april 30 - may 1, 2014 | sheraton cavalier saskatoon … 30 - may 1, 2014 | sheraton cavalier...

April 30 - May 1, 2014 | Sheraton Cavalier Saskatoon Hotel 4TH ANNUAL SASKATCHEWAN MINING Financing Opportunities and Challenges Ned Goodman President and Chief Executive Officer Dundee Corporation Dr. Gordon Barnhart Chair of the International Minerals Innovation Institute Former Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan Honorable Rob Norris Minister of Advanced Education His Worship Donald J. Atchison Saskatoon Mayor Chief Reginald Bellerose Chief Executive Officer Muskowekwan Resources Limited Tom MacNeill Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer 49 North Resources Inc. Sheldon Wuttunee President and Chief Executive Officer Saskatchewan First Nations Natural Resources Centre of Excellence CanadianMiningForum.com

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April 30 - May 1, 2014 | Sheraton Cavalier Saskatoon Hotel

4th annual

SaSKatChEWan MInInGFinancing Opportunities and Challenges

Ned GoodmanPresident and Chief Executive OfficerDundee Corporation

Dr. Gordon BarnhartChair of the International Minerals Innovation InstituteFormer Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan

Honorable Rob NorrisMinister of Advanced Education

His Worship Donald J. Atchison Saskatoon Mayor

Chief Reginald BelleroseChief Executive OfficerMuskowekwan Resources Limited

Tom MacNeillFounder, President and Chief Executive Officer49 North Resources Inc.

Sheldon WuttuneePresident and Chief Executive OfficerSaskatchewan First Nations Natural Resources Centre of Excellence



Dear Colleague:

For many years Saskatchewan has been sitting atop a wealth of resources. The historical lack of development can be attributed to many factors including capital availability and capital flow, technical challenges for resource recovery, and government policies. These broad structural elements created a unique Saskatchewan “Opportunity Gap”, whereby resources remained in the ground for lack of proper technology, access to capital, favourable government and tax incentives, and an entrepreneurial culture.

More recently, Saskatchewan has seen the benefit of exponential growth in its resource sector as government, established industry participants and entrepreneurs worked together to remove some of the impediments that created the Opportunity Gap.

For the 4th SASKATCHEWAN MINING FORUM, Insight Information has assembled a select group of government and industry leaders and experts to help conference participants understand the elements of the Opportunity Gap and provide information and guidance on how to successfully engage in Saskatchewan’s resource industry.

All the presenters are well known in the Saskatchewan resource scene, and will be sharing their insights into what it is that defines the Saskatchewan resource sector and more importantly, how one can participate in developing the province’s latent resource endowment. Participants will hear from companies presently involved with the exploration and development of those resources and also the general economic, regulatory, and financing environment related to resource projects in Saskatchewan.

Conference attendees will be able to address their questions and comments to presenters during sessions and informally during breaks, lunches as well as “one-on-one”. Attendees will also be provided with information binders to assist their assessment of opportunities and to build their network of Saskatchewan contacts.

We invite you to join us at this defining Saskatchewan resource event.

Co-Chairs of the program:

• The province’s mineral sector outlook - key opportunities

• Investment opportunities in Saskatchewan - a long overdue renaissance

• The global resource market, its current state and outlook scenarios for the industry

• Investment bankers and mining executives’ criteria for success for mining companies

• Determining feasibility of projects - strategies in the current mining climate

• Managing risks, unlocking value• Raising $$$ for SK projects – successes and

lessons learned• Implementing the Canadian Environmental

Assessment Act• Environmental and social acceptability of mining

projects on Aboriginal land • Powering the mining development in SK - natural gas

production vs. demand from future mining projects


Stephen P. HalaburaChairmanHCF Mercantile Inc.

William NickelPartnerMcDougall Gauley LLP


Conference Co-Chair

Stephen P. HalaburaChairmanHCF Mercantile Inc.

Conference Co-Chair

William NickelPartnerMcDougall Gauley LLP

Dinner Speaker

Ned GoodmanPresident and Chief Executive OfficerDundee Corporation

Luncheon Speaker

Dr. Gordon BarnhartChair of the International Minerals Innovation InstituteFormer Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan

Luncheon Speaker

Honorable Rob NorrisMinister of Advanced Education

Welcoming Address

His Worship Donald J. Atchison Saskatoon Mayor

Chief Reginald BelleroseChief Executive OfficerMuskowekwan Resources Limited

Dr. Gary DelaneyChief GeologistSaskatchewan Geological SurveyMinerals, Lands, and Resource Policy DivisionMinistry of the EconomyGovernment of Saskatchewan

Jean-Pierre ColinCapital Markets Strategies

Jim Engdahl PresidentStar Minerals Group Ltd.

