arbon, edward; smet, peter; gunn, lachlan; mcdonnell, mark

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Page 1: Arbon, Edward; Smet, Peter; Gunn, Lachlan; McDonnell, Mark

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Arbon, Edward; Smet, Peter; Gunn, Lachlan; McDonnell, MarkAnomaly Detection in Satellite Communications Systems using LSTM Networks

Published in:2018 Military Communications and Information Systems Conference, MilCIS 2018 - Proceedings


Published: 12/12/2018

Document VersionPeer reviewed version

Please cite the original version:Arbon, E., Smet, P., Gunn, L., & McDonnell, M. (2018). Anomaly Detection in Satellite Communications Systemsusing LSTM Networks. In 2018 Military Communications and Information Systems Conference, MilCIS 2018 -Proceedings [8574109] IEEE.

Page 2: Arbon, Edward; Smet, Peter; Gunn, Lachlan; McDonnell, Mark

Anomaly Detection in Satellite CommunicationsSystems using LSTM Networks

Lachlan Gunn∗, Peter Smet†, Edward Arbon†and Mark D. McDonnell‡

∗Department of Computer Science, Aalto University, Finland, Email: [email protected]†Defence Science and Technology Group, Adelaide, Australia, Email: [email protected]

‡Computational Learning Systems Laboratory, School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences,University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes SA 5095, Australia, Email: [email protected]

Abstract—Most satellite communications monitoring tools usesimple thresholding of univariate measurements to alert theoperator to unusual events [1] [2]. This approach suffers fromfrequent false alarms, and is moreover unable to detect sequenceor multivariate anomalies [3]. Here we consider the problemof detecting outliers in high-dimensional time-series data, suchas transponder frequency spectra. Long Short Term Memory(LSTM) networks are able to form sophisticated representationsof such multivariate temporal data, and can be used to predictfuture sequences when presented with sufficient context. Wereport here on the utility of LSTM prediction error as a de-facto measure for detecting outliers. We show that this approachsignificantly improves on simple threshold models, as well ason moving average and static predictors. The latter simplyassume the next trace will be equal to the previous trace. Theadvantages of using an LSTM network for anomaly detection aretwofold. Firstly, the training data do not need to be labelled. Thisalleviates the need to provide the model with specific examplesof anomalies. Secondly, the trained model is able to detectpreviously unseen anomalies. Such anomalies have a degree ofunpredictability that makes them stand out. LSTM networksare further able to potentially detect more nuanced sequenceand multivariate anomalies. These occur when all values arewithin normal tolerances, but the sequence or combinations ofvalues are themselves unusual. The technique we describe couldbe used in practice for alerting satellite network operators tounusual conditions requiring their attention.


A. Background

Satellite communications systems are subject to a widerange of anomalous behaviour; changes in the transmittercharacteristics, the physical channel, and the receiver allmanifest themselves in the received signal. The detection ofanomalies in such systems is a complex problem, and onethat is made more difficult by the unique nature of manyanomalies [4] [5]. This precludes the supervised trainingof a classifier using representative examples of normal andanomalous signals. The approach preferred by commercialdevelopers of satellite network monitoring and controlsystems uses simple univariate threshold-based detectors toflag anomalies to operators [1] [2]. In the case of frequencyspectra, a representative template of a carrier is set as abaseline. Should any frequency differ from the correspondingtemplate frequency by more than a given amount, an error is

signalled. Such systems are notorious for flagging too manyfalse positives, however, leading users to either ignore orswitch off the thresholds [1].

Since it is not possible to detect novel or ‘zero day’ anoma-lies by their signatures, we [3] and others [6]–[8] have takena different approach. Rather than using labelled anomalies,we train a model only with normal, unlabelled data, and flagany deviations from this model of normality. Recently, therehas been interest in using recurrent neural networks, and inparticular Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) networks, forthe detection of anomalies [6]–[8]. Such networks can formsophisticated representations of high-dimensional time-seriesdata. The trained network can then be used as a predictionmodel on new data, and its prediction error will reflectthe degree to which the data is anomalous. The advantagesof this approach are several. Since this is an unsupervisedlearning task, all training data can be both unlabelled, andnominally normal. This solves the problem of finding andtagging representative examples of anomalies, which are oftendifficult to obtain. In addition, the trained network is able todetect novel anomalies not in the training set. Such anomalieswill stand out as a result of their unpredictability.

