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April/Travanj - Oktobar/Listopad 2013. godine

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April/Travanj - Oktobar/Listopad 2013. godine




Po{tovani ~itatelji,

Prošlo je pet mjeseci od prethodnog izdanja našeg ~a -so pisa Sarajevo Airport Magazine. U tom periodu ura -di li smo dosta na poboljšanju naših usluga. Prije svega,mi slim na završetak radova i otvaranje proširenog Duty-Free shopa, baziranog na sistemu “Walk Through”, sapuno širim asortimanom proizvoda u ponudi. Proširenisu i saloni za putnike poslovne klase, kiosk za štampuu pristanišnoj zgradi, te opremljena posebna prostorijaza puša~e u odlaze}em gateu.

Proteklu poslovnu godinu završili smo uspješno, po se -b no uzevši u obzir ~injenicu da je ma|arska aviokomp -a nija Malev u februaru 2012. godine. potpuno ob u stavilasvoje letove za Sarajevo, ~injenicu da je doma}a avio ko -m panija BH Airlines drasti~no smanjila broj avio ope -ra cija, kao i op}e stanje u civilnom zrakoplovstvu.

Što se pak ti~e godine koja je pred nama, `elim istaknutida konstantno radimo na unapre|enju naše osnovnedjelatnosti. Po~etkom februara potpisan je ugovor saniskotarifnom turskom aviokompanijom Pegasus Air-lines, što }e omogu}iti našim gra|anima da lete na svimnjihovim destinacijama po vrlo povoljnim cijenama. Pri -vode se kraju i pregovori oko uvo|enja redovne linije zaKuvajt (Gryphon Airlines), po~evši od maja ove godine,te ~arter linije na istoj relaciji (Kuwait Airways). Kad jeu pitanju ~arter saobra}aj, o~ekujemo porast i u tom se -g mentu, s obzirom na to da se sve ve}i broj bh. gra|anaodlu ~uje na odlazak na odmor avionom, a raste i brojstra nih turista koji u našu zemlju dolaze preko našegae rodroma. Optimizam za uspješnu 2013. godinu bazi-ra mo i na ~injenici da je u februaru zabilje`en porastbroja putnika od 16 posto.

Do našeg novog izdanja, sve vas srda~no pozdravljam.

Dear Readers,

It has been five months since the last issue ofour journal Sarajevo Airport Magazine. Duringthis period we did a lot to further develop ourse rvices. First of all, I'm talking about the ope -ni ng of improved and expanded Duty-Free Sh -op, which is now based on the “Walk-Through“co ncept and offers much higher variety of theavailable products. We also expanded the Busi-ness Class Passenger Lounges, renovated theNewsstand at the ground floor of the TerminalB, and equipped the specially designed Smok-ing Lounge next to the departure gates.

We successfully completed the previous busi-ness year despite the numerous challenges,such as absolute suspension of the flights toSarajevo in February of 2012 that were opera -ted by the Hungarian airline Malev, drastic re-duction in the volume of air operations by thelocal airline BH Airlines, as well as the generalsituation in the civil aviation.

Looking at the year in front of us, I would like topoint out that we are continuously working to-ward improving our core business. At the be-ginning of February, we signed a contract withthe low budget Turkish airline Pegasus Air-lines, which will allow our citizens to fly to anydesired destination at the very affordable price.We are also closing on negotiations to intro-duce the new regular flight route to Kuwait(Gryphon Airlines), which should be open inMay of this year, as well as the charter flight onthe same route (Kuwait Airways). As for thecharter air traffic, we expect an increase in thissegment as well, partly because we are seeingan upward trend among our citizens to travelto their vacation destinations by air, but alsobecause there is an increase in the number offoreign tourists that come to our country di-rectly via our airport. Our optimism for the year 2013 is based on thedata that is showing an increase in the numberof travelers of 16 percent for the month of Feb-ruary.

Until our next issue, my sincere greetings to allof you,


Ivan Veli~an





CONTENTUspje{an rad i u te{kim vremenima/Successful Business Even in Difficult Times 14-18

Centar kontrole letenja je mozak svakog aerodroma/Air Traffic Control Center is the Brain of Every Airport 22-27

Cargo centar – najbr`i na~in transporta robe/Air Cargo Center – Fastest Option to Transport Goods 28-32

Slu`ba prodaje avijacijskih usluga – korisnici na{ih uslugauvijek na prvom mjestu/Aviation Services Sales Office – Users of Our Servicesare Always in the First Place 34-37

Walk Through Duty-Free Shop – za svakog po ne{to/Walk-Through Duty-Free Shop – Something forEverybody 42-46

Me|unarodni sajam gospodarstva Mostar – centarpromocije doma}e privrede/International Economic Fair in Mostar – PromotionalCentre of the Local Economy 48-51

Ideja koja je pomogla mnogima/The Idea That Helped Many 52-53

Bosanska piramida Sunca – nova doma}a turisti~ka destinacija/Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun – New DomesticTourist Destination 54-58

Sarajevo Airport MagazinePeriodi~ni magazin Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo Periodical magazine of the Sarajevo International AirportIzdava~ / Publisher: Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo / Sarajevo International AirportRedakcijski kolegij / Editorial Board: Ivan Veli~an, generalni direktor / GeneralManager, Edita Sulejmanovi}, viši stru~ni saradnik sistema za upravljanje sigurnoš}u informacija / Senior Expert Collaborator for Managing Security ofInformations, Alma Krni}, PR menad`er / PR Manager, Darijan Veli~an, marketing menad`er / Marketing Manager, agencija PRag d.o.o. Sarajevo /agency PRag d.o.o. SarajevoPriprema i ure|ivanje / Preparation and editing: PRag d.o.o.Tira` / Circulation: 10.000 Engleski prevod / English translation: Adnan Avdagi}Fotografija / Photography: PRag d.o.o. i arhiv Me|unarodnog aerodromaSarajevo / Archives of the Sarajevo International Airport DTP / Design: PRag d.o.o.Štampa / Printing: Suton, Široki Brijeg








Obnovljena trafika na terminalu B i nova prostorijaza pu{a~eNa Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo, osim novogWalk Through Free-shopa, obnovljeno je još nekoli -ko objekata. Tako je novo nali~je dobila trafika u pri -ze mlju terminala B, a otvorena je i nova prostorija zapu ša~e, koja se nalazi na istom terminalu u blizini ka -f ea u prostoru za putnike u odlasku. Kvadratura novetra fike iznosi 32 kvadratna metra i u njoj putnici, ali iposjetioci Sarajevskog aerodroma za sebe mogu pro -na}i dnevnu i periodi~nu štampu, cigarete, gricka licei poslastice, kao i razne suvenire. Prostorija za pu -ša~e je nešto sasvim novo na Sarajevskom aerod ro -mu, a raspola`e prostorom od 33 kvadratna metra.Radi se o moderno ustakljenom i klimatiziranom pro -s toru sa sedam stolova za puša~e. �

Renovated Newsstand andNew Smoking Lounge at theTerminal B Next to the new Walk-Through Free Shop, severalother facilities have been renovated at the SarajevoInternational Airport. Therefore, Newsstand at theground floor of the Terminal B got its improved lookand new Smoking Lounge has been opened at thesame terminal close to the Cafe and Departure Gates.The size of the new Newsstand is 32 square metersand offers Sarajevo Airport’s passengers, as well asvisitors, daily and periodical press materials, ciga-rettes, snacks and treats, as well as various sou-venirs. The Smoking Lounge is something completelynew at the Sarajevo Airport and has a floor area of33 square meters. This is a modern glass-enclosedand air-conditioned room with seven tables for smok-ers. �

Kvalitetnije usluge za posjetioce iputnike aerodroma/

Airport's higherquality servicesfor its visitors and travelers




Odr`an novi sastanak omogu}em uspostavljanjuaviolinije Sarajevo – Atina

New Meeting held for Possible Establishment of the Flight Route Sarajevo – Athens At the beginning of February 2013, a meeting washeld in Sarajevo between the representatives of avia-

tion and tourism industry ofBosnia & Herzegovina and Gre -ece, at which they discussedproject implementation of theflight route between B&H andGreece, as well as developmentof touristic, trade and economicrelations between these twocou ntries. Previous meeting wash eld in Athens on November19th of 2012 at the Greek Mi ni -stry of Tourism, which was initi-ated by the Greek Go ve rnor ofCivil Aviation, Mrs. Fofi Pa pad i -mitropoulou, and attended by thelarge number of representativesfrom B&H and Greece. "This meeting is a continuationof the first meeting held inAthens, where we talked aboutthe possible establi s hment of thedirect flight route between Sara-jevo and At hens. I can say thatthere is a great interest fromboth si des for establishment ofthis flight route, so we offer gre atbusiness conditions to all the in-terested parties and hope it willbe realized in the summer of thisyear. The flight route Athens-Sarajevo would mean a lot for

the citizens and travel agencies in B&H, because itwould not only enable direct tourist visits, but alsooffer transfer flights from Athens to all of the otherdestinati ons, " said Mr. Ivan Velican, Director of the Sarajevo Inte rnational Airport.The mutual interest was confirmed by the Greek Ambassador in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. KarlosGadis, who said that B&H and Greece are friendlycountries that have a lot of space for additional improvements in their economic and touristic rela-tions, so this flight route is very important for the bothcountries and Greece is open to all of the availableoptions to make it happen. Greek Governor of CivilAviation, Mrs. Fofi Papadimitropoulou, was very satisfied with the meeting in Sarajevo, because shehad the opportunity to personally see Sarajevo Airport's capacity and possibilities for esta blishmentof such a flight route.Representative of the Greek airline Aegean Airlines,Mr. Kostas Alexandridis, also expressed an interest atthe meeting for establishment of the direct flightroute be tween the two capital cities. �

U Sarajevu je po~etkom februara odr`an sastanakpredstavnika BiH i Gr~ke iz oblasti avijacije i turizma,na kojem je razgovarano o projektu uvo|enja aviolin-ije izme|u BiH iGr~ke, te una pre -|enju razvoja turi -s ti ~ kih, trgovinskihi ekonomskih od -no sa dviju ze malja.Prvi ovakav sasta -nak odr`an je uAtini 19. novembra2012.godine uMinistarstvu turi -zma Gr~ke, napoziv guvernerkeCivilnog zrako-plovstva Gr~keFofi Papa di mi tro -po ulou, sa u~e š -}em predstavnikaBiH i Gr~ke.“Ovaj sastanak jenastavak onog sas-tanka iz Atine, nakojem smo ra zgo -varali o mo gu }emuspostavlj a nju di-rektne aviolinijeizme|u Sarajeva iAtine. Postoji velikiinte res sa objestrane o uspostavl-janju ove linije, asvim zainteresiranim stranama nudimo najboljeuslove za poslovanje, te se nadamo da }e do uspo s ta -vljanje ove linije na ljeto ove godine zaista i do}i. Avio-linija Atina-Sarajevo, puno bi zna~ila za dr`avljane ituristi~ke agencije iz BiH, jer bi, osim direktnih turi s ti -~ kih posjeta, bili omogu}eni transfer letovi iz Atine zasve ostale destinacije“, rekao je Ivan Veli~an, direktorMe|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo. Da postoji zainteresiranost i s druge strane, potvrdioje gr~ki ambasador u BiH Karolos Gadis koji je izme|uostalog rekao da su BiH i Gr~ka prijateljske zemlje ida ima dosta prostora za poboljšanje ekonomskih ituristi~kih odnosa, te da je aviolinija veoma va`na zaobje zemlje i da je Gr~ka u tom smislu otvorena za svemo gu}nosti. Guvernerka Civilnog zrakoplovstva Gr ~ ke Fofi Papadimitropoulou istaknula je zado-voljstvo sa stankom u Sarajevu, gdje se iz prve rukeuvjerila u ka pacitete i mogu}nosti za uspostavljanjeovakvog leta.I predstvnik gr~ke aviokompanijeAegean Airlines Ko s tas Alexandris na sastanku jeiskazao interes za ostvarivanje direktne aviolinijeizme|u prijestonica. �

Na sastanku su prezentirane sve mogu}nosti/All possibilities were presented at the meeting




Globtour Event Sarajevootvorila poslovnicu naMe|unarodnom aerodromu SarajevoKompanija GlobtourEvent Sarajevo ozvani~ilaje po~etak rada sve~animotvaranjem ureda koje jeuprili~eno na Me|unaro-dnom aerodromu Sarajevo. Otvaranjemkompanije GlobtourEvent Sarajevo, Bosna iHercegovina se pri klju -~u je vode}oj me|unarod-noj kompaniji CarlsonWagonlit Travel koja jespecijalizirana za organi-zaciju i optimiziranjeposlovnih putovanja.U svom širokomspektru usluga, poredizdavanja aviokarata,rezervacije hotela,rent a car i uslugaposredovanja pri do-bijanju viza, GlobtourEvent bit }e u priliciponuditi posebne pro-grame nagra|ivanjaodanosti za kompa -niju, profile putnikaprema Carlson Wag-onlit Travel standard-ima, te hitne sistencije.Povodom sve~anog otvaranja nove kompanijeAlma Kara~i}, direktorica Globtour Event Sarajevoizjavila je kako }e ovo biti veliki iskorak u odnosuna dosadašnju ponudu u ovoj oblasti u BiH. “Radujem se da }e i naša zemlja kroz poslovanjeGlobtour Event agencije imati priliku da prate}i svjetske i evropske trendove našim klijentimaponudi vrhunsku uslugu organizacije putovanja",istakla je Kara~i}. Darijan Veli~an, marketing manager Me|unaro-dnog aerodroma Sarajevo je u ime UpraveMe|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo izrazio velikozadovoljstvo povodom ostvarene poslovne saradnjesa kompanijom Globtour iz Zagreba. “Ponosni smo na ~injenicu da je Uprava Globtouraza sjedište bh. predstavništva izabrala prostorijeAerodroma Sarajevo. Na ovaj na~in smo još jednom dokazali da svim snagama radimo naproširenju usluga za naše putnike i uvjereni smoda }e prisustvo renomirane svjetske travel coun-seler agencije Carlson Wagonlit na aerodromuolakšati putovanje svim gra|anima BiH”, dodao jeVeli~an. �

Globtour Event SarajevoOpened a Branch Office atthe Sarajevo International Airport

Company GlobtourEvent Sarajevo officially announcedat the opening ceremony, which tookplace in the premisesof the Sarajevo Inter-national Airport, thattheir branch office isopen for business.With the opening ofthe company Glob-tour Event Sarajevo,Bosnia and Herze-govina has joined theleading international

company Carlson WagonlitTravel, which specializes in or-ganization and optimization ofthe business trips. Within thewide range of services such asbooking of air tickets, hotelreservations, car rentals andbrokerage services for obtainingtravel visas, Globtour Event willalso offer special reward prog -ra ms for their loyal customers,profiles of passengers that com-ply with Carlson WagonlitTravel standards, and emer-

gency assistance.The Director of Globtour Event Sarajevo, Mrs. AlmaKaracic, said at the official opening of the newbranch office that this will bring a significant improvement of the currently available options inthis business segment of Bosnia and Herzegovina."I am glad that our country will now also have theopportunity to follow the international and Europeantrends through the business standards of the Glob-tour Event agencies and offer our customers supe-rior travel organization services," said Mrs. Karacic.Mr. Darijan Velican, Marketing Manager of the Sara-jevo International Airport, expressed his great sat-isfaction on behalf of the airport officials for therealized business cooperation with the companyGlobtour from Zagreb."We are proud of the fact that Globtour BH sta-tioned their Sarajevo branch headquarters office atthe Sarajevo International Airport. This way weproved once again that we are working hard to expand our range of services for the travelers, andwe are confident that presence of the worldrenowned travel agency, such as Carlson Wagonlit,will further improve travel experience for all of ourcitizens," added Mr. Velican. �

Detalj sa otvaranja poslovnice/Details from the branch office opening




Direktor Croatia Airlinesa Krešimir Ku~ko posjetio jeMe|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo, gdje se susreo sadirektorom Aerodroma Sarajevo Ivanom Veli~anom.Tokom posjete razmatrane su mogu}nostipoboljšanja poslovne saradnje i razvoja prometa naAerodromu Sarajevo. Direktor hrvatskog nacio na l -nog avioprevoznika tom prilikom je najavio kako }eCroatia Airlines u ljetnom redu letenja 2013. godineponovo obavljati 13 sedmi~nih letova na liniji Sarajevo– Zagreb, a tako|er je razmatrana i mogu}nost da seMe|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo u sljede}oj godini,osim sa Zagrebom, pove`e i sa još nekim evropskimdestinacijama Croatia Airlinesa. Podsje}amo, zrako-plovi hrvatskog avioprevoznika su u zimskom reduletenja direktno povezivali Sarajevo i Zagreb svakogdana u sedmici. Putnicima je bilo na raspolaganjuukupno 11 letova sedmi~no - ponedjeljkom, srijedom,petkom i nedjeljom, kada se leti dvaput dnevno, autorkom, ~etvrtkom i subotom planiran je poslijepod-nevni let.Direktor Ivan Veli~an izrazio je zadovoljstvodosadašnjom poslovnom saradnjom, jer Croatia Airlines po ukupnom broju letova i prevezenih put-nika zna~ajno doprinosi poslovanju aerodroma. Podsjetio je i na podatak da je zrakoplov Croatia Airlinesa 1996. godine prvi sletio na obnovljeni Aerodrom Sarajevo, kada je i zvani~no otvoren za redovni zra~ni promet. Putnicima iz Bosne i Hercegovine od tada do danas u kontinuitetu se nudedirektni letovi Sarajevo – Zagreb, kao i povoljnemogu}nosti konekcije za druga evropska i svjetskaodredišta. Uz rije~i zahvalnosti za uprili~enu posjetu,direktor Croatia Airlines izrazio je podršku naporimarukovodstva Aerodroma za unapre|enje poslovanja iizrazio nadu za daljnju uspješnu suradnju. �

Aerodrom Sarajevo i CroatiaAirlines imaju odli~nu saradnju

Excellent Cooperation Between Sarajevo Airportand Croatia Airlines

The CEO of Croatia Airlines, Mr. Kresimir Kucko, visited Sarajevo International Airport and met withits director Mr. Ivan Velican. During the visit, he explored new improvement possibilities of the current business cooperation and development options for the air traffic volume at the Sarajevo Airport. Director of the Croatian national air carrieralso announced that their summer flight schedulefor 2013 will again have 13 flights per week on theroute Sarajevo - Zagreb, and that they will also con-sider possibility of connecting Sarajevo International Airport next year with, in addition to Zagreb, otherEuropean destinations covered by Croatia Airlines.During the winter schedule, aircrafts of the Croatianair carrier directly connected Sarajevo and Zagrebevery day of the week. There were 11 total flights perweek available to the passengers, including two flightper day on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, and one afternoon flight on Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays.Mr. Ivan Velican is extremely satisfied with the current business cooperation with Croatia Airlines,because they are significantly contributing to thebusiness of the Airport with their current number offlights and carried passengers. He also recalled thatin 1996, Croatia Airlines airplane was the first one toland at the renovated Sarajevo Airport when it wasofficially opened for regular air traffic. Since then,travelers from Bosnia and Herzegovina enjoy contin-uous direct flights on the route Sarajevo - Zagreb, aswell as convenient connection options to other Euro-pean and international destinations. After final wordsof gratitude to the host for the organized visit, theCEO of Croatia Airlines also expressed his support tothe Airport’s management efforts toward continuousbusiness improvements, in hope that their success-ful cooperation will continue in the future. �

Izra`ene `elje za još bolju saradnju/ Both parties expressed interest for even betterbusiness cooperation

Sagra|en 1882. godine na razme|i orijentalnog i modernogstila, hotel „Europe“ pro`et je najljepšim osobinama obasvijeta. Smještena u samom srcu grada Sarajeva, samo par

koraka od turisti~kog starog gradskog jezgra, ova austro uga r skagra|evina plijeni pa`nju samim svojim raskošnim izgledom.Hotel „Europe“ u kojem su odsjedale najva`nije li~nosti iz Europe i svijeta je cijeli jedan vijek bio nijemi svjedok sarajev skehistorije. Upravo u ovom hotelu su tokom svoje posjete Sarajevuboravili ugledni dr`avnici i politi~ari, istaknuti korporativniizvršioci, filmske i televizijske li~nosti, umjetnici i sportisti. Danas, nakon 130 godina tradicije, hotelu „Europe“ je vra}en prvobitni sjaj i ure|en je u skladu sa najvišim ugostiteljskimstandardima. Našu sveobuhvatnu ponudu ~ini 160 luksuznoopremljenih soba, 14 apartmana od kojih su 2 predsjedni~ka, 5 potpuno opremljenih konferencijskih sala, vrhunski sadr`ajispa i wellness centra sa fitnes centrom, bazenom, turskim kupatilom, solarijumima, saunama i prostorijama za masa`u. Uz poznatu „Be~ku kafanu“, restoran sa vrhunskim doma}im i internacionalnim kulinarskim specijalitetima i slasti~arnu „Mocart“ sa originalnim slasticama, hotel „Europe“ }e okri jepitiVaš duh i u~initi Vaš boravak u Sarajevu jedinstvenim do`ivljajemkojeg }ete se uvijek sje}ati sa lijepim uspomenama.

Built in 1882, at the crossroads of the Oriental and modernstyle, Hotel Europe is imbued with the best attributes of bothworlds. Positioned in the heart of the Sarajevo city, just a few

steps away from the tourist Old Town core, this Austro-Hungarianbuilding with its external splendor will have you captivated.Hotel Europe has been a silent witness to the history of Sarajevofor an entire century and has hosted the most notable personalitiesfrom Europe and the rest of the world. It is at this Hotel that distinguished statesmen and politicians, high-profile corporate executives, motion picture and television personalities, artists andathletes have all stayed whilst visiting Sarajevo. Today, after 130 years of tradition, Hotel Europe has been restoredto its original splendor and designed according to the highest standards of hospitality. Our all-inclusive offer is made of 160 luxurious rooms, 14 suites, 2 of which are presidential suites, 5fully equipped conference halls, the state of the art spa and wellness facilities including fitness center, indoor swimming pool,Turkish bath, tanning beds, saunas and massage. With the famous Viennese Cafe, Restaurant with first-class localand international culinary specialties and Mozart's Patisserie withoriginal sweet delicacies, Hotel Europe will invigorate your soul andmake your stay in Sarajevo a genuine experience you will alwaysremember with a smile.

RECEPCIJA / RECEPTIONTel: +387 (0)33 580 400, 580 500, 580 [email protected]

REZERVACIJE / RESERVATIONS Tel: + 387 (0) 33 580 570, 580 444 [email protected]

MARKETING / MARKETINGTel: + 387 (0) 33 580 600, 580 582 [email protected]




Uspje{an rad i ute{kim vremenimaSuccessful BusinessEven in DifficultTimes

Ministar komunikacija i transporta BiH Damir Had`i} ka`e kakoje Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo veoma bitan za imid` dr`avei najavljuje da }e ovo ministarstvo i u budu}nosti podr`avatinjegov rad.

