arccess viii lot a&b - inception report final 3.0

PROGRESS AND PROCESS MONITORING OF ARCCESS REGION VIII An Inception Report covering 12 sub-projects of the Agrarian Reform Community Connectivity and Economic Support Services (ARCCESS) for Region VIII. INCEPTION REPORT

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Inception report of DAR ARCCESS VIII Lot&B Progress and Process Monitorin


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An Inception Report covering 12 sub-projects of the Agrarian Reform

Community Connectivity and Economic Support Services (ARCCESS) for

Region VIII.


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Progress and Process Monitoring of ARCCESS Region VIII Inception Report



Information about the Consultant Organization 2

Information about the Professional Service Providers to be Monitored 3

East West Seed Company, Inc. 3

Visayas State University 4

Eastern Visayas Partnership for Rural Development, Inc. 5

Sugar Regulatory Administration 6

Background and Context of the Sub-Project/s Being Covered 7

Objectives of the Progress and Process Monitoring 9

Purpose and Scope of the Inception Report 11

Preliminary Findings 13

East West Seed Company, Inc. 13

Visayas State University 30

Sugar Regulatory Administration 31

Eastern Visayas Partnership for Rural Development, Inc. 34

Monitoring Issues/Concerns Raised and Recommendations 35

Workplan 41

Annex 1 – List of key informants interviewed 49

Annex 2 – Documentation of Field Work 52

Annex 3 – List of Farmer Technicians for Vegetable Production Validated by

East West Seed Company


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I. Information about the Consultant Organization

Name of Consultant Organization Colegio de Sta. Lourdes of Leyte Foundation, Inc.

Contact Person and Designation Dr. Rustico B. Balderian

Team Leader

Mailing Address Brgy. 1-Quezon

Tabontabon, Leyte

Telephone No(s) +639173261139

(053) 332-7824

Fax (053) 332-7826

E-mail [email protected]

[email protected]

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II. Information about the Professional Service Providers to be Monitored

Name of Organization East West Seed Company, Inc.

Type of Professional Service


Market-oriented Agri-technology and Agri-extension


Subproject/s Covered

Leyte District I – Vegetable Production

Leyte District III – Vegetable Production

Samar District II – Organic Vegetable Production

Type of Crop Vegetables

ARBO/s Assisted

Leyte District I

Palanog Farmer

Beneficiaries Association

Baculanad Farmers


San Vicente Integrated

Farmers Association

Canhidoc Farmer

Beneficiaries Association

Capirawan Triple C

Farmers Irrigators Service


Salvacion Farmer

Beneficiaries Association

Calbiga, Samar

Bulao Farmers Association

Canbagtic Farmers


Leyte District III

Omaganhan Farmers MPC, Inc.

Petrolio Farmers MPC

Casili-on Agricultural Business

Livelihood Enterprise

Daja Integrated Primary

Agribusiness Marketing


Tigbawan ARBs Credit


Macaalan Farmers Association

Panayuran Farmers Association

Literon Farmers Association


Leyte District I

Sta. Fe


Tacloban City


Leyte District III


San Isidro





Calbiga, Samar

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Name of Organization Visayas State University

Type of Professional

Service Provided Market-oriented Agri-technology and Agri-extension Services

Subproject/s Covered

Biliran Lone District –

Rice Productivity Enhancement Project Cum Market Support


Leyte District II –

Rice Production, Warehousing, and Marketing

Leyte District V –

Cassava and Sweet Potato Production Processing for Food and


Southern Leyte Lone District –

Enhanced Palay Production and Marketing

Type of Crop Rice and Rootcrops



Biliran Lone District

Imelda ARBs MPC

Imelda Farmers Assc.


Talustusan MPC

Talustusan Irrig. Assc.

Larrazabal ARBs MPC


Irrig. Assc.

Caray-Caray MPC

Yarac-Yarac Irrig. Assc.

P.S. Eamiguel Irrig. Assc.

Federation of Cooperatives

in ARC Biliran

Leyte District V

Zaragoza Agrarian Reform


San Salvador Farmers


Sta. Paz Farmers Assc.

Liberty Concepcion Multi-

Purpose Cooperative

Cabulisan Upland Farmers


Hinabay Upland Farmers


Southern Leyte Lone District

Hingatungan ARBs


Laguma Irrigators Assc.

Salvacion Irrigators Assc.

Hingatungan Irrig. Assc.

Leyte District II

Tolosahay Upland Farmers


St. Isidore MPC

Lamrrags Farmers-Irrig.

Bonifacio Farmers Assc.

Bagacay East Farmers and



Biliran Lone District


So. Leyte Lone District


Leyte District II




La Paz


Leyte District V




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Name of Organization Eastern Visayas Partnership for Rural Development

(EVPRD), Inc.

Type of Professional Service


Market-oriented Agri-technology and Agri-extension


Subproject/s Covered

Eastern Samar Lone District –

Establishment of Rice Pre- and Post-harvest Facilities

Northern Samar District I –

Rice Production and Marketing Project

Northern Samar District II –

Rice Production Enhancement Project

Samar District I –

Rice Production and Marketing

Type of Crop Rice



Eastern Samar Lone District

Camagting Agricultural MPC

St. Vincent Farmers MPC

Guinmaayohan Irrig. Assc, Inc.

Samar District I

Mabagdoc Farmers MPC

Cag-anibong Farmers MPC

Northern Samar District I

Macagtas IA

Balat-Balud Irrg. Assc.

Northern Samar District II

Oleras Multi-Purpose

Development Cooperative

Sagudsuron Irrig. Assc.

Cagmanaba Farmers MPC

Irawahan Irrig.Assc.


Eastern Samar Lone District


Samar District I


Northern Samar District I



Northern Samar District II



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Name of Organization Sugar Regulatory Adminstration

Type of Professional Service Provided Market-oriented Agri-technology and Agri-

extension Services

Subproject/s Covered Leyte District IV – Sugarcane Block Farming

Type of Crop Sugarcane

ARBO/s Assisted

Leyte District IV

Boroc Agricultural Primary Multipurpose


Buroc-Ipil ARB Multipurpose Cooperative

Libongao DAR Farmer Beneficiaries



Leyte District IV

Ormoc City


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III. Background and Context of the Sub-project/s being covered

The Agrarian Reform Communities and Connectivity and Economic Support

Services (ARCCESS) project was initiated by the Department of Agrarian Reform to

aid farmers in uplifting themselves from poverty and maximizing the productivity

of their lands. The ARCCESS project supports the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform

Program, which distributed land to agrarian reform beneficiaries. Together they are

organized into Agrarian Reform Beneficiary Organizations (ARBOs). In addition to

the distribution of land, the program calls for ARBOs to be provided with support

services in managing and improving the productivity of the lands they receive.

ARCCESS is also a crucial part of the Philippine Development Plan as a strategy for

sustainable agriculture. The Philippine Development Plan calls for farmers to

become more entrepreneurial as a key driver for development.

A major problem of land reform is the tendency of cash-strapped beneficiaries to sell

or mortgage the land they receive. The goal of the Department of Agrarian Reform

through ARCCESS is to combat this problem with sustainable support services such

as common service facilities, technology services, and business development. These

support services improve productivity maximization of awarded lands and

monetization of agricultural resources through agricultural related enterprises. An

additional goal of ARCCESS is capacity building and consolidation of production,

post-harvest, and processing activities of farmer beneficiaries to achieve economies

of scale. Economies of scale allow agrarian reform beneficiaries to command better

prices, reduce costs, and more easily access credit facilities. The Department of

Agrarian Reform contracts with professional service providers from state college

and universities, non-government organizations, civil society organizations, private

academic and research institutions, and private institutions to provide such services.

To implement the ARCCESS project, areas covered under the Comprehensive

Agrarian Reform Program were divided into sub-projects, with at least one sub-

project per covered congressional district. These sub-projects were developed by the

Department of Agrarian Reform Provincial Offices, which hired third parties to

create a Needs Analysis and Design Analysis report for each sub-project. Based

upon the findings, results, and recommendations of the Needs Analysis and Design

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Analysis reports, interventions were designed and professional service providers

were contracted to address the needs of each respective sub-project.

Of the 233 eligible sub-projects spread across sixteen regions, this Inception Report

covers twelve sub-projects all located within Region VIII. Each of these sub-projects

is being serviced by one of four professional service providers: East West Seed

Company, Inc., Visayas State University, Sugar Regulatory Administration, and

Eastern Visayas Partnership for Rural Development, Inc. East West Seed Company is

engaged in providing support and services for vegetable production in selected sub-

projects. Visayas State University has been contracted to provide support and

services for enhanced rice production. The Sugar Regulatory Administration was

tasked with training farmers in Sugarcane Block Farm techniques. Meanwhile,

Eastern Visayas Partnership for Rural Development has been awarded a project but

has not yet signed a contract or received a notice to proceed as of the time of the

writing of this report.

The Needs Analysis and Design Analysis reports done in Leyte District I, Leyte

District III, and Calbiga, Samar identified lack of technology and technical skills and

knowledge in vegetable production as a major need. Because of this, East West Seed

Company was contracted to work with ARBOs in the three sub-projects that are in

need of training in vegetable production. The ARBOs were already engaged in

vegetable production but needed to enhance various aspects of the endeavor.

Production skills and technology, post-harvest technology, and storage skills and

technology, among others, were identified as the deficient knowledge areas among

vegetable farmers. In addition, the Needs Analysis and Design Analysis reports of

two of the sub-projects, Leyte District I and Leyte District III, found the lack of water

supply was a major obstacle in the production of vegetables. These sub-projects

were given water pumps as part of their common service facility. East West’s

contract includes training the ARBOs in the use, operation, and maintenance of

water pumps and also tractors which were provided as a common service facility.

East West is also tasked with creating operation and management manuals for the

common service facility.

Enhancement of rice production was the topic of the Needs and Design Analysis for

Silago, Southern Leyte; Biliran; and Leyte District II. All three reports found that

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ARBOs lacked training in new rice farming techniques and the use of modern

farming technology. Visayas State University has been contracted as the professional

service provider for these sub-projects as well as for Leyte District V. The Needs

Analysis and Design Analysis report for Leyte District V discussed cassava growing

and chips processing and found that farmers needed training in the operation of

common service facilities as a business enterprise. A contract was signed on

September 17, 2013, and a Notice to Proceed was issued the same day.

Eastern Visayas Partnership for Rural Development has a scheduled contract signing

with the Department of Agrarian Reform Regional Office VIII on October 30, 2013.

The sub-projects awarded include Balangiga, Eastern Samar; Northern Samar

District I; Northern Samar District II; and Samar District I. The Needs Analysis and

Design Analysis of these sub-projects concluded that the ARBOs needed training in

the use of modern rice farming technology and business development training.

