arc fy 2010 business plan - federal aviation …...regions and center operations fiscal year 2010...

Regions and Center Operations Fiscal Year 2010 Business Plan 800 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20591 Federal Aviation Administration

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Page 1: ARC FY 2010 Business Plan - Federal Aviation …...Regions and Center Operations Fiscal Year 2010 Business Plan 800 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20591 Federal Aviation Administration

Regions and Center OperationsFiscal Year 2010 Business Plan

800 Independence Avenue, SWWashington, DC 20591

Federal Aviation Administration

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2010 ARC Business Plan

The office of the Assistant Administrator for Regions andCenter Operations (ARC) provides cross-organizationalleadership and delivers shared services throughout theagency in support of increased safety, greater capacity,international leadership, and organizational excellence.ARC is uniquely positioned in the FAA to play an essentialrole in NextGen by providing critical cross-organizationalintegration, collaboration and communication.

The following is a list of key functions performed by ARC.All Strategic and Core activities included in ARC's businessplan fall within one of ARC's key functional areas. Thesefunctional areas also serve as the basis for ARC's budgetallocation.

"Safety and Operations Integration" - ARC uses crossorganizational leadership and integration to support theFAA goals of Safety and Capacity.

"International Leadership" - ARC supports FAA's goal ofInternational Leadership by providing technical assistance,support and training in the aviation area to countriesthroughout the world.

"Training" - The Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center(MMAC) is FAA's source for training, financialmanagement, information technology services, logisticssupport and supply chain management. Through the FAAAcademy and the Center for Management and ExecutiveLeadership (CMEL), various types of training are providedto a wide array of audiences throughout the FAA andNational Aerospace System (NAS).

"Financial Management and Information TechnologyServices (MMAC)" - The MMAC provides significantagency-wide financial management and informationtechnology support.

"NAS Logistics and Supply Chain Management" - TheMMAC provide logistics support and supply chainmanagement for the entire agency.

"Acquisition, Real Estate and Materiel Management(ARM)" - ARC performs Acquisition and Real Estatefunctions throughout the FAA and ARC's MaterialManagement function also serves the Department ofTransportation (DOT).

"Washington Flight Program Office" - ARC's Hangar 6provides transportation via FAA owned and operatedplanes to FAA officials, DOT officials and other governmentagencies.

"Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)" - ARC provides FOIAsupport for the entire FAA.

"Corporate Leadership and Outreach" - ARC's RegionalAdministrators provide the face and voice of FAA to severaldifferent external stakeholders.

"Aviation and Space Education Program (AVSED)" - ARCleads FAA's work to generate the next generation ofaviation employees.

"Information Technology Management" - ARC maintains arobust Information Technology program.

"Operations Centers and Emergency Preparedness" - ARCalso manages a comprehensive emergency preparednessprogram

"Facilities and Building Services" - ARC manages severalbuildings and all of the services necessary to maintainoperations.

"ARC Human Capital" - Support for ARC's employees inthe areas of hiring, time and attendance, performancereview, etc.

"Administrative Services/Business Processes" - Planning,Budget and Business Standardization Processes for ARC.

Increased SafetyARC 2010 Strategic Activities in support of IncreasedSafety include:

-Support the installation of additional weather camera sitesto reduce accidents in Alaska

-Provide real-time advocacy through the Runway SafetyProgram

-Participate in Runway Safety Council meetings

-Provide logistics support for the Runway IncursionReduction Program

Flight Plan Target: AlaskaAccident RateBy the end of FY2019 reduce the Rate of Fatal andSerious Injury Accidents by 10% in 10 years. FY 2010Target: 1.86

Continue to optimize weather camera benefits andexplore alternative technologies.

Strategic Initiative: Weather Dataand Images

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Strategic Activity: ARC Support ofExpanding the Use of Weather Cameras

Activity Target 1:ARC will work with industry and FAA officials inthe Alaskan Region, Western Service Area, andHeadquarters, to support the installation of 23additional weather camera sites. Due September30, 2010

Through corporate leadership and collaboration,ARC provides aggressive and real-time advocacyand integration activities related to identified issuesand solutions that will reduce the number ofaccidents in Alaska for general aviation and all Part135 operations.

Flight Plan Target: RunwayIncursions (Category A and B)By FY 2010, reduce Category A and B (most serious)runway incursions to a rate of no more than 0.45 permillion operations, and maintain or improve through FY2013. FY 2010 Target: 0.450

Improve training, procedures, evaluation, analysis,testing, and certification to reduce the risk of runwayincursions resulting from errors by pilots, air trafficcontrollers, pedestrians, vehicle operators, tugoperators, and individuals conducting aircraft taxioperations.

Strategic Initiative: Human ErrorRisk Reduction

Strategic Activity: Runway SafetyProgram Management

Activity Target 1:Make recommendations to the ATO RunwaySafety office within four weeks of issue impasseto ensure that conflicting issues affecting runwayincursion mitigation efforts are proactivelyresolved. Due September 30, 2010

Through corporate leadership and collaboration,ARC provides real-time advocacy, and integrationactivities related to identify issues and solutions thatwill reduce the risk of all runway incursions andsurface incidents.

Design, develop and implement an improved runwayincursion analysis capability.

Strategic Initiative: ImprovedRunway Incursion AnalysisCapability

Strategic Activity: Runway SafetyCouncil (RSC) Implementation PlanThe Root Causal Analysis Team (RCAT) examinesdata and related information from, but not limited to,Pilot Deviations, Operational Errors andVehicle/Pilot Deviations to determine root causalfactors. The team then identifies interventionstrategies to eliminate and/or mitigate the rootcausal factors leading up to the incident and provide

Activity Target 1:ARC will participate in and support all RunwaySafety Council meetings. Due September 30,2010

a strategy for implementation of therecommendations to the RSC.

The RCAT will examine data from AFS (PD's), ATO(OE's) and ARP (V/PD's) investigations and attemptto determine root causal factors for the incident.The data used in these analyses will be aconsolidation of many offices' input and will delvedeep into the reasons and/or causes for the incidentas well as those circumstances that allowed theincident to occur. The diverse makeup of thesubject matter experts (SMEs) will enhance thecapability of the team to discover those factors thathave evaded discovery to date. Once these rootcausal factors are identified, the team will examineways to create controls that will limit, or eliminate,their reoccurrence.

For those periods of reduced severe Categoryincursions, the team will use historical data toidentify priority airports in an effort to mitigatehazards and offer safety recommendations toreduce risks.

The RSC will review output from the RCAT andadopt a strategy to implement the recommendationsand/or call for further study of an issue.

Greater CapacityARC 2010 Strategic Activities in support of GreaterCapacity include:

-Support for the deployment of the Automatic DependentSurveillance Broadcast System (ADS-B) FAA ServiceMonitor and the Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) throughthe Logistics Center

-Improve supply chain operations through implementationof new NAS supply chain automated system

-Improve NAS logistics support programs andperformance to ensure operational availability of NASequipment and systems

-Integrate operational initiatives to reduce delays in theNew York Metropolitan airports

-Ensure runway commitment activities are completed asoutlined in the Runway Template Action Plan

-Develop recommended standards and action plansthrough the Airport Obstructions Standards Committee(AOSC)

-Mitigate delays at targeted congested airports through

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Congestion Action Teams (CAT)

-Implement Environmental Management Systems toprotect the environment, meet statutory and regulatoryenvironmental requirements and improve reliability andcost effectiveness

ARC 2010 Core Activities in support of Greater Capacityinclude:

-O'Hare Modernization Program (OMP)

-Air Tour Management Plan (ATMP)

Flight Plan Target: Average DailyAirport Capacity (35 OEPAirports)Achieve an average daily airport capacity for the 35OEP airports of 103,068 arrivals and departures per dayby FY 2011 and maintain through FY 2013. FY 2010Target: 102,648

By FY 2010, operationally implement AutomaticDependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) for airtraffic services at selected sites and continuedevelopment of surface conflict detection in thecockpit and near-term Air-to-Air applications.

Strategic Initiative: AutomaticDependent Surveillance-Broadcast(ADS-B) Decision

Strategic Activity: ADS-B and Wide AreaMultilateration (WAM) IntegratedLogistics Support Management

Activity Target 1:Provide Logistics Management expertise andoversight in support of the ADS-B service deliverycontract deployment goals and prepare fororganic support of the FAA Service Monitorthrough September 30, 2010. Areas of logisticsexpertise include developing supply supportplans, training and maintenance concepts. DueSeptember 30, 2010

The Logistics Center provides support essential tothe successful deployment of the ADS-B FAAService Monitor and the Wide Area Multilateration(WAM) surveillance component in Colorado andAlaska. The Logistics Center provides technicalexpertise to ensure logistics procedures arecompliant with a service delivery contract andassists the Surveillance and Broadcast Services(SBS) Program Office with their review of ITT andSensis logistics plans through oversight ofTechnical Interchange Meetings (TIM) and CriticalDesign Reviews (CDR).

Activity Target 2:Provide integrated logistics support to begindevelopment of a depot transition plan for theWAM program through September 30,

2010. Examples of transition plan contentinclude various forms of technical documentation,training and Technical Instruction Book (TIB)edits. Due September 30, 2010

Improve NAS supply chain operations throughmodernization of the supply chain infrastructure.

Strategic Initiative: NAS SupplyChain

Strategic Activity: Supply ChainManagement - Implement New NASSupply Chain Automated System

Activity Target 1:Schedule final investment decision for JRC by theend of the 2nd quarter of FY2010. Due March 31,2010

Continue implementation of plan to replace theLogistics & Inventory System (LIS). By end of FY2010 evaluate vendor proposals and selectpreferred solution for Logistics Center SupportSystem (LCSS). Seek final investment for LCSS,segment one, from the Joint Resources Council(JRC) and award system integration contract.

Activity Target 2:Award LCSS contract. Due June 30, 2010

Strategic Activity: Supply ChainManagement - En-Route AutomationModernization Training Support (AMC)

Activity Target 1:Provide mid-year status report indicating status ofdevelopment effort and identifying any keymilestones yet to be accomplished. Due March31, 2010

Activity - Enroute Automation Modernization(ERAM) Training Support - FAA Academy willsupplement contractor taught training and ensurefull system training is developed to meet long termtechnical training requirements associated withERAM Training Support. In FY2010 the Academywill complete development of attrition trainingcourse to replace delta training for ERAM Program(Dependent upon vendor completion of deploymenttraining and successful deployment of ERAMsystem.)

Activity Target 2:Target 2: Complete development of attritiontraining course to replace delta training forERAM. Due September 30, 2010

Flight Plan Target: AirportAverage Daily Capacity (7 MetroAreas)Achieve an average daily airport capacity for the 7 Metroareas of 39,484 arrivals and departures per day by FY2009, and maintain through FY 2013. FY 2010 Target:39,484

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Work with the aviation community to establish themost feasible policies to enhance capacity andmanage congestion.

