are international undergraduates struggling academically? · undergraduates from the university’s...

60 Journal of International Students Peer-Reviewed Article ISSN: 2162-3104 Print/ ISSN: 2166-3750 Online Volume 4, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 60-73 © Journal of International Students Are International Undergraduates Struggling Academically? Barry Fass-Holmes, PhD University of California, San Diego (USA) Allison A. Vaughn, PhD San Diego State University (USA) Abstract Are international undergraduates struggling academically, and are their struggles due to weaknesses in English as a second language? The present study showed that 1) at most 10% of these students in three cohorts (ranging in size from N=322 to N=695) at an American west coast public university struggled (quarterly grade point averages below C) in their university classes; 2) up to 63% of them struggled with English (they were required to take a local community college’s English Composition and/or English as a Second Language classes, and up to 42% earned course grades of D or F in those classes); and 3) predictors shown to be statistically significant by hierarchical linear modeling each accounted for less than 5% of the total variance (“small” effect sizes). These findings suggest that only a minority of this university’s international undergraduates struggle in their university classes even though a majority of them struggle with English. Keywords: academic achievement, grade point average, international undergraduates, hierarchical linear modeling ________________________________________________________________________________ “Our international undergraduates are struggling academically” is a generalization that some administrators, advisors, and faculty have asserted recently at a west coast public university in the United States. Administrators who have made this generalization additionally have stated that international undergraduates in general are eligible for academic probation, disqualification, or dismissal. Advisors who have made this generalization additionally have indicated that their appointments with international undergraduates in general are about academic struggles. Faculty who have made this generalization claim that international undergraduates’ English writing skills generally are deficient. This generalization drew attention and it has been repeated even though it was anecdotal (the administrators, advisors, and faculty have not collected, statistically analyzed, or reported relevant data to support their generalization, to our knowledge). Repeating this generalization increases the likelihood of decisions that will be costly and/or ineffective due to the absence of guiding data about the allegedly struggling undergraduates’ numbers and characteristics such as applicant type (first-time freshman vs. transfer), class level, country of citizenship, gender, self- reported immigration (I-94) status, or major department. For example, decisions could be made to develop and implement specialized programs for all international undergraduates when, in reality, only a small percentage needs or would benefit from such programs.

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Page 1: Are International Undergraduates Struggling Academically? · undergraduates from the university’s student information system databases, structured query language (SQL) programs

60 Journal of International Students

Peer-Reviewed Article

ISSN: 2162-3104 Print/ ISSN: 2166-3750 Online

Volume 4, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 60-73

© Journal of International Students

Are International Undergraduates Struggling Academically?

Barry Fass-Holmes, PhD

University of California, San Diego (USA)

Allison A. Vaughn, PhD

San Diego State University (USA)


Are international undergraduates struggling academically, and are their struggles due to weaknesses

in English as a second language? The present study showed that 1) at most 10% of these students in

three cohorts (ranging in size from N=322 to N=695) at an American west coast public university

struggled (quarterly grade point averages below C) in their university classes; 2) up to 63% of them

struggled with English (they were required to take a local community college’s English Composition

and/or English as a Second Language classes, and up to 42% earned course grades of D or F in

those classes); and 3) predictors shown to be statistically significant by hierarchical linear modeling

each accounted for less than 5% of the total variance (“small” effect sizes). These findings suggest

that only a minority of this university’s international undergraduates struggle in their university

classes even though a majority of them struggle with English.

Keywords: academic achievement, grade point average, international undergraduates, hierarchical

linear modeling


“Our international undergraduates are struggling academically” is a generalization that some

administrators, advisors, and faculty have asserted recently at a west coast public university in the

United States. Administrators who have made this generalization additionally have stated that

international undergraduates in general are eligible for academic probation, disqualification, or

dismissal. Advisors who have made this generalization additionally have indicated that their

appointments with international undergraduates in general are about academic struggles. Faculty

who have made this generalization claim that international undergraduates’ English writing skills

generally are deficient.

This generalization drew attention and it has been repeated even though it was anecdotal

(the administrators, advisors, and faculty have not collected, statistically analyzed, or reported

relevant data to support their generalization, to our knowledge). Repeating this generalization

increases the likelihood of decisions that will be costly and/or ineffective due to the absence of

guiding data about the allegedly struggling undergraduates’ numbers and characteristics such as

applicant type (first-time freshman vs. transfer), class level, country of citizenship, gender, self-

reported immigration (I-94) status, or major department. For example, decisions could be made to

develop and implement specialized programs for all international undergraduates when, in reality,

only a small percentage needs or would benefit from such programs.

