apscuf/su union newsletter · called a “fire- breathing keynote speech [which] attacked the...

APSCUF/SU Union Newsletter Page 1 APSCUF/SU Union Newsletter APSCUF: Your Union representing SU faculty and coaches…… …..in solidarity! APSCUF/SU FACULTY & COACHES President –Brendan Finucane, Vice President- Niel Brasher, Past President – Deborah Jacobs, Secretary- Cheryl Slattery, Treasurer & Technology Chair – Azim Danesh, Grievance Chair - Robert Hale, Legislative Chair- Robert Shaffer, Meet & Discuss – Angela Bartoli, Meet & Discuss – Cynthia Botteron, Meet & Discuss – Pablo Delis, Meet & Discuss – Diane McNichols, Assembly Delegate - Curtis Berry, Assembly Delegate – Debra Cornelius, Assembly Delegate – Sara Grove, Assembly Delegate- Steve Haase, Assembly Delegate – Jose Ricardo-Osorio, Assembly Delegate – Ying Yang, CAP Chair – Patricia Patrick, Enrollment Mgmt. – Steve Haase & Ian Langella, Membership Chair – Ashley Seibert, Gender Issues & Social Justice Chair – Jen Clements, Health & Welfare Specialist – Shari Horner, Public Relations Chair – Kara Laskowski, Student Affairs Co –Chair – Joseph Zume & Richard Zumkhawala-Cook (NCAA Faculty Representative), State Coaches Comm Rep – David Springer SEPTEMBER 2012 VOLUME 40, NO.2 SHIP VOTES ATTENTION ALL FACULTY: Please contact Katy Clay at [email protected] or x1728 to have a trained SHIP VOTES volunteer come to your class to register students and provide information about the new polling place and new photo ID law. If you prefer to do it yourselves – Katy can provide REGISTRATION FORMS and send you the prezi presentation with crucial information you can share with your students. VOTER REGISTRATION deadline is OCTOBER 9. YOU CAN ALSO DIRECT YOUR STUDENTS TO THE SHIP VOTES TABLE AT THE CUB – Mondays and Thursdays from 11am to 1 pm …… COMMENTS FROM THE SUSAN SPICKA CAMPAIGN APSCUF is proud to endorse SUSAN SPICKA in her race for Pennsylvania’s 89 th House District. Susan will be a strong voice for SU faculty and students in Harrisburg. Susan’s team is running a highly-organized grassroots campaign that has already made over 15,000 phone calls and door knocks. They will be working hard to spread the word about her campaign in September and October. If you would like more information or volunteer opportunities, please contact [email protected] . Volunteering is a great way to support APSCUF-endorsed legislators and candidates like Susan Spicka. Stay up to date with what Susan is doing by “liking” her Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/Spicka4StateHouse President’s Message As we start the new academic year there are numerous educational issues at SHIP and in PASSHE which intersect with political issues locally and nationally. Because negotiations continue to move too slowly, we will need to ramp up of mobilization efforts and start to contemplate the possibility of a strike later this year. Some of our problems related to class size and student profile have been caused by diminished state support for public education combined with an aversion to unions. Being a union representing faculty at a public university means we are doubly targeted. Remember that elections have consequences, policy changes matter, and all of us need to be more engaged than ever before. Be sure to read Robert Shaffer’s overview of the Republican Party’s opposition to unions and public education. Also please help Katy Clay register students; learning to be good citizens is critical for true democracy to succeed. THANKS for all you do. --Brendan P. Finucane

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Page 1: APSCUF/SU Union Newsletter · called a “fire- breathing keynote speech [which] attacked the educational establishment, especially teachers unions.” Christie boasted of reducing

APSCUF/SU Union Newsletter Page 1

APSCUF/SU Union Newsletter

APSCUF: Your Union representing SU faculty and coaches…… …..in solidarity!

