architecture | the future of messaging: rabbitmq and amqp | eberhard wolff

The Future of Messaging: RabbitMQ and AMQP Eberhard Wolff Architecture and Technology Manager adesso AG, Germany

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2011-11-02 | 05:45 PM - 06:35 PMThe JMS standard is 9 years old - but outside the Java community innovation is happening. The AMQP standard with implementations like RabbitMQ is gaining more and more traction. This session explains the standard and its advantages. It will also show how an AMQP application can be implemented using Java.


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The Future of Messaging: RabbitMQ and AMQP

Eberhard Wolff Architecture and Technology Manager

adesso AG, Germany

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•  Why Messaging, AMQP and RabbitMQ •  Basic AMQP •  Exchanges •  More on Spring-AMQP

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•  Predominant approach – RMI, SOAP Web Services, CORBA,

HttpInvoker, Burlap, Hessian •  Calls remote methods with parameter •  …and waits for response

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•  Problems: – Explicitly tells the server what to do i.e.

tight coupling – What about network failures? – What about long latencies?

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Why Messaging? •  Decoupling

– Data, no action i.e. receiver can react arbitrarily

– Asynchronous i.e. decoupled by time

•  Reliable – Message can be stored-and-

forwarded – Redelivery until message

processed •  Solves typical problems of

distributed systems


Component Messages

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Why Messaging?

•  But: Requires different architecture •  Very different from calling remote

methods •  Asynchronous •  AJAX has the same model

•  See for example “Patterns of Enterprise Integration”

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Why AMQP? •  Open standard protocol •  Standard wire protocol •  i.e. just one client library – no matter which

implementation you are using •  Less vendor lock in •  Efficient

– Binary wire protocol •  Support in all major languages •  Supported on most OS platforms

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What about JMS?

•  JMS has been the default for Java messaging system for 10+ years

•  But: – Only standardized on the API level – Less flexible than AMQP

•  Mapping AMQP/JMS is being defined

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Why Rabbit? •  Because it has a kewl name •  Numerous protocols supported •  Most popular choice on EC2 •  Foundation for demanding systems e.g.

NASA’s cloud initiative Nebula •  Implemented in Erlang •  Clustering built in •  Currently in 2.6.1 •  Supports AMQP 0.8, 0.9, 0.9.1 •  1.0 as a prototype Plug In

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Broad Support in RabbitMQ

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Broad Support in the JVM Space

•  Grails Plug In •  Java Client •  Scala / Lift support

•  We will discuss Spring support in detail •  Spring AMQP project 1.0.0 •


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Why Erlang? •  Originally designed for telephone

switches by Ericsson •  Much easier to develop scalable and fault

tolerant systems (by factors)

•  See Motorola presentation:

•  Good tool for reliable and scalable systems

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Erlang‘s Model

Light weight

process with state


Link to monitor, restart

Light weight

process with state

Light weight

process with state

Messages Messages

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Why Erlang?

•  Let it crash –  If a process fails, it can be easily restarted – Different approach to fault tolerance – Otherwise lots of error handling

•  Message Passing in the Core – RabbitMQ is a messaging system…

•  Light-weight process model – Scalabiliy

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Very Basic AMQP

•  Queues: Store messages •  Queues might be

– Durable: Survive server restarts – Exclusive: For one connection – autoDelete: Deleted if connection closes

•  Queue usually created by consumer •  All resources are dynamic •  Producer sends a message to a Queue

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Code ConnectionFactory conFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory ("localhost");RabbitAdmin admin = new RabbitAdmin(conFactory);admin.declareQueue( new Queue("myQueue", false, true, true));RabbitTemplate template = new RabbitTemplate(conFactory);template.convertAndSend("myQueue", "Hi AMQP!");String receive = (String) template.receiveAndConvert("myQueue");Assert.assertEquals("Hi AMQP!", receive);

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Spring’s RabbitTemplate

•  Send & receive message •  AmqpTemplate:

Generic AMQP interface •  RabbitOperations: Rabbit specific

interface: (adds just a callback) •  RabbitTemplate: Implementation •  Spring might provide support for other