B. Proposed Anomaly Detection Framework

Here we present an LSTM-based anomaly detection system.The system is used to detect anomalous behaviour in highdimensional multivariate time series spectrum data from asatellite transponder. The network is presented with a spectraltime series, typically between 24-64 consecutive time points,and trained to predict the spectrum several time-steps into thefuture. Following training, the magnitude of the predictionerror vector can be used, either directly, or as a likelihoodestimate from a mutivariate normal distribution [6], to flaganomalies. This model shows a substantial improvement overboth threshold and moving average-based detectors, as wellas a static baseline detector that predicts no change from theprevious spectrum.

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Fig. 1. Waterfall diagram of the spectral data set. Spectra are collected at30-minute increments, with each spectrum including 15731 frequency binsspread across a bandwidth of ≈ 60 MHz – a bin width of 3904 Hz. Theresolution bandwidth is 7.646 kHz.


A. Network Parameters

A three layer, 200 x 200 x 200 LSTM network was trained,using the RMSprop optimizer with a learning rate of 0.0001.This learning rate was selected after trying rates of 0.1, 0.01,and 0.001, as suggested by [9]. The input size was a vectorof 24 contiguous historical time points, each consisting of aspectrum snapshot of 500 frequencies. These training samplesrepresent the context from which predictions must be learned.The output size was 2500, representing the 500 predictedfrequencies at 1-5 future time-steps. Dropout of 30% wasused between layers to prevent overtraining [10] [11], andall the raw data were normalized to the range [0,1] [11].There were a total of 2456 consecutive spectrum measures,taken at 30 minute intervals, which were split 70:30 intotraining and validation sets. The entire data set is shownas a waterfall diagram in Figure 1. For the experimentsdescribed herein, a subset of the transponder data, composedof 500 frequencies and representing a single carrier, was used.The LSTM network model was trained until there was noimprovement in prediction error on the validation data. Thiswas typically between 30-60 epochs.



Lookahead LSTM Baseline Advantage

1 0.348 ± 0.060 0.473 ± 0.079 35.8%2 0.352 ± 0.066 0.474 ± 0.078 34.8%3 0.356 ± 0.070 0.477 ± 0.080 34.0%4 0.359 ± 0.074 0.486 ± 0.092 35.3%5 0.362 ± 0.077 0.492 ± 0.092 36.0%



Lookahead LSTM Baseline Advantage

1 0.079 ± 0.066 0.102 ± 0.081 29.2%2 0.082 ± 0.071 0.107 ± 0.086 30.1%3 0.085 ± 0.075 0.111 ± 0.091 30.6%4 0.088 ± 0.079 0.115 ± 0.095 30.8%5 0.090 ± 0.082 0.118 ± 0.099 31.0%

B. Model Training and Statistics

Each spectrum snapshot consisted of 500 frequencies, andthe model received as input random slices consisting of 24such consecutive snapshots. The network was then trained topredict the next five spectrum traces, using the ‘regression’model, with mean square error as the loss function. In thismodel, a prediction is represented as a single expected valuefor each of the 500 frequencies. For evaluation purposes,the model’s prediction error was taken as the absolute dif-ference between the actual and predicted next frequencies.The effectiveness of the LSTM was compared to a baselinemodel. The static baseline model always predicts that the nexttrace will be identical to the last trace. In the absence ofany other information, this represents a ‘best effort’ predictor.The relative advantage of the LSTM to the baseline modelwas calculated as the difference of their prediction accuracyscores, and expressed as a percentage of the LSTM score. Forcompleteness, the LSTM was also compared to predictionsbased on the average of the training data, and the movingaverage of the previous ten data points. The prediction errorsof the models were compared using an independent samples t-test. The test compared 702 LSTM to 702 baseline predictionerrors (df = 1402), using the mean absolute prediction errorcomputed across the 500 frequencies for each data point. Themodels were significantly different across all lookahead levels,but only level one results, which showed the smallest differ-ences between mean absolute prediction errors, are reportedhere.

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Lookahead LSTM Baseline Advantage

1 0.087 ± 0.073 0.119 ± 0.101 37.7%2 0.087 ± 0.073 0.120 ± 0.101 37.5%3 0.088 ± 0.074 0.121 ± 0.102 37.1%4 0.089 ± 0.074 0.121 ± 0.102 36.8%5 0.089 ± 0.075 0.122 ± 0.102 36.6%


