aquaculture scoop july 2013 issue

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  • 7/28/2019 Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Issue


    Issue 3 July 2013

    RaananFish New Feed Mill

    Pellet Mill TechnologyFor Aquatic Feed Pellets

    5th OfshoreMariculture Conference

    Indian Aquaculture

    Industry- Present Scenario

    and Future Prospects

  • 7/28/2019 Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Issue


  • 7/28/2019 Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Issue



    RaananFish New Feed Mill

    New MediumFeed Extruder

    Extruded Feed-AquaticAnimals Ideal Choice

    Pellet Mill TechnologyFor Aquatic Feed Pellets

    5th Ofshore Mariculture


    EditorialWelcome to our July issue o Aquaculture Scoop.

    In this issue we look at Extruders & Expanders and give you an insight into

    some up-coming events or you to consider

    One o the most important shows within the aquaculture industry, AquaNor is taking place 13th-16th August in Trondheim, Norway. Aqua Noris expected to be bigger than ever with all stand areas having been soldalready and with a 20% increase o exhibitors, this year the internationalinterest has never been greater.The Aquaculture Directory team will be exhibiting at Aqua Nor, so drop byour stand V-620 and pick up your ree copy o Aquaculture Directory and

    Aquaculture Scoop.

    Keep up to date with all industry events by visiting

    I you have a topic that you would like to see covered, why not get intouch with us.

    I you have a topic that you would like to see covered, why not get in

    touch with us.

    Published by:

    NISA Media Ltd

    14 Clarke WayCheltenhamGL50 4AXUK

    Editorial ManagerNicky BarnesTel: +44 117 2306494Email: [email protected]

    International Marketing Manager

    Sabby MajorTel: +44 117 2306493Email: [email protected]

    News Editor

    Martin LittleEmail: [email protected]

    Designed By

    Avalon CreativeEmail: [email protected]:

    Indian AquacultureIndustry - PresentScenario and FutureProspects







  • 7/28/2019 Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Issue


    Below is a summary o a visit to the new mill in April 2012 byWill Leschen on behal o SARNISSA - this should be readin conjunction with the video shot on the same day and nowreely available on the main SARNISSA website video page

    and also on YouTube.

    The Israeli company Raanan Fish Feed opened their newpurpose-built 1500 sq m eed mill at Prampram near Temain November 2011. They have now constructed an analyticallaboratory acility on site where all eed ingredients, rawmaterials and fnal product can be quickly and efcientlyanalysed.

    The new mill is now beginning to supply Ghanas growingcommercial aquaculture sector and is especially well locatedto supply the expanding tilapia cage and associated hatcheryproduction sectors based on or close to the Volta lake, whichis Sub-Saharan Aricas largest man-made water body.

    By March 2012 the Feed mill was employing 45 sta(including 40% emale) who are primarily local Ghanaianbut also including some expatriates rom South Arica Israeland Belgium. It is now producing a range o eeds or bothtilapia and Catfsh, beginning with fne Super Starter eeds at58% protein through a range o on-growing extruded floatingpellets or growers ranging rom 30 -40% protein2, 3, 4, 6 mm.

    Some ingredients and raw materials are sourced in countryincluding fsh meal, whilst the vitamin and premixes areimported rom Israel. Presently (by Sept 2012) the mill isproducing 500MT o eed per month to meet in-countrydemand and West Arican export, primarily rom 1 X 8 hourshits with a production run o 20 MT o an extruded pelletbeing made on the day o my visit. The plant has the currentcapacity to produce up to 64 MT per day using one US-madeextruder with conditioner which is capable o producing 4MTeed per hour. In the uture the actory has the capacity to buyin and install another extruder which can double productionto over 800MT per month.

    In terms o markets, eed rom the mill is primarily beingsold in Ghana and Nigeria. However, since its opening inNovember, the mill has also supplied eed to neighbouringCote DIvoire, Togo, Nigeria, Benin, Burkina Faso and SierraLeone. Raanan has set up two retail outlets in nearby Temaand Ashaiman and also sells its eed to six other independentcommercial dealers located throughout southern Ghana. Asdemand and supply increase, Raanan are aiming to keep theireed at the same price throughout Ghana, whilst a number ocompanies and individual fsh armers are coming to the millat Prampram to collect up to 1MT (50 X 20kg bags) at a timewith their own or hired transport.

    For the uture, Raanan are planning to open a arm-based

    More inormation contact:

    Raanan Fish Feed Westarica

    PMB 146 GPO Accra-CentralGhana

    Tel: +233 241 435 600


    Aquacultre Scoop July 2013 Page 4

    Raanan New Fish Feed Millby Raanan Fish Feed West Africa

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    Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Page 5

    R&D Centre (associated with a commercial cage fsh armon the Volta lake) where eed batches and dierent eedormulations will be tested on arm under commercialconditions and resultant protocols produced. Six cages willexperiment and approve eed protocols, protein content,new raw material and ormulations balanced by the Raanannutritionist.

    Also Raanan is creating an Aquaculture Training Centreoutside Kumasi. The Raanan Training Centre aims to teachto the backyard and small armer the basics o fsh armingand show how to improve their proftability, technical leveland production. Raanan as a company endeavours to givetechnical assistance and to organize workshops to sharetechnical inormation, ensuring that customers will use theireed efciently and thereby increase their production.