IV. Objectives of the Progress and Process Monitoring

The progress and process monitoring phase of the ARCCESS project aims to ensure

the successful implementation of projects awarded by the Department of Agrarian

Reform. These projects have been designed to achieve tangible improvements in the

lives of the agrarian reform beneficiaries. The progress and process monitoring will

qualify and quantify these results, identify any failures, and provide further

recommendations among other functions. Specifically, the objectives of the progress

and process monitoring are described as follows:

1. Monitor the progress and process of support service delivery to ARBOs in terms

of the following:

a. Achievement of results (outputs versus targets);

b. Quality of results (outputs);

c. Methods and processes of delivery that lead to the delivery of results; and

d. Performance of PSPs determined by ARBO level of satisfaction

Having these standards allows for a more objective monitoring process.

Professional service providers are aware of what they are expected to

accomplish, and agrarian reform beneficiaries know what to expect in terms of

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service and trainings. With these measures in place, there is a greater sense of

accountability and transparency for all stakeholders involved. The real success of

the project heavily depends on the ARBOs, so issues and concerns are actively

monitored to ensure ARBO satisfaction with professional service provider


2. Monitor performance in terms of cost-effectiveness of results; relevance of

results; sustainability of results; partnership approach; appropriateness of

design; appropriateness of utilization; and informed and timely action

Projects implemented under ARCCESS must be relevant and have a tangible and

meaningful impact on beneficiary livelihood. Sustainability is vital in these

particular projects to ensure independence on the part of the beneficiary.

However, these results should not come at extreme costs to the project

implementers, the Department of Agrarian Reform, or the agrarian reform

beneficiaries to ensure efficient allocation of resources and the creation of

maximum possible benefit for beneficiaries. Therefore, the results of these

projects must be compared to the input costs.

3. Identify lessons learned, good practices, and any particular challenges in the

implementation of the project.

It is important to record lessons learned, good practices, and other notable

experiences so that future projects will be better able to anticipate problems that

will be encountered. Future projects will no longer have to go through the same

learning process and can even use project monitoring and evaluation as a point

of reference.

4. Provide recommendations for successful ARCCESS implementation or for

replication/scaling up/future programming of the DAR and other government

agencies on rural enterprise development and poverty reduction.

Recommendations made in this monitoring activity will benefit the

implementation of future projects. Future programs will integrate past project

monitoring and evaluation recommendations in their replication and/or scaling

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up of programs. The success, failures, and lessons learned will help to streamline

future projects and allow these projects to be more responsive to the needs and

situations of beneficiaries.

V. Purpose and Scope of the Inception Report

Due to the rationalization plan of personnel of the Department of Agrarian Reform,

the monitoring consultant has had difficulty communicating with and gathering

information from the Region VIII office. Specifically, information regarding the

Sugar Regulatory Administration and their scope of work was not obtained from

their office. Also, Visayas State University has not submitted reports to the

Department of Agrarian Reform regarding the project they are implementing, and

the Eastern Visayas Partnership for Rural Development has yet to sign a contract.

Therefore, this Inception Report is largely limited to the information which could be

obtained within the time frame to submit the Inception Report – namely, the work

plan of East West Seed Company, data obtained from interviews with ARBOs, and a

project overview obtained from the Sugar Regulatory Administration’s website. A

supplemental report will be submitted once complete information is available

regarding the other professional service providers.

This Inception Report communicates the current status of the sub-projects and the

accomplishments and achievements of the professional service providers contracted

by the Department of Agrarian Reform. The consultant’s assessment of the current

progress and future prospects of the respective projects as well as its eventual

sustainability is also included. The report also increases the situational awareness of

the consultant prior to intensive monitoring and field work. The monitoring

consultant must establish the progress and current status of participatory ARBOs

and professional service providers, as well as support agencies in relation to overall

program goals and objectives. The inception report also helps to establish the

respective roles of actual individuals in stakeholder groups.

This report will discuss in detail the preliminary findings, monitoring

issues/concerns raised, recommendations, as well as the work plan for the duration

of the project. Preliminary findings include the background of the professional

service providers, any updates of professional services rendered, and an assessment

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of the methods and processes being used by the Professional Service Providers in

implementing the project.

In preparation for this report, the monitoring consultants reviewed Needs Analysis

and Design Analysis reports to understand the situation of the ARBO’s pre-

ARCCESS. Then, the work plans of professional service providers were reviewed to

gain an understanding of the scope of the concerned projects and the relation to the

Needs and Design Analysis. If no work plan was available for a certain district, the

monitoring consultants dispatched field assistants to each sub-project. Field

assistants were tasked with making a courtesy call to each Municipal Agrarian

Reform Officer to introduce themselves and to get initial information about overall

ARCCESS activity within their municipality. They were asked about common

service facilities that have been delivered and accomplishments of professional

service providers, if any. Afterwards, field assistants proceeded to each ARBO to

conduct site interviews with available representatives. The representatives were

asked about the organization, member activity, and initial accomplishments and

interaction with professional service providers. During the interview, respondents

filled out interview sheets and showed field assistants common service facilities

equipment when available, which field assistants documented.

To provide an avenue to raise concerns, field assistants asked members about any

problems or issues with professional service providers and/or common service

facilities related to the ARCCESS project. These issues and concerns along with data

gathered during interviews with professional service providers were compiled and

analyzed by the technical/managerial staff, comprised of the team leader and

research associates to find patterns, common concerns, and any discrepancies. The

technical/managerial staff’s findings and recommendations are presented in the


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VI. Preliminary Findings

East West Seed Company

East West Seed Company was contracted by the Department of Agrarian Reform

Regional Office VIII to train selected Agrarian Reform Beneficiary Organizations

in the production of high-valued vegetables in three sub-projects of Region VIII.

In addition, two of the sub-projects, namely Leyte District I and Leyte District III,

include training in the use of common service facilities procured by the

Department of Agrarian Reform for the ARBOs. Based on the interview of the

Project Coordinator and the work plan submitted by East West Seed Company,

the monitoring consultant’s findings are as follows:

Leyte District I

a. Description of Professional Service Providers’ scope of work and expected outputs

Within Leyte District I, East West Seed will conduct training on vegetable

production and training on operation of the common service facilities

provided by the Department of Agrarian Reform. The scope of their

activities is summarized below:

1) Conducting centralized reorientation on the ARCCESS program to all

concerned Municipal Agrarian Reform Officers and Development

Facilitators of Leyte District I

2) Conduct orientation and consultation meeting with the ARBOs in

Tacloban, Palo, and Sta. Fe

3) Finalize list of Farmer Technicians based on the result of area


4) Provide common service facility operation and management plan per


5) Prepare common service facility implementation reports to be

submitted as annex in quarterly progress reports

6) Develop common service facility operation and management manuals

for cultivator and water pump

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7) Prepare training design, modules, and manuals for specific


8) Implement the training on vegetable production and agricultural

technologies per ARBO

9) Develop a phase out plan for lead ARBO and hub ARBOs of District I

10) Prepare, publish, and submit reports and documents for each sub-

project implemented

a. Assessment and Recommendations of the Private Service

Provider to sustain and replicate sub-project operation

b. Technoguides

c. Five-Year Farm Production, Business and Management Plan &

Budget Training Design, Modules and Manuals for Specific


d. Report on Training of Farmer Technicians from the lead ARBO

11) Prepare an submit final terminal report

12) Prepare Farm Production and Management Plan per crop

13) Monitor adoption and implementation of the Farm Production &

Management Plan by farmers on their farms

14) Conduct evaluation on the level of adoption of farm production and

management plan

15) Develop crop production technoguides

With the implementation of the Vegetables Project in Leyte District I, East

West Seed Company expects to have tangible outputs which will help the

ARBOs continue vegetable production and operation of the common

service facilities after the project has been completed. These include:

1) Common Service Facility implementation and management reports for

Leyte Districts I

2) Creation of Common Service Facility Management Manual

3) Training Modules and Manuals developed

4) Training on Agricultural Technology conducted and completed

5) Training completed

6) Operational Farm Production and Management Plan

7) Crop Production Technoguides

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b. Status/updates on provision of professional services

East West Seed Company is currently one quarter done with their

operational plan. They have conducted orientations with farmer

beneficiaries as well as consultation meetings with the Municipal

Agrarian Reform Officers, Development Facilitators, and ARBOs in their

assigned areas as per items 1 and 2 listed in the scope above. These

activities and meetings were conducted from July 11 to August 2, 2013,

according to their operational plan.

In accordance with item 3 of the project scope enumerated above, East

West Seed Company has also finalized the list of farmer technicians. As

stated in the East West Seed Company operational plan, the areas of

potential farmer technicians were validated from August 5 to August 9,

2013, and the final list of farmer technicians was made on August 9.

Attached in Annex 3 is a copy of the list of identified farmer technicians.

With regard to the common service facility operation and management

plan listed in item 4 of the scope, the company has conducted planting

calendar workshops with outputs created discussing crop preference,

planting schedule, and program farm activities for farmer technicians.

These outputs, which were created during the month of August, were

used to draft a preliminary common service facility operation and

management plan, which the ARBOs were consulted for the plan’s

feasibility and any revisions. However, the plan has not been finalized as

the ARBOs have not agreed on the minutiae such as rental fees,

operational and maintenance costs, and warehousing of facilities. A

monthly meeting is scheduled for October 30, 2013, for Leyte District I to

settle the details so that East West Seed Company may finalize the plans.

The company has improved upon and modified the supplier’s manual for

the common service facilities. They have, however, expressed concerns

that the manual only gives instructions about the engine of the tractor and

not the accessories which are necessary to fully utilize it.

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After it conducted a technical needs assessment through focus group

dialogues and farmer profiling, East West Seed Company created a

training design with implementation plan. They compiled a list of chosen

modules, topics, training approaches, and session schedules with input

from the ARBO members. A draft of the training manual for Leyte District

I is currently available at the time of writing. East West Seed Company is

also currently working on drafts of the farm operational production and

management plan. These documents will be finalized and submitted with

the second quarterly report in January 2014. Once the training manuals

have been finalized, East West Seed Company will begin training the

ARBO members on Vegetable Production Agri-Technologies.

c. Assessment of the methods/processes being used in the provision of professional


As part of the necessary evaluation of quality of service provided, the

consultant requested the curriculum vitae of the personnel assigned to

implement the project and conduct trainings. The curriculum vitae were

submitted just prior to the submission of this report; thus, full of analysis

of the qualifications of the implementing personnel could not be finished

in time. As the project progresses, the monitoring consult will refer to the

curriculum vitae as a guide to the personnel’s qualifications and relevance

to their respective activities.

East West Seed Company is required by the Department of Agrarian to

train a minimum of twenty-five farmer technicians per sub-project. Sixty-

five farmer technicians are listed to be trained in Leyte District I. This is

far beyond the required minimum. As a seed company, East West

presumably wants to train as many farmers as feasible so that they would

continue to purchase seeds from their company. This should be seen as a

positive since East West Seed Company has an incentive for the farmers

to sustain the project long after it is finished.