For both the LSTM and baseline predictors, the errorsat all five lookahead levels were dominated by the highdegree of noise in the data. Maximum absolute predictionerrors for spectra from a carrier ranged from 35% to 49%(Table I), while the mean errors were between 8% and 12%(Table II). The mean prediction error increased to between9% and 12% when predictions related to frequency spectrain the absence of a carrier (Table III). Figures 2 and 3 areheat maps representing the absolute prediction errors forpredictions at 1-5 levels of lookahead for both the LSTMand baseline models. The predictions are for the validationdata only. As expected, the error for both models increaseswhen asked to predict the spectrum of a carrier furtherout in time (increasing lookahead, Tables I and II, Figure2). This trend is less apparent when the LSTM model istrained on frequency data in the absence of a carrier (TableIII and Figure 3). Interestingly, the margin separating themean prediction error of the two models also increases withincreasing lookahead (from 29% to 31%, Table II). Thisindicates that the LSTM has formed a prediction model thatis able to predict trends over multiple time steps in unseenspectrum data. This more sophisticated model allows theLSTM to increasingly outperform static predictions as theprediction horizon increases.

It is clear that the mean prediction errors of the LSTM areconsistently lower than that of the baseline model. This holdstrue in both the presence (two-sample t(1402) = 19.5, p <0.0001) and absence of a carrier signal (two-sample t(1402) =99, p < 0.0001). For carrier-based predictions, the maximumerror for the LSTM model was around 35.5%, compared tothe 48% baseline (Table I). This represents an improvementof 12.5% in absolute terms. The maximum prediction erroris closely aligned to commercial satellite monitoring andcontrol systems. These use the maximum single deviation ofthe current spectrum from a representative spectrum maskto flag anomalies [1] [2]. We further compared the meanabsolute prediction errors of the two models, as a morerefined measure. For the LSTM model, this was around 8%,compared to 11% for the baseline model (Table II). While thisdifference of ≈ 3% is small in absolute terms, it represents

Fig. 2. Heat map of prediction errors for the LSTM and baseline models.The leftmost column shows the raw waterfall spectrum data. The middlecolumn shows the LSTM prediction errrors at 1-5 levels of lookahead, fromleft to right. The final column shows the identical data for the baseline pre-dictor. Lighter colours represent larger prediction errors. Note that lookaheadcolumns have been compressed to fit the 5 levels to the diagram.

a relative improvement of approximately 30% for the LSTMnetwork, and is statistically highly significant (two-samplet(1402) = 19.5, p < 0.0001). It is also in line with the LSTMnetwork’s 35% relative advantage seen in the maximum errorresults (Table I).

For the data corresponding to the absence of a carrier,the relative difference between the models was increased,rising to 37% (LSTM 8.7%, baseline 12%, Table III). Anexamination of the heat maps in Figures 2 and 3 indicatesthat the improvement in prediction errors is heterogeneous. Itcan be seen from these maps that the LSTM model makeslower prediction errors on the steady background and carriersignals relative to the baseline model. In contrast, largerand more abrupt changes in the signal are better predictedby the baseline model. This explains the sharper bandingvisible in the LSTM versus baseline predictions in Figure2: the LSTM prediction errors are much larger in these regions.

Current satellite communications monitoring tools usedeviation from a representative mean spectrum to detectanomalies [1] [2]. We have used the mean of the combined

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Fig. 3. Heat map of prediction errors for the LSTM and baseline models inthe absence of a carrier. The leftmost column shows the raw signal data, withsystematic changes in the background levels revealed by dark banding. Themiddle column shows the LSTM prediction errrors at 1-5 levels of lookahead.The final column shows the identical data for the baseline predictor. Thelighter colours apparent in the last column indicate the highter predictionerrors of the baseline predictor.

carrier training data, in addition to a moving average overthe previous ten spectra, as further comparative predictionmodels. The mean model has an absolute prediction error of0.103 ± 0.07, which not surprisingly is similar at all levels oflookahead. The moving average model does somewhat better,ranging from 0.092 ± 0.06 at level one lookahead to 0.103 ±0.064 at level five lookahead. The LSTM prediction errors are29.7% and 16% lower than these two models, respectively,at one level of lookahead. Independent t-tests confirmed thatthe prediction errors of the LSTM were significantly lowerthan both of these models (p « 0.0001 in all comparisons).

