april-july 2015

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Welcome to the Center for Graduate Studies


As you read this message, the world is s!ll

grappling with an economic crisis, where

Malaysia and many other countries around

the world have been affected. Educa!on will

play a major role in the economic crisis by

providing new knowledge and skills that will

allow many adult learners to become more

valuable to their employers, and thereby not

only survive the downturn but also advance

their careers. Many others will find renewed

opportuni!es by moving into career

disciplines that are projected to experience

exponen!al growth in the coming decade.

Whichever scenario is mo!va!ng you to

pursue your graduate-level educa!on, you

can be sure that you'll have the full support

of the UTHM facul!es and staff. And as a

new technical university, UTHM has strate-

gised its resources to help our students in

various fields and background to eventually

succeed in their postgraduate programmes.

The CGS plays a pivotal role in the academic

mission of the University. We are proud to

recognize the teaching, research, scholarship,

service, and community efforts of the

graduate center and students. Our center

encourage and mo!vate in the engagement

of the developments of new knowledge for

various disciplines and consequently provides

opportuni!es for students to work with

faculty on research and/or crea!ve ac!vi!es.

Pursuing a graduate degree is a journey into

inquiry and learning that results in the

a2ainment of a body of knowledge and the

skills to discover new ways to solve

problems. The a2ainment of a graduate

degree can lead to the enhancement of your

life and to using your knowledge for the

be2erment of society. It is the role of CGS to

help make your !me with us a rewarding

experience and one that sends you on a

trajectory towards a long and rewarding

Jerayawara @ Roadshow PS

Pusat Pengajian Siswazah (PPS) dengan ker-

jasama enam (6) buah fakul! di UTHM telah

mengadakan program Jerayawara atau

Roadshow Pengambilan Pelajar Pas-

casiswazah UTHM 2015 pada 13, 14 dan 21

Mei 2015. Program yang telah berjalan sela-

ma !ga (3) hari itu mendapat kerjasama dari

Fakul! Kejuruteraan Awam dan Alam Sekitar

(FKAAS), Fakul! Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan

Pembuatan (FKMP), Fakul! Sains Komputer

dan Teknologi Maklumat (FSKTM), Fakul!

Sains, Teknologi dan Pembangunan Insan

(FSTPi), Fakul! Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan

Elektronik (FKEE) dan Fakul! Pendidikan

Teknikal dan Vokasional (FPTV).

Program ini merupakan satu lagi inisia!f PPS

untuk menggalakkan pelajar di bawah pro-

gram Ijazah Sarjana Muda sedia ada di UTHM

untuk menyambung pengajian di peringkat

Ijazah Sarjana (Masters) dan Doktor Falsafah

(PhD) di UTHM. Selain itu, ianya juga sebagai

satu langkah untuk mempromosikan program

-program Pasca Ijazah di fakul!-fakul! sedia

ada di UTHM.

Program ini telah mendapat sambutan yang

amat baik dari kalangan pelajar-pelajar tahun

akhir di fakul!-fakul! tersebut. Sepanjang

program ini berjalan, pihak PPS telah meneri-

ma soalan yang pelbagai berkaitan dengan

potensi program-program Pasca Ijazah sedia

ada di UTHM, syarat kemasukan dan sumber

pembiayaan. Selain itu, PPS juga telah

menyediakan surat tawaran kemasukan ke

program Pasca Ijazah bersyarat (Condi!onal)

kepada kesemua pelajar-pelajar tahun akhir

bukan sahaja kepada enam (6) fakul! terba-

bit tetapi kepada kesemua fakul!-fakul! di

UTHM. Ini adalah sebagai satu langkah untuk

memberi semangat dan memudahkan pela-

jar membuat keputusan dan persediaan

untuk melanjutkan pengajian mereka di

UTHM kelak.

~Pusat Pengajian Siswazah~

SISWAZAHSISWAZAHSISWAZAHSISWAZAH Centre for Graduate Studies April-July 2015



(Dean of CGS)

career. CGS is here

to help you in your

pursuit of graduate

educa!on. Please

take advantage of

our orienta!ons, our

support programs,

and the many oppor-

tuni!es the center/

faculty provide for

engagement with the community and with

your profession. If you need addi!onal infor-

ma!on, do not hesitate to contact CGS

directly or visit our office at A4 Building.

