arkadia in transition exploring late bronze age and early iron age human landscapes

Download Arkadia in Transition Exploring Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Human Landscapes

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Post on 12-Jan-2016




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Arkadia in TransitionThis research explores the region of Arkadia in the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age usingan interpretative and phenomenologically inspired approach. It is region associated withmany myths pointing to a continuing population throughout the period, yet beset with aproblematic archaeological record. This has been the result of a number of factors rangingfrom the nature of the landscape to the history of research. However, the ability to locate sitesof the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age within the landscape, allows insight into a regionwe had little hope of enlightening using more conventional approaches to the archaeologicalrecord. This theoretical and methodological stance is illustrated through an exploration ofdifferent aspects of the human experience such as religion, death and burial and the everyday.The ways in which these aspects can and usually are interpreted are considered, followed by anumber of case studies, which are employed to explore how human actions were embeddedwithin and informed by the very physicality of the landscape, and the differences apparentthroughout time