Leah Nelson Guay Acting Executive DirectorFirst Nations Power Authority of Saskatchewan

Derek D. HoffmanAssociateMcDougall Gauley LLP

Mai-Linh HuynhProject ManagerPrairie and Northern RegionCanadian Environmental Assessment Agency

William IrwinInteger Research, UK

Edward C. KozowyPresidentPNG Consultants Ltd.

Rick MazurPresident and Chief Executive OfficerForum Uranium Corp.

Tom MacNeillFounder, President and Chief Executive Officer49 North Resources Inc.

Ross McElroyPresident, COO, and Chief GeologistFission Uranium Corp.

Jason MoserSenior Investment ManagerSaskWorks Venture Fund Inc.

Rob TheoretPrincipal, President and Chief Executive OfficerHCF Mercantile Inc.

Dr. Matthew WoodProject Manager, Kronau ProjectVale Potash Canada Limited

Sheldon WuttuneePresident and Chief Executive OfficerSaskatchewan First Nations Natural Resources Centre of Excellence

Gala Dinner – April 30 , 2014

8:00 – 8:55

Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 | Welcoming Remarks from Insight Information

Dr. Victor PogostinInsight Information

9:05 | Opening Remarks from the Co-Chairs

Stephen P. Halabura ChairmanHCF Mercantile Inc.

William NickelPartnerMcDougall Gauley LLP


Book your Table now!Invite your clients and colleagues to attend the premier networking event for the Saskatchewan resource sector on the evening

of April 30, 2014!You and your clients will have the opportunity to gain insights from the presentation of our distinguished dinner speaker,

Ned Goodman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Dundee Corporation.

Please contact Amy Leung at 416-642-6128 or [email protected] to book your table or conference sponsorship packages now!

Table assignments and availability accurate at time of printing. Please see website for updates.

Table Sponsors

5 21 Head Table4

April 30, 2014


9:20 | Welcome Address

His Worship Donald J. AtchisonSaskatoon Mayor

9:45 | The Province’s Mineral Sector Outlook - Cumulative Opportunities

Dr. Gary Delaney Chief GeologistSaskatchewan Geological Survey Minerals, Lands, and Resource Policy DivisionMinistry of the EconomyGovernment of Saskatchewan

The presentations will highlight the status of mining and mineral exploration in Saskatchewan with the focus on the key opportunities and challenges in the next two decades.

10:30 | Networking Coffee Break

10:45 | SK as a Player in the Global Resource Market

William Irwin Integer Research, UK

The presentation will focus on the latest analysis of the global potash market, its current state and discuss outlook scenarios for the industry.

Jean-Pierre ColinCapital Markets Strategies

“If everyone is thinking alike, then no one is thinking.”

• Thepresentationwilloutlineaninvestmentbanker’sandminingexecutive’scriteriaforsuccessforminingcompanies

• HowjuniorminingcompanyexecutivesinSaskatchewanmust “think differently” because:- seemingly small decisions by management can affect corporate

survival in these times of crisis in the financial markets - the new sources of capital that have emerged in the last decade

impose important changes in corporate strategy

• TheminingindustryinSaskatchewanasagroupmustpromoteinnovative initiatives to enhance its continued importance in the provincial economy

12:00 | Networking Luncheon

1:15 – 1:45

Keynote Lunch Speaker

Dr. Gordon BarnhartChair of the International Minerals Innovation InstituteFormer Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan

• InternationalMineralsInnovationInstitute–it’scompositionandgovernance structure and financial plan

• BroadgoalsofIMIIinEducationandTrainingaswellasResearchand Development fields to meet the current and future needs of the minerals sector in Saskatchewan

• IMIIisuniqueinCanadaasanindustryledpartnershipwithgovernment and post secondary educational institutions

2:00 | Managing Risks, Unlocking Value


Rick MazurPresident and Chief Executive OfficerForum Uranium Corp.

• Glasshalfemptyorglasshalffull?

• Ajuniorcompany’sperspectiveonexplorationingoodtimesandbad

Ross McElroyPresident, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Geologist Fission Uranium Corp.