Salam Eidul Fitri..

With best wishes,

Prof. Dr. Noraini Kaprawi

Dean, Center for Graduate Studies, UTHM.









Terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada pucuk pimpinan

baharu Pusat Pengajian Siswazah kerana sudi memberi peluang kepada saya, mantan

Dekan Pusat Pengajian Siswazah (PPS) untuk memberi sepatah dua bicara di dalam

terbitan ini.

Saya amat terharu dan berterima kasih kepada Pengurusan Ter!nggi Universi! Tun

Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) di atas perlan!kan saya sebagai Dekan PPS bermula

pada 1hb Julai 2009 sehingga 19hb Januari 2015. Sebelum itu saya memegang jawatan

sebagai Pengarah Pejabat Penerbit. Saya juga berterima kasih kepada mantan-mantan

Dekan PPS sebelumnya terutama Prof Dr Hashim bin Saim yang telah meletakkan PPS

UTHM setara dengan Pusat dan Ins!tut Pengajian Siswazah

universi!-universi! lain di Malaysia.

Saya amat berterima kasih kepada Dekan-dekan

fakul! dan juga Ketua Pusat yang telah memberi kerjasama yang padu kepada kami di

PPS dalam usaha untuk memperkasakan Pengajian Siswazah di UTHM. Di kalangan

Ins!tusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam Malaysia (IPTA), UTHM tergolong di antara yang

terkenal begitu juga di kaca mata Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT) dan Agensi

Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA). Ini kerana penglibatan UTHM dalam program-program

yang dianjurkan oleh Majlis Dekan Siswazah Malaysia (MDPS), KPT dan juga MQA.

Di bawah pentadbiran saya sebagai Dekan, PPS mula mengorak langkah dengan

melaksanakan pengambilan empat kali setahun untuk pelajar penyelidikan. Ini

bertujuan agar pelajar luar negara dan juga tempatan !dak perlu menunggu lama

untuk memulakan pengajian di UTHM. PPS juga menyediakan biasiswa untuk pelajar

antarabangsa dan juga mengadakan ak!vi!-ak!vi! sosial untuk pelajar antarabangsa

dan keluarga. PPS juga telah berjaya menyediakan kemudahan bilik kubikal sendiri di

Perpustakaan untuk pelajar pasca siswazah melaksanakan kerja-kerja penyelidikan dan

penulisan. Selain dari itu program-program la!han, perkongsian ilmu dan juga klinik

sta!s!k dan Bahasa Inggeris dibentuk untuk membantu pelajar penyelidikan menyiap-

kan tesis di samping menyediakan soware Turni!n untuk tujuan semakan tesis.

Beberapa pembaharuan lain juga telah dilaksanakan seper! Peraturan Akademik,

Buku Panduan Menulis Tesis, Kaedah Penilaian Tesis dan juga Panduan Pelaksanaan

Viva. PPS memohon maaf kepada semua pihak di atas apa jua masalah dan juga

perancangan pembangunan (KPI) yang !dak mampu dan !dak sempat

dilaksanakan, terutamanya Kompleks Pengajian Siswazah yang telah lama diimpikan.

Syukur saya kehadrat Ilahi setelah bersara dari UTHM, saya diberi peluang untuk

menjawat Jawatan Profesor secara Kontrak di Fakul! Pengurusan Teknologi dan

Perniagaan (FPTP). Sebelum memulakan tugas baru di FPTP, sempat saya bercu!

bersama keluarga di pusat percu!an di Malaysia, Bandung dan melaksanakan Umrah di

Tanah Suci. Saya sen!asa berdoa kehadrat Ilahi agar diberikan petunjuk, kekuatan,

ketaqwaan, kesabaran, dan permudahkan segala urusan dunia dan akhirat. Saya juga

berseru kepada semua warga UTHM terutama PPS agar bekerja keras demi menjayakan

misi dan visi universi!. Selamat maju jaya kepada UTHM dan juga seluruh warga UTHM.

