef-

ficient organizational and  tech-

nical antiradiation missile protec-

tion. The  Buk-M1’s combat parts

are interchangeable with the  simi-

lar parts of  the Buk system with-

out their upgrades. The organization

of their combat and technical units is

the same, too.

The system’s technological equip-

ment includes the  9V95M1 automat-

ed control and  test mobile station

employing the  ZiL-131 chassis with

a  trailer; 9V883, 9V884 and  9V894

technical service and  maintenance

vehicles based on  Ural-43203-1012;

the  9V881 technical service vehicle

based on  Ural-43203-1012; 9T229

transporter vehicle for eight missiles

or six containers with missiles based

on  a  KrAZ-255B; 9T31M autocrane

and  MTO-ATG-M1 technical service

workshop based on ZiL-131.

In 1994-1997, the Buk-M1-2 ADMS

was created. Due to the employment

of  a  newer 9M317 missile and  up-

grading other systems, for the  first

time it gained the ability to hit Lance

tactical ballistic missiles and  aircraft-

launched missiles at  a  range of  20

km, elements of  high-precision weap-

ons and ships — at 25 km and ground

targets (parked aircraft, launch-

ers and  large command posts)  —

at  15  km. The  aircraft, helicopters

and  cruise missiles engagement ca-

pability was raised, too. The  engage-

ment range was increased up to 45 km

and altitude — up to 25 km. The new-

er missile features an  inertial-correct-

ed control system with a  semi-active

radar target seeker providing propor-

tional navigation guidance. Outwardly,

the 9M317 differs from the 9M38 mis-

sile by a smaller wing chord length.

In addition to the  improved mis-

sile, it is planned to equip the system

with a  new part  — the  illumination

and guidance radar with a telescopic

antenna placed at a height of 22 m in

the working position. This radar con-

siderably raises the system’s capabil-

ity to engage low-flying targets, par-

ticularly cruise missiles.

The system can be equipped with

command posts and  launch section

of  two types: four sections each in-

cluding one improved TELAR vehicle

carrying four SAMs and able to simul-

taneously engage up to four targets

and one transporter-erector launcher

with eight missiles; two sections each

including one illumination and guid-

ance radar also able to simultaneous-

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40 ● ARMS Defence Technologies Review

ly engage up to four targets and two

transporter-erector launchers with

eight SAMs on each one.

Upgrading the  Buk-M system

(Buk-M1-2 and  Buk-M2), the  Start

Machine-Building Design Bureau

developed the  9P619 launcher

and  9A316 TEL on  a  tracked chas-

sis as well as the  9A318 launcher

on a wheeled chassis.

In general, the  development

of  Kub and  Buk air defense missile

systems is an  excellent example

of  how weapons evolution can con-

tinuously enhance the  combat per-

formance of army air defense at a rel-

atively low price.

Now, foreign customers can buy

the  cutting-edge Buk-M2E medium-

range multifunctional mobile air de-

fense missile system manufactured

by the Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant. It

can defeat any aerial targets includ-

ing tactical and  strategic aircraft, fire

support helicopters including hover-

ing ones, a wide range of tactical bal-

listic and antiradiation missiles as well

as special airborne and cruise missiles.

The system can engage sur-

face targets (destroyers and  missile

boats) and  ground radar-contrast

targets both in light and heavy ECM

environment. Its target engagement

zone is 3–45 km by range and 15 m —

25 km — by altitude.

The minimal deployment/clo-

sure time is 5 min given that the po-

sitions of  its main combat assets

can be changed within 20 sec with

switched-on equipment. High-speed

tracked chassis provide the  system

with high mobility.

The employment of  advanced

phased arrays with an  effective

phase control allows simultane-

ous tracking and rapid engagement

of up to 24 targets. The efficient op-

toelectronic system based on  the

submatrix IR and charge transfer ma-

trix TV channels provides round-the-

clock operation of  its main combat

asset — the 9A317E TELAR vehicle.

The optical mode largely rais-

es the  system’s jamming protec-

tion and survivability. All combat as-

sets are integrated into advanced

digital systems allowing rapid data

processing and  selecting the  most

dangerous targets, their lock-in

and  tracking. A  single and  salvo

launch can be made 10-12 sec after

target detection.