APSCUF/SU FACULTY & COACHES President –Brendan Finucane, Vice President- Niel Brasher, Past President – Deborah Jacobs, Secretary- Cheryl Slattery,

Treasurer & Technology Chair – Azim Danesh, Grievance Chair - Robert Hale, Legislative Chair- Robert Shaffer, Meet & Discuss – Angela Bartoli, Meet & Discuss – Cynthia Botteron, Meet & Discuss – Pablo Delis, Meet & Discuss – Diane McNichols, Assembly Delegate - Curtis Berry,

Assembly Delegate – Debra Cornelius, Assembly Delegate – Sara Grove, Assembly Delegate- Steve Haase, Assembly Delegate – Jose Ricardo-Osorio, Assembly Delegate – Ying Yang, CAP Chair – Patricia Patrick, Enrollment Mgmt. – Steve Haase & Ian Langella, Membership Chair – Ashley Seibert,

Gender Issues & Social Justice Chair – Jen Clements, Health & Welfare Specialist – Shari Horner, Public Relations Chair – Kara Laskowski, Student Affairs Co –Chair – Joseph Zume & Richard Zumkhawala-Cook (NCAA Faculty Representative), State Coaches Comm Rep – David Springer



ATTENTION ALL FACULTY: Please contact Katy Clay at [email protected] or x1728 to have a trained SHIP VOTES volunteer come to your class to register students and provide information about the new polling place and new photo ID law. If you prefer to do it yourselves – Katy can provide REGISTRATION FORMS and send you the prezi presentation with crucial information you can share with your students. VOTER REGISTRATION deadline is OCTOBER 9. YOU CAN ALSO DIRECT YOUR STUDENTS TO THE SHIP VOTES TABLE AT THE CUB – Mondays and Thursdays from 11am to 1 pm ……


APSCUF is proud to endorse SUSAN SPICKA in her race for Pennsylvania’s 89th House District. Susan will be a strong voice for SU faculty and students in Harrisburg. Susan’s team is running a highly-organized grassroots campaign that has already made over 15,000 phone calls and door knocks. They will be working hard to spread the word about her campaign in September and October. If you would like more information or volunteer opportunities, please contact [email protected]. Volunteering is a great way to support APSCUF-endorsed legislators and candidates like Susan Spicka. Stay up to date with what Susan is doing by “liking” her Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/Spicka4StateHouse

President’s Message

As we start the new academic year there are numerous educational issues at SHIP and in PASSHE

which intersect with political issues locally and nationally. Because negotiations continue to move too slowly, we will need to ramp up of mobilization efforts and start to contemplate the possibility of a strike later this year. Some of our problems related to class size and student profile have been caused by diminished state support for public education combined with an aversion to unions. Being a union representing faculty at a public university means we are doubly targeted.

Remember that elections have consequences, policy changes matter, and all of us need to be more engaged than ever before. Be sure to read Robert Shaffer’s overview of the Republican Party’s opposition to unions and public education. Also please help Katy Clay register students; learning to be good citizens is critical for true democracy to succeed. THANKS for all you do.

--Brendan P. Finucane

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Article Published in PennLive.com- Sunday, September 2, 2012 (Letters to the Editor)

Reverse the cuts to early education funding In the 2011-12 budget, funding for TEACH scholarships were cut from the budget. This cut affected hundreds of child care providers who relied on these funds to further their education in child development, family engagement, early literacy, math, science, etc. There will be long-term consequences to maintaining quality in child care if this funding continues to be eliminated. Ongoing professional development is one of the components, identified in research, as essential for effective early education. In this year's budget, cuts were made to the LEARN grants that supported communities in planning transitioning and school readiness activities. These funds enabled many communities statewide to plan events for child care providers, kindergarten teachers, parents and children to prepare for the transition to school. This type of preparation also has been demonstrated in the research literature to be effective for later school success. This defunding of successful early childhood programming needs to stop, and the programs that have been eliminated need to be restored in next year's budget. Early childhood education has been shown to be a cost-effective way to prevent later problems in school, juvenile delinquency and to improve the likelihood of graduation from high school. If the state wants students, especially those in high-risk districts, to succeed in school and become law-abiding/taxpaying citizens, then investing in early education is a cost-effective method that has long-term benefits.