Iako Ministarstvo komunikacija itra nsporta BiH nije direktno za du -`e no za rad Me|unarodnog aerod -r o ma Sa rajevo, kako ka`e ~elni

~o vjek ove institucije, ministar DamirHa d`i}, Saraje vski aerodrom zauzimaposebno mje sto u planovima ov og min-i starstva. S obzirom na to da se ra di onaj prometnijem doma}em ae ro dromusa me|una ro dnim prefiksom, Mini -starstvo sa o bra}aja i ko munikacijaBiH, u saradnji sa dru gim dr`avnim in-s titucijama za du ̀ e nim za sektor avija -cije, radi na do nošenju zakonskere gulative koja }e u budu}nosti olakšatirad ovog ae ro droma.

Konstantna podrška“Naše ministarstvo mo`e dosta po mo }iu radu Sarajevskog aerodroma, pr v e n -s tveno kroz adekvatnu pripremu i pra -}e nje zakonske regulative, te u sk l a du stim, stvaranjem preduvjeta za što lakšepri lago|avanje regulato rnim zahtjevi -ma. Ministarstvo komuni kacija i trans-po rta BiH zajedno sa Direkcijom zaci vilno zrakoplovstvo BiH veoma pr e -da no radi na us kla |i va nju doma}e same |unarodnom re gu lativom i na taj na -~in vrši i us kla|ivanje usluga koje pru ̀ a -ju doma}i aerodromi. Tako|er, Mi nistarstvo mo`e pomo}i ipoma`e kroz promociju bosansko-hercego va ~ kog zra~nog saobra}aja in-teresnim sku pinama u Evropi i svijetu.

Zbog toga ~e sto iniciramo razgovore ipru ̀ amo po dršku komunikaciji sa stra -na ma zai n teresiranim za pokretanjeno vih linija. Re kao bih da je Ministarstvoko muni kacija i transporta BiH otvorenoi s pre mno za projekte koji }e unaprijeditirad ne samo Sarajevskog, ve} i ostalihae rodroma u BiH“, ka`e ministar Ha d`i}i dodaje kako je Sarajevski aerod romve oma bitan za imid` naše dr`ave.“Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo za -uzima zna~ajno mjesto kada je u pita -nju imid` koji naša dr`ava gradi. Ka koje ovaj aerodrom prva slika koju pu tnicidobiju po dolasku u zemlju, ali i po s -ljednja koju nose sobom prilikom od -

Pohvala rukovodstvuMinistar Had`i} posebno je istaknuo uspjeh novog rukovodstva Sarajevskog aerodroma sa direktorom Ivanom Veli~anom na ~elu,koje i u vrijeme sveprisutne ekonomske krize u našoj zemlji uspijevaAerodrom odr`ati uspješnim.“Novo rukovodstvo MMe|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo došlo je u vrijeme turbulentnih zbivanja u zemlji, ali i u svijetu, kada je civilnozrakoplovstvo u pitanju. U posljednje vrijeme svjedoci smo propadanjaaviokompanija, ukidanja redovnih linija, smanjenja broja putnika...Utakvim vremenima moraju se iznalaziti mogu}nosti za, uvjetno re~eno,pre`ivljavanje, do dolaska boljih vremena za civilnu avijaciju. Mislim danovo rukovodstvo ula`e iznimne napore kako bi svi resursi i potencijalibili maksimalno iskorišteni, unapre|uju prate}e komercijalne djelat-nosti, preispituju kapitalna ulaganja i vrlo racionalno donose odluke oprioritetnim izdvajanjima sredstava“, smatra Had`i}.




Although the Ministry of Communica-tions and Transport of Bosnia andHerzegovina is not directly respon-sible for the work of Sarajevo Inter-

national Airport, according to the head ofthis institution, Minister Damir Hadzic, Sa -ra jevo Airport takes a special place in theplans of the ministry.Given that we are talking about the busiestdo mestic airport with an international pre-fix, Ministry of Transport and Communica-ti ons of B&H, in cooperation with othergo vernment institutions that are in chargeof the aviation sector, is working on passingthe legislation that will facilitate the workof this airport in the future.

Continuous Support“Our ministry can contribute a lot to the wo rkof the Sarajevo Airport, primarily th r o ugh ad-

equate preparation and monitoring of the leg-islation, and based on that cre ate precondi-tions for easier adjustme nts to the regulatoryrequirements. Mini stry of Co mmunicationsand Transport of B&H, together with the Di-re ctorate of Civil Avi ation of B&H, is very co -m mitted to coordi nating national legislationwith internati o nal regulations and that wayalso co ordinates services provided by the do-me stic airports. The ministry is also helpingin pro motion of the Bosnian air traffic to gro -ups of interest in Europe and rest of the wo -rld. Therefore, we often initiate conversa tionsand provide support to communica tions withparties that are interested in la unching thenew flight routes.I would say that the Ministry of Communi-ca tions and Transport of B&H is open andre ady for projects that will enhance not onlythe work of the Sarajevo airport, but also

Minister of Communications and Transport, Mr. DamirHadzic, says that SarajevoInternationalAirport is veryimportant forthe image of thecountry and announces thatthe ministry willsupport its workin the future

Aerodromska djelatnost je veomaspecifi~na, smatra Had`i}/

The Airport’s business is very specific, explains Mr. Hadzic




the work of other airports inBosnia and Herzegovina," saysMinister Hadzic, adding that theSarajevo Airport is very importantfor the image of our country.“Sarajevo International Airportta kes an important place when itco mes to the image that our co u -

n try is building. Since airport isthe fi rst image impression thattravele rs get upon arrival to thecountry, as well as the last onethat they carry with them prior tothe de parture, its work should beprese nted in a special way. WhenI say Sarajevo Airport I mean on

the entire infrastructure, as wellas the staff that is highly qualifiedand specially trained to performdaily activities at the airport.The airport business is very speci ficand requires continuous comp li -ance with the international st a -ndards in all operational segm ents,whether it is related to ha n dling ofthe aircrafts and pa ssengers, com-mercial and service functions, or theinfrastructure. All of the servicesused by the end users of SarajevoAirport, pa ssengers, and visitorsare under co nstant inspection byprecisely those groups, so that iswhy I think that the image of the air-port is extremely important piece ofthe puzzle that is called the imageof our country, and in my opinionthis is a very positive piece,“ saysMr. Hadzic. Although Sarajevo Airport meetsinternational standards when per-fo rming its activities, for its smo -o th operation it is necessary toof ten update the exi sting legislati -on, as well as work on implemen-

laska, njegov rad treba predstaviti naposeban na~in. Kada ka`em Sa ra je v -ski aerodrom, mislim na cj e lo ku p nuinfrastrukturu, ali i na osoblje ko je jevisokostru~no i posebno edu ci rano daobavlja svakodnevne po s lo ve na aero-d romu. Aerodromska dje latnost je vr -lo specifi~na i iziskuje sta lnuus kla |enost sa me|unarodnim stan-da rdima u svim segmenti ma, bilo dase radi o uslugama ve zanim za prihvati otpremu zrakopl ova i putnika, bilo daje rije~ o ko me rcijalnim i uslu`nimdje latnostima ili da je rije~ o infrast r -

u kturi. Sve što slu`i krajnjim korisni -ci ma usluga Sarajevskog aerodroma,pu tnicima, posjetiocima, pod stalnom

je lupom upravo tih interesnih sk u -pina i zato smatram da je slika aero-d ro ma izuzetno bitan dio slagalice

Iako sadašnji kapaciteti Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevomogu odgovoriti pove}anom broju putnika i otvaranju novihaviolinija, prije nekoliko godina trebalo je do}i do proširenjanjegovih kapaciteta, a zbog globalne ekonomske krize od

tog plana se odustalo

Recognition to the ManagementThe Minister Hadzic particularly emphasized the success

of the SSarajevo Airport’s new leadership managed by the directorMr. Ivan Velican, which even in these times of economy crisis inour country manages to maintain the AAirport successful.“The new management of the SSarajevo International Airport wasestablished during the turbulent events in the civil aviation that affected our country and the world. In recent times we have witnessed the deterioration of airlines, termination of regular flightroutes, and decline in the number of passengers.... At such timeswe must be able to find new possibilities, sort of speaking, for surviving this situation until better times for civil aviation arrive. Ithink that the new management is making enormous efforts tofully mobilize all of the available resources and potentials, improvesupporting commercial activities, review capital investments andmake rational decisions in prioritizing allocations of the availablefunds“, concludes Mr. Hadzic.




tation of new sta ndards that are re-quired by the international organiza-tions in the aviation field.“Sarajevo Airport is part of the net-work with more than 450 internationalairports in Europe. It meets and fulfillsall of the listed standards for its cate-gory and just as equally copes with the

ko ja se zove imid` naše dr`ave i to, rekao bih,vrlo pozitivan dio“, smatra Had`i}.Iako Sarajevski aerodrom ispunjava sve me -|unarodne standarde za obavljanje svoje dje -latnosti, za njegov neometan rad po t re b no je~esto nadogra|ivati postoje}u zako n sku reg-ulativu, te raditi na uvo|enju novih sta ndardakoje zahtijevaju me|unarodne org anizacije izoblasti avijacije. “Aerodrom Sarajevo dio je mre`e više od450 me|unarodnih aerodroma u Evropi. Za -d o voljava i ispunjava sve standarde pro pi -sa ne za kategoriju koju ima i sasvim sera vnopravno nosi sa potrebama koje vrijede

Although the current capacity of the Sarajevo International Airport can

respond to any increase in the number of travelers

and new flight routes, a fewyears ago its capacity was

supposed to be further enlarged, but due to theglobal economic crisis the

plan was dropped




za aerodrome sli~ne veli~ine i kapa -ci teta. Me|unarodna organizacija zaci vilno zrakoplovstvo ICAO, ima st ri -k tna pravila kojih se zemlje ~lanice, aBiH je jedna od njih, moraju pri d r`a -vati. Sva naša regulativa mora biti usaglasnosti sa zahtjevanim me |u na -rodnim standardima, jer su to pr e -duvjeti koje naša dr`ava morais punjavati na putu ka Evropskoj uniji.Direkcija za civilno zrakop lo v stvo BiHradi na izradi i pra}enju re gu lative zaaerodrome u BiH i re dovito provjeravaprimjenu te regu lative, izme|u osta-log, i na Saraje v skom aerodromu. Naovaj ae rodrom slije}u renomiraneevr opske, ali i svjetske aviokompanijekoje imaju veoma visoke kriterije i st -a ndarde za odredišne zra~ne luke.Sve ovo su fakti vezani za uvjete kojepo sjeduje Sarajevski aerodrom, dokje sve ostalo tr`ište i tr`išna utrka ukojoj svi u~estvujemo, ne samo aero-d rom, ve} cjelokupna društvena zaje -d nica. Ono što je bitno jeste da ovajSa rajevski aerodrom ima kapacitete iza pove}anje broja aviooperacija i put-nika, te da u svakom momentu mo`eod govoriti na sve eventualne zahtjeveo pove}anju broja aviolinija i putnika“,objašnjava Had`i}.Iako sadašnji kapaciteti Me|unarod -nog aerodroma Sarajevo mogu od -go voriti pove}anom broju putnika iot varanju novih aviolinija, prije neko-li ko godina trebalo je do}i do pro ši -

re nja njegovih kapaciteta, me|utimzbog globalne ekonomske krize odtog plana se odustalo.

Saradnja sa drugim aerodromima“Postojala je namjera da se krene upro širenje kapaciteta, ali je taj plan sv -o ju realizaciju trebao imati u vrije meprije globalne recesije i u vrijeme ka daje zra~ni promet imao straho vito uz la -z nu putanju. Me|utim, recesi ja je ura -dila svoje, broj av i o kompanija jesma njen, stagnira i broj putnika i u tojsi tuaciji sadašnji kapaciteti Saraje v s -kog aerodroma još uvijek su zadovo -lja vaju}i pa nema potrebe za njihovimpro širenjem. Naravno, menad`mentMe |unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevoprati situaciju po ovom pitanju, a sigu -ran sam da }e upravo oni znati na pra -vi na~in prognozirati budu}e pot re be iznati odgovoriti novim izazo vi ma. Štose ti~e naše podrške jednom ta kvomeve ntualnom projektu u bu du }nosti,uvijek }emo podupirati pozi tivne, kon-struktivne i realne zahtjeve koji se prednas postave“, ka`e Ha d`i}.Osim Me|unarodnog aerodromaSa rajevo, naša zemlja ima još trime |unarodna aerodroma, u Tuzli,Mo staru i Banjoj Luci. Me|utim,osim Mostarskog, ostali aerodromira de sa zna~ajno smanjenim kapa -ci tetima i nemaju profitabilan brojpu tnika i aviolinija. Zato su sve ~eš}e

ini cijative da ovi aerodromi postanuse rvis i podrška Me|unarodnom ae -rodromu Sarajevo. “I preostala tri aerodroma u BiH im a -ju status me|unarodnih aerod ro ma.Njihovi kapaciteti su razli~iti, op remlj -e nost u pogledu materijalnih i ljudskihre sursa je razli~ita i u sk la du je sa ka -te gorijama koje ti aerod ro mi posjed u -ju. Veza izme|u do m a }ih ae ro dromapostoji i odr`ava se, a produbljuje se

requirements that apply to theairports of similar size and capac-ity. International Civil AviationOrganization (ICAO) has a strictset of rules that its member coun-tries, and Bosnia and Herzegovinais one of them, must comply with.All of our regulations must be incompliance with the required in-ternational sta ndards, as theseare prerequisi tes that our countrymust meet on its path to the Euro-

pean Union. Directorate of CivilAviation of B&H is working on de-velopment and monitoring of theregulations for the airports inBosnia and He r zegovina, as wellas regularly che cks if these regu-lations are im plemented at theairports, inclu ding the SarajevoAirport. Euro pean and worldprominent air lines land their air-crafts on this air port, which havevery high sta n dards and criteria

for the airport de stinations thatthey use. All of the se factors arere lated to the co nditions that Sa -raj evo Airport already has, whileeve rything else depends on thema rket trends and race in whichwe all take part, not just the air-port, but the entire community.What is important is that SarajevoAirport has the capacity to in-crease the number of total flightoperations and passengers, so itcan respond at any moment to anyfurther requests of this nature“,explains Mr. Hadzic.

Cooperation with Other AirportsAlthough the current capacity ofthe Sarajevo International Air-port can respond to any increasein the number of travelers andnew flight routes, a few years ago

All of the services used by the end users of Sarajevo Airport, passengers, and visitors are under constant

inspection by precisely those groups, so that is why Ithink that the image of the Airport is extremely

important piece of the puzzle that is called the image ofour country, and in our case this is a very positive piece

^esto kapaciteteaerodroma promoviramopo svijetu, ka`e Had`i}/We often promote the Airport’s capacitiesaround the world, says Mr. Hadzic




its capacity was supposed to befurther expanded, but due to theglobal economic crisis the planwas dropped.“There was an intention for ca-pacity expansion, but that planwas supposed to be realized priorto the global recession and thetime when air travel was experi-encing upward trajectory trend.However, the recession has doneits part, so the number of airlineshas been decreased and numberof passengers stagnated, but de-spite this situation the current ca-pacity of the Sarajevo Airport isstill satisfactory and there is noneed for the expansion. Of course,management of the Sarajevo Air-port is monitoring the overall sit-uation and I am sure that they willknow how to forecast our futureneeds and respond to the newchalle n ges. As far as our supportto such projects in the future, wewill always support the positive,constructive and realistic re quire-ments that are placed in front ofus“, says Mr. Hadzic.

In addition to the Sarajevo Inter-national Airport, our country hasanother three international air-ports in Tuzla, Mostar and BanjaLuka. However, apart from theMostar Airport, other two airpo r -ts operate with significantly redu -ced capacity and do not have apro fitable number of passengersand airlines. Therefore, there is apr oposal for these airports to be-co me service centers and supportto the Sarajevo International Air-port.“The other three airports in Bo s -nia and Herzegovina also have thesta tus of international airports.Their capacities and equipmentincluding materials and humanreso u r ces are diffe rent and in ac-c ordance wi th the ca tegories thatthese airpo rts ha ve. There is aconnection be tween the local air-ports that is re gularly mai ntainedand further in tensified in excep-tional circumsta nces when addi-tional support is pro vided. You hadan example of su ch support in2005 when Saraje vo Airport had

to be closed beca use the runwaywas coated with the layer of anti-skid, so all flights at that timewere diverted to the Tuzla Airport.In case of bad weather conditi o ns,the airport cannot make a deci sionfor the flight to be diverted to alter-native airport, but that decision ismade by the airline ope ra ting theflight, but only in sit uations thatprevent them from la nding on theorigi naly set airport de s tination.Mostar Airport was often looked atas an alternative to the SarajevoAirport, however, during the lastyear this airport managed to ac-complish the pre-war annual cir-culation of 80,000 passengers andthis number is expected to furtherincrease by 30 percent this year.Mostar Airport is an im portant linkin the developme nt of tourism inBosnia and He r ze govina, and ourministry su p ports the efforts of theMostar Airport’s management totake the passengers from Split andDu brovnik whose final destinationis Medjugorje“, concludes Mr.Hadzic. �

u vanrednim okolnosti ma, kada sepru`a o~ekivana pod r ška. Imali steprimjer podrške 2005. go dine kada jeSarajevski aerodrom mo rao bitizatvoren zbog pre s vla ~e nja piste anti-skid slojem te su sve op eracije bilepreusmjerene na Tuz la nski aero-drom. Preusmjeravanje le tova nadruge aerodrome radi lo ših vremen-

skih uvjeta ne ovisi od ae ro droma, ve}od aviokompanija i nji hove odluke koji}e aerodrom kori stiti kao alternativu,ukoliko ne mo gu sletjeti na odredišniaerodrom. Zra ~na luka Mostar ~estoje spomi nja na kao alternativa Sara-jevskom ae rodromu, me|utim, i ovajaerod rom tokom prošle godine uspioje os tvariti prijeratni promet od 80.000pu tnika, dok se u ovoj godini o~ekujepo ve}anje broja putnika za 30 posto.Mo starski aerodrom va`an je faktorra zvoja turizma Bosne i Hercego vi ne,a naše ministarstvo podr`ava na poreodgovornih Zra~ne luke Mostar napreuzimanju putnika iz Splita i Du -brovnika, kojima je krajnja destina cijaMe|ugorje“, zaklju~uje Ha d`i}. �

Sve što slu`i krajnjim korisnicima usluga Sarajevskog aerodroma, putnicima, posjetiocima, pod stalnom je lupom

upravo tih interesnih skupina i zato smatram da je slika aerodroma izuzetno bitan dio slagalice koja se zove imid`

naše dr`ave i to, rekao bih, vrlo pozitivan dio




Centar kontrole letenja je mozak svakog aerodroma

Ovaj centar zadu`en je za sigurno navo|enje, kao i prizemljenje aviona i ostalih letjelica, koje obavljaju svoje letove ka ili sa Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo.

Saradnja sa slu`bama aerodroma

Had`iali} nagla{ava da CCentarkontrole letenja ima veomadobru saradnju sa svimslu`bama koje djeluju naMe|unarodnom aerodromuSarajevo.“Saradnja sa AAerodromomzaista je odli~na, a ovo ne govorim samo iz kurtoazije.Radimo najvi{e sa slu`bamaMe|unarodnog aerodromaSarajevo, ali i sa vanjskimslu`bama, poput PProfesionalnevatrogasne brigade KantonaSarajevo, koja je stacioniranana aerodromu, i sa GGrani~nompolicijom BiH. Saradnja je us-postavljena kroz OOperativnesporazume, gdje se uvijek znako {ta radi”, dodaje Had`iali}.

Toranj Centra kontrole letenja/Tower of the Flight Control Center




Air Traffic Control Center is the Brain of Every Airport

This center is responsible for the safe navigation and landing of airplanes and other aircrafts thatfly to and from the Sarajevo International Airport.

Jedan od najzna~ajnijih dije lo vasvakog aerodroma sigu r no jenjegova kontrola le tenja, kojaobavlja poslove ko ntrole pril a -

znih letova aerod ro mu, kao i kont ro -lu slijetanja avi o na na ae rodromskupi stu. Kao što je to slu~aj u svim dr` -a vama svije ta, kontrole letenja supod kontrolom dr`avnih organa za -du ̀ enih za avijaciju, pa ni Centar ko -ntrole letenja na Me|unarodnomae rodromu Sarajevo nije izuzetak, teje on pod kontrolom Federalne dire -kcije za civilnu avijaciju (FEDCAD).

Pet slu`bi“Otkad je Sarajevski aerodrompre mješten na ovu lokaciju 70-ihgo dina prošlog stolje}a, od tadapostoji Centar kontrole letenja naovom aerodromu. Tadašnja kont -r ola bila je pod upravom Savezneko ntrole letenja SFRJ, da bi po ~e -t kom ratnih dešavanja došlo dopro mjena u radu. U periodu od1992. do 1996. godine na Saraj e v -

One of the most importantcomponents of every air-port is surely its air trafficcontrol center, which per-

forms control of approaching air-planes to the airport, as well ascontrol of airplanes that are land-ing on the airport's runway. As itis case in all of the countries in theworld, air traffic control is underthe supervision of country author-ities responsible for aviation,

therefore, AAir Traffic Control Cen-ter of the Sarajevo InternationalAirport is not exception and it issupervised by the FFederal Direc-torate of Civil Aviation (FED-CAD).

Cooperation with Airport Services

Mr. Hadzialic emphasizes that AAirTraffic Control Center has a verygood cooperation with all of theservices that operate at the SSara-jevo International Airport.“Our cooperation with the AAir-port is excellent, and I'm not say-ing this just out of the courtesy.We mostly work with the serv-ices of the SSarajevo InternationalAirport, but also with the exter-nal services such as BBorder Po-lice of Bosnia and Herzegovinaand Professional Fire Brigade ofCanton Sarajevo, which are sta-tioned at the airport. Cooperationis established through OOpera-tional Agreements, so everybodyalways knows who does what,”adds Mr. Hadzialic.

