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  • 8/12/2019 Araby Notes ERIQUE



    James Joyce

    NORTH RICHMOND STREET being blind(shows the boys relation to reality; he is blindto the truth of life that you have little/no freedom; he still tries to pursue it even if

    it may be impossible to; notice that at the end, it mentions seeing) , was a quiet

    street ece!t at t"e "our w"en t"e C"ristian #rot"ers$ Sc"oo% set t"e boys(immature)

    free(school [education and responsibility. Even religion serves as a hindrance) &

    An uninhabited house(foreshadowing his future isolation) o' two storeys stoo( at t"e

    b%in( en(, detached from its neighbours(!) in a square groun(& T"e other

    houses("other# shows distinction) o' t"e street, conscious of decent lives within

    them(the uninhabited house/he is lifeless), ga)e( at one anot"er wit" brown(sets a

    mood that seems hopeless; foreshadows his hopeless isolation)im!erturbab%e 'aces&

    T"e 'ormer tenant o' our "ouse, a priest, had died in the bac$ drawing%room("bac$#drawing%room& he had died un$nown/unrecogni'ed probably because he was a

    priest [wasnt in love. he boy thin$s highly of attaining love)& ir, musty from

    having been long enclosed, "ung in all the rooms, an( t"e waste room behind the

    $itchen was littered with old useless papers(air& freedom; long enclosed& not using

    freedom is wasting freedom; in all the rooms& unused freedom or lac$ thereof is

    everywhere; waste room& its loo$ed down upon [use of "behind# yet people

    always do it [use of "littered#; note use of boring/negative language& musty,

    waste, littered, useless)& Among t"ese I 'oun( a 'ew !a!er*co+ere( boos, t"e !ages o'

    w"ic" were cur%e( an( (am!- T"e Abbot, by .a%ter Scott, T"e De+out Communnicant an(

    T"e Memoirs o' /i(ocq& I %ie( t"e %ast best because its %ea+es were ye%%ow& T"e wild

    garden(freedom; with the priests death, it became wild; there is freedom indeath)be"in( t"e "ouse containe( a centra% a!!%e*tree an( a 'ew stragg%ing bus"es un(er

    one o' w"ic" I 'oun( t"e %ate tenant$s rusty bicyc%e*!um!& He "a( been a +ery c"aritab%e

    !riest0 in his will he had left all his money to institutions and the furniture of his

    house to his sister. (*e had the freedom to do what he wanted with his


    ."en t"e s"ort (ays o' winter came (us 'e%% be'ore we "a( we%% eaten our (inners& ."en

    we met in t"e street t"e "ouses "a( grown sombre& T"e space of s$y(freedom)abo+e us

    was t"e co%our o' ever%changing violet(constant change in availability of freedom;

    one minute you thinkyou have it, the ne+t its gone) an( towar(s it t"e %am!s o' t"e

    street %i'te( t"eir feeble lanterns(not enough/little effect; they cant attain it; evenwith the help of light, dar$ness remains)& T"e co%( air stung us an( we !%aye( ti%% our

    bo(ies g%owe(& Our s"outs ec"oe( in t"e si%ent street& T"e career o' our !%ay broug"t us

    t"roug" t"e dar$ muddy lanes behind the houses where we ran the gauntlet of the

    rough tribes from the cottages, to the bac$ doors of the dar$ dripping gardens

    where odours arose from the ashpits, to the dar$ odorous stables(negative image;

    dar$ness; he lives in dar$ness, plays in it, he embraces it) w"ere a coachman

    (obstacles in the path of freedom)smoot"e( an( combe( t"e horse or shoo$ music

  • 8/12/2019 Araby Notes ERIQUE


    from the buc$led harness(horse& freedom; its trapped; theyre all trapped) & ."en

    we returne( to t"e street %ig"t 'rom t"e itc"en win(ows "a( 'i%%e( t"e areas& I' my unc%e

    was seen turning t"e corner we hid in the shadow (he felt comfortable in the

    shadows) unti% we "a( seen "im sa'e%y "ouse(& Or i' angan-s sister (symbol of

    freedom)came out on t"e (oorste! to ca%% "er brot"er in to "is tea we watc"e( "er 'rom

    our s"a(ow !eer u! an( (own t"e street& .e waite( to see w"et"er s"e wou%( remain or goin an(, i' s"e remaine(, we %e't our s"a(ow an( wa%e( u! to Mangan$s ste!s resigne(%y&

    S"e was waiting 'or us, her figure defined by the light(dar$/light point; she lives in

    the light)'rom t"e "a%'*o!ene( (oor& Her brot"er a%ways tease( "er be'ore "e obeye( an(