Ahmad Shakri Mat SemanAhmad Shakri Mat SemanAhmad Shakri Mat SemanAhmad Shakri Mat Seman -FPTP- Dekan PPS 2009-2015

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi WabarakatuhAssalamualaikum Warahmatullahi WabarakatuhAssalamualaikum Warahmatullahi WabarakatuhAssalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Mekah (Jun15)

QS-APPLE event, Taipei (Nov14)

Clocking out 19 Januari 2015


This exci!ng exhibi!on was conducted by Graduan.com as a plaKorm for young graduates to get a job or planning for

postgraduate studies in Malaysia. It was held on 9th

- 10th

May 2015 at the Kuala Lumpur Conven!on Center, and the

Centre for Graduate Studies (CGS), UTHM was one of the exhibitors among the hundreds. The CGS booth has been

visited by many people. We received many enquires from graduates who were interested in our Postgraduates

Programmes and to-date there have been more than 800 applica!ons submi2ed as a result of promo!onal exercises

like this. We will con!nue to par!cipate in this exhibi!on and please do not forget to LOOK FOR US.

Graduates Aspire Career & Postgraduate Fair 2015

~Centre for Graduate Studies~


Seminar Pengurusan Projek Landasan Berkembar yang telah diadakan di Auditorium Al-Jazari, Perpustakaan UTHM

dilaksanakan khusus untuk para pelajar dan tenaga pengajar Program Sarjana Sains Kejuruteraan Pengangkutan Rel.

Perkongsian dari penceramah jemputan, Mejar Abd. Rahman Bin Din yang juga merupakan Pengurus Projek, Keretapi

Tanah Melayu (KTM) dapat dimanfaatkan bersama-sama peserta. UTHM sangat bertuah menerima kedatangan beliau

untuk pengalaman dan kepakaran beliau dalam bidang pengangkutan rel yang dapat dijadikan rujukan kepada para

pelajar dan tenaga pengajar program terbabit.

Sekali lagi bertempat di Auditorium Al-Jazari Perpustakaan UTHM, Universi! menerima kunjungan daripada wakil industri,

Mr. Ma2 Oakley Abdullah dari Ma2 Oakley Consul!ng Sdn. Bhd. Beliau berpengalaman lebih dari 23 tahun dalam bidang

infrastruktur pengangkutan. Pelajar Program Sarjana Sains Kejuruteraan Pengangkutan Rel selaku peserta dapat

memperolehi manfaat dari pada ceramah beliau, berkenaan Current Global Railway Engineering Projects.

Current Global Railway Engineering Projects

14 Mei 2015, Auditorium Al-Jazari, Perpustakaan.

Seminar Pengurusan Projek Landasan Berkembar

11 Jun 2015, Auditorium Al-Jazari, Perpustakaan.

~Pusat Pengajian Siswazah~

~Pusat Pengajian Siswazah~


8 - 9 April 2015, Dewan 3

Bengkel Semakan Dan Pemurnian Rubrik-Rubrik Penilaian Program

Bengkel selama 2 hari ini telah berjaya dilaksanakan di Dewan 3 UTHM. PPS mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih atas

kehadiran dan kerjasama yang menggalakkan daripada se!ap fakul!. Komitmen daripada semua staf cukup terserlah

demi mencapai objek!f bengkel, iaitu untuk mengemaskini dan menyediakan draf rubrik-rubrik yang baharu serta menge-

maskini proses kerja yang berkaitan. TAHNIAH dan SYABAS kepada semua yang terlibat!!!

Mesyuarat ini telah diadakan pada 22 Jun 2015 bertempat di UTHM Business

Centre, Bangi, dan dipengerusikan oleh Dekan Pusat Pengajian Siswazah

UTHM. Pertemuan di antara dekan-dekan Pusat Pengajian Siswazah UTHM,

Pusat Pengajian Siswazah UNIMAP, Pusat Pengajian Siswazah UTeM dan

Ins!tut Pengajian Siswazah UMP adalah untuk membincangkan kolaborasi

akademik bagi memantapkan program pasca ijazah dalam kelompok MTUN.