Strategic Initiative: Capacity-Enhancing Policies

Strategic Activity: Congestionmanagement solutions in the New YorkArea

Activity Target 1:Provide support for orders, regulations orlegislation rulemaking to address congestion atthe New York Metro airports as needed. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Implement congestion management solutions in theNew York Area

As identified with industry stakeholders, continueimplementing operational initiatives at the New YorkMetropolitan airports.

Strategic Initiative: NY OperationalInitiatives

Strategic Activity: NY OperationalInitiatives - Communication

Activity Target 1:Develop a website to communicate current statusof NY Area Delay Reduction Plan. Site to becompleted by April 2010. Due April 30, 2010

Provide executive level coordination and enhancedcommunication with industry stakeholders to ensuresuccessful implementation of NY Area delayreduction initiatives.

Strategic Activity: NY OperationalInitiatives - Stakeholder Support

Activity Target 1:Develop draft template to be used to gainagreement from FAA and industry stakeholderson expectations of delay reduction initiatives. DueJanuary 31, 2010

Develop a process to ensure all parties are clear onthe expectations of a particular delay reductioninitiative. Each agreement will be developed andsigned by FAA and industry stakeholders.

Activity Target 2:Finalize agreements with signatures for all newinitiatives. Due September 30, 2010

Flight Plan Target: AnnualService VolumeCommission nine new runway/taxiway projects,increasing the annual service volume of the 35 OEPairports by at least 1 percent annually, measured as afive-year moving average, through FY 2013. FY 2010Target: 1% 2 runways

Strategic Initiative: OEP RunwayCommitment

Ensure that runway capability commitments areestablished in partnership with stakeholders.

Strategic Activity: Commission Runways

Activity Target 1:Ensure that all FY-10 FAA activities outlined inthe RTAP schedules are either accomplished on-time or mitigated sufficiently to remain on-track tomeet the NextGen new/extended runwaycapability commitments established inpartnership with stakeholders. Due September30, 2010

Ensure OEP/NextGen runway commitments areestablished in partnership with key stakeholdersand FAA key activities outlined in the RunwayTemplate Action Plan (RTAP) are accomplished on-time or mitigated sufficiently to meet establishedcommitments.

Activity Target 2:Conduct at-least three briefings between ARC-1and impacted regions on status, progress, andissues associated with runway constructioninitiatives. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Conduct at least one briefing to the FAAAssociate Administrators or designees toappraise senior management of progress, status,and issues associated with runway planning andconstruction initiatives. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 4:Introduce to NextGen Management Board (orrepresentative committee), and baseline intoRTAP database, a newly developed RTAP insupport of ORD. Due September 30, 2010

Using the cross-organizational Airport ObstructionsStandards Committee (AOSC), developrecommended standards and action plans for runwayprocedures such as end-around taxiways, andestablish databases and data collection tools toimprove airport flight operations, while maintaining anoptimal balance among safety, capacity, andefficiency considerations.

Strategic Initiative: Agency FlightOperations Guidance

Strategic Activity: Airport ObstructionStandards Committee (AOSC)

Activity Target 1:Conduct an ASOC Working Group (WG),Steering Group, or teleconference at a minimumonce per quarter. Prepare meeting notice andminutes, track and status action items, andcoordinate with team to help resolve identified

Using the cross-organizational Airport ObstructionStandards Committee (AOSC) developrecommended standards and action plans forrunway procedures and other initiatives identified byAOSC Steering Committee, while maintaining anoptimum balance among safety, capacity andefficiency considerations.

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issues. Facilitate discussions on airportgeographic information system (aGIS), exhaustplumes, consolidated surfaces, one engineinoperative (OEI), end-around taxiway, windturbines, and low visibility general aviation. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Flight Plan Target: AdjustedOperational AvailabilitySustain adjusted operational availability of 99.7 percentfor the reportable facilities that support the 35 OEPairports through FY 2013. FY 2010 Target: 99.7%

Improve NAS logistics support programs andperformance to ensure operational availability of NASequipment and systems.

Strategic Initiative: NAS LogisticsSupport

Strategic Activity: Improve LogisticsCenter Fill Rate

Activity Target 1:Achieve a cumulative (YTD) fill rate average of atleast 87 percent. Due September 30, 2010

Improve Logistics Center Fill Rates to enhancedelivery to field maintenance personnel toaccomplish NAS system repairs and maintenance.

Strategic Activity: Improve Quality ofExchange and Repair Items forMaintenance of NAS Systems

Activity Target 1:Improve over the FY-09 end-of-year goal of 11.5defects-per-thousand (DPT) to achieve a year-to-date average of no more than 11.0 defects perthousand by the end of FY-10 on exchange andrepair in-house assets. Due September 30, 2010

Continuously improve quality of NAS assetsdelivered to field maintenance personnel toaccomplish NAS system repairs and maintenanceso that there is a year-to-date average of no morethan 11.0 defects per thousand by the end of FY-10for exchange and repair in-house assets.

Flight Plan Target: NAS On-TimeArrivalsAchieve a NAS on-time arrival rate of 88.0 percent atthe 35 OEP airports and maintain through FY 2013. FY2010 Target: 88.00%

Mitigate forecasted delay with congestion actionteams composed of FAA, airports and operators.

Strategic Initiative: Delay Mitigation

Strategic Activity: Delay Mitigation

Activity Target 1:Move initiative to Core. Due October 1, 2009

Move this initiative to Core during the Flight Planupdate.

Flight Plan Target: NoiseExposureReduce the number of people exposed to significantnoise by 4 percent per year through FY 2013, asmeasured by a three-year moving average, from thethree-year average for calendar years 2000-2002. FY2010 Target: -20%

Implement Environmental Management Systems toensure that FAA operations protect the environment,meet statutory and regulatory environmentalrequirements, and improve reliability and costeffectiveness.

Strategic Initiative: EnvironmentalManagement Systems

Strategic Activity: EnvironmentalManagement Systems (EMS)

Activity Target 1:Continue implementation of ISO 14001 EMS in aLogistics Service Area Due September 30, 2010

ARC is committed to furthering the FAA's goals inenvironmental management through compliancewith environmental management systems as well asenhancement of the Mike Monroney AeronauticalCenter's performance through ISO-14001 third-party registration. Where possible ARC will identifyhow it can support the environmental challengesfacing NextGen and work to address these throughits EMS. In this way ARC is striving to be a goodsteward of the environment, reduce its use of non-renewable and natural resources and increase itsoverall level of energy efficiency.

Activity Target 2:Conduct internal EMS audits and managementreviews where EMS is fully implemented in ARCand report status to AEE. Due August 31, 2010Activity Target 3:Conduct an External EMS conformance Audit atthe Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center (externalaudit may comprise either a third partyregistration audit or an external audit performedby AEE-400) Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 4:Maintain ARC's EMS to be consistent with AEEHigher tier EMP's as applicable. Due August 31,2010

Complete all activities associated with the Air TourManagement Program resulting in compliance with theNational Parks Air Tour Management Act of 2000 and allactivities associated with the O'Hare ModernizationProject resulting in a 67 percent reduction in area delaysby 2014.

Core Business Target: Safetyand Operations Integration

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Promote increased capacity through initiativesindependently owned by ARC.

Core Business Initiative: Safety andOperations Integration

Core Activity: Air Tour ManagementProgram

Activity Target 1:Develop and implement an expenditure plan toensure that 100% of FY-05 obligated funds,which expire in FY-10, are not cancelled. Monitorexpenditure rate monthly and revise expenditureplan accordingly. Due September 30, 2010

Provide direction and leadership with a multi-agency team to develop and complete air tourmanagement plans as required by the NationalParks Air Tour Management Act (NPATMA) of 2000and an overflights plan for the Grand CanyonNational Park in accordance with the Overflights Actof 1987.

Activity Target 2:Fund at least two (2) critical studies/projects up to$200K that support the advancement of ATMPefforts that will establish a scientific basis fordetermining air tour impacts at national parks.Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Conduct monthly financial reviews and oversightfor the multi-year (up to 3 years) development ofa proposed AFS safety analysis tool, to befunded by the ATMP program, which willsubsequently be used for evaluating proposed airtours over the Grand Canyon and other ATMPnational parks. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 4:Finalize the FAA Record of Decision for the Mt.Rushmore National Park ATMP EA. DueSeptember 30, 2010Activity Target 5:Complete the FAA portion of the EA for BadlandsNational Park in accordance with NPATMA. DueSeptember 30, 2010Activity Target 6:Start at least one new national park ATMP withthe National Park Service. Due September 30,2010Activity Target 7:Convene and chair two ATMP Program reviewsbetween FAA, National Park Service and Volpe,held at the beginning and mid fiscal year, tomonitor program and expenditures, to ensure theprogram is on schedule and within budget. DueSeptember 30, 2010Activity Target 8:Convene and participate in one Grand CanyonOverflights Environmental Impact Statement(EIS) program review meeting with National ParkService Denver Service Center staff to discuss

technical issues and monitor program progress,schedule, and expenditures. Due September 30,2010

Core Activity: O''Hare ModernizationProject

Activity Target 1:Close-out RTAP schedules for runway 9L/27Rand the 10/28 runway extension. Due September30, 2010

Initiate cross-organizational RTAP schedules fornew runways and extensions at O'Hare. Provideintegration, control, and guidance to assist inmaking significant changes to airfield configurationthough the O'Hare Modernization Program.

Activity Target 2:Initiate an RTAP schedule for runway 10R/28L.Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Initiate an RTAP schedule for runway 9C/27C.Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 4:Manage the FAA cross organizational teamassigned to the OMP to ensure all FAAcommitments associated with OMP are deliveredto maintain the agreed upon schedule. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Core Activity: Delay Mitigation

Activity Target 1:Within the 30-day period allotted for formation ofthe CAT, or within 30 days of a CAT memberleaving the team, the affected LOB will identify areplacement member representative that willsupport the CAT. Due September 30, 2010

The execution of the below targets are predicatedon AJG identifying a recommending a targeted listof congested airports to be reviewed and acceptedby ARC. Upon acceptance, each RA will introduceadditions to the targeted airport list to theCongestion Action Team (CAT) members.Moreover, affected LOBs will support their RAs inany current or ongoing activities of the CAT.