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After careful assessment of the methods and processes, the consultant

believes that the technical portion of their operational plan is complete

and can provide farmer beneficiaries with valuable knowledge and skills

that would help them to achieve the ARCCESS goal of becoming self-

reliant and financially independent, given that the plan is executed

appropriately. The work plan does raise questions about the need for a re-

orientation meeting with the Municipal Agrarian Reform Officers. Was it

a refresher course in the ARCCESS Project? Was the re-orientation

necessary because East West changed the needs addressed in the project?

If so, did their changes improve the needs assessment? These questions

will have to be answered during the monitoring engagement.

The methods described in the work plan for Leyte District I appear to be

participatory in nature. Several sections of the work plan involve getting

feedback and input through consultations. For example, during the

creation of the common service facility operation and management plan,

East West Seed Company sought the input and feedback from the ARBOs

regarding feasibility and made revisions based on the feedback they

received. Also in their work plan is the gathering of suggestions regarding

the formation of the training manual and crop production technoguides.

Of the fifteen points of the scope of the project listed above, seven contain

actions which involve getting feedback, suggestions, preferences or

comments of the ARBO members. This participatory style of project

implementation can help to ensure sustainability of the project and its

suitability to the needs of the farmer beneficiaries.

In terms of gender inclusivity, the Leyte District I sub-project of the

ARCCESS vegetable production project is successful. Neither males nor

females are to be systematically excluded. Of the farmer technicians set to

be trained by East West in Leyte District I, 52% are female. Of the six

ARBOs included from District I, three have more male farmer technicians

than female farmer technicians, one has more female farmer technicians

than male farmer technicians, and two have equal numbers of male and

female farmer technicians.

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The operational plan includes business development activities with

regard to the common service facility and a five year farm business plan.

These activities and output combined can help ensure the sustainability of

the project after the professional service provider has finished

implementing the training. If done properly, business development

training would allow ARBOs to learn to monetize their technology and

knowledge into consistent and reliable revenue streams. Most farmer

beneficiaries are oriented towards labor and need training in risk-taking

and business management in order to achieve the Philippine Develop

Plan goal of farmers becoming entrepreneurs. Creating a five-year

business plan will help to guide farmers toward becoming more

entrepreneurial, even without the help of the service provider.

Leyte District III

a. Description of Professional Service Providers’ scope of work and expected outputs

Within Leyte District III, East West Seed will conduct training on

vegetable production and training on operation of the common service

facilities provided by the Department of Agrarian Reform. The scope of

their activities is summarized below:

1) Conducting centralized reorientation on the ARCCESS program to all

concerned Municipal Agrarian Reform Officers and Development

Facilitators of Leyte District III

2) Conduct orientation and consultation meeting with the ARBOs in

Tabango, Villaba, San Isidro, Calubian, and Leyte

3) Finalize list of Farmer Technicians based on the result of area


4) Provide common service facility operation and management plan per


5) Prepare common service facility implementation reports to be

submitted as annex in quarterly progress reports

6) Develop common service facility operation and management manuals

for cultivator and water pump

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7) Prepare training design, modules, and manuals for specific


8) Implement the training on vegetable production and agricultural

technologies per ARBO

9) Develop a phase out plan for lead ARBO and hub ARBOs of Leyte

District III

10) Prepare, publish, and submit reports and documents for each sub-

project implemented

a. Assessment and Recommendations of the Private Service

Provider to sustain and replicate sub-project operation

b. Common service facility business plan

c. Technoguides

d. Five-Year Farm Production, Business and Management Plan &

Budget Training Design, Modules and Manuals for Specific


e. Training design, modules, and manuals for specific technology

f. Report on Training of Farmer Technicians from the lead ARBO

g. Reports on coaching and consultation sessions

h. Profile of ARBs and non-ARBs for Leyte District III including


11) Prepare an submit final terminal report

12) Prepare Farm Production and Management Plan per crop (250-1000

square meters)

13) Monitor adoption and implementation of the Farm Production &

Management Plan by farmers on their farms

14) Conduct evaluation on the level of adoption of farm production and

management plan

15) Develop crop production technoguides

With the implementation of the Vegetables Project in Leyte District III,

East West Seed Company expects to have tangible outputs which will

help the ARBOs continue vegetable production and operation of the

common service facilities after the project has been completed. These


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1) Common Service Facility implementation and management reports for

Leyte District III

2) Creation of Common Service Facility Management Manual

3) Training Modules and Manuals developed

4) Training on Agricultural Technology conducted and completed

5) Training completed

6) Operational Farm Production and Management Plan

7) Crop Production Technoguides

b. Status/updates on provision of professional services

East West Seed Company began executing their work plan in early July of

2013. So far, they have completed their preliminary actions and have

moved on to preparing for the implementation of the training program


From July 11 to July 19, 2013, East West conducted re-orientation

programs with the Municipal Agrarian Reform Officers and Development

Facilitators of Tabango, Villaba, Calubian, Leyte, and San Isidro.

Afterwards, they conducted orientation and consultation meetings witht

the ARBOs of the district from July 22 to August 2, 2013.

From August 1 to August 9, 2013, East West seed finalized the list of

farmer technicians, as per item 3 in the scope enumerated above. East

West validated the areas of potential farmer technicians from August 5 to

August 9, and the list was finalized on August 9, 2013. The list of farmer

technicians can be found in Annex 3 of this report.

During the month of August, East West took steps in providing the

common service facility operation and management plan, item 4 of the

scope. They conducted workshops with the farmer technicians from

August 12 to August 23, 2013, and have prepared a plan which is for

approval by the ARBOs. The details, such as rental fees and maintenance

schedules, have to be finalized.

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The company has improved upon and modified the supplier’s manual for

the common service facilities. They have, however, expressed concerns

that the manual only gives instructions about the engine of the tractor and

not the accessories which are necessary to fully utilize it.

After it conducted a technical needs assessment through focus group

dialogues and farmer profiling, East West Seed Company created a

training design with implementation plan. They compiled a list of chosen

modules, topics, training approaches, and session schedules with input

from the ARBO members. A draft of the training manual for Leyte District

III is currently available at the time of writing. East West Seed Company

is also currently working on drafts of the farm operational production and

management plan. These documents will be finalized and submitted with

the second quarterly report in January 2014. Once the training manuals

have been finalized, East West Seed Company will begin training the

ARBO members on Vegetable Production Agri-Technologies.

c. Assessment of the methods/processes being used in the provision of professional


As part of the necessary evaluation of quality of service provided, the

consultant requested the curriculum vitae of the personnel assigned to

implement the project and conduct trainings. The curriculum vitae were

submitted just prior to the submission of this report; thus, full of analysis

of the qualifications of the implementing personnel could not be finished

in time. As the project progresses, the monitoring consult will refer to the

curriculum vitae as a guide to the personnel’s qualifications and relevance

to their respective activities.

East West Seed Company is required by the Department of Agrarian to

train a minimum of twenty-five farmer technicians per sub-project. Sixty-

nine farmer technicians are listed to be trained in Leyte District III. This is

far beyond the required minimum. As a seed company, East West

presumably wants to train as many farmers as feasible so that they would

continue to purchase seeds from their company. This should be seen as a

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positive since East West Seed Company has an incentive for the farmers

to sustain the project long after it is finished.

After careful assessment of the methods and processes, the consultant

believes that the technical portion of the work plan for Leyte District III to

be complete and capable of providing farmer beneficiaries with valuable

knowledge and skills that would help them to achieve the ARCCESS goal

of becoming self-reliant and financially independent, given that the plan

is executed appropriately. The work plan does raise questions about the

need for a re-orientation meeting with the Municipal Agrarian Reform

Officers. Was it a refresher course in the ARCCESS Project? Was the re-

orientation necessary because East West changed the needs addressed in

the project? If so, did their changes improve the needs assessment? These

questions will have to be answered during the monitoring engagement.

The methods described in the work plan for Leyte District III appear to be

participatory in nature. Several sections of the work plan involve getting

feedback and input through consultations. For example, during the

creation of the common service facility operation and management plan,

East West Seed Company sought the input and feedback from the ARBOs

regarding feasibility and made revisions based on the feedback they

received. Also in their work plan is the gathering of suggestions regarding

the formation of the training manual and crop production technoguides.

Of the fifteen points of the scope of the project listed above, seven contain

actions which involve getting feedback, suggestions, preferences or

comments of the ARBO members. This participatory style of project

implementation can help to ensure sustainability of the project and its

suitability to the needs of the farmer beneficiaries.

In terms of gender inclusivity, the Leyte District III sub-project of the

ARCCESS vegetable production project is successful. Neither males nor

females are to be systematically excluded. Of the farmer technicians set to

be trained by East West in Leyte District III, 43% are female. Of the five

ARBOs included from District III, three have more male farmer

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technicians than female farmer technicians and two have more female

farmer technicians than male farmer technicians.

The work plan includes business development activities with regard to

the common service facility and a five year farm business plan. These

activities and output combined can help ensure the sustainability of the

project after the professional service provider has finished implementing

the training. If done properly, business development training would

allow ARBOs to learn to monetize their technology and knowledge into

consistent and reliable revenue streams. Most farmer beneficiaries are

oriented towards labor and need training in risk-taking and business

management in order to achieve the Philippine Develop Plan goal of

farmers becoming entrepreneurs. Creating a five-year business plan will

help to guide farmers toward becoming more entrepreneurial, even

without the help of the service provider.

CALPINSET ARC, Calbiga Samar

a. Description of Professional Service Providers’ scope of work and expected outputs

Within CALPINSET ARC, East West Seed will conduct training on

vegetable production. The scope of the sub-project in Calbiga, Samar and

the outputs are more limited than those of the sub-projects of Leyte

District I and Leyte District III. Unlike the sub-projects in Leyte District I

and Leyte District III, CALPINSET ARC does not include provisions for

training on the operation of common service facilities as the needs of this

sub-project and the desires of the member ARBOs differ from those of the

other two. The members of the ARBOs did not request for common

service facilities, but rather draft animals and farm tools for vegetable

gardening. The scope of their activities is summarized below:

1) Conducting centralized reorientation on the ARCCESS program to all

concerned Municipal Agrarian Reform Officers and Development

Facilitators of Calbiga, Samar

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2) Conduct orientation and consultation meeting with the ARBOs in

Calbiga, Samar

3) Finalize list of Farmer Technicians based on the result of area


4) Prepare training design, modules, and manuals for specific


5) Implement the training on vegetable production and agricultural

technologies per ARBO

6) Develop a phase out plan for lead ARBO and hub ARBOs of Calbiga,


7) Prepare, publish, and submit reports and documents for each sub-

project implemented

a. Assessment and Recommendations of the Private Service

Provider to sustain and replicate sub-project operation

b. Technoguides

c. Five-Year Farm Production, Business and Management Plan &

Budget Training Design, Modules and Manuals for Specific


d. Training design, modules, and manuals for specific technology

e. Report on Training of Farmer Technicians from the lead ARBO

f. Reports on coaching and consultation sessions

g. Profile of ARBs and non-ARBs for Calbiga, Samar, including


8) Prepare an submit final terminal report

9) Prepare Farm Production and Management Plan per crop (250-1000

square meters)

10) Monitor adoption and implementation of the Farm Production &

Management Plan by farmers on their farms

11) Conduct evaluation on the level of adoption of farm production and

management plan

12) Develop crop production technoguides

With the implementation of the Vegetables Project in CALPINSET ARC,

East West Seed Company expects to have tangible outputs which will

help the ARBOs continue vegetable production and operation of the

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common service facilities after the project has been completed. These


1) Training Modules and Manuals developed

2) Training on Agricultural Technology conducted and completed

3) Training completed

4) Operational Farm Production and Management Plan

5) Crop Production Technoguides

b. Status/updates on provision of professional services

East West Seed Company began their work plan in Calbiga, Samar in

early July of 2013. Thus far, items 1, 2, and 3 of the project scope as listed

above have been completed. Re-orientation meetings were held with

Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer and Development Facilitator of

Calbiga, Samar from July 11 to July 19, 2013, as stated in the operational

plan of East West Seed Company. Orientation and consultation meetings

with the ARBOs in Calbiga were held from July 22 to August 2, 2013. East

West conducted area validations of potential farmer technicians from

August 5 to August 9, 2013, and the final list of farmer technicians was

made on August 9. Annex 3 of this report contains the list of farmer

technicians of Calbiga, Samar.