Mesyuarat ini telah berlangsung dengan jayanya di mana beberapa

perancangan telah dipersetujui bersama. Mesyuarat susulan akan di-

pengerusikan oleh Pusat Pengajian Siswazah UNIMAP sekitar bulan

September 2015.


~Pusat Pengajian Siswazah~

~Pusat Pengajian Siswazah~


It was a very worthwhile op!on to choose when deciding to carry on studies in Japan and

as for me; I started my journey as a PHD student in April 2008 un!l September 2011. I

went there with my wife, Zuraidah and my child Afiq. We were blessed with another

baby while we were there, our son Afif. I do feel lucky when I meet people who remind

me about the importance of vision and values that drive you on your way to the stars. I

believe in signs and that certain people become those important signs that can changes

our lives. Your daily life changes when the environment around you changes. Many

people who go abroad find their daily rou!ne changing to adapt to the environment,

some!mes without being aware of the change. Interes!ng topics in Japan, gives new

perspec!ve of how foreign peoples daily life has changed aSer they moved to Japan.

Time is a crucial value in which people in Japan really concern about. They

keep in mind that everybody should be in !me despite of any work or job

they have to a2end. Interes!ngly, people in Japan will have simple mee!ng

between them in the morning which they called it as morning mee!ng.

This morning mee!ng is inculcated from childhood where they will discuss

on what have been done yesterday, what to be done today and what is it for

tomorrow. To be honest, I am the only one person in my research laboratory

that was unable to speak Japanese fluently and lucky me, I got a very good

team and supervisor; they help me a lot during my !me there.

In spite of working too much and having hard !mes in their

living, the word otsukaresama (youre !red) is expressed

million !mes each day across Japan willy-nilly if whether the

speaker truly believes that their coworker put in any real effort.

Interes!ngly, they will precisely say the word without any

awkward about it and this otsukaresama makes you do in a

way that English phrase really can, in which many returnees

feel quite lost without.

For certain posi!ves in Japanese educa!on, one desires

expression no further than the local kindergarten or the local elementary school. They are doing a good to great job of

educa!ng the children of Japan for everything other than English. The Japanese people would be happier, healthier and

more produc!ve, both in GDP and crea!ve terms if the whole educa!on system to be like this from kindergarten to the

end of university.

MY PHD JOURNEY - What's Good in Japan? [ DR. AMIR BIN KHALID, FKMP ]


The things that people really give commenda!ons about Japan are

the amazing local foods and eccentric services. People in Japan con-

template the quality be2er than the quan!ty for the foods. Like-

wise, everything is indeed clean. Its hard to find any dirty public

restrooms over there. The Japanese are really systema!c on li2ering

the waste where they will divide the rubbish accordingly by type of

waste which has been provided. For food waste, it will be burned

and all the wastes are packed in a colorless rubbish bag.

The sceneries are beau!ful, incredible nature; bright sunlight and the

greater feeling of personal safety give pleasantry to the people in Japan.

Above and beyond, efficient transporta!ons, its like having it all at reach

and being able to live in quiet and pre2y green urban place with mountains

or woods at reach within one hour, as well as s!ll being in vibrant all day

community and business center.

Japan shares its four seasons with all people, and one thing makes it

different from the other countries is because appealing much everything

changes within them; the foods, fes!vals and fashions which make the

changing of the seasons means so much to them and shows their iden!-

ty. As such in Tokushima, a dance fes!val known as Awa Odori, a sea-

sonal delight of music and dance featuring the folkdances performed to

welcome the souls of ancestors in the Bon season, from July to August.

Japans seasons are just remarkably district and a2rac!ve in their own ways and it hard not to fall in love with every one

of them.

I can say with utmost confidence that I would not have been able to survive my PhD if I didnt have good people around

me. I am very blessed to have a group of people around me who supports me and they are frank enough with me to tell

me if Im in the wrong. Although I must admit some!mes I forget that I am more than my PhD; I am someones husband,

father, or friend. I can get too preoccupied with some deadlines but we

all do try our best and take care of each other. E.E Cummings once said,

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and

day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest ba2le

which any human being can fight; and never stop figh!ng. Knowing

who you are helps make be2er decision and ensures a happier life and

you will be more determine in broadening your studies InshaAllah.