• Thebenefitsofamulti-disciplinetechnicalteam

• Innovativeuseofradongassurveysinwinterconditions

• TheimpactofthePLSdiscoveryontheWesternAthabascaBasinregion

Dr. Matthew WoodProject Manager, Kronau ProjectVale Potash Canada LimitedVale’s Strategy in the Current Mining Climate

• Valuecreationphilosophy

• Ourfivestrategicpillars

• WhatthismeansfortheKronauProject

Jim EngdahlPresidentStar Minerals Group Ltd.

• Findingtherightpartnertobuildanintegratedoperationtohelpde risk the project

• Managingajuniorcompany’sintoughmarketconditionsfromfinancialto industrial minerals

• Selectionofassetsthatwillbequickesttoproduction

4:00 | Competition and Corruption – Risk Identification and Management

Derek D. HoffmanAssociate, McDougall Gauley LLP

• Abriefoverviewofcompetitionandcorruptionrisks–thecurrentstatus and upcoming regulatory changes

• Managingcompetitionandcorruptionrisks

4:30 | Conference Adjourns for the Day Followed by Cocktail Reception and Gala DinnerKeynote Dinner Speaker

Ned GoodmanPresident and Chief Executive OfficerDundee Corporation

Ned Goodman is President and CEO of Dundee Capital Markets, President and CEO of Dundee Corporation. Mr. Goodman is also ChancellorofBrockUniversity,ChairmanEmeritusoftheCanadian Centre for Diversity, a Governor of Junior Achievement of Canada, aDirectorofDundeeCorporation,CoronaGoldCorporation,360VOXCorporation (formerly Leisure Canada Inc.), Dundee Energy Limited, Dundee Real Estate Investment Trust, Dundee International Real Estate Investment Trust, Dundee Precious Metals Inc., Eurogas International Inc., RyanGoldCorp.andMemberoftheboardofdirectorsofBarrickGoldCorporation(“Barrick”). 5


8:15 | Continental Breakfast

9:00 | Opening Remarks from the Co-Chairs

Stephen P. Halabura ChairmanHCF Mercantile Inc.

William NickelPartnerMcDougall Gauley LLP

9:15 | Raising $$$ for SK Projects – Successes and Lessons Learned (Case Studies)

Tom MacNeillFounder, President and Chief Executive Officer 49 North Resources Inc.

• Saskatchewan’scapitalmarketlandscape-howinvestmentflows into the province and why change is necessary

• Theresourceinvestmentcycle–wherearewenow?

• InvestmentopportunitiesinSaskatchewan–along overdue renaissance

Jason MoserSenior Investment ManagerSaskWorks Venture Fund Inc.

• Determiningfeasibilityofproject,i.e.doesitwarrantinvestmentandcan we execute- access to labour- size of resource to be exploited- sufficient level of de-risking/delineation- risk adjusted return - regulatory/environmental approvals - in-house expertise

• Determiningsizeandtimingofcapitalrequirements- metrics from predecessor projects- third party estimates

• Determiningoptimalcapitalstructure- ability to use debt and types of debt/rates- equitymix- cashflowattributes

• Fundraising- use of agent, screening etc. - determining ideal mix between retail and institutional- identifying prospective leads/investors- timing - pricing

Rob TheoretPrincipalPresident and Chief Executive OfficerHCF Mercantile Inc.

The presentation will review the key drivers of the Saskatchewan economy within a global context and the opportunities that continue to unfold/develop for Saskatchewan mining industry.

11:00 | Networking Coffee Break

11:15 | Implementing the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act

Mai-Linh HuynhProject Manager Prairie and Northern RegionCanadian Environmental Assessment Agency

The Government of Canada updated its federal environmental assessment legislation as part of its Responsible Resource Development plan to modernize the regulatory system.

This presentation looks at highlights of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 and role of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency in the overall administration of the federal environmental assessment process.

12:00 | Networking Luncheon

1:00 | Keynote Luncheon Speaker

Honorable Rob NorrisMinister of Advanced Education

1:30 | Environmental and Social Acceptability of Mining Projects on Aboriginal Land

Chief Reginald BelleroseChief Executive OfficerMuskowekwan Resources Limited

Sheldon WuttuneePresident and Chief Executive OfficerSaskatchewan First Nations Natural Resources Centre of Excellence

The presentations will focus on the challenges in dealing with First Nation lands in Saskatchewan and their impacts on decision making when corporations are seeking lands to purchase for exploration.

MAY 1, 2014



2:30 | Powering the Mining Development in SK

Leah Nelson Guay Acting Executive DirectorFirst Nations Power Authority of Saskatchewan

First Nations Power Authority of Saskatchewan - a model for the miningsector?