After it conducted a technical needs assessment through focus group

dialogues and farmer profiling, East West Seed Company created a

training design with implementation plan. They compiled a list of chosen

modules, topics, training approaches, and session schedules with input

from the ARBO members. Unlike in District I and District III of Leyte, no

training manual draft is available at the time of writing. East West Seed

Company is currently working on drafts of the farm operational

production and management plan. These documents will be finalized and

submitted with the second quarterly report in January 2014. Once the

training manuals have been finalized, East West Seed Company will

begin training the ARBO members on Vegetable Production Agri-


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c. Assessment of the methods/processes being used in the provision of professional


As part of the necessary evaluation of quality of service provided, the

consultant requested the curriculum vitae of the personnel assigned to

implement the project and conduct trainings. The curriculum vitae were

submitted just prior to the submission of this report; thus, full of analysis

of the qualifications of the implementing personnel could not be finished

in time. As the project progresses, the monitoring consult will refer to the

curriculum vitae as a guide to the personnel’s qualifications and relevance

to their respective activities.

East West Seed Company is required by the Department of Agrarian to

train a minimum of twenty-five farmer technicians per sub-project.

Eighty-five farmer technicians are listed to be trained in Calbiga, Samar.

This is far beyond the required minimum. As a seed company, East West

presumably wants to train as many farmers as feasible so that they would

continue to purchase seeds from their company. This should be seen as a

positive since East West Seed Company has an incentive for the farmers

to sustain the project long after it is finished.

After careful assessment of the methods and processes contained in the

work plan for the ARCCESS Vegetable Production Project for Calbiga,

Samar, the consultant believes that the technical portion of their

operational plan is complete and can provide farmer beneficiaries with

valuable knowledge and skills that would help them to achieve the

ARCCESS goal of becoming self-reliant and financially independent,

given that the plan is executed appropriately. The work plan does raise

questions about the need for a re-orientation meeting with the Municipal

Agrarian Reform Officers. Was it a refresher course in the ARCCESS

Project? Was the re-orientation necessary because East West changed the

needs addressed in the project? If so, did their changes improve the needs

assessment? These questions will have to be answered during the

monitoring engagement.

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The methods described in the work plan for Calbiga, Samar appear to be

participatory in nature. Several sections of the work plan involve getting

feedback and input through consultations. For example, during the

creation of the training plan and manual, East West Seed Company

sought the input and feedback from the ARBOs regarding their

preferences and made a training design based on the feedback they

received. Also in their work plan is the gathering of suggestions regarding

the crop production technoguides. Of the twelve points of the scope of the

project listed above, four contain actions which involve getting feedback,

suggestions, preferences or comments of the ARBO members. This

participatory style of project implementation can help to ensure

sustainability of the project and its suitability to the needs of the farmer


In terms of gender inclusivity, the Calbiga, Samar sub-project of the

ARCCESS vegetable production project is not as successful as the projects

in Leyte Districts I and III. Of the farmer technicians set to be trained by

East West in Calbiga, Samar, 34% are female. The monitoring consultant

will further evaluate the cause of this imbalance. Overall, however, East

West does a good job of including women in the three sub-projects

combined. Of the four ARBOs included from Calbiga, Samar, three have

more male farmer technicians than female farmer technicians, and one has

equal numbers of male and female farmer technicians.

The operational plan includes business development activities with

regard to a five year farm business plan. This output can help ensure the

sustainability of the project after the professional service provider has

finished implementing the training. If done properly, business

development training would allow ARBOs to learn to monetize their

technology and knowledge into consistent and reliable revenue streams.

Most farmer beneficiaries are oriented towards labor and need training in

risk-taking and business management in order to achieve the Philippine

Develop Plan goal of farmers becoming entrepreneurs. Creating a five-

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year business plan will help to guide farmers toward becoming more

entrepreneurial, even without the help of the service provider.

The monitoring consultant believes that the work plan for Calbiga, Samar

should include an activity to produce a common service facility operation

and management business plan, even though no common service facility

was requested by the ARBOs. The monitoring consultant suggests this as

an anticipatory need as the ARBOs might discover the need for a common

service facility as they continue to grow. In the future, there might not be

a professional service provider to supply the common service facility

operation and management business plan, so they should be provided

with one now.

A summary of East West Seed Company’s activities in all three sub-projects can be

found in the table below.

Target Outcome/Activities

Actual Status of Activity Performed

Action Plan

1. Preliminary Activities

1.i Conduct orientation, presentation and consultation meetings of all key players of the project including all 15 ARBOs concerned.

1.ii Able to come up a unified criteria on the selection process of FTs

1.ii Validated 216 individual farms of FTs from the 15 ARBOs of the 3 sub-projects (Leyte-Districts 1& 3 and Samar)

1.i During the centralized re-orientation of the project , presentation of both inception & operation plan to all concerned MAROs and DFs, only DFs able to attend while all MAROs didn’t make it due to conflict of schedule.

1.ii There are still

additional interested FTs of some ARBO for validation

1.i Provided e-copy of the presentation, inception report & operational plan

1.ii Schedule of validation is

agreed between the assigned EW- Specialists and farmer

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Target Outcome/Activities

Actual Status of Activity Performed

Action Plan

2. CSF Operation & Management Plan and Reports

2.i Available CSF MOA of the two (2) Leyte-Districts 1 & 3

2.ii Facilitate on the conduct of another operator’s training as a call of the ARBOs

2.iii Conducted planting calendar workshop with output on: crop preference, planting schedule & program of farm activities from sowing to harvesting per FT

2.iii Coaching and mentoring

2.i No CSF business plan yet since all ARBOs have not agreed and settled on the issue of their rental fee, operation/ maintenance cost & whether satellite ARBO has a CSF unit stationed in their org or not ; except lately the OFMPC of Omaganhan

2.ia District 1 will finalize all agreements during their monthly meeting on Oct. 30, 2013.

2.ib Finalization of OFMPC

amendments as agreed during the Sept. 27 Lead & Satellite ARBO monthly meeting

3. CSF Manual 3.i Available improved & modified lay-out of the supplier’s CSF Manual

4. Report on TNA, Training Design and Implementation Plan

4.i Conducted TNA thru FGD and farmer’s profiling with output on: list of chosen modules or topics & training approach, session schedule and came-up a Training design with the implementation plan

5. Draft Training Manual

5.i Available 2 drafts of Training Manual for Leyte Districts and a training design with implementation plan of Samar

5.i Final draft will be submitted on the 2

nd quarterly report

(Jan 2014)

6. Draft Farm Production and Management Plan

6.i Available draft of farm production and management plan

6.1 Final draft will be submitted on the 2


Quarterly report

* From East West Seed Company Initial Coordination Guide

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Visayas State University

After signing their contract on September 17, 2013, with the Department of

Agrarian Reform, the Visayas State University has received a Notice to Proceed.

However, as of this writing, the monitoring consultant has not received the

professional service provider’s workplan or any formal report on which to base

the scope and outcomes. No Inception Report was submitted by Visayas State

Unviersity to the Department of Agrarian Reform. The Visayas State University

is continuing to conduct meetings after which they will prepare their Inception

Report. This will provide a concrete basis for the monitoring consultant in

performing its monitoring responsibilities. While the scope and workplan are

still unofficial, the overall project entails the enhancement of rice production

productivity in selected sub-projects: Leyte District II, Leyte District V, Leyte

District, Southern Leyte, and Biliran.

An initial meeting with Prof. Efren Saz, the person in-charge, informed the

monitoring consultants they have only conducted an initial meeting with the

ARBOs. They have not done other activities due to lack of personnel.

Because there is no operational plan or workplan to base any monitoring and

evaluation, the consultant conducted on-site visits in the sub-projects of the

Visayas States University. The key informants in the ARBOs covered by Visayas

State University indicated during monitoring interviews that VSU has called for

only one meeting and it was only the officers who attended the initial meeting.

The following are the findings of initial site visits:


The ARBOs in Biliran received threshers from the Department of Agrarian

reform as part of their common service facility. An initial meeting was

held with representatives from Visayas State University, but no official

report or work plan was submitted after the meeting’s conclusion.

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District II

The Visayas State University has had one meeting with the lead ARBO

and hub ARBOs of District II. The ARBOs have already received part of

their common service facility in the form of seven hand tractors. The hand

tractors are held in the lead ARBO in barangay Tolosahay, Julita. Other

pieces of equipment are still to be delivered.

District V

The ARBOs in District V have yet to receive their common service

facilities, which are supposed hand tractors and threshers.

So. Leyte Lone District

The ARBOs of Silago, Southern Leyte have received their common service

facility consisting of four hand tractors, two threshers, and one flatbed

dryer. They have had meetings with Visayas State Unviersity, but not all

members attended. The location and the result of the meeting are not

known to the monitoring consultant at present time as the key informant

did not attend.

Sugar Regulatory Administration

The Sugar Regulatory Administration has not submitted an official Inception Report

to the Department of Agrarian Reform, and they did not have ready means for

contact. Research conducted by the monitoring consultant found that the Sugar

Regulatory Administration is implementing a project in Ormoc and Kananga of

Leyte District IV. Details about the project were obtained from the administration’s

website and are presented below. Since contact could not be established with the

Sugar Regulatory Administration in time for the Inception Report, the monitoring

consultant could not validate that this project is in fact the ARCCESS project to be

monitored. Below are the details as found in the project description:

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a. Description of Professional Service Providers’ scope of work and expected outputs

The Sugar Regulatory Administration is implementing a project tentatively

titled Sugarcane Block Farming for Sugarcane Farmers in Kananga and Ormoc

City of Leyte District V wherein they consolidate small farms to reach

economies of scale. The project aims to reduce the costs of production of

sugarcane and increase farm productivity while establishing at least on

agribusiness activity per block farm. The list below summarizes the scope of

the project.