Što je ve}e frekvencija aviosaobra}aja, posao je stresniji, ka`e Had`iali}/

Higher the volume of the

air traffic, the job is

more stressful,

says Mr. Hadzialic

Aerodromska kontrola se nalazi na vrhu tornja/

Airport’s Control Center is located at the top of the tower




skom aerodromu bile su prisutne me|unarodne mi ro v -ne trupe, a naš povratak dogodio se 1996. godine. Me |u -tim, tada nismo radili inicijalno posao kontrole, negosmo obavljali administrativne poslove i pravili planoveleta. Kontrola sa pravim poslom zapo~inje 2000. godine,na kon formiranja Federalne direkcije za civilnu avija -ciju. Tada smo po~eli raditi zajedno sa tadašnjim SFOR-om, kasnije EUFOR-om, da bi 2003. godine potpunopre uzeli obavaljanje poslova kontrole leta. Od tada pru -

`a mo usluge samostalno, a u okviru našeg Centradjeluje šest slu`bi, to su Kontrola letenja, Tehni~ka slu -` ba, Slu`ba za meteo nadzor, Slu`ba za pripremu leta,

Five Service Departments“Ever since Sarajevo Airport was relocated to thenew location during the 70s, there has been Air Traf-fic Control Center at the airport. The control at thatti me was administrated by the Federal Air Traffic Co -

n trol of Yugoslavia until thebeginning of the last war. Inthe period from 1992 to 1996,Sarajevo Airpo rt was con-trolled by the internationalpeacekeepi ng troops, afterwhich we re ceived controlover the air port in 1996. How-ever, at that time we did notdo ini tial control of the air tra -ffic, but we performed admi -nistrative duties and ma deflight plans. Control offi ciallystarted with business in yearof 2000, after Federal Direc-torate of Ci vil Aviation wasformed. That is when we firststa r ted collaborating with thefo rmer SFOR, later with EU -FOR, and in the year of 2003 wecompletely took over the airtraffic control duti es. Sincethen we offer se r vi ces inde-pendently th ro ugh our five Cen-ter se r vice departments, andthose are Air Traffic Cont rolCenter, Te chnical Se r vi ces,Wea t her Monitoring Se rvices,Se r vices for Fli g ht Prepara-tion, COM Center and NOTAM –Service for Ur gent Events. Twoof these services work for the

Federal Directorate for Aviation, because they do nothave their own employees. Our working time is just likethe Airport's, but we always arrive earlier and often staypass the working hours. We currently have 35 controllersdivided between the Airport Control and Flight ApproachControl that together control about 50 nautical milesaround the airport, as well as acquire and dispatch air-planes from the neighboring air traffic control areas ofZagreb and Belgrade,“ says for our magazine Mr. MirsadHad`ialic, Chief of the Air Traffic Control Center at Sara-jevo International Airport. Air Traffic Control Center can praise itself with theyoung group of employees, including generationsfrom the war to present period, which passed thetraining at the European most modern centers for

Air Traffic Controllers are mostly youngerpeople, and our first generation was educated at the Traffic Engineering Faculty in Sarajevo, where they also

received practical knowledge

Pro{irenje kapacitetaJedan od ve}ih problema u radu ovog CCentra pred-stavlja nedostatak dodatnog prostora za adekvatnoobavljanje administrativnih djelatnosti. Iako projekat zapro{irenje prostora CCentra postoji, do njegove reali -zacije jo{ nije do{lo.“Aplicirali smo kod FFEDCAD za pro{irenje administra-tivnog prostora , a prije ~etiri godine IIPSA je napravilaprojekat za adaptaciju postoje}eg prostora i nadograd-nju jo{ jedne eta`e. Me|utim, taj projekat je stao zbogfinansijske krize, ali je on i dalje upotrebljiv. Imali smobitnije investicije, poput nabavke opreme i zapo{lja-vanja novih ljudi, {to je dodatno uticalo na taj projekat.Vjerovatno }e se u budu}nosti i taj projekat realizirati,ali trenutno imamo kapacitete da obavljamo tri putave}i promet nego {to je sada”, obja{njava Had`iali}.

Kontrolori su mahom mla|i ljudi, a naša prvageneracija odškolovana je prakti~no u radu

na Saobra}ajnom fakultetu u Sarajevu




this profession. “Air Traffic Controllers are mostly younger people,and the first generation was educated at the TrafficEngineering Faculty in Sarajevo, where they also re-ceived practical knowledge. That is where the firstgeneration completed their theoretical part of the ed-ucation, which was later completed in Turkey. Turkey was the first country to generously offer prac-tical education for our employees, which was laterfollowed by education at the other centers in Europe,and this training model still applies to today's gener-ations as well. Air Traffic Controllers are doing anexcellent job, so the only challenge we have now is tomaintain that high level of training, because the trafficvolume is in decline due to current economy crisis.Air Traffic Controller’s age average at the Airport isbetween 26 and 27 years old and, due to the federallaws, controllers cannot do this job before they turn

21 year. As for the staff, we currently have

a deficit of the controllers in Bosnia andHerzegovina, alt ho ugh that is not so no-ticeable in our Center. The FED-CAD ma -

na ged to financiallyme et all of our needs,so we had couple ofour cont ro llers receiveadditio nal education inCzech Republic. Someof it was financed bythe FED-CAD and so -me was pa id out of ourown financial budget.The deficit is most pre -se nt in the segment ofprovincial controllerswo rking for the Fede -ral Directo ra te of CivilAviation, whi ch will al -so soon be es ta blished.The bi gge st problem isthat we currently donot have conditions inour country to offer airtraffic controllerspractical knowledge,so we often have to

COM centar i NOTAM – Slu`ba za urgentna obavješta-vanja. Dvije od ovih slu`bi (COM i NOTAM) rade poslovei za Dr`avnu direkciju za avijaciju, jer su delegirani FED-

CAD-u do uspostave agencije za pru`anje usluga u zra -~nom prometu na dr`avnom nivou. Naše radno vrije meje kao i aerodromsko, ali uvijek dolazimo prije po ~e t ka

Vremenske neprilike dosta uti~u na naš rad,jer smo na nepovoljnoj geografskoj lokaciji,

pa ~esto imamo problema sa maglom,me|utim, imamo opremu koja omogu}ava

slijetanje i kad je ve}a magla

Poor weather conditions cansignificantly affect our work

because we are situated at theunfavorable geographic location

and we often have problemswith the fog in the area, but

luckily also have the equipmentthat enables airplanes to land

even in those severe conditions

Prilazna kontrolaobavlja kontrolu

prilaza aerodromu/

Approach Controlperforms control of

the approachingflights to the airport

Centar kontrole letenja raspola`e najmodernijom opremom/Control Center works with the most modern equipment




tog radnog vremena, te ~esto ostajemo i kasnije. Tre -nutno imamo 35 kontrolora, a kontrola je podijeljena naAerodromsku kontrolu i Prilaznu kontrolu letenja, kojakontroliše cca 50 nauti~kih milja oko aerodroma, te onipreuzimaju i otpremaju avione od susjednih oblasnihkontrola letenja iz Zagreba i Beograda“, ka`e za našmagazin Mirsad Had`iali}, na~elnik Centra kontroleletenja na Sarajevskom aerodromu. Centar kontrole letenja mo`e se pohvaliti da raspola`emladim kadrom, koji je od svoje prve ratne generacijepa sve do sadašnjih generacija, obuku prošao u najmo-de rnijim centrima za ovu namjenu širom Evrope.“Kontrolori su mahom mla|i ljudi, a naša prva gene ra -cija odškolovana je na Saobra}ajnom fakultetu u Sara-je vu. Tu je završen teorijski dio, dok je ta generacijapra kti~ni dio školovanja obavila u Turskoj. Oni su namve likodušno ponudlili tu praksu, kasnije su uslijedilaško lovanja po drugim centrima u Evropi, a to va`i i zada našnje generacije. Kontrolori danas rutinski obavljajusvoj posao, jedino je sada manji problem kako odr`ati tajvi soki nivo treninga, jer je zbog ekonomske krize prisu-tan trend opadanja obima saobra}aja. Prosjek godinakre }e se oko 26 - 27 godina, a kontrolori, prema dr`a v -nim zakonima, ovaj posao ne mogu raditi prije napunje -ne 21. godine. Što se ti~e kadra, danas imamo deficitko ntrolora širom BiH, mada u našem Centru to nije to-

li ko izra`eno. FEDCAD je uspjela finansijski zadovoljitisve naše potrebe, pa smo imali nekoliko doškolovavanjakontrolora u ^eškoj. Deficit je najviše izra`en u seg-mentu oblasnih kontrolora za Dr`avnu direkciju civilneavijacije, koja bi uskoro trebala biti formirana. Najve}ipro blem predstavlja nam to što trenutno nemamo us lo -va da kontrolore u našoj zemlji u~imo prakti~nom ra du,pa ih ~esto šaljemo vani. Nadam se da }emo krajem ovegodine preuzeti zra~ni prostor iznad BiH, kako bi bili upotpunosti autonomni, a time stekli i uslove za školo-vanje novih generacija kontrolora“, ka`e Had`iali} i do-daje da je posao kontrolora uvijek stresan, ali da taj streszavisi od trenutne situacije.

Ulaganje u edukaciju “Što je ve}a frekvencija saobra}aja, posao je stresniji.Me |unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo nije toliko prometanae rodrom, za razliku od prije ~etiri do pet godina, kadaje letilo još nekoliko kompanija, a imali ste i strane vojneor ganizacije sa svojim letjelicama. Tome trebate dodatii polo`aj aerodroma, koji je u urbanom dijelu grada, dokje i orografija terena nepovoljna zbog visokih planina.Po sao je stresan, ali nikada nismo imali nekih opasnihs i tuacija. To zavisi i od kadra, jer prilikom obuke mla|ihlju d i trebate obratiti pa`nju, kako biste u budu}nostistre sne situacije sveli na minimum“, objašnjava Ha d`i -ali}.

send them abroad. I hope that by the end of this yearwe will take the airspace over whole Bosnia and Her -ze govina in order to become fully autonomous, andthus allow conditions for educating future genera-tions of air traffic controllers,“ says Mr. Hadzialic andadds that air traffic controller’s work is always stre -s sful, but that stress also depends on the given situ-ation.

Investing in Education“Higher the volume of the air traffic, the Controller’sjob is more stressful. Sarajevo International Airportdoes not ha ve as much traffic as it had before, whenaddi tional airlines and foreign military organizationsflew with their aircrafts. Another reason is the loca -tion of the airport, which is in the urban side of thecity and surrounded by the unfavorable terrain orog-ra phy with the high mountains. The job is stressful,but we never experienced any dangerous situations.That also depends on the staff, because during thetrai ning of younger people you have to pay careful at-te ntion to them, so you could reduce the future stre -s sful situations to a minimum,“ explains Mr.Hadzialic. It is well known that Sarajevo International Airportis one of the most challenging airports in the worldin terms of navigating the airplanes to safely app ro a -ch and land, and that is mainly due to its complex ge -ographic location. In addition, we should also menti onthe unpredictable weather conditions that can oftencancel flights out of the Sarajevo International Air-port. However, air traffic controllers are trained tonavigate the airplanes even in the most severeweather conditions. “Poor weather conditions can significantly affect ourwork because we are situated at the unfavorable ge-ographic location and we often have problems withthe fog in the area. However, we have the modernequ ipment that enables us to land airplanes even intho se conditions. The most challenging problem forus is the orography of the terrain, which dictates theEU and ICAO regulations. Sarajevo International Air-

Capacity ExpansionOne of the mayor problems in the work of this CCenteris lack of the additional space for administrative opera-tions. Even though the project for the CCenter expansion exists, its realization has not happened yet. “We have applied to FFED-CAD for expansion of the administrative space, and four years ago IIPSA made arenovation project proposal to upgrade the existingspace by building additional storey. However, thatproject was stopped because of the financial crisis, butit is still usable. We had more important investments to makesuch as purchasing of new equipment and hiring ofadditional people, which further pushed aside thatproject. The expansion project will probably be real-ized sometimes in the future, but currently our capac-ity is big enough to operate three times higher volumeof traffic than we currently have,” explains Mr.Hadzialic.

Nadam se da }emo krajem ove godinepreuzeti zra~ni prostor iznad BiH, kako bi

bili u potpunosti autonomni, a time stekli iuslove za školovanje novih generacija





Poznato je da je Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo jedanod najzahtjevnijih aerodroma u svijetu, po pitanju prilazaaviona i njihovih slijetanja, najviše zahvaljuju}i njegovomslo ̀ enom geografskom polo`aju. Tome treba dodati vre-me nske (ne)prilike, koje ~esto znaju i otkazati letove saSarajevskog aerodroma. Me|utim, kontrolori su obu ~e -ni da navode avione ~ak i po najgorim vremenskimuslovima.“Vremenske neprilike dosta uti~u na naš rad, jer smo nanepovoljnoj geografskoj lokaciji, pa ~esto imamo prob-lema sa maglom. Me|utim, imamo opremu koja omo gu -}a va slijetanje i kad je ve}a magla to nije problem, a tase oprema mo`e mjeriti sa onom na aerodromima re-giona. Kod nas je najve}i problem orografija terena, kojadiktira EU i ICAO pravila. Sarajevski aerodrom spada uILS prilaz kategorije 1, a postoje kategorije 2 i 3. Naprim-jer, aerodrom u Ljubljani tako|er se nalazi me|u br di -ma, ali nije u naseljenom mjestu, pa ima višu kategorijuod nas. Za podizanje više kategorije, te s tim i smanjenjemeteo minimuma za operacije, dio prostora na dijeluilid`anske op}ine bi trebao biti nenaseljen zbog ko-rištenja radio visinomjera. Osim toga, postoji problemobronaka Trebevi}a kod neuspjelog prila`enja, tako dase ~ak i premještanjem aerodroma sa ove lokacije ne biništa postiglo. Dr`avna direkcija za civilnu avijaciju us-postavila je sletnu proceduru, po kojoj ovdje mogu sle-tati svi avioni, uz minimalnu vidljivost od 550 metara. ^akto mo`e biti i ni`e u nekim situacijama, ali posade avionane bi trebali i}i ispod ove granice. U posljednje vrijemei nema toliko magle, a samim tim ni otkazivanja letova.Da nas je ve}i problem smog, nego magla, tako da imane koliko dana u godini kada se radi pod ote`anim us lo -vima. Naš postao mnogo zavisi od meteo slu`be, kojumo ramo pohvaliti, a radi se o slu`bi koja radi 24 sata ipe rmanentno daje vremenske izvještaje. U sklopu teslu ̀ be imamo osam osmatra~a i ~etiri prognosti~ara.Ne davno smo još jednog mladog ~ovjeka poslali na do-datno školovanje za prognosti~ara u Zagreb, a nakontoga ide na nastavak školovanja u Veliku Britaniju. Obucii školovanju posvetili smo dosta pa`nje, u svim slu ̀ ba -ma, bilo da se radi o školovanju vani ili u našoj zemlji.Ni kada nismo dobili nijednu ozbiljniju `albu od straneavio kompanija, što dokazuje da obavljamo dobar posao“,po nosno isti~e Had`iali}. �

port belongs to the ILS runway category 1, but thereare also categories 2 and 3. For example, airport inLjubljana is also located close to the hills, but notclose to the populated area, and because of that it hashigher category rating than us. In order for us to re-ceive a higher category rating, and with that reducingthe meteo minimum for operations, part of the Ilidzaarea should be ununhabited because of usage of theradio altimeter. Federal Directorate of Civil Aviationcreated landing procedure, which states that all ofthe airplanes can land here as long as the visibility is

at 550 meters or better. That number can sometimeseven be lower, but the flight crew cannot go belowthis limit. Lately there has not been that much fog andwith that no cancellations of the flights. Today evenbigger problem than fog is air pollution, therefore,there are couple of days in the year that make ourwork even more difficult. Our work is very dependableon the weather monitoring services, which I have tocompliment because this is a service that works 24ho urs a day and continuously provides us with the we -a ther reports. As a part of this service we have eightob servers and four meteorologists. We recently sentanother young person to Zagreb for additional edu-cation in becoming a meteorologist, and after that hewill receive further education in the Great Britain. Wededicated a lot of attention to training and educationin all of our sectors, whether these are completedabroad or in the country. We never received one com-plaint from any airline, which proves that we aredoing a good job,“ proudly states Mr. Hadzialic. �

I hope that by the end of this year we willtake the airspace over whole Bosnia and

Herzegovina in order to become fully autonomous, and thus acquire conditions

for educating future generations of airtraffic controllers




Ovaj sektor prošlogodišnjom reorganizacijom dobio je zna~ajnije mjesto u hijerarhiji Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo, što je bio i logi~an potez, jer se radi o jednom od profitabilnijih sektora.

Jedan od bitnijih dijelova za po s -lo vanje bilo kojeg aerodroma usvi jetu je i njegov cargo segme -nt, koji radi sa otpremom i prih -

va tom robe i pošte. Poznato je daavi onima ne lete samo putnici, nego ite ret, a prijevoz avionom i dalje je naj -br`i na~in transporta robe. Cargo ce -

n tar Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sa r -a jevo po~eo je sa radom 1997. go dine,te prošao više razvojnih faza.

Reorganizacija poslovanja“Na Aerodromu Sarajevo prije rata sucargo aktivnosti realizirane prekotadašnjeg JAT-a i Adria Airwaysa, a

nakon rata, ta ~ nije 1996. godine, ca r -go aktivnosti za po~ete su i razvijale suse u potpu no novom kontekstu aerod -roma sa me|unarodnim statusom. Odtada, ovaj centar je prošao nekoli korazvoj nih faza, od rada u privreme nimobje k tima, do izgradnje sa dašnjeg ob -jekta Cargo centra, koji je otvoren u

CARGO CENTARnajbr`i na~in transporta robe

One of the most important bu si -ness activities of any airport inthe world is also its cargo de -partment, which operates dis-

patch and reception of goods and mail.It is well known that planes do not flyonly passengers, but also ca rgo, andair transport is still the fa stest way totransport goods. Sa ra jevo Internati o -nal Airport's Air Ca rgo Center startedwith work in 1997 and since then wentth ro ugh several development stages.

Business Reorganization “In the period before the war, SarajevoAirport’s cargo activities and op era-tions were realized by the former JATand Adria Airways, but after the war,in the year of 1996 to be exact, thecargo activities we re started again anddeveloped in a co m pletely new contextfor the airport with the internationalstatus. Since then, this center wentthrough seve ral different de velopmentstages, from operating in the tempo-rary facilities to constru c tion of thenew Cargo Center facility that was

opened in 2001, right after adequatematerial and technical condi tions we -re created for further develo p ment ofcargo operations at the airport. To thisdate Air Cargo Se rvice Sector has un-de rgone various organizational cha n -ges, from bei ng a service in theCo mmercial Department to becominga separa te de partment during the lastyear's re organization. That move rec-




Customs Warehouse

Air Cargo's customs warehousespreads across more than 800square meters of space, includingimport and export area. The prem-ises are equipped with the CCTV system for monitoring and control.

Import area is equipped with:

� Cooling chamber (+ 2°C to +8°C) with capacity at 20 cubic meters

� Chamber for deep freezing (-20°C) with capacity at 7 cubic meters

� Space for warehousing hazardous goods (DG)

� Storage cabinets for narcotic drugs psychotropic substances

� Storage cabinets for poison substances

� Manual scale measuring up to 200 kilograms

� Manual palleters � Palleter with electric scale with

capacity up to 2 tons � Electric forklifts � Safes for valuable shipments

Export area is equipped with:

� X-ray device for screening of shipments

� Electric scale measuring up to 5 tons

� Cargo trolley for transport of shipments

� Package wrapping equipment

AIR CARGO CENTERFastest Option to Transport Goods

With the last year's reorganization, this sector got more significant position in the hierarchy ofthe Sarajevo International Airport, which was a logical move since it is one of the most profitablesectors

Rezultatima mo`emo biti vrlo zadovoljni, ka`e Kajmakovi}/We can be satisfied with the accomplished results, says Mr. Kajmakovic




ogni zed sp ecificity of our work becausewe co m bine operational activities incl -u ding re cipient and departure of ai r-pla nes, pa ssengers, luggage, fre ightand mail. Air Cargo Service Se c torco nsi sts of several de partm e nts. Ca r -go Op erations Department de als withop erational dispatch and re ception ac -ti vities of goods and su p porting do cu -m ents, as well as sale of waybills,ba sed on the contracts that we havewi th most of the frequ e nt air freightco mpanies that operate at the airport.The next is Cu stoms Warehousing De -partment that is responsible for ma -nipulation and storage of goods in thecustoms wa rehouse, and based on theagreement with the airline companies,performs delivery of the lost passen-gers luggage. Third is Sales Depart-

ment of international freightage anddocumentation, which covers Air Ca r -go Service Sector’s ope rations includ-i ng monitoring and upda ting in theIATA area, company’s and other rele-vant documentation, as well as thefreightage operational needs of theDKP and other interna tional institu-tions. Furthermore, si n ce the last yearthis sector is in volved in providing in-structional servi ces for the jobs deali -ng with dangerous materials at the

Training Centre of our airport ,“ saysfor our magazine Mr. Armin Kajma ko -vic, Manager of the Air Cargo ServiceSector.

High Interest The reason why Cargo Sector is sopo pular among high number of cli e -nts is because it combines all of these rvices at one place. "We have a lot of clients and we areparticularly fo cused on activities ai m -

2001. go dine, ~ime su st vo reni ad e -kvatni m a terijalno-te hni ~ ki uslovi zadalji ra z voj cargo operacija na ae ro -dromu. Sektor cargo usluga pro šao je

razne organizacijske pro mjene udosadaš-njem periodu, od slu`be uSektoru ko me rcijale, da bi tokomprošle godine re o rganizacijom, Cargopostao poseban sektor. Time je pre-poznata spe ci fi ~nost našeg rada, jerobjedi-njujemo operativne aktivnostina prihvatu i otp r e mi robe i pošte, ak-

tivnosti ca rinskog sk ladišta, te prate}eko me r cijalne akti vnosti, kao segmento s no v nog aerod ro mskog procesa pri-hvat i otprema avi ona, putnika, prtl-

jaga, roba i pošte Se ktor cargo uslugasastoji se od ne koliko odjela. OdjelCargo operative ra di operativni dio ot-preme i prihvata ro be i prate}ih doku-menata, te prodaju to varnih listova, uskladu sa ugovorima koje imamo save }i nom redovnih avioprijevoznika kojiop eriraju na aerodromu. Sljede}i je

Odjel carinskog sk la dišta koji radi nama nipulaciji i smje štaju roba u carins -kom skladištu, te u skladu sa ugov-orima sa aviokompanija ma, vr{idostavu iygubljenog pu t ni ~ kog prtljaga.Tre}i je Odjel pro daje, me |unarodnešpedicije i do kume n ta cije, koji pokrivaoperativni dio ko m e r ci jalnih aktivnostiSektora cargo us luga. pra}enje i a`u -riranje u oblasti IATA, kompanij ske idruge relevantne dokume n ta cije, tešpediterske poslove za potrebe DKP idrugih me|unarodnih institucija. Ta -ko |er, od prošle godine ovaj od jel uk -lju ~en je i u rad na in strukto r skimpo slovima za opasne ma terije u Cent -ru za stru~no os po so b lja vanje našegae rodroma“, ka`e za naš maga zinArmin Kajmakovi}, direktor SektoraCargo usluga.

During the last year, we had seven percent business growth in the export of comercial goods compared

to the year of 2011.

Tokom prošle godine, i pored ekonomske krize, imali smo sedam posto rasta u izvozu komercijalnih roba,

u odnosu na 2011. godinu




ed to increase the phy sicalvolume in cargo ex port,where I would pa r ti cularlyemphasize conta cts asso-ciated with the potentialex port of frozen food, spe -cialized industry and si m-ilar. In this section we aresomewhat limited with ca-

paciti es and somewhereeven w ith internal con-straints of the airlines, butwe will ma ke every effortto impro ve the quality. Re-ga r di ng the structure ofex port commodities, wewould especi ally empha-size significant realizati -

Veliki interesUpravo zato što svojim kli -jentima nudi objedinje neusluge na jednom mje stu,ovaj Sektor je i po pularankod klijenata, kojih ima uvelikom broju.“Imamo dosta komitena ta,

te smo posebno fo ku siranina aktivnosti u cilju po -ve}anja fizi~kog obima ca -rga u izvozu, a iz dvajamkontakte vezane za poten-cijalni izvoz smr z nute hra -ne, izvoz na mjenskein dustrije i sli ~no. U ov omdij elu og ra ni~eni smo ka-

Odbrana od pticaNedavno je u CCargo centru nabavljen moderni sistem zarastjerivanje, odnosno sprje~avanje pristupa pticama,{to je ranije bio zna~ajan problem, prvenstveno uekolo{kom, odnosno zdravstvenom smislu(one~i{}enja i sl.). Nova investicija u ovaj sistemomogu}ila je znatno unapre|enje za{tite robe i zdravljauposlenika i kupaca koji borave u prostorima CCargo centra.