    By June 2012 a new laboratory acility has been completedat the Prampram site, enabling regular daily testing andmonitoring o ingredients and eeds to ensure quality control.The new laboratory, a 250 000 US$ investment, oers aguarantee to West Arican fsh armers that eed quality isbeing monitored. The lab is an important tool or the qualitycontrol o the fnal product and also or the incoming rawmaterials. Raanan Fish Feed WA is also ISO certifed andmeets the best international standards o production. The

    analyses carried out on the production line give accurateresults on:

    Protein, energy, mineral contentMoisture and Water ActivityMicro toxinsBacteria analysis

    In summary Raanans fsh eed mill at Prampram, nr Tema isthe frst o its kind not just in Ghana but also West Arica andit is hoped that its presence and products will urther help andsupport the now growing aquaculture sector in Ghana and thewider region. Availability o quality fsh eeds and fngerlingshas long been the constraint holding back the development

    o aquaculture not just in Ghana but across the continent.Heres hoping through these frst steps that the necessaryinrastructures and inputs are now beginning to develop, tobegin to make SS Arica ulfl its undoubted potential in theproduction o armed aquatic species and thus supply oprotein to its increasing populations.

    For urther details on Raanan Feeds in Ghana please contactJacques Magne [email protected]: +233 241 435 600

    agricu ture,forestry & fisheriesDepartment:

    Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries


    9 to 13 September 2013Stellenbosch, South Africa

    Fish Farm to Plate

    The three day conference programme includes well known speakers such as Dr Kevan Main from the USA, Presi-dent of the World Aquaculture Society; Prof. Abdel-Fattah M. El-Sayed from Egypt, one of the best qualified and

    experienced Aqua-culturist in the world; and an address via Skype by Prof. Dennis Hedgecock from the University

    of Southern California, Los Angeles.

    Sponsorship and exhibition opportunities are available. For further assistance please contact Conferences et al at [email protected]

    To register now and obtain further information please visit the website:

    11th Conference of the Aquaculture Association of Southern Africa:

    Aquaculture 2013

  • 7/28/2019 Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Issue


    New medium shear extruder offers new and more cost effective

    way to make high quality pet and fish food

    Insta-Pro nternational (Insta-Pro) unveiled their new medium

    shear extruder, which finally answers the markets demand for

    a low cost extrusion solution that effectively produces pet and

    fish feeds of high quality equal to that of higher cost extrusion

    systems. This new medium shear extruder features the ability to

    use variety of ingredients at capacities up to two times more than

    high shear extruders which provides pellets as small as 2mm.

    What this means for users of the new medium shear extruder is:

    Great capacity

    Lower cost of production

    The ability to make smaller pellet sizes

    The ability to make different shaped pellets

    Improved pellet quality

    Easy to implement into existing extrusion systems

    We know that our customers across the globe have been

    struggling to find solutions to meet their customers need for

    capacity and pellet size variety at an affordable price, said Insta-

    Pros Vice President of Marketing and Sales Karl Arnold. Thats

    why weve invested three years in designing and testing this

    revolutionary new machine that will deliver more for less and at

    the same time, give the producer more options in terms of pellet

    size and shape and overall improved production. He continued,

    Our job is to help our customers make more money, save time

    and serve their own customers better. This machine will allow us

    to deliver all three.

    The new medium shear extruder is currently being field tested

    Akin Sateru Farms in Lagos, Nigeria. Tester and HRM Oba

    Akinloye from Nigeria said, Insta-Pros medium shear extruder

    gives us the ability to produce a smaller floating pellet of

    approximately 2mm+, which is not possible with high shear.

    Previously, with high shear extrusion, we produced pellets of

    6 mm, which we then crumbled into pieces of less than 2mm,

    however the crumbles do not float. This is important for us. He

    went on to add, We also find the medium shear pellets to be

    round and more uniform compared to the pellets from high shear.

    The spirit of innovation is a key component of the Insta-Pro

    success story demonstrated by its culture of research and product

    development, turnkey systems solutions and a proactive and

    responsive customer service model second to none.

    Insta-Pro is one of the worlds leading manufacturers of human

    food and animal feed processing equipment. Insta-Pro products

    are used to transform raw ingredients into nutritional feed for

    livestock, pets and fish as well as vegetable oil, flour, cereals andmeat extenders for the food processing industry. The Insta-Pro

    product line of extruders, oil presses, preconditioners and coolers

    have earned the reputation as the preferred choice of food and

    feed producers in more than 100 countries across the globe.

    The company is based in Des Moines, Iowa and has been in

    existence since 1969.

    More inormation contact:

    Inst-Pro International

    4043 120th StreetUrbandaleIA 50323USA


    Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Page 6

    New Medium Shear Extruderby Insta Pro International

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    Aquaculture Scoop 6

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    According to a recent research the aquaculture industry has thehighest increasing speed in the world eed industry. Its boomingdevelopment brings aquatic eed to peoples attention as it playsthe signifcant role in aquatic animals healthy growth. Amongthe various types o aquaculture eed, it is the extruded eedthat win most popularity due to its obvious advantages such asadvanced extruding process, palatable flavour, easy digestionand wide application to aquatic animals. The innovative extrudedeed processing technology will largely reduce fshermen coston aquatic animal eeding which accounts or 80% o their cost,thus it can bring them greater proft by way o less investment.We will introduce extruded aquatic eed processing in details.