1) Conduct of pre-approval meetings

2) Evaluation, validation, and approval of Block Farm

3) GPS survey and mapping of Block Farm

4) Profiling and gathering of baseline info and assessment of Block


5) Preparation of farm plan

6) Soil sampling and analysis

7) Technical assistance and financing facilitation

8) Farmers’ training on farm and financial management

9) Cross farm visits

10) Coaching and consultations

11) Development of livelihood opportunities

12) Assistance to muscovado production

a. Sugarcane growing and organic farming

b. Muscovado production technology

c. Facilitate access to credit

d. Facilitate financing for muscovado production facilities

e. Facilitate marketing of muscovado

f. Processing of registration documents with FDA, etc.

13) Facilitate access to HYV planting materials

The project includes a set of deliverables which the Sugar Regulatory

Administration will produce by the end of the project. These deliverables will

help to document the project and provide guidance for the beneficiaries once

Sugar Regulatory Administration involvement is finished. These deliverables


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1) List of final and official participants

2) GPS maps

3) Farm profile and baseline data per block farm if possible

4) Soil analysis per block farm if possible

5) Farm plans

6) ARBO block farm trained operations manager

7) Block Farm Operations Manual and Business Plan

8) Common Service Facility Manual

9) Livelihood activity per block farm

10) Progress reports and terminal report

b. Status/updates on provision of professional services

According to Mr. Norman Diaz of the Department of Agrarian Reform

Provincial Office in Leyte, the Sugar Regulatory Administration has

conducted production and management training for Sugar Block Farming

in barangay Boroc, Ormoc City from September 10 to September 13, 2013.

If the monitoring consultant verifies that this activity actually happened,

it would correspond with item 8 of the scope enumerated above. No other

information concerning the other items of the scope was obtained in time

for this Inception Report. Further updates will be included in a

supplemental report when obtained.

c. Assessment of the methods/processes being used in the provision of professional


From the limited information which was obtained by the monitoring

consultant, the Sugarcane Block Farming for Sugarcane Farmers project

addresses many needs of the farmer beneficiaries of Leyte District V.

These needs include access to credit, marketing assistance, and technical

training. The monitoring consultant cannot make evaluations regarding

the gender sensitivity of the project nor the participatory nature of the

project based on the information obtained. These evaluations will have to

be included a supplementary report after further monitoring.

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There is one deficiency that can be seen in the project description obtained

from the Sugar Regulatory Administration’s website. The project should

include an output regarding the operation of the common service facility

as a business enterprise. The business development activities of the

project are limited to the operation of the Block Farms as business

enterprises and do not address the need to operate the common service

facility as a business as discussed in the Needs Analysis and Design

Analysis for Leyte District V. This evaluation, however, must be validated

after further monitoring.

Eastern Visayas Partnership for Rural Development, Inc.

The Eastern Visayas Partnership for Rural Development, Inc., has yet to sign their

contract with the Department of Agrarian Reform as of the time of this writing. The

scope of their work and expected outputs are to be determined and finalized. The

Eastern Visayas Partnership for Rural Development has not begun any provision of

professional services due to the timetable of contract signing. The contract signing is

scheduled for October 30, 2013.

Because the Eastern Visayas Partnership for Rural Development Inc. has not

officially started, there is no operational plan or workplan to base any monitoring

and evaluation.

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VII. Monitoring Issues/Concerns raised and recommendations

Consultant Concerns

During the preparation of the Inception Report, the monitoring consultant

encountered minor obstacles that could be cause for concern if not addressed.

At the start of the monitoring activity, the monitoring consultant had trouble

getting in contact with East West Seed Company. The Department of Agrarian

Reform was asked for their local office address, but they had no record of one.

East West Seed Company has no known home office in the project area. Setting a

meeting with the contact person was difficult as she was evasive at first. In

addition, request for information from East West on their completed and current

activities were not answered in a timely manner. The issues however were

resolved, and the monitoring consultant and East West Seed Company have

established a better working relationship.

Some components of East West Seed Company’s work plan are behind schedule.

For example, according to their operational plan, the common service facility

operation and management plan for Leyte District I should have been finished

by September 6, 2013, but they are still finalizing the details for the final draft.

This, however, can be attributed to negotiations among the ARBOs and not to

any lack of effort on the part of East West Seed Company. In addition, the fact

that this step is behind schedule does not hinder the implementation of the

training program of East West Seed Company.

During the courtesy call to the Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer of Calubian,

our field assistant was told that East West Seed Company held only two

meetings in their municipality. The monitoring consultant will validate this with

the ARBO and also seek an explanation from the professional service provider.

East West’s work plan does not specifically mention training in the use of

greenhouses as recommended in the Needs Analysis and Design Analysis of

Leyte District III, but it is possible that such training could be included in the

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training plan which East West has yet to submit. This should be monitored

further as the project progresses.

The Visayas State University has not been active in implementing the rice

production enhancement project. They have submitted no inception report nor

any concrete work plan, which prevents the monitoring consultant from

fulfilling its duties. Granted that the project continues, it appears that it would

not be completed by the end of the monitoring consultant’s contract with the

Department of Agrarian Reform. The monitoring consultant, however, is

committed to fulfilling the terms of its contract and will monitor the project until


The Eastern Visayas Partnership for Rural Development has yet to sign a contract

as of the writing of this Inception Report. It is more than likely that should

EVPRD sign a contract with the Department of Agrarian Reform, the ARCCESS

projects under such contract would not be completed during the time frame of

the monitoring consultant’s evaluation engagement. Again, the monitoring

consultant is committed to fulfilling the terms of its contract and will monitor the

project until completion.

PSP Concerns

East West Seed Company

1. Training received by ARBOs during the common service facility operation

and management training conducted by the staff of the equipment supplier

was inadequate to fully operate the power cultivators

2. ARBOs lack financial assistance for full adoption of East West Seed

Company’s vegetable production technology package

3. The Agrarian Production Credit Program requires numerous documents for

ARBOs to comply, among which are registration papers with the Department

of Labor and Employment or the Cooperative Development Authority, proof

of no outstanding loans, audited financial statements, and tax identification

numbers. Procurement of these documents, especially the audited financial

statements, can be prohibitively costly.

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4. Only 2 ARBOs of Samar were initially included based on the Needs Analysis

and Design Analysis revalidation result which gave limitations to get the

required twenty-five farmer technicians after the training.

Visayas State University

During a personal interview with Prof. Efren Saz, the following issues and concerns

were raised on behalf of Visayas State University regarding their project:

1. ARBOs have weak leadership, are not mature , and are not organized


2. Only officers, rather than all members, attended the meeting in Dulag when


3. Credit facilities are available, but stringent borrowing requirements prohibit

farmer beneficiaries from qualifying

4. Farmer beneficiaries want to organize ARBOs so they can borrow money but

are uninterested in repaying borrowings

5. Common service facilities are not responsive to the needs of the ARBOs

6. Combined harvesters need to drain rice fields in order to operate and not get


7. Tractors are supposedly over-sized and unsuitable for rice fields

8. Inadequacy of water supply in Dulag

9. Temporal mismatch of water delivery schedule and availability of funds

10. The harrow of the tractor that was provided to ARBOs as part of common

service facilities is hazardous to the operator

11. The plastic track-type wheels of the thresher of Tolosahay will break if moved

more than five kilometers and therefore must remain in a fixed location

which is a strain on farmers who must bring the harvest to the thresher

ARBO Concerns

Leyte District I

1. When meetings are held with other member ARBOs, the Palanog Farmer

Beneficiaries Association, which acts as the lead ARBO, shoulders the

expenses for food, about 1,500 to 2,000 Philippine Pesos per meeting, which

drains funds for operations

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2. The water pump provided as part of the Common Service Facility is not in

operation because essential components, the hose and coupling, were not

delivered with the pump

3. Member ARBOs such as San Vicente Integrated Farmers Association and

Capirawan Triple C Farmers Irrigators Service Cooperative, do not use the

Common Service Facilities because the cost to rent and transport them from

the lead ARBO will be prohibitive due to the distance

Leyte District II

1. Member ARBOs find the distance to the common service facilities cost-

ineffective, so they do not avail of the facilities

2. According to the key informants in Bonifacio Farmers Association in

Mayorga, Leyte claimed they were not invited to any meetings and have not

been informed of any plans to implement projects

Southern Leyte Lone District

1. Tractors are only used in the lowland areas

2. Threshers are too large

3. Flatbed dryer is lacking parts

4. No training in use of flatbed dryer

Calbiga, Samar

1. Water supply, for both drinking and agricultural uses, is scarce

2. Existing road infrastructure are not conducive for travel by even light


Eastern Samar Lone District

1. Some common service facilities promised to them, a five drum seeder and a

grass cutter, have yet to be delivered

2. A thresher is available, but is located far away which makes transportation

costs a burden

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Introductory Meeting Facilitated by DARRO 8

In order to establish a more productive working relationship between the

professional service providers and the monitoring consultant, the Department of

Agrarian Reform should facilitate an introductory meeting. An introductory

meeting would put the professional service providers at ease that they are not

simply being harassed by the monitoring consultant. In addition, an introductory

meeting would help the monitoring consultant more easily gather information as

they would have a relationship with the contact persons of the professional

service providers.

Credit Facility

A credit facility must be provided to farmer beneficiaries. Training and

technology alone will be ineffective if capital for utilizing such technology and

knowledge is not readily available. Farmer beneficiaries will then be vulnerable

to loan sharks who charge exorbitant rates that drain any increase in income that

the training and technology would provide. This, however, does not mean that

any credit facility provided should provide capital freely with no thought as to

the borrower’s ability to repay. Personnel from Visayas State University touched

upon the fact that some farmer beneficiaries are simply looking for access to free

capital which they will not repay. Good credits must be actively sought and

provided with capital. An accelerating loan facility could be created, where

requirements for new borrowers are less stringent so they may establish a credit

history. As borrowers prove their creditworthiness and ability to repay, the

facility would provide them with more access to capital. This will allow farmer

beneficiaries to continue to use their training and new technology and ensure the

sustainability of any achievements.

One option that will increase available credit is to provide for an arrangement

wherein the rental fee for use of the common service facilities can be paid post-

harvest with reasonable interest. This will allow farmer beneficiaries to time their

cash outflows with their cash inflows from their harvest.