Defense from Birds Air Cargo Center recently acquired modern system for

preventing birds entrance, which earlier caused substantial problems, especially in the ecological andhealth regard (pollution and similar). New investment inthis security system significantly contributed to im-provement of goods protection, as well as health of theemployees and customers that spend time in the spaceof the Cargo Center.

Cargo centar raspola`e najmodernijom

opremom/Cargo Center operates

with most modern equipment

ons in the export of au to -upholstery,products for sp e cialized industriesand other. Consi dering all the aspe c -ts, including the cri sis and weakeningof the dom e stic economy, these dataare very en couraging for us. The newcooperation agreements have beensigned with the Turkish Airlines andPegasus Airlines, so we expect a lotfrom these. We also have an ongoingcoope ra tion with courier companiessuch as Fedex, DHL, InTime and UPS.We would also emphasise excelentcooperation with the Airport’s Cus-toms Services, Border Police Unit,and competent inspection services,”says Mr. Kajmakovic and specially




paciteti ma i po ne gdje internim og ra -ni ~e njima avi o prije vo znika, ali }e mou~ i niti maksim alan na por u c ilju kva -litetnog po maka. Što se ti~e struktu reizvoznih ro ba, po se b no isti~emo zna -~ajnu rea li zaciju iz voza au topre svlaka,pro i z voda na mjenske in dustrije idrugo. S ob zi rom na sve as pe kte, odkrize i sla b lje nja doma}e pri v rede, ovipodaci su za nas vrlo ohrabruju}i. Ne-

davno su potpisani i novi ugovori osaradnji sa Turki sh Airlinesom i Pe-gasusom, od kojih do sta o~e ku jemo.Imamo konti nu iranu sa ra d nju i sakurirskim kompa nijama, Fedex, DHLInTime i UPS. Posebno is ti~emo jakodobru saradnju sa ca rins kom is-postavom aerodroma, je di nic omGrani~ne policije i nadle`nim in -spekcijskim slu`bama“, ka ̀ e Kajma -

ko vi} i po sebno izdvaja ve oma do b rusaradnju sa bankarskim se k torom udomenu prihvata i otpre me njihovihpošiljki, što je segment koji }e se idalje razvijati. “Trudimo se odr`ati nivo vi soke pro-fesi onalnosti i u ovom segmentu, te

Carinsko skladi{te

Carinsko skladi{te Sektora cargo usluga prostire se na vi{e od 800kvadratnih metara prostora,uklju~uju}i uvozni i izvozni dio. Prostor je opremljen CCCTV sistemomza nadzor i kontrolu.

Uvozni dio raspola`e sa:

� Rashladnom komorom (+ 2°C do +8°C) zapremine 20 kubika

� Komorom za duboko zamrzavanje (-20°C) zapremine sedam kubika

� Prostorom za skladi{tenje opasnih materija (DG)

� Ormarom za skladi{tenje opojnih droga i psihotropnih supstanci

� Ormarom za skladi{tenje otrova� Manuelnom vagom do 200

kilograma� Ru~nim paletarom� Paletar sa elektri~nom vagom

nosivosti do dvije tone� Elektri~nim vilju{karom� Sefovima za vrijednosne po{iljke

Izvozni dio raspola`e sa:

� X-ray ure|ajem za pregled po{iljki� Elektri~nom vagom do pet tona� Cargo kolicima za transport

po{iljki� Ma{inom za lastriranje paketa

Klijenti mogu imatisve usluge na

jednom mjestu/

Clients can find allof the services at

one place

points out exc ellent coope -ra tion with the ba nks andtheir shipping sectors, whi -ch is the segment that willco ntinue to evolve."We work hard to maintaina high level of professi o na -lism in this segment andoffer our clients sp e ci al

services at the high le vel ofsecurity. In the end, keepingin mind all of the presentcircumsta nces that affectour ope rations, we can besa tisfied with the reali zedbusiness results in 2012. Asfor the 2013, it is still early toforecast any results, be ca u -se the year has ju st begun

and January is traditionallya slower m o nth due to theholiday se ason, so we willnot ha ve suitable data forbe tter quality estimatio nsbefore second quarter ofthis year,"explains Mr. Kaj-makovic. �




su ko risnicima na raspo-laga nju posebne us lugesa visokim nivoom si gu r -no sti. Na kraju, ima ju }i uvi du sve objektivne ok ol-nosti koje uti~u na na šeposlovanje, s ostva re nimrezultatima po slovanja u2012. mo ̀ e mo biti za do-voljni. Što se ti~e 2013.

godine, još je rano pro g-no zirati re zultate za ovugo dinu, jer je godina tekpo ~ela, a ja nuar je tra di -cio nalno sl a biji zbog pra -z nika, pa }e mo tekpo lo vinom godi ne ima tipo da tke pogodne za kva -litetniiju procjenu“, ob j -ašnjava Kajmakovi}. �

^itav spektar komercijalnih aktivnosti, od kontakata sa kupcima, ponuda,

sa~injavanje ugovora u domenu radaCargo centra, naplate usluga itd.

obavljamo u našem sektoru

The entire range of thr commercial activitiescan be performed out of our sector includingnetworking with the customers, creation of

offers, creation of contracts within the working area of the Cargo Center,

invoicing and etc.




SLU@BA PRODAJE AVIJACIJSKIH USLUGAkorisnici na{ih usluga uvijek na prvom mjestu

Slu`ba prodaje avijacijskih uslugaMe|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevona stoji da putnicima, koji koriste us-lu ge Sarajevskog ae rodroma ili avi o -

ko mpanijama koje operiraju sa ovogae rodroma, uvijek ponudi kvalitetne usluge.Osim toga, ova Slu`ba aktivno radi i na pre-govorima o poslovnoj saradnji sa aviokom-pa nijama koje imaju interes da obavljajule tove sa najve}eg doma}eg aerodroma.

Postavljeni zadaci i ciljevi“Slu`ba prodaje avijacijskih usluga pripa -da Sektoru komercijale, a u našoj Slu ̀ biradi sedam uposlenika, te shodno po stavl-je nim ciljevima i zadacima Me |u na rodnogae rodroma Sarajevo, upo s le ni ci ove Slu ̀ -be u svom radu ko ntinuirano na stoje gra-diti i odr`ati do b re poslovne od nose sa ve}po stoje}im i budu}im kori s nicima našihusluga, bilo da se radi o avi okompanijama

AVIATION SERVICES SALES OFFICEUsers of Our Services are Always in the First Place

Aviation Services Sales Office ofthe Sarajevo International Airp -o rt aims to always offer the trav-e lers, which use the services of

the Sarajevo Airport or airlines thatop erate at this airport, continuouslygo od quality services. In addition, thisSe rvice is also actively involved in ne-go tiating business cooperations withair lines that have an interest to operateflights at the largest airport in Bosniaand Herzegovina.

Set Tasks and Goals “Aviation Services Sales Office belo ngsto the Commercial Sector and it co unts

seven employees who, based on thegiven tasks and goals from the Saraje voInternational Airport, continuou sly worktoward building and ma intaining positivebusiness relations with their existingand potential clients, whether they areairline companies or travelers. In addi-tion, our responsibilities includes dutiesof bringing in new companies that havean interest in establishing flights to Sa -rajevo, whether these are regular fli g hts,charter lines, or General/VIP aviati onflights. We regularly negotiate and se ndoffers to airlines that fly or plan to fly toSarajevo, as well as other informati onthat is requested from us. After nego -

Ova Slu`ba sara|uje sa svim aviokompanijamakoje obavljaju letove ka ili sa Me|unarodnogaerodroma Sarajevo. Uposlenici ove Slu`be usvom radu kontinuiranonastoje graditi i odr`atidobre poslovne odnosesa ve} postoje}im ibudu}im korisnicima usluga, bilo da se radi o aviokompanijama ili putnicima

This Service cooperateswith all of the airlinesthat fly to or fromSarajevo InternationalAirport. Employees of this Service continuously work toward building andmaintaining positivebusiness relations withtheir existing and potential clients,whether they are airlinecompanies or travelers.

Cilj nam je da iz godine u godinubilje`imo što bolje poslovne

rezulatate, ka`e Vedrana Viki}-Musi}/Our goal is to annually record betterbusiness results, says Mrs. Vedrana





tiations are successfully completed, we create thecontract, based on the aviation industry regulations,with the airlines that agreed to fly to Sarajevo. Further-more, this Service also sells flight tickets for morethan 30 airlines, and for airlines of Germanwings andPegasus Airlines performs additional supervision andcoordination services. Aviation Services Sales Office is responsible for con-d ucting marketing research of domestic and foreignavi ation markets. In our work we also cooperate withot her sectors, out of which I would particularly pointout Sector of Air Traffic Transport and Services, whichim plements the highest number of services that wewo uld jointly agree upon with the users of those se rvi -ces, that is, airline companies,“ says Mrs. Ved ra naVikic-Mu sic, Sales Manager of the Aviation Services

Sales Office. This Service cooperates with all of the airlines that fly toor from Sarajevo International Airport, and sta r tingwith this year's summer flight schedule, it an nounced

ili putnicima. Osim to ga, naš zadatakje su i poslovi na uvo |enju novih avio -ko mpanija koje im aju interes za uspo -stavljanje le to va za Sarajevo, bilo dase radi o redo vnim letovima, ~arter li -ni jama ili le tovima generalne/VIP avi-ja cije. Sva kodnevno pregovaramo,ša ljemo po nude aviokompanijamako je lete ili planiraju letjeti za Saraje -vo, kao i os tale podatke koji se od nastra ̀ e. Na kon što se pregovori uspje -šno zavr še, pristupamo izradi ugovoraiz ob lasti avijacije sa aviokompanija -ma ko je }e letjeti za Sarajevo. Tak o -

|er, ova Slu`ba obavlja i poslove pro-da je avi okarata za više od 30 aviokom-pa nija, a za aviokompanije Ge rman-wi ngs i Pegasus Airlines pru`amo ido datne usluge supervizije i koordina -cije. Slu`ba prodaje avijacijskih us lugazadu`ena je i za vršenje mark e tinškihistra`ivanja doma}eg i st ra nog tr`ištaiz oblasti avijacije. U svom radu uskosu ra|ujemo i sa osta lim sektorima, apo sebno bih ista k la Sektor sao bra }a -ja i usluga u zra ~nom saobra}aju, kojirealizira i naj ve}i broj usluga koje smopre t ho d no zajedni~ki dogovorili sa ko-

Na Sarajevskom aerodromuoperira devet redovnih

aviokompanija: B&H Airlines,Austrian Airlines, Adria

Airways, Croatia Airlines, Jat Airways, Lufthansa,

Turkish Airlines, Germanwings i Pegasus


Currently nine airline companies regularlyoperate at the Sarajevo Airport: B&H

Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Adria Airways,Croatia Airlines, Jat Airways, Lufthansa,

Turkish Airlines, Germanwings and Pegasus Airlines

Slu`ba broji sedamzaposlenika/

Service counts sevenemployees




risni ci ma naših usluga, odnosno av i o -kompanijama“, ka`e Vedrana Vi ki}-Musi}, šef prodaje Slu`be proda jeavijacijskih usluga.Ova Slu`ba sara|uje sa svim avi o ko -m panijama koje obavljaju letove ka ilisa Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sa ra -jevo, a jedna od novina je i da se to -kom ovogodišnjeg ljetnog reda le te njanajavljuje i otvaranje novih redo vnih i~arter linija.“Trenutno na Sarajevskom aerod ro -mu operira devet redovnih aviokom-

p a nija: B&H Airlines, Austrian Ai r -lines, Adria Airways, Croatia Airli nes,Jat Airways, Lufthansa, Turki sh Ai r-li nes, Germanwings i Pe gasus Ai r li -nes. No, sa ljetnim redom letenjaNo rwegian Air Shuttle ponovo }e us-po staviti letove za Sa rajevo iz Osla,Što kholma i Kopenha gena. Tako|er,pre ma dostavlje nim zahtjevima za lje -t ni red letenja ima mo informacije da}e pet aviokompanija i to Turkish Air-li nes, Pegasus Airlines, Austrian Air-li nes, Germanwings i Croatia Airlines

po ve}ati broj aviooperacija u odnosuna zimski red letenja. Osim toga, sani skobud`etnom aviokompanijom Wi -zz Air ve} smo du`i niz godina u pre -go vorima jer smatramo da navedenaavio kompanija mo`e povezati Saraje -vo sa zna~ajnim brojem evropskih de -s ti nacija, kao što su London, Brisel isli ~no. Sa ovom kompanijom smo u2012. godini vodili ozbiljne pregovore,no postoje}a Federalna taksa za ra z -voj civilne avijacije bila je osnovnapre preka za uvo|enje u redovan avi o -

opening of the new regular and charter flight routes. “Currently nine airline companies regularly operateat the Sarajevo Airport: B&H Airlines, Austrian Air-lines, Adria Airways, Croatia Airlines, Jat Airways,Lufthansa, Turkish Airlines, Germanwings and Pe-gasus Airlines. Futhermore, with summer's flightschedule Norwegian Air Shuttle will establish againthe flight routes from Sarajevo to Oslo, Stockholmand Copenhagen. Based on the submitted requestsfor the summer's flight schedule, we have the infor-mation that five airlines including Turkish Airlines,Pegasus Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Germanwingsand Croatia Airlines will increase their nu mber offlights compared to the winter's fli ght schedule. Inaddition, we are in negotiation pro cess with the lowbudget airline Wizz Air, beca u se we believe that this

airline can connect Sarajevo with a significant num-ber of European destinations, su ch as London,Brussels, and similar cities. We ca rried serious ne-gotiations with this company in 2012, but the exist-ing Federal Tax for Development of Civil Aviationwas the main obstacle for the imple mentation of theWizz Air's regular flight routes. We did not give upfrom the negotiations with the alle ged airline and,based on the Wizz Air's request, we ope ned negoti-ations again on March 12th of this ye ar, so we willtry to find compromised solution wi th this airline toopen their station at the Saraje vo Airport in 2013.What we can confirm at this mo ment with certainty,is the establishment of the re gular flight routeKuwait – Sarajevo operated by the airline GryphonAirlines that will start in May of this year, as well as

Kvalitetne usluge za putnike su prioritet/Quality of service is a main priority for the travelers




sa obra}aj kompanije Wizz Air. Nismood ustali od pregovora sa navedenimprij evoznikom, a na zahtjev Wizz Aira,na posljednjem sastanku 12. martapo novo smo otvorili pregovore, te }e -mo pokušati na}i kompromisno rje -še nje sa ovom aviokompanijom zaotv aranje baze na Sarajevskom aero-d romu u 2013. godini. Ono što u ovommo mentu sa sigurnoš}u mo`emo po -

t vrditi jeste uspostavljanje redovne li -ni je Kuwait – Sarajevo od straneavi o kompanije Gryphon Airlines odma ja ove godine, kao i ~arter linije Ku -wa it – Sarajevo od strane Kuwait Airw -a ysa u periodu od augusta dose ptembra ove godine. Tako|er, s ob -z irom na to da Sarajevo i Me|ugorje izgo dine u godinu postaju sve atrakti v -

nije destinacije za veliki broj stranih tu -rista i ove godine o~ekujemo zna ~a janbroj ~arter letova, posebno iz Italije i saBliskog istoka, kao i zna~ajan broj~arter letova za Tursku“, objašnja vaViki}-Musi}.

Veliko priznanjeJedna od aviokompanija, koja je ne-da vno zapo~ela redovne letove sa

Sa rajevskog aerodroma, jeste Pe-ga sus Airlines, koji je uspostavio re-do vnu avioliniju ka Istanbulu. Zaus luge ove aviokompanije odavno jepo stojao veliki interes putnika, stogase ne sumnja da }e ova linija biti ve -o ma uspješna.“Pregovore sa ovom aviokompanijomzapo~eli smo još u oktobru 2011. go -

dine, a na našu veliku radost od 28. feb-ru ara Pegasus Airlines uspo stavio jere dovnu liniju za Sarajevo. S obziromna zna~ajan potencijal koji postoji kadaje u pitanju linija Sarajevo-Istanbul, si -g u rni smo da }e ova linija biti profi ta bi -lna. Interes je zaista ogroman, ao~e kujemo da }e biti i ve}i imaju}i u vi -du izuzetno povoljne cijene avi o karatakoje nudi navedena ko mpanija. Šalterza prodaju avi o ka ra ta svakodnevno pr -i ma upite od str a ne putnika i vrši pro-da ju aviokarata za ovu aviokompaniju“,do daje Viki}-Musi}.Predan i kvalitetan rad krasi Slu`bupro daje avijacijskih usluga, a taj radje i adekvatno nagra|en time što ješa lter ove Slu`be u julu prošle godi nebio na prvom mjestu po broju pr o datihavi okarata u BiH. “U julu prošle godine, prema stati s ti -~ kim podacima Amadeusa - vo de }egpro vajdera IT rješenja u pu tni~koj i tu -ri sti~koj industriji, šalter za prodajuav iokarata Me|unarodnog aerodr o -ma Sarajevo bio je na prvom mjestupo broju prodatih aviokarata na po d -ru ~ju BiH. Ovo je veliko priznanje zaup o s le nike Aerodroma koji konst a n -

establishment of the charter flight route Kuwait –Sarajevo operated by the Kuwait Airways in the pe-riod from August to September of 2013. In addition,given that Sarajevo and Medjugorje are becomingvery popular destinations for the large number offoreign tourists, this year we also expect large num-ber of charter flights, especially from Italy and Mid-dle East, as well as significant number of charterflights to Turkey,“ explains Mrs. Vikic-Music.

High Recognition One of the airlines that recently started regular flightsfrom the Sarajevo International Airport is Pegasus

Airlines, which established regular flight route to Is-tanbul. There has been high interest among the trav-elers for this airline's services, therefore, there have

no doubts that this flight route will be very successful. “We started negotiations with this airline in Octoberof 2011 and, to our great pleasure, Pegasus Airlinesestablished regular flight route to Sarajevo on Feb-ruary 28th of this year. Given the significant potentialof the flight route Sarajevo-Istanbul, we are confi-dent that it will be very profitable. Interest is trulyhuge, but we expect it to be even bigger consideringthe extremely low prices of the flight tickets that thisairline offers. Our sales counter is daily receiving in-quiries from travelers and directly sells flight ticketsfor this airline,“ adds Mrs. Vikic-Music. Devoted and quality work compliments AviationServices Sales Office and that work was adequatelyawarded by ranking this Service first in the countrybased on the number of sold flight tickets. “In July of the last year, according to the statisticaldata from Amadeus – the leading provider of IT solu-tions in travel and tourism industry, Sales Office of theSarajevo International Airport was ranked first on theterritory of Bosnia and Herzegovina ba sed on the num-ber of sold flight tickets. This is a gr eat recognition forthe employees of the Airport that are constantly work-ing toward improving and de veloping the services thatwe offer to our clients, while at the same time followi -ng the world's highest avi ation standards. Thanks toour business policy, whi ch protects interests of ourtravelers and strives to offer optimum conditions forbooking and purchase of the flight tickets in accor-dance with the company's regulations, today we are at

S obzirom na to da Sarajevo i Me|ugorje iz godine u godinu postaju sve atraktivnije destinacije za veliki broj

stranih turista i ove godine o~ekujemo zna~ajan broj ~arterletova, posebno iz Italije i sa Bliskog istoka

Given that Sarajevo and Medjugorje are becoming very popular

destinations for the large number offoreign tourists, this year we also expect

significant number of charter flights, especially from Italy and Middle East




tno rade na poboljšanju i una pr e |e njuus luga ko je pru`amo našim klijen-tima, is to v re meno se vode}i najvišimsvjets kim sta ndardima u obla sti avi-jacije. Za hva lju ju}i poslovnoj po litici,kojom šti timo in terese naših putnika inastoji mo pru ̀ i ti optimalne us love zare zerva ciju i ku povinu avionskih ka ra -ta u sk ladu sa pra vilima ko m panija,da nas smo u sa mom vrhu po obi mupro daje u BiH, a tu ~injenicu pre poz-nale su i re spektab ilne bh. ko mpanijeko je su sta lni kori snici naših us luga.Ukoliko se putnici od lu~e da ko risteusluge pro daje avi o karata Me|unaro-dnog ae rodroma Sa rajevo, mo gu bitisigurni da }e naše oso blje u~ initi sveda na vrije me dobiju po nu du sa na-

jboljom ko n e kcijom. Što se ti ~e pla no -va za ovu po slovnu godinu, cilj nam jeda iz godi ne u godinu bi lje ̀ i mo štobolje po s lo v ne rezulatate, te u skl adus tim i po stavljamo sve ve}e i iza zo v -nije cilje ve, kako u pogledu proda jeka rata, tako i po pitanju drugih uslu gakoje pr u ̀ a mo. Smatram da }emo teciljeve biti u prilici da realiziramo“, za -klju~uje Viki}-Musi}. �

the very top based on the sales volume in Bosnia andHerzegovina, and that fact has been recognized by therespectable local companies that became regularusers of our services. If travelers choose to book flight

tickets through the sales counter of the Sarajevo In-ternational Airport, they can be confident that ourstaff will do everything to provide them with the timelyoffer and best available flight connection. As for theplans for this fiscal year, our objective is achieving bet-ter results every year, and with that in mind we arecontinuously setting bigger and more challenginggoals, both in terms of ticket sales and other services.We strongly believe that we will be in a position to re-alize these goals,“ concludes Mrs. Vikic-Music. �

Pove}an broj putnikaPo~etak ove godine donio je pove}anje broja putnika, u odnosu na po~etak2012. godine. Stoga se kao logi~an name}e zaklju~ak da bi ova godina mogla bitirekordna po broju putnika na MMe|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo. Me|utim, uSlu`bi za prodaju avijacijskih usluga su sa takvim najavama, ipak, oprezni. “Nama je zaista cilj da iz godine u godinu bilje`imo rast, no prilikom planiranjatreba biti realan i oprezan, te uzeti u obzir sve klju~ne faktore, koji u velikoj mjerimogu uticati na ostvarene rezultate rada AAerodroma. Tu, prije svega, mislim najo{ uvijek prisutnu globalnu ekonomsku krizu, postoje}e stanje u BiH, kao iprognoze MMe|unarodnog monetarnog fonda i IATA-e (Me|unarodno udru`enjeza aviosaobra}aj) za teku}u godinu, {to indirektno mo`e imati velikog uticaja i narad AAerodroma. U na{em radu i u ovoj godini nastojat }emo posti}i {to boljerezultate. Dakle, na{ cilj jeste rast broja putnika, no jo{ uvijek je rano govoriti dali }e to biti rekordna godina. Ipak, treba ista}i da smo na pravom putu, jer u prvadva mjeseca ove godine bilje`imo rast broja putnika, a samo u februaru od ~ak 16posto”, govori Viki}-Musi}.