    Aquatic Feed Introduction and ClassifcationAquatic eed reers to all kinds o aquatic animal eed in seawaterand resh water. The classifcations are as ollows:

    1.1 According to the buoyancy in water, aquatic eed iscategorized into sinking eed, floating eed, and slow sinkingeed.

    1.2 Due to dierent eeding objects, aquatic eed is classifedinto fsh eed, shrimp eed, rog eed, etc.

    1.3 Because o the appearance, aquatic eeds can be dividedinto powdered eed and granular eed; and based on the dierentprocessing technologies, granular eed can be classifed intoextruded aquatic eed and pressed aquatic eed.

    1.3.1 Among aquatic eed classifcation, the powdered eed andgranule eed are commonly used in fshery and granule eed ismore popular because o its higher dissolve-loss ratio. Althoughpowdered eed is benefcial to ood taking and digestion orsome animals, it dissolves easily so that brings contaminationto water and trouble in cleaning. Thus granule eed is the idealchoice.

    1. Aquatic eed processing technology - brie introduction

    Manuacturing aquatic eeds is a little more complex than that ocommon eed. There are mainly two technologies used in aquaticeed processing: pelletizing and extrusion technology.

    Actually, extruded eed technology development is basedon pelleted technology, while these two eed processingtechnologies have their own characters respectively. During

    More inormation contact:

    Allance Pellet Mill

    Weiyi Road,ZhengzhouChina, 450000


    Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Page 8

    Extruded Feed-Aquatic Animals

    Ideal Choiceby Sally Zhou, Allance Machinery

  • 7/28/2019 Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Issue


    Aquaculture Scoop 8

    AQUA NOR 2013InternatIOnaL eXHIBItIOn, 13- 16 august, trOndHeIm, nOrWaY

    AQUA NOR - the most important internationalvenue or the aquaculture industry.

    FOCUS ON THE FUTURE!Get to know the latest and most advanced aquaculture technology.Meet practitioners rom over 50 countries and expand your network.

    International conerences and seminars beore and during Aqua Norwill ocus on new research and opportunities in the aquacultureindustry.

    Exhibitor, visitor or conerence participant?

    The Nor-Fishing FoundationTl +47 73 56 86 40, Fax +47 73 56 86 41, [email protected]

    DanAqua is the exhibition of the future for the fish farming sector.

    It offers producers and other suppliers to the aquaculture sector an

    outstanding opportunity to come into contact with affluent guests

    from all corners of the world.

    Make the most of the synergy between DanFish and DanAqua and save

    on your marketing costs, because now it is no longer necessar y to take

    part in several exhibitions - all customer segments will be coming

    to Aalborg.



    DanFish is one of the worlds most important exhibitions for equip-

    ment and services for the fisheries i ndustry and a unique forum for

    networking among the international exhibitors and visitors.

    In 2011, DanFish welcomed 350 exhibitors from 25 countries

    and more than 13,000 visitors, including a number of invited key

    buyers from all corners of the world.


    Dont worry its soeasy to get to Aalborg

    Book a stand: Lasse H. Jessen, tel. +45 9935 5509, [email protected]

    Else Herfort, tel. +45 9935 5518, [email protected]


    Extruder OEE for the Production of Fish FeedExtruder OEE for the Production of Fish Feed

    AMANDUS KAHL GmbH & Co. KG, Dieselstrasse 5-9, D-21465 Reinbek/Hamburg

    Phone: +49 40 727 71 0, Fax: +49 40 727 71 100, [email protected]

    The KAHL Extruder OEE was

    developed to improve the ver satility

    of the annular gap expander and adds

    to the flexi bility of production due

    to simple and fast changing of the

    hydraulically adjustable die.

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    Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Page 10

    the whole aquatic eed production process, they have thesimilar working flowchart, which are grinding and blending, eedproducing, drying and cooling. Here is the complete processingflowchart.

    Grinding means to crush grains like corn, wheat and soybeaninto powder. Feed hammer mills achieve this process. Feedgrinding is benefcial or the mixing operation and can improvethe raw materials nutritional utilization. Generally, the smaller, thebetter.

    Blending is the process o mixing proportioned raw materialstighter to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Additives or microingredients are added at this step to increase its stickiness andnutrition. During this blending process, eed screw belt blender or

    double shat eed mixer is the most commonly used equipment.

    Feed orming stage. Uniormly blended eed materials are edinto conditioner and pressed on a die with fxed size holes. Whileextruded eed orming process is in act the interaction o heat,water and pressure that makes raw material coagulated becauseo the sudden change o temperature. Heat and water bothexist in vapour orm to soten protein and starch and bond themtogether.

    (4) Drying and cooling. Both extruded eed and pelleted eedshould go through drying and cooling stages. Feed particlesdischarged rom pellet machine or extruding machines areragile and humid which are not convenient to convey and store.Drying and cooling can lower down the excrescent moisture and

    increase their strength. I coating is needed, coat eed particlesater drying stage because high temperature can help eedabsorb animal oil and at. Ater cooling, preserve eed particles indry and ventilated room or use.

    2.1 Aquatic feed extrusion technology

    The extrusion process o aquatic eed is essentially a cookingprocess during which the starch-containing components aredecomposed and the proteins are denatured. Raw materialsare strongly impacted by the high speed rotating shat and ullycooked by the heating system where the temperature in extrudercan reach up to 120-170C. Finally, when the material is extrudedthrough extrusion die, the pressure is released to normal statesuddenly and the pellets are expanded into pued orm. Inaddition, the density and length o extruded pellets can be

    adjusted according to customers requirements. Extruded eedhas various orms: floating eed to sinking eed.