AMQP implementations later

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Spring’s MessageConverter

•  Messages are binary data •  RabbitTemplate uses

MessageConverter to convert between objects and messages

•  Can also send binary data if preferred

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Spring’s MessageConverter •  Default: SimpleMessageConverter

–  byte[] directly transferred –  String converted with configurable encoding –  Serializable are serialized –  Content type set accordingly

•  JsonMessageConverter converts from / to JSON using Jackson

•  MarshallingMessageConverter converts from / to XML using Spring's OXM mapping

•  SerializerMessageConverter uses Spring’s Serializer abstraction

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Spring‘s AdminTemplate

•  Main purpose: Configure the AMQP infrastructure

•  E.g. create queues

•  AmpqAdmin: Generic AMQP interface •  RabbitAdmin: Rabbit specific

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Basics of AMQP •  Sending messages directly to queues is

not enough •  What about e.g. pub / sub?

•  Exchange: Route messages (stateless) •  Messages are byte-streams •  Example used the default exchange

•  More dynamic, flexible and cleaner than JMS

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AMQP  in  a  nutshell  Exchange routes message Stateless Usually created by producer No queue: Message discarded


Queues buffer messages Usually created by consumer

Binding binds an Exchange to a Queue

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AMQP  in  a  nutshell  

AMQP protocol

Producer and Consumer might be written in Java, C#, Python, Ruby …





RabbitMQ AMQP protocol

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Exchange: Route Messages

•  The type of Exchange defined the routing algorithm used

•  Binding provides selector for routing •  Exchange is addressed by name

•  Some standard types •  Can provide additional ones


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Fanout Exchange

•  Broadcast to all bound queues •  Fast •  Simple

•  amq.fanout is mandatory

•  To broadcast information


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Fanout Exchange X

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Queue fanoutQueue = new Queue("fanoutQueue");admin.declareQueue(fanoutQueue);FanoutExchange fanoutExchange= new FanoutExchange("myFanout");admin.declareExchange(fanoutExchange);admin.declareBinding( BindingBuilder.bind(fanoutQueue). to(fanoutExchange));template.setExchange("myFanout");template.convertAndSend("Hi Fanout!");String receive = (String) template.receiveAndConvert("fanoutQueue");Assert.assertEquals("Hi Fanout!", receive);

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Direct Exchange •  Routing based on one routing key • and the default Exchange (no

name) always exist

•  To send work orders to a specific worker


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Direct Exchange



express normal

Direct Exchange

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Queue directQueue = new Queue("direct");admin.declareQueue(directQueue);admin.declareBinding(BindingBuilder .bind(directQueue) .to(new DirectExchange("")) .with("helloKey"));template.setExchange("");template.convertAndSend("","dropMe", "I will be dropped!");template.convertAndSend("","helloKey", "Hi Direct!");Assert.assertEquals("Hi Direct!", template.receiveAndConvert("direct"));Assert.assertNull( template.receiveAndConvert("direct"));

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Topic Exchange •  Routing based on routing pattern •  amq.topic is mandatory

•  E.g. for public / subscribe scenarios


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Topic Exchange  




Topic Exchange



order.DE invoice.USD

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Headers Exchange •  Routing based on one or more headers and

an expression •  amqp.match is mandatory

•  Complex routing roles


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Other Features •  Message can be persistent •  Request / response using correlations


•  Redelivery / acknowledgement possible

•  Clustering with e.g. Linux HA possible •  ...or send message through multiple

channels and drop duplicates

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More about RabbitMQ and Spring

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Configuring Rabbit Resources with Spring

•  Spring enables decoupling of your application code from the underlying infrastructure

•  The container provides the resources

•  The application is simply coded against the API

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Configuring a ConnectionFactory

•  Can easily modify configuration options

<bean id="connectionFactory" class="org.sfw.amqp.rabbit.connection.CachingConnectionFactory"> <property name="username" value="guest"/> <property name="password" value="guest"/> <constructor-arg value="localhost" /> </bean>

Create an object with the given name

and class Call setUsername() with the given value

Parameter for the constructor

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<cloud:rabbit-connection-factory id="rabbitConnectionFactory" />