On 25th - 27th May 2015, UTHM delega!on arrived in

Makassar for promo!on purpose. UTHM Delega!on;

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustaffa Bin Hj. Ibrahim, Dr. Mas Fawzi

Bin Mohd. Ali, Mr. Mohd. Riduan Bin Jamalludin and Mr.

Dafit Feriyanto have opportunity to visit the University of

Hasanuddin (UNHAS), University of Moslem Indonesia

(UMI) and Polytechnic of Industrial Engineering

Makassar (ATIM). The delega!on posi!vely believed that

rela!onship will be generated between the universi!es.


~Mohd. Riduan bin Jamalludin, PhD Student, FKMP~

The sport is made up of Nigerian communi!es schooling

across Malaysia. The game were hosted in UTHM on 5th

June 2015. The games played were futsal, football, table

tennis and badminton.

The games was officially kick-off by the former Director

of Interna!onal Office, Prof. Ir. Dr. Abdul Aziz bin Abdul

Samad. Six principles

1. Go For It

2. Play Fair

3. Respect Others

4. Keep It Fun

5. Stay Healthy

6. Give Back

~Anwaruddin Ahmed Wurochekke, PhD Student, FKAAS~


On 20th

April 2015, Universi! Tun Hussein

Onn Malaysia (UTHM) had conducted an

internal selec!on for the na!onal level of

Three Minute Thesis compe!!on or

be2er known as 3MT. The selec!on pro-

cess was organised by the Centre For

Graduate Studies (CGS). 3MT is a research

communica!on compe!!on made known

by The University of Queensland,

Australia. This compe!!on challenges

PhD students to present a compelling

ora!on on their thesis topic and its signifi-

cance in just three (3) minutes.

Universi! Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) had

organised this compe!!on on a na!onal

level for Malaysia on 12th

May 2015. Only

one winner will be the worthy repre-

senta!ve of Malaysia for the interna!onal

level compe!!on. The University of

Queensland in Australia will be the host

for the interna!onal level compe!!on,

which consists of three levels of selec!on

which is preliminary, semifinal and final.

3MT develops academic, presenta!on,

and research communica!on skills and

supports the development of research

students capacity to effec!vely explain

their research in language appropriate to

a non-specialist audience.

For the very first !me, UTHM has joined

3MT by sending three (3) selected par!ci-

pants to UTM. These par!cipants were

selected based on their presenta!ons

early on at CGS. There are three catego-

ries for this compe!!on, which is Engi-

neering, Science and Technology and

Social Science. UTHM sent one par!cipant

for each category. The engineering cate-

gory was represented by Mr. Faisal Khan

(Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engi-

neering), Science and Technology by Mr.

Umol Syamsyul Bin Rakiman (Faculty of

Technology Management and Business)

and Social Science by Mr. Affero Bin

Ismail (Faculty of Technical and Voca-

!onal Educa!on).

The winner of the local compe!!on in

each category will receive RM 3,000 for

the first place, second place, RM 2,000

and third place, RM 1,000. During the

compe!!on, even though UTHM is not

selected to represent Malaysia in the in-

terna!onal compe!!on, it has been

acknowledged as a new and shocking

poten!al. The presenta!ons from UTHM

drew a2en!on and praise even when the

prize is not on their side. The officers that

accompany the contestants from UTHM

were Dr Mas Fawzi Bin Mohd Ali the

Deputy Dean and Dr Aryani Bin! Ahmad

La!ffi the Head of Department both from

CGS. Their willingness to accompany the

contestants showing the full commitment

of CGS in developing their post graduate

student. It is not the ma2er of prize, but

the spirit behind the compe!!on that

ma2ers. The spirit of sharing knowledge,

enthusiasm of finding something new,

and accep!ng new challenges that really

ma2er in order to grow as a good

researcher and academician.