Activity Target 2:Within 90 days of establishing the CAT, orreceiving additional targeted airport(s), prepare areport that documents problem areas and causalfactors leading to congestion and delay at thetargeted airport(s), a solution set, and arequirement for any additional analyses requiredto determine solutions. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Within 45 days of documenting a solution set andidentification of a need for additional analyses, inthe event the CAT makes the determination torecommend an AIO be established, the CAT willprepare and submit supporting documentation toheadquarters through the regional administrator.Due September 30, 2010

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Activity Target 4:Within 45 days of documenting a solution set andidentification of a need for additional analyses,prepare an "RTAP-like" matrix reflecting keyactivities, milestones, time periods, andresponsible LOB/individuals. This may includesecuring a commitment from affected LOBs onkey required activities, task durations, roles andresponsibilities. Due September 30, 2010

International LeadershipARC 2010 Strategic Activities in support of InternationalLeadership include:

-Provide technical assistance and training to strengthenpartnerships with key civil aviation authorities in Africa, theAmericas, Asia, Europe and the Middle East-Provide developmental opportunities to civil aviationleaders to enhance management and organization skills-Coordinate demonstrations, briefings and meetings withforeign aviation officials visiting Alaska

ARC 2010 Core Activities in support of InternationalLeadership include:

-International Leadership through ongoing meetings andvisits with other countries-Provide training and support to the States of Micronesia,Republic of Marshall Islands, Republic of Palau and theRussian Far East

Flight Plan Target: CAST SafetyEnhancementsWork with the Chinese aviation authorities and industryto adopt 27 proven Commercial Aviation Safety Team(CAST) safety enhancements by FY 2011. Thissupports China's efforts to reduce commercial fatalaccidents to a rate of 0.030 fatal accidents per 100,000departures by FY 2012. FY 2010 Target: 4 CASTSafety Enhancements

Identify and provide technical assistance and trainingand strengthen mutually beneficial partnerships withkey civil aviation authorities in Africa, the Americas,Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

Strategic Initiative: Aviation SafetyOversight Relationships

Strategic Activity: Strengthen AviationSafety Oversight

Activity Target 1:Provide a mid-year update to API-1 on trainingconducted or planned for the remainder of thefiscal year. Due April 15, 2010

Support API by providing training as required in theMiddle East, Asia and the Americas.

Activity Target 2:Provide at least three courses designed tostrengthen aviation safety oversight in the Middle

East, Asia, or the Americas contingent upon theavailability of funding. Due September 30, 2010

Implement civil aviation safety programs to supportthe Administration's initiatives.

Strategic Initiative: PresidentialSafety Programs

Strategic Activity: SupportAfghanistan/FAA ComprehensiveAssistance Plan

Activity Target 1:Provide at least one course in Air Traffic Controlor Technical Operations. Due September 30,2010

The FAA Academy will support the AfghanistanComprehensive Assistance Plan by providing AirTraffic and Technical Operations training asrequired.

Activity Target 2:Provide a mid-year update to API-1 on trainingconducted or planned for the remainder of thefiscal year. Due April 15, 2010

Establish coordinated safety agendas throughout theworld to improve aviation safety.

Strategic Initiative: Safety Agenda

Strategic Activity: Joint FAA-CAAOutreach in Asia

Activity Target 1:Provide at least three aviation safety courses forAsia contingent upon the availability of funding.Due September 30, 2010

Provide aviation safety training for Asia through jointFAA-CAA cooperation.

Activity Target 2:Provide a mid-year update to API-1 on trainingconducted and planned for the remainder of thefiscal year. Due April 15, 2010

Flight Plan Target: NextGenTechnologyBy FY 2013, expand the use of NextGen performance-based systems and concepts to five priority countries.FY 2010 Target: 1 country

Work with the international civil aviation community toadopt enabling systems, such as the GlobalNavigation Satellite System (GNSS) and ADS-B, toimprove safety of flight operations.

Strategic Initiative: ExportTechnologies

Strategic Activity: Alaska RegionSupport of NextGenThe Alaskan Region will work closely with ATO, APIand other LOBs to organize, coordinate, and focusdemonstrations, briefings and meetings with foreignaviation officials visiting Alaska, to support Agency

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Activity Target 1:Organize, coordinate, and executedemonstrations, briefings, and meetings whenforeign aviation officials visit Alaska to promoteexpansion of NextGen Procedures and Conceptsaround the globe. Due September 30, 2010

goals for expanding NextGen performance-basedsystems, procedures, and concepts around theglobe.

Activity Target 2:Provide written results of each visit with identifiedareas of interest, opportunities, and action itemsto appropriate LOBs not later than 30 daysfollowing completion of each visit. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Flight Plan Target: AviationLeadersBy FY 2013, work with at least 18 countries or regionalorganizations to develop aviation leaders to strengthenthe global aviation infrastructure. FY 2010 Target: 3countries/regional organizations

Strengthen civil aviation authorities and global safetyby creating and promoting targeted developmentalopportunities to civil aviation leaders to enhancemanagement, technical and organization skills.

Strategic Initiative: Develop AviationLeaders

Strategic Activity: Managerial andExecutive Training

Activity Target 1:Provide a mid-year update to API-10 on thestatus of course enrollments and delivery oftraining for representatives from regionalorganizations or other countries. Due April 15,2010

Provide managerial and executive training to foreigncivil aviation leaders by delivering courses to foreigncivil aviation leaders for three countries and/orregional organizations during FY 2010, contingentupon international customer funding/sponsorrequirements.

Activity Target 2:Support API by delivering courses to foreign civilaviation leaders of managerial and/or executivetraining for three countries or regionalorganizations contingent upon the availability ofinternational customer funds/sponsorrequirements. Due September 30, 2010

Within 30 calendar days of an international visit, tour ormeeting, complete and submit a summary of the event.

Core Business Target:International Leadership

Provide leadership and support to internationalstakeholders through training and partnerships.

Core Business Initiative:International Leadership

Core Activity: Russian Federation andChina

Activity Target 1:Complete initial assessment and determinespecific need for targeted workshops. Due June30, 2010

The Alaskan Regional Office of InternationalAviation supports development of specific aviationtraining and assistance to enhance safety, securityand capacity of aviation elements in the RussianFar East.

Activity Target 2:Collaborate with API and other LOBs to developand present at least one workshop on airportdevelopment, general aviation development, orother priority subject as identified by theassessment, (subject to funding and availability ofparticipants). Due September 30, 2010

Core Activity: Compact of FreeAssociation

Activity Target 1:Enroll at least one country in Micronesia ininternational airport training at CMEL. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Provide technical training and assistance to theFederated States of Micronesia, Republic ofMarshall Islands and Republic of Palau.

Activity Target 2:Provide on-site airport rescue and firefighting(ARFF) training for ARFF personnel at twoMicronesia Airports. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Provide airport rescue and firefighting (ARFF)training to ARFF personnel from two Micronesiaairports at the Western-Pacific Regional ARFFTraining Center in Saipan. Due September 15,2010Activity Target 4:Provide technical training to Micronesia Directorsof Civil Aviation and their staffs by conducting theannual Pacific Aviation Directors Workshop. DueJune 30, 2010

Core Activity: Safe Skies for Africa

Activity Target 1:Provide training and/or assistance to at leastthree (3) SSFA countries in FY 2010. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Provide technical assistance and training to supportthe Safe Skies for Africa initiative. This support iscontingent upon funding/sponsor requirements.

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Activity Target 2:Provide a mid-year update to API-1 on trainingand/or assistance completed or planned for theremainder of the fiscal year. Due April 15, 2010

Core Activity: International Meetingsand Visits

Activity Target 1:Provide reports on the results of visits, tours andmeetings arranged through API, and coordinatedby ARC, of foreign aviation officials to FAAregions or the Aeronautical Center, identifyingoutstanding questions, opportunities to progressagency initiatives and other action items within 30days of the end of the visit. Reports will beprovided to API or other LOB as appropriate,within 30 days of the end of the visit. ARCcompliance with the 30-day target will bemonitored monthly, and status reported in Viewsby the ARC international liaison. To be incompliance reports must be complete andsubmitted on time. Due September 30, 2010

ARC Regional Administrators and the AeronauticalCenter Director serve as primary points of contactfor outreach, coordinating and hosting numerousvisits with foreign aviation authorities each year.These visits directly support all seven of theagency's 2009-2014 International PrioritiesStrategic Initiatives.

Organizational ExcellenceARC 2010 Strategic Activities in support of OrganizationalExcellence include:

-Support FAA's overall human capital initiatives throughthe following strategic activities: ARC OrganizationalExcellence Plan, ARC Leadership DevelopmentCompliance, ARC Harassment and Retaliation-FreeWorkplace Training, ARC actions in support of DOT FYgoal that 3 percent of all new hires are individuals withtargeted disabilities, ARC Mission-Critical Hiring, and ARCEmployee Safety.

-Support the goal of a clean audit through the timelyCapitalization of Assets and maintain the Real EstateManagement System (REMS) for the entire Department'sreal property inventory.

-Support the agency-wide effort to control costs andimprove efficiency through the identification of new costsaving initiatives and the development of efficiency metricsfor ARC's major functional areas.

-Support FAA's overall information technology initiativesthrough the following strategic activities: AdministerInformation System Security Program, EnterpriseArchitecture Conformance, Build Enabling PrivacyInfrastructure, Standardize FAA Websites, and IT AuditFindings.

-Increase public awareness and strengthen partnershipsby managing the FAA's Aviation and Space EducationProgram (AVSED).

-Support strategic initiatives through Effective CorporateManagement Training and Training for Air Traffic Control(ATC) Hiring

ARC 2010 Core Activities in support of OrganizationalExcellence include:

-Corporate Leadership and Outreach by representing theFAA Administrator in 10 geographic locations

-Providing various Financial Management and InformationTechnology Services to the entire FAA through theAeronautical Center

-Provide various types of Training to a wide array ofaudiences throughout the FAA and the NAS

-Provide Facility Management and Building Services forHeadquarters, Service Centers, Regions and the MikeMonroney Aeronautical Center

-Provide government wide flight support through Hangar 6

-Support ARC Information Technology infrastructure

-Enhance Operations Centers and EmergencyPreparedness capabilities

-Deliver ARC's Administrative Services/Businessprocesses such as planning, budgeting and businessstandardization efforts

-Oversee Acquisition, Real Estate and MaterielManagement needs for all of FAA and provide services forDOT

-Perform necessary Human Capital functions in line withstrategic requirements

Flight Plan Target: Leadershipand Accountability(Objective) Make the organization more effective withstronger leadership, a results-oriented, highperformance workforce, and a culture of accountability.

Develop and implement Corporate and LOB/SOOrganizational Excellence Action Plans that addressemployee feedback and engagement, and improveorganizational effectiveness, accountability andperformance.

Strategic Initiative: OrganizationalExcellence Action Plans

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Strategic Activity: ARC OrganizationalExcellence Plan

Activity Target 1:LOB/SOs will report to their workforce on theimplementation status and accomplishments oftheir OE Action Plans. Due December 30, 2009

Monitor and assess implementation of FAACorporate and LOB/SO Organizational Excellence(OE) Action Plans to address employee feedbackand engagement, and improve organizationaleffectiveness, accountability and performance.

Activity Target 2:LOB/SOs will monitor the implementation of theirOE Action Plans and use identified methods tocontinue soliciting feedback from their employeeson organizational/workforce issues to improveplanned or ongoing actions. Due March 30, 2010Activity Target 3:LOB/SOs will implement any necessary changesin their OE Action Plans based on employeefeedback and/or changes in organizationaldirection or requirements, and communicatethose changes to employees and continueimplementation. Due June 30, 2010Activity Target 4:LOB/SOs will document their accomplishmentsand lessons learned in implementing their OEAction Plans and communicate results to theiremployees. Due September 30, 2010

Establish corporate managerial training programs thatensure we use resources to effectively align withagency goals, and drive continuous improvement.