Using a ConnectionFactory from Cloud Foundry

•  Will be provided by Cloud Foundry

ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new RabbitServiceCreator(new CloudEnvironment()) .createSingletonService().service;

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<bean id="rabbitTemplate" class="org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitTemplate"> <constructor-arg ref="connectionFactory" /> <property name="routingKey" value=”invoice.USD" /> </bean>

Defining a RabbitTemplate Bean

•  Provide a reference to the ConnectionFactory •  Optionally provide other references

– MessageConverter – Routing key and exchange to be used if none is


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The MessageListener

•  So far: Calling receive() on RabbitTemplate

•  Needed: Something that is called when a new message appears

•  The API defines this interface for asynchronous reception of messages

public interface MessageListener { public void onMessage(Message) { // handle the message } }

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Spring’s MessageListener Container

•  Spring provides lightweight containers to call MessageListeners

•  SimpleMessageListenerContainer •  Advanced scheduling and endpoint

management options available •  i.e. thread pools, concurrent consumers,

transaction handling

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Defining a Message Listener Container

•  Every time a new message appears on my.amqp.queue the messageListener is called

<bean class="org.sfw.amqp.rabbit.listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer"> <property name="connectionFactory" ref="connectionFactory" /> <property name="queueNames" value="my.amqp.queue" /> <property name="messageListener" ref="messageListener" /> </bean>

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Spring's message-driven objects

•  MessageListener means the receiver depends on Spring API

•  Why not just a POJO? •  MessageListenerAdapter takes a POJO and

makes it a MessageListener •  i.e. calls consume on Bean consumer <bean id="messageListenerAdapter"

class="org.sfw.amqp.rabbit.listener.adapter.MessageListenerAdapter"> <property name="delegate" ref="consumer" /> <property name="defaultListenerMethod" value="consume" /> <property name="messageConverter" ref="jsonMessageConverter" /> </bean>

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Easier Using Namespaces

•  Results in the same Spring Beans

<rabbit:listener-container connection-factory="connectionFactory“ message-converter="jsonMessageConverter"> <rabbit:listener ref="consumer" method="consume"

queue-names="my.amqp.queue2" /> </rabbit:listener-container>

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Consumer code

•  No dependency on AMQP! •  But: What about the result of the method? •  Send to the Reply-To address given in

message properties with same correlationId as original method

@Componentpublic class Consumer { public String consume(String message) { return …; }}

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Client Code

•  Message sent to destination with routing key •  Reply-To set to exclusive, autodelete, non-

durable queue •  Response received through Reply-To

converted and returned •  Easy request-response! •  Beware of potential latency

String response = (String) rabbitTemplate.convertSendAndReceive( "my.fanout", "", "test");

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Create Environment using Namespaces

•  ...if you don‘t like API calls <rabbit:fanout-exchange name="my.fanout2"> <rabbit:bindings> <rabbit:binding queue="my.amqp.queue2" /> </rabbit:bindings> </rabbit:fanout-exchange> <rabbit:queue name="my.amqp.queue2" /> <rabbit:admin connection-factory="rabbitConnectionFactory" />

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New Elements

•  Links: unidirectional transport between source and target – Flow control – Settling transfers for different semantics (at

most once etc) •  Processing nodes have distribution

modes – Copy: Copy message to each link – Move: Move it to just one link

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AMQP: Point to Point


Node mode : move

Sender Receiver Outgoing Link

Incoming Link

Receiver Incoming Link

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AMQP: Publish / Subscribe


Node mode :

copy Sender Receiver

Outgoing Link

Incoming Link

Receiver Incoming Link

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Conclusion: AMQP

•  Ubiquitous Messaging •  AMQP: Protocol standard •  Better scalability •  Dynamic resources

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Conclusion: Spring AMQP

•  Easy to use •  Flexible (e.g. message encoding) •  Allows scalable message handling •  Full support for AMQP and RabbitMQ

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• •  Also a .NET version available •  …and support Spring Integration •


•  Transaction support

•  …and there is very similar JMS support J

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Questions? @ewolff