    I stoo( by t"e rai%ings %ooing at "er& Her (ress swung as s"e mo+e( "er bo(y an( t"e so't

    ro!e o' "er "air tosse( 'rom si(e to si(e&

    Every morningI %ay on t"e '%oor in t"e 'ront !ar%our watching(he became trapped in a

    routine by his obsession) "er (oor& T"e b%in( was pulled down to within an inch of

    the sash so that could not be seen(confined by what is proper)& ."en s"e came

    out on t"e (oorste! my "eart %ea!e(& I ran to t"e "a%%, sei)e( my boos an( followed her

    (always at a distance, never close)& I e!t "er brown 'igurealways in my eye(!)an(,w"en we came near t"e !oint at w"ic" our ways (i+erge(, I quicene( my !ace an( !asse(

    "er& T"is "a!!ene( morning after morning(became a routine)& I "a( never spo$en to

    her, e+cept for a few casual words, and yet her name was li$e a summons to all

    my foolish blood.(i$e in raby; apprehension hinders his will to act)

    Her image accom!anie( me e+en in !%aces t"e most "osti%e to romance& On Satur(ay

    evenings(dar$ness doesnt bother him)w"en my aunt went mareting had to go to

    carry some of the parcels(responsibility point)& .e wa%e( t"roug" t"e '%aring streets,

    1ost%e( by (runen men an( bargaining women, ami( t"e curses o' %abourers, t"e s"ri%%

    %itanies o' s"o!*boys w"o stoo( on guar( by t"e barre%s o' !igs$ c"ees, t"e nasa% c"anting

    o' street*singers, w"o sang a come*a%%*you about O$Dono+an Rossa, or a ballad about thetroubles in our native land (foreshadowing the troubles in his own life)& T"ese

    noises con+erge( in a sing%e sensation o' %i'e 'or me- I imagine( t"at I bore my c"a%ice

    sa'e%y t"roug" a t"rong o' 'oes& Her name s!rang to my %i!s at moments in strange !rayers

    an( !raises w"ic" I myse%' did not understand. y eyes were often full of tears (

    could not tell why)(immaturity; lac$ of self%control)an( at times a '%oo( 'rom my

    "eart seeme( to !our itse%' out into my bosom& I t"oug"t %itt%e o' t"e 'uture& did not

    $now whether would ever spea$ to her or not or, if spo$e to her, how could

    tell her of my confused adoration.(pprehension)#ut my bo(y was %ie a "ar! an(

    "er wor(s an( gestures were %ie 'ingers running u!on t"e wires&

    One evening(more dar$ness)I went into t"e bac (rawing*room in w"ic" t"e !riest "a((ie(& It was a (ar rainy e+ening an( t"ere was no soun( in t"e "ouse& T"roug" one o' t"e

    broen !anes I "ear( t"e rain im!inge u!on t"e eart", t"e 'ine incessant nee(%es o' water

    !%aying in t"e so((en be(s& 0ome distant lamp or lighted window (distant& his

    desires seem out of reach)g%eame( be%ow me& I was t"an'u% t"at I cou%( see so %itt%e&

    A%% my senses seeme( to (esire to +ei% t"emse%+es an(, 'ee%ing t"at I was about to s%i! 'rom

    t"em, pressed the palms of my hands together until they trembled, murmuring&

    12 love3 2 love31 many times.(*e begins to feel things more physically)

  • 8/12/2019 Araby Notes ERIQUE


    t last she spo$e to me(at last& he doesnt want to approach her, hes too shy) &

    ."en s"e a((resse( t"e 'irst wor(s to me I was so con'use( t"at did not $now what to

    answer.(apprehension; lac$s tact/practice in spea$ing)S"e ase( me was I going to

    raby&(symboli'ed an adventure/freedom) forgot whether answered yes or no.

    (apprehension)It wou%( be a s!%en(i( ba)aar, s"e sai( s"e wou%( %o+e to go&

    2An( w"y can$t you32 I ase(&

    ."i%e s"e s!oe s"e turne( a silver bracelet(li$e chains; even she isnt free)roun(

    an( roun( "er wrist& S"e cou%( not go, s"e sai(, because t"ere wou%( be a retreat that

    wee$ in her convent (responsibility/education/religion)& *er brother and two

    other boys were fighting for their caps and was alone at the railings (he is

    isolated; he uses "boys# as if he feels he is above them)& S"e "e%( one o' t"e s!ies,

    bowing "er "ea( towar(s me& he light from the lamp opposite our door caught the

    white curve of her nec$, lit up her hair that rested there and, falling, lit up the

    hand upon the railing. t fell over one side of her dress and caught the white

    border of a petticoat, 4ust visible as she stood at ease. (ight& used toilluminate/glorify her)

