arachne and athena unknown. tier 1 the story jacob’s ladder goals & objectives habits of mind

Arachne and Athena Unknown

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Post on 13-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Arachne and Athena Unknown. Tier 1 The Story Jacob’s Ladder Goals & Objectives Habits of Mind

Arachne and Athena


Page 2: Arachne and Athena Unknown. Tier 1 The Story Jacob’s Ladder Goals & Objectives Habits of Mind

Tier 1

The Story

Jacob’s Ladder Goals & Objectives

Habits of Mind

Page 3: Arachne and Athena Unknown. Tier 1 The Story Jacob’s Ladder Goals & Objectives Habits of Mind

Arachne and Athena

Arachne, who lived in Greece during the ancient times, was famous for her incredible talent in weaving cloth. She could make the most beautiful cloth in the entire land. However, Arachne was not a modest girl. She would walk through the city boasting about her incredible talents. Arachne would even tell people that she was better at weaving than the revered goddess Athena.

Athena was not pleased by Arachne’s boasting. One day, Athena knocked on Arachne’s door. Arachne opened the door to find an old lady dressed in ragged clothes. She did not know she was really looking at Athena in disguise. The old lady pretended to be interested in buying some of Arachne’s cloth. Arachne let the old lady enter.

Page 4: Arachne and Athena Unknown. Tier 1 The Story Jacob’s Ladder Goals & Objectives Habits of Mind

Immediately, Athena, disguised as the old lady, started criticizing Arachne’s weaving, saying she could do much better. Insulted, Arachne challenged the old lady to a weaving contest.

After accepting the challenge, Athena emerged from her disguise. Arachne was not at all frightened by the prospect of a weaving competition with Athena. Arachne was completely convinced she would win. Both Athena and Arachne spent hours weaving beautiful cloth. Athena’s cloth was spectacular. She had woven a picture of the gods performing their many wonderful deeds. Arachne’s cloth also portrayed the gods and was equally stunning.

Page 5: Arachne and Athena Unknown. Tier 1 The Story Jacob’s Ladder Goals & Objectives Habits of Mind

However Arachne’s cloth portrayed the gods at their weakest moments displaying their worst behavior. Athena was furious. She could not believe Arachne had the audacity to insult the gods.

Athena complimented Arachne on her amazing weaving talents and told her she would be justly rewarded for her gifts. Arachne felt her head begin to shrink and watched to horror as six furry legs sprouted from her body. Athena told her to enjoy the rest of her days weaving all she wished.

Page 6: Arachne and Athena Unknown. Tier 1 The Story Jacob’s Ladder Goals & Objectives Habits of Mind

Students will be able:

Ladder B

B1-Details- To list specific details or recall facts related to the text or generate a list about a specific topic or character.

B2-Classifications-To categorize different aspects of the text or identify categories from a list of topics or details.

B3-Generalizations-To make general statements about the reading or an idea in the reading and use data to support statements.

Ladder CC1-Literary Elements-To identify and explain specific story elements such as character, setting, or poetic-device.C2-Inference-To use textual clues to read between the lines and make judgments about specific textual events, ideas, or character analysis.C3-Theme/Concept-To identify a major idea or theme common in the text.

Page 7: Arachne and Athena Unknown. Tier 1 The Story Jacob’s Ladder Goals & Objectives Habits of Mind

Habits of Mind

Working Interdependently

Thinking about Thinking (metacognition)

Innovating, Creating, Imagining

Refer to Jacob’s Ladder Story Table for Ladder B & C Thinking Questions.

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Tier 2Rigor


High Level Strategies with

Ladder B & C Questions

Page 9: Arachne and Athena Unknown. Tier 1 The Story Jacob’s Ladder Goals & Objectives Habits of Mind

Discussion Strategies: Think-Pair-Share, Write-around, 3-4 Podcast slides (Pixie, Frames).

Choose 2 of 3 questions below to complete.

B1—Think about Arachne’s life and prioritize in detail a list of ways that her life might change now that she is a spider.

B2—Classify the detailed list you have made of Arachne’s life changes since she is now a spider.

C2—What inferences can you make about Arachne trying to out-weave Athena? Relate evidence from the story to support your thinking.

Page 10: Arachne and Athena Unknown. Tier 1 The Story Jacob’s Ladder Goals & Objectives Habits of Mind

Tier 3Rigor


High Level Strategies with

Ladder B & C Questions

Page 11: Arachne and Athena Unknown. Tier 1 The Story Jacob’s Ladder Goals & Objectives Habits of Mind

Discussion Strategies: Think-Pair-Share, Write-around, 3-4 Podcast slides (Pixie, Frames).Choose 2 of 3 questions below to complete.

B3—Identify your own generalizations about the change in life Arachne experienced.C1—Analyze the characters of Arachne and Athena. How are they alike and different?C3—In your own words explain the moral or theme we should learn from this myth. In your explanation include evidence from the story that supports your thinking.

Page 12: Arachne and Athena Unknown. Tier 1 The Story Jacob’s Ladder Goals & Objectives Habits of Mind

Tier 4


Page 13: Arachne and Athena Unknown. Tier 1 The Story Jacob’s Ladder Goals & Objectives Habits of Mind

Choose one of the writing ideas to complete.  Be creative. 

1. Athena is so bold as to tell Arachne to enjoy spending the rest of her days weaving all she wished. Relate this boldness to a real life situation.

2. Describe in detail the change that Athena will experience since Arachne is now a spider. Also, share a change in you from an experience with a friend.

Suggested project strategies:  Write a podcast script; create a puppet show; develop a PSA; a PowerPoint presentation; write and be an actor in a skit; write a persuasive speech and give before the class.