    2.1.1 Wet extrusion and dry extrusion

    We have two types o extrusion methods: wet extrusion anddry extrusion. The exact dierence between them is whetherthere is steam preconditioning in eed processing stage. Wettype extrusion processing needs a boiler to oer steam or theconditioner so as to ripen the raw material in advance. Theoutput o wet aquatic eed is higher than the dry type eed inthe case o same power consumption. Dry extruders are used inprocessing low moisture, highly expanded starch products anddry eed pellets are stable or relatively long periods & convenientor storage. We manuacture extrusion eed machines which canproduce both wet and dry aquatic eed.

    2.2 Extruded feed merits

    *Increasing the eed utilization rate. Most aquatic animals have arelatively simple digestive system which is such a key point whenchoosing eed or them. Extrusion technology can improve starchgelatinization degree, and thus makes the extruded eed ragrantand palatable, so the eed taking rate is increasing. At the sametime, the protein in vegetable protein eed can be degeneratedater heating, while this change will make the protein moleculargrow larger and increase the contact with enzyme in animalbody and is good to aquatic animal digestion and absorption,which turns out that the nutritional ingredients digestion rate isincreased by 10%-35%.

    *Good to the environment. Extrusion eed is stable in water.The extrusion technology makes starch inside eed materialsgelatinization and protein unionization which produces stickyaquatic eed and their stability can reach more than 12 hours (36

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    hours-the longest stable time), in this case, the nutrition ingredients dissolveor lose amount is decreasing a lot. Data suggests that adopting extrudedeed can save you 5%-10% aquatic eed amount compared to powderedeed and pelleted eed. Extrude eed stability reduces water contamination inthis way.

    * Reducing sickness. There are harmul microorganisms in raw eed materialsuch as Aerobic raw material, Neutrophilic bacteria, escherichia coli andsalmonella, etc. especially in animal eed materials. While extrusion processcreates high temperature, high moisture content and high pressure and can

    kill most o the harmul organisms. It is revealed that extrusion process cankill escherichia coli rom 10000 to less than 10 per gram. The salmonella canbe killed completely when temperature is above 85c.

    *Convenient to eed. The floating eed can stay at water surace or a longperiod o time so that there is no need to settle special stands or eedingbut eed them at a certain stand. Fish will emerge rom water when eatingand we can directly watch and adjust eeding amount in time; fsh growingand healthy condition can be attended, too. Thereore, extrusion oodeeding is a scientifc way to raise aquatic animals-saving time & cost andincreasing productivity.

    * Wide application. Extrusion eed has three types which are floating eed,slow sinking eed and sinking eed. About 80% aquatic animal such asshrimp, salmon, tuna and so on like sinking eed; while catfsh, ti lapia, eeland most other young fsh preer floating fsh eed. Whats more, extrusioneed can satisy some special requirements like low moisture content eedand high fbre eed which can be produced easily during extrusion. Thusextrusion eed seems a cost-eective choice or fshermen.

    No matter how many types o aquatic animal eed in the market, how tochoose the better type is exact what we concerns. It is reasonable that youshould take into consideration o aquatic eed processing technology, eednutrition content, aquatic animals, and cost and proft, etc.

    Maybe extruded aquatic eed is a nice choice or your aquaculture sounddevelopment, it totally depends on you!

    Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Page 11

    On this new blog we will be looking at all aspects of the

    aquaculture industry, as well as covering news from the

    fishing industry. Read about events, aquafeed, veterinary

    news, and recirculations systems to open ocean pen

    farming, looking at new technologies, from around the


    AquaDirect runs side by side with our online resource

    Aquaculture Directory, publishing press releases form key

    companies and key figures in the aquaculture industry,

    book releases and information from global sources. As

    well as covering stories from countries and companies

    developing new aquaculture farms and technologies and

    feed development to deliver, a sustainable food source for

    the Global community.


    Keep up to date with the latest news at

  • 7/28/2019 Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Issue


    Due to the continuous development o aquaculture industryand the application o eed pellet the intensive aquaculturemode is widely adopted around the world. In order to improveeed utilization rate and better the water environment, aquaticsbreeders improve the eed pellet quality by optimizing the eedormula and choosing the optimal eed equipments. Actuallyimproving the processing technology especially the pelletizingtechnology can also improve eed pellet quality, eed utilizationrate and economic eect.

    Main Factors Aecting Feed Pelletizing TechnologyAquatic animals live in water area and the whole eed intakes arefnished in water so the aquatic eed pellets should have goodstability in water which is the big dierence rom the livestockeed pellets. Some breeders think improving the eed pellethardness can increase the stability in water so they increasethe ring die compression ratio o the eed pellet mills (1). Butirrelevantly increasing the ring die compression ratio will increasethe eed process difculty and reduce the eed pellet quality. The

    correct solution is to improve the conditioning process so thatthe eed ingredients can be ully gelatinized beore pelletization,the eed adhesion is radically improved and the problem oaquatic eed pellet stability is solved.

    When mentioned the quality o aquatic eed pellet most breederspay attention to the eed pellet hardness. It is wrong to equalthe eed pellet hardness to the eed pellet quality. Solving theproblems o stability in water and eed pellet hardness to ensurethe eed pellet diameter and length is the premise to producehigh quality aquatic eed pellets. Modulation o eed ingredientsis the critical control point o aquatic eed pellet quality. Thestable production efciency is also necessary or the eed pelletquality. So in order to produce high quality aquatic eed pellet theactors o raw material quality, steam control, eed conditioning,

    the choices o ring dies and compressing roller should beconsidered.

