aristotle’s virtue ethics. how should we distribute the guitars? (who should get one? why?)

Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics. How should we distribute the guitars? (Who should get one? Why?)

Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics

Page 2: Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics. How should we distribute the guitars? (Who should get one? Why?)

How should we distribute the guitars? (Who should get one? Why?)

Page 3: Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics. How should we distribute the guitars? (Who should get one? Why?)

Telos Aristotle would argue that we should give the

guitars to the best guitar players. Why? Because the purpose of guitars is to make

beautiful music. Therefore, giving them to the best guitar players best accomplishes their purpose.

Telos = purpose, end, or essential nature.

Page 4: Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics. How should we distribute the guitars? (Who should get one? Why?)

What is just in a situation? Aristotle says that in order to determine what is just in

any situation, one must determine the telos of the item, task, or social function.

We need to determine the nature and purpose of the task. Otherwise, we have no way of saying what qualities are essential.

This leads to the question: what qualities are worthy of honour?

The purpose of the task depends on what virtues you think deserve recognition and reward.

Page 5: Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics. How should we distribute the guitars? (Who should get one? Why?)

Virtues and Happiness Happiness is a result of a virtuous life. Moral excellence: aligning pleasures and pains, so that

we delight in noble things and take pain in base ones. Happiness is not a state of mind, but a way of being,

‘an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue.’”

Page 6: Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics. How should we distribute the guitars? (Who should get one? Why?)

Moral Education and Lawmaking The way to become virtuous people is to see

other virtuous people and practice the virtue. However, how does one practice virtuous

behavior if they are not yet virtuous? The law must encourage virtuous behavior

Page 7: Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics. How should we distribute the guitars? (Who should get one? Why?)

However, there is more to virtue than acting virtuous out of habit or because of practice.

The virtuous behavior must ultimately be accompanied by an understanding of the virtue and how it should be applied.

There is more to moral excellence than rules. There has to be wisdom and discernment regarding the application of the rules.

Page 8: Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics. How should we distribute the guitars? (Who should get one? Why?)

Intentions matter – if you help someone to simply get noticed then you are not being virtuous. Note: the utilitarian would not care about your motive

Circumstances matter – if war is brought to you then it is a virtue to kill your enemy to protect the freedom of your country. However if you bring war to another country in order to gain more power then this is certainly not virtuous

Page 9: Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics. How should we distribute the guitars? (Who should get one? Why?)

What is a virtue? A virtue is always found between two extremes

Page 10: Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics. How should we distribute the guitars? (Who should get one? Why?)

Virtue Ethics is starting to make a comeback in the philosophy of the 21st century – especially when people experience the shortcomings of a life pursuing happiness via a different path

The Church bases its rules on virtue ethics Standard Rule – Be Virtuous

Page 11: Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics. How should we distribute the guitars? (Who should get one? Why?)

Teleological Moral Reasoning Locates morality in the consequences of the act

(Telos is Greek for goal, consequence, end, result, purpose)

In order to make correct moral choices, we have to have some understanding of what will result from our choices. When we make choices which result in the correct consequences, then we are acting morally; when we make choices which result in the incorrect consequences, then we are acting immorally.

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Virtue Ethics Virtue-based ethical theories focus on

helping people develop good character traits, such as kindness and generosity. These character traits will, in turn, allow a person to make the correct decisions later on in life. Virtue theorists also emphasize the need for people to learn how to break bad habits of character, like greed or anger. These are called vices and stand in the way of becoming a good person.