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In the absence of guiding data, one possible explanation for the repetition of this generalization is

that an increase in the number of international undergraduates enrolled at the west coast public university

has resulted in a proportional increase in the number of ones struggling academically rather than that

academic struggles are a general characteristic of the university’s international undergraduates. For

example, the number of enrolled international undergraduates who struggle academically could change

from five out of 100 during one year to 10 out of 200 during the next and the proportion of struggling

international undergraduates would be stable rather than increasing. Such a scenario could give an

erroneous impression that the university’s international students in general are struggling academically

when, in fact, only a consistently small proportion of international undergraduates struggles from one

year to the next.

Many American universities have experienced increased enrollment of international

undergraduates, as shown by the Institute for International Education’s (IIE) recent annual Open

Doors snapshot survey (IIE, 2012a). This survey’s results showed that the total number of

international students enrolled in fall 2012 was higher than in fall 2011 at 61% (340) of

participating American universities. Moreover, academic year 2011–12 (AY1112) was the sixth

consecutive year in which IIE’s Open Doors report showed an increase in the total number of

international students in U.S. higher education—31% more international students studied at U.S.

colleges and universities in AY1112 than a decade ago. New internationals enrolling in 2011

increased 7% from 2010, and this increase was largely attributable to Chinese undergraduates

studying in the U.S. whose numbers were up 31% (IIE, 2012b).

An increase in the number of international undergraduates also has occurred at the

aforementioned west coast public university (cf. IIE, 2012a,b). This university is one of the Open

Doors snapshot survey’s 340 participants and its data in the snapshot survey show that it experienced

an increase in international undergraduates in fall 2012 compared to the previous fall (IIE, 2012a).

The number of new first-time international undergraduates (excluding transfers) at this university was

651 in fall 2012 which represents a 91.5% increase from the corresponding number for fall 2011—

340. It stands to reason that the number of international undergraduates who seek advising about

academic issues in AY1213 could be greater than in AY1112 simply because of the 91.5% increase

rather than because these students, as a whole, are struggling academically.

To address administrators’, advisors’, and faculty’s concern that the west coast public

university’s international undergraduates are struggling academically, the present study was conducted

with the primary goal of determining what percentage of incoming international undergraduates do

struggle academically as reflected by their grade point averages (GPA). Another goal was to evaluate

how this percentage has changed relative to the number of these students admitted to this university; did

it increase, stay the same, or decrease between years? To address administrators’, advisors’, and faculty’s

concern that international undergraduates’ academic struggles are due to English weaknesses, the present

study also evaluated the extent to which these students at the west coast public university showed

evidence of struggling with English. Lastly, the present study investigated the potential role of other

variables (such as applicant type, class level, country of citizenship, gender, self-reported immigration (I-

94) status, or major department) in these students’ academic struggles.

Literature Review

Our internet-based literature search found very few published articles on international

undergraduates’ academic struggles and/or GPAs while attending American universities (described

below). Consequently, this literature review focuses primarily on recent developments that provide

context for the present study’s goal to determine what percentage of incoming international

undergraduates do struggle academically, and whether the struggles could be attributed to English

language weaknesses or other characteristics of these students.

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State government funding for American public universities has decreased since 2008. It

declined nationwide by 7.5% in fiscal year 2010–11 and by an additional 0.4% in the current fiscal

year (Kelderman, 2013). Total funding for public universities was 10.8% lower this year than

before the 2008 economic downturn according to data released by Illinois State University’s

Grapevine Project (2013).

To compensate for shrinking state government support, American public universities have

increased their enrollment of international undergraduates as evidenced by IIE’s (2012b) Open

Doors data. A likely explanation for this increase is that international undergraduates pay non-

resident tuition fees that are higher than the resident fees paid by in-state undergraduates. However,

the financial benefit of admitting an increasing number of international undergraduates is offset by

the financial cost of providing additional programs and services to meet these students’ special

needs regarding immigration regulations, career, academics, communication, culture, personal

issues, and discriminatory treatment (Hanassab & Tidwell, 2002).