    I. Raw Material

    The aquatic eed pellets (2) have higher requirements onadhesiveness which is conductive to the eed pellet waterprooso the raw materials should contain more at, protein and starchwhich have good bonding and lubrication, less crude fbre,mineral substances and sugar. The eed ingredients such ascorn, wheat, fshmeal, soybean meal, peanut meal etc shouldaccount or the majority o eed ormula and the vitamins,rapeseed meal, cotton meal, mono-calcium phosphate etcshould be accordingly reduced.

    II. Steam ControlThe aquatic eed pellets have waterproo requirements so thegelatinization degree o modulated eed ingredients needs to beaccordingly improved. When the particle size is small the steamcan easily penetrate the pellet and produce good adhesiveness.

    The crude fbres should be fnely grinded so that they can absorbmuch steam during modulation, achieve better gelatinizing eect

    Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Page 12

    More inormation contact:

    Amisy MachinerySOKEYUFA Building, NO.26

    Jingliu RoadZhengzhouCHINA

    Tel: +86 371 65866393Web:

    Pellet Mill Technology

    For Aquatic Feed Pelletsby Amisy Machinery

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    and get through the ring dies. Thus aquatic eed pellets havehigher requirements on grinding fneness.

    Aquatic eed pellet quality is primarily established in theconditioner not in the pellet ring die. The conditioning eectdetermines the eed pellet quality. During conditioning period theraw materials are sotened and gelatinized, protein is touchedwith water to produce adhesiveness, the powder content isreduced, working lie o ring dies is extended and the nutrientsloss caused by riction heat is reduced. All the methods toimprove the conditioning eect are revolved around the ouractors o steam, conditioning temperature, moisture and time.

    The steam quality aects the modulation. Steam has tree types:superheated steam, saturated steam and wet steam. The eedmodulation only needs the saturated steam which has highheat capacity than the superheated vapour. At the critical pointo steam and water the condensation o saturated steam isinstantaneous while the superheated vapour needs a coolingprocess. During the pelletizing period the residence time o eedingredients in conditioner is less than 3 minutes. I using thesuperheated vapour the steam cannot be ully cooled and thematerials cannot absorb sufcient heat and moisture.

    III. Feed ConditioningFeed conditioning is a short-time high-temperature process.When the conditioning temperature is high the starch o the eedingredients can be ully gelatinized and the waterproo is greatlyimproved. The lower the conditioning temperature the worse thestability o aquatic eed pellet. So the conditioning temperaturedirectly aects the pelletizing property o aquatic eed pellets andthe eed pellet quality. According to the growth characteristicso aquatic animals the conditioning temperature o fsh eedpellet is controlled above 85 c, the crab eed pellet and shrimpseed pellet are controlled between 80c and 90c. Actually theconditioning time we oten said reers to the residence time oeed ingredients in conditioner.

    The conditioning time o fsh eed pellet is controlled between30 seconds and 40 seconds, the shrimp eed pellet is about 180seconds. Only the steam and eed ingredients mix and contactcan the steam produces heat and moisture through condensationso it is the best that contact time o eed ingredients equals tothe residence time. The eect o conditioning moisture shouldbe valued. When eed ingredients absorb steam they absorb theheat and moisture released by condensed steam at the sametime. The water content o eed ingredients beore modulationshould be controlled between 15% and 16.5% otherwise itis difcult to pelletize. Condensing 1% o high quality steamcan make the eed ingredients temperature elevate by 15cand 16.5c. I the eed ingredients temperature is 30c, thetemperature can be achieved 75c and 79.5c ater absorbing3% o steam and the temperature can be reached 90c and96c ater absorbing 4% o steam. And supplying conditioningmoisture by steam can lubricate materials and reduce energyconsumption. The steam additive amount should be restricted.The lower or higher conditioning temperature makes pelletstructure loose, increase pellet breakage ratio and pulverulentratio and loose nutrition content.

    The conditioning requirements should be adjusted based on the

    dierent eed ingredients. The insulating layer is to prevent heatloss which influences the heat absorption o eed ingredients. Sothe thinking that insulating layer is not necessary in hot districts iswrong. The steam level and eeding amount should be balancedso as to prevent blocking pellet mills.

    IV. Ring Die Aperture RatioIn the case o determined aperture and compression ratiothe ring dies with more holes can improve the pellet millperormance. Melting process is primarily established in the ringdie capacity. And the flux in melting time directly aects the ringdie capacity. When the ring dies have less holes, increasing thering die holes can increase the total volume o ring die bell-mouthwithin pressure area and the flux in melting time then improvethe pellet mill perormance. However the too high aperture ratiowill aect the length o bell-mouth, reduce the flux in meltingtime. And such ring dies will cause the slipping and ring diesdamage, reduce the pellet mill perormance. The higher apertureratio causes the phenomenon o difcult eed discharging. Inact the best solution is to improve the gelatinization, malacia

    and lubricity o eed ingredients and adopt the ring dies withappropriate aperture ratio.

    The pelletizing process o aquatic eed pellets needs theconditioning cylinder have homogeneous eeding, the eed pelletmill runs stably and the eed pellet size is same. The compressionratio o ring dies or fsh eed pellet should be about 15, orcrab eed pellet is between 18 and 20, or shrimps eed pellet isbetween 18 and 22.

    V. Ring Die & Compressing RollerThe ring dies or aquatic eed pellet production widely adoptthe stainless steel. The crude fbres in aquatic eed pellets canbe sotened and gelatinized ater high-temperature modulationso the stainless steel ring dies with relatively lower quenchinghardness can achieve better eect.