The Republican Party Campaigns in 2012 Against Unions and Public Education

Robert Shaffer (History Department) APSCUF/SU Legislative Committee Chair

APSCUF generally does not take sides in national elections, on the theory that our main interests lie with state appropriations for public education and state regulations on unions. But it is nonetheless true that national events have a great impact on the functioning of state universities. The recent Republican Party convention in Tampa, along with the Party platform adopted there, display a strong animus against public education and against unions, an animus which should concern all APSCUF members and Shippensburg University employees. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie set the tone of the convention on these issues with what Education Week called a “fire-breathing keynote speech [which] attacked the educational establishment, especially teachers unions.” Christie boasted of reducing benefits to all of his state’s public employees, as well as reducing tenure protections. Christie declared that Democrats “believe in teacher’s unions,” while Republicans “believe in teachers,” as if unions did not represent the will of their members, and as if teacher unionists did not care about education. John Wilson, a retired North Carolina teacher, responded to Christie on Education Week’s blog: Governor Christie, diminishing pension benefits does not demonstrate a belief in teachers…Freezing, or, even worse, cutting salaries is not a gift that teachers welcome. Refusing to fund education for our kids and claiming that money does not matter is not a believable argument for teachers. No, Governor Christie, you and your fellow Republicans have not shown the respect for teachers that they deserve.

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Regarding higher education, the Republican Party platform states outright its hostility to our work at Shippensburg University. Because the “status quo is not working,” it claims, “New systems of learning are needed to compete with traditional four-year colleges,” including “private training schools” and “online universities.” While correctly pointing to the “unsustainable trajectory” of rising college costs, the Republicans want to remove the federal government from originating student loans, to be replaced by “the private sector” (read: banks) insured by the government. The Obama administration had saved many students hundreds or even thousands of dollars on their loans by cutting out the middleman of private banks. Now the Republicans seek to bring back a system which epitomized the no-risk “heads I win, tails you lose” system in which banks made profits when students paid back their loans, and the government offset any losses by the banks when students could not. The platform also targets academic freedom in our public universities, accusing professors of creating “zones of intellectual intolerance favoring the Left,” and calling on state officials to police what we do in the classroom. We already saw that movie in Pennsylvania some years back, with hearings around the state on House Bill 177; despite intensive efforts our critics could not come up with any credible examples of professors abusing their positions in the classroom for ideological reasons. On K-12 education “consumer choice” is the Republican mantra, including cyber schools, vouchers, and tax credits. While students, of course, have a wide range of choice for post-secondary education, and we in APSCUF have no desire to change that, one tool in this Republican playbook would threaten state funding for Shippensburg and other public universities. The idea that funding should follow the student has already been raised in Pennsylvania by Gov. Corbett and his legislative allies, which basically means more taxpayer dollars to private colleges, with no real state oversight, and less for the state-owned universities such as Shippensburg. Viewing the infamous Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin as a model, the platform explicitly urges states to “reform their laws governing public employee unions” – meaning to make it more difficult for professors, schoolteachers, police officers, and others to form and maintain unions and to bargain collectively. “To safeguard the free choice of public employees,” the platform continues, “no government at any level should act as the dues collector for unions.” In other words, PASSHE could not deduct union dues from our wages, despite the fact that it collects money from our paychecks for the United Way and for the Shippensburg University Foundation. A so-called “Raise Act” would effectively gut unions’ ability to bargain over wages. More generally, the Republican platform endorses a national “right to work” law prohibiting the union shop, as well as other measures to make union organization more difficult. They call for repeal of the Davis-Bacon Act, which would result in lower wages for construction workers on government projects. Perhaps the most hypocritical plank in this anti-union platform is the pledge to “aggressively enforce” a Supreme Court decision which prohibits unions from using union dues “for political purposes without the consent of the worker.” Yet the Republican Party is collecting tens of millions of dollars from corporate donors made without the consent of each stockholder, employee, or customer. Corporate bosses, it appears, are in a separate category from elected union representatives. Given the increased importance of national politics and federal spending at all levels of education, perhaps it is time for APSCUF to get involved explicitly in campaigns at the federal level. In the meantime, all APSCUF members should be aware of how the political parties regard our work and our union. A good general source for information on national educational politics is www.EdVotes.org, sponsored by the National Education Association. For specific quotations and information for this article, see: ** http://educationvotes.nea.org/2012/08/30/gop-convention-speakers-platform-blister-education-teacher-unions/ ; ** http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/campaign-k-12/2012/08/teachers_unions_federal_spending.html?cmp=ENL-EU-NEWS1 ; ** http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/what-gop-platform-says-on-education/2012/08/28/4b993bce-f15a-11e1-892d-bc92fee603a7_blog.html ; ** http://whitehouse12.com/republican-party-platform/#Item14

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Healthy U Program

Will take place from September 1, 2012 through May 31, 2013.