Strategic Initiative: ManagerialTraining

Strategic Activity: ARC EstablishEffective Corporate ManagementTraining

Activity Target 1:Design, develop, and/or revise, and delivercorporate training programs and services inaccordance with established AHD-CMELBusiness Rules. (Quarterly). Due September 30,2010

Design and deliver corporate training prioritiesidentified by the Office of Corporate Learning andDevelopment (AHD) in accordance with establishedAHD-CMEL Business Rules.

Activity Target 2:Conduct semi-annual corporate program reviewwith AHD to identify and implement strategies toenhance quality and effectiveness of courses andinstructional services. Due October 30, 2009Activity Target 3:Conduct semi-annual corporate program reviewwith AHD to identify and implement strategies toenhance quality and effectiveness of courses andinstructional services. Due April 30, 2010

Each LOB/SO will track and report quarterly on theircompliance with corporate leadership developmentpolicies and initiatives.

Strategic Initiative: LeadershipDevelopment

Strategic Activity: ARC LeadershipDevelopment Compliance

Activity Target 1:Report quarterly on steps taken to improve orsustain timely completion of probationary trainingand certification. Due September 30, 2010

Each FAA organization will track and reportquarterly in pbviews on their compliance withleadership development policies and initiatives inthe areas of mandatory probationary managertraining, probationary manager certification,Continuing Management Education, and stepstaken to improve compliance rates.

Activity Target 2:Report quarterly on steps taken to meetContinuing Management Education requirementsfor incumbent managers. Due September 30,2010

Each FAA organization will track and report quarterlyon LOB/SO actions to foster a workplace free ofharassment, reprisal, and retaliation.

Strategic Initiative: Harassment,Reprisal, and Retaliation FreeWorkplace

Strategic Activity: ARC Harassment- andRetaliation-Free Workplace Training

Activity Target 1:Report quarterly the number of new managerswho have completed Frontline Managers training,eLMS Course #FAA30200099 - FrontlineManagers Course - Phase 1. Due September 30,2010

Each FAA organization will track and reportquarterly in pbviews on their compliance with thisinitiative in terms of the numbers of people trained.

Activity Target 2:Report quarterly the number of managers whohave completed eLMS course #FAA30200134 -Accountability Board Training for FAA Managers.Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Report quarterly the number of employees whohave completed in-person training sessionsprovided by the Accountability Board or byAccountability Board Human Resources Points ofContact. (eLMS Course #FAA30200174 -Supervisory Skills Training, Accountability BoardTraining for FAA Managers; or eLMS Course#FAA30200177 - Instructor-Led AccountabilityBoard Training for All Employees. DueSeptember 30, 2010

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Activity Target 4:Report quarterly the number of employees whohave completed any other training sessions thataddressed harassment, retaliation, or reprisal inthe workplace. (Your training coordinator shouldenter this data into eLMS with the appropriatecourse number. Or if a course does not exist,have an eLMS Item created.) Due September 30,2010

Each FAA organization will track and report quarterlyon actions taken in support of the Secretary ofTransportation's fiscal year goal that 3 percent of allnew hires are individuals with targeted (severe)disabilities.

Strategic Initiative: New Hires withTargeted Disabilities

Strategic Activity: ARC actions insupport of DOT FY goal that 3% of allnew hires are individuals with targeteddisabilities

Activity Target 1:ARC will provide to ACR a standard quarterlyreport outlining actions taken to increase theirworkforce percentage of individuals with targeteddisabilities. Due September 30, 2010

ARC will track and report quarterly on actions takento support the Secretary of Transportation's fiscalyear goal that 3 percent of all new hires areindividuals with targeted (severe) disabilities.

Flight Plan Target: Cost ControlOrganizations throughout the agency will continue toimplement cost efficiency initiatives such as:10-15 percent savings for strategic sourcing for selectedproducts and services;By the end of FY 2009, reduce leased space forAutomated Flight Service Stations from approximately510,000 square feet to approximately 150,000 squarefeet;Annual reduction of $15 million in InformationTechnology operating costs;By FY 2010, reduce overhead costs 5-10 percentthrough automation of invoice processing. FY 2010Target: 90% of targeted savings

Implement line of business-specific cost efficiency aswell as agency-wide initiatives to reduce costs orimprove productivity.

Strategic Initiative: Cost ControlProgram

Strategic Activity: ARC Real PropertyDisposal

Activity Target 1:Achieve 90% of the $1.2M projected year endsavings. Due September 30, 2010

ARC will ensure that FAA assets are retired in atimely manner.

Activity Target 2:Process 75% of transactions within 30 days fromthe date that the property is reported as inactiveor excess to the time the status code in REMS ischanged to "inactive" or "excess". DueSeptember 30, 2010

Each FAA organization will develop, track, and reportquarterly on a comprehensive measure of itsoperating efficiency or financial performance. Thesemeasures will include: Cost per flight controlled,Research, Engineering, and Development (RE&D)Management Staff Efficiency Measure, GrantAdministration Efficiency Measure, Direct labor costsof certification of foreign and domestic repair stations,Direct labor costs of surveillance of foreign anddomestic repair stations.

Strategic Initiative: Productivity andFinancial Metrics

Strategic Activity: ARC EfficiencyMeasure: Shipping Defects perThousand Issue Transactions

Activity Target 1:Report to ABA on DPT for the FY09 4th quarter.Due October 31, 2009

Track and report quarterly on the efficiency withwhich ARC, through the FAA Logistics Center,ships items to field customers to support themaintenance of NAS equipment. The quality ofthese shipments impacts the ability of NAStechnicians to provide field level maintenance toequipment and systems. Improvement in shippingwill be measured reduction in the number ofshipping defects per thousand issue transactions(DPT). ARC's estimated target for FY 2010 will bedetermined based on FY 2009 actuals.

Combined efficiency measures must account for75% of operating resources. Any additionalmeasures needed to meet the 75% requirementmust be approved by the end of the calendar year.

Activity Target 2:Report to ABA on DPT for the first quarter. DueJanuary 31, 2010Activity Target 3:Report to ABA on DPT for the second quarter.Due April 30, 2010Activity Target 4:Report to ABA on DPT for the third quarter. DueJuly 31, 2010Activity Target 5:Provide updated FY 2011 template for review andapproval in time to be included in the FY 2011Business Plan. Due September 30, 2010

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Strategic Activity: ARC EfficiencyMeasure: Real Property Disposal

Activity Target 1:Report to ABA on timely disposition of disposedassets for the first quarter. Due January 31, 2010

Track and report quarterly on the efficiency withwhich ARC manages and disposes of real propertyassets. Timely disposition of assets will bemeasured by the number of days to processdisposed assets in ARC's Real Estate ManagementSystem. The year end goal will be to designate75% of the disposed assets as "retired" within 30days of the date the disposal forms are receivedfrom ATO.

Note: Combined efficiency measures must accountfor 75% of operating resources. Any additionalmeasures needed to meet the 75% requirementmust be approved by the end of the calendar year.

Activity Target 2:Report to ABA on timely disposition of disposedassets for the second quarter. Due April 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Report to ABA on timely disposition of disposedassets for the third quarter. Due July 31, 2010Activity Target 4:Report to ABA on timely disposition of disposedassets for the FY09 4th quarter. Due October 31,2009Activity Target 5:Provide updated FY 2011 template for review andapproval in time to be included in the FY 2011Business Plan. Due September 30, 2010

Strategic Activity: ARC EfficiencyMeasure: Time to Process TravelVoucher Payments

Activity Target 1:Report to ABA on timely travel voucher paymentsfor the first quarter. Due January 31, 2010

Track and report quarterly on the efficiency withwhich ARC's Enterprise Services Center processestravel payments. Efficient execution of the paymentprocess ensures the traveler's ability to pay theirofficial travel card bill in a timely manner. Thetarget is to process 97% of travel vouchers within 8days of receipt. NOTE: Combined efficiencymeasures must account for 75% of operatingresources. Any additional measures needed tomeet the 75% requirement must be approved by theend of the calendar year.

Activity Target 2:Report to ABA on timely travel voucher paymentsfor the second quarter. Due April 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Report to ABA on timely travel voucher paymentsfor the third quarter. Due July 31, 2010

Activity Target 4:Report to ABA on timely travel voucher paymentsfor the FY09 4th quarter. Due October 31, 2009Activity Target 5:Provide updated FY 2011 template for review andapproval in time to be included in the FY 2011Business Plan. Due September 30, 2010

Strategic Activity: ARC EfficiencyMeasure: Direct to Indirect Labor Ratiofor the FAA Academy

Activity Target 1:Report FY 2010 1st quarter results to ABA for thedirect to indirect FAA Academy labor ratio DueFebruary 28, 2010

ARC will report to ABA quarterly on the ratio ofdirect training costs at the FAA Academy and allindirect Academy costs. Direct training hours arebased on LDR reporting and include instructor timerequired to prepare, conduct, or administer trainingin the classroom environment, as well as the time ofdevelopment of any course material outside theclassroom. The Direct to Indirect Labor activity ratiois a quarterly measure that is used to informmanagement of changing trends and/or the need toadjust workforce direction. An FY 2010 estimatedtarget will be available for the FY 2010 first quarterreporting cycle.

Combined efficiency measures must account for75% of operating resources. Any additionalmeasures needed to meet the 75% requirementmust be approved by the end of the calendar year.

Activity Target 2:Report FY 2010 2nd quarter results to ABA forthe direct to indirect FAA Academy labor ratioDue May 15, 2010Activity Target 3:Report FY 2010 3rd quarter results to ABA for thedirect to indirect FAA Academy labor ratio. DueAugust 15, 2010Activity Target 4:Provide updated FY 2011 measure template forreview and approval, allowing sufficient time to beincluded in the FY 2011 Business Plan DueSeptember 30, 2010

Strategic Activity: ARC EfficiencyMeasure: Enterprise Services CenterSystem AvailabilityARC will report to ABA quarterly on the availabilityof the IT services it manages at the Mike MonroneyAeronautical Center, measured as the percentageof hours systems are available per their servicelevel agreement. The efficiency with which thesesystems are maintained impacts the FAA's ability toaccomplish its mission and functions. FY 2010target: 99%. NOTE: Combined efficiencymeasures must account for 75% of operating

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Activity Target 1:Report FY 2010 1st quarter results to ABA for theavailability of IT services managed by ARC. DueJanuary 31, 2010

resources. Any additional measures needed tomeet the 75% requirement must be approved by theend of the calendar year.

