april 2020 newsletter - peace lutheran...

Peace Newsletter April 2020 1 April 2020 Newsletter Jesus won’t stay put! Jesus leaves heaven to come to earth. He willingly sets aside His equality with God to come to earth - born not in a palace, but in a stable, laid in a feed trough. But Jesus won’t stay put. No longer a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths, He is raised by Mary and Joseph and at the age of twelve travels to Jerusalem as was His family’s Passover tradition. Two days into their return journey home, Jesus can’t be found. He won’t stay put. A frantic search ends at the temple, His Father’s house, listening and asking questions of the teachers. He returns home with His parents where He “kept increasing in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.” Jesus won’t stay put. Baptized, filled with Holy Spirit and then led into the wilderness to be tempted, Jesus returns ready to call others to no longer stay put, but to follow Him. Jesus remains obedient to His heavenly Father, preaching that the kingdom of heaven is at hand, and manifesting the kingdom through the forgiveness of sins, healing the sick, cleansing lepers, raising the dead, and casting out devils - or as Peter later said of Jesus: You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Acts 10:28 Yet, Jesus would not remain on earth forever - He won’t stay put. As He continued - obedient to His Father’s will, seeking and saving what is lost, serving rather than being served, giving His life as a ransom for us - He made His way to the cross where He would carry our sins, our sorrows, our infirmities, falsely accused, mocked, condemned, crucified, died, wrapped in burial clothes and laid in a rich man’s tomb. But… three days later… as the women return to the tomb to prepare His body, the stone is rolled away and the white-robed herald declares, “He has risen, He is not here.” Jesus won’t stay put. He ascends into heaven and then as promised, sends Holy Spirit - the same Spirit that filled Jesus through His life, the same Spirit that raised Him from the dead - to fill us so that we too can be His people: His family, His body, His Church who comes with the very presence and power of God to carry on the will and work of not staying put, but manifesting the kingdom and will of God on earth as in heaven. May we be like Jesus, who won't stay put… sought, bought, and now sent by Him to love God and others into His kingdom! Pastor Jon

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Peace Newsletter April 2020


April 2020 Newsletter

Jesus won’t stay put!

Jesus leaves heaven to come to earth. He willingly sets aside His equality with God to come to earth - born not

in a palace, but in a stable, laid in a feed trough. But Jesus won’t stay put.

No longer a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths, He is raised by Mary and Joseph and at the age of twelve travels

to Jerusalem as was His family’s Passover tradition. Two days into their return journey home, Jesus can’t be found.

He won’t stay put. A frantic search ends at the temple, His Father’s house, listening and asking questions of the

teachers. He returns home with His parents where He “kept increasing in wisdom and stature and in favor with

God and man.”

Jesus won’t stay put. Baptized, filled with Holy Spirit and then led into the wilderness to be tempted, Jesus returns

ready to call others to no longer stay put, but to follow Him. Jesus remains obedient to His heavenly Father,

preaching that the kingdom of heaven is at hand, and manifesting the kingdom through the forgiveness of sins,

healing the sick, cleansing lepers, raising the dead, and casting out devils - or as Peter later said of Jesus:

You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went

about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Acts 10:28

Yet, Jesus would not remain on earth forever - He won’t stay put. As He continued - obedient to His Father’s will,

seeking and saving what is lost, serving rather than being served, giving His life as a ransom for us - He made

His way to the cross where He would carry our sins, our sorrows, our infirmities, falsely accused, mocked,

condemned, crucified, died, wrapped in burial clothes and laid in a rich man’s tomb.

But… three days later… as the women return to the tomb to prepare His body, the stone is rolled away and the

white-robed herald declares, “He has risen, He is not here.”

Jesus won’t stay put.

He ascends into heaven and then as promised, sends Holy Spirit - the same Spirit that filled Jesus through His

life, the same Spirit that raised Him from the dead - to fill us so that we too can be His people: His family, His

body, His Church who comes with the very presence and power of God to carry on the will and work of not

staying put, but manifesting the kingdom and will of God on earth as in heaven.

May we be like Jesus, who won't stay put… sought, bought, and now sent by Him to love God and others into

His kingdom!

Pastor Jon

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Pastor Jon’s Letter to the Congregation, March 17

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made

known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in

Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Prayerful, not fearful.