Increased Number of Travelers

The beginning of this year brought higher number oftravelers compared to the same time period in 2012.Therefore, it would be a logical conclusion that thisyear will set new records in the number of travelersthat will pass through the SSarajevo International Airpo -rt. However, even with these optimistic assumptions,the AAviation Services Sales Office is still on alert. “We aim to record our business growth on an annualbasis, but during the planning process we have to berealistic and careful, as well as take into considerationall of the relevant factors that can greatly influence realization of the given performance objectives at the Airport. Here, first of all, I'm talking about the still-present global economy crisis, current situation inBosnia and Herzegovina, as well as forecasts of the IInternational Monetary Fund and IATA (International AirTransport Association) for the current year, which canindirectly have large impact on the operations of theAirport. For this year we will do our best to archive bestpossible results. Therefore, our goal is to increase thenumber of travelers, but it is still early to say whetherthis will be a record year. Nevertheless, it should benoted that we are on the right track, because in the firsttwo months we are recording an increase in the num-ber of travelers, which is at 16% for the month of February alone,” says Mrs. Vikic-Music.

U julu prošle godine, prema statisti~kim podacima Amadeusa- vode}eg provajdera IT rješenja u putni~koj i turisti~kojindustriji, šalter za prodaju aviokarata Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo bio je na prvom mjestu po broju

prodatih aviokarata na podru~ju BiH

In July of the last year, according to thestatistical data from Amadeus - a leading

provider of IT solutions in travel andtourism industry, ticketing desk of the

Sarajevo International Airport was rankedfirst on the territory of Bosnia and

Herzegovina based on the number of sold air flight tickets




Control Systems

In order to achieve its quality objectives in terms ofbusiness performace and offered services, whichare available to users of the airport services andbusiness partners, Sarajevo International Airport

has met the given requirements and received the in-ternational standard certificates ISO: ISO9001:2008,ISO/IEC 27001:2005, and ISO 14001:2004.

Upravlja~ki sistemi

Da bi ostvario postavljene ciljeve u pogledukva li teta poslovanja i pru`anja usluga, kakokori s nicima aerodromskih usluga, tako i po -slovnim partnerima, Me|unarodni aerodrom

Sarajevo ispunio je uslove i dobio me|unarodnestandarde ISO: ISO9001:2008, ISO/IEC 27001:2005 iISO 14001:2004.

ISO9001:2008 je upravlja~ki sistem kojim usmjer-a vamo organizaciju na ostvarenje postavljenih ciljeva u pogledu kvaliteta poslovanja i pru`anjausluga. Uspostavljanje sistema upravljanja kvalitetom pre-poznato je kao zna~ajan korak u ostvarivanju vizije imisije JJP Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo d.o.o. Sara-jevo. Upravljanje kvalitetom je sistemati~an na~in kojim sekontinuirano poduzimaju aktivnosti u svrhu njenog po bo -lj {anja i unapre|enja. Disciplina upravljanja kvalitetom bavise spre~avanjem pojave problema, kao i kontrolom, ~imese osigurava preventivno djelovanje. Upravljanje kvalite-tom je efikasan alat za rje{avanje svih zahtjeva kvaliteta ius postavljanje moderne i inovativne kompanije. Ono pre -d stavlja skup aktivnosti i akcija kojima se uti~e na kvalitetproizvoda i usluge, rada i organiziranja.

The information security control system is oneof the newest control systems established atthe SSarajevo International Airport.This is the international standard IISO / IEC

27001:2005 - one of the key systems when itcomes to information security.

The system’s objective is to protect the informa-tion assets of the CCompany, users of the airport

services, and business partners from all the threats thatcould have a significant impact if they compromised the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the information assets. Like any other control system, IISO 27001 also implies constant improvements and developments all of the processes at the CCompany.

ISO 9001: 2008 is a control system that we use to direct the organization to achieving the set qualityobjectives in terms of business performance and offered services.

Establishment of the quality management system hasbe en recognized as a significant step in realization of

the visi on and mission statement of the SSarajevo Internati -onal Airport. Quality management is a systematic procedurethat is used for continuous improvement and enhancementof its activities. Discipline of the quality management is responsible for prevention and control of any problem occurrences, which guarantee prevention of any unexpectedactivities. Quality management is an effective tool for solvingall quality requirements toward the establishment of modern and innovative company. It represents the set of activities and actions that affect the quality of products andservices, overall work, and organizing procedures.

In 2010, SSarajevo International Airport got certified accordingto the standard IISO 14001:2004. The same year we also re-ceived the Environmental Permit, which is valid for five years.Implementation of the environmental protection policy andstrengthening of the environmental management, both help inaccomplishment of the objectives and provide regulatory sta-bility to business operations. Comprehensive commitment toenvironmental monitoring and up to date reporting on pollu-tion and waste, as well as consumption of energy, makes en-vironmental management more effective, which include costreductions and rationalization in consumption. Environmentalmanagement at the SSarajevo International Airport records vis-i ble improvements. Employees show a better understanding in this area. With thelatest reorganization at the SSarajevo International Airport, en-vironmental management was given a more significant placein the CControl Systems Sector, where it is now getting its trueplace and role.

Novi u nizu upravlja~kih sistema koji se uspo s- t a vlja u JJP Me|unarodni aerodrom Sara-jevo d.o.o. Sarajevo je sistem upravljanja sigu rno{}u informacija.Rije~ je o me|unar o dnom standarduISO/IEC 27001:2005 – jednom odtemeljnih kada je inform a cijska sigurnost u pitanju. Ovaj sistem imaza cilj za{tititi informacionu imo vinuDru{tva kao i korisnika aerodromskihuslu ga i poslovnih partnera od svih prijet-nji koje bi mogle imati zna~ajan uticaj ukoliko bi kompromitirale po vjerljivost, integritet ili dostupnost informacione im o vine. Kao i ostali upra vlja~ki sistemi iISO27001 podrazumijeva konstantno unapre|enje ipobolj{anje procesa u DDru{tvu.

JP Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo d.o.o. Sarajevo je2010. godine certificiran po standardu IISO 14001:2004.Iste godine dobili smo OOkolinsku dozvolu ~ija je va`nostpet godina. Provedba politike za{tite okoline i ja~anja upravljanja ok -olinom poma`e u ostvarenju ciljeva i omogu}ava re gu -latornu stabilnost poslovnim djelatnostima. Sveobuhva tnija predanost pra}enja stanja okoline ia`urnim iz v je{tavanjem o one~i{}enjima i otpadu, kao i opotro{nji energenata, ~ini upravljanje okolinom u~inkovi-tijom {to uklju~uje smanjenje tro{kova i racionalnijupotro{nju. Upravljanje okolinom na MMe|unarodnom aero-dromu Sarajevo bilje`i vidne pomake naprijed. Uposlenipokazuju bolje razumijevanje za ovu oblast. Zadnjom re-organizacijom na MMe|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo,okolinskom upravljanju dato je zna~ajnije mjesto krozSektor upravljanja sistemima, gdje ovaj segment dobivasvoje pravo mjesto i ulogu.




Tradicija kao garant sigurnosti i udobnosti

Tradition as a Guarantee forSafety and Comfort

Adria Airways raspola`e flotom od 12 savremenih aviona, koji povezuju Ljubljanu sa dvadesetak evropskihgradova. Letovima iz Sarajeva prekoLjubljanskog aerodroma nudi se odli~nakonekcija za zapadnoevropske destinacije.

Adria Airways je aviokompanija koja jeosnovana 1961. godine u Ljubljani,kao tadašnja vode}a jugoslovenska~arter aviokompanija. Danas je ona

slovena~ki nacionalni avioprijevoznik koji seuglavnom bavi redovnim aviosaobra}ajem. “Radi se o modernoj aviokompaniji kojaposluje po najvišim svjetskim vazduho-plovnim standardima. Raspola`e flotom od12 savremenih aviona, koji uspješnopovezuju Ljubljanu sa dvadesetak evropskihgradova, dok se letovima iz Sarajeva prekoLjubljanskog aerodroma nudi odli~nakonekcija za zapadnoevropske destinacije,a svojim ~lanstvom u vode}oj aviogrupacijiStar Alliance nudimo odli~ne veze do svihsvjetskih odredišta. Cilj ove kompanije je dapostane vode}i regionalni avioprijevoznik,jer se radi o najboljem avioprijevozniku nateritoriju bivše Jugoslavije”, ka`e OrhanHod`i}, generalni direktor Adrie Airways zaBosnu i Hercegovinu.Adria Airways je u BiH prisutna više decenija, a radi se ojednoj od prvih aviokompanija koja je uspostavila saob ra}ajodmah nakon otvaranja Sarajevskog aerodroma, kako uSFRJ, tako i nakon ratnih dejstava.“Prema ljetnjem redu letenja sa Me|unarodnog aero-droma Sarajevo prema Ljubljani imat }emo pet sedmi~nihletova. Naši sigurni i udobni letovi, zajedno sa vrhunskimtretmanom putnika uz veoma povoljne cijene, siguran supreduslov da korisnici usluga odaberu upravo nas za svojeputovanje i lojalnost povjere nama. Dobro došli na naš let”,zaklju~uje Hod`i}. �

Adria Airways was founded in 1961in Ljubljana as a leading Yugosla-vian charter airline at the time.Today this is a Slovenian national

flight carrier that mainly operates in reg-ular air traffic. “This is a modern airline that does businessbased on the world’s highest aviation stan-dards. It has a fleet of 12 modern airplanes,which connect Ljubljana with about twentyEuropean cities and, as a member of theleading airline alliance Star Alliance, weoffer excellent connections to all of theother world’s destinations. The company’sobjective is to become leading regionalflight carrier because it is currently the bestairline on the territory of former Yu-goslavia,” says Mr. Orhan Hodzic, AdriaAirways General Manager for Bosnia andHerzegovina. Adria Airways has been present in

Bosnia and Herzegovina for couple of decades now, andthis is one of the first airlines that established air trafficwith Sarajevo Airport right after it was first opened dur-ing the former Yugoslavia, as well as after it was re-opened during the last post war period. “According to the summer flight schedule, Sarajevo Inter-national Airport will have five flights to Ljubljana per week.Our safe and comfortable flights, along with the exceptionalcustomer services and very reasonable prices, are all pos-itive prerequisites for the users of these services to fly withus and become our loyal customers. Welcome aboard toour flight,” concludes Mr. Hodzic. �

Adria Airways has a fleet of 12 modernairplanes, which connect Ljubljana withabout twenty European cities. Flightfrom Sarajevo to Ljubljana Airport offerexcellent connection with West European destinations.

Aviokompanija koja posluje po najvišim standardima, ka`e Hod`i}/Airline that does business based on theworld’s highest standards, says Mr.Hodzic




Walk Through Duty Free Shop – za svakog po ne{to

Za vrlo kratko vrijeme WalkThrough koncept Duty Free prodaje postao je popularan kod putnika na Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo, a iz Slu`betrgovine u budu}nosti pripremajunova iznena|enja za kupce

Me|unarodni aerodrom Sa -ra jevo konstantno prati tre -n dove na tr`ištu i potrebeputnika, te tome nastoji pri-

la goditi ponudu proizvoda i usluga.Kao rezultat toga Aerodrom Sara-jevo je u saradnji sa firmom RegalGH iz Slovenije odlu~io uvesti noviWalk Through koncept Duty-freeprodaje. U novembru prošle godineovaj koncept novog free shopa izvani~no je predstavljen javnosti. Naotvaranju novog free shopa pojavile

U posebno ure|enom dijeluizlo`eni su proizvodi

doma}e proizvodnje/Domestic products are

displayed in the specially designed area




Walk-Through Duty-Free Shop – Something for EverybodyFor a very short period of time,Walk-Through concept of Duty-Free shopping became verypopular among the travelers at theSarajevo International Airport, andTrade Department announced new surprises in the future fortheir customers.

Sarajevo International Airportcontinuously monitors markettrends and travelers needs,then based on the received

feedback strives to offer supportingproducts and services. As a result,Sarajevo Airport in cooperation withRegal GH from Slovenia decided toimplement the new Walk-Throughco ncept of Duty-Free shopping. InNo vember of last year this new freeshop concept was officially pre-sented to the public. Many of the

U ponudi free shopanalazi se širok asortiman proizvoda/The free shop offerswide range of products




su se mnoge osobe iz javnog `ivota naše zemlje, koje jenovi koncept usluge oduševio.

Lakši ulaz i izlazCilj Walk Through - Duty Free Shopa je da se putnicinakon prolaska kroz pasošku i sigurnosnu kontroluodmah na|u u samom Free Shopu do ukrcavanja na let. “Rije~ je o novom konceptu Duty-free prodaje i prvomove vrste u regionu. Razlika izme|u prijašnjeg i novogfree-shopa je u njihovom konceptu rada. U prijašnjemfree-shopu imali smo samo jedan ulaz, koji se koristio ikao izlaz. Sada je uveden takozvani walk-through sis-tem, a to zna~i da kupci, nakon pasoške kontrole, moguod mah u}i u free shop, a kretanjem kroz njega mogudo }i i do svog gatea, govori Mirza Šahinovi}, šef Slu`betrgovine.Nova prodavnica prostire se na 300 kvadratnih metara,nu di više od 6.000 artikala renomiranih svjetskih firmi, alii zna~ajnu zastupljenost proizvoda doma}ih proi z vo |a ~a.Novi koncept Duty-free shopa pribli`it }e putni ci ma naj -ekskluzivnije robne marke uz degustacije i pro mocijeproizvoda. U ponudi se nalazi širok asortiman pro izvoda,od parfema i kozmetike, duhanskih proizvoda, te kstila imodnih dodataka, igra~aka, suvenira, do hrane i pi}a, koje}e kupcima pribli`iti ljubazno osoblje Duty-free shopa.

public figures in our country showed up at the openingceremony and were delighted with the new free shopservice concept.

Simplified Entry and ExitGoal of the Walk-Through Duty-Free Shop is to enablethe travelers to enter the shopping area right after theypass through the passport/security control and spendrelaxing time there until boarding a flight. “This is a new concept of Duty-Free shopping and firstof its kind in the region. Distinction between the previousand new free shop is in their business concept, which isnow totally different. In the previous free shop systemwe only had one entrance that was also used as an exit.Now we introduced the so-called walk-through system,which allows travelers to enter the free shop area rightafter the passport control, and walk through it to depar-ture gates,“ says Mr. Mirza Sahinovic, Manager of TradeDepartment.The new store has an area of over 300 square meters andoffers more than 6.000 products from worldwide knownmanufacturers, including a significant number of domes-

Lak{a nabavka robe[aihnovi} posebno isti~e odli~nu saradnju sa poslovnimpartnerima i ostalim slu`bama MMe|unarodnog aerodromaSarajevo, pogotovo po pitanju isporuke robe. “Od otvorenja WWalk Through – Duty-free shopa pove}an je obim isporuke roba uz izuzetno dobru saradnju saposlovnim partnerom RRegal GH, a podr{kom CCarinske ispostave Aerodroma Sarajevo, Grani~ne policije i[pediterske ku}e nije bilo zastoja u snabdijevanju”,nagla{ava [ahinovi}.

Easier Procurement of the Goods

Mr. Sahinovic emphasizes good cooperation with the busi-ness partners and other services at the SSarajevo Interna-tional Airport, especialy when it comes to deliveries ofgoods.“Since the opening of the WWalk-Through Duty-Free Shop,the volume of deliveries increased through our positivecoopeartion with the buisness partner RRegal GH, and sup-ply channels to us have been simplified with the additionalsupport from the SSarajevo Airport's Customs Office, Border Police, and Freightage agency,” emphasizes Mr. Sahovic.

Radi se o novom konceptu Duty-freeprodaje, ka`e Šahinovi}/

This is a new conceptof Duty - Free shopping, says Mr. Sahinovic




Nakit� Swarovski� Guess� Schmuck Art

Satovi� Fossil� DKNY� Guess� Boss� Armani

Nao~ale� RayBan� Armani� Gucci

Parfumerija� Gucci� YSL� Hermes� Givemchy� Bvlgari� Dior� Chanel� Lancome� Clinique� E.Lauder� Versace� Dolce & Gabbana� Kenzo� Marc Jacobs� Armani� Calvin Klein� Boss� Paco Rabanne� Lacoste� Arden� Bioagiotti� Burberry� Davidoff� Chloe� DKNY� Elie Saab� Cacharel� Nina Ricci� Carolina Herrera� Escada� Thierry Mugler� Issey Miyake� Jean Paul Gaultier� Guarlain� Prada� Roberto Cavalli

Brendovi u shopu

Jewelry� Swarovski� Guess� Schmuck Art

Watches� Fossil� DKNY� Guess� Boss� Armani

Sunglasses� RayBan� Armani� Gucci

Perfumes� Gucci� YSL� Hermes� Givemchy� Bvlgari� Dior� Chanel� Lancome� Clinique� E.Lauder� Versace� Dolce & Gabbana� Kenzo� Marc Jacobs� Armani� Calvin Klein� Boss� Paco Rabanne� Lacoste� Arden� Bioagiotti� Burberry� Davidoff� Chloe� DKNY� Elie Saab� Cacharel� Nina Ricci� Carolina Herrera� Escada� Thierry Mugler� Issey Miyake� Jean Paul Gaultier� Guarlain� Prada� Roberto Cavalli

AvailableBrands at the Free Shop

Skincare� Lancome� Biotherm� Clinique� Estee Lauder� L'occitane� The Body Shop� L'Oreal� Nivea

Make UP single� Clinique� Lancome� Art Deco� L'Oreal

Galanterija� Ta{ne, nov~anici imarame – Guess� Marame i {alovi -Codello

Asortimandoma}ih roba� kafa, konditorskiproizvodi� knjige� nakit� med� doma}e cigarete� suveniri� kazand`ijski proizvodi� prirodni sapuni� rakije� vina

Skincare� Lancome� Biotherm� Clinique� Estee Lauder� L'occitane� The Body Shop� L'Oreal� Nivea

Make UP Single� Clinique� Lancome� Art Deco� L'Oreal

Fashion Accessories� Bags, wallets and scarves -Guess� Scarves and shawls – CODEL

Domestic Products� Coffee, confectionery� Books� Jewelry� Honey� Cigarettes� Memorabilia� Coppersmith’s products� Natural soaps� Brandies and schnapps � Wines




Odli~ni rezultati“U posebno ure|enom dijelu Duty-free shopa izlo`enisu proizvodi doma}e proizvodnje: pi}a, kafa, konditorski

proizvodi, te izvorni doma}i suveniri. Za neke manjeproizvo|a~e doma}ih proizvoda, ovaj free-shop je mo`dai jedina prilika da promoviraju svoje proizvode stranimku pcima, zato svakodnevno radimo na pove}anju po nu -de doma}ih artikala. Naše cijene su pribli`no iste kao icij ene na aerodromima u okru`enju, a neke od njih su~ak i ni`e. Cijene su iskazane u eurima, ali ra~un mo`etepla titi u svim konvertibilnim valutama i kreditnim karti-cama American, Visa, Master Card, Diners i Maestro.Za prva tri mjeseca od otvorenja novog Duty-free shopa,ostvareni su izvanredni poslovni rezultati, koji pokazujurast prodaje ve}i od 50 posto. Naš cilj nije stati na ovome,a u budu}nosti planiramo da intenziviramo promociju do -ma}ih i stranih proizvoda, kroz poklon pakete putni ci ma,kako bi privukli njihovu pa`nju te podstakli još bo lju pro-daju. Svaki mjesec pr -a v imo i specijalnepo nude od re|enih pr o -i zvoda u sagla s no sti sanašim do ba v lja ~ i ma.Takvi artikli se pro dajupo sni`enim ci jena ma imogu re}i da smo nai -š li na do bar odaziv kodku pa ca“, objašnjavaŠa hinovi}. �

tic products. The newDuty-Free Shop co n ceptwill offer travelers themost ex clusive bra n dsacco mpanied by supp o -rting de gustational andpromoti onal events. Thevariety of products thatthe shop offers inclu deperfumes and co s me tics,tobacco pro du c ts, textilesand fashion acce ssories,toys, so uvenirs, food andbe verages, and friendlysta ff at the Free Shop willgladly help any custo -mer find what they arelooking for.

Great Results“We have specially de-signed area for displayingdomestic products: bev-erages, coffee, confec-

tionery and original local souvenirs. For some of thesmaller domestic manufacturers, this free shop is prob-ably the only opportunity to promote their products to for-eign customers; therefore, we regularly work towardexpanding our offer of the domestic products. Our pricesare pretty much the same to prices at the regional air-ports, or in some cases even lower. Prices are shown inEuros, but you can pay the bill with any convertible cur-rency or credit card of American, Visa, Master Card, Din-ners and Maestro.” says Mr. Sahinovic adding that pricesare formed based on the free shop prices at some of theother European airports. For the first three months sincethe opening of new Duty-Free Shop, we achieved extraor-

dinary sales results that showed an increase over 50 per-cent during this period. However, we will not stop here, soin the future we plan to intensify the promotion of domesticand foreign products through distribution of gift packagesto our travelers, all with the goal to attract more attentionand further improve our sales. Every month, in agreem ent

with our su ppliers, wemake spe cial offersfor certain products.Tho se artic les are soldat the disco unted pri -ces and I can say thatso far we are receivingpositive fe edback fromour cli e nts reg ardingthese pro mo tional ac-tivities,“ ex plains Mr.Sahinovic. �

Sada putnici više vremena provode u free-shopu, gdje mogu na}i proizvode

koji njima odgovaraju, te ih mogu probatikorištenjem testera

Now travelers spend more time in the free shop looking for products that suit

them best and trying out available promotional samples

Ljubazni uposlenici su na usluzi kupcima/

The friendly staff is always at service to their customers




Me|unarodni sajam gospodarstva Mostarcentar promocije doma}e privrede

International Economic Fair in MostarPromotional Centre of the Local Economy

Posjetiocima iz EU bit }e promovirani privredni potencijali BiH, dok }e se doma}im posjetiocima dodatno pribli`iti tematika vezana za pretpristupne fondove EU, te šta doma}i privrednici moguo~ekivati nakon ulaska Hrvatske u EU.

The economic potentials of B&H will be promoted to the foreign visitors from the EU, while domestic visitors will be informed about the topics related to the EU’s pre-accession funds and requirements that local businesses can expect after Croatia enters the EU.

This year´s 16th in a row International Eco-nomic Fair in Mostar will take place from 9thto 13th of April. For a very short period this fairbecame the most recognized one in the regi on,

which every year attracts large number of exhibitorsfrom the region, Europe, and also the rest of theworld.

Even BetterThis year's fair will surpass all of the previous onesbased on the expected capacity and number of ex-hibitors, and what is particularly special for this yearis that European Union is the partner country of thefair. Specifically, all of the Union members will beexhibiting at the Mostar Fair this year, which willlikely attract even higher number of visitors.