Click for details on:

• Massage and Cranial Sacral Therapy http://www.ship.edu/assets/0/153/267/1074/3424b73c-3109-4ce0-8ecc-fe6d7083d104.pdf

• Very Busy People (VBP) Healthy Cooking Series http://www.ship.edu/assets/0/153/267/1074/eb8c2ca1-72e4-4a4e-90a4-4016822a155e.pdf

• Yoga and T’ai Chi in the CUB http://www.ship.edu/assets/0/153/267/1074/e363dfec-8406-436e-8899-3bcb63f44a36.pdf

• ShipRec Membership Subsidy http://www.ship.edu/assets/0/153/267/1074/71fa2a17-05fa-4c55-a53e-502acf6f7234.pdf Check out the Well-Being Initiative here: http://www.ship.edu/HR/Wellbeing/Well-Being_Initiative/

Think Healthy U points!!!! More information will be coming to you in emails be on the lookout!!!

APSCUF Members Only Site & SU Chapter Site Have you registered for the APSCUF Members Only site on the renewed www.apscuf.org website? It’s easy to do! One call to the local APSCUF office (ext. 1791) will have you up and running within a couple days. You provide your own user name and password to Diana and she will forward the information to Harrisburg for input on the system. If you are already registered and are having difficulty gaining access to the site, contact Diana for assistance at [email protected] or [email protected].

Change of Address – Health & Welfare Update Have you moved over the summer? Please contact the APSCUF office at ext. 1791 or at [email protected] with any changes. Just a reminder that any changes in marital status, address, dependents, etc. need to be updated on a Health & Welfare Enrollment card. Cards are available in the APSCUF Office in Wright Hall 103.

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APSCUF members can NOW receive contract negotiation updates on your mobile phone via text message!!!!!!!!!!!!

To receive the periodic text updates, text CONTRACT to 68398 Message and data rates may apply.

State APSCUF President – Steve Hicks to visit SU

Attention All Faculty Members – Steve Hicks will be here on Monday, October 1, 2012 at 3:30pm in the Memorial Auditorium. He will be here to address contract negotiations and the state budget process. There will be time available for a question and answer period.

Attention All SU Coaches - A meeting with Steve Hicks has been scheduled at 3:00pm on October 1, 2012 at Memorial Auditorium for SU Coaches to address the Coaches’ contract negotiations and answer any questions you may have.

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APSCUF/SU Representative Council – 2012-13

The following have been elected to serve on Representative Council. The first meeting will be September 27, 2012 at 3:30pm in Shippen Hall Room 224. Department Representative Alternate

College of Arts & Sciences

Art 1 Ben Culbertson (2nd Yr.) 1 Biology 2 Heather Sahli (2 Yr.) 2 Theo Light Nathan Thomas 2nd Yr.) Mike Marshall Chemistry 1 Jeb Kegerreis (2nd Yr.) 1 Tom Frielle Communication/Journalism 1 Masudul Biswas (2nd Yr.) 1 Mike Drager Computer Science 1 C. Dudley Girard (2nd Yr.) 1 Economics 1 Freddy Siahaan (2nd Yr.) 1 Brendan Finucane English 2 Neil Connelly (2nd Yr.) 2 Tom Crochunis Zach Savich (2 Yr.) Michael Pressler Geography/Earth Science 2 Alison Feeney (2 Yr.) 2 Scott Drzyzga Joseph Zume (2 Yr.) Kay Williams History/Philosophy 2 Betty Dessants (2nd Yr.) 2 Kwabena Akurang-Parry Gretchen Pierce (2 Yr.) Allen Dieterich-Ward Human Communication Studies 1 Misty Knight (2 Yr.) 1 Matt Ramsey Mathematics 2 Lance Bryant (2nd Yr.) 2 James Hamblin Ben Galluzzo (2 Yr.) Kim Presser Modern Languages 1 Marcela Pineda-Volk (2nd Yr.) 1 Music & Theatre Arts 1 Mark Hartman (2 Yr.) 1 Fred Dade Physics 1 Majeed Abdurrahman (2 Yr.) 1 Political Science 2 Steven Lichtman (2nd Yr.) 2 Lonce Sandy-Bailey Amanda Olejarski (2nd Yr.) Psychology 2 Lea Adams (2nd Yr.) 2 Jamonn Campbell