• Barrierstoentryinbigbusiness

• Businessmodelsolutionsthatdigdeep

• Partnershipsandprocessestomaximizevaluepropositiontobothindustry and First Nations

Edward C. KozowyPresidentPNG Consultants Ltd.

• Naturalgas-productionbyregionvs.demandfromfuture mining projects

• Fullcyclefindinganddevelopmentandoperatingcosts

• Naturalgaspricinghistory,forecastsandLNGprojectimplications

• Challengesandopportunitiesinthenaturalgassector

4:00 | Closing Remarks by the Co-Chairs

4:15 | Conference Ends

The program will have most direct appeal to:

•Mining Investors

•Federal and Provincial Government Energy Officials and Regulators

•Environmental Officials and Consultants

•Energy Lawyers and In-house Counsel

•Exploration Geologists and Geophysicists

•Geophysical Contractors


•Aboriginal Land Administrators and Area Regulators

•Community Relations Coordinators

The program will have most direct appeal to:

• Investor Relations



•Strategic Planning



•Financial Experts

•Legal Experts



•Regulatory Affairs

•Corporate Affairs

•Environmental Affairs

•Community Relations

•Government Relations

•Resource Management

•Project Management



❏ Special Price for the Aboriginal Community and Public Sector $1,695.00 + GST ($84.75) = $1,779.75

❏ Conference Price $2,095.00 + GST ($104.75) = $2,199.75

❏ Attending Gala Dinner April 30, 2014 (included in Conference Price) [ ] Yes [ ] No

❏ Gala Dinner only, Table of 8 guests $3,800 + GST ($190.00) = $3,990.00 Contact Amy Leung at 416-642-6128 or [email protected] to book your table

REGISTRATION FEE: Includes meals, documentation and InConference, fully searchable online access to this conference’s papers. Please allow 2 weeks after conference for activation of login and password.

GST Reg. #856568779RT0001

Dietary Restrictions: Do you have any dietary restrictions? ❏ No ❏ Yes

If yes, please indicate: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Special Needs: Do you have any special needs that require accommodation? ❏ No ❏ Yes

If yes, please indicate: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Register Online at CanadianMiningForum.com

VENUE AND HOTEL RESERVATIONSTheSheratonCavalierSaskatoonHotelisconvenientlylocatedat612SpadinaCrescentEast, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. A block of rooms will be held until March 28, 2014, at a special rate of $175.00 per night. For overnight accommodation please call the hotel at 306-652-6770.

CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICYA refund (less an administration fee of $500 plus taxes) will be given if notice of cancellation is received in writing six weeks before the event. We regret that no refund will be given after this period. A substitute delegate is welcome at any time.

SPECIAL OFFER: Send 4 people for the price of 3!Register 3 delegates for the main conference at regular price at the same time and you’reentitledtoregisterafourthpersonfromyourorganizationatnocharge.Forothergroup discounts, please call 1-888-777-1707. All discounts must be redeemed when booking, discounts will not be valid or applied after this time.

Private sector attendees who register under the Public Sector or Aboriginal pricing structure will receive a 1 day conference pass only.

When complete, please fax or mail the form to:214KingStreetWest,Suite300,Toronto,OntarioM5H3S6 Call 1 888 777-1707 Fax 1 866 777-1292 Email [email protected]

CPD AccreditationThis program has been approved by the Law Society of Saskatchewan for 11 hours.

For Alberta lawyers, consider including this course as a CPD learning activity in your mandatory annual ContinuingProfessionalDevelopmentPlanasrequiredbytheLaw Society of Alberta.

Privacy Policy: Byregisteringforthisconference,Insight Information will send you further information relating to this event. In addition, you may receive by mail, telephone, facsimile or e-mail information regarding other relevant products and services from either Insight Information OR third parties with whom we partner. If you do not wish to receive such information from either Insight Information or third parties, please inform us by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 1 888 777-1707.

Mr. [ ] Mrs. [ ] Ms. [ ]



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Please Note: Fullpaymentisrequiredinadvanceofconferencedates.Pleasemakeallchequespayableto Insight Information.Insight Information reserves the right to change program date, meeting place or content without further notice and assumes no liability for these changes.

Copyright 2013. ALM Media Canada, Inc. All rights reserved.

4th Annual SASKATCHEWAN MININGApril 30 - May 1, 2014 | Sheraton Cavalier Saskatoon Hotel

Conference Code: MNC14946 Priority Code: FPO14946WBINQ