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Common Service Facility Accessibility

Common service facilities should be placed within sub-projects in such a way

that allows each constituent ARBO easy access to the facilities at an admissive

cost. The common service facilities in their present concentrated arrangement

are not utilized optimally as the cost to member ARBOs to rent and transport the

common service facility is greater than renting a similar piece of equipment in

their own locality. This does not allow the project to reach its objective of

providing true common service facilities to which all beneficiaries have ready

access. In order to increase efficiency and achieve desired results in terms of

resource allocation and usage, the common service facilities should be spread

geographically within a sub-project so that each ARBO will be able to utilize

them. ARBOs that are close to one another should share a common service

facility while those that are isolated should be given their own common service

facility to use independently. A less geographically concentrated arrangement

will lower the cost of transportation and lead to greater usage of facilities by

member ARBOs.

Common Service Facility Relevance

Consideration of the needs of each individual ARBO is of the utmost importance.

Common service facilities provided to each sub-projects must not be uniform if

the needs of the constituent ARBO’s do not match. Multiple units of facilities,

such as tractors, have been purchased for use within a sub-project, but sub-

projects consist of a variety of member ARBOs which have different challenges to

address. The facilities purchased only suit the needs of a few of the member

ARBOs while the others do not benefit at all due to inappropriateness to their

needs or due to prohibitive costs of transportation. Either, the common service

facilities that are purchased should provide benefits to all member ARBOs within

a sub-project or each member ARBO should be provided with a service facility

that suits its needs.

One option is for the Department of Agrarian Reform to provide the ARBOs with

a credit to purchase equipment of their choosing, since the beneficiaries

themselves understand their needs. This will help to ensure that the proper type

of equipment will be purchased and that the intended beneficiaries will be able

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to use it. This will also help to prevent price padding from bureaucratic

procurement practices.

VIII. Work Plan

After submission and acceptance of the Inception Report, the monitoring consultants

will dispatch the field assistants to the sub-projects to conduct the baseline survey.

The baseline survey will gather hard data and indicators that will be used to

measure progress in the achievement of expected outcomes. After compilation and

analysis of the baseline surveys, the field assistants will facilitate focus group

dialogues with members of the ARBO’s to verify and validate results.

Activity Work Schedule











Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct.

1. Consolidation/ Summary

of Project plans and

Project Needs Assessment

(turned over by DAR)

2. Inception Report

3. Initial Site Visit

4. Baseline Survey

5. Baseline validation FGD

6. Baseline Report


7. Project site visits (direct

observation of PSP


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Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct.

8. Monthly Progress Report


9. Field Survey / Interviews

10. Focused Group Dialogue

11. Quarterly Progress



12. Case Study/Case


13. Article/feature


14. Participatory data

Validation and

Feedbacking Assembly

15. Final Evaluation Report

The table which follows this section gives a guide to the personnel responsible for

the accomplishment of each general activity and the approximate hours which will

be required to complete each task. The activities are not fully broken down as the

specific activities for each subproject will vary depending on the scope of the project.

The monitoring consultant will take time to review and analyze the reports of the

professional service providers and comparing it to the scope of the project as well as

desired outcomes.

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In general, the team leader is responsible for communication and coordination with

the Department of Agrarian Reform and the professional service providers. He will

continuously gather information throughout the duration of the project and relay it

to the appropriate assistant team leaders, research assistants, and field assistants.

After field work is completed, he will supervise the consolidation and analysis of

data in preparation for the various reports which he himself will submit to the

Department of Agrarian Reform.

Assistant team leaders are responsible for coordinating and assigning tasks to the

research assistants and field assistants in their respective lots. They will ensure that

the necessary data are gathered and are responsible for data analysis. In addition,

they are tasked with analyzing submissions from the professional service providers

to the Department of Agriculture as well as relevant publications. The y will create

the various reports under the supervision of the team leader.

Research assistants are responsible for coordinating the field assistants and ensuring

that observation, surveying, and monitoring activities are accomplished in the

appropriate time frame. They will help to conduct the field work, but are more

engaged in a supervisory role over the field work. Their main function is to assist the

team leaders in analyzing and evaluating data gathered from field work.

Field assistants are responsible for carrying out the monitoring activities and are

mainly tasked in a observational and data-gathering role. They will observe

interactions, meetings, and trainings between the professional service providers and

the ARBOs. These activities are to be documented using both photographs and

video for inclusion with reports. It is the field assistants’ responsibility to be aware

of the on-goings in their assigned sub-projects and informing research assistants and

team leaders of relevant findings in the form of observational reports. In addition

they are tasked with conducting focus group dialogues and field surveys.

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Professional Personnel Activity Schedule

Name Position


Activities/Tasks (Man-


Monitoring Schedule

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr


Dr. Rustico B. Balderian

Team Leader (12 sub-projects)

Consolidation/ Summary of Project plans and Project Needs Assessment for 12 sub-projects (48hrs)

Monthly coordination meetings with DAR and PSPs (32hrs/month)

Inception Report (40hrs) Baseline Report Preparation (40hrs)

Progress Report Meeting with Assistant Team Leaders and Research Assistants (16hrs/month)

Monthly Progress Report preparation/submission (40hrs/month)

Field assistant update meeting (24hrs/qtr)

On-site visits (32hrs/qtr) Quarterly Progress Report preparation/submission (32hrs/qtr)

Final Evaluation Report (20hrs)

Susana G. Bencio

Asst. Team Leader - Lot A (7 sub-project)

Consolidation/ Summary of Project plans and Project Needs Assessment with in-depth analysis and validation for 7 sub-projects (48hrs)

Monthly coordination meetings with PSPs (8hrs/month)

Monthly coordination meetings with research and field assistants (24hrs/month)

Inception Report (40hrs) Baseline Report Preparation (40hrs)

Review of Progress and Process of CSF Operation (8hrs/month)

Progress Report Meeting with Team Leader (16hrs/month)

Monthly Progress Report preparation/submission (40hrs/month)

Quarterly Progress Report preparation/submission (32hrs/qtr)

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Name Position


Activities/Tasks (Man-


Monitoring Schedule

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr


On-site visits (32hrs/qtr) Case Study/Case Documentation (40hrs)

Article/feature publication (40hrs)

Final Evaluation Report (20hrs)

Engr. Manuel S. Tumalad

Asst. Team Leader - Lot B (5 sub-projects)

Consolidation/ Summary of Project plans and Project Needs Assessment with in-depth analysis and validation for 7 sub-projects (48hrs)

Monthly coordination meetings with PSPs (8hrs/month)

Monthly coordination meetings with research and field assistants (24hrs/month)

Inception Report (40hrs)

Baseline Report Preparation (40hrs)

Review of Progress and Process of CSF Operation (8hrs/month)

Progress Report Meeting with Team Leader (16hrs/month)

Monthly Progress Report preparation/submission (40hrs/month)

Quarterly Progress Report preparation/submission (32hrs/qtr)

On-site visits (32hrs/qtr) Case Study/Case Documentation (40hrs)

Article/feature publication (40hrs)

Final Evaluation Report (20hrs)

Ryan E. Balderian

Research Assistant - Lot A (7 sub-projects)

Initial Site Visit (32hrs)

Baseline Survey (32hrs) Consolidation of Baseline Survey (32hrs)

Baseline validation FGD (32hrs) Monthly coordination meetings with Asst. Team Leader (12hrs/month)

Project site visits (direct observation of PSP activities) (80hrs/month)

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Name Position


Activities/Tasks (Man-


Monitoring Schedule

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr


Review of Progress and Process of CSF Operation (8hrs/month)

Progress Report Meeting with Team Leader (16hrs/month)

Consolidation of monthly reports (32hrs/month)

Focused Group Dialogue (32hrs/qtr)

Participatory data Validation and Feedbacking Assembly (32hrs/qtr)

Update meeting with Team Leader (12 hrs/qtr)

Roschelle E. Balderian

Research Assistant - Lot B (5 sub-projects)

Initial Site Visit (32hrs)

Baseline Survey (32hrs) Consolidation of Baseline Survey (32hrs)

Baseline validation FGD (32hrs) Monthly coordination meetings with Asst. Team Leader (12hrs/month)

Project site visits (direct observation of PSP activities) (80hrs/month)

Review of Progress and Process of CSF Operation (8hrs/month)

Progress Report Meeting with Team Leader (16hrs/month)

Consolidation of monthly reports (32hrs/month)

Focused Group Dialogue (32hrs/qtr)

Participatory data Validation and Feedbacking Assembly (32hrs/qtr)

Update meeting with Team Leader (12 hrs/qtr)

Gimmalyn O. Tolibas

Field Assistant


Courtesy call to PARO, MARO, MAO, LGU (24hrs)

Initial Site Visit (30hrs)

Baseline Survey (60hrs)

Baseline validation FGD (16hrs) Monthly coordination meetings with Asst. Team Leader (12hrs)

Project site visits (direct observation of PSP activities) (80hrs/month)

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Name Position


Activities/Tasks (Man-


Monitoring Schedule

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr


Quarterly update, consultation, and coordination meeting with MARO, MAO, LGU (12hrs/qtr)

Update Meeting with Team Leader (24hrs/qtr)

Field Survey / Interviews (40hrs/qtr)

Focused Group Dialogue (24hrs)

Renaldo N. Diaz

Field Assistant

Northern Samar District I

Northern Samar District II

Eastern Samar

Samar District I

Courtesy call to PARO, MARO, MAO, LGU (24hrs)

Initial Site Visit (30hrs)

Baseline Survey (60hrs)

Baseline validation FGD (16hrs) Monthly coordination meetings with Asst. Team Leader (12hrs)

Project site visits (direct observation of PSP activities) (80hrs/month)

Quarterly update, consultation, and coordination meeting with MARO, MAO, LGU (12hrs/qtr)

Update Meeting with Team Leader (24hrs/qtr)

Field Survey / Interviews (40hrs/qtr)

Focused Group Dialogue (24hrs)

Floreen Rose L. Bud-Oy

Field Assistant

Leyte District V

Southern Leyte

Courtesy call to PARO, MARO, MAO, LGU (24hrs)

Initial Site Visit (30hrs)

Baseline Survey (60hrs)

Baseline validation FGD (16hrs) Monthly coordination meetings with Asst. Team Leader (12hrs)

Project site visits (direct observation of PSP activities) (80hrs/month)

Quarterly update, consultation, and coordination meeting with MARO, MAO, LGU (12hrs/qtr)

Update Meeting with Team Leader (24hrs/qtr)

Field Survey / Interviews (40hrs/qtr)

Focused Group Dialogue (24hrs) Henry L. Inopiquez

Field Assistant Courtesy call to PARO, MARO, MAO, LGU (24hrs)

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Name Position


Activities/Tasks (Man-


Monitoring Schedule

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr


Leyte District III

Leyte District IV Initial Site Visit (30hrs)

Baseline Survey (60hrs)

Baseline validation FGD (16hrs) Monthly coordination meetings with Asst. Team Leader (12hrs)

Project site visits (direct observation of PSP activities) (80hrs/month)

Quarterly update, consultation, and coordination meeting with MARO, MAO, LGU (12hrs/qtr)

Update Meeting with Team Leader (24hrs/qtr)

Field Survey / Interviews (40hrs/qtr)

Focused Group Dialogue (24hrs)

Rosemarie G. Laming

Field Assistant

Calbiga, Samar

Leyte District I

Leyte District II

Courtesy call to PARO, MARO, MAO, LGU (24hrs)

Initial Site Visit (30hrs)

Baseline Survey (60hrs)

Baseline validation FGD (16hrs) Monthly coordination meetings with Asst. Team Leader (12hrs)

Project site visits (direct observation of PSP activities) (80hrs/month)

Quarterly update, consultation, and coordination meeting with MARO, MAO, LGU (12hrs/qtr)

Update Meeting with Team Leader (24hrs/qtr)

Field Survey / Interviews (40hrs/qtr)

Focused Group Dialogue (24hrs)

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ANNEX 1. List of key informants interviewed.

