
Red: It focuses on the world as their band logo, more as a map then a globe on the front cover, but again inside there is two globes used emphasising this. Blue: Using a crown to form around their A for Architects works great for looks but also gives the subliminal meaning of ruling or power. Colour theme: They’ve chosen to keep the theme throughout as a dirty cream colour, as if the same as an old map just like the front cover shows. Green: On either side of the CD it contains images as if showing a story, or a piece of history. They all look out at sea. Also the images have been kept thin, cut off as to focus on one thing in the picture rather then everything in

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Post on 13-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Architects

Red: It focuses on the world as their band logo, more as a map then a globe on the front cover, but again inside there

is two globes used emphasising this.

Blue: Using a crown to form around their A for Architects works great for looks but also gives the subliminal meaning

of ruling or power.

Colour theme: They’ve chosen to keep the theme throughout as a dirty cream colour, as if the same as an old

map just like the front cover shows. Green: On either side of the CD it contains images as if showing a story, or a piece of history. They all look out at

sea. Also the images have been kept thin, cut off as to focus on one thing in the picture rather then everything in

the scene.

Page 2: Architects

To the left and right of where the CD is held, is where they have chosen to place the main body of artwork. This will because when opening the digipak to get to the CD this is where your eyes will be focused first (apart from the front cover itself). The artwork feels as if it is only half a story, covering up the majority of the image with a stripe pattern and having you only see what they want, which could be the message involved with this, that everything is only shown as to how much the person wants you to see, everything else is hidden. They could have also meant for it to be like this so that you focus one part of the image, leaving in only what is important. After researching online there is no story behind the artwork that I can find, but after looking at the digipak I believe because of the image of the front cover being a globe of the world the containing artwork shows different historic events that may or may not have happened.

Page 3: Architects

1st album (2006) 2nd album (2007)

3rd album (2009) 5th album (2012)

With Architects first and second album they have gone with a completely different style then they had with their next 3 albums. On ‘Nightmares’ there first studio album it shows a women’s face breathing (what I can only presume is) fire/lava and the back of her hand is made up of what looks like trees and branches, while the bottom of her face is crumbling. I believe this represents how we are destroying ourselves with our actions. The woman breathing the fire is causing the trees to then burn and turn to ash which in turn breaks away her face. This is an example for many things we do that destroy us and the world. The 2nd album Ruin shows exactly as the album title says with the artwork. It is a mess with insect outlines and other strange shapes and lines which does not give the audience an idea of what is going on with the artwork. It matches the title but nothing else more. Finally; Studio album 3, 4 & 5 finally found there means. The A from Architects within a crown has followed throughout, but just changed slightly. 1st in Hollow Crown but with a circle round circle round the A. is a very powerful shape showing everlasting life and unity. Two things very important when getting a band too work, this gives off a great feeling that you know they’ll be around a while. Also the album is black showing that they could be going through a dark time, and the lyrics and music will represent this. With The here and now album, though the front cover does not contain the A it is -


- Then printed on the front of the CD still existing but there focus is elsewhere. It is also slanted on faded ruined paper; I believe this album signifies the struggle, and how they are building themselves up musically and as a band. Also linking back to how we treat the world, and its history. Album 5 then indicates them being there where they want to be, the light white colour showing happiness and that they feel that this is them and they’ve made it; but they’ve switched up the crown, you can still see the shape but it is made out of thorns. The crown of thorns is a symbol of royalty/majesty but turning it into something painful. This is there to show they are on top still, but they also get a lot of hate from some people that don’t like that they do or are jealous of their personal fame.