A li2le on the history of 3MT, the first

compe!!on was held at The University of

Queensland in 2008 with 160 PhD stu-

dents compe!ng. Enthusiasm for the 3MT

concept grew and its widespread imple-

menta!on by universi!es has led to the

development of an interna!onal compe!-

!on. The strong support for 3MT exists in

Australia and New Zealand with 44 ins!-

tu!ons coming together to par!cipate in

the 2013 Trans-Tasman 3MT Compe!-

!on. The event also hosted special guests

from Fiji and Hong Kong. The inaugural

Interna!onal U21 compe!!on was also

launched in 2013. The global reach of the

compe!!on can be seen by the extent of

par!cipa!on with universi!es in Canada,

the United States, the United Kingdom

and Vietnam also hos!ng local 3MT


There are certain rules and regula!on

before a postgraduate student can enter

this compe!!on. In order to be eligible,

the student should be an ac!ve PhD can-

didates who have successfully passed

their confirma!on milestone (including

candidates whose thesis is under submis-

sion) by the date of their first presenta-

!on are eligible to par!cipate in 3MT

compe!!ons at all levels, including the

Trans-Tasman 3MT compe!!on. Gradu-

ates are not eligible. Juries for this com-

pe!!on is selected from industry, enter-

tainment and academic experts to evalu-

ate the contestants in aspects that make

them a winner that is alluring both

academically yet able to a2ract and make

understood the non-specialised audience.

~Umol Syamsyul Bin Rakiman, PhD Student,




On 8th

June 2015, a special event between Vice Chancellor and postgraduate students have been made at Dewan 3, UTHM.

The event was inspired by the Vice Chancellor and organized by the Dean of Centre For Graduate Studies (CGS) and

together with the commitment of all CGS staff. More than 100 postgraduate students of UTHM from different countries,

races, programs and facul!es were joint the event and made it enliven. The event was another plaKorm for UTHM to be

close to the postgraduate students. At the event, the Vice Chancellor has shared on the good things about the study in

UTHM, the facili!es provided for students and Graduate on Time (GOT). There was also a Q&A session between the

students and the Vice Chancellor as well as CGS. The event was ended up with the photo session.

A Special Event With The Vice Chancellor

~Centre for Graduate Studies~




Juliana Bin! Mohamed


Rahmat Bin Talib (PEE, FKEE)

Noordiana Bin! Kassim @ Kasim (PDM, FKMP)

Mohd Yamani Bin Yahya (PPP, FPTP)

Tahira Anwar Lashari (PBV, FPTV)

Noryusliza Bin! Abdullah (PIT, FSKTM)

Junita Bin! Abd Rahman (KFA, FKAAS)

Nadzirah Bin! Roslan (KFA, FKAAS)

Si! Aimi Nadia Bin! Mohd Yusoff (KFA, FKAAS)

Mohd Nor Syufaat Bin Jamiran (KPP, FPTP)

Si! Aminah Bin! Mohd Sam (KPP, FPTP)

Zainal Zulhilmi Bin Zainal Abidin (KPP, FPTP)

Zalina @ Si! Aishah Bin! Hj Abd Aziz (KBV, FPTV)

Abdul Halim Bin Omar (KIT, FSKTM)


Abobaker Mohammed Alakashi (PDM, FKMP)

Reazul Haq Bin Abdul Haq (PDM, FKMP)

Fa!mah Bin! Mustaffa (PBP, FPTV)

Jeffri Amran Bin Ibrahim (PBV, FPTV)

Abdulhameed Mohammed (PWZ, FSTPI)

Mohammed Kabir Aliyu (KFA, FKAAS)

Lina Tam (KDM, FKMP)

Nurafiqah Bin! Rosman (KDM, FKMP)

Si! Rahmah Bin! Mohid (KDM, FKMP)

Musa Alkali Abubakar (KPF, FPTP)

Si! Radziah Bin! Liwan (KPP, FPTP)

Aishatu Siddiki (KWZ, FSTPI)

Onalo Joan Iye (KWZ, FSTPI)

Shehu Isah Danlami (KWZ, FSTPI)

Vespanathan A/L Supramaniyam (KBV, FPTV)