“Preparations for this year's main fair started on timeand I am pleased to say that our fair capacities arecompletely booked. Such an event is systematicallyprepared during the whole year because of the inter-est of the exhibitors, both domestic and overseas, forthe Mostar Fair is increasing from year to year, whichis another confirmation that we are on the right track.The fair has been substantially restored and comple-mented with new specialized events. We decided to beeven better, more innovative, and additionally availableto customers, so we could offer them new added valuefrom which they will, hopefully, extract profitable busi-ness benefits,“ says Mrs. Dalfina Bosnjak, the Directorof Mostar Fair.Although economic crisis has been sweeping thecountry for the last several years, Mostar Fair made

Ovogodišnji, 16. po redu Me|unarodni sajamgospodarstva Mostar odr`ava se od 9. do 13.aprila. Ovaj sajam je za vrlo kratko vrijemepostao jedan od priznatijih u regiji, koji svake

godine privu~e veliki broj izlaga~a iz regije, Evrope,ali i iz svijeta.

Još boljiOvogodišnji Sajam }e svojim kapacitetima i brojemizlaga~a nadmašiti sve prethodne, dok je za ovu godi nuposebnost i ta što je zemlja partner sajma Evropskaunija. Naime, sve ~lanice Unije izlagat }e na Mos ta r -skom sajmu što }e, vrlo vjerovatno, privu}i još ve}i brojposjetilaca.“Pripreme za ovogodišnju sajamsku manifestacijupo~eli smo na vrijeme i sa zadovoljstvom mogu kazatida su naši sajamski kapaciteti u cjelosti popunjeni.Ovakva manifestacija priprema se sustavno cijelugodinu, jer zanimanje izlaga~a, kako doma}ih tako iinozemnih za nastup na Mostarskom sajmu, iz go-dine u godinu raste, što je još jedna potvrda da smo

Sajam uvijek rezultira nizomposlovnih ugovora, ka`e Bošnjak/

The fair always results in a series ofbusiness contracts, says Mrs. Bosnjak




Me|unarodni sajamgospodarstvaMostar svake godine privu~e posjetioce iz cijeleBiH/

The International Economic Fair inMostar each year attracts visitorsfrom the wholeB&H

Stru~na predavanjaza promociju

doma}ih privrednihpotencijala/

Specialized lectures for the

promotion of the domestic economy





na pravom putu. Sajam smo sadr`ajno obnovili i upot-punili novim podsajamskim manifestacijama. Odlu~ilismo se tako biti još bolji, inovativniji, maksimalno naraspolaganju klijentima, nude}i im novu, dodanu vrijed-nost iz koje }e, nadamo se, izvu}i poslovnu korist“, ka`edirektorica Mostarskog sajma Dalfina Bošnjak. Iako našom zemljom ve} nekoliko godina hara ekonom-ska kriza, u Mostarskom sajmu su adekvatnompripremom znali odgovoriti na izazove koje im krizapostavlja. Pametnim i racionalnim poslovanjem, koje seogleda u odgodi proširenja kapaciteta Sajma, uspjeli su

svoje poslovanje u~initi uspješnim.

Borba protiv krize“Kriza se u svakom segmentu društva osjeti. Itekakosmo svjesni teško}a i problema koje ona nosi i svjesnonismo išli u širenje kapaciteta. Medutim, uspješnostsvakog posla ogleda se u kvaliteti ponude i potra`nje, ato vrijedi i za sajmove. Sve ovisi o dobroj pripremi i osvemu onome što mo`ete ponuditi svojim klijentima.Ukoliko su izlaga~i zadovoljni, oni }e se vratiti i dogodine,što }e biti poticaj i za konkurenciju. Izlaga~i su o~ito pre-poznali Mostarski sajam i ozna~ili ga kao nezabilaznomjesto na svjetskoj karti sajmova“, ka`e Bošnjak i dodaje

adequate preparations and found a way to respond tothe challenges that this crisis has set. Using smartand rational business plan, which is deliberately de-laying Fair’s capacity expansion, they managed tomake their business successful.

Fight Against the Crisis“Economy crisis is felt in every segment of the society.We are very much aware of the difficulties and problemsthat it brings and we deliberately did not go into capacity

expansion. However, success of every business reflectsin the quality of supply and demand, and this applies tothe fairs as well. Everything depends on good preparationand benefits that you can offer to your clients. If the ex-

hibitors are satisfied they will return the next year, whichcan motivate their competition to follow and come to thefair as well. The exhibitors have evidently recognizedMostar Fair and marked it on their world maps as an im-portant fair to attend“, says Mrs. Bosnjak and adds thatthis year's fair will probably generate number of businesscooperation contracts and agreements.“International Economic Fair in Mostar is a generaltype fair and all of its programs are equally well at-tended, although that primarily depends on the indivi -du al interests. During the fair, tens of thousands ofpe ople pass through Mostar and you have a situationthat it is very hard to find accommodation in the city forthat time. We expect that visit to the fair will be sa me aslast year, which means that all of the ava i lable sho w-room capacities will be completely filled. Ro u g hly, thatme ans about 750-800 exhibitors from thirty co untries.This will be a big success for us given that the crisis hada particularly negative impact on the bu si ness of tradefairs worldwide. We expect that this year's fair will alsoresult in a series of business deals and partnershipagreements that will further encourage foreign invest-ments in our country“, says Mrs. Bo s njak. Since this year fair's partner is European Union, theeconomic potentials of B&H will be promoted to the

This year's fair will surpass all of the previous ones based on the expected

capacity and number of exhibitors, andwhat is particularly special for this year is that European Union is the partner

country of the fair

Ovogodišnji Sajam }e svojim kapacitetima ibrojem izlaga~a nadmašiti sve prethodne,dok je za ovu godinu posebnost i ta što je

zemlja parner sajma Evropska unija

Izlaga~ima nudimo novevrijednosti iz kojih mogu izvu}iposlovnu korist, ka`e Bošnjak/

We offer exhibitors new valuesfrom which they can extract business benefits, says Mrs. Bosnjak




foreign visitors from the EU, while domestic visitorswill be informed about the topics related to the EU’spre-accession funds and requirements that local

businesses can expect after Croatia enters the EU.“All of the European Union's 27 member states will firstbe introduced together at a joint stand, but then eachco untry will individually have the opportunity to presentth eir economic resources, cultural attractions and to u -rism destinations. As for the conference topics and ed-u cational part of the Fair, they will be mostly dedicatedto European topics. Therefore, there will be two majorco nferences at the fair, first dedicated to topics of theEU's pre-accession IPA use of funds and cross-borderco op eration, while the second conference wold be rela -ted to the necessary market and commodity adjustme -n ts in Croatia and B&H after our neighbors enter theEU on July 1st of this year. We expect high number ofdelegations from the European Union to visit the fair“,explains Mrs. Bosnjak. �

da }e ove godine Sajam vjerovatno izroditi potpisivanjenekoliko poslovnih ugovora i sporazuma o poslovnojsaradnji.“Mostarski sajam gospodarstva je sajam op}eg tipa i nanjemu su podjednako dobro posje}eni svi programi, pre-mda to prvenstveno ovisi o pojedina~nim interesima. Zavrijeme trajanja sajma na desetke tisu}a ljudi pro|e krozMostar i imate situaciju da u to vrijeme teško mo`eteprona}i smještaj u gradu. O~ekujemo da }e posjetaSajmu biti na lanjskoj razini, što zna~i da }e svi rasplo`iviizlo`beni kapaciteti biti popunjeni. Otprilike, to zna~i oko750-800 izlaga~a iz tridesetak zemalja svijeta. To bi bio

veliki uspjeh za nas, s obzirom na krizu koja se naro~itonegativno odrazila na sajmove u cijelome svijetu. Našao~ekivanja su da }e i ovaj sajam rezultirati nizomposlovnih sporazuma i partnerstava što }e biti poticajstranim ulaganjima u našu zemlju“, dodaje Bošnjak. Kako je ove godine partner sajma Evropska unija, krozpredvi|ene konferencije posjetiocima iz EU bit }e pro-movirani privredni potencijali BiH, dok }e se doma}imposjetiocima putem edukativnih konferencija dodatnopribli`iti tematika vezana za pretpristupne fondove EU, tešta doma}i privrednici mogu o~ekivati nakon ulaska

Hrvatske u ovu uniju.“Svih 27 punopravnih ~lanica EU predstavit }e se na za-jedni~kom štandu, s tim da }e svaka od zemalja imatiprigodu zasebno predstaviti svoje gospodarske potenci-jale, kulturne znamenitosti i turisti~ka odredišta. Što seti~e konferencijskog i edukativnog dijela Sajma, on }eprote}i u znaku europskih tema. Planirane su dvije ve-like konferencije na temu korištenja pretpristupnih IPAfondova EU i prekograni~ne suradnje, dok bi se drugakonferencija odnosila na prilagodbu tr`išta i robaHrvatske i BiH nakon ulaska naših susjeda u EU 1. srp-nja ove godine. O~ekujemo da sajam posjeti i visoko iza-slanstvo Europske unije“, objašnjava Bošnjak. �

O~ekujemo da }e posjeta Sajmu biti na lanjskoj razini, što zna~i da }e svi rasplo`iviizlo`beni kapaciteti biti popunjeni, otprilike,to zna~i oko 750-800 izlaga~a iz tridesetak

zemalja svijeta

Rje{avanje goru}ih problema

Mostarski sajam postao je svojevrsno mjesto gdjese, osim izlaganja proizvoda i usluga, ~estopronalaze rješenja za bolju ekonomsku slikudoma}e privrede, a tako }e biti i ove godine.“Nadamo se da }e niz kvalitetnih foruma i skupova o gospodarskim temama od krucijalne va`nostipotaknuti naše gospodarstvenike, ali i politi~are natra`enje boljih rješenja za izlazak iz situacije u kojojse nalazimo. Mi }emo se, kao i svake godine, potruditi poslovnim ljudima napraviti ugodan ambijent u kojem }e mo}i ostvariti svoje poslovne`elje. Na koncu bih svim našim klijentima, ali i posjetiteljima, za`eljela djelotvoran sajamski nastupi ugodne dane u Mostaru“, srda~no zaklju~uje direktorica Bošnjak.

Solutions to Urgent Problems

Mostar Fair became a place that can offer, besides display of goods and services, solutionsfor a better economy picture of the local economy, and that will be the case this this yearas well.“We hope that number of quality forums andconferences on economy issues of crucial importance will encourage our businessmenand politicians to look for better solutions thatwill help us get out of the situation that we arecurrently in. As always, we will do our best tocreate a pleasant environment where businesspeople will be able to accomplish their businessobjectives. Therefore, I would like to wish all ofour customers and visitors effective trade showperformance and pleasant stay in Mostar,“ concludes Mrs. Bosnjak.

We expect that the visit to the fair will besame as last year, which means that all of

the available showroom capacities will be roughly filled with about 750-800

exhibitors from thirty countries




Elvir Karali} je mladi ~ovjek iz Sarajeva je prošle godine pokrenuo Fondaciju pomozi.ba, koja je za vrlo kratko vrijeme ispunila svoj cilj, a to je pru`anje pomo}iugro`enim kategorijama našeg društva.

Ideja koja je pomogla mnogimaThe Idea That Helped Many

Uvrijeme kada veliki dio bh. stanovništva jedvasastavlja kraj sa krajem i kada mnogi od njihne maju osnovnih potrepština za normalan `i -v ot, svaka pomo} je dobro došla. Upravo zbog

to ga je osnovana i Fondacija pomozi.ba, koja okupljamla de ljude koji od ljudi koji `ele pomo}i sakupljajuhra nu, potrepštine, odje}u i nov~ana sredstva, te ihpro slije|uju ugro`enom stanovništvu širom BiH. “Na ideju o osnivanju ove Fondacije smo došli zbogtoga što postoji puno ljudi koji `ele po mo}i drugima.Ta ~injenica mi je bi la ideja vodilja za osnivanje fonda -ci je, jer sam znao da postoji veliki broj ljudi kojimatreba pomo}, ali ka da sam vidio da postoji i veliki brojlju di koji `ele pomo}i, odlu~io sam na praviti organi-zaciju koja }e biti po srednik izme|u onih kojima je po -mo} potrebna i onih koji `ele tu po mo} uru~iti.Naravno, da bi nešto ta ko uspjelo, potrebna vam jetranspa retnost, pa stoga sve akcije koje ra dimo fo-tografiramo i javno obja v lju jemo, kako bi se vidjelogdje po mo} ide“, ka`e Elvir Karali}, osniva~ ove Fon-dacije, koji dalje opisuje po~etak njihovog rada.“Na po~etku sam prikupljao hranu ipotrepštine od prijatelja i poznanika,te sam tu pomo} dijelio porodicamako jima je ta pomo} potrebna. No v ~a -ne iznose nisam htio pri mati, ve} samsamo primao hranu, koju sam pro s -li je |i vao dalje. Kada su moji prijateljividjeli da donirana po mo} svakod-nevno raste, izrazili su ̀ elju da mi po-mo gnu i da mi se pridru`e u mojimna kanama. U toku do sa da š njeg radani smo imali ve}ih problema, osim je -d ne si tu a cije kada nam jedan shopingce ntar nije dozvolio od r`imo akcijupri kupljanja hrane, jer u to vrijemejoš ni s mo bili registrirani kao fonda -cija“, objašnjava Karali}. Ia ko su na po~etku rada prikupljalisa mo hranu i od je }u, te ostale po t -re pštine, zbog velikog intetresa ja v -no sti za nov~anim donacijama,

At the time when large part of the populationin Bosnia and Herzegovina is struggling anddo not have basic necessities for a normallife, any help is welcome. That is why Foun-

dation Pomozi.ba was founded, which gathersyoung people to collect food, supplies, clothing andfinancial funds, which is later distributed to the vul-nerable populations throughout Bosnia and Herze-govina.

“We came to the idea of establish-ing this Foundation thanks to theinterest of large number of peoplethat want to help others. That factwas our guiding principle for es-tablishment of the foundation, be-cause I knew that there is a largenumber of people that need help,but when I saw that there is also alarge number of people that wantto help, I decided to start an organ-ization that will serve as a mediatorbetween the ones that need helpand ones that would like to providehelp. Of course, for something like thisto succeeded, you need trans-parency, therefore, because of thisreason we photograph and publishall of our actions to the public, so

Mr. Elvir Karic is a young man from Sarajevowho last year established the FoundationPomozi.ba (Help.ba) and achieved its goal in a very short period of time, which is providing help to the vulnerable categoriesof people in our society.

Elvir Karali} na jednoj od nedavnih akcija Fondacije/Mr. Elvir Karalic at one of the recent Foundation interventions

Doniranim sredstvima senajviše raduju


The youngestones are most

grateful for thedonations




it would be clearly visible where the help is goingto,“ says Mr. Elvir Karalic, founder of the Founda-tion, who further describes the beginnings of theirwork. “At the very beginning I was collecting food and sup-plies from my friends and acquaintances, whichthen I was giving out to families that needed help. Iwas not accepting financial donations, but I only ac-cepted food, which I distributed to the ones in need.When my friends saw that the donations were goingup daily, they expressed their wish to help and joinmy intentions. So far we did not have any majorproblems in our work, except the situation whenone shopping center did not allow us to set up afood collection stand in theri premisses, because atthat time we were not registered as a foundation,“explains Mr. Karalic. Even though at the beginning they were only collect-ing food, clothes, and other supplies, because of thehigh interest from the public for financial donations,pomozi.ba also started the fund-raising events, andeach financial donation process is transparent tothe last detail, so it is impossible for the donated

money to be misused. “Given that there is a big economy crisis in our so-ciety, it is very hard today to generate donations, be-cause we are not receiving any support from thestate institutions, but just from the individuals andprivately owned companies, which from time to timegive us donations mostly in form of their products.As for the financial donations, most of them arecoming from our people that live abroad, but wealso have the cases where people in Bosnia andHerzegovina organize fund-raising events and de-posit collected money to our account, which we fur-ther distribute to the vulnerable families andindividuals. We did not run into any obstacles whendonating funds or supplies, nor we had any prob-lems, and to this day nobody questioned our honestyand efforts, so we will do our best to have it stay thisway in the future,“ proudly says Mr. Karalic. �

pomozi.ba je krenula i sa ak cijama prikupljanja novca,a svaki proces nov~ane do nacije je transparentan doposljednjeg detalja i ne mo ̀ e se desiti da se doniraninovac zloupotrijebi.“Kako je danas velika kriza u našem društvu, do do ni -ra nih sredstava je teško do}i, jer nas ne poma`e nikood dr`avnih institucija, nego samo pojedinci i privatneko mpanije, koje nam s vremena na vrijeme daju nekasre dstva, prvenstveno svoje proizvode. Što se ti~e no -v ~anih donacija, najviše ih dobijamo od naših ljudi iz in-o zemstva, ali imamo i slu~ajeva da se ljudi iz BiHor ganizuju i uplate taj novac na naš ra~un, koji daljepro slje|ujemo ugro`enim porodicama i pojedinicima.Ni smo do sada imali prepreka u doniranju sredstava,ni ti je bilo kakvih problema, a do sada niko nije doveou pitanje naše poštenje i trudit }emo se da tako i osta -ne“, ponosno isti~e Karali}. �

Donacija Sarajevskog aerodroma

Rad ove fondacije pomogao je MMe|unarodni AerodromSarajevo, kada je na ceremoniji otvaranje novog WWalkthrough Duty Free-shopa u novembru pro{le godine,Fondaciji dodijeljena donacija u iznosu od 2.000 KM.“Ta donacija nam je bila od velikog zna~aja i bilo nam jedrago da je neko prepoznao na{ trud i rad, jer se u todoba i nije znalo za ppomozi.ba. Taj novac smo odmahprebacili na ra~un petogodi{njeg Tarika Had`irovi}akojem je taj iznos nedostajao za operaciju o~iju, a ta akcijaje bila i konkretan dokaz da smo samo posrednici i da usmjeravamo sredstva kome su potrebna, {to }emo,sasvim sigurno, nastaviti i u budu}nosti”, ka`e Karali}.

Donation from the Sarajevo Airport

Sarajevo International Airport also helped the workof the FFoundation by donating 2,000 KM during theopening ceremony of its new WWalk Through Duty-Free Shop in November of last year. “That donation was of the great importance and wewere happy that someone recognized our efforts andwork, because at that time not many people knewabout ppomozi.ba. That money we immediately transferred to the account of the five year old TarikHadzirovic, who was missing that amount for the eyesurgery, and that action was also a concrete proofthat we are just the intermediaries and that we onlydirect the donations to the ones in need, which wewill, for sure, continue doing also in the future,” saysMr. Karalic

Fondacija je donirala sredstva i za povratnike u Srebrenici/

Foundation also donated funds and supplies to the Srebrenica returnees

Donacija Sarajevskogaerodroma je bila od

velikog zna~aja/

Donations from theSarajevo Airport were

of great importance




BOSANSKA PIRAMIDA SUNCA nova doma}a turisti~ka destinacija

Za vrlo kratak periodovo arheološko nalazište postalo jeva`na turisti~ka destinacija, a nalazi se samo 25 kilometara od Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo.

Bosanska piramida Sunca u Viso komje za proteklih nekoliko godi na postalaje dna od naj posje}enijih turisti~kihdestinacija u Bosni i He r cegovini. Ovo

ar h e ološko nalazište, koje ~e sto zna izazvatiopre~na mišljenja svjets kih str u ~ njaka -arheologa, ove godine }e opet posjetiti velikibroj turista, stru~njaka, ali i volontera, kojisvake godine poma`u u otkrivanju novih de-talja ovog arheološkog ko mpleksa.

Promjena historijeAntropolog Semir Osmanagi}, ~ije ime stojiiza ovog projekta, ali i iza imena, tim povodomosnovane Fondacije Arheo loški park: Bosan-ska piramida Sunca, na predavanjima diljemsvijeta prenosi no vosti o ovom arheološkomotkri}u. Njegova sljede}a destinacija upra voje Houston gdje je odr`ao no vo predavanje oBosanskoj pi ramidi Sunca. Osmanagi} jetokom proteklih godina na piramide dovodio

Arheološki kompleks sa piramidama nalazise nadomak Visokog/

Archeological complex with the pyramids islocated nearby Visoko

Radi se o najaktivnijemarheološkom nalazištu

na svijetu, ka`e Osmanagi}/

This is currently themost attractive

archeological sitein the world, says

Mr. Osmanagic

Ulaz u jedan odpodzemnih tunela/

Entrance to one ofthe underground





For a brief period of time, this archeological site became an important tourist destination and it is located only 25 km from theSarajevo International Airport.

Bosnian Pyramid of the Sunin Viso ko quickly becamethe most visited to uristdestination in Bosnia and

He rzegovina. This archeological s -i te, which often creates conflictingopinions among the world's ex-perts – archeologists, this yearwill again visit large number oftourists, experts, as well as volun-teers that every year assist in dis-covery of the new details at thisarcheological complex.

History ChangeAnthropologist Mr. Semir Osman-agic, who se name stands behindthis project and lectures thatspread the news about this arche-ological wonder across the wo r ld,used this discovery to establish the

Ar c heological Park Foundation:Bosnian Py ramid of the Sun.Thereafter, his next de stination wasHouston where he held a new lec-ture about the Bosnian Pyramid ofthe Sun. During the last couple ofyears, Mr. Osmanagic brought nu-merous world recognized archeol-ogists to the pyramid thatco nfirmed authenticity of the site,however, there is still a small num-ber of experts that are disputingsuch findings. Nevertheless, thefact is that Visoko got the opportu-nity with its pyramids to become,

besides a known place for high qu -a lity meet and leather, also an im -po rtant tourist destination inBo snia and Herzegovina. “The fact is that first European pyr-amids have been discovered inBosnia and Herzegovina, that theyare the largest in the world, thatthey have most accurate site orien-tations in the world, that they aremade out of highest quality con-crete, that they are the oldest, thatthey have the largest network ofprehistoric underground tunnels,that they have the largest ceramicsculptures of eight tons that werefound in these tunnels,“ explainsMr. Osmanagic with a lot of passionand assurance, who also believesthat all of the above reinforces hisstatement that “this discovery re-

quires changes in all of the historybooks that we have been learningfrom thus far,“ from which, cate-gorically, derive all of the previousdisputes.“I often travel around the world andprom ote new findings about theBosni an Py ra mid of the Sun. For thelast co u ple of ye ars since the discov-ery, every ye ar the re is an increasein the number of to u ri s ts that cometo Visoko. Archeo logical Pa rk Foun-dation: Bosnian Py ramid of the Sunthis year will again ho st hund re ds ofvolunteers that will arrive to B&H


New Domestic Tourist Destination

brojne svjets ki priznate arheologe koji supo t v rdili autenti~nost lokacije, no nije m ali broj ni onih stru~njaka koji os po-ravaju takve nalaze. Kako god bi lo,~injenica je da je Visoko sa sv o jim pi -ramidama dobilo priliku da, osim do-brog mesa i ko`e, postane i va`noturisti~ko odredište na karti BiH.“^injenica je da su prve evropske pi -ramide otkrivene u BiH, da su naj ve}ena svijetu, da imaju najpre cizniju ori-jentaciju stranica na svi jetu, da imajunajkvalitetniji be ton ikada proizveden,da su najsta rije, da imaju najve}umre`u pr ahistorijskih podzemnihtunela, da imaju najve}e kerami~kesku l pture od osam tona prona|ene utim tunelima,“ s puno strasti i vje repojašnjava Osmanagi} kojeg sve po-brojano u~vrš}uje u stajali š tu da „sveto tra`i mijenjanje svih knjiga historijeiz kojih smo do sa da u~ili“, iz ~egaopet, kategori~an je, proizilaze i svadosadašnja os po ravanja.“^esto putujem po svijetu i promo viramnova saznanja o Bosans koj piramidiSunca. Za ovih ne koliko godina odotkri}a, svake go dine raste interes turi -sta koji do laze u Visoko. Fondacija Arhe-o loški park: Bosanska piramida Su nca iove }e godine ugostiti na sto tine volon-tera koji }e doputova ti u BiH i Visokokako bi sudje lo vali u ovogodišnjoj Me |u -na ro dnoj radnoj akciji vo lontera MRAV2013. Do po ~e tka febru ara ove godine zaMRAV je ap liciralo i potvr|eno vi še od 60volontera iz Australije, No vog Zelanda,SAD, No r ve ške, Nje ma~ke, Finske, ^e -ške, Da n ske, Velike Brita nij e, Ka na de,Meksika, Španije, Ve necuele, Bugarske,Šk o t s ke i Paragvaja. Po struci, radi se ovo lonterima razli~itih pr ofila, te }emotako i ove godine imati ar heologe, ge-ologe, doktore me dicine, in`injere, bro-kere, gra |evinare, novinare, pra v nike,kompjuterske stru ~ nja ke, antropologe,studente... Naj stariji do sada prijavljenivo lonter ima 60 godina, a naj mla |i, koji}e do}i u pratnji je dnog roditelja, ima 16godina. Bez obzira na njihovo zanima njeili godine, svi oni imaju jednu zajedni~kustvar – `elju da pomognu u istra`ivanjukoje }e dovesti do novih historijskih ~in-jenica, te potpuno promijeniti do sa da -šnja shvatanja o fenomenu piramida“,objašnjava Osmanagi}.

