are you paying to get fat? what you need to know about thyroid nutrition and food intolerance

Thyroid Diet Coach Magdalena Wszelaki Are You Paying to Get Fat? What You Need to Know About Thyroid Nutrition and Food Intolerance By Magdalena Wszelaki 70% of people who do restrictive diets put these pounds back on, and 50% of them put on even more before they started. Are you kidding me? No. Are YOU paying to get fatter? There are major deal breakers that will sabotage your weight; addressing them is critical in weight management. You can starve yourself to 500 calories/day and still have a fatty belly. Here are 3 hurdles as well as a glimpse at some quick solutions. Food Intolerances Have you noticed the gluten-free frenzy all around? Even Subway now is going gluten-free. This shows you that many people are making the connection between food and health: specific food and specific symptoms. One of them is weight. What is it? It is believed 70% of the American population has some form of food intolerance. It means our body is not agreeing with some food (even if it's best quality) and sees it as toxic. Common culprits are: gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, soy, fructose, nuts and nightshade vegetables. How do I know I have it? Food allergies are simple: you eat a nut and you get teary eyes in five minutes. Food intolerances act up only 30 min to 3 days (yes, true) and their symptoms vary vastly from weight yo-yos, stubborn pounds, acne, eczema, migraines, sinus, feeling tired and sleepy after meals, etc. You can get a blood IgG test done but often times they are inaccurate. It's best to do an elimination diet and nail down all the culprits. Last tip here: the more you crave that food, for example bread, the more likely you are to being intolerant. Good news though: there is good life after gluten Can I reverse it? Not really. But eliminating the culprit, you will feel heavens better and lose these stubborn pounds (among other benefits). Implementing a prescribed diet for just a month can help most people nail down all their food issues. Bio-individuality

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Post on 29-Jan-2016




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Are YOU paying to get fatter? There are major deal breakers that will sabotage your weight; addressing them is critical in weight management. You can starve yourself to 500 calories/day and still have a fatty belly. Here are 3 hurdles as well as a glimpse at some quick solutions.


Page 1: Are You Paying to Get Fat? What You Need to Know About Thyroid Nutrition and Food Intolerance

Thyroid Diet Coach Magdalena Wszelaki

Are You Paying to Get Fat? What You Need to Know About Thyroid Nutrition and Food Intolerance By Magdalena Wszelaki

70% of people who do restrictive diets put these pounds back on, and 50% of them put on

even more before they started. Are you kidding me? No.

Are YOU paying to get fatter?

There are major deal breakers that will sabotage your weight; addressing them is critical in

weight management. You can starve yourself to 500 calories/day and still have a fatty belly.

Here are 3 hurdles as well as a glimpse at some quick solutions.

Food Intolerances

Have you noticed the gluten-free frenzy all around? Even Subway now is going gluten-free.

This shows you that many people are making the connection between food and health:

specific food and specific symptoms. One of them is weight.

What is it?

It is believed 70% of the American population has some form of food intolerance. It means

our body is not agreeing with some food (even if it's best quality) and sees it as toxic.

Common culprits are: gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, soy, fructose, nuts and nightshade


How do I know I have it?

Food allergies are simple: you eat a nut and you get teary eyes in five minutes. Food

intolerances act up only 30 min to 3 days (yes, true) and their symptoms vary vastly from

weight yo-yos, stubborn pounds, acne, eczema, migraines, sinus, feeling tired and sleepy

after meals, etc.

You can get a blood IgG test done but often times they are inaccurate. It's best to do an

elimination diet and nail down all the culprits.

Last tip here: the more you crave that food, for example bread, the more likely you are to

being intolerant. Good news though: there is good life after gluten

Can I reverse it?

Not really. But eliminating the culprit, you will feel heavens better and lose these stubborn

pounds (among other benefits).

Implementing a prescribed diet for just a month can help most people nail down all their

food issues.


Page 2: Are You Paying to Get Fat? What You Need to Know About Thyroid Nutrition and Food Intolerance

Thyroid Diet Coach Magdalena Wszelaki

Ah! If we all could only wear the same shoe size... Not going to happen. Same as with diets.

Diets authors assume we all like, digest and respond to food the same way. They call on

scientists to create convincing scientific "evidence" to support the diet which makes us feel

kinda "basic" (for not understanding all that jargon) or we just Do.Not.Know. So we fall for

it as the next ray of hope. Do diets work: NO. 70% of people go back to their original

weight and 50% of them put on even more weight.

It's like paying to get fatter.

What is bio-individuality?

Raw food? Some people feel sick and bloated when they eat raw. Meat? Some need it to

function well. Dairy? Many people can live well without it but some do better on it. Oil is

bad? Some are and some are super helpful in losing weight (coconut butter being one, even

though it's saturated) for some people.

Not one size fits all, one person's food is another's poison. Work with a health coach to help

you develop a plan that:

· agrees with you taste buds, ethnic background and your digesting type

· gets you off insulin resistance, candida and/or food intolerances

· points you to someone to check out your thyroid health

· educates you what is true and total BS in the food and health marketing arena.

Address those and the pounds will melt away.

Do it only if you can do it forever

If you don't see your current diet as something you will eat forever, forget it. Pick a way to

eat that is right for your temperament, taste buds, body type (we are all bio-individually

different from each other, one person's food is another's poison) and makes you fulfilled.

It's OK to have the occasional pizza or burger but be clear what will the 90% of your daily

food be like. Lastly, please not expect food alone to do it; having a solid movement plan

(sports, dance, tai chi, yoga etc) and a spiritual practice (even if it means to close your eyes

and breathe for 10min, great!) will be critical is keeping a healthy, happy weight.

What do I do?


1. Find a way to eat that is right for you, gets you excited when food shopping and feels like

you can do it forever. If you don't know how to start, consult a health/nutrition coach.

2. Create a realistic movement plan that's based on what gives you joy (not have/should

do) and motivates you; pick an event to train towards, a group to join, etc

Page 3: Are You Paying to Get Fat? What You Need to Know About Thyroid Nutrition and Food Intolerance

Thyroid Diet Coach Magdalena Wszelaki

3. Start a simple 10-min breathing exercise with your eyes closed by setting the intention

for the day. Yes, that simple.

Learn how your emotions, common thyroid problems in women, sugar or candida and poor

thyroid nutrition are sabotaging your weight loss efforts. Don't pay to get fat. Read about

the other critical weight loss breakers and the effects of poor thyroid nutrition.

Magdalena Wszelaki, a certified nutrition coach and a thyroid wellness expert, is the founder

of Thyroid Diet Coach, a nutrition coaching practice dedicated to alleviating and healing

thyroid conditions. Magdalena herself is no stranger to thyroid issues; she had suffered from

Graves' (hyperthyroidism) and later Hashimoto's Disease (hypothyroidism) for over 10

years. In spite of being told by western medicine practitioners that there was no cure for

thyroid and autoimmune diseases, she managed to reverse her condition and today enjoys

better health than ever before. Her website is