    2It$s we%% 'or you,2 s"e sai(&

    1f go,1(his dependence on his uncle for permission) I sai(, 2I wi%% bring you


    ."at innumerab%e 'o%%ies %ai( waste my waing an( s%ee!ing t"oug"ts a'ter t"at e+ening4 I

    wis"e( to anni"i%ate t"e te(ious inter+ening (ays& chafed against the wor$ of school

    (responsibility/education)& t night in my bedroom and by day in the classroom

    (trapped by obsession; everywhere and all the time the thought of being with hertaunts him) "er image came between me and the page strove to read (now its the

    other way around; now his desires hinder his education and responsibility) & T"e

    sy%%ab%es o' t"e wor( Araby were ca%%e( to me t"roug" t"e si%ence in w"ic" my sou%

    %uuriate( an( cast an Eastern enc"antment o+er me& as$ed for leave (he needed

    permission; dependence)to go to t"e ba)aar on 0aturday night(another occurrence

    in the night time; he was fine with being in the dar$ness)& My aunt was sur!rise( an(

    "o!e( it was not some 5reemason a''air& answered few 5uestions in class. watched

    my master-s face pass from amiability to sternness; he hoped was not beginning

    to idle. could not call my wandering thoughts together.(6ote shift in the change;

    instead of these things hindering love, love hinders things; master& hes the

    subordinate)I "a( "ar(%y any !atience wit" t"e serious wor o' %i'e w"ic", now t"at itstoo( between me an( my (esire, seeme( to me child-s play, ugly monotonous child-s

    play.(*e tries to thin$ he is above it)

    On Satur(ay morning reminded my uncle(he was dependent on his uncles ability

    to remember)t"at I wis"e( to go to t"e ba)aar in t"e e+ening& He was 'ussing at t"e

    "a%%stan(, %ooing 'or t"e "at*brus", an( answere( me curt%y-

  • 8/12/2019 Araby Notes ERIQUE


    26es, boy(immaturity), $now (the uncle acts as if the boy doesnt $now)&2

    As "e was in t"e "a%% could not go into the front parlour and lie at the window(he

    is confined by what is proper; window& he wants to see what he desires)& left the

    house in bad humour and wal$ed slowly towards the school(delaying education

    and responsibility because he couldnt see her)& T"e air was !iti%ess%y raw an( a%rea(ymy "eart misga+e me&

    ."en I came home to dinner (light/dar$ point; "home#& his home is in the

    dar$ness)my uncle had not yet been home(of all the things to notice when he

    gets home, its this; hes dependent)& Sti%% it was ear%y& I sat staring at t"e cloc$ for

    some time and. when its tic$ing began to irritate me, left the room(impatience)&

    I mounted the staircase and gained the upper part of the house (illusion of

    ascending in maturity)& T"e "ig" co%( em!ty g%oomy rooms liberated me(he only feels

    free, its not real)an( I went 'rom room to room(shows his desire for freedom [it

    may indicate a freedom to go anywhere) singing (reminder of those singing

    ballads of their native land& foreshadows trouble up ahead)& 5rom t"e 'ront win(ow Isaw my com!anions !%aying be%ow in t"e street& T"eir cries reac"e( me weaene( an(

    in(istinctan(, %eaning my 'ore"ea( against t"e coo% g%ass, I %ooe( o+er at t"e (ar "ouse

    w"ere s"e %i+e(& I may "a+e stoo( t"ere 'or an hour (note how he hates waiting for

    everything but he doesnt mind waiting for her), seeing not"ing but t"e brown*c%a(

    'igure cast by my imagination, touched discreetly by the lamplight at the curved nec$,

    at the hand upon the railings and at the border below the dress. (7epetition of

    light/dar$ point)

    ."en I came (ownstairs again I 'oun( Mrs& Mercer sitting at t"e 'ire& S"e was an o%(

    garru%ous woman, a !awnbroer$s wi(ow, w"o co%%ecte( use( stam!s 'or some !ious

    !ur!ose& had to endure the gossip of the tea%table. he meal was prolongedbeyond an hour (endure, prolonged& impatience point)an( sti%% my unc%e (i( not

    come& Mrs& Mercer stoo( u! to go- s"e was sorry s"e cou%(n$t wait any %onger, but it was

    a'ter eig"t o$c%oc an( s"e (i( not %ie to be out %ate as t"e nig"t air was ba( 'or "er& ."en

    s"e "a( gone I began to wa% u! an( (own t"e room, c%enc"ing my 'ists& My aunt sai(-