One approach that admissions offices could use to minimize costs associated with programs

and services for international undergraduates’ special needs would be to accurately predict each

applicant’s likelihood of academic success. Accordingly, research on international students

historically has focused on identifying English proficiency-related indicators for evaluating

applicants. Early studies measured the predictive power of international undergraduates’ scores on

the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and these studies produced inconsistent results

(reviewed by Graham, 1987; Johnson, 1988; Stoynoff, 1997)—some showed that TOEFL scores

were positively correlated with international undergraduates’ GPA at American universities while

others showed no correlation. A more recent study on undergraduates from China, Taiwan, Kuwait,

Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates at a large state university found that a passing TOEFL

score was no better at predicting academic success than a passing grade in English as a Second

Language (ESL) class (Chen & Sun, 2006).

Indicators unrelated to English proficiency also have been studied for their potential

usefulness in predicting international applicants’ future academic success. In particular, self-

confidence and high school class rank (House, 2000), availability of a strong support person (Boyer

& Sedlacek, 1988), self-efficacy, optimism, and academic expectations (Chemers, Hu & Garcia,

2001) were found to be significantly and positively related to international undergraduates’

academic success in American universities. Previous studies have not evaluated the predictive

power of international undergraduates’ applicant type (first-time freshman vs. transfer), class level,

country of citizenship, gender, self-reported immigration (I-94) status, or major department (cf.

Hanassab & Tidwell, 2002; Nelson, Nelson & Malone, 2004; Ren & Hagedorn, 2012), to our



Demographic and academic achievement data for three cohorts of the west coast public university’s

incoming (new freshman and transfer) international undergraduates were extracted from the

university’s student information system data tables. For the sake of consistency with U.S.

Government regulations’ definition of non-immigrant international students (U.S. Department of

State, n.d.), the three cohorts of non-resident aliens excluded domestic undergraduates and

additionally excluded amnesty-seekers, applicants for permanent residency, asylees, permanent

residents, refugees, and undocumented individuals. These cohorts of international undergraduates

began attending the university in fall 2009 (FA09), fall 2010 (FA10), and fall 2011 (FA11)

respectively. The reasons for using these particular cohorts in the present study were 1) these fall

quarters were the most recent ones for which grade point averages (GPAs) were available at the time

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this study was conducted, and 2) the international undergraduates who entered in FA09 represented a

“baseline” year preceding the ones who entered in FA10 for whom the Admissions Office piloted

enhanced recruitment procedures (virtual outreach tools) targeting international applicants, and the

ones who entered in FA11 were the first for whom these procedures were fully implemented. The

Admissions Office’s enhanced recruitment procedures (attending virtual fairs, distributing recruitment

materials electronically, collecting information from overseas high schools, and attending college fairs

in the U.S. that provided opportunities for direct contact with foreign high school officials) were

intended to increase the “yield” of international applicants accepting the offer of admission, and were

in response to the university’s shortfall of state funding. Consequently, the university’s administrators

had a strong need for and interest in academic achievement (GPA) data for these three cohorts of

international undergraduates which the present study was designed to fulfill.

To extract longitudinal demographic and academic data plus SAT and TOEFL scores

(described below) for the three cohorts of the west coast public university’s international

undergraduates from the university’s student information system databases, structured query

language (SQL) programs were written and executed. The SQL programs also extracted each

international undergraduate’s unique campus ID and first and last names to ensure that every

academic quarter’s and year’s data were correctly organized within appropriate records in data files

for the statistical analyses described below. To protect confidentiality, prior to the statistical

analyses, unique dummy IDs were assigned to each international undergraduate in the extraction

files, then the files were duplicated and personally identifiable data (IDs; first and last names) were

permanently deleted. This procedure was IRB approved.

The statistical procedures performed on these data files to determine what percentage of

international undergraduates struggled academically and the degree to which their struggles were

related to weaknesses in English language included descriptive and correlational analyses (using

StatView software). Authentic 0.00 GPAs (e.g., all course grades of F in an academic quarter’s

classes) were included, artifactual ones (e.g., all “Pass” in an academic quarter’s classes) were

excluded. GPAs below 2.0 (C) are considered “struggling” and ones at or above 3.5 (between B+ and

A-) are considered “excelling” at the west coast public university.