When we examine the predictions qualitatively, it is obviousthat the baseline model, by predicting that the next tracewill be identical to the last trace, is effectively sustainingthe noise from that previous trace. This exaggerates itsprediction errors in line with the level of noise. In contrast,the LSTM-based predictor takes as input the spectra ofseveral time-steps, allowing it to learn to suppress noise byfiltering and smoothing (Figure 4). This is most pronouncedwhen we compare the models on data without a carrier,

Fig. 4. A representative single frequency trace shown in green, compared toits predicted values by the trained LSTM model, shown in black. The networkhas learned to ignore much of the noise in its predictions. Note that each timeincrement represents a 30 minute interval.

where the LSTM predictions are approximately 37% betterthan those of the static baseline model (Table III). In thecarrier data, it can be seen that the baseline model quicklyadapts to dramatic changes in a carrier’s behaviour, simplypredicting that any changes will persist. The LSTM model bycomparison, continues to predict its trained expectations. As aresult, the LSTM more accurately predicts persistent commonpatterns, but is less accurate for large and novel changes. Ineffect, the LSTM provides much greater contrast between theongoing patterns and any changes to these than the baselinemodel does. This is exactly the kind of behaviour we wantfrom an anomaly detection system. By not adapting to largeand unusual changes quickly, as the baseline model does,the LSTM produces larger prediction errors for such events.These errors can then be used to flag anomalies.

Figure 5 shows the number of anomalies detected at in-cremental thresholds for both the LSTM and baseline models.Here, an anomaly is simply defined as a prediction error valueoutside the threshold of the detector. The LSTM networkconsistently flags fewer anomalies at any given threshold. Thisis a direct consequence of the models’ greater prediction accu-racy: lower average prediction errors mean fewer errors willexceed an arbitrary threshold. By having a lower threshold,we can improve the sensitivity of the model while retainingits specificity [12]. Although the baseline model flags moreanomalies, its lower prediction accuracy will coincide withmore false positives.


We have shown here that an LSTM network is able toestimate future data points in complex multidimensional timeseries data derived from satellite frequency spectra with someaccuracy. A fully trained network can successfully be usedto flag anomalies in unseen data, using a prediction errorthreshold. This approach takes noise levels into consideration,

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Fig. 5. Graph comparing the number of anomalies detected at a giventhreshold level for the LSTM and baseline models. The baseline model has amuch higher average prediction error than the LSTM, so that more predictionerrors will fall above any given threshold. The more accurate predictions ofthe LSTM allow a lower threshold for anomaly detection. This results ingreater specificity and fewer false positives.

and adapts to the temporal dynamics and multivariate natureof the data. The model outperforms both simple threshold andmoving average-based detectors, as well as a minimal staticpredictor, by significant margins. The relative improvementof the LSTM network ranged from 16% against the movingaverage, to ≈ 30%-35% against threshold-style and staticpredictors. The main advantage of our approach is that themodel can be trained with only normal, unlabelled data, andthat it is able to detect novel never-before-seen anomalies.While all of the models are able to rapidly classify spectrumtraces as normal or anomalous, the LSTM network takessignificantly longer to train than the simpler models.

We assume here that better prediction performanceresults in improved anomaly detection. This is because allclassification models necessarily make a trade off betweensensitivity (recall) and specificity (precision) [12]. Increasingthe sensitivity of a model normally results in lower precision,such as false positives, and vice versa. If, for example,we lowered the threshold of our LSTM without improvingprediction accuracy, sensitivity would be improved at theexpense of specificity. By improving prediction accuracy,however, we can lower the threshold of what is consideredabnormal, but still retain specificity. This is a result ofnarrowing the bounds that define normal behaviour withour refined predictions. These narrower bounds are moresensitive to genuine outliers, while still tracking and definingthe normal range of behaviours. As a specific example,a 30% improvement in prediction accuracy enables thedetection threshold to be lowered by an equivalent amount.For the LSTM detector in Figure 5, lowering its thresholdby 30%, from 0.4 to 0.28, results in a greater than five-foldincrease in the number of anomalies flagged. Since this

increased detection is a consequence of the greater predictionaccuracy, the number of false positives will remain unaffected.

One issue with the current data set is that the transponderdata do not exhibit the kind of rich temporal behaviourpatterns that are most amenable to machine learning systems[11]. In essence, we are analysing a relatively noisy systemin which a carrier may be in only one of two states:present, or absent. The decision to raise or lower a carrieris normally an arbitrary decision by the operators thatdemonstrates no clear pattern. The network is thus unableto anticipate such behaviours. Furthermore, the relativelycoarse-grained time samples, taken at 30 minute intervals, donot permit us to analyze the effects of rapidly-occuring events.

In future work, we intend to examine more dynamic spectraat a much finer temporal resolution. By selecting spectrathat display more complex behaviours over time, the LSTMapproach can be evaluated to its fullest potential. We furtherintend to explore the prediction horizons of LSTM networksin order to determine how many time-steps can be anticipatedby such systems in practice.


This work was funded by a Competitive Evaluation Re-search Agreement (CERA) grant to the University of SouthAustralia by the Defence Science and Technology Group.Lachlan Gunn was at the University of South Australia whenthis work was performed.


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