Activity Target 2:Report FY 2010 2nd quarter results to ABA forthe availability of IT services managed by ARC.Due April 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Report FY 2010 3rd quarter results to ABA for theavailability of IT services managed by ARC. DueJuly 31, 2010Activity Target 4:Provide updated FY 2011 measure template forreview and approval, allowing sufficient time to beincluded in the FY 2011 Business Plan. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Strategic Activity: ARC EfficiencyMeasure: Utilization of the PurchaseCard Processing System

Activity Target 1:Report FY 2009 4th quarter results to ABA for thepercentage of staff utilizing the PCPS. DueOctober 31, 2009

ARC will report to ABA quarterly on the percentageof its staff using the Purchase Card ProcessingSystem (PCPS) for the management and tracking ofpurchase card transactions. This automated systemwill ensure adherence to FAA Purchase Card andARC Internal Controls policy and guidance. ARC'sgoal for 2010 is to improve the PCPS usage rate to100 percent.

Combined efficiency measures must account for75% of operating resources. Any additionalmeasures needed to meet the 75% requirementmust be approved by the end of the calendar year.

Activity Target 2:Report FY 2010 1st quarter results to ABA for thepercentage of staff utilizing the PCPS. DueFebruary 28, 2010Activity Target 3:Report FY 2010 2nd quarter results to ABA forthe percentage of staff utilizing the PCPS. DueApril 30, 2010Activity Target 4:Report FY 2010 3rd quarter results to ABA for thepercentage of staff utilizing the PCPS. Due July31, 2010

Strategic Activity: ARC EfficiencyMeasure: Reduction in Expired andExpiring LeasesARC will report to ABA quarterly on the percentage

Activity Target 1:Report FY 2009 4th quarter results to ABA for thereduction in expired and expiring leases. DueOctober 31, 2009

reduction in leases that have not been renewed orformally terminated before the expiration date.Payments by the FAA on leases that are notterminated in the system or superseded through arenegotiated lease results in loss of revenue for theagency, as well as exposure to potential claims.

Combined efficiency measures must account for75% of operating resources. Any additionalmeasures needed to meet the 75% requirementmust be approved by the end of the calendar year.

Activity Target 2:Report FY 2010 1st quarter results to ABA for thereduction in expired and expiring leases. DueFebruary 28, 2010Activity Target 3:Report FY 2010 2nd quarter results to ABA forthe reduction in expired and expiring leases. DueApril 30, 2010Activity Target 4:Report FY 2010 3rd quarter results to ABA for thereduction in expired and expiring leases. DueJuly 31, 2010Activity Target 5:Provide updated FY 2011 measure template forreview and approval, allowing sufficient time to beincluded in the FY 2011 Business Plan. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Improve management of FAA's real property assetsby optimizing maintenance costs and disposing ofexcess assets.

Strategic Initiative: AssetManagement

Strategic Activity: Leadership for OMBDeliverables

Activity Target 1:Review goals and targets for four real propertyperformance measures and sustainability. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Provide leadership in response to the EO 13327and formulating a single DOT response to the OMBdeliverables for Asset Management Initiative

Activity Target 2:Report on Sustainability to OMB. Due December15, 2009

Strategic Activity: Real EstateManagement System (REMS)

Activity Target 1:Provide quarterly REMS system updates toinclude the latest guidance from OMB and

Maintain Real Estate Management System (REMS)for the entire Department's real property inventory

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changes in the DOT internal business processes.Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 2:Provide quarterly refresher training for the REMSusers from ARC logistics, FAA's LOBs and otherDOT Operating Administrations Due September30, 2010

Strategic Activity: Annual Real PropertyInventory

Activity Target 1:Complete of 80% percent of the annual realproperty inventory target. Due September 30,2010

Conduct mandated annual real property inventory ofapproximately one-third of all the Department'sassets.

Activity Target 2:Report annually Department's inventory to theFederal Real Property Profile Database. DueDecember 15, 2009Activity Target 3:Dispose of real property assets worth at least$20M in replacement value and $1.2M inoperations and maintenance costs. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Achieve an annual reduction of $15 million inInformation Technology operating costs.

Strategic Initiative: ReduceInformation Technology OperatingCosts

Strategic Activity: FAA National WirelessProgram Cost Savings (NWP)

Activity Target 1:Achieve 90% projected year end savings of$1,497,923. Due September 30, 2010

Rate Optimization: analysizes the usage todetermine the most cost effective plan for the user.FAA cost baseline will be used to compare futurecost and help determine the FAA cost savings.Volume/Vendor Discounts and Other cost savings:NWP will leverage the volume of the inventory andsize of the contract to obtain additional cost savingswhen possible. Usage tracking: By tracking unusedgovernment equipment throught the zero usagereport will allow cost savings.

Activity Target 2:Provide monthly progress reports through theFlight Plan process which describe status ofcontract award necessary to allow EnterpriseServices Center to assume control of the vendorcontracts to eliminate the 5% EDS/Profitline fee.ESC will assume control not later than end ofFY2010. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Review zero-usage reports quarterly for removalof unused devices Due September 30, 2010

Strategic Activity: Dell Blanket PurchaseAgreement (BPA)

Activity Target 1:Achieve 90% projected year end savings of$4,106,930. Due September 30, 2010

Savings; FAA purchased a 5-year BPA from Dell inFY 06, they are continuing to exercise theiragreement in FY 10. By purchasing a BPA with Dellinstead of going through GSA, FAA has received a20.5% discount from the vendor. The currentaverage savings is 15.7% of total amountpurchased. Assuming similar buying patterns byFAA organizations the projected savings for FY2010 is $4.1M.

Activity Target 2:Achieve projected Quarter One savings of 16%ofannual projection. Due December 31, 2009 DueDecember 31, 2009Activity Target 3:Achieve projected Quarter Two savings of 12%ofannual projection. Due March 31, 2010 DueMarch 31, 2010Activity Target 4:Achieve projected Quarter Three savings of21%of annual projection. Due June 30, 2010 DueJune 30, 2010Activity Target 5:Achieve projected Quarter Four savings of 51%of annual projection. Due September 30, 2010Due September 30, 2010

Flight Plan Target: InformationSecurity ProgramAchieve zero cyber security events that disable orsignificantly degrade FAA services. FY 2010 Target: 0

Protect FAA's information infrastructure usingadvanced cyber defense strategies.

Strategic Initiative: Cyber-SecurityPlan

Strategic Activity: AdministerInformation System Security Program.

Activity Target 1:Ensure all operational/deployed systems on theinventory have current certificaion andauthorization (C&A) and undergo a self-assessment if full C&A is not required. C&As aredue by the anniversary date. Due September 30,2010

ARC provides leadership and technical expertise toeffectively manage the Information System SecurityProgram, working within the funding limitations setby Information Services/Information SystemSecurity (AIO/AIS).

Activity Target 2:Ensure that no cyber events disable or

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significantly degrade an FAA service. DueSeptember 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Remediate high vulnerabilities as identified in theDOT Cyber Security Assessment andManagement (CSAM) portal. Due September 30,2010

Enable enterprise-wide conformance to informationtechnology enterprise architecture.

Strategic Initiative: EnterpriseArchitecture Conformance

Strategic Activity: EnterpriseArchitecture Conformance.

Activity Target 1:Document ARC IT requirements, infrastructureand applications inventories and work with AIO tomaintain a coordinated IT roadmap. DueSeptember 30, 2010

ARC support for enabling enterprise-wideconformance to IT EA to ensure all major NAS

Activity Target 2:ARC will update its infrastructure and applicationinventory. Due March 31, 2010

Protect FAA-sensitive and individual privacyinformation from unauthorized disclosure.

Strategic Initiative: UnauthorizedDisclosure

Strategic Activity: Stabilize InformationAssurance/Privacy Operations.

Activity Target 1:Complete PTAs and PIAs as required by the C&Aanniversary date. Due September 30, 2010

Protect FAA-sensitive and individual privacyinformation from unauthorized disclosure.

Activity Target 2:Participate in the Privacy Compliance activitiesand implement compliance review checklists.Due June 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Coordinate and implement agency privacyguidance. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 4:Identify key personnel with significant privacyresponsibilities by November 30, 2009, andensure privacy training is taken and documentedfor FISMA compliance. Due November 30, 2009Activity Target 5:Report privacy breaches to the CSMC as theyoccur. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 6:Work with Records Officer to schedule allelectronic records for compliance with EGOV ActSection 207. Due September 30, 2010

Strategic Activity: Build EnablingPrivacy Infrastructure.

Activity Target 1:Ensure FIPS 200 requirements have beenintegrated into the Enterprise Architecture. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Encryption efforts.

Activity Target 2:Encrypt all PII systems. Due September 30, 2010

Flight Plan Target: CustomerSatisfactionMaintain the annual average of FAA surveys on theAmerican Customer Satisfaction Index at or above theaverage Federal Regulatory Agency score. FY 2010Target: Government Regulatory Average

Standardize FAA websites making them more usefulfor exchanging information and conducting business.

Strategic Initiative: Standardize FAAWebsites

Strategic Activity: Standardize FAAWebsites

Activity Target 1:Update ARC Web Strategy/Action Plan in writingto the FAA Web Manager and brief FAA WebCouncil on the ARC plan. Due January 29, 2010

Support the strategic initiative to standardize FAAwebsites making them more useful for exchanginginformation and conducting business.

Activity Target 2:Submit ARC web progress report to the FAA WebManagers. Due March 31, 2010Activity Target 3:Submit ARC web progress report to the FAA WebManagers. Due June 30, 2010Activity Target 4:Certify to the Administrator that 90 percent ormore of ARC web pages comply with FAA webstandards, policies, and requirements. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Flight Plan Target: OPM HiringStandardBy FY 2010, 80 percent of FAA external hires will befilled within OPM's 45-day standard for government-wide hiring. FY 2010 Target 80%

In external recruitment efforts, implement corporatestrategies that expand the applicant pool to ensureequal opportunity to all applicants and result inattracting high quality candidates to the FAA.

Strategic Initiative: ExternalRecruiting

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Strategic Activity: ARC Mission-CriticalHiring

Activity Target 1:Update and submit FY10 and FY11 hiringprojections for OPM and agency-specific mission-critical-occupation external hires. Due February28, 2010

Identify OPM and agency-specific mission-criticalexternal hires.

In partnership with other Federal, state and localagencies, aerospace oriented consortiums, and otherprivate sector aviation organizations, enlarge thepipeline of students who are prepared to enter collegeand graduate with an aerospace oriented degree inscience, technology, engineering, and mathematics(STEM).

Strategic Initiative: Aviation andSpace Education Program

Strategic Activity: AVSED - EducatorWorkshops

Activity Target 1:Reach a minimum 250 educators through teacherworkshops in five FAA regions. Monitor thepercentage of educators reached monthly. DueSeptember 30, 2010

In coordination with various Federal, state and localagencies, aerospace oriented consortiums andother private sector aviation organizations, conductRegional Based Educator Workshops.

Strategic Activity: AVSED - STEM BasedACE Academies

Activity Target 1:Conduct 18 STEM based ACE Academiesreaching a minimum of 400 students. Monitor thepercentage of academies conducted andstudents reached monthly. Due September 30,2010

Working with partnering organizations, coordinateSTEM based ACE Academies.

