argumentative essay power point

The Latest Recovery Invention Life may take many serious routes to stand against diseases. Several efforts have been made since man`s existence on earth in order to save lives that are threatened by cancer, genetic diseases, tragic accidents, or other medical conditions. One of these efforts is stem cell research.

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The Latest Recovery Invention

• Life may take many serious routes to stand against diseases. Several efforts have been made since man`s existence on earth in order to save lives that are threatened by cancer, genetic diseases, tragic accidents, or other medical conditions. One of these efforts is stem cell research.

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Stem Cell Research

Stem cells have the ability to divide and renew themselves. They are also unspecialized cells that produce specialized cells; such as, blood, bone marrow cells, nerve cells, or any other cells depending on the type of tissues or organs (“Stem Cell Basics”).

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The hope of stem cell research

Scientists agree that it is possible to save human life through stem cells derived from embryo. Imagine how life is, if we are able to save our loved ones from diseases that cause pain and even death.

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Stem Cell Debate

This research may offer an incredible benefit to the future of human beings; still, there are people who are against the research.

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Stem Cell Research

People against stem cells say that the embryos of human beings should not be used for study because it is immoral to perform such research for the sake of saving another human life. The other side feels differently about the research because the collection of several cells in vitro is not considered a human being; they are simply divided cells.

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Latest Recovery Invention

• Stem cell research is a new avenue for new therapeutic methods in the health of human beings because it can find cure to cancer and nervous system disorders, help in organ transplantation field, and help in the cosmetic field.

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STEM Cells IN Cancer AND Nervous SYSTEM

• Stem cell research offers hope to treat cancer through new technology ,by attacking the abnormal cancer stem cells ,and eliminating cancers in its first stage (Adams).

• Studies in the field of nervous systems expect that stem cells can replace and bind the neurotic cells in the brain and spinal cord giving new hope to find a cure to brain damage or other nervous system disorders; such as, Parkinson`s disease

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• . The possibilities of stem cells offer help in this field because embryonic stem cells have the ability to develop any type of cells and become part of that body (“Autoimmune Diseases”). A hope to overcome the immune rejection through stem cell is great, and this means a new chance for those who lost hope to live because of organ failure.

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Stem Cell in Cosmetic Field

• The cosmetic field has a wide applications for stem cell technology. Many studies about skin repair play a very important role in stem cell research. They are trying to replace small wounds with new skin tissue.

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Stem cell and cosmetic

• The ability to use new healthy skin tissue could be a new avenue to this field of treating damaged tissue or organ because it can end the suffering of many people (“Landmark Research”).

• Further study on stem cells involves the recovery of old skin and a delay in aging. The diseases that involve skin tissue will have a cure in the future.

• Psychological problems associated with facial scars could be avoided, and no one`s life would stop because of inability to make progress in the cosmetic field.

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• It seems difficult to decide to be for or against stem cell research, but applying some restrictions on this research to avoid the moral issue may help both teams by allowing flexibility of the research regulated by law.

• There is a bright future for stem cell research because it promises huge progress in curing cancer, organ transplantation, and skin repair in cosmetic field.

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Works cited

• Adams, JD. “Stem Cell Research Offers Hope for Cancer Cure.” 01 Mar.2011. Web. 10 May 2011.

• “Autoimmune Diseases and the Promise of Stem Cell-BasedTherapies. In Stem Cell Information.” Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2009. Web. 9 May 2011.

• Landmark Research Details World First In Skin Repair Using Laboratory-Manufactured Human Skin.” 06 July 2007. Web. 10 May 2011.

• Stem Cell Basics: Introduction. In Stem Cell Information.” Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2009. Web. 10 May 2011.