To evaluate the potential role of other variables (such as applicant type, class level, and

major department) in the three cohorts of international undergraduates’ academic struggles, we also

performed hierarchical linear modeling (HLM; using HLM 6 software; Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002)

analyses and computed the effect sizes of all predictor variables. Each of our models was run with

only one predictor at a time, and most of our predictor variables were dummy-coded. These

included applicant type (first-time freshman vs. transfer), country of citizenship (China vs. all

others; see explanation below), gender (male vs. female), self-reported immigration (I-94) status

(F1 vs. all others), and major department (math vs. all others, economics vs. all others, engineering

vs. all others, computer science vs. all others). We selected departments where weakness in English

language might play more (or less) of a role in international students’ academic struggles. Class

level (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) was left as an ordinal predictor variable. The dependent

variable in these analyses was quarterly GPAs.

The primary reason for using HLM to evaluate the potential role of the above variables in

international undergraduates’ academic struggles rather than using other statistical tests (such as

analysis of variance) which involve ordinary least squares estimation is that HLM provides better

parameter estimates when data are hierarchically structured (Osborne, 2000; Raudenbush & Bryk,

2002). An additional reason is that HLM, in conjunction with maximum likelihood estimation,

uniquely handles missing data, thereby precluding the need to exclude students who lack at least

one academic quarter’s data (due to leave of absence, withdrawal, etc.), and precluding the need to

use imputations (which can be controversial; Little & Rubin, 2002).

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The HLM analyses also addressed one additional question—are permanent residents (PR)

and/or undocumented (OT) undergraduates the students with academic struggles rather than

internationals? To address this question, we included PR and OT undergraduates (but not

domestics) in another set of record extractions from the university’s student information system

similar to the three international cohorts’ records described above and included them in the HLM



Descriptive Analyses

The total numbers of new international undergraduates—first-time freshmen (NFRS) and transfers

(TRAN)—registering for classes at the west coast public university have increased over recent

years as shown in Figure 1. The FA10 cohort is 36.4% larger than the FA09, the FA11 cohort is

56.4% larger than the FA10, and the FA12 cohort is 44.0% larger than the FA11 (the FA 12 cohort

is included only in Figure 1 to demonstrate the trend; GPA data for this cohort were not yet

available at the time of the present study).

Figure 1. The number (above each

bar) of and year-to-year percentage

change (within the last three bars)

in international undergraduates

registered for classes at the west

coast public university in the

present study has increased

consistently between fall 2009

(FA09) and fall 2012 (FA12).

Abbreviations: FA10=fall 2010;

FA11=fall 2011

Demographic data for the

three cohorts are presented in Table

1. This study focused on comparing

international undergraduates from

China with counterparts from other

countries (including but not limited

to Hong Kong, India, South Korea,

and Taiwan) because 1) China has

become the predominant country of

citizenship for international

undergraduates attending the west

coast public university in the

present study (as reflected by the dramatic increase in Chinese undergraduates between FA09 and

FA11 compared with the corresponding increase in all others; Table 1), and 2) Chinese

undergraduates anecdotally are perceived at this university as the ones most likely to have English

weaknesses. International undergraduates majoring in the departments listed in Table 1 anecdotally

are perceived on campus as the ones most likely to have English weaknesses (these majors

allegedly are less sensitive to English weaknesses, hence international undergraduates with English

weakness prefer them according to the anecdotes).

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Table 1

Demographic Characteristics of the Three International Undergraduate Cohorts Admitted in Fall

2009 (FA09), Fall 2010 (FA10), or Fall 2011 (FA11)


FA09 FA10 FA11 % increase from

FA09 to FA11

Applicant type new freshmen (NFRS) 69 155 337 388.4

transfer students (TRAN) 253 286 358 41.5

Total 322 441 695 115.8

Class level freshman 62 147 323 421.0

sophomore 15 10 18 20.0

junior 243 283 350 44.0

senior 2 1 4 100.0

Total 322 441 695 115.8

Country China 35 110 310 785.7

all othersa

287 331 385 34.1

Total 322 441 695 115.8

Department Computer Science and Engineering 11 17 44 300.0

Economics 137 172 251 83.2

Electrical and Computer Engineering 8 14 36 350.0

Mathematics 4 15 47 1,075.0

all others 162 223 317 95.7

Total 322 441 695 115.8

Gender female 157 214 303 93.0

male 165 227 392 137.6

Total 322 441 695 115.8

Note. aAll other countries include (but are not limited to) Hong Kong, India, South Korea, Taiwan,

plus others for which fewer than three students attended the university.