Strategic Activity: AVSED - PublicAwareness

Activity Target 1:Develop and coordinate an AVSED Program atone Public Aviation Outreach Event and reach aminimum of 1,500 students. Due August 31, 2010

Increase general public awareness of FAA Aviationand Space Education Programs.

Strategic Activity: AVSED - Partnerships

Activity Target 1:Establish one new formal partnership to achieveAVSED outreach goals. Due August 31, 2010

Establish new formal partnerships to leverageresources in support of AVSED goals.

Activity Target 2:Conduct one collaborative, STEM based, activitythrough an established partnership. Due

September 30, 2010

Flight Plan Target: ReduceWorkplace InjuriesReduce the total workplace injury and illness case rateto no more than 2.44 per 100 employees by the end ofFY 2011, and maintain through FY 2013. FY 2010Target: 2.52 per 100 employees

Reduce workplace injuries through employee safetyprogram evaluations and OSHA Voluntary ProtectionProgram measures.

Strategic Initiative: ReduceWorkplace Injuries

Strategic Activity: ARC Employee Safety

Activity Target 1:ARC managers/supervisors will use at least twomeans of communication to inform employees ofavailable agency-wide performance in employeesafety and health in the workplace environment.ARC will include employee safety in performanceplans and performance evaluations of itsmanagers/supervisors. Due July 27, 2010

ARC is committed to supporting initiatives,programs and policies that improve agency-wideperformance in employee safety and health in theworkplace environment.

Activity Target 2:ARC managers will contact local OSH experts atthe regional offices to assist in conducting localARC office Safety and Health inspections. DueJuly 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Provide OSH training to new employees,explaining the mishap and hazard reportingprocess in the FAA Due August 27, 2010Activity Target 4:Prepare annual report on ARC's OSH programaccomplishments for the previous year. DueMarch 26, 2010Activity Target 5:ARC Regional Administrators will be keptinformed of significant issues that impact theirregions. Due June 30, 2010

Flight Plan Target: Clean AuditObtain an unqualified opinion on the agency's financialstatements (Clean Audit with no material weaknesses)each fiscal year. FY 2010 Target: Clean Audit with nomaterial weaknesses

Improve timeliness and accuracy of financialtransactions by capitalizing assets in a timely manner.

Strategic Initiative: Capitalization ofAssets

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Strategic Activity: Support onCapitalization of Assets

Activity Target 1:Provide data and analysis to support the accrualof assets placed in service but not yet posted inDelphi on a quarterly basis with an accuracy rateof +/- 10% of actual activity when compared tothe look back analysis 60 days after the end ofthe quarter. Due February 28, 2010

Provide timely and accurate data to support thecapitalization of assets.

Activity Target 2:Provide data and analysis to support the accrualof assets placed in service but not yet posted inDelphi on a quarterly basis with an accuracy rateof +/- 10% of actual activity when compared tothe look back analysis 60 days after the end ofthe quarter. Due May 31, 2010Activity Target 3:Provide data and analysis to support the accrualof assets placed in service but not yet posted inDelphi on a quarterly basis with an accuracy rateof +/- 10% of actual activity when compared tothe look back analysis 60 days after the end ofthe quarter. Due August 31, 2010Activity Target 4:85% of assets will be capitalized within 60 daysof date placed in service. Due September 30,2010Activity Target 5:80% of asset capitalization packages will notcontain reporting errors, will be complete, andhave accurate accounting treatment uponsubmission to AFM for QA review. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Closeout prior year information technology AuditFindings not later than the second quarter of eachfiscal year, and receive no significant deficienciesrelated to new IT Notices of Findings andRecommendations (NFR).

Strategic Initiative: IT Audit Findings

Strategic Activity: IT Audit Findings.

Activity Target 1:Close out/complete corrective actions to prioryear NFRs. Due March 31, 2010

Correct High and Medium Vulnerabilities andreceive no Significant Deficiencies related to new ITNFRs.

Activity Target 2:Within 1 month timeframe of being provided CIOproduced scan report, system owners willImplement corrective actions/fixes to HighVulnerabilities on that report. Due monthly. DueSeptember 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Within 2 month timeframe of being provided CIOproduced scan report, system owners will

implement corrective actions/fixes to majority(51%) of Medium Vulnerabilities. Due bi-monthly.Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 4:Within 2 month timeframe of being provided CIOproduced scan report, system owners willdevelop plan of action & milestones for correctionof remaining Medium Vulnerabilities (49%) anddevelop Risk Acceptance from SystemAuthorizing Official for those vulnerabilities thatwill not be mitigated. Due bi-monthly. DueSeptember 30, 2010Activity Target 5:Report on Report on a monthly basis to the FAACIO, for the vulnerabilities found in the CIOproduced scan report, indicate vulnerabilitiesfixed, dates for planned fixes, and riskacceptance letters in place if any. Due monthly.Due September 30, 2010

Flight Plan Target: ATCPositions Workforce PlanMaintain the air traffic controller workforce at, or up to 2percent above, the projected annual totals in the AirTraffic Controller Workforce Plan. FY 2010 Target: ator up to 2% above annual target

Implement the hiring, training, staffing analysis, andmanagement recommendations of the Air TrafficController Workforce Plan to support FAA's safetymission and meet external stakeholder requirements.Update and report annually on agency progress.

Strategic Initiative: ATC WorkforcePlan

Strategic Activity: ARC (AMA) Trainingfor Air Traffic Control (ATC) Hiring

Activity Target 1:As projected at the beginning of the FY by ATO,conduct 100% of programmed ATC initialqualification training courses. Status will betracked monthly and reported in Views. DueSeptember 20, 2010

The FAA Academy will provide ATC initialqualification training.

Maintain a rate of TBD for the resolution of issues at thelocal (regional or center) level. The baseline will bedetermined by 9/30/10.

Core Business Target: CorporateLeadership and Outreach

Develop and strengthen relationships throughmeaningful interaction with industry and militaryleaders, government officials, and communityinvolvement.

Core Business Initiative: CorporateLeadership and Outreach

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Core Activity: Corporate Leadershipand Outreach

Activity Target 1:Each Regional Administrator, and/or his/her staff,will participate in a minimum of 20 conferences,meetings, tradeshows and other outreach eventsthat allow direct interaction with industry, themilitary, other government officials and localcommunities (i.e., State Secretary ofTransportation, Large Airport Directors, StateAviation Directors, Mayors and CommunityLeaders). Due September 30, 2010

The Regional Administrators (RA) and CenterDirector (CD) serve as the corporate representativefor the FAA Administrator in ten geographiclocations. They are the face of the FAA withaviation entities, elected officials, military,educational institutions, federal partners, and thegreater regional community. RAs and the CDdevelop and foster functional relationships thatenhance the safety, efficiency, and capacity of theNational Airspace System by presenting aconsistent message and image.

Activity Target 2:Under the National Association of State AviationOfficials (NASAO)/Federal AdministrationMemorandum of Agreement (MOA) (if applicableto your region), develop with NASAO, andcoordinate with the appropriate lines of business,one or more initiatives that will further our mutualgoals. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Each Regional Administrator will communicateformally or informally at least twice with theirCongressional delegation or senior staff at statelevel. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 4:The Regional Administrator and staff will facilitateresolution of issues that cross organizational linesof business or involve members of the aviationindustry. RA will produce a quarterly writtensummary of issues that were addressed. DueSeptember 30, 2010Activity Target 5:Each Regional Administrator will conduct at leasttwo All Hands meetings to update employees andto solicit employee input concerning currentissues. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 6:Develop and implement a method to track variouscharacteristics of the outreach performed byRegional Administrators. Examples include:Purpose of meeting/contact, time spent, group(s)interacted with, issues resolved, issues requiringfollow-up, etc. This data will be used to establishthe baseline needed to measure CorporateLeadership and Outreach. Due December 31,2009

Achieve an overall 90 percent positive customersatisfaction rating on the following surveys: OAS ARCHelp Desk customer survey, Printing and Distributioncustomer survey, Multi-Media Services customersurvey, Delphi customer survey (after Tier 2 Help Deskticket is closed).

Core Business Target: FinancialManagement and InformationTechnology Services (MMAC)

Provide integrated business services and solutions tothe Federal Government through the EnterpriseService Center (ESC) at the Mike MonroneyAeronautical Center.

Core Business Initiative: FinancialManagement and InformationTechnology Services (MMAC)

Core Activity: Financial ManagementServices

Activity Target 1:Ensure less than .02 percent of total invoicedollar volume paid is in interest penalties. Trackyear-to-date average on monthly basis. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Financial Management Services providesadministrative services to customers regardingcommercial payments, travel payments, costaccounting, accounts receivable, and maintenanceof general ledger accounts. During 2010 FinancialManagement services will control cost associatedwith interest penalties paid due to late invoicepayments.

Core Activity: Information TechnologyServices

Activity Target 1:Maintain 99 percent of scheduled systemavailability for the following systems, inaccordance with availability described in theirrespective Service Level Agreements, DELPHI,PRISM, CASTLE and SWIFT. Track year-to-dateaverage and report status monthly. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Provide technical and business services andinformation technology solutions.

Achieve a 95 percent positive end of course rating for alltraining courses (FY 2009 target was 94 percent).

Core Business Target: Training

Provide various types of training throughout the FAAand NAS through the FAA Academy and CMEL.

Core Business Initiative: Training

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Core Activity: Managerial and ExecutiveTraining

Activity Target 1:Conduct 100 percent of funded/programmedtraining classes as requested by AHD. Metrictracked monthly. Due September 30, 2010

Executive/Management Training - Conduct all(100%) funded/programmed training classes asrequested by AHD for FY 2010.

Core Activity: Technical Training

Activity Target 1:Conduct at least 98 percent of programmedtechnical training required by FAA customerorganizations, excluding offerings cancelled bythe customer organization. Due September 30,2010

The FAA Academy delivers technical training andrelated support services for the agency and otheraviation organizations including internationalorganizations.

Activity Target 2:Develop and convert three courses to EnhancedHands-On Training (EHOT)/Demonstration ofProficiency (DoP). Due September 30, 2010

Ensure that the Headquarters' Buildings are suitable foroperation at least 95 percent of the time, maintain anaverage utilization rate for administrative space layoutsfor the Aeronautical Center of 152.5 occupiable squarefeet per person, and develop and baseline measures forRegional building availability and reliability.

Core Business Target: Facilitiesand Building Services

ARC provides facility management and buildingservices for Washington Headquarters, ServiceCenters, Regions and the Mike MonroneyAeronautical Center. The over arching goal is tocreate a safe, secure, professional andenvironmentally compliant work environment for FAAemployees, contractors, and tenant organizations.