Person Interviewed Position ARBO Address Contact Number

Joesita Tolibas Member Talustusan MPC Talustusan, Naval Biliran


Renato Bapuroso

Chairman Talustusan Irrigators Association

Talustusan, Naval Biliran


Menard Batuto Member Kawayan-Cogon-Naval Irrigators Association

Larrazabal, Naval Biliran


Leopoldo Zabiro Chairman Larrazabal ARBs MPC Larrazabal, Naval Biliran


Renato Curso Chairman Naval Farmers Irrigators Association

Caray-caray, Naval Biliran


Carmelita Batac

Chairman Imelda Farmers Association Imelda, Naval Biliran


Cito Pakulan

Chairman Caray-caray MPC Caray-caray, Naval Biliran


Cito Pakulan

Chairman Yarac-yarac Irrigators Association

Caray-caray, Naval Biliran


Judy Esperagante Chairman

Libtong Farmers Association Libtong, Naval Biliran


Rodulfo B. Sambitan

Chairman Lucsoon-Lico Irrigators Association

Lucsoon, Naval Biliran


Nestor Sampilo

Chairman P.S. Eamiguel Farmers Association

P.S. Eamiguel, Naval Biliran


Lorenzo Sambitan

Chairman P.S. Eamiguel Farmers Association

P.S. Eamiguel, Naval Biliran


Rebecaa V. Payos Chairman Lico ARBs MPC Lico, Naval Biliran


Carmelita Batac Chairman Imelda ARBs MPC Imelda, Naval Biliran


Felix Tagoctoc

Chairman San Vicente Integrated Farmers Association

Alangalang Leyte


Noe Samico Chairman Baculanad Farmers Association

Sta. Fe Leyte


Herminia Ranis Secretary Palanog Farmer Beneficiaries Association

Palanog Tacloban City


Salvacion Farmer Beneficiaries Association

Salvacion, #104 Palo


Carmelita Carido

Treasurer St. Isidore Multi-Purpose Coop

Macarthur Leyte


Teodolfo Manacpo Member Aramyaw Association (Bonifacio Farmers Association)

Bonifacio, Mayorga Leyte


Maribel Isaias Secretary Bagacay East Farmers and Irrigators Association.

Bagacay East, La Paz, Leyte


Marcela M. Abrera

General Manager

Tolosahay Upland Farmers MPC

Tolosahay, Julita Leyte


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Person Interviewed Position ARBO Address Contact Number

Merlou Ocubillo Member Omaganhan Agrarian Reform

Omaganhan, Tabango, Leyte


Alejandra Boncales Treasurer Casili-on Agri Business Livelihood Enterprise Association

Casilion, Villaba Leyte


Alfred Tapaya

Member Petrolio Farmers Multi-Purpose Coop

Petrolio, Calubian Leyte


Leon B. Mabini

Member Daja Integrated Primary Agri Business Coop

Daja Diot, San Isidro Leyte


Raymundo R. Delima, Jr.

Treasurer Tigbawan Farmers Association

Tigbawan, Leyte Leyte


Judith Demasuhid Member Boroc Agricultural Primary Multipurpose Cooperative Assoc.

Ipil, Ormoc City 561-7411

Alfreda Dejon Treasurer Libongao DAR FB Association

Libongao, Kananga Leyte


Lydia B. Balidio Chairman Boroc-Ipil Agrarian Reform Cooperative

Boroc, Ormoc City 09999806109

Julie Balbirona Member Zaragosa Agrarian Reform Coop

Zaragosa, Matalom Leyte


Amelita Liam Treasurer Liberty Concepcion Multi Purpose Coop

Concepcion, Hilongos Leyte


Dulia Capistrano Treasurer San Salvador Farmers Association

San Salvador, Matalom Leyte


Fidela Lanugan Treasurer Sta. Paz Farmers Association Sta. Paz, Matalom Leyte


Virgilio Balneg Member Hingatungan ARBs Cooperative

Hingatungan, Silago So. Leyte


Rogelio T. Ansale, Sr. Member Hinatungan Irrigators Association

Hingatungan, Silago So. Leyte


Bibiano Cadano Treasurer Laguma Irrigators Association Laguma, SIlago So. Leyte


Felipe Sumayod Chairman Camagting Multi-Purpose Coop

Sta. Rosa, Balangiga Eastern Samar


Eugenia Edradan Chairman Guinmaayohan Balangiga Irrgators Association

San Miguel, Balangiga Eastern Samar


Cenon Alvarez Chairman St. Vincent Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Cansumangkay, Balangiga Eastern Samar


Peregrina C. Gocuma Member Panayuran Farmers Association

Panayuran, Calbiga Samar


Ma. Paz Yangga Secretary Calbiga Vegetables Grower Association

Macaolan, Calbiga Samar


Louie D. Tabique Chairman Canbagtic Farmers Assoc Canbagtic, Calbiga Samar


Lydia B. Ocasla

Secretary Bulao Farmers Association Bulao, Calbiga Samar


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Person Interviewed Position ARBO Address Contact Number

Edilito Merano Chairman Cabulisan Multi-Purpose Upland Farmers Association

Inopacan, Leyte 09167048053

Isaias Secretaria Chairman Hinabay Upland Farmers Association

Inopacan, Leyte 09216301299

Beltran D. Adarayan Chairman Oleras Multi-Purpose Development

Oleras, Laoang Northern Samar


Welfredo Serario Chairman Roxas, Calbayog City


Engr. Romeo Orca Chairman Macagtas Irrigators Association

Catarman, Northern Samar


Marlo L. Cerico Chairman Balat-Balud Irrigators Association

Bobon, Northern Samar


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ANNEX 2. Documentation of Field Work.

Figure 1. Interview with Barangay Bonifacio Chairman in Mayorga, Leyte

Figure 3. En route to Zaragosa Agrarian Reform Cooperative in Matalom, Leyte Figure 2. Courtesy call to MARO in Macarthur, Leyte

Figure 4. Flatbed dryer CSF in Silago, Southern Leyte Figure 5. Tractor CSF in Silago, Southern Leyte

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Figure 7. Dulia Capistrano, San Salvador Farmers Association Treasurer

Figure 6. Treasurer of Hingatungan, Leticia Beloy (second from left), and Virgilio Balneg Development Facilitator in Silago (right)

Figure 9. Courtesy Call to MARO in Kananga, Leyte Figure 8. Interview with Kananga ARBO Member

Figure 10. Balangiga Municpal Agriculturalist (Left), MARO (seated)

Figure 11. Felipe Sumayod, Chairman of Camagting

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ANNEX 3. List of Farmer Technicians for Vegetable Production Validated by East West

Seed Company.

Last Name First Name M.I. ARBO Sub-project

1 Blanco Fidelbert P Baculanad Farmer Beneficiary Association Leyte District I

2 Montaño Rolando C Baculanad Farmer Beneficiary Association Leyte District I

3 Morbos Dioreta M Baculanad Farmer Beneficiary Association Leyte District I

4 Morbos Jay M Baculanad Farmer Beneficiary Association Leyte District I

5 Natulla Virginia F Baculanad Farmer Beneficiary Association Leyte District I

6 Ofalia Editha S Baculanad Farmer Beneficiary Association Leyte District I

7 Ofalia Eva T Baculanad Farmer Beneficiary Association Leyte District I

8 Ofalia Ma. Josephine S Baculanad Farmer Beneficiary Association Leyte District I

9 Pontilla Sherwin L Baculanad Farmer Beneficiary Association Leyte District I

10 Salceda Edgardo R Baculanad Farmer Beneficiary Association Leyte District I

11 Alvarado Ma. Adoracion B Canhidoc Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

12 Barbosa Maria Socoro L Canhidoc Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

13 Cuantel Danilo R Canhidoc Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

14 Linde Gerardo M Canhidoc Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

15 Orejola Veronica Canhidoc Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

16 Valera Oliver B Canhidoc Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

17 Villas Edgar C Canhidoc Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

18 Almaden Mateo S Triple C Farmers Irrigators Service Cooperative Leyte District I

19 Briones Ernesto A Triple C Farmers Irrigators Service Cooperative Leyte District I

20 Centino Eleonor D Triple C Farmers Irrigators Service Cooperative Leyte District I

21 Cortez Panchito M Triple C Farmers Irrigators Service Cooperative Leyte District I

22 Elejeda Virginia L Triple C Farmers Irrigators Service Cooperative Leyte District I

23 Fornillos Aurora Fe P Triple C Farmers Irrigators Service Cooperative Leyte District I

24 Gonzaga Lydia C Triple C Farmers Irrigators Service Cooperative Leyte District I

25 Lacabe Anita L Triple C Farmers Irrigators Service Cooperative Leyte District I

26 Loyola Rogelio P Triple C Farmers Irrigators Service Cooperative Leyte District I

27 Ofalia Arnel U Triple C Farmers Irrigators Service Cooperative Leyte District I

28 Tapales Norma S Triple C Farmers Irrigators Service Cooperative Leyte District I

29 Abello Dante S Palanog Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

30 Abello Francisco S Palanog Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

31 Alalin Gleceria P Palanog Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

32 Betasolo Rowena S Palanog Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

33 Dela Cruz Virginia L Palanog Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

34 Dupa Wilson T Palanog Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

35 Molina Marelita B Palanog Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

36 Morados Ramil B Palanog Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

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Last Name First Name M.I. ARBO Sub-project