Academic achievement data for the three cohorts are shown in Figures 2, 3, and 4. Figure 2

contains each of the three cohorts’ mean GPAs for each of the three academic quarters (fall, winter,

and spring) of the year in which they entered the west coast public university (AY0910 for the

FA09 cohort, and so on). The international undergraduates in these cohorts, in general, earned a

GPA between 2.8 and 3.1 (roughly between B- and B). Figure 3 contains the percentage of each of

the three cohorts that earned GPAs below 2.0 (i.e., struggled academically) and Figure 4 contains

the corresponding percentages that earned GPAs at or above 3.5 (i.e., excelled academically). The

percentages show that only a tenth or fewer of international undergraduates in these cohorts

struggled academically and a larger minority (between a quarter and a third) excelled academically.

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Figure 2. The mean quarterly GPA

(above each bar) ranged from 2.86

(between B- and B) to 3.07 (just

above B) for each of the three

international undergraduate cohorts

registered for classes at the west coast

public university in the present study.

These GPAs were higher than the

value (below 2.0) considered to be

“academically struggling” at this



FA09=fall2009; WI10=winter 2010;

SP10=spring 2010; FA10=fall 2010;

WI11=winter 2011; SP11=spring 2011;

FA11=fall 2011; WI12=winter 2012;

SP12=spring 2012.

Figure 3. The percentage of each of

the three international undergraduate

cohorts in the present study that had a

quarterly GPA below 2.0 (“struggled

academically”) ranged from 6.8 to

10.2. These percentages are less than

what would be expected if GPAs were

distributed normally.


FA09=fall 2009; WI10=winter 2010;

SP10=spring 2010; FA10=fall 2010;

WI11=winter 2011; SP11=spring 2011;

FA11=fall 2011; WI12=winter 2012;

SP12=spring 2012.

Figure 4. The percentage of each of

the three international undergraduate

cohorts in the present study that had a

quarterly GPA at or above 3.5

(“excelled academically”) ranged

from 23.1 to 36.8. These percentages

exceeded the corresponding

percentages that struggled



FA09=fall 2009; WI10=winter 2010;

SP10=spring 2010; FA10=fall 2010;

WI11=winter 2011; SP11=spring 2011;

FA11=fall 2011; WI12=winter 2012;

SP12=spring 2012.

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While the number of the west coast public university’s international undergraduates who earned

GPAs below 2.0 (i.e., struggled academically) amounted to a tenth or less, the percentage with

demonstrable English weaknesses was higher as evidenced by the data in Figure 5. This figure shows

the percentage of each of the three cohorts’ F1 (self-reported I-94 status) NFRS who were required to

attend a local community college’s English Composition and/or ESL class (this requirement is part of

the university’s entry level writing requirement for undergraduates). This percentage increased across

the cohorts (reaching almost two-thirds of the FA11 cohort). Further evidence of these

undergraduates’ English weaknesses appears in Table 2. This table includes the percentages of the

three cohorts’ F1 (self-reported I-94 status) NFRS who earned a D or F in these community college

writing and ESL classes. Although this percentage increased across the cohorts (reaching more than a

third of the FA11 cohort), these students’ mean FA GPA in their university classes was between 3.24

and 3.33 (roughly between B and B+). Less than one tenth of them earned GPAs below 2.0 (Table 2).

Figure 5. The percentage of international new freshman undergraduates (NFRS) in F1 I-94 status who were

required to take a local community college’s English Composition or English as a Second Language class

has increased during the past three fall quarters at the west coast public university in the present study.

Table 2

Numbers and Percentages of International (F1 I-94 Status) New Freshmen (NFRS)

Cohort # F1


# (%) required

to take

CC classes

% who earned

D or F in CC


Mean FA GPA in

university classes

of F1 NFRS required

to take CC classes

# (%) who earned GPA

<2.0 in university’s FA


FA09 48 18 (37.5) 5.6 3.33 0 (0.0)

FA10 121 57 (47.1) 10.5 3.24 3 (5.3)

FA11 319 200 (62.7) 42.0 3.31 13 (6.5)

Note. Abbreviations: CC=community college; FA=fall quarter

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Correlation Analyses

To evaluate the potential role of English weaknesses (especially writing) in international

undergraduates’ academic struggles, we performed correlation analyses between these students’

scores on English proficiency tests (TOEFL, Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), or the west coast

public university’s writing exam) and corresponding AY GPAs (AY0910 for the FA09 cohort, and

so on). Significant positive correlation coefficients are indicative that the test score included in the

analysis is a predictor of the quarterly GPA included in the analysis—the higher the test score, the

higher the quarterly GPA; the lower the test score, the lower the quarterly GPA.