Ashley Seibert (2nd Yr.) Sociology/Anthropology 2 Dina Banerjee (2 Yr.) 2 Debra Cornelius Ying Yang (2 Yr.) Cindy Drevonsky

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College of Business

Accounting/Manage. Info. Systems 2 Viet Dao (2 Yr.) 2 Scott Cairns Joseph Catanio (2 Yr.) Jay Mackie Finance & Supply Chain Management 1 Sarah Bryant (2 Yr.) 1 Ian Langella Management/Marketing 2 Jerry Carbo (2nd Yr.) 2 Nathan Goates William Oberman (2nd Yr.) College of Education & Human Services

Counseling & College Student Personnel 1 Marcy Douglass (2nd Yr.) 1 Criminal Justice 1 Billy Henson (2 Yr.) 1 Stephanie Jirard Educational Leadership & Special Ed. 1 Katherine Fitzgerald (2 Yr.) 1 David Bateman Exercise Science 1 Ben Meyer (2 Yr.) 1 Joohee Sanders Social Work & Gerontology 1 Dorlisa Minnick (1 Yr.) 1 Andy Dunlap Teacher Education 2 Mary Paxton (2 Yr.) 2 Julie Bao Cheryl Slattery (2 Yr.) Non-Classroom Faculty Dept. of Academic Services 1 Chad Bennett ( finishing 2nd Yr.) Dept. of Administration 1 Rebecca Fitz (2nd Yr.) 1 Carrie Michaels Dept. of Counseling Services 1 Linda Chalk (2 Yr.) 1 Michelle Olexa Library 1 Signe Kelker (2nd Yr.) 1 Karen Daniel Coaches Representatives Athletic Department 2 Jeremy Spering (2nd Yr.) 2

Kristy Trn (2nd Yr.) APSCUF/SU Officers for 2012-13 Brendan Finucane, President Niel Brasher, Vice President Deborah Jacobs, Past President Cheryl Slattery, Secretary Azim Danesh, Treasurer

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Union Activist Spotlight: Cheryl Slattery, Teacher Education Department and APSCUF/SU Secretary