In the midst of the virus situation, Sunday, March 15, went really well as we gathered for worship, prayer, sharing

the word, communion and fellowship. We were small and mighty in attendance as we made adjustments:

• sharing the peace in alternative ways which avoid hugging and hand-shaking

• people choosing to stay home to keep distance for health reasons

• deep cleaning of sanctuary and fellowship hall

• offering plate up front at the font to keep from passing and handling

• communion assistance washing hands (as always) prior to distribution

While we truly missed seeing everyone, we certainly understood if you needed to keep your distance at this time.

Please contact the office to let us know if you need anything or how we can be praying for you during this time.

Though we may need to ‘keep our distance’ for now, we do not want anyone to be isolated from the community.

We will continue to be prayerful, not fearful. Our ongoing adjustments are done in love and with the confident

hope in God who continues to rule and reign. Our house is built on the rock, and as such, though storms come,

the house will stand (Matthew 7:24-25).

As of Tuesday, March 17:

Previously, the CDC had discouraged gatherings of more than 50 for the next 8 weeks. Then by Monday afternoon

President Trump encouraged that Americans should not gather in groups of more than 10 for the next 15 days

(through March 31). Our PLC Board discussed via email that afternoon these new developments and decided the


All gatherings at PLC will be suspended through Friday, April 10. This includes:

• Sunday morning worship services

• Wednesday Soup Suppers

• Midweek Bible studies and Dorcas group

• Outside groups who use our facility (TOPS, Chorale*, 4-H, etc.)

• Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services

• *The Chorale has decided to suspend the rest of their season including their spring concert, which means

they will not be rehearsing at PLC through the end of May (the May 19 concert for us is now in doubt)

• The NW District gathering, which PLC was scheduled to host on May 1-2 has also been canceled by the

District. We hope to host next year. Thanks to our planning team for their work.

Staying connected

Keeping distance need not mean being isolated. We will be making arrangements to have weekly worship and

messages available on the website at: peace-lutheran.com/audio-messages/. We will also be investigating other

means of using technology to keep connected with one another during these coming weeks and keep you

informed. Watch Sunday worship here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKlNKnU8Rdkx3WrJtTNEfRA/

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Peace Newsletter April 2020


We encourage everyone to use this time to serve others and to pray more earnestly for one another and the

world. Here are some suggestions:

• Following the health protocols, consider who may need groceries delivered to their homes so they can

avoid going out.

• Make a list of those you know who are sick or those who work in the medical field in your area. Bring

them by name before the Lord asking for His protection.

• Pray for your city and state officials, as well as world leaders, that they would be humble and have wisdom

as they make hard decisions.

• Ask for God’s supernatural intervention to slow the spread of the pandemic and sustain those working

on the front lines of the crisis.

• Pray for those you know who will be in financial need because of business or school shutdowns. Ask God

if there is some way that he desires for you to help.

• Ask God to increase your and others faith and peace in the midst of the unknown.

• Ask God to show you ways that you can demonstrate love to your neighbors.

• Spend some of your prayer time in stillness, silently opening your heart to know God in deeper ways and

listening for what he may want to say to you.

Many of our members are in locations which are not allowing them to leave or to have visitors at this time.

Therefore, consider how you might pray and connect with one another over the phone, FaceTime or Skype.

Following health protocols, you may even consider gathering in small groups of less than 10 to keep in touch,

pray, read scripture and encourage one another. While socially isolated it becomes meaningful to hear someone’s

voice rather than just written messages. Think creatively about how you can create community with one


A Call to a Time of Prayer and Fasting

Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) is inviting congregations to a time of prayer and fasting as

we walk with Jesus through this season in our world, nation, and communities. It is truly a time for the followers

of Christ to be light and hope to others. More details coming soon.

Your continued financial support of PLC is greatly appreciated at this time. You may send contributions by mail,

drop off in our secure and locked mailbox outside during the week (only we have the key to access), or set up

automatic draft through your local bank.

Update: Gov. Little announced a 21-day stay-at-home order for the State of Idaho On Mar 25. Please know

we will be regularly updating you as they develop. There are many including myself, who remain available to visit

with you in person, over the phone, via text or email. Please feel free to contact me personally (email, phone calls,

etc.) if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions.

There are many of us who remain available to visit with you and pray with over the phone, via text or email.

Please, please, contact the church office or give me a call.

Our genuine hope was to resume gathering on Resurrection Sunday, April 12th - what a glorious day that would

be to celebrate the risen Christ and to come back together with one another!

I love all of you deeply and look forward to how God will be glorified in and through each of us as we love and

serve others, walking with Jesus, our shepherd, our hope, and our peace.