High mobility and  survivabili-

ty, wide range of  engaged targets

and  high single-launch hit proba-

bility (0.9–0.95) attracts attention to

the  Buk-M2E air defense missile sys-

tem and  raises its popularity on  in-

ternational arms markets.

The Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant is part of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern and is one of the leading manufacturers of high-performance air defense systems and the only producer of Buk-M2 air defense missile systems and Tunguska-M1 air defense missile/gun system. The company carries out the modernization of ZSU-23-4 Shilka and Buk-M1 systems.

The plant is conducting R&D works on the modernization of previously-made items and overhaul of combat and technical assets of Buk and Tunguska systems.


Moskovskoye Highway 94, Ulyanovsk, Russia, 432008Phone: +7 (8422) 42-03-70, fax: +7 (8422) 32-61-63

E-mail: [email protected]


Vereiskaya St. 41, Moscow, Russia, 121471Phone: +7 (095) 780-54-10, fax: +7 (095) 780-54-11

E-mail: [email protected]

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2(52).2010 ● 43

Viktor Murakhovskiy

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44 ● ARMS Defence Technologies Review

At the  end of  the 20th century,

the  changing nature of  military op-

erations required the  urgent equip-

ment of  armed forces and police

with light armored vehicles. The new

important tasks emerged, namely

counter-terrorist and peace-keeping

operations, patrolling missions, bor-

der protection, etc.

Performing these missions, mili-

tary units and law enforcement bod-

ies can be attacked in  any place

and any time in  a  situation when

there is no front and rear. Command

and support units are threatened

at  the same level as combat units

do. Combat units possess combat ar-

mored vehicles, but other structures

used to employ thin-skinned ones.

Thus, the  losses of  general purpose

vehicles in local wars were too large.

Soon, many countries realized

the  need in  light multirole armored

vehicles and started their crea-

tion. The US HMMWV Hammer was

a  kind of  symbol of  such vehicles.

At present, dozens of  companies all

over the  world manufacture such

cars, for example, Renault (France),

KMW (Germany), Iveco (Italy), FNSS

(Turkey), Bin Jaber Group (UAE) and


Such vehicles are used both

in  military structures and law en-

forcement bodies as well as in many

other fields requiring protected and

mobile vehicles.

As for the  Russian Federation,

the  first order for developing light

multirole armored vehicles was made

by the Federal Border Service at the

Special Machine-Building Science-

Production Center of  the Bauman

Moscow State Technical University.

As a  result, the  BPM-97 Vystrel ar-

mored border vehicle was created.

Later on, Russia designed other

light armored vehicles  — the  GAZ-

3937 Vodnik and GAZ-2330 Tigr, em-

ployed by the  Defense Ministry,

Interior Ministry and other law en-

forcement bodies.


The light multirole armored vehi-

cle is delivered in  various configura-

tions  — command, patrol, medical

and reconnaissance.

The armored bodywork is

made by Kurganmashzavod, while

the  Naberezhnye Chelny-based

Remdiesel plant carries out the final

assembling and installs series parts

of  the KAMAZ 4326 truck. This so-

lution allowed extending the  over-

haul life up to 270,000 km — an out-

standing characteristic for armored


The hull is assembled from rolled

armor sheets with optimal slope

angles. The armor in  the  top part

of  the hull protects from the  12.7-

mm NSVT heavy machine gun from

300 m, while the  bottom part and

rear  — from the  7.62-mm SVD snip-

er rifle from 30 m. The cupola pro-

vides for the  installation of  the 14.5-

mm KPVT machine gun, 12.7-mm

Kord machine gun, 30-mm Plamya

grenade launcher and antitank mis-

sile system.

The BPM-97 has two 125-liter pro-

tected tanks and an  extra 20-liter

tank in  the  armored hull. The vehi-

cle features an  autonomous heat-

er to maintain working temperature

in  the  troopers compartment irre-

spectively of  the engine operation.

Also, it has an air filtration unit.

In Russia, the  KAMAZ-43269

Vystrel is mainly used to carry explo-

sives, money and valuable cargo. In

2005, several vehicles were sold to

the Interior Ministries of Kazakhstan

and Azerbaijan.


