are you confused between native and hybrid mobile app?

Hybrid App Tools Confused between Native and Hybrid? We have a Solution ! Native App Tools

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Hybrid App Tools

Confused between Native and Hybrid? We have a Solution !

Native App Tools

Let’s discuss a few


How important is application performance for you?

Native coding or native libraries eat less CPU cycles results into high Optimization and hence provides us faster speed. But portable apps such as hybrid apps possess less optimization thus works slow.

Do You want to use inbuilt native features?

Native applications have built in features such as GPS, contacts, gestures, camera, iBeacon but Hybrid depends on 3rd party plugins and various android versions.

Do you want to provide the best user experience to your customers?


➢ Clicks are more responsive.➢ Scrolling list feels seamless.➢ Large animations execute much

more fluid.


➢ User may need to click more than once for the app to response.

➢ User may feel some frame loading delays.➢ Large animations may not behave


Want to make debugging easier?


Native development provides tooling to test and debug the work, so it is much easier and less time consuming to find and fix bugs.


Hybrid development does not provide reliable tooling to test and debug the work, so, sometimes the developer may take a few hours to fix a problem where the same problem can be fixed within minutes.

What is your ?Native applications are developed for two different platforms i.e. android and ios hence it is expensive whereas hybrid applications are portable therefore rate is moderate.

Popular Native Apps






Facebook went from an HTML5 Hybrid Web App to Native, and users rejoiced!

Zuckerberg says, “people are consuming twice as many feed stories since the update to the new iOS app, which is great”.

Why Linkedin dumped html5 hybrid approach and adopted native approach?

➢ Insufficient debugging tools and runtime diagnostics information.➢ Crash rate was high due to memory exhaustion.➢ Animations and spinners didn't work smoothly.

Time to take decision!Description Native Hybrid

Development Language

Native only Native and web/ web only

Device Access Complete Complete

Advanced Graphics High Moderate

Speed Very Fast Medium

UI/UX High Moderate

Development Cost Expensive Moderate

Debugging Tools Provided Not Provided

Running Mode Offline Online, Sometimes Offline