Table 3 shows the statistically significant results of these correlational analyses for F1

NFRS only (these are the international undergraduates of particular concern/interest for campus

policy and programming purposes). SAT math was the only one of the aforementioned scores that

consistently predicted the cohorts’ mean GPAs; however, these significant SAT math correlations (r

between 0.15 and 0.3) fall within the range of “small” (magnitude) effect sizes (Cohen, 1988). None

of the aforementioned English proficiency tests consistently correlated with mean GPAs; the only

significant correlations were between the FA10 cohort’s SAT writing scores and FA10 GPAs, and

between the FA10 cohort’s writing exam scores and FA10 GPAs (Table 3).

Table 3

Statistically Significant Predictors of Quarterly GPAs from the Correlation Analyses

Cohort Predictor Quarter r df p

FA09 SAT math FA09 0.27 48 0.05

SAT math WI10 0.30 48 0.05

FA10 SAT math FA10 0.23 111 <.05

SAT math WI11 0.23 109 <.05

SAT math SP11 0.26 107 <.01

SAT writing FA10 0.32 111 <.01

writing exam FA10 0.29 109 <.01

FA11 SAT math FA11 0.23 300 <.0001

SAT math WI12 0.21 294 0.0003

SAT math SP12 0.15 295 0.01

Note. Abbreviations: r = correlation coefficient, df = degrees of freedom, p = probability

(significance level)

HLM Analyses

The data extracted for the HLM analyses yielded 982 undergraduates’ records (including PRs and OTs,

excluding domestics) for the FA09 cohort, and these undergraduates had a total of 2,894 term GPAs used in

the HLM analyses. Consequently, on average, each FA09 undergraduate in the HLM analyses had about

three academic quarters (M = 2.95) of GPA data. The corresponding values for the FA10 cohort were 1,151

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undergraduates, 3,396 term GPAs, and an average of almost three academic quarters (M = 2.95) of GPA

data per student. The FA11 cohort’s values were 1,274 undergraduates, 3,752 term GPAs, and an average

of almost three academic quarters (M = 2.95) of GPA data per student.

In the current study, all of our models were run with only one predictor at a time and

primary analyses were conducted on two-level models. GPA (the dependent variable) is considered

a lower-level (level-1 or time-varying) variable, whereas the various predictors are considered

higher-level (level-2 or stable) variables. These included applicant type (NFRS; TRAN), class level

(freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior), country of citizenship (i.e., China), gender, I-94 status

(i.e., F1), and major department (e.g., Economics, Mathematics). An example model is shown


Level 1: GPA = β0j + rij

Level 2: β0j = γ00 + γ01(Class Level) + u0j

For each HLM model, only statistically significant results are presented in Table 4. This table

shows that the FA09 cohort’s class level was a significant predictor of GPA—as class level increased,

GPA decreased (indicated by the negative regression coefficient). Applicant type, country of citizenship,

and major department were all significant predictors of GPA—NFRS, Chinese students, and

Mathematics majors had higher GPAs compared to TRAN, non-Chinese students, and all other majors,

respectively. Gender and self-reported immigration (I-94) status were not significant predictors of

quarterly GPAs.

Table 4

Statistically Significant Predictors of GPA from the Hierarchical Linear Modeling Analyses

Cohort Predictor β SE β p sr2

FA09 Applicant type -0.129 0.039 0.001 0.012

Class level -0.039 0.020 0.051 0.003

Country of origin 0.142 0.051 0.006 0.008

Department 0.344 0.135 0.012 0.004

FA10 Applicant type -0.096 0.036 0.008 0.007

Country of origin 0.182 0.042 <.001 0.019

Department 0.206 0.085 0.015 0.004

FA11 Applicant type -0.216 0.039 <.001 0.031

Class level -0.083 0.020 <.001 0.018

Country of origin 0.270 0.041 <.001 0.043

Department 0.214 0.102 0.036 0.005

I-94 status -0.109 0.039 0.006 0.008

Note. Abbreviations: β = HLM model’s regression coefficient; SE β = standard error of the

regression coefficient; p = probability (significance) level; sr2

= semi-partial correlation squared

(analogous to R2), the proportion of variance accounted for in linear regression.