It is a light multirole armored ve-

hicle of  modular configuration. Its

hull is welded from rolled armored

sheets and represents a  combina-

tion of front and rear modules. The

space limited by the  front mod-

ule includes the  powerplant and

control compartments separated by

KAMAZ-43269 Vystrel

The point, that the use of infantry units during a warfare even without chemical or bacteriological

weapon is going to be diminished, obtains a wide circulation not only on bush-league forums but

even among some professionals. However, the last local conflicts, for instance in Georgia, show that

Infantry remains the most all purpose branch of the Armed Forces which is capable effectively fight

against foe's infantry units as well as small guerrilla units. Moreover, the infantry units shall become an

absolute obstacle for mechanized units. To full fill the mentioned tasks an infantry unit is supposed to

have superiority in fire power and last but not least modern attached armored vehicles

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2(52).2010 ● 45

a sealed bulkhead. The rear module

represents usable volume designed

for transporting people and cargo,

mounting special equipment and


The two-seat cab with tandem

seats is in the front on the left side. It

is equipped with a  heating/air con-

ditioning unit and adjustable seats.

To the  sight, one can see a  six-cylin-

der row turbocharged 175-hp 6.23-

l engine from the  GAZ-5423. The

6.4-t GAZ-3937 can reach a  speed

of 112 km/h on a highway. The pow-

er take-off device allows switching

a  water-jet motor, a  winch and oth-

er devices.

Due to the quick-release coupling

of the rear module and the hull bear-

ing flange, various modules can be

easily replaced on  a  vehicle on  the

field. Thus, various modules allow

using one chassis for transporting

people, cargo, mounting special

equipment and armament.

The selectable front-wheel drive,

steering booster, heating and air

conditioning system provide

high cross-country capability and


The independent torsion suspen-

sion, central tire inflation system,

smooth bottom side and high clear-

ance ensure the  vehicle’s smooth

movement in  cross country condi-

tions. The hermetic hull allows cross-

ing water obstacles afloat at a speed

of up to 4 km/h.

The GAZ-3937 is the  basis for

the 39371 version featuring armored

hull, altered cab and turret.

The vehicle is highly unified with

GAZ series vehicles, which provides

high reliability and serviceability.


It is a  4x4 vehicle featuring ring-

bridge structure, armored single-

volume three-door bodywork and

designed to transport up to 9 peo-

ple and 1,200 kg of  cargo. The car-

go compartment is separated from

the  passenger one with a  bulk-

head and accommodates addition-

al seats for 2–4 persons. The inde-

pendent double fishbone suspen-

sion of  all wheels with hydraulic

shock absorbers as well as the pow-

erplant consisting of  the diesel en-

gine, clutch with an  air-hydrau-

Vodnik has her-metic hull and is amphibious

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46 ● ARMS Defence Technologies Review

lic booster, five-stage mechanical

gearbox, two-stage transfer case

with an interaxle differential includ-

ing an  electropneumatic differen-

tial lock drive, engine systems (cool-

ing, fuel, etc), two limited slip ax-

les, wheel-hub drives and wheels

with tires adjusted for cross-coun-

try conditions are mounted on  the

stiff welded frame.

The unit unification with

the BTR-80 armored personnel carri-

er and GAZ-39371 Vodnik multifunc-

tional armored vehicle, which are

checked by multi-year experience,

guarantees the Tigr’s high reliability

and long overhaul period.

This multifunctional vehicle was

ordered by the  Defense Ministry

of  the UAE, which spent $60 million

for developing and manufacturing

test models. The first Tiger HMTV ve-

hicles were presented in Abu-Dhabi

at the IDEX-2001 exhibition. Though,

the  consumer liked the  vehicles,

the supply contract was not signed.

Several vehicles were put into test

operation with the  Moscow Special

Rapid Response Unit of  Russia’s

Interior Ministry. As a result, this min-

istry ordered the  special police ver-

sion of  this vehicle for its units. The

Tigr’s series production is carried

out at  the Arzamas machine-build-

ing plant.

The Tigr special police vehicle

(SPM-1 and SPM-2) is designed for

transportation and operational mis-

sions conducted by Interior Ministry

forces during anti-terrorist opera-

tions, territorial defense and assist-

ing Russia’s Federal Border Service.