By Robert Shaffer

Cheryl Slattery, who recently won reelection for her third term as APSCUF/SU secretary, describes her involvement in the union as a kind of “quiet leadership.” After all, her role at Executive Committee meetings is primarily to listen and record what others say. But Cheryl’s appearance on APSCUF billboards and in Union literature makes a very bold statement about our role as professors. She appears – confident, professional, but also relaxed – with a group of Shippensburg University students, both graduate and undergraduate, and the photograph portrays Cheryl’s role as both mentor and associate. Cheryl, who came to the College of Education and Human Services in 2003, has been a union member since her very first day on the job as a 6th grade teacher in the Saucon Valley School District in eastern Pennsylvania over twenty years ago. She comes from a strong union background, as her husband and her grandparents were members of the United Steel Workers of America at Bethlehem Steel, and her father was in the Fraternal Order of Police. Cheryl was a building representative for the Pennsylvania State Education Association at Saucon Valley and later in the Bethlehem Area School District, and she quickly became active in APSCUF. Indeed, Cheryl says that she “never wanted to be in a classroom without being involved in a unionized faculty.” While pointing out that most of her colleagues in the Teacher Education Department had been members of the National Education Association or the American Federation of Teachers before joining the faculty union at Shippensburg, perhaps Cheryl is the only one who actually went on strike in her first year of teaching, back at Saucon Valley. As an untenured teacher, she could not exactly be out front on the picket lines. But she wanted to do her part, so she organized childcare so others could be on the lines – another example of her “quiet leadership.” While the strike did lead to some lingering bitterness in that suburban school district, Cheryl believes that it led to improvements in teaching conditions and a stronger profile for the union, although she later left for the more union-friendly (and better-paying) Bethlehem district. Cheryl received her teaching certification at Kutztown in 1989 and a Master’s degree in reading at that same PASSHE institution four years later. She worked for eight years as a reading specialist in Bethlehem, and then came to SU to head our Literacy Center after earning her Ed.D. at Widener. She teaches a variety of reading/literacy classes to advanced undergraduates, supervises student teachers in elementary education, and works with graduate students, many of whom are already teachers or counselors. Cheryl, who is now an associate professor, has given many presentations to conferences and school district workshops on what works in promoting reading proficiency, and she has many publications – some co-authored with other SU faculty – explaining and analyzing such programs. She works closely with the Shippensburg Area School District and the district’s foundation to organize programs involving parents to encourage reading readiness among pre-school children. Cheryl notes that when she started at Ship many school districts, under pressure from the new requirements of No Child Left Behind and Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) exams, were hiring reading specialists. Recent budget cuts have resulted in layoffs or transfers back to the classroom of many of these specialists, but Cheryl says her classes are still in demand as many districts now want new teachers to come in with a minor in reading. Cheryl is the mother four children, the youngest of whom is in elementary school and the oldest following in her footsteps at Kutztown. Three of her children have attended the Luhrs School on campus, where she serves on the school advisory committee. Indeed, Cheryl’s APSCUF and university service seems only to be matched by her community service, from chairing the board of trustees of the Shippensburg Area School District Foundation to dispensing funds for youth programs as a Drew Michael Taylor Foundation board member. She also works, for example, with the booster club of her children’s swim team, and has been a volunteer coach with the SU cheerleading squad. (She had coached cheerleading back in Bethlehem.) Oh, and Cheryl runs marathons and participates in triathlons in her spare time. Those APSCUF billboards have brought well-deserved publicity to this quiet union activist and professor. Many friends and acquaintances have called to say that they saw her on I-83 near Harrisburg or on Route 11 south of Shippensburg. (One told Cheryl that the surprise of seeing her larger than life almost caused a crash.) But the billboards and union materials also highlight, through the snapshot image of one member, the backgrounds, service, and scholarship of all APSCUF members, at Shippensburg and throughout the state.

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WELCOME NEW MEMBERS !!! APSCUF/SU would like to welcome the following faculty to our membership. We now have 369 APSCUF faculty members. William Bealing- Accounting Kelly Carrero – Ed Leadership/Spec Educ Sunhee Choi – Management/Mktg Blake Hargrove – Mgmt./Mktg Christopher Keyes – Teacher Education Cynthia Koller – Criminal Justice Anca Lasc – Art & Design Fan Liu – Finance & Supply Chain Mgmt. Carrie Mondello – Criminal Justice Jennifer Pyles –Teacher Educ Beverly Wallace – Academic Services Dennis Arnold – Mathematics Kathryn Hess – Physics Praveen Veerabhadrappa- Exer. Science Holly Ott – Comm/Journalism Petra Rueter - Modern Lang Jennifer Wysocki - Biology Lia Alexander – Modern Languages Elizabeth Orseno- Library Kathryn Brooks- Counseling & College Stu Pers Stephen Beck – Geography/ Earth Science

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What is it? The Frontline Faculty incentive program rewards

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Are You a Full Union Member? APSCUF full members pay union dues equal to 1.15% of their salary. Fair share contributors are required to pay 90% of this 1.15%. However, on paycheck stubs, the fee is simply listed as “APSCUF DUE” for APSCUF and fair share contributors alike. The bottom line: just because it says “APSCUF DUE” on your paycheck it does not mean that you are a union member. Contact Diana Worden at ext. 1791 or via email at [email protected] to ensure that you are a union member.

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APSCUF/SU Office – Wright Hall 103 Chapter President: Brendan Finucane Office Manager: Diana Worden APSCUF Hours: M 10-11:30am, Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. M thru F

W&F 10-12pm Phone: 717-477-1791 Phone: 717-477-1299 or 477-3229 Email: [email protected] or Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Fax: 717-477-1278

Retirement counseling Any faculty members planning to retire need to be sure to see Maryrose Wilson in the Human Resources Office to discuss retirement issues.