    Compared with other ring dies the stainless steel ones are tighterand more wearable, and have higher surace smoothness sothey can suitably improve the hourly output, make the eed pelletsurace more sot and ensure the variable coefcient o eedpellet diameter is smaller during the ring die liespan.

    The cooperation o ring dies and compression roller influencesthe working lie o ring dies and the pelletizing efciency. 1.The compression roller should be selected according to theaperture diameter, flute profle and pellet mill characteristicsso as to achieve the optimal precision ratio between ring diesand compression rollers. 2. In the case o stable running andnot aecting the capacity the space between ring dies and

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    compression roller should be loose. 3. The eeding speed shouldbe controlled; the length and position o eeding scraper shouldbe adjusted so as to control the distribution o eed ingredientslayers. 4.The ring dies and compression roller should be termlychanged and avoid overuse. 5. The extrusion system o eedpellet mill should have good stability.

    The actors aecting the quality o aquatic eed pellet includeeed pellet equipment (3), eed ingredients quality and processingtechnology. Only by improving the process technology especiallythe pelletizing process, choosing the eed ingredients accordingto the growth characters o aquatic animals and choosing theappropriate eed pellet equipment can the quality be improved.

    Anchor Linkseed pellet mills(1): eed pellets(2) pellet equipment(3)

    Positioning or Proft" is the theme o the Asian PacifcAquaculture Conerence and Trade Show scheduled rom 10-13December 2013 in Ho Chi Minh City. The conerence emphasizesthe need or the whole industry to take a more strategic approachto expansion.

    Simply producing product and getting locked into selling it asa commodity is not the path or industry expansion into theuture. New approaches are needed in all areas o business romgovernance through to research, rom harvesting through tomarketing, and rom education right through the value chain to

    the consumer.

    The Conerence, which is hosted by the Vietnamese Ministry oAgriculture and Rural Development (MARD), organized by theAsian Pacifc Chapter o World Aquaculture Society (WAS-APC),supported by RIA2, and AIT and sponsored by Uni-President(Gold), Biomin (Silver) and a number o special session sponsors,will have some unique eatures.

    A highlight will be the frst appearance in Vietnam o EmeritusProessor David Hughes rom Imperial College, London (amarketing expert) who, besides being the opening keynoteplenary, will also conduct a workshop on seaood marketing.More inormation on other workshops on Pham Anh Tuan, Deputy Director General, MARD will alsopresent at the plenary and will ocus on the terrifc progress

    that has been made in aquaculture by Vietnam and will also talkabout the opportunities and challenges as the industry continuesto build momentum.

    Lukas Manomaitis will preside over his last conerence asPresident, WAS-APC, and will hand over the reins to theChairman o the conerence and Director o AIT in Vietnam,Dr. Amrit Bart. Both Lukas and Amrit have a great afnity with

    Vietnam and are keen to ensure that this Conerence and TradeShow will be memorable especially as it is the frst WAS-APCevent in South East Asia since 2009.

    As most people in the industry know Vietnam is the third largestaquaculture producing country in the world and Ho Chi MinhCity is the centre o the growth, much will be learnt by those

    attending and engaging in all aspects o the event including thepre and post workshops, arm and industry tours.

    The 5th International Oyster Symposium is joining orces withthe Conerence ensuring that there will be an exciting stream ooyster expertise engaging the great work done in recent yearswhich has seen production in Northern Vietnam climb to over7,000 MT in just a fve year period.

    The World Aquaculture Society will be holding its mid-year Boardmeeting prior to the event ensuring that it is ront and centre inthe plans o the Society.

    Unprecedented industry interest has seen organizers expandavailable space and additional trade booths have now becomeavailable. Stay in touch with all developments or Asia Pacifc

    Aquaculture 2013 through For trade showinormation contact [email protected].


  • 7/28/2019 Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Issue


    By moving arms into cleaner, deeper waters, conflict betweenthe oshore aquaculture industry and coastal users will bereduced and it will also provide a much better environment oraquaculture operations to exist. The aquaculture industry needsto keep growing globally and aquaculture remains the astest-growing animal-ood-producing sector, now accounting or

    around hal o all fsh consumed today. The oshore MaricultureConerence will examine the progress and prospects orarming oshore covering everything rom the latest legislation,investment and fnancial issues, managing, marketing andthe day to day running o an oshore business to the latesttechnical advances that will help to make the lie o the marineaquaculturist easier.

    1. Can you tell us about the history of Offshore Mariculture?

    Oshore Mariculture is an international two-day conerenceon the oshore fsh raming business that is ollowed, on thethird day with a technical visit to a fsh arm. It aims to assistthose armers who are either growing their oshore fsh armingbusinesses or who are looking to move their business oshoreand, as such, explores the progress and prospects or oshoreaquaculture in European and international waters. Followingour successul previous events - Malta 2006, Alicante 2008and Dubrovnik, Croatia 2010, Turkey 2012 - the 5th OshoreMariculture Conerence will be held in Naples, Italy on 9-11 April2014.

    2. Who is the event aimed at?

    Farming companies, research organisations and supplierslooking to update themselves on the latest policies, products,research and case studies within the fn/shell fsh and seaweedoshore arming industries will all be in attendance. In additioninvestment companies and entrepreneurs looking to enter/investin the region-specifc market will also attend.

