are we successfully addressing the psha debate? seth stein earth & planetary sciences,...

Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

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Page 1: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

Are we successfully

addressing the PSHA debate?

Seth Stein

Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern


Page 2: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

NYT 3/21/11

Debate: why do hazard maps sometimes (seem to) fail?

Page 3: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University


1) Probabilistic approach is fundamentally sound, big events are rare but expected “black swans”

If so, everything’s


Implication: maps should

not be remade after big events in low-hazard


Page 4: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

2) Probabilistic approach is fundamentally flawed

- either because probabilities can’t be usefully defined (Bayesian)

“ probability is a property of a model ... the models, unlike the models for coin-tossing, have not been tested against relevant data. Indeed, the models cannot be tested on a human time scale, so there is little reason to believe the

probability estimates." (Freedman and Stark, 2003)

-or expected value of shaking not useful for design. If so, use deterministic hazard assessment

(requires assuming Mmax for large design earthquakes) without considering how rare they

are (uneconomic)

Page 5: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

3) PSHA algorithm is reasonable, but some key parameters are poorly known, unknown, or

unknowable, leading to uncertainties and some failures.

If so, maps can be improved by improving parameter estimates, accepting that some can be improved significantly even though others can’t

Page 6: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

- What are our maps’ goals?

- How can we define & measure success or failure?

- What can be done on short (~ decadal) scale to improve hazard


- What can’t be done on short (~ decadal) scale to improve hazardmaps?

Page 7: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

Ideal criterion for total success: After period equal to map time window (500 yr, 2500

yr…) observed maximum shaking at each point would be that predicted

Actual shaking map would look like hazard map

Hazard map would have neither underpredicted, causing excess damage,nor overerpredicted, causing excess mitigation cost

What can we say on short timescale?

Page 8: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

How long will it take to tell how well a model is working, especially for significant shaking?

On short (decadal?) time scale, how can we tell how well a model is working?

On short time scale, how can we tell whether one model is doing better than another?

Should one update a map once new data or insights are available even before one knows how well a map is working?

How much do the differences matter for hazard assessment and mitigation?

Page 9: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

Seismological assessment of hazard maps

Various metrics could be used, e.g. compare maximum observed shaking in subregion i, xi to

predicted maximum shaking pi

Compute Hazard Map Error HME(p,x) = i (xi - pi)2/N

and compare to error of reference map produced using a null hypothesis

HME(r,x) = i (xi - ri)2/N

using the skill score

SS(p,r,x) = 1 - HME(p,x)/HME(r,x)

Positive score if map does better than null

Page 10: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

Consider map as means, not end

Assess map’s success in terms of contribution to


Even uncertain or poor maps may do

some good

Societal assessment of hazard maps

Stein et al., 2012

Page 11: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

Within range,

inaccurate hazard maps produce nonoptimal mitigation,

raising cost, but still do some good (net benefit)

Inaccurate loss estimates have same effect

Stein & Stein, 2013

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Characterizing uncertainty is crucial in attempts to describe unknown future events.

Knight (1921) proposed that to distinguish between "the measurable uncertainty and an unmeasurable one, we may use the term 'risk' to designate the former and the term 'uncertainty' for the latter."

Seismic hazard analysis follows engineering literature in distinguishing uncertainties by their sources

Aleatory uncertainties are due to irreducible physical variability of a system

Epistemic uncertainties are due to lack of knowledge of the system, and so can be reduced by more knowledge

Page 13: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

Alternative from risk analysis based on ability to describe mathematically

Shallow uncertainty - we don’t know what will happen, but know the odds. The past is a good predictor of the future. We can make math models (pdfs) that work well.

Deep uncertainty - we don’t know the odds. The past is a poor predictor of the

future. We can make math models (pdfs), but they won’t work well.

Page 14: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

Shallow uncertainty is like estimating the chance that a batter will get a hit. His batting average is a good predictor.

Deep uncertainty is like trying to predict the winner of the World Series next baseball season. Teams' past performance give only limited insight into the future.

Page 15: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

"Some of the most troubling risk management challenges of our time are characterized by deep uncertainties.

Well-validated, trustworthy risk models giving the probabilities of future consequences for alternative present decisions are not available; the relevance of past data for predicting future outcomes is in doubt;

experts disagree about the probable consequences of alternative policies — or, worse, reach an unwarranted consensus that replaces acknowledgment of uncertainties and information gaps with groupthink — and policymakers (and probably various political constituencies) are divided about what actions to take to reduce risks...

Passions may run high and convictions of being right run deep in the absence of enough objective information to support rational decision analysis... ” Cox (2012)

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Stein et al, 2012

Stein et al., 2012

Seismic hazard uncertainty typically factor of 3-4

How much can this be reduced ?

Page 17: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

Cause of uncertainty

Where will large earthquakes occur?

When will large earthquakes occur?

How large will they be?

How strong will the shaking be?

How much can it be reduced?

Significantly on plate boundaries, little in interiors

Little if at all

Significantly for lower bound, not for upper


Page 18: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

Stein et al, 2012

Stein et al., 2012

Uncertainty from ground motion model reducible

Others much less or not at all

Page 19: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

Mmax uncertainty reducible at lower bound, not upper

US East Coast - 10,000 synthetic earthquake histories.

Given 300 years of data, what Mmax would we observe if Mmax were really 7.0, 7.2, 7.4?

In most cases, we would not observe the largest events and so underestimate Mmax

Most likely Mmax to observe is ~ 6.6 whose recurrence time ~ sample length

Page 20: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

Imagine an urn containing e balls labeled "E" for earthquake, and n balls labeled "N" for no earthquake.

We can draw balls in two ways.

Earthquake probability uncertainty in part irreducibleAnalogy: Deep uncertainty in earthquake recurrence

Stein & Stein, 2013

Page 21: Are we successfully addressing the PSHA debate? Seth Stein Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University

Option 1: after drawing a ball, we replace it. In successive draws, the probability of an event is constant or time-independent.

Because one event happening does not change the probability of another happening, we can estimate probabilities well and an event is never overdue.

Earthquake probability uncertainty in part irreducibleAnalogy: Deep uncertainty in earthquake recurrence

Stein & Stein, 2013

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Option 2: We can add a number a of E-balls after a draw when an event does not occur, and remove r E-balls when an event occurs. This makes the probability of an event increase with time until one happens, after which it decreases and then grows again. Events are not independent, because one happening changes the probability of another.

Earthquake probability uncertainty in part irreducibleAnalogy: Deep uncertainty in earthquake recurrence

Stein & Stein, 2013

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Problem: Given a sequence of results, it’s hard or impossible to tell how the urn was sampled. Thus it’s hard to assess the probability of an “earthquake” in the next draw.

We can quote a number, but it means little.

Stein & Stein, 2013

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Cause of uncertainty

Where will large earthquakes occur?

When will large earthquakes occur?

How large will they be?

How strong will the shaking be?

How much can it be reduced?

Significantly on plate boundaries, little in interiors

Little if at all

Significantly for lower bound, not for upper


GEM & similar efforts can improve hazard maps by recognizing the uncertainties and reducing

those that are reducible