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The FA10 cohort’s results were the same with one exception—class level was not a significant predictor

of GPA. The FA11 cohort’s results also were the same as the FA09’s with one additional predictor—

self-reported immigration (I-94) status was significant (i.e., F1 visa holders had higher GPAs than the

PRs, OTs, and other visa status immigrant students).With regard to the aforementioned additional

question, are PR and/or OT undergraduates the students with academic struggles rather than

internationals, the above results are consistent with the view that the PRs and OTs probably are not

the students that administrators, advisors, and faculty at the west coast public university have

referred to when repeating the generalization that “international students are struggling


Although the HLM analyses revealed that the above predictors were statistically significant,

each one accounted for less than five percent of the total variance. They consequently fall within the

range of “small” (magnitude) effect sizes (Cohen, 1988).


The current study’s primary goals were to 1) systematically evaluate whether international

undergraduates at the west coast public university in this study actually are struggling academically,

and 2) statistically determine whether the struggles could be attributed to English language

weaknesses and/or related to other variables. Regarding the first goal, the present findings do not

support anecdotal reports that international students at this university in general are struggling

academically; at most a tenth of the FA09, FA10, and FA11 cohorts earned GPAs that met the

campus definition of “struggling”—below 2.0 (C or “average”). However, regarding the second goal,

the present findings do indicate that an increasing percentage of F1 NFRS has English weaknesses as

indicated by required participation and course grades in community college English classes. We

conclude from these findings that the majority of the west coast public university’s international

undergraduates are not struggling academically, that the struggling ones comprise only a small

percentage of these students, and that the three cohorts generally succeeded in their university classes

despite evidence of struggling with English (shown in Table 2).

If the percentage of academically struggling international undergraduates is small, then what

accounts for anecdotal reports that these students generally are struggling? This west coast public

university historically has provided strong support to its international undergraduates through a wide

range of programs and services (e.g., orientations; academic and immigration advising; one-on-one

English tutoring; social and cultural events; etc.), therefore anecdotal reports of academic struggles

cannot readily be attributed to a lack of assistance and/or support. Instead, one possible explanation is

that the reports are a side effect of annual increases in international undergraduates entering this

university. It stands to reason that as more international undergraduates attend any American

university, the number who struggle academically likely will increase also. Importantly, however, the

percentages of international undergraduates who struggle academically were shown to remain

relatively stable (one tenth or less) in the present study, and these percentages are less than what

would be expected if GPAs were distributed normally (approximated a Bell curve). An alternative

explanation is that the struggling undergraduates include immigrant (applicants for permanent

residency, amnesty-seekers, asylees, permanent residents, refugees, and/or undocumented students)

students rather than or in addition to non-immigrant (international) students. Because we do not have

access to the identity and immigration (I-94) status of the undergraduates referenced in the anecdotal

reports, we cannot presently evaluate this alternative explanation. A third possible explanation is that

continuing, rather than new, international undergraduates are the ones who struggle academically. To

address this possibility, the present study will follow these three NFRS and TRAN cohorts’ academic

performance in their continuing years at the west coast public university.

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What variables account for the academic struggles of the small percentages of international

undergraduates described in the present report? To evaluate the possibility that English language

weaknesses (especially in writing) account for these students’ struggles, we statistically analyzed

three cohorts’ required participation in community college English classes (English Composition;

ESL) and their scores on standardized English proficiency tests. The percentage of F1 NFRS who

were required to attend the community college English classes increased between the three cohorts,

reaching almost two thirds of the FA11 cohort. Consistent with anecdotal reports, the percentage

who struggled in these community college classes (i.e., earned course grades of D or F) increased

between the cohorts, reaching 42% of the FA11 cohort (Table 2). Although these international

undergraduates struggled with English writing as evidenced by their participation and course grades

in the community college English classes, their mean GPA in university classes during their first

(FA) quarter was between B- and B, and less than one tenth of their mean GPAs was lower than 2.0.