    3. Brief outline of 2012 conference

    Hosted by the Turkish o Food Agriculture and Livestock,attendees at the 2012 Conerence included both experiencedand aspiring investors and entrepreneurs; fsh arm owners,managers and operators; makers and distributors o net pensand mesh materials; eedstu suppliers and eed manuacturers;

    and researchers into new species, new arm technologies,genetics, and fsh health. Over 25 nationalities were representedat the Conerence, including attendees rom Chile, Canada, Saudi

    Arabia, Oman, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Norway, UK, USA,Australia, Israel and the Lebanon. Chaired by Neil AnthonySims, o Kampachi Farms, LLC , the Conerence heard Keynotepresentations rom Alessandro Lovatelli, FAO Aquaculture Ofcer;Paul Holthus o World Ocean Council; and Harald Rosenthal whohad Chaired the Bremerhaven Conerence on the uture o OpenOcean Aquaculture development in 2010.

    Other presentations explored a range o planning andmanagement tools that are being set up around the world tobetter integrate aquaculture into coastal planning initiatives. Newspecies development, provision o seed (fsh fngerlings or bivalvespat) and eed developments or oshore mariculture were alsoreviewed.

    Other presentations explored a range o planning andmanagement tools that are being set up around the world thePhilippines, Australia, the Basque country o Spain, and hostcountry Turkey to better integrate aquaculture into coastalplanning initiatives. New species development, provision oseed (fsh fngerlings or bivalve spat) and eed developments oroshore mariculture were also reviewed.

    On the second day o the Conerence, a number o presentationshighlighted engineering improvements to oshore net pensystems, with input on new mesh sizes, along with data

    5th Offshore Mariculture Conference

    9-11 April 2014, Naples, Italy

    Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Page 17


    l l l

    ll l




  • 7/28/2019 Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Issue


    Call for papersreleased!

    The 2014 Offshore Mariculture Conference will examine theprogress and prospects for farming offshore covering

    everything from the latest legislation, investment and financialissues, managing, marketing and the day to day running of

    an offshore business to the latest technical advances that willhelp to make the life of the marine aquaculturist easier.

    Abstracts on the following topics are now invited:

    The latest international developments in

    offshore aquaculture:

    International legislation, policies strategiesand developments

    Business management:

    Investment, insurance and risk assessment

    Marketing of offshore products

    Species choice, integrating with seaweed/

    renewable energy systems

    Spatial planning, Integrated Coastal Zone Management

    Stock management and husbandry:

    Fish welfare

    Health management strategies

    Feeding strategies

    Stock management to control reproduction

    Innovative Technologies:

    Harvesting and processing technologies

    Cage engineering

    Onshore facilities (including hatcheries)

    Containment systems and other strategies for escapes

    Moorings, feed systems, cages and netting

    Deadline for submissions is 6 September 2013.Please send your 200 word abstract, together with a

    biography and photograph of the Speaker, to

    [email protected].

    For further information about speaking, sponsoring or attendingas a delegate, please email

    [email protected] orcall the Events team on +44 (0)1329 825335 or visit

    9-11 April 2014


    9-11 AprillTwo day Conference9 AprillNetworking Gala Dinner

    11 AprillVisit to fish farmSUPPORTED BY



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    Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Page 19

    demonstrating the antiouling properties o brass alloy meshes.The day also included reviews o new developments in single-point mooring systems or sel-submerging surace pens andor shrimp culture in Aquapods, tension leg cages and testingo more robust surace pens and unanchored driter cages.

    On the fnal day, conerence attendees were give a frst-handlook at the booming Turkish aquaculture industry, as they werehosted on a tour o fsh processing acilities; a boat trip outto exposed arm sites or seabass, seabream and tuna; and awalk-through o marine fsh hatchery acilities in the Izmir area.

    A Statement requesting that United Nations FAO conductan assessment o the access and operational rameworksor open ocean mariculture in the High Seas, and makerecommendations as to how to better encourage work towardsmariculture in waters beyond any one nations EEZs, wasalso drated at the Conerence which the Turkish governmentoered to ormally convey to FAO.

    4. Whats new for this years event?

    As well as tracking the progress o species and technologiesor arming in exposed sites, this years programme will alsoocus heavily on investment as without this the sector willnot see the growth needed to ensure the levels o productionneeded to eed the world.

    5. Brief outline of the topics for the conference

    The latest international developments in oshore aquaculture:legislation, policies, strategies and developmentsBusiness management: investment, insurance and riskassessment, marketing, species choice, integration with

    seaweed/renewable energy systems, spatial planning,Integrated Coastal Zone Management

    Stock management and husbandry: fsh welare, healthmanagement strategies, eeding strategies, stock managementto control reproduction

    Innovative Technologies: harvesting and processingtechnologies, cage engineering, onshore acilities (includinghatcheries) , containment systems and other strategies orescapes, moorings, eed systems, cages and netting

    6. What are the most important issues in the Aquaculture

    Industry at the moment?

    For the oshore sector: Investment, onshore integration with

    other coastal users, cage technology to cope with exposedsites, production costs.

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    Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Page 20

    With the production o 6.4 million metric tons o fsh India ranksthird in fsheries and second in aquaculture. Revenues romfsheries contribute 1.07% o the total GDP, 5.3% o agriculturalGDP and earn around USD 1.24 billion. This accounts oraround 3% o the total exports o the country and nearly 20%o the agricultural exports.

