are you a called-out one?

6 [email protected] FELLOWSHIP ONLINE GATHERING TOGETHER Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the father but by me”. John 14:6 KJV #1 ARE YOU A CALLED-OUT ONE? NUMBER 4 IN THIS SERIES What is a "called-out one", you might ask. You most likely know, but if you don't, I hope you know the answer to that question when you finish this message. Called-out to assemble is what "ecclesia" means, a gathering basically. If you are born-again you are part of an invisible Company, you are part of a CHURCH, "ecclesia” that has no walls, a Gathering that is Heavenly, the Body of Christ. (OUR ONLINE FELLOWSHIP IS A GATHERING TOGETHER A CYBER-SPACE MEETING.) One day it will be like a giant magnet is over us all, across the world, and the called-out ones will be brought together sharply; we will be taken forcefully away in a moment - to meet Jesus in the clouds - the dead in Christ will be resurrected. Then, each individual will go straight to their own place in the HEAVENLY JIGSAW PUZZLE, and God will say "complete". The Rapture will have happened.

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Page 1: ARE YOU A CALLED-OUT ONE? [email protected]


Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the father but by me”. John 14:6 KJV #1



What is a "called-out one", you might ask.

You most likely know, but if you don't, I hope you

know the answer to that question when you finish

this message.

Called-out to assemble is what "ecclesia"

means, a gathering basically. If you are born-again

you are part of an invisible Company, you are part

of a CHURCH, "ecclesia” that has no walls, a

Gathering that is Heavenly, the Body of Christ.


CYBER-SPACE MEETING.) One day it will be like a giant

magnet is over us all, across the world, and the called-out ones will be brought together sharply;

we will be taken forcefully away in a moment - to meet Jesus in the clouds - the dead in Christ

will be resurrected. Then, each individual will go straight to their own place in the HEAVENLY

JIGSAW PUZZLE, and God will say "complete". The Rapture will have happened.

Page 2: ARE YOU A CALLED-OUT ONE? [email protected]


Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the father but by me”. John 14:6 KJV #2

ACTS 15: 13-18 is the most pivotal passage in the New

Testament in regard to dispensational Truth.

A whole new DISPENSATION is announced

as James addresses the Jewish people.

# It shows that the “out-calling” of the Gentiles agrees with,

aligns with, the promises of God to Israel.

# It shows that God will not take up Israel again -

until the “Fullness of the Gentiles” has come to pass.

# It agrees with Romans 11: 13-25, note the “fullness of the

Gentiles” in verse 25. The FULLNESS OF THE GENTILES comes in

completely when the CHURCH AGE finishes with the Rapture.

The Acts 15 passage shows God will work "taking out” His

chosen people, the Body of Christ, until the full number is

completed and then, after that, He will take up Israel again. He will build Israel's rule over the

world, and many will know the Lord. For the sake of brevity no more can be said. Read Acts 15

for yourself, if you are unfamiliar with the passage. The Rapture you long for is only a SMALL

PART IN THE DRAMA OF REDEMPTION. When the Rapture happens it opens up God's plan of

transformation of the entire world and creation itself.


# It is a passage that gives the purpose for the Age we are living in now.

# This passage shows how the beginning of the next Age will occur, and why.

# It shows us that we “Gentiles” are now the “taken out ones” or the ecclesia.

The Church of Jesus Christ. This “church-age” has been in progress since Pentecost!

YOU are part of this, if you are saved by the Blood of Christ.


Be sure, drop us an email, we can talk more about this.

Page 3: ARE YOU A CALLED-OUT ONE? [email protected]


Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the father but by me”. John 14:6 KJV #3

This “called out assembly” is made up of those who are not the Jewish nation, but have become

a new nation, a spiritual one. This “Church” has all the various attributes of the Jewish nation,

which has been “laid aside” by God, but Israel will be taken up again in the next Age. When

individual Jews become saved ones in this dispensation, they join the ‘ecclesia’, the Church, fully

Christians, FULFILLED Jews.

1 Peter 2:9-10.

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people;

that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his

marvellous light: Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God:

which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.”


See the visitation of God to the Gentiles, in Acts 10:44-48. (Gentiles of course are non-

Jews.) This was the first time the Holy Spirit was given to Gentile believers. Verse 44 is a

crucial point in Scripture. Up to this time the Gospel had been offered to Jews only, and the

Holy Spirit was only given to them. But then, after verse 44, the normal order for this

dispensation we are living in now was reached. The Holy Spirit from then on was given to any

who would believe, no condition demanded, no race or nation demanded, just simple faith in

Christ. WE are a part of this wonder. We are a people “taken out” for His name. Note that all

society does not become converted to Christ Jesus in this dispensation. We Christians are not

here to take over in a “Kingdom Now” theocracy.


1… Look at verse 18 of Acts 15:

“Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world.”

GOD foreknows who will be saved and who will not be saved.

(Predestination, election, foreknowledge* are mysterious matters, you will agree.)