How could these international undergraduates have English weaknesses (as evidenced by

their performance in the community college classes) while simultaneously succeeding academically

in their university classes (as evidenced by their GPAs)? One possible explanation is that the

community college classes (English Composition; ESL) are sensitive to English weaknesses while

the university classes (e.g., Computer Science; Economics; Engineering; Mathematics) are not.

Another is that the community college instructors grade these students more strictly on English

(grammar, spelling, etc.) while university instructors grade less strictly on English (instead focusing

on whether the students show evidence of mastering class concepts). An additional possibility is

that these students invest more time and energy on their university classes than on the community

college classes. Further research will be needed to evaluate these possible explanations.

If almost two thirds of the west coast public university’s international undergraduates do

have English weaknesses, how could they qualify for admission to that university? International

applicants are required to submit TOEFL and SAT scores; applicants who take either of these

exams multiple times are considered on the basis of their highest total TOEFL and highest

combined SAT scores. One possibility is that international applicants attend courses in their home

countries that teach to these tests without improving the applicants’ English proficiency. Another is

that applicants who take these tests multiple times show a practice effect. A third possibility is that

at least some applicants cheat on TOEFL and/or SAT. Additional research is needed to evaluate

these three possibilities. Regardless, the present study’s non-significant correlation coefficients

between TOEFL or SAT reading and writing scores and quarterly GPAs suggest that while these

standardized tests might be useful for admissions purposes, they are not strong predictors of

international undergraduates’ academic struggling in their first year of university classes.

The present study’s finding that TOEFL scores were not correlated with quarterly GPAs is

inconsistent with a previous study’s (Stoynoff, 1997) finding that TOEFL scores were significantly

positively correlated with GPA. One possible explanation for the difference between these two

studies’ findings is that the 1990s’ TOEFL differed from the modern TOEFL in at least two

potentially important and related dimensions—range of the scoring scale, and mode of

administration (paper-based vs. online; Educational Testing Service, 2005). Another possibility

relates to a difference in statistical methodology—Stoynoff (1997) used a statistical correction to

account for the narrow range of international applicants' TOEFL (and, by extension, SAT) scores

due to universities' minimum requirements, we did not. In either case, Stoynoff (1997) described the

correlation between TOEFL scores and international undergraduates’ GPA as “modest” and thus,

combined with our finding, it suggests that TOEFL’s utility in predicting international

undergraduates’ GPAs at American universities is limited.

The present study is the first, to our knowledge, using HLM to investigate what variables

affect international undergraduates’ academic achievement while attending American universities (cf.

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Li, Chen & Duanmu, 2010). Our HLM analyses included additional variables—applicant type, class

level, country of citizenship, gender, immigration (I-94) status, and major department—and some of

them were shown to be significant predictors for all three cohorts’ GPAs. However, these significant

predictors accounted for a low percentage of the total variability; they would be considered “small”

effect sizes (Cohen, 1988). Consequently, our findings might not be sufficiently compelling for use in

decision making about implementing or changing policies and programs for addressing international

undergraduates’ academic struggles. We instead recommend the development and implementation of

a diagnostic instrument that correlates highly with quarterly mean GPAs for use in preemptively

identifying which international undergraduates to target for additional support.

In conclusion, the present results taken together suggest that policies and programs intended

to support newly admitted international undergraduates with weak English skills would be most

cost effective if they were implemented for such students with demonstrable evidence of academic

struggles and/or English weaknesses rather than for all incoming international undergraduates.


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About the Authors:

Barry Fass-Holmes received his Ph.D. in Psychology from Clark University. He currently is

SEVIS and Analytical Studies Coordinator for the International Students & Programs Office in the

International Center at the University of California, San Diego. His research focuses on

international students’ academic achievement. He thanks Lynn C. Anderson, Dulce Amor L.

Dorado, Dr. Kirk Simmons, and Prof. dr. J.W.M. de Wit for their helpful suggestions. His email

address is [email protected].

Allison A. Vaughn received her Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Utah. She currently is

an assistant professor in the Psychology Department at San Diego State University. Her research

interests are social relationships (friends, significant others, work colleagues), mental health

(anxiety, depression), and physical health (cardiovascular functioning like blood pressure and heart

rate). Her email address is [email protected].