Podrška iz svijetaOsmanagi} tvrdi da je po dru ~ je bosan-skih piramida sada naj aktivnijie arhe-ološko na la zi šte u svijetu, a samotokom prošle godine posjetilo ga je vi -še hiljada turista, koji su iz pr ve rukehtjeli saznati informa cije o nastanku

According to the leading people at the Foundation, it isa fact that the site of the Bosnian pyramids is currently

the most attractive archeological site in the world, whichlast year alone visited several thousands of tourists that

personally wanted to get the information about the origin of this archeological wonder

ovog arheo loškog ~uda.“Istra`ivanje bosanskih pira mida je postala najaktivnijaar heološka lokacija na svije tu. Samo tokom 2012. godinesmo imali više od 500 volonte ra i stru~njaka u Visokom iz52 zemlje svijeta sa šest konti nenata. Radili smo na svimpi ramidama i otkrili novih 250 m etara prahistorijskih po -d ze m nih tunela. Privukli smo, go tovo bez ikakve podrškedr ̀ ave, nekoliko desetina hilja da turista. Jedan od glavnihciljeva nam je iz tunela u}i u Piramidu Sunca. Radi se odugoro~nom inte r disciplinarnom projektu, koji }e za uvijekpromijeniti lice doma}e na uke, ali i turizma i ekonomije“,smatra Osmanagi}.Od 2005. godine snimljeno je na de setke dokumentarnih fi -lmova o ovom podru~ju, a najnoviji dokum e ntarac, koji jemo`da i naj zna ~a j ni ji, prošle godine snimila je jedna od na -jve}ih svjetskih TV mre`a Histo ry Chanel, koja afirmat i v nogovo ri o po stojanju bosanskih pi ra mida, a njihovom pr o -nalaza~u Semiru Osma nagi}u dat je prostor kao jednomod vode}ih poznavalaca fenomena pi ramida u svijetu. “History Channel je jedan od tri naj ve}a nau~no-doku-mentarna TV ka nala u svijetu. Autori su uvrstili bo sanskepiramide u mre`u naj z na ~ajnijih svjetskih piramida. Usvom dokumentarcu postavljaju pitanje oko toga zbog~ega zvani~na nauka onemogu}ava iskopavanje kineskihi bosanskih piramida. History Channel prikazao je emisijuSecrets of Pyramids u decembru prošle godine pred mil-i onskim auditorijem u svijetu. Dokumentarac je prikazivaopiramide u Egiptu, Kini, Meksiku, Mauricijusu, BiH, Ka-narskim otocima, Peruu, Boliviji, Guatemali, Sudanu, anajviše prostora dato je egipatskim i našim piramidama“,sa ponosom govori Osmanagi}.


Bosanska dolina piramida

Bosanska dolina piramida, smatraju vode}i ljudi Fond a -cije, najve}i je svjetski kompleks piramidalnih gra|evina.Sa stoji se od Bosanske piramide Sunca (Vi so~ica) koja je,s visinom više od 220 metara, zna t no viša od Keopsovepi ramide kao i Bosanska pira mi da Mjeseca (Plješevica)vi soka 190 metara, Pi ramide bosanskog Zmaja (Buci) od90 metara, te ob ra|enih uzvišenja Hrama Majke Zemlje(Kr stac) i Pi ramide Ljubavi (^emerac). Pi ramide Sunca,Mjeseca i Zmaja formiraju pravilan je dna kostrani~antrougao s me|usobnom udalj e no š }u vr ho va od 2.170metara. Orijentacija stranica svih pi ramida je pravilna,pre ma kosmi~kom sjeveru. U Zaklju~cima Pr ve me |u -na rodne nau~ne konferenci je o Bosanskoj dolini pi ra mi -da u augustu 2008. godi ne, 55 vode}ih svjetskih st ru ~njaka




and Visoko, so they would pa rticipate in this year's Inter-national La bor Action MRAV 2013. Unitl the Fe b ruary ofthis ye ar, it has been confi r med that over 60 vo lunteersapplied to MRAV from countries su ch as Aust ra lia, NewZeland, USA, No r way, Germa ny, Finland, Czech Republic,De nmark, Gre at Britain, Canada, Mexico, Spain, Ve -nezuela, Bulgaria, Scotland and Pa ra guay. These are thevolunteers with different professional backgrounds, sothis year we will again have archeologi sts, geologist, doc-tors of medicine, engi neers, brokers, construction spe -cialists, jo urnalists, lawyers, computer experts,an thropology experts, students ... So far the oldest regis-tered volunteer is 60 ye a rs old and the youngest, who willbe acco mpanied by one of the parents, is 16 ye ars old. De-spite their profession or age, all of them have one thing incommon – desire to help the discovery that will lead tonew historical facts and comple te ly change the currentunderstanding about the phenomenon called pyramids,”explains Mr. Osmanagic.

World's SupportMr. Osmanagic claims that the site of theBosnian pyr-amids is currently the most attractive archeologicalsite in the world, which last ye ar alone visited severalthousands of to u ri sts that personally wanted to get theinformation about the origin of this archeological wo -nder. Just during the 2012 we had more than 500 vol-unteers and professionals in Visoko from 52 countriesand six continents. We worked on all of the pyramidsand discovered new 250 meters of the prehistoric un-de rground tunnels. Without almost any su pport fromthe local government, we still attracted tens of thou-sands of tourists. One of our main goals is to enter thePyramid of the Sun through the excavated tunnel. Thisis a long term interdisciplinary project that will foreverchange the face of domestic science, as well astourism and economy,“ said Mr. Osmanagic.Since 2005, dozens of documentaries have be en filmedabout this site and the latest docume ntary, which is per-haps the most significant one, was filmed last year by His-tory Channel, one of the world's largest TV networks,whi ch confirmed the existence of the Bo snian pyrami ds,and their discoverer Mr. Se mir Os m anagic was recog-nized as one of the leading experts in the phenomenon ofthe world pyramids. "History Channel is one of the three largest scientificdocumentary TV channels in the world. The authors in-cluded the Bosnian pyramids in the network of the wo -r ld's most important pyramids. In the documentary theyask the question why the official science institutions pre -clude excavation of the Chinese and Bosnian pyramids.History Channel broadcasted the documentary Secretsof the Pyramids in December of last year to wo rldwideaudience of millions of pe o ple. The documentary showedthe py ramids in Egypt, China, Mexico, Ma uritius, Bosniaand Herzegovina, Canary Islands, Peru, Bolivia, Gu -atemala, Sudan, but most of the time was given to Egypt-ian and our pyramids, " proudly says Mr. Osmanagic.


Bosnian Valley of the PyramidsAccording to the leading people at the Foundation, the

Iskopane terase velika suatrakcija za posjetitelje/

Excavated terraces are bigattraction to visitors

Bosnian Valley of the Pyra mids is considered to be theworld's la rgest co mplex of pyramid structu res. It inclu -des the Pyramid of the Sun (Visoci ca), which is with itsheight of over 220 me ters much higher than the CheopsPy ramid, same as the Bo s nian Pyramid of the Moon(Pljesevi ca) with190 me ters in height, the Bo snian Pyra-mid of the Dragon (Buci) with 90 meters in he ight, aswell as the processed elevations of the Temple of theMother Earth (Krstac) and Pyramid of Love (Cemerac).Pyramid of the Sun, Moon and Dragon form a regularequilateral triangle with a distance of 2.170 meters be-tween each of their peaks. Orientation of the pyramids’sides is straight and pointed to the cosmic north. At theConclusions of the First International Scientific Confer-ence on Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids, which took placein August of 2008, 55 leading experts from 13 countriesconcluded that "the Bosnian pyramids are archeologicalphenomenon that should be intensively investigated."Ground penetration and thermal recording confirmed theexistence of the passages and chambers inside of the pyr-amids. Analysis of the block samples, which cover theBosnian Pyramid of the Sun, at the Institu te for Materialsin Bosnia and Herzegovina, Fra n ce, and Italy confirmedthat this material is indeed a very high quality concrete.According to a radiocarbon analysis conducted in 2011 inPoland and soil analysis of the Bosnian pyramid, it wasestablished that the pyramids were built more than 10,000years ago. Underground labyrinth beneath the city of Vi-soko extends more than several kilometers in length andconsists from number of passages, rooms and artificialgroundwater lakes. The beginning of research was offi-cially initiated in April of 2005, right after Mr. Semir Os-managic gave the hypothesis that a complex of pyramidswith a network of underground tunnels exists on the ter-itory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Today, this is the world'slargest archeological research project that attracts tensof thousands of tourists every year to Visoko.

Bosnian Pyramid of the MoonBosnian Pyramid of the Moon with its height of 190 me-ters is higher than the Cheops Pyramid in Egypt (147meters). It was built out of treated panels of sandstoneand clay. The sandstone quarries are located in the vicin-ity, as well as the source of clay that was used as abinder, waterproof material and insulation. The design ofthe pyramid is terrace looking, which is unique for theworld of pyramids. The upper la yer of sandstone slab isglued to the base. Organic material was found bet weenthe two layers in the archeological probe number 20 atthe west side of the pyramid that, according to the ra-diocarbon ana lysis at the Physics Institute of the SilesiaUniversity in Gliwice (Poland 2011), dates from year10,350 BC. This way it has been scientifically confir medthe great antiquity of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon

Pronalasci su utvrdili postojanje kvalitetnog betona/

The findings confirmedexistence of the quality concrete




iz 13 zemalja za klju~ilo je da su “bosanske pir a mide arhe-ološki fe nomen kojeg treba intenzivno is t ra ̀ i vati.” Geora -da r s ka i termalna snimanja piramida po tvrdila supo stojanje prolaza i prostorija unutar pira mi da. Anali zeuz oraka blokova s Bosanske piramide Su nca na institu-tima za materijale u BiH, Francuskoj i Italiji po ka zale su daje rije~ o betonu najbolje kvalitete, kojim je pr e krivena pi-ramida. Prema radiokarbonskim an a lizama pr o vedenim2011. godine u Poljskoj i pe do lo škim analiz a ma bosanskepiramide su gra|ene prije više od 10.000 go dina.Podzemni labirint ispod Vi sokog pru`a se deseti ne kilo-metara i sastoji se od pro laza, prostorija i vješta~kih po -dzemnih jezera. Is t ra ̀ ivanja su zapo~eta u aprilu 2005.go dine, kada je Se mir Osmanagi} postavio hipotezu opost o janju ko m pleksa pi ramida i mre`e podzemnihtunela. Da nas je ovo istra ̀ i va nje najve}i svjetski arhe-ološki proj e kt koji privla~i deseti ne hiljada turista u Visokosvake godine.

Bosanska piramida MjesecaBosanska piramida Mjeseca je svojom visinom od 190metara viša od Keopsove piramide u Egiptu (147 me -tara). Izgra|ena je kombinacijom obra|enih plo ~a pje -š~ara i gline. Kamenolomi za pješ~ar su locirani uok olini, kao i izvor gline koja je slu`ila kao ve zivo, vo do -

nepropusni materijal i izolacija. Dizajn pira mide je te -rasast što je jedinstven slu~aj u svijetu pi ramida. Go rnjisloj plo~a pješ~ara je lijepljen. Izme|u dva sloja pro na -|en je organski mate rijal na arheološkoj sondi broj 20na zapadnoj strani pi ramide koji je, prema radiokarbon-skoj analizi Instituta za fiziku Sleskog univerziteta iz Gli-wica (Po lj ska, 2011.), star 10.350 godina p.n.e. Na tajna ~in je na u~no potvr|ena iznimna starost gradnje Bo -sa nske piramide Mjeseca koja je starija od ku ltura Su -mera, Babilona i drevnog Egipta.In stitut za materijale Univerziteta u Zenici potvrdio jeda je razli~ita ~vrsto}a i poroznost pojedinih plo~a pje -š~ara u istom redu, što potvr|uje da su plo~e ob ra |ivaneod pješ~ara sa razli~itih dubina u kame no lo mima. Ina~e,pješ~ar je gra|evinski materijal koji se i danas koristi ugradnji zbog dobrih karakteristika. Ispod Bosanske pi-ramide Mjeseca nalazi se vo dena akumulacija koja jepovezana vodotokovima s piramidama Zmaja i Sunca.

Podzemni tuneli KTKPodzemni tuneli na teritoriji firme KTK, u blizini rijeke Bo -s ne ponovno su otkriveni 2006. godine. Fondacija je o~i-sti la i podgradila 150 metara tunela. Njihova visina je tri

^injenica je da je podru~je bosanskih piramida, tvrde vode}i ljudi Fondacije, sada

najaktivnijie arheološko nalazište u svijetu, a samo tokom prošle godine posjetilo ga je više hiljada turista, koji

su iz prve ruke htjeli saznati informacije o nastanku ovog arheološkog ~uda




construction that is older than the culture of Sumerian,Babylon and ancient Egypt.Institute for Materials at the University of Zenica co n -firmed the different strength and porosity of the ind ividualsandstone slabs found in the same line, whic h confirmsthat the sandstone slabs were excavated from the differ-ent depths in the quarries. Otherwise, sandstone is theconstruction material that is used to this day in construc-tion due its proven characteristics. Beneath the Pyramidof the Moon there is an accumulation of water streamsconnected to the pyramids of the Sun and Dragon.

Underground Tunnels KTKUnderground tunnels found on territory of the com-pany KTK were rediscovered in 2006 near the riverBosnia. The Foundation has cleared and stabilized 150meters of the tunnels. Their height is three meters andwidth is 2.5 meters. Fragments of stone circles werefound in the abraded material. One of the existing tun-nels stretches into the direction of the Pyramid of theMoon, and the other one into the Pyramid of the Sun.Underground room was first discovered in 2007, butshortly thereafter water began to penetrate into theroom preventing the further work. The assumption isthat this is the water from the river Fojnica, beneathwhich the tunnel runs to the Pyramid of the Sun.

Tunnels Underneath of the ComplexUnderneath of the Bosnian Pyramid there is a complexne twork of passes, crossroads, premises and undergro -und water reservoirs. Discoverer of the Bosnian pyramids,Mr. Semir Osmanagic, announced the discovery of this la -b yrinth in his book, which was published in 2005, basinghis hypothesis on the similar examples of underground tu -n nels in Egypt, China and Mexico. Before that people in Vi-so ko thought that the low entrance and fifty meters of thetu nnel passage were elements of a natural cave. After theye ars of hard and persistent work, Foundation confirmedthat this is an underground labyrinth inside of the conglo -me rate that is stretching tens of kilometers in length. Dis-ta nce from the entrance to the Pyramid of the Sun is 2.9ki lometers. There are at least two cultural layers visible:la byrinth builders (more than 12,000 years ago) and civili -za tion that buried the tunnels and rooms with gravel ma-te rial 5,000 years ago. Material that was excavated duringthe construction of the tunnel was used to make the con-cr ete that Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun was covered with.In the labyrinth there is no negative radiation: cosmic (Ha -r tman, Rents and Snyder network), natural radioactivityor negative energy from the underground water supplies. Therefore, this location is one of the safest on the planetthat allowed health protection and body revitalization. Ac-tivities of the Foundation include cleaning of the existingprehistoric tunnels from present gravel materials and se-cu ring the tunnel passages that lead to the Pyramid ofthe Sun with the wooden support. The air circulation isex cellent and it is achieved thanks to the va riation in theceiling heights that caused different thrust and naturalve ntilation. The slope of the tunnel is 1.5 degrees, whichallo wed fine drainage of water. The concentration of thene gative ions, which clean the atmosphere from bacteriaand viruses, is a few tenth higher than the average andthat explains the beneficial effects that the tunnel has onhuman body. �

me tra, a širina 2,5 metra. Fragmenti kamenih krugova pr -o na|eni su u obrušenom materijalu. Jedan od posto je }ihtunela pru`a se u smjeru Bosanske piramide Mje se ca, adrugi prema Bosanskoj piramidi Sunca. Po dzemna pro-st orija otkrivena je 2007. godine i ubrzo na kon toga po~elaje da u nju prodire voda onemogu}avaju}i dalji rad. Pret-postavka je da je rije~ o vodi iz rijeke Fojnice ispod kojetunel prolazi prema Bosanskoj piramidi Sunca.

Prolazi ispod kompleksaIspod Bosanske doline piramida izgra|ena je komple-ksna mre`a prolaza, raskrsnica, prostorija i podzemnihvodenih akumulacija. Otkri}e ovog labiri nta najavio jepronalaza~ bosanskih piramida Semir Os managi} usvojoj knjizi iz 2005. godine baziraju}i svoju hipotezu na

sli~nim primjerima podzemnih tu nela u Egiptu, Kini iMeksiku. Do tada se u Visokom smatralo da je niski ulazi pedesetak metara tunelskog prolaza prirodna pe}ina.Fondacija je upornim višegodišnjim radom potvrdila dase u konglomeratu nalazi podzemni labirint koji sepru`a desetinama kilometara. Udaljenost od ulaza pado Bosanske piramide Sunca iznosi 2,9 kilometara.Vidljiva su najmanje dva kulturna sloja: graditelji labi-rinta (više od 12.000 godina) i civilizacija koja je svetunele i prostorije zatrpala šljunkovitim materijalomprije 5.000 go dina. Materijal koji je izba~en tokom grad-nje tu ne la upotrijebljen je za pravljenje betona kojim jeprekrivana Bosanska piramida Sunca. U labirintu nepostoje negativna zra~enja: kosmi~ka (Hartma no ve,Kirijeve i Snajderove mre`e), prirodna radi o a ktivnost ilinegativna energija iz podzemnih vodenih to kova. Stogaje ova lokacija jedna od najsigurnijih na planeti iomogu}avala je zaštitu zdravlja i revitalizaciju tijela. Ak-tivnost Fondacije svodi se na ~iš}enje postoje}ih prahis-torijskih tunela od unijetog šljunkovitog materijala iosiguravanja drvenom podgradom tunelskih prolaza kojivode prema Bosanskoj piramidi Sunca. Cirkulacijazraka je izvanredna i postignuta je razli~itom visinomstropova koji su uzrokovali razli~it potisak i prirodnuventilaciju. Nagib tunela je 1,5 stepen što je omo gu }a -valo finu drena`u vode. Koncentracija negativnih jona,koji ~iste atmosferu od bakterija i virusa, nekoliko je de-setina viša od prosje~ne i to objašnjava blagotvoran ut-jecaj tunela na ljudski organizam. �

Sa velikom pa`njomprati se rad stru~njaka/Professionals' work isfollowed with great attention




Within the continuous expansion of its businessnetworks, Pegasus Airlines introduced a regularflight service on the route Sarajevo-Istanbul,which was officially established on February 28th.