SABBATICAL LEAVE REMINDER Applications for sabbatical leave to be taken during the 2013-14 academic year MUST BE received by Friday, September 7, 2012

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2012 Election - General Endorsement 2012 General Endorsement Sheet-CAP Committee Recommendations


Incumbent/Candidate First Name Last Name Party District Campus Endorse Yes/No

Incumbent Patrick J. Harkins D 1 ED Y

Incumbent Flo Fabrizio D 2 ED Y

Candidate Ryan Bizzarro D 3 ED Y

Candidate Jason White D 5 ED Y

Incumbent Mark Longietti D 7 ED & SR Y

Incumbent Chris Sainato D 9 SR Y

Incumbent Jaret Gibbons D 10 SR Y

Candidate Eric Schott D 13 WC Y

Incumbent Robert F. Matzie D 16 SR Y

Incumbent Gene DiGirolamo R 18 WC Y

Incumbent Jake Wheatley D 19 CA Y

Incumbent Adam Ravenstahl D 20 CA & SR Y

Candidate Erin Molchany D 22 CA Y

Incumbent Dan Frankel D 23 IU Y

Incumbent Joseph F. Markosek D 25 IU Y

Incumbent Tim Hennessey R 26 MI & WC Y

Incumbent Bernie O'Neill R 29 CH Y

Incumbent Steve Santarsiero D 31 KU Y

Incumbent Anthony M. DeLuca D 32 SR


Incumbent Frank Dermody D 33 SR Y

Incumbent Paul Costa D 34 CA Y

Incumbent Marc J. Gergely D 35 CA Y

Incumbent Harry Readshaw D 36 CA Y

Incumbent Bill Kortz D 38 CA Y

Candidate David Levdansky D 39 CA Y

Candidate Matt Smith D 42 CA Y

Candidate John Weigel D 43 MI Y

Incumbent Nick Kotik D 45 CA Y

Incumbent Jesse White D 46 CA Y

Candidate Sarah Speed D 47 MI & SH Y

Incumbent Brandon Neuman D 48 CA Y

Incumbent Peter J. Daley D 49 CA Y

Incumbent Tim Mahoney D 51 CA Y

Incumbent Deberah Kula D 52 CA Y

Incumbent Joseph A. Petrarca D 55 IU Y

Candidate Raymond Bud Geissler D 56 IU


Incumbent R. Ted Harhai D 58 CA Y

Candidate Harriet Ellenberger D 59 CA & IU Y

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Incumbent Dave Reed R 62 IU Y