    2I$m a'rai( you may put off your ba'aar for this night of 2ur ord.1 (7eligion point)

    At nine o7c%oc I "ear( my unc%e$s %atc"ey in t"e "a%%(oor& I "ear( "im ta%ing to "imse%'

    an( "ear( t"e "a%%stan( rocing w"en it "a( recei+e( t"e weig"t o' "is o+ercoat& I cou%(

    inter!ret t"ese signs& ."en "e was midway through his dinner as$ed(rude; shift in

    subordination)"im to gi+e me t"e money to go to t"e ba)aar& He "a( 'orgotten&

    2T"e !eo!%e are in be( an( a'ter t"eir 'irst s%ee! now,2 "e sai(&

    I (i( not smi%e& My aunt sai( to "im energetica%%y-

    2Can$t you gi+e "im t"e money an( %et "im go3 6ou$+e e!t "im %ate enoug" as it is&2

  • 8/12/2019 Araby Notes ERIQUE


    My unc%e sai( "e was +ery sorry"e "a( 'orgotten& He sai( "e be%ie+e( in t"e o%( saying- 2A%%

    wor an( no !%ay maes Jac a (u%% boy&2 He ase( me w"ere I was going an(, w"en I "a(

    to%( "im a secon( time "e ase( me (i( I now T"e rab-s 8arewell to his 0teed(*is

    farewell to 87EE92)& :hen left the $itchen he was about to recite the opening

    lines of the piece(rude; shift in subordination)to my aunt&

    I "e%( a florin(money; independence)tig"t%y in my "an( as I stro(e (own #ucing"am

    Street towar(s t"e station& T"e sig"t o' t"e streets t"ronge( wit" buyers an( g%aring wit"

    gas reca%%e( to me t"e !ur!ose o' my 1ourney& I too my seat in a third%class carriage(he

    couldnt afford it given the little allowance from his uncle; dependence) o' a

    (eserte( train& A'ter an intolerable delay(impatience)t"e train mo+e( out o' t"e station

    slowly (!)& It crept (!)onwar( among ruinous "ouse an( o+er t"e twin%ing ri+er& At

    .est%an( Row Station a crowd of people pressed to the carriage doors; but the

    porters moved them bac$ (something prevents him from his desires; porters&

    symboli'e all the hindrances), saying t"at it was a s!ecia% train 'or t"e ba)aar& I

    remaine( a%one in t"e bare carriage& In a 'ew minutes t"e train (rew u! besi(e an

    im!ro+ise( woo(en !%at'orm& I !asse( out on to t"e roa( an( saw by t"e %ig"te( (ia% o' ac%oc t"at it was ten minutes to ten& In 'ront o' me was a %arge bui%(ing w"ic" (is!%aye( t"e

    magica% name&

    could not find any si+penny entrance(little allowance; dependence)an(, 'earing

    t"at t"e ba)aar wou%( be c%ose(, I !asse( in quic%y t"roug" a turnsti%e, "an(ing a s"i%%ing

    to a weary*%ooing man& I 'oun( myse%' in a big hall (symboli'ed him) girdled

    (encircled; constricted; confined)at "a%' its "eig"t by a ga%%ery& 6early all the stalls

    were closed and the greater part of the hall was in dar$ness (light/dar$ point; he

    finally doesnt want things to be dar$ then things become dar$er; situational

    irony)& I recognise( a si%ence %ie t"at w"ic" !er+a(es a c"urc" a'ter a ser+ice& I wa%e(

    into t"e centre o' t"e ba)aar timi(%y& A 'ew !eo!%e were gat"ere( about t"e sta%%s w"ic"were sti%% o!en& #e'ore a curtain, o+er w"ic" t"e wor(s Ca'e hantant (8rench for

    singing; reminder of when he was in the mar$et; ballad about troubles) were

    written in co%oure( %am!s, two men were counting money on a salver. listened to

    the fall of the coins.(refers to them as "men#; money; independence)

    Remembering wit" (i''icu%ty w"y I "a( come I went o+er to one o' t"e sta%%s an( eamine(

    !orce%ain +ases an( '%owere( tea* sets& At t"e (oor o' t"e sta%% a young %a(y was ta%ing an(

    %aug"ing wit" two young gent%emen& I remare( t"eir Eng%is" accents an( %istene( +ague%y

    to t"eir con+ersation&

    2O, I ne+er sai( suc" a t"ing42

    2O, but you (i(42

    2O, but I (i(n$t42

    2Di(n$t s"e say t"at32

  • 8/12/2019 Araby Notes ERIQUE