Core Business Initiative: Facilitiesand Building Services

Core Activity: Facilities and BuildingServices - MMAC

Activity Target 1:The average utilization rate for administrativespace layouts designed for ARC AMCorganizations in FY-10 will comply with the FAAAMS policy standard of 152.5 occupiable square

The Aeronautical Center Office of FacilityManagement provides oversight of operations andmaintenance programs, construction of newfacilities, environmental and occupational safetycompliance in support of the buildings andinfrastructure and related services for ARC andtenant organizations located at the Mike MonroneyAeronautical Center in Oklahoma.

feet per person. Due September 30, 2010

Activity Target 2:The Aeronautical Center will complete energyand water evaluations for 75% of theAeronautical Center Facilities by September 30,2010 in compliance with the EnergyIndependence & Security Act of 2007. (50%completed in FY-09 & 25% completed in FY-10).Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 3:The Aeronautical Center will achieve Third PartyRegistration of the MMAC Occupational Health &Safety Management System (HSMS) inaccordance with OHSAS 18001. Due September30, 2010

Core Activity: Facilities and BuildingServices - Headquarters

Activity Target 1:Ensure that the Headquarters' Buildings aresuitable for Headquarters' operation at least 95percent of the time. Due September 30, 2010

Facility Operations and Maintenance is responsiblefor ensuring the availability, accessibility, andoperability of FAA Headquarters administrativeoffice space each business day and whennecessary during emergencies including monitoringbuilding maintenance and repairs, groundmaintenance and landscaping, customer servicedesk requests for custodial services, buildingtemperatures, electrical outages, conference roomand fleet management. Safety, Environmental,Administrative Telecommunications and TransitBenefits is responsible for managing, processing,and overseeing safety, environmental, hardwiretelecommunications, and transit benefits includingvoice/data line requests, reconciling administrativetelecommunications budget, monitoring indoor airand water quality, and Occupant EmergencyEvacuation Plan readiness

Activity Target 2:Ensure that the Headquarters' continuousoperations functions are operable 100 percent ofthe time. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Certify that 90 percent of assigned governmentvehicles are maintained and available quarterlyfor business operations and emergency use. DueSeptember 30, 2010Activity Target 4:Revalidate parking throughout the Headquarters'community and enforce parking policy toeliminate fraud. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 5:Provide quarterly indoor air quality and waterquality assessments and reports for all FAAHeadquarters occupied buildings. DueSeptember 30, 2010

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Activity Target 6:Update the Silver Spring HeadquartersTelecommunications System. Due September 30,2010Activity Target 7:Establish an electronic application process for theWashington Headquarters Transit BenefitProgram. Due September 30, 2010

Core Activity: Facilities and BuildingServices - Regions

Activity Target 1:Define and identify specific safety indicators tomeasure employee safety by 09/30/10. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Maintain an FAA work environment that is safe,efficient and adaptable to changing requirements.(*FY2010 -- Baseline and Developmental -- activitywill consist of baseline and collection targets.) --Identify the key service areas, determining theappropriate tools to track the associated workloads,to gather a sample baseline that can be used tovalidate and adjust assumptions as appropriate,and then to establish a formal baseline.(*FY2011 -- Execution and Measurement -- activitywill consist of measuring the baseline data identifiedin FY2010)

Activity Target 2:Define and identify consistent indicators tobaseline and measure regional buildingavailability and reliability factors by 09/30/2010.Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 3:By 09/30/2010, institute the ARCHIBUS softwarein 9 regions to standardize and baseline facilitiesand building services data. Due September 30,2010

Core Activity: Real and PersonalProperty Management

Activity Target 1:Conduct monthly meetings with regional &Headquarters POC to discuss program initiativesand goals and identify 11 percent of spaceassignments that could be consolidated, reduced,or eliminated to capture efficiencies and savings.Due September 30, 2010

Responsible for overseeing GSA, ASH and AVSleases, personal property and move managementincluding quarterly reconciliation of GSA rentAccount, inventorying and disposing personalproperty, and timely physical moves of FAAemployees and/or organizations to support theagency's mission.

Activity Target 2:Conduct three regional site visits to ensure thatspace standard compliances are maintained. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Activity Target 3:Provide monthly budgetary reporting documentsthat outline regional and headquarters projectiondata. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 4:Update the GSA Rent guidance in the AMS toincorporate existing practices. Due June 30, 2010Activity Target 5:Conduct a random sampling (10 percent) ofCredit Card Holder and Requisitioners to ensurethat Personal Property accountability ismaintained and such items as invoices andbarcodes are entered into AITS. Due September30, 2010Activity Target 6:Reduce outstanding unaccounted personalproperty transactions by 10 percent (over 2009).Due September 30, 2010

Core Activity: Design and ConstructionReal Property Management

Activity Target 1:Conduct quarterly Administrative Councilmeetings to review and discuss constructioninitiatives on prospectus level projects and otherconstruction efforts, which are planned or active.Due September 30, 2010

The Design and Construction Branch developsnationwide goals and improvement initiatives tosupport the Administrative Spaceholder's Councildecisions for the best use of administrative officespace. The D&C Branch is responsible for spacerenovations, alterations, and construction projectsfor both major and minor in complexity and cost, forall facilities in the FAA administrative spaceportfolio, which includes the Regions, ServiceCenters, MMAC, and WJHTC, and the WashingtonArea Metroplex of buildings. Plan an effectivetransition into new Service Centers' (Seattle, FortWorth, Atlanta) office buildings.

Activity Target 2:Develop a multi-year plan to renovate FAAHeadquarters building, FOB-10A. Due March 31,2010Activity Target 3:Develop a funding procurement strategy tosupport Service Center Prospectus projects. DueSeptember 30, 2010Activity Target 4:Conduct an assessment of facility infrastructurecapabilities to support continued occupation,without service interruptions, for the near andfuture use of FB-10A. Due July 31, 2010Activity Target 5:Develop a "green" initiative to procure and utilizemaximum post-consumer products for carpet,systems furniture, window treatment fabrics andother components provided with alteration

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projects. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 6:Identify number of building/facility plans oractions necessary to support the transition to anew Service Center buildings (such as buildingevacuation plans, floor warden training, andcodifying building standards). Due September 30,2010Activity Target 7:Evaluate, define and identify a list of buildingservices that will differ in the new Service Centerbuildings (warehouse, conference center, maildeliveries, re-cycling programs/processes, utilityusage patterns and monitoring processes). DueSeptember 30, 2010

Achieve 100 of the annual requirements for flight hoursand training.

Core Business Target:Washington Flight ProgramOffice - Hangar 6

Safely operate and maintain aircraft based at RonaldReagan Washington National Airport (Hangar 6) inaccordance with applicable Federal AviationRegulations (FARs), FAA Orders, Flight StandardsDistrict Office (FSDO) guidelines, and internal policyand procedures. Provide on-demand airtransportation support to the Secretary ofTransportation, the FAA Administrator, and the NTSB,and, on a reimbursable basis, other federalgovernment organizations.

Core Business Initiative:Washington Flight Program Office -Hangar 6

Core Activity: Washington FlightProgram Office - Hangar 6

Activity Target 1:Perform at least 400 hours of accident andincident-free flight operations in each aircraft inFY 2010. Due September 30, 2010

Conduct flight, maintenance, training, administrativeand budget operations in support of the Hangar 6mission and ARC objectives.

Activity Target 2:Complete 100 percent of required initial orrecurrent pilot training for all Hangar 6 pilots asspecified by FAR 135 in FY 2010. DueSeptember 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Complete 100 percent of the FAA and industrytraining required to achieve the FAA AircraftMaintenance Technician Diamond Certificate ofExcellence Award for Hangar 6. Due September30, 2010

Activity Target 4:Develop an MOU reimbursement monitoringprogram and input data for all MOU BA/PA limitsto improve cost recovery effectiveness. DueSeptember 30, 2010Activity Target 5:Evaluate 100 percent of existing reimbursableagreements, eliminate those that are inactive,and upload those that are active into thereimbursable tool set. Due September 30, 2010

Achieve a 90 percent positive rating in the areas ofCustomer Service and Security and reduce LifecycleCosts by 10 percent.

Core Business Target:Information TechnologyManagement

Fill the critical need for a corporate integrator ofinformation technology to ensure organizations andstakeholder are communicating and collaborating tomeet agency commitments and to enhance thedelivery of shared services.

Core Business Initiative:Information TechnologyManagement

Core Activity: Customer Service

Activity Target 1:Maintain service delivery in accordance withestablished Service Level Agreements (SLAs).Due September 30, 2010

ARC Customer Service Activities

Activity Target 2:Achieve resolution of help desk tickets at theresponse times established in the Service LevelAgreements (SLAs) (Remedy database trackingtickets open and closed). Due September 30,2010Activity Target 3:Achieve a 90 percent satisfaction rating among ITusers as measured by Customer SatisfactionSurveys. Due September 30, 2010

Core Activity: Security

Activity Target 1:Update and redeploy a Privacy and SecurityAwareness Program. Due September 30, 2010

ARC Security Activities

Activity Target 2:Identify benchmark response times to breach andsecurity incidents and maintain requiredresponse levels. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Achieve 100 percent compliance with Patchmanagement Standard Operating Procedures.Due September 30, 2010

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Core Activity: Lifecycle Costs

Activity Target 1:Baseline costs for user provisioning. DueSeptember 30, 2010

ARC Lifecycle Costs Activities

Activity Target 2:Identify and implement initiatives to reduce costfor System Development Life Cycle projects. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Achieve 80 percent of the operational objectives of theC-ROC/ROC national transfer of operations exerciseperformed during the year and 100 percent of theactivities associated with Crisis Response to ensureARC readiness and maintain mission critical operations.

Core Business Target:Operations Centers andEmergency Preparedness

Achieve 80 percent of the operational objectives of theC-ROC/ROC national transfer of operations exerciseperformed during the year and 100 percent of theactivities associated with Crisis Response to ensureARC readiness and maintain mission criticaloperations.

Core Business Initiative: OperationsCenters and EmergencyPreparedness

Core Activity: Operations Centers andEmergency Preparedness

Activity Target 1:Conduct a C-ROC/ROC transfer of operationsexercise in each of the three service areas tomaintain and enhance emergency preparedness.Due June 30, 2010

Enhance operations centers and emergencypreparedness through the Cornerstone-RegionalOperations Center (C-ROC) and the RegionalOperations Center (ROC), Continuity of OperationsExercises, Regional Emergency TransportationCoordinators and Representatives (RETCOs andRETREPs).

Activity Target 2:Conduct a national C-ROC/ROC simultaneoustransfer of operations exercise with all nineregions to maintain and enhance emergencypreparedness. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Upgrade (2) two ROCs to next--generationstandard ROCs as defined in the 2009Document, Baseline Requirements for NextGeneration ROCs. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 4:Establish baseline requirement document forsecond-generation C-ROCs to keep pace withnew technology and software to further enhance

operational customer service. Due June 30, 2010Activity Target 5:Design and execute DOT and ONEDOT Atlantateam Resiliency exercise. Continuity ofOperations/Continuity of Government. DueSeptember 30, 2010Activity Target 6:Complete an assessment in ASW (devolutionsite) of the local team's readiness to support thedevolution plan. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 7:Conduct one DOT partnership meeting withregional transportation stakeholders in each FAARETCO/RETREP Region. Due September 30,2010Activity Target 8:Conduct an ARC/ASO C-Roc Operations Officertraining exercise involving DOT CrisisManagement Center (CMC) systems and transferof CMC operations to fortify the role as DOTalternate continuity of operations site. DueAugust 31, 2010

Core Activity: Crisis Response (ARC)

Activity Target 1:Each region and Aeronautical Center will conductan internal FAA exercise to test procedures forCrisis Response Readiness. Due August 31,2010

Ensure the readiness of regional offices and theAeronautical Center to react natural and man-madedisasters and maintain mission critical operations.