Incumbent Donna Oberlander R 63 CL Y

Incumbent Matthew E. Baker R 68 MA Y

Incumbent Matthew Bradford D 70 KU & WC Y

Incumbent Bryan Barbin D 71 IU Y

Incumbent Frank Burns D 72 IU Y

Incumbent Gary Haluska D 73 IU Y

Candidate Mark McCracken D 74 LH Y

Incumbent Mike Hanna D 76 LH Y

Incumbent H. Scott Conklin D 77 LH Y

Candidate Richard Flarend D 79 IU Y

Incumbent Jerry A. Stern R 80 IU Y

Incumbent Michael E. Fleck R 81 SH Y

Incumbent Richard Mirabito D 83 LH & MA Y

Candidate Susan Spicka D 89 SH Y

Candidate Charles Comrey D 92 SH Y

Candidate Linda Small D 93 MI & SH Y

Incumbent Eugene A. DePasquale D 95 MI & SH Y

Incumbent Mike Sturla D 96 MI Y

Candidate Patty Kim D 103 MI & SH Y

Candidate Christopher Dietz D 104 MI & SH Y

Candidate Kelly Jean McEntee D 105 MI & SH Y

Incumbent Sid Kavulich D 114 ES Y

Candidate Frank Farina D 115 ES Y

Candidate Ransom Young D 116 BL Y

Incumbent Mike Carroll D 118 ES Y

Incumbent Phyllis Mundy D 120 BL Y

Incumbent Eddie Day Pashinski D 121 BL Y

Candidate Ronald Rabenold D 122 ES Y

Incumbent Neal P. Goodman D 123 BL Y

Candidate Mark Rozzi D 126 KU Y

Incumbent Thomas R. Caltagirone D 127 KU Y

Candidate Erik Saar D 129 KU Y

Candidate Russell Diesinger D 130 KU Y

Candidate Kevin Deeley D 131 KU Y

Candidate Michael Schlossberg D 132 KU Y

Incumbent Steve Samuelson D 135 ES & KU Y

Incumbent Robert Freeman D 136 ES Y

Incumbent John T. Galloway D 140 WC Y

Incumbent Tina Davis D 141 WC Y

Candidate Mark Painter D 146 KU & WC Y

Incumbent Tim Briggs D 149 WC Y

Incumbent Thomas P. Murt R 152 WC Y

Incumbent Madeleine Dean D 153 MI Y

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Candidate Steve McCarter D 154 WC Y

Candidate Joshua Maxwell D 155 WC Y

Candidate Paul Drucker D 157 WC Y

Incumbent Chris Ross R 158 WC Y

Incumbent Thaddeus Kirkland D 159 CH Y

Candidate Sheamus Bonner D 163 CH Y

Incumbent William F. Adolph R 165 CH Y

Incumbent Greg Vitali D 166 CH Y

Incumbent Duane Milne R 167 CH & WC Y

Incumbent Brendan F. Boyle D 170 WC Y

Incumbent Kerry Benninghoff R 171 LH Y

Incumbent Kevin Boyle D 172 WC Y

Incumbent Michael Patrick McGeehan D 173 WC


Incumbent John P. Sabatina D 174 WC Y

Incumbent Michael H. O'Brien D 175 WC Y

Incumbent Mario M. Scavello R 176 ES Y

Candidate William Dunbar D 177 WC Y

Incumbent Scott A. Petri R 178 WC Y

Incumbent Angel Cruz D 180 CH Y

Incumbent W. Curtis Thomas D 181 CH Y

Candidate Brian Sims D 182 CH & WC Y

Incumbent William F. Keller D 184 WC Y

Incumbent Maria Donatucci D 185 WC Y

Candidate Jordan Harris D 186 CH Y

Candidate Joseph Haas D 187 KU Y

Incumbent James R. Roebuck D 188 CH Y

Incumbent Ronald G. Waters D 191 CH Y

Incumbent Louise Williams Bishop D 192 CH


Incumbent Pamela Delissio D 194 WC Y

Candidate Jose Miranda D 197 CH Y

Incumbent Rosita C. Youngblood D 198 WC Y

Incumbent Cherelle L. Parker D 200 WC Y

Incumbent Marc Cohen D 202 WC Y

Incumbent Dwight Evans D 203 CH Y

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2012 General Endorsement Sheet-CAP Committee Recommendations


Incumbent/Candiate First Name Last Name Party District Campus Endorse Yes/No

Incumbent Larry Farnese D 1 WC Y

Incumbent Shirley Kitchen D 3 CH & WC Y

Incumbent Mike Stack D 5 WC Y

Incumbent Vincent J. Hughes D 7 CH Y

Incumbent Dominic Pileggi R 9 CH Y

Incumbent Judy Schwank D 11 KU Y

Candidate Robert Teplitz D 15 MI & SH Y

Incumbent Daylin Leach D 17 WC Y

Incumbent Andrew E. Dinniman D 19 WC Y

Incumbent Joseph B. Scarnati R 25 MA Y

Incumbent John R. Gordner R 27 BL Y

Incumbent David Argall R 29 BL & ES Hold

Candidate Tim Seip D 29 BL & ES Hold

Incumbent Patricia H. Vance R 31 SH Y

Incumbent John N. Wozniak D 35 IU & LH Y

Candidate Matt Smith D 37 CA & SR Y

Incumbent Don White R 41 CL & IU Y

Incumbent Jay Costa D 43 CA Y

Incumbent Jim Brewster D 45 CA Y

Candidate Kimberly Villella D 47 SR Y

Candidate Sean Wiley D 49 ED Y

2012 General Endorsement Sheet-CAP Committee Recommendations


Treasurer Rob McCord D Incumbent Y

Auditor General Eugene DePasquale D Candidate Y

Attorney General Kathleen Kane D Candidate Y

Page 17: APSCUF/SU Union Newsletter · called a “fire- breathing keynote speech [which] attacked the educational establishment, especially teachers unions.” Christie boasted of reducing

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