    More than 50 dierent types o fsh and shellfsh products areexported to 75 countries around the world. This sector givesan employment to nearly 14 million people and per capitaavailability reached 9kg per annum which shows high growthpotential. This untapped potential is need to be harnessthrough proper planning and technology intervention.

    Growing population o India poses great challenges to thedevelopmental authorities and government. Fulfllment onutritional requirements o the people especially children is theprime need o the time. Protein and energy malnutrition is verycommon in India but now government has taken many boldinitiatives to curb this menace. One o the best examples isNational Protein Mission which promotes the armers to keepanimals and increase animal protein production.

    Fish is the best and cheapest source o animal protein whichhelps in ulflling the demand o quality protein. Further,

    traditional crop, dairy and poultry armers want to diversiy theirarming by including aquaculture.Diversifcation and high value produce could add newdimensions to the sector. Proper post-harvest handling,reduction o losses and hygienic primary processing areimportant to realize ull potentials o the sector. Simultaneously,eective marketing arrangements are to be made to ensureadequate returns to the fshers and the armers as alsomake available good quality fsh at aordable prices to theconsumers.

    The uture development o aquaculture depends on adoption onew and innovative production technologies, management and

    utilization o less utilized water resources and proper markettie-ups. Keeping these acts in mind team o Pixie ConsultingSolutions Ltd careully designed a platorm which becomes acomplete knowledge orum on aquaculture in India.

    IAI Expo Aquaculture provide limitless opportunities to theinternational technology providers to exhibit themselves inpotent Indian market. Parallel conerence and panel discussiontouches critical issues o industry and give solutions or themon the same platorm.

    Table 1: Fish Production in World and India, 1950-51 to 2003-04 (Million tonnes)

    Year World % change India % change Indias share

    1950-51 23.50 - 0.75 - 3.19

    1960-61 43.60 85.53 1.16 54.67 2.66

    1970-71 66.20 51.83 1.76 51.72 2.66

    1980-81 72.30 9.21 2.44 38.64 3.37

    1990-91 98.26 35.91 3.84 57.38 3.91

    2000-01 129.00 32.35 5.66 47.40 4.39

    2003-04 140.48 8.90 6.40 13.07 4.56

    2006-07* -- -- 6.87 -- --


    1. ICAR-ICLARM Project on Strategies and Options or Increasing and Sustaining Fisheries and Aquaculture Production toBeneft Poor Households in India, 2004 and Economic survey 2006-07, GOI

    2. *Annual Report 2006-07 Provisional Estimates

    Indian Aquaculture Industry - PresentScenario and Future Prospectsby Dr Ibne Ali, M.V.Sc, IVRI, Assistant Project Head,Pixie Consulting Solution Ltd

  • 7/28/2019 Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Issue


    July 2013

    21st-25th July

    7th International Symposium on

    SturgeonNanamo, BC, CanadaWeb:

    August 2013

    9th-12th August

    Aquaculture Europe 2013,Trondheim, NorwayEmail: [email protected]

    13th-16th AugustAquaNor,Trondheim, NorwayWeb:

    September 2013


    GenomicsinAquacultureSymposium(GIA2013)Bodo, NorwayWeb:


    11th Conerence othe Aquaculture Association oSouthern Arica AquacultureConerence 2013Stellenbosch, South AricaWeb:

    16th-20th September

    Fith International Conerence

    o the Pan Arican Fish andFisheries Association (PAFFA5)Bujumbura, BurundiWeb:


    23rd-24th September

    Aquaculture Forum Bremerhaven2012-2013, Workshop IV,Bremerhaven, GermanyEmail: [email protected]

    October 2013


    Tenth International Symposiumon Tilapia in Aquaculture,

    Jerusalem, IsraelWeb:

    7th-9th October

    Fish & Fish Tech ExhibitionCairo,

    8th-10th October

    LAQUA13Latin American & Carribean

    Aquaculture 2013,Vilavicencio, ColombiaEmail: [email protected]

    9th-11th October

    Pesca Sur 2013Centro de eventos Sur Activo,Conception ChileWeb:

    9th-11th October

    DanAquaAalborg Congress & CultureCentre,

    Aalborg, DenmarkWeb:

    November 2013

    3rd-7th November

    The Aquaculture ElsevierConerence,Las Palmas, Gran CanariaEmail: [email protected]

    7th-9th November

    Aquamar InternacionalSinaloa, MexicoWeb: www.aquamarinternacional.


    7th-9th November

    Expo Pesca & Acuiperu,Lima, PeruWeb: November

    XII International Symposiumon Aquaculture Nutrition,Tabasco, Mexico


    December 2013

    10th-13th DecemberAsian Pacifc Aquaculture 2013,Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamWeb:

    Please visit more inormation on these events

  • 7/28/2019 Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Issue


  • 7/28/2019 Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Issue





    The international aquaculture conerence and exhibition

    organized by the Asia Pacifc Chapter o the World Aquaculture Society.

    Hosted by Ministry o Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)

    For More Information Contact:

    Conference Manager

    Email: [email protected]

    WAS premier sponsor

    Featuring:5th International

    Oyster Symposium

    Silver sponsor

    Gold sponsor

    WAS premier sponsor

  • 7/28/2019 Aquaculture Scoop July 2013 Issue










    Aquaculture Directory aims to become the number one information portal for the industry,

    providing news, product releases, new appointments and information on upcoming events as

    well as full company contact details. All our information is checked and verified before being

    published, as we pride ourselves on accuracy.

    A hard copy of the directory will be available at the end of the year,

    to reserve your free copy visit email us at [email protected]