Activity Target 2:At least three regions will conduct a multi-agencyexercise to test readiness levels, identify bestpractices and standardize procedures. Due June30, 2010Activity Target 3:Each region and Aeronautical Center will conducttesting of the ARC Annex to the FAA Plan forSustaining Essential Services and associatedregion/center appendices. Due December 31,2009

Achieve an average rating of at least 90 percent Greenfor the measures included in ABU's Operational andF&E Monthly Scorecard. Rolling average is based onthe activity for the last 6 months.

Core Business Target:Administrative Services(Business Processes)

Support services in the areas of planning, budget andbusiness processes.

Core Business Initiative:Administrative Services (BusinessProcesses)

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Core Activity: Planning and Budget

Activity Target 1:Monitor, report and refine ARC's project and taskstructure at least quarterly. Due September 30,2010

ARC planning and budget efforts. ARC's focus in2010 is establishing a baseline using Project andTask data to improve planning and budgetintegration though efficiency and effectivenessmeasures.

Activity Target 2:Monitor and report the rate of Labor DistributionReport (LDR) compliance at least quarterly. DueSeptember 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Establish a practicing baseline for cost basedanalysis and decision making. Due September30, 2010

Core Activity: ISO - Regions and CenterOperations

Activity Target 1:Complete ISO 9001:2008(E) pre-certificationactivities consisting of an Internal Gap Analysisfor ALO Headquarters. Due February 19, 2010

Implement International Standards Organization(ISO) 9001:2008(E) in ARC

Activity Target 2:Complete ISO 9001:2008(E) pre-certificationactivities consisting of an Internal Gap Analysisfor ARC Headquarters. Due May 28, 2010Activity Target 3:Complete ISO 9001:2008(E) pre-certificationactivities consisting of a 3rd Party Gap Analysisfor the Central Logistics Service Area. Due June30, 2010Activity Target 4:Complete ISO 9001:2008(E) pre-certificationactivities consisting of a 3rd Party Gap Analysisfor the Eastern Logistics Service Area. Due April30, 2010Activity Target 5:Complete ISO 9001:2008(E) pre-certificationactivities consisting of a 3rd Party Gap Analysisfor the Western Logistics Service Area. Due May21, 2010Activity Target 6:Conduct Stage 1 of ISO 9001:2008(E)implementation activities to prepare for ISOCertification in the Logistics Service Areas andARC Headquarters. Due May 14, 2010Activity Target 7:Conduct Stage 2 of ISO activities - Maintainsteady state and begin application of process forISO 9001:2008(E) Certification in the AviationLogistics Organization - Headquarters' Division.Due September 30, 2010

Core Activity: SMS - SafetyManagement System

Activity Target 1:Develop a draft ARC SMS Order. Due June 30,2010

ARC activities associated with the SafetyManagement System (SMS)

Activity Target 2:Develop an ARC SMS Implementation Program.Due September 15, 2010Activity Target 3:Develop an ARC-wide training to include bothheadquarter and regional personnel. This trainingwill include both eLMS and in-person train thetrainer classes. Due September 15, 2010

Ensure 70 percent of FOIA requests are processed byFAA suspense date.

Core Business Target: Freedomof Information Act (FOIA)

Oversee FAA FOIA service for the entire agency.

Core Business Initiative: Freedom ofInformation Act (FOIA)

Core Activity: Freedom of InformationAct (FOIA)

Activity Target 1:Reduce overdue FOIAs by 10 percent from the2010 overdue baseline. Due July 31, 2010

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program

Activity Target 2:Reduce "no records" appeal backlog by 50percent from the 2010 baseline. Due September30, 2010

Obtain an overall customer survey rating for AcquisitionServices of at least 4.0 out of 5.0.

Core Business Target: ARM -Acquisition

Acquisition activities performed by the LogisticsService Areas and Mike Monroney AeronauticalCenter (AMQ) acquisition staffs include: planning,solicitation, evaluation, negotiation, award, contractadministration, protest and disputes, termination andcloseout of formal contracts, purchase orders, taskorders and blanket purchase agreements.

Core Business Initiative: ARM -Acquisition

Core Activity: AcquisitionAcquisition activities performed by the LogisticsService Areas and Mike Monroney AeronauticalCenter (AMQ) acquisition staffs include: planning,solicitation, evaluation, negotiation, award, contractadministration, protest and disputes, termination

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Activity Target 1:Award at least 90% of all formal contracts (over$100K) in less than 180 calendar days (AMQ)and in less than 120 days (Logistics ServiceAreas) from the time a purchase request isreceived from the requiring organization. Begindata collection by October 1, 2009 and reportresults quarterly. Due September 30, 2010

and closeout of formal contracts, purchase orders,task orders and blanket purchase agreements.

Activity Target 2:Deliver at least two training sessions in eachService Area and the Aeronautical Center (8total) to acquisition customers. The subjects oftraining sessions will be based upon areasidentified in ongoing customer servicediscussions. Due June 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Analyze and assess compliance trends from theFY2009 purchase card audits and conductquarterly random sample reviews of the FY 2010purchase card transactions. Use findings fromthese assessments to improve existing trainingand guidance provided to card holders, leading toa reduction in the number of noncompliance. DueSeptember 30, 2010Activity Target 4:Expand the milestone tracking system(implemented in FY-09 for acquisition actionsover $1M) to include all actions exceeding$500K. Due October 1, 2009

Complete 20 percent of expiring or expired no-cost, on-airport land leases to MOA's.

Core Business Target: ARM -Real Estate

Real Estate - acquisition, management, and disposalof real property assets, and real estate and leasenegotiations and real estate contract preparation andadministration. In addition, the staffs provide data andinventory input to real estate related applications.

Core Business Initiative: ARM - RealEstate

Core Activity: ARM - Real Estate

Activity Target 1:Deliver a corporate plan for mandatory trainingfor all 1170's to ALO-200. Due September 30,2010

Real Estate - acquisition, management, anddisposal of real property assets, and real estate andlease negotiations and real estate contractpreparation and administration. In addition, thestaffs provide data and inventory input to real estaterelated applications.

Activity Target 2:ALO-200 will develop a format for the plan to bedelivered. Due December 31, 2009

Activity Target 3:Each Logistics Service Area will complete a planfor each of the 1170's to complete at a minimumone mandatory course. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 4:Amend all MOAs to include 100 percent of thoseASOS not included in the current MOA. DueSeptember 30, 2010Activity Target 5:Reduce the total number of current expiredleases to less than 4 percent. Due September 30,2010Activity Target 6:Develop a plan to reduce the number of expiredleases in FY-2010. Due December 31, 2009Activity Target 7:Reduce holdover leases by 25 percent of processcondemnations. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 8:Improve the quality of policy and guidance forReal Estate Contracting Officers in AcquisitionManagement System by updating existing policyand guidance. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 9:Complete a Real Estate Evaluation Program(REEP) review of three real estate offices in oneLogistics Service Area (LSA). The reviewincludes completing the evaluations and draftingfinding and recommendations. Due September30, 2010

Process 95 percent of Reports of Excess within the 125day requirement.

Core Business Target: ARM -Materiel Management

Oversee real property management for the entireDepartment of transportation and coordinate thefinancial and accountability policy for FAA personalproperty.

Core Business Initiative: ARM -Materiel Management

Core Activity: ARM - MaterielManagement

Activity Target 1:Conduct one training course at CMEL (formallydeveloped in FY09) for Materiel and PersonalProperty Employees. Due September 30, 2010

Oversee real property management for the entireDepartment of transportation and coordinate thefinancial and accountability policy for FAA personalproperty.

Activity Target 2:Reduce the number of returned Cap QCChecklists - determine and analyze the number ofreturned Cap QC Checklists during FY09, designand implement process improvements,

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and establish targets to reduce the number ofpackages returned. Due September 30, 2010Activity Target 3:Process 95 percent of Reports of Excess withinthe 125 day requirement. Due September 30,2010Activity Target 4:Process the Motor Fleet invoices in P-Net inaccordance with established timelines (timelinedates to be added). (100%) Due September 30,2010Activity Target 5:Provide Customer Training by conducting at leasttwo personal property workshops in each ServiceArea. Due September 30, 2010

Achieve a TBD percentage of positive responses to theARC Human Capital Survey. Newly implementedsurvey - Baseline to be established in 2010.

Core Business Target: ARC -Human Capital

Oversee all areas of ARC's human capitalmanagement including hiring, time and attendance,performance reviews, disciplinary actions, etc. 2010focus will be on developing a workable ARC HumanCapital Management Plan.

Core Business Initiative: ARC -Human Capital

Core Activity: PerformanceManagement

Activity Target 1:Finalize ARC's current 40 JAT's that wereidentified and standardized in 2008 and assign topositions meeting the series and level. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Inventory existing skills and access skills needed forperformance management.

Activity Target 2:Review the finalized JAT's to see if they supportthe ARC's business planning and performancemeasurement process including the establishedtargets and thresholds, performance datacollection and input into the business plan. DueSeptember 30, 2010

Core Activity: Employee Development

Activity Target 1:Within 30-days of employment all new ARCemployees must complete an IndividualDevelopment Plans (IDP) for their assignedposition: (1) The Electronic LearningManagement System (eLMS) will be used, and(2) Managers and supervisors will monitor andevaluate employee's progress. Due September30, 2010

Indentify assessment criteria for identified job seriesand perform the needed actions for thedevelopment of ARC employees.

Activity Target 2:Complete Individual Development Plans (IDP) inthe DOT Electronic Learning ManagementSystem (eLMS). Due December 31, 2009

Core Activity: Succession Planning

Activity Target 1:Identify the following items for Executives anddocument the findings in a formal successionplanning document: (1) Core competencies forExecutives, (2) Recruitment techniques forexisting executives (internal and external) and (3)Anticipated progression path for existing seniormanagers. Due September 30, 2010

Evaluate succession planning needs for Executives,Managers/Supervisors and Non-Supervisors.

Activity Target 2:Identify the following items forManagers/Supervisors and document thefindings in a formal succession planningdocument: (1) Targeted competencies, (2)Establishment of talent pools and (3)Development strategies for future managers (ex:Program for Emergent Leaders). Due September30, 2010Activity Target 3:Identify the following items for Non-Supervisorsand document the findings in a formal successionplanning document: (1) Targeted competenciesand (2) Various skills training. Due September30, 2010

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