37 Ranes Elizardo D Palanog Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

38 Ranes Herminia L Palanog Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

39 Sedillo Celso I Palanog Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

40 Viscara Zenaida G Palanog Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

41 Agustin Rosalia C Salvacion Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

42 Basas Leticia Q Salvacion Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

43 Caillo Nora B Salvacion Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

44 Cajefe Zenaida C Salvacion Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

45 Creado Irene S Salvacion Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

46 De Paz Arturo - Salvacion Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

47 Delos Angeles Conchita M Salvacion Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

48 Dosal Alfredo G Salvacion Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

49 Epil Ronnie D Salvacion Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

50 Naputo Nicasio M Salvacion Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

51 Sabila Merlinda D Salvacion Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

52 Soriano Leonardo P Salvacion Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

53 Tado Norwena R Salvacion Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

54 Villalino Adela M Salvacion Farmer Beneficiaries Association Leyte District I

55 Bravo Eduardo R San Vicente Integrated Farmers Association Leyte District I

56 Ilumba Diosdado S San Vicente Integrated Farmers Association Leyte District I

57 Ilumba Maribeth B San Vicente Integrated Farmers Association Leyte District I

58 Morante Salvacion R San Vicente Integrated Farmers Association Leyte District I

59 Niegas Gemma L San Vicente Integrated Farmers Association Leyte District I

60 Novilla Dante L San Vicente Integrated Farmers Association Leyte District I

61 Remitilla Benjamen C San Vicente Integrated Farmers Association Leyte District I

62 Rile Euphemia J San Vicente Integrated Farmers Association Leyte District I

63 Tagoctoc Felix U San Vicente Integrated Farmers Association Leyte District I

64 Versosa Maria Delia C San Vicente Integrated Farmers Association Leyte District I

65 Vicuña Rogelio S San Vicente Integrated Farmers Association Leyte District I

66 Arabes Alicia Omaganhan Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Leyte District III

67 Arabes Leonora P. Omaganhan Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Leyte District III

68 Arabes Wilfredo Omaganhan Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Leyte District III

69 Bayron Lulibeth L. Omaganhan Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Leyte District III

70 Carro Asterio P. Omaganhan Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Leyte District III

71 Dumos Marcelino Omaganhan Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Leyte District III

72 Ignacio Jessica R. Omaganhan Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Leyte District III

73 Manriquez Gina P. Omaganhan Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Leyte District III

74 Manriquez Lucio Omaganhan Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Leyte District III

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Last Name First Name M.I. ARBO Sub-project

75 Mendoza Eldelberto Omaganhan Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Leyte District III

76 Mendoza Gina B. Omaganhan Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Leyte District III

77 Millosa Marites R. Omaganhan Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Leyte District III

78 Nicodemo Rico R. Omaganhan Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Leyte District III

79 Paquibo Mickey Rose Omaganhan Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Leyte District III

80 Pepito Elna Omaganhan Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Leyte District III

81 Retiza Genelie M. Omaganhan Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Leyte District III

82 Cabalquinto Andrea O. Petrolio Farmers Association-Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Leyte District III

83 Calusor Pascualita Petrolio Farmers Association-Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Leyte District III

84 Canabe Batolome Petrolio Farmers Association-Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Leyte District III

85 Gulfo Virginia Petrolio Farmers Association-Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Leyte District III

86 Pacala Emma Petrolio Farmers Association-Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Leyte District III

87 Peñones Herminita Petrolio Farmers Association-Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Leyte District III

88 Piamonte Clarita S. Petrolio Farmers Association-Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Leyte District III

89 Tapaya Alfreda Petrolio Farmers Association-Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Leyte District III

90 Tapucao Roberto Petrolio Farmers Association-Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Leyte District III

91 Villacampa Rustica Petrolio Farmers Association-Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Leyte District III

92 Almencion Jovencio Tigbawan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association

Leyte District III

93 Almencion Camilo Tigbawan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association

Leyte District III

94 Arsolon Wenifredo Tigbawan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association

Leyte District III

95 Cajes Ruel Tigbawan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association

Leyte District III

96 Cajes Pilino Tigbawan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association

Leyte District III

97 Dalut Isagani T. Tigbawan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association

Leyte District III

98 Delima Roberto Tigbawan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association

Leyte District III

99 Delima Raymundo Jr. R. Tigbawan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association

Leyte District III

100 Delima Gregorio R. Tigbawan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association

Leyte District III

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Last Name First Name M.I. ARBO Sub-project

101 Dela Peña Eduardo Tigbawan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association

Leyte District III

102 Dela Rosa Eugenio Tigbawan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association

Leyte District III

103 Maglantong Cesar G. Tigbawan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association

Leyte District III

104 Mater Manuela G. Tigbawan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association

Leyte District III

105 Satorre Reynalda G. Tigbawan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association

Leyte District III

106 Tiamson Emiliano G. Tigbawan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association

Leyte District III

107 Troyo Cesar C. Tigbawan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association

Leyte District III

108 Troyo Avelino Tigbawan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association

Leyte District III

109 Troyo Riza C. Tigbawan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association

Leyte District III

110 Aporbo Rosalyn P. Daja Primary Agribusiness & Marketing Cooperative

Leyte District III

111 Aporbo Marife F. Daja Primary Agribusiness & Marketing Cooperative

Leyte District III

112 Arriesgado Ardec Daja Primary Agribusiness & Marketing Cooperative

Leyte District III

113 Asong Christopher B. Daja Primary Agribusiness & Marketing Cooperative

Leyte District III

114 Baguio Ma. Theresa P. Daja Primary Agribusiness & Marketing Cooperative

Leyte District III

115 Baguio Lorena L. Daja Primary Agribusiness & Marketing Cooperative

Leyte District III

116 Borracho Celestino C. Daja Primary Agribusiness & Marketing Cooperative

Leyte District III

117 Conejos Egnacio E. Daja Primary Agribusiness & Marketing Cooperative

Leyte District III

118 Cunag Pedro Jr. Daja Primary Agribusiness & Marketing Cooperative

Leyte District III

119 Cunag Rolando Daja Primary Agribusiness & Marketing Cooperative

Leyte District III

120 Luceño Salipa B. Daja Primary Agribusiness & Marketing Cooperative

Leyte District III

121 Mabini Leon B. Daja Primary Agribusiness & Marketing Cooperative

Leyte District III

122 Pastorpili Nestor C. Daja Primary Agribusiness & Marketing Cooperative

Leyte District III

123 Rodaje Ramil C. Daja Primary Agribusiness & Marketing Cooperative

Leyte District III

124 Rosaroso Bambe Daja Primary Agribusiness & Marketing Cooperative

Leyte District III

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Progress and Process Monitoring of ARCCESS Region VIII Inception Report


Last Name First Name M.I. ARBO Sub-project

125 Armenta Nilo L. Casilion Agricultural Business Livelihood Enterprise

Leyte District III

126 Benitez Marietta Q. Casilion Agricultural Business Livelihood Enterprise

Leyte District III

127 Casoy Roger C. Casilion Agricultural Business Livelihood Enterprise

Leyte District III

128 Casoy Ronilo C. Casilion Agricultural Business Livelihood Enterprise

Leyte District III

129 Iting Margarito Casilion Agricultural Business Livelihood Enterprise

Leyte District III

130 Luchavez Pablo Casilion Agricultural Business Livelihood Enterprise

Leyte District III

131 Pajaron Prescilla Casilion Agricultural Business Livelihood Enterprise

Leyte District III

132 Reyes Lorna R. Casilion Agricultural Business Livelihood Enterprise

Leyte District III

133 Yugo Ramon Casilion Agricultural Business Livelihood Enterprise

Leyte District III

134 Yugo Miguel Casilion Agricultural Business Livelihood Enterprise

Leyte District III

135 Borin Marina D Calbiga Vegetable Growers Association CALPINSET ARC

136 Cabornay Lolito S Calbiga Vegetable Growers Association CALPINSET ARC

137 Cabueñas Bernardita Q Calbiga Vegetable Growers Association CALPINSET ARC

138 Cardeño Ricky Anthony D Calbiga Vegetable Growers Association CALPINSET ARC

139 Daclag Allan O Calbiga Vegetable Growers Association CALPINSET ARC

140 Daclag Marico N Calbiga Vegetable Growers Association CALPINSET ARC

141 Daclag Monico S Calbiga Vegetable Growers Association CALPINSET ARC

142 Ocasla Natolio Q Calbiga Vegetable Growers Association CALPINSET ARC

143 Ocenar Manuel L Calbiga Vegetable Growers Association CALPINSET ARC

144 Ocenar Roque D Calbiga Vegetable Growers Association CALPINSET ARC

145 Pacuan Raul Y Calbiga Vegetable Growers Association CALPINSET ARC

146 Yanga Teodoro S Calbiga Vegetable Growers Association CALPINSET ARC

147 Aclag Josephine T Bulao Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

148 Aclag Yolanda B Bulao Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

149 Aclag Zosimo C. Bulao Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

150 Baculo Dionesio C Bulao Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

151 Dacallos Demetrio P Bulao Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

152 Dacallos Emerita L Bulao Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

153 Dacallos Sabino S. Bulao Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

154 Dacuro Ma. Jelita A Bulao Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

155 Dacuro Roberto S Bulao Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

156 Dacuro Wilfreda B Bulao Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

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Last Name First Name M.I. ARBO Sub-project

157 Llarenas Marcos C Bulao Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

158 Ocasla Joseph B Bulao Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

159 Ocasla Ma. Corazon S Bulao Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

160 Ortiz Maricel D Bulao Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

161 Sablawon Marlu C. Bulao Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

162 Avaincia Conrigo C Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

163 Balundo Jesus C Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

164 Cabigayan Mar - Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

165 Cabujat Rebecca O Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

166 Gacuma Allan C Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

167 Gacuma Armando C Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

168 Gacuma Peregrina C Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

169 Gacuma Vilma P Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

170 Jacla Gemma D Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

171 Jacla Merlie G Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

172 Jacla Milagros C Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

173 Jacla Rowena J Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

174 Mahinay Rudy L Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

175 Nablo Bonifacio Q Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

176 Nablo Cheryl J Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

177 Nablo Manuel Q Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

178 Nablo Vilma P Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

179 Nardo Lorna C Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

180 Ocasla Anastacio P Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

181 Ocasla Dolores J Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

182 Ocasla Jefferson P Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

183 Ocasla Roldan J Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

184 Pablijan Pradito P Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

185 Pacayra Angeline U Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

186 Pacayra Evelyn O Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

187 Rafales Gerry M Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

188 Rafales Lydia J Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

189 Sablan Carlito D Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

190 Sablan Clemente, Jr. O Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

191 Sablan Elizabeth A Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

192 Talay Edwin B Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

193 Valundo Maricel R Panayuran Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

194 Abigan Winefredo B. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

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Progress and Process Monitoring of ARCCESS Region VIII Inception Report


Last Name First Name M.I. ARBO Sub-project

195 Bardaje Felipa Z. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

196 Bautista Roberto S. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

197 Cabtalan Amelito A. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

198 Cabtalan Noel A. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

199 Cabtalan Roy A. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

200 Dacallos Ariel A. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

201 Dacallos Edito T. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

202 Dacuro Demetrio B. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

203 Dacuro Maximiano B. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

204 Jabonete Juan C. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

205 Labalan Lydia L. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

206 Pacayra Elvira O. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

207 Sablan Francisco N. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

208 Sablan Oscar L. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

209 Sablayan Fely G. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

210 Samar Danilo P. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

211 Samar Samuel P. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

212 Tabian Leonardo T. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

213 Tabique Erenio B. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

214 Tabique Danilo C Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

215 Tabique Litoy P. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

216 Tabique Louie D. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

217 Tabique Maximiano C. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

218 Tabique Rodgi L. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC

219 Tabique Roel D. Canbagtic Farmers Association CALPINSET ARC