Nurnabilah Bin! Samsudin (KIT, FSKTM)


Lim Sin Mei (PFA, FKAAS)

Ong Tze Ching (PDM, FKMP)

Zubidah Bin! Ahmad (PPF, FPTP)

Lame Sulaiman Muhammed (PPP, FPTP)

Noor Hisham Bin Jalani (PBV, FPTV)

Suryani Bin! Samsuddin (KFA, FKAAS)

Zhafir Aizat Bin Husin (KEE, FKEE)

Si! Nur Umira Bin! Zakaria (KEE, FKEE)

Si! Khadijah Bin! Hubaidillah (KDM, FKMP)

Muhammad Ammar Bin Shafi (KWZ, FSTPI)

Kashif Hussain Talpur (KIT, FSKTM)




Entsar Kouni A Alhaj Mohamed

Yaser Hasan Salem Alwan

Maryam Salihu Muhammad

Abdullahi Umar

Master :

Wendy Lim Win Xin

Suzila Bin! Mohamad



ASab Ahmed Soomro


Mohd Fahmi Bin Othman

Suraya Bin! Laily

Si! Asia Bin! Yahya

La!p Bin Lambosi



Mohamed Mubin Aizat Bin Mazlan

Adib Bin Othman



Affero Bin Ismail

Upcoming VIVA Upcoming VIVA Upcoming VIVA Upcoming VIVA ---- VOCEVOCEVOCEVOCE














Master 308 197 191 201 22 33 8 95 69 1124

Ph.D 164 111 74 99 0 34 11 96 51 640

Total (Faculty) 472 308 265 300 22 67 19 191 120 1764


Of S




Enrolment by Faculties (as per 8th July 2015)



Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia


86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat


Phone: +607-4537906 / 7757

Fax: +607-4536111

Web: ps.uthm.edu.my

"With Wisdom

We Explore"

Selamat Ulangtahun Kelahiran!!! Selamat Ulangtahun Kelahiran!!! Selamat Ulangtahun Kelahiran!!! Selamat Ulangtahun Kelahiran!!! (April (April (April (April ---- Jun 2015)Jun 2015)Jun 2015)Jun 2015)

Centre for Graduate


TAHNIAH dan Selamat Datang!!!TAHNIAH dan Selamat Datang!!!TAHNIAH dan Selamat Datang!!!TAHNIAH dan Selamat Datang!!!TAHNIAH dan Selamat Datang!!!TAHNIAH dan Selamat Datang!!!TAHNIAH dan Selamat Datang!!!TAHNIAH dan Selamat Datang!!!TAHNIAH dan Selamat Datang!!!TAHNIAH dan Selamat Datang!!!TAHNIAH dan Selamat Datang!!!TAHNIAH dan Selamat Datang!!!

Dr. Mas Fawzi Bin Mohd Ali (16.4)

Dr. Aryani Bin! Ahmad La!ffi (16.4)

Dr. Nurazuwa Bin! Md. Noor (16.4)

Muhammad Zikry Hakim Bin Zulkiflee (1.6) Shahrizal Bin Idris (2.7)

Terima Kasih Terima Kasih Terima Kasih Terima Kasih

Dengan Ingatan Tulus IkhlasDengan Ingatan Tulus IkhlasDengan Ingatan Tulus IkhlasDengan Ingatan Tulus Ikhlas Prof. Madya Dr. Ahmad Jais Bin Alimin

Mohd. Amirul Hafiz Bin Mohd. Yazid

Mohd. Nazri Bin Ibrahim

Tahniah!!! Tahniah!!! Tahniah!!! Tahniah!!! Haidzir Bin Maidin (TBK-13)

Aizan Halmie Bin! Mohamad (18.4)

Zuraidah Bin! Bachok (24.4)

Dr. Chan Chee Ming (19.5)

Nur Hazmira Azwa Bin! Rosli (15.6)

Si! Aida Bin! Md Noor (20.6)

Dr. Aryani Bin! Ahmad La!ffi (30.6)

Dr. Nurazuwa Bin! Md. Noor (30.6)