For that occasion, a press conference was held at whichthe Pegasus Airlines management unveiled their businessplans for Bosnia and Herzegovina.Mr. Ali Sabanci, President of the Pegasus Airlines, and Mr.Guliz Ozturk, Vice President of the company, said at theconference that the Pegasus has consolidated its pres-ence on the Balkans by adding Sarajevo as their fifth des-tination in the region. "Pegasus makes flying simple and affordable. We cur-rently offer our services in 68 destinations of 27 countries,and route to Sarajevo is the fifth destination that we coveron the Balkans after Bucharest, Pristina, Skopje and Bel-g rade. We made air transportation more affordable in ther egion by expanding our network of flights on the Balkansnext to the Europe, Caucasus, and Middle East. Pegasushas democratized flying in Turkey, making it a natural rightfor all the citizens. In 2012, our number of passengers, ondomestic and international flights, was increased by 20percent compared to the previous year and reached thetotal of 13.6 million passengers, which all together makes

the total of 52.4 million carried passengers since the firstflight in 2005. Between the period of 2005 and 2012, 27 per-cent of our carried passengers purchased their flight tick-ets at 42 KM or bellow and 74 percent at 84 KM or below,"said Mr. Sabanci, who also pointed out once again the po-tential of the Balkans region. "We believe in the potential of the Balkans region, as wellas the potential and opportunities that exists for the Pega-sus in the Balkans, Caucasus and Middle East, whi ch areall of interest to us. We transported 220,000 passengers inthe Balkans since the introduction of our first flight routeto Bucharest in May of 2011. Due to the rising number oftourists that are coming to Sarajevo and other parts ofBosnia and Herzegovina, we believe that we will be able topresent the Pegasus way of flying to as many passengersas possible. We offer affordable prices, regular flightswithout delays, and new aircrafts. The services offered bythe Pegasus will without any doubt benefit the city of Sara-jevo, " added Mr. Sabanci.Flights on the route Sarajevo-Istanbul were officiallyopened on February 28th, and passengers now have theoption to fly to Istanbul every Monday, Tuesday, Wednes-day, Thursday and Sunday of the week at the very afford-able price starting at only 49.99 EUR. �

Nastavljaju}i sa širenjem svoje mre`e, Pegasus Air-lines predstavio je redovnu avionsku liniju Sara-jevo-Istanbul koja je uspostavljena 28. februara.Tim povodom odr`ana je konferencija za medije

na kojoj je menad`ment kompanije Pegasus Airlinespredstavio svoje planove u BiH. Ali Sabanci, predsjednik kompanije Pegasus Airlines iGuliz Ozturk, potpredsjednica kompanije, istakli su da jePegasus utvrdio svoje prisustvo na Balkanu dodavši Sara-jevo kao petu destinaciju u regiji. “Pegasus ~ini letenje jednostavnim i pristupa~nim. Sadapru`amo usluge na ukupno 68 destinacija u 27 zemalja, ana ša linija za Sarajevo je peta destinacija koju pokrivamona Balkanu, poslije Bukurešta, Prištine, Skoplja i Be o gra -da. U~inili smo avioprijevoz pristupa~nijim u regiji, šire}inašu mre`u letova na Balkan, uz Evropu, Kavkaz i Srednjiistok. Pegasus je demokratizirao letenje u Turskoj, ~ine}iga prirodnim pravom gra|ana. U 2012. godini, broj putnikana doma}im i me|unarodnim linijama pove}an je za 20po sto u odnosu na prethodnu godinu i dosegao je 13,6 mil-iona, što ~ini ukupno 52,4 miliona prevezenih putnika odpr vog leta 2005. godine. Izme|u 2005. i 2012. godine, pre-ve zli smo 27 posto putnika uz cijene ni`e od 42 KM i 74 po -sto uz cijene koje su ni`e od 84 KM”, rekao je Sa banci ,koji je tako|er naglasio potencijal balkanske regije.“Vjerujemo u potencijal koji nudi Balkan, te u potencijal iprilike koje postoje za Pegasus na Balkanu, Kavkazu i

Srednjem istoku i koje predstavljaju prioritet za nas. Pre-vezli smo 220.000 putnika na Balkanu otkad smo pred-stavili svoju prvu liniju za Bukurešt, u maju 2011. godine.S obzirom na pove}an broj turista koji dolaze u Sarajevo icijelu BiH, vjerujemo da }emo biti u prilici predstaviti Pe-gasus na~in letenja što ve}em broju putnika. Nudimo pris-tupa~ne cijene, redovne letove bez kašnjenja i nove avione.Usluge koje nudi Pegasus }e bez sumnje donijeti koristSarajevu”, dodao je Sabanci.Letovi na liniji Sarajevo –Istanbul po~eli su 28. februara, aputnici su u mogu}nosti letjeti u Istanbul svakog poned-jeljka, utorka, srijede, ~etvrtka i nedjelje, sa cijenamapo~evši od 49,99 eura. �

Pegasus Airlines po~eo letove sa Sarajevskog aerodroma

Pegasus Airlines Officialy Started Flyingfrom the Sarajevo Airport




Vrijedi do izdavanjanovog reda letenja LJETNI RED LETENJA



123456 TK 1021 ISTANBUL 07:557 RAC 7001 ANCONA 08:158 SOP 4120 BEOGRAD 11:00 9 PC 729 ISTANBUL 11:20

10 JA 307 ZURICH 11:4511 LH 1730 MUNICH 12:251213 JA 107 ISTANBUL 13:0014 TK 1023 ISTANBUL 13:1515 OS 757 VIENNA 14:151617 OU 344 ZAGREB 15:4518 JP 700 LJUBLJANA 16:0519 JA 603 SKOPJE 16:05202122 DY 1912 OSLO 19:2023 DY 1912 OSLO 19:2024 TK 1025 ISTANBUL 19:3525 DY 1912 OSLO 20:2526 OS 759 VIENNA 21:2527 JU 108 BEOGRAD 22:0028 JA 407 COPENHAGEN 22:0029 OU 342 ZAGREB 22:50

OU 341 ZAGREB 06:30 redovni 01.04.13 21.10.13JU 109 BEOGRAD 06:30 redovni 01.04.13 21.10.13JA 306 ZURICH 06:45 redovni 01.04.13 21.10.13JA 106 ISTANBUL 07:00 redovni 29.04.13 21.10.13OS 760 VIENNA 07:35 redovni 01.04.13 21.10.13TK 1022 ISTANBUL 08:50 redovni 01.04.13 21.10.13

kargo 01.04.13 21.10.13kargo 01.04.13 21.10.13

PC 730 ISTANBUL 12:00 redovni 01.04.13 21.10.13redovni 01.04.13 21.10.13

LH 1731 MUNICH 13:10 redovni 01.04.13 21.10.13JA 602 SKOPJE 13:00 redovni 22.04.13 21.10.13

redovni 29.04.13 21.10.13TK 1024 ISTANBUL 14:10 redovni 01.04.13 21.10.13OS 758 VIENNA 15:00 redovni 01.04.13 21.10.13JA 406 COPENHAGEN 14:15 redovni 01.04.13 21.10.13OU 345 ZAGREB 16:15 redovni 01.04.13 21.10.13JP 701 LJUBLJANA 16:35 redovni 01.04.13 21.10.13

redovni 22.04.13 21.10.13SOP 4121 BEOGRAD 16:35 kargo 01.04.13 21.10.13RAC 9002 ANCONA 17:55 kargo 01.04.13 21.10.13DY 1913 OSLO 20:00 redovni 03.06.13 17.06.13DY 1913 OSLO 20:00 redovni 19.08.13 23.09.13TK 1026 ISTANBUL 20:35 redovni 01.04.13 21.10.13DY 1913 OSLO 21:05 redovni 24.06.13 12.08.13

redovni 01.04.13 21.10.13redovni 01.04.13 21.10.13redovni 01.04.13 21.10.13redovni 01.04.13 21.10.13

R.B. Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/LokDOLAZAK/ARRIVAL

Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Tip OP Va`i od Va`i doODLAZAK/DEPARTURE

R.B. Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/LokDOLAZAK/ARRIVAL

Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Tip OP Va`i od Va`i doODLAZAK/DEPARTURE

12345 TK 1021 ISTANBUL 07:5567 RAC 7001 ANCONA 10:358 SOP 4120 BEOGRAD 11:259 LH 1730 MUNICH 12:25

10 4U 492 KOELN 12:3511 JA 107 ISTANBUL 13:0012 OS 757 VIENNA 14:1513 PC 729 ISTANBUL 15:25

JU 109 BEOGRAD 06:30 redovni 02.04.13 22.10.13OU 341 ZAGREB 06:30 redovni 02.04.13 22.10.13JA 106 ISTANBUL 07:00 redovni 07.05.13 22.10.13OS 760 VIENNA 07:35 redovni 02.04.13 22.10.13TK 1022 ISTANBUL 08:50 redovni 02.04.13 22.10.13JA 106 ISTANBUL 10:00 redovni 02.04.13 30.04.13

kargo 02.04.13 22.10.13kargo 02.04.13 22.10.13

LH 1731 MUNICH 13:10 redovni 02.04.13 22.10.134U 493 KOELN 13:15 redovni 02.04.13 22.10.13

redovni 07.05.13 22.10.13OS 758 VIENNA 15:00 redovni 02.04.13 22.10.13PC 730 ISTANBUL 16:05 redovni 02.04.13 22.10.13


Datum izrade:21. 03.13

Zadani period pregleda:31. 03.13-26.10.13





123456 TK 1021 ISTANBUL 07:5578 RAC 7001 ANCONA 10:35 9 PC 729 ISTANBUL 11:20

10 SOP 4120 BEOGRAD 11:2511 LH 1730 MUNICH 12:2512 JA 307 ZURICH/B.LUKA 12:301314 JA 107 ISTANBUL 13:0015 OS 757 VIENNA 14:1516 KU 153 KUWAIT/


17 OU 344 ZAGREB 15:4518 JA 107 ISTANBUL 16:0019 JP 700 LJUBLJANA 16:0520 JA 603 SKOPJE 16:05212223 TK 1025 ISTANBUL 19:3524 DY 4343 STOCKHOLM 20:3025 OS 759 VIENNA 21:2526 JU 108 BEOGRAD 22:0027 OU 342 ZAGREB 22:50

JA 306 B.LUKA/ZURICH 06:15 redovni 03.04.13 23.10.13OU 341 ZAGREB 06:30 redovni 03.04.13 23.10.13JU 109 BEOGRAD 06:30 redovni 03.04.13 23.10.13JA 106 ISTANBUL 07:00 redovni 01.05.13 23.10.13OS 760 VIENNA 07:35 redovni 03.04.13 23.10.13TK 1022 ISTANBUL 08:50 redovni 03.04.13 23.10.13JA 106 ISTANBUL 10:00 redovni 03.04.13 24.04.13

kargo 03.04.13 23.10.13PC 730 ISTANBUL 12:00 redovni 03.04.13 23.10.13

kargo 03.04.13 23.10.13LH 1731 MUNICH 13:10 redovni 03.04.13 23.10.13

redovni 03.04.13 23.10.13JA 602 SKOPJE 13:00 redovni 24.04.13 23.10.13

redovni 01.05.13 23.10.13OS 758 VIENNA 15:00 redovni 03.04.13 23.10.13KU 154 KUWAIT 16:40 redovni 07.08.13 18.09.13

OU 345 ZAGREB 16:15 redovni 03.04.13 23.10.13redovni 03.04.13 24.04.13

JP 701 LJUBLJANA 16:35 redovni 03.04.13 23.10.13redovni 24.04.13 23.10.13

SOP 4121 BEOGRAD 16:35 kargo 03.04.13 23.10.13RAC 9002 ANCONA 17:55 kargo 03.04.13 23.10.13TK 1026 ISTANBUL 20:35 redovni 03.04.13 23.10.13DY 4344 STOCKHOLM 21:10 redovni 26.06.13 14.08.13

redovni 03.04.13 23.10.13redovni 03.04.13 23.10.13redovni 03.04.13 23.10.13

R.B. Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/LokDOLAZAK/ARRIVAL

Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Tip OP Va`i od Va`i doODLAZAK/DEPARTURE

R.B. Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/LokDOLAZAK/ARRIVAL

Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Tip OP Va`i od Va`i doODLAZAK/DEPARTURE


14 OU 344 ZAGREB 15:4515 JA 107 ISTANBUL 16:0016 JP 700 LJUBLJANA 16:05171819 TK 1025 ISTANBUL 19:3520 DY 3286 COPENHAGEN 20:5021 OS 759 VIENNA 21:2522 JU 108 BEOGRAD 22:0023 OU 342 ZAGREB 22:50

OU 345 ZAGREB 16:15 redovni 02.04.13 22.10.13redovni 02.04.13 30.04.13

JP 701 LJUBLJANA 16:35 redovni 02.04.13 22.10.13SOP 4121 BEOGRAD 16:35 kargo 02.04.13 22.10.13RAC 9002 ANCONA 17:55 kargo 02.04.13 22.10.13TK 1026 ISTANBUL 20:35 redovni 02.04.13 22.10.13DY 3287 COPENHAGEN 21:30 redovni 25.06.13 13.08.13

redovni 02.04.13 22.10.13redovni 02.04.13 22.10.13redovni 02.04.13 22.10.13




12345 TK 1021 ISTANBUL 07:556 DY 1912 OSLO 08:50 78 RAC 7001 ANCONA 10:359 SOP 4120 BEOGRAD 11:25

10 DY 1912 OSLO 12:2011 DY 1912 OSLO 12:2012 LH 1730 MUNICH 12:2513 JA 107 ISTANBUL 13:0014 TK 1023 ISTANBUL 13:1515 OS 757 VIENNA 14:1516 PC 729 ISTANBUL 15:2517 OU 344 ZAGREB 15:4518 JA 107 ISTANBUL 16:00192021 4U 492 KOELN 19:2522 TK 1025 ISTANBUL 19:3523 OS 759 VIENNA 21:2524 JU 108 BEOGRAD 22:0025 OU 342 ZAGREB 22:50

JU 109 BEOGRAD 06:30 redovni 04.04.13 24.10.13OU 341 ZAGREB 06:30 redovni 04.04.13 24.10.13JA 106 ISTANBUL 07:00 redovni 02.05.13 24.10.13OS 760 VIENNA 07:35 redovni 04.04.13 24.10.13TK 1022 ISTANBUL 08:50 redovni 04.04.13 24.10.13DY 1913 OSLO 09:30 redovni 27.06.13 15.08.13JA 106 ISTANBUL 10:00 redovni 04.04.13 25.04.13

kargo 04.04.13 24.10.13kargo 04.04.13 24.10.13

DY 1913 OSLO 13:00 redovni 06.06.13 20.06.13DY 1913 OSLO 13:00 redovni 22.08.13 24.10.13LH 1731 MUNICH 13:10 redovni 04.04.13 24.10.13

redovni 02.05.13 24.10.13TK 1024 ISTANBUL 14:10 redovni 04.04.13 24.10.13OS 758 VIENNA 15:00 redovni 04.04.13 24.10.13PC 730 ISTANBUL 16:05 redovni 04.04.13 24.10.13OU 345 ZAGREB 16:15 redovni 04.04.13 24.10.13

redovni 04.04.13 25.04.13SOP 4121 BEOGRAD 16:35 kargo 04.04.13 24.10.13RAC 9002 ANCONA 17:55 kargo 04.04.13 24.10.13

4U 493 KOELN 20:05 redovni 04.04.13 24.10.13TK 1026 ISTANBUL 20:35 redovni 04.04.13 24.10.13

redovni 04.04.13 24.10.13redovni 04.04.13 24.10.13redovni 04.04.13 24.10.13

R.B. Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/LokDOLAZAK/ARRIVAL

Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Tip OP Va`i od Va`i doODLAZAK/DEPARTURE

R.B. Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/LokDOLAZAK/ARRIVAL

Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Tip OP Va`i od Va`i doODLAZAK/DEPARTURE

12345 4U 492 KOELN 07:356 TK 1021 ISTANBUL 07:557 RAC 7001 ANCONA 10:358 PC 729 ISTANBUL 11:209 SOP 4120 BEOGRAD 11:25

1011 LH 1730 MUNICH 12:2512 JA 107 ISTANBUL 13:0013 TK 1023 ISTANBUL 13:1514 OS 757 VIENNA 14:1515

OU 341 ZAGREB 06:30 redovni 05.04.13 25.10.13JU 109 BEOGRAD 06:30 redovni 05.04.13 25.10.13JA 106 ISTANBUL 07:00 redovni 03.05.13 25.10.13OS 760 VIENNA 07:35 redovni 05.04.13 25.10.134U 493 KOELN 08:15 redovni 26.07.13 30.08.13TK 1022 ISTANBUL 08:50 redovni 05.04.13 25.10.13

kargo 05.04.13 25.10.13PC 730 ISTANBUL 12:00 redovni 05.04.13 25.10.13

kargo 05.04.13 25.10.13JA 602 SKOPJE 11:45 redovni 26.04.13 25.10.13

LH 1731 MUNICH 13:10 redovni 05.04.13 25.10.13redovni 03.05.13 25.10.13

TK 1024 ISTANBUL 14:10 redovni 05.04.13 25.10.13OS 758 VIENNA 15:00 redovni 05.04.13 25.10.13JA 406 COPENHAGEN 14:15 redovni 05.04.13 25.10.13


Vrijedi do izdavanjanovog reda letenja LJETNI RED LETENJA

J. P. ME\UNARODNI AERODROM “SARAJEVO” D.O.O. Datum izrade:21. 03.13

Zadani period pregleda:31. 03.13-26.10.13






16 JA 603 SKOPJE 14:551718 OU 344 ZAGREB 15:4519 JP 700 LJUBLJANA 16:05202122 TK 1025 ISTANBUL 19:3523 OS 759 VIENNA 21:2524 JA 307 ZURICH/B.LUKA 21:5525 JU 108 BEOGRAD 22:0026 JA 407 COPENHAGEN 22:0027 OU 342 ZAGREB 22:50

redovni 26.04.13 25.10.13JA 306 B.LUKA/ZURICH 15:30 redovni 05.04.13 25.10.13OU 345 ZAGREB 16:15 redovni 05.04.13 25.10.13JP 701 LJUBLJANA 16:35 redovni 05.04.13 25.10.13

SOP 4121 BEOGRAD 16:35 kargo 05.04.13 25.10.13RAC 9002 ANCONA 17:55 kargo 05.04.13 25.10.13TK 1026 ISTANBUL 20:35 redovni 05.04.13 25.10.13

redovni 05.04.13 25.10.13redovni 05.04.13 25.10.13redovni 05.04.13 25.10.13redovni 05.04.13 25.10.13redovni 05.04.13 25.10.13

R.B. Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/LokDOLAZAK/ARRIVAL

Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Tip OP Va`i od Va`i doODLAZAK/DEPARTURE


123456 TK 1021 ISTANBUL 07:557 DY 4343 STOCKHOLM 09:5089 LH 1730 MUNICH 12:25

10 JA 307 ZURICH/B.LUKA 12:3011 JA 107 ISTANBUL 13:0012 OS 757 VIENNA 14:1513 4U 492 KOELN 14:3514 4U 492 KOELN 14:3515 KU 153 KUWAIT/


16 PC 729 ISTANBUL 15:2517 PC 4730 ISTANBUL 15:4018 JA 107 ISTANBUL 16:0019 4U 492 KOELN 16:2520 4U 2496 STUTTGART 19:2021 4U 2496 STUTTGART 19:2022 TK 1025 ISTANBUL 19:3523 4U 2496 STUTTGART 20:0024 DY 4343 STOCKHOLM 20:1525 OS 759 VIENNA 21:2526 JU 108 BEOGRAD 22:0027 OU 342 ZAGREB 22:50

JA 306 B.LUKA/ZURICH 06:15 redovni 06.04.13 26.10.13JU 109 BEOGRAD 06:30 redovni 06.04.13 26.10.13OU 341 ZAGREB 06:30 redovni 06.04.13 26.10.13JA 106 ISTANBUL 07:00 redovni 04.05.13 26.10.13OS 760 VIENNA 07:35 redovni 06.04.13 26.10.13TK 1022 ISTANBUL 08:50 redovni 06.04.13 26.10.13DY 4344 STOCKHOLM 10:30 redovni 26.10.13 26.10.13JA 106 ISTANBUL 10:00 redovni 06.04.13 27.04.13

LH 1731 MUNICH 13:10 redovni 06.04.13 26.10.13redovni 06.04.13 26.10.13redovni 04.05.13 26.10.13

OS 758 VIENNA 15:00 redovni 06.04.13 26.10.134U 493 KOELN 15:15 redovni 06.04.13 25.05.134U 493 KOELN 15:15 redovni 08.06.13 26.10.13KU 154 ISTANBUL

/KUWAIT15:40 redovni 10.08.13 21.09.13

PC 730 ISTANBUL 16:05 redovni 06.04.13 26.10.13PC 4731 ISTANBUL 16:20 redovni 20.04.13 20.04.13

redovni 06.04.13 27.04.134U 493 KOELN 17:05 redovni 01.06.13 01.06.13

4U 2497 STUTTGART 20:00 redovni 06.04.13 31.08.134U 2497 STUTTGART 20:00 redovni 14.09.13 26.10.13TK 1026 ISTANBUL 20:35 redovni 06.04.13 26.10.134U 2497 STUTTGART 20:40 redovni 07.09.13 07.09.13DY 4344 STOCKHOLM 20:55 redovni 13.04.13 19.10.13

redovni 06.04.13 26.10.13redovni 06.04.13 26.10.13redovni 06.04.13 26.10.13

R.B. Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/LokDOLAZAK/ARRIVAL

Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Tip OP Va`i od Va`i doODLAZAK/DEPARTURE




12345 TK 1021 ISTANBUL 07:55678 LH 1730 MUNICH 12:259 JA 107 ISTANBUL 13:00

10 TK 1023 ISTANBUL 13:1511 OS 757 VIENNA 14:1512 JA 603 SKOPJE 14:5513 PC 729 ISTANBUL 15:251415 OU 344 ZAGREB 15:4516 JA 107 ISTANBUL 16:0017 JP 700 LJUBLJANA 16:0518 TK 1025 ISTANBUL 19:3519 OS 759 VIENNA 21:2520 JA 307 ZURICH/B.LUKA 21:5521 JU 108 BEOGRAD 22:0022 OU 342 ZAGREB 22:50

JU 109 BEOGRAD 06:30 redovni 31.03.13 20.10.13OU 341 ZAGREB 06:30 redovni 31.03.13 20.10.13JA 106 ISTANBUL 07:00 redovni 05.05.13 20.10.13OS 760 VIENNA 07:35 redovni 31.03.13 20.10.13TK 1022 ISTANBUL 08:50 redovni 31.03.13 20.10.13JA 106 ISTANBUL 10:00 redovni 31.03.13 28.04.13JA 602 SKOPJE 11:45 redovni 28.04.13 20.10.13

LH 1731 MUNICH 13:10 redovni 31.03.13 20.10.13redovni 05.05.13 20.10.13

TK 1024 ISTANBUL 14:10 redovni 31.03.13 20.10.13OS 758 VIENNA 15:00 redovni 31.03.13 20.10.13

redovni 28.04.13 20.10.13PC 730 ISTANBUL 16:05 redovni 31.03.13 20.10.13JA 306 B.LUKA/ZURICH 15:30 redovni 31.03.13 20.10.13OU 345 ZAGREB 16:15 redovni 31.03.13 20.10.13

redovni 31.03.13 28.04.13JP 701 LJUBLJANA 16:35 redovni 31.03.13 20.10.13

TK 1026 ISTANBUL 20:35 redovni 31.03.13 20.10.13redovni 31.03.13 20.10.13redovni 31.03.13 20.10.13redovni 31.03.13 20.10.13redovni 31.03.13 20.10.13

R.B. Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/LokDOLAZAK/ARRIVAL

Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Tip OP Va`i od Va`i doODLAZAK/DEPARTURE

Vrijedi do izdavanjanovog reda letenja LJETNI RED LETENJA

J. P. ME\UNARODNI AERODROM “SARAJEVO” D.O.O. Datum izrade:21. 03.13

Zadani period pregleda:31. 03.13-26.10.13


Hotel Savoy je smješten u samom središtu Opatije,tik uz more i poznatu Opatijsku šetnicu Lungomare du ga~ku 12 km. Nakon drugog svjetskog rata dje lu je pod imenom Dubrovnik te je uvršten me|u za š ti}ene spomenike kulture. Hotel raspola`e s 22 sta ndardne sobe kojegotovo sve imaju ba l kon i po g led na more. Osim sta ndardnih soba uponudi ima 8 superior soba te 2 rezid ent apa rtmana. Sve supe rior sobe ka o i apa rtmani imaju direktanpo gled na more i balkon. U so ba ma i javnim prostorijama ho tela besplatan be`i~ni pri s tup internetu. U sastavu hotela nalazi se sala za sastanke, bazen sa sun~ali š tem, wellness, restoran, ape ri tivbar sa terasom, sala za sa sta n ke, frizerski salon ipriva tan parking. U neposrednoj bli zini hotela smješten je manji ugostiteljsko zabavni centar (caffe barovi,vinoteka, slasti~arna, trgovine na kita, casina,diskoteka). Direktno ispodho tela nalazi se i hotelskapla`a s grill–re s to -ranom,coctail barom idiskotekom Colosseum.

Hotel Savoy ****Opatija, M.Tita 129

tel: 00 385 51 710 500 � fax: 00 385 51 272-680www.hotel-savoy.hr � [email protected]