The Tigr SPM-2 version provides

Level 5 ballistic protection. Its roof

has two hatches. The cabin has plac-

es for the  crew as well as for the  ra-

dio station and radio-controlled

bomb locking device. The SPM-1 ver-

sion provides Level 3 ballistic pro-

tection and has some extra equip-

ment, namely the  conditioning sys-

tem, arm support for weapons, etc.

The STS GAZ-233014 Tigr is

a special-purpose vehicle designed

for military troops. It provides

Level 3 ballistic protection. There

is a  rotating hatch with a  folded

cap and arm supports for weapons

in  the  roof. Opening armor win-

dows in  the  doors and sides allow

using side arms by the  troopers.

The cabin has seats for the  driver,

vehicle commander and 4 troopers.

The size of  the pivot hatch allows

two crew members to fire in  two

directions at  once. Inside the  STS

GAZ-233014 Tigr, there are cases

for the  machine gun and grenade

launcher ammunition loads, arm

supports for machine guns, auto-

matic grenade launcher, reactive

antitank grenades (RPG-22, RPG-

26 and RShG-2) and manpads (Igla

and Igla-S).

The Tigr’s army version has two

controllable powerful pilot lights,

one mounted in  front and the  oth-

er — at the rear on the roof.

There is a  versatile arm support

with sockets for communication sys-

tems in the hull on the transmission

tunnel. Arm supports for communi-

cation antennas are mounted out-

side. The hull and door windows are

bulletproof and the  interior spall lin-

ers protect personnel against spalls if

the hull is hit by bullets or fragments

and exclude ricochet from the oppo-

site side if the hull is pierced.

The series STS Tigr vehicles are

constantly improved. The current

version has a  board information

control system (BIUS) and a  multi-

plex electric equipment control sys-

tem. These systems are integrated

into the  on-board network by he

CAN multiplex bus. In December

2009, a  new Tigr version powered

by the 420-hp diesel engine was pre-

sented in Nizhny Tagil. The previous

versions were powered by 2-5-hp

diesel engines.SPM-2


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2(52).2010 ● 47

The KShM R-145BMA Tigr is a com-

mand and control vehicle used by

the  commanders of  Special Forces

to control their troops, communi-

cate with superior chiefs and coop-

erating bodies. The vehicle provides

communications on  the move and

stand and commutation with sta-

tionary communications systems.

The means of  communication work

in various bands and include satellite

communications systems, ciphony

equipment, commutation systems

as well as various power sources.

This command and control vehicle

was jointly created by the  Military-

Industrial Company and Tambov ra-

dio plant Signal.


This special-purpose armored po-

lice vehicle was first shown in  pub-

lic in autumn 2008 in Moscow. It was

initially planned to make a  family

of  vehicles on  the chassis of  SPM-3

APC designed for the Internal Troops.

Featuring better ballistic protection

and especially strong anti-mine pro-

tection, the  SPM-3 can be used for

delivering infantry units to the  bat-

tlefield and fire support missions,

too. The SPM-3 can be widely used

in  the  armed forces for the  follow-

ing purposes:

■ for escort and patrolling missions,

commandant control service, spe-

cial post service, transporting

and keeping secret documents

in field;

■ as a protected command and con-

trol vehicle. Its large usable inte-

rior volume (about 12 cu.m) al-

lows installing the necessary com-

munications and control systems

and providing comfortable work

of the combat crew;

■ as a  reconnaissance scout vehi-

cle. In this case, its advantages

in speed, protection and place for

reconnaissance equipment and

systems are used;

■ as a  self-propelled antitank com-

bat vehicle (it has large internal


■ as a self-propelled mortar;

■ as a  armored medical vehicle for

MEDEVAC missions;

■ as a  NBC reconnaissance vehicle,



Configuration 4 x 4 4 x 4 4x4

Cab seating 3 + 8 men 2+8 2+7

Weight (empty) 6.6–7.5 t 10.5 t 7.6 t

Maximum load 1.5–2.5 t 1.5 t




5.38 m

2.6 m

2.15 / 2.57 m

5.3 m

1.9 m

2.3 m

5.7 m

2.3 m

2.3 m

Engine power 175 hp 240 hp 205 hp

Maximum road speed 112 km/h 90 km/h 140 km/h

Amphibious speed on water 4–5 km/h — —

Range up to 1000 km up to 1100 km up to 900 km

Gradient 60,00% 60,00% 50,00%

Armor bulletproof bulletproof bulletproof

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