aqa info 1 – sample work requirements

INFO 1 – Sample Work What I expect

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A break down of the requirements for the AQA INFO coursework


Page 1: AQA INFO 1 – Sample Work Requirements

INFO 1 – Sample WorkWhat I expect

Page 2: AQA INFO 1 – Sample Work Requirements

Forename and Surname on every page as a footer

Page numbers on every page as a footer

Title of work INFO 1 – Practical Problem Solving in the Digital World as a header on every page


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This section should be at least 2 paragraphs long.

You should state the name of the organisation, discuss how long it has been established, how many members of staff are working for them etc.

Background of the Organisation

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In this section you should discuss how the company currently runs in relation to the system you are going to develop.

You should not mention what the problem is (or your solution) but simply allow the reader to derive what the problem and an appropriate solution might be


Currently PWR Entertainment manage self promotion by distributing fliers in local shops and malls. They hand out business cards at all events and rely heavily on word of mouth to attract new custom. Unfortunately these methods of self promotion only work on a local scale etc.

Current system and its environment

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Here you must state EXACTLY what the problem is that you intend to provide a solution for.

You must also state what your solution will be


The problem that PWR Entertainment has is promoting the company on a national scale and communicating with existing and potential clients. My client Alan Slater has asked me to provide a solution. The solution I intend to provide is that of a website.

Problem Identification

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In this section you discuss what benefits (to the company) will come from the solution you intend to produce.

Identify particular problems within the problem and then discuss how your solution will improve /resolve the issue.

ExamplePWR Entertainment have a problem with communicating with potential customers. A website will allow them to direct prospective clients to a reference point where they can find out more about the services on offer, pricing and reservations. This will improve their customer relations as well as increasing opportunities for further custom.

Business case for change

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This section should be clearly sub headed as: Client Users Audience

Remember: Client is the person who requires the solution to a problem User is the person who will use the system you build (e.g. the person who updates

the website) Audience are the people who will view the system (e.g. the visitors of the website)


ClientMy client is Mr. Alan Slater, he is the person who has requested the solution to this problem. He will be my main contact for the project and will instruct the requirements of the system.

Clear identification of client, users and audience

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First of all write an introductory paragraph to this section e.g.

In order to find out more about my client and what solution he requires I have decided to arrange a meeting. I will meet Mr Slater to discuss issues which I am unclear about and to ask for confirmation on requirements I am already aware of.The table below outlines what I already know and will ask to be confirmed as well as the things I don’t know and will ask more about.

You should then present the 1st Table of ‘What I know’, ‘What I need to know’.

Evidence of relevant investigation techniques

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You should then write another paragraph after the first table to explain how the meeting went and to introduce the transcript (results) of the meeting e.g.

I have met with Mr. Slater and asked the necessary questions. He has confirmed requirements that I was already aware of and I now have a clear understanding of what is required from the system. The table below shows what I now know:

You should then present the 2nd Table of ‘What I know’, ‘What I need to know’. The ‘What I need to know’ should then have answers written in to the questions you asked in your meeting.

Evidence of relevant investigation techniques ….continued

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You will then have to write about the need to interview your end user, to find out their user skills and any additional requirements.

You should introduce this section with a paragraph that explains the importance of finding out user skills and also mentions how you will do this e.g. Questionnaire / interview


It is important that the solution I develop is usable and efficient. This means that my end user must be able to use the solution with ease. In order to ensure that this happens I must first of all check my end users skills and make sure they are sufficiently trained.

I have decided to meet my end user and ask a series of relevant questions appropriate to their needs.

Description of the users of the proposed system

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Once you have met with your end user and asked the necessary questions you must give an overview of their user skills.

These should be specific to the solution you intend to provide e.g. Software specific (try and stay away from brand names)


Wed AuthoringIn the past my end user has used an application called Microsoft Web Developer. He considers himself to be a novice in his use of this application and can do simple formatting and hyperlinking. He knows how to add new pages and insert images.


Image Manipulation

Description of the users of the proposed system

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Here you either write about what your CLIENT has in terms of hardware OR what you suggest they purchase.

You must state why this hardware is required specific to your solution

ExampleThe end user already owns a Dell Desktop PC with a dual core Intel Pentium Processor. It has in Internal hard disk space storage of 250GB and 4GB of RAM. This is a sufficient CPU for running the website maintenance and any image manipulation.

My end user has a TFT 17” Flat screen monitor and a wireless keyboard and mouse (Bluetooth). The 17” monitor is ideal for multitasking as it has a resolution of 1920×1200 which will allow him to show at least two applications at one time (the 4GB of RAM will also support this multitasking).


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Here you either write about what your CLIENT has in terms of software OR what you suggest they purchase.

You must state why this software is required specific to your solution

You must write the generic names of the software e.g. Spreadsheet, Word Processor and then state specifics (brand names) if necessary e.g. MS Word


Installed on my end users Desktop PC is the Adobe Creative Suite CS5, which includes Photoshop, Illustrator and In Design. The Photoshop and Illustrator applications can be used for image manipulation. This is required when editing images for the web to ensure file sizes are reduced before imported to the website.

He also has the web authoring software ‘Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010’ which he has recently purchased in preparation for website maintenance. This software provides all the necessary features required to develop and maintain a website. It also has a built-in FTP facility so that the web site can be uploaded to the internet.


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Here you either write about what your CLIENT has in terms of storage OR what you suggest they purchase.

You must state why this storage is required specific to your solution


The website I am intending to develop for my Client will consist of many images and quite a few videos. Thus the storage capacity of this completed website will be large.

My end user has a 250GB internal hard drive and a 1TB external Hard Drive. He also has an internal CD/DVD RW Optical Drive and 4 USB ports. I will recommend to my end user that he stores all of the website documents on his internal hard disk drive and sets up a scheduled incremental backup using his external hard drive every week.

The website will also be stored off site when it is transferred to the remote server (hosting) using the FTP client.


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These should be written as a numbered list

They should be very explicit and broken down as much as possible:

Poor Example

The website must have 4 buttons on the home screen as well as contact details, a high quality image and today’s date

Good Example

1. The website must have 5 buttons on the home screen (they are HOME, GALLERY, CONTACT, TESTIMONIALS)

2. The contact details which include Name, Address (Street, City, Postcode) must be on the homepage

3. A high quality large image must be on the home screen4. Today's date must be on the home screen

Client Requirements

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In this section you go through each of your numbered Client Requirements and you separate them into Quantitative and Qualitative requirements


Quantitative - measurable Qualitative – subjective

Do this in a table with two columns. The first column labeled Quantitative and the second Qualitative

Evaluation Criteria

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Identify First

Identify Last

Identify Second

•A main menu on all pages which links to all pages

• The Company Name and Logo

• Contact Details

• Maps

• Details of the Company

• A photo gallery of portfolio of work

• Details of terms and conditions

• Copyright label dated

• Company Logo• Font for company name• Raw text for contact details• Google Maps embedded code• Raw text details about the company• Images of work completed – possibly to be scanned in• Raw text details about the company• Raw text details of copyright text• Raw text for further pages

• Resizing company logo to fit on screen and adjusting file size for quick download

• Installing and embedding the font company within the website

• Applying CSS style sheets formatting to text