* FOREKNOWLEDGE is not alien to our own experience. We know the properties of, say, ICE and

also CLAY; enough to know beforehand what would happen if we put a block of clay or of ice into

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Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the father but by me”. John 14:6 KJV #4

a hot oven. We foreknow that ice would melt and clay would harden in the heat. Just so, God has

foreknowledge of who will harden their hearts and who will melt towards God when the Gospel

message is heard. He gives the Gospel message to all, even though He foreknows some will never

respond but harden their hearts. John 3:16

(Are you interested in this subject? Drop us an email, we can discuss

"Sovereignty & Freewill are two sides to the one coin.")

2… Now Acts 15:13-18 goes on to tell us that AFTER this “out-calling” - “I will return.”

When the “out-calling” which assembles the Body of Christ is completed. Christ Jesus will

return to the earth. WHY?

James is quoting from the Old Testament, the book of Amos. The Bible shows us WHY Christ will

return to the earth in the Second Advent.

Amos 9:11-12:

“In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the

breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old:

That they may possess the remnant of Edom, and of all the heathen, which are called by

my name, saith the LORD that doeth this.”

After the Church Age is closed with the Rapture, God will deal with Israel as a nation again, and

then as Amos describes there will be a final regathering of Israel, which many Old Testament

prophets connected with the fulfilment of the Davidic Covenant.

See Isaiah 11: 1, 10-12; Jeremiah 23:5-8. What is this Davidic Covenant?


2 Samuel 7:4-17.

This was given to King David through Nathan the prophet, at Jerusalem. Because of

disobedience on the part of Israel, the dispensation of Grace was ushered in, and Israel was

chastised and the promise to them was postponed. But the promise to Israel has not been laid

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Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the father but by me”. John 14:6 KJV #5

aside forever! Some will tell you that Israel’s promises from God are over, and that the Church

has taken Israel’s place forever. “Replacement theology” is UNTRUE.


REIGN, and the Davidic Covenant will be fulfilled utterly.

The Church is God’s heavenly people; the nation of Israel is God’s earthly people.

ALL peoples on the earth will be blessed by the Davidic Covenant.

1. Verse 13 says that the Davidic House, the lineage of David, will

never be destroyed.

2. There will be a Davidic Throne. The Kingdom of David will never

be destroyed. It will set up again, although it is “at rest” at

present. This is a thought, since the “Captivity” in Babylon there

has only been one King of the Davidic family who has been crowned

- and He had a crown of thorns. (According to the scholar Charles

Larkin.) But He will return and set up His Kingdom after Israel’s

chastisement is over. Then the time will have come for the

restoring of the Kingdom to David’s Son.

Luke 1:30-33. “… Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: ….”

3. There will be a Davidic Kingdom on earth. DAVID’S SON will have a sphere of rule over the

Millennial earth. Read about it in Psalm 72:1-20. FANTASTIC words!!

4. This Kingdom will be everlasting. Verse 16.

The SIGN of the Covenant is a SON. Luke 1:30-33: “For unto you is born this day in the city

of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Luke 2:11,

12. Ye shall find the babe [a Son] wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.”

THE ANTICHRIST will seek to bring in His own rule on earth BEFORE KING JESUS comes

again, to counterfeit the real rule of the authentic Christ! This false “king of kings and lord of

lords” has a Blood Line; the basics of this are shown in God’s Word. It does us well to be aware

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Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the father but by me”. John 14:6 KJV #6

of this Blood Line. He also is a SON, the son of perdition!

2 Thessalonians 2:3. “…man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition”

His rule is based on his sonship, just like Christ’s Sonship raises up the fulfilment of the Davidic


THE BLOOD LINE: J. R Church has an excellent outline of the Antichrist’s

bloodline in his book on the subject.

A basic outline of his book: Daniel 9:26 shows us that the Antichrist will be

from a Roman lineage, because Gabriel, the archangel, spoke to Daniel and told

him so! See verses 21-27. Gabriel said that Jerusalem would be destroyed by

“the people of the prince that shall come.” The Romans destroyed Jerusalem

and Herod’s Temple in AD 70, so we can assume that the Antichrist will be from

one of the royal families of the ancient Roman Empire. That can refer to the European Royalty,

or anyone who has ties to the royal bloodline of Europe.

# In Daniel 7, the “little horn” Antichrist, rises out of the fourth beast - the ROMAN EMPIRE.

# In Daniel 8, the “little horn” rises out of the he-goat, or the GREEK EMPIRE.

# In Daniel 9, Gabriel returned to the subject of the ROMAN EMPIRE as the source of the

“prince that shall come.” THE ANTICHRIST IS BOTH GREEK & ROMAN IN BLOODLINE … Mmm!

Right to the end desolations and wars will be happening, as seen in Daniel 9:26. It says

literally, “unto the end wars and desolations are determined.” There

will be no peace on earth until the Prince of Peace comes and sets up

His regime! (Acknowledgement given to Scofield Study Bible.)

ALL DAVID’S PRAYERS will have their fruition in the Kingdom on

earth. Read Psalm 72 carefully:

“His name shall endure for ever: His name shall be continued as

long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in Him: all nations shall

call Him blessed.” Verse 17. AMEN.

His Peace Be Upon You, Wendy & Wendy