Pastor Jon

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From zero to unfamiliar in just a few days…

As the Coronavirus presses us to continually adapt our lives to the situation,

we are saddened to announce the cancellation or postponement of worship

services in the building, bibles studies, inside/outside group usage, Lent

gatherings each Wed, and extra Holy Week services. Even though the church

is closed to all activity, your staff continues the work we are called to do!

Pastor Jon has asked one and all to please CALL us first, 208-765-0727, to

limit individuals coming into the building. We are maintaining CDC protocols

which require us to clean and sanitize if someone has been in the building.

We are trying to keep YOU and ourselves healthy through this period.

Update: Your staff is now working remotely from home as much as we

possibly can due to Gov. Little’s declaration. We will be monitoring email and phone messages. Please don’t

hesitate to reach out to us with any need, prayer request, or concern! – Lynn Affeldt

Ecumenical Food Kitchen The Peace EFK team served on Thursday, March 26, at First Presbyterian Church in Coeur

d’Alene. Due to the Coronavirus, we served a pickup and go sack lunch with bottled water

to forty plus people. Our Peace Family is one of nine churches that serve EFK on Thursdays

throughout the year.

Our church family is always generous with financial and food donations. I thank you. The

people we serve are always grateful for the meal.

Marge Freligh, Team Coordinator

P&M Annual Spring Cleanup Day – April 18 Greetings from the P&M Team! Just like warm spring weather, our annual

workday is right around the corner on April 18. We planned this day a month ago

before the current dilemma came upon us in order to have things ship shape for

the NW District Gathering. The Gathering has been canceled but the work still

needs to be done. For now, we will leave the date as planned. I’m sure by then

we’ll be ready for some human interaction. If needed, we can socially distance

ourselves around the grounds.

We’ll need to take down the snow fences, get gravel out of the lawn and

landscaping, refresh the bark, uncover the AC units, possibly repair the ventilators on the roof. Reset some

parking stops and whatever other fun activities raise their heads.

If you’re interested, and they’re open again for in-house dining, we can gather at Chomper’s for breakfast at 7:30

am and be ready to get to work at 9 am. Our always helpful Fellowship Team has offered to provide lunch.

So, clear your calendars, work outside in the fresh air, and be ready to spruce up the grounds!

Gordon Schoonmaker, P&M Team

Your Council and staff were originally scheduled to spend a retreat day at Lutherhaven exploring possibilities

for this year and to review the book we’ve been reading, The Unstuck Church, by Tony Morgan. Good news –

this day will still proceed, but we will be meeting virtually in our homes. on March 28, at 10 am. Our council

felt it was paramount that we continue to move forward with their work!

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Christian Education MARK: Go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone.

Sunday Morning Bible Study is LIVE (via ZOOM). Your email invitation will LOOK like this example:

Pastor Jon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Jon Anderson's Zoom Bible Study

Time: 9:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/348668204?pwd=RmFxOHMvbzBWU1poajVkWmhOeU9uQT09

Meeting ID: 348 668 204

Password: 077318

You will need a webcam and internet connection to participate or you can use your smartphone

Sunday Messages Online

You can now listen to the Sunday morning message online at peace-lutheran.com/audio-messages/ or simply

go to PLC’s website (peace-lutheran.com) and click on Audio/Streaming on the top menu bar. We will be keeping

6-7 weeks of the most recent messages.

Subscribe to PLC’s YouTube Channel by clicking on the link below or cut and paste into your browser:


We will be posting our weekly Sunday worship service on this channel. Our first service was accessible Sunday,

March 22. We go live at 10 am but you may also watch any time afterward…or again…or on Monday!

We are already posting brief video messages and updates thorough our “Peace Posts” Check them out daily!

Midweek Soup Supper LIVE (via ZOOM) with Pastor Jon

We will send out the link & code by Wed morning so you can join our live Bible Study discussion via ZOOM

You will need a webcam and internet connection to participate or you can use your smartphone

Wednesday Serendipity Bible Study – 10 AM (Postponed for a bit)

We are on a journey through EXODUS: Walking with God's people as

they struggle with obedience and trust while being moved into

situations that are uncomfortable, fearful and unknown! Join us early at

9:45 am for sharing concerns and prayer time. Bring any version Bible

you would like, and let’s dig in! – Pastor Gail

Wednesday Middle School 4:32 (Also postponed)

5th – 8th Graders usually gather weekly on Wed from 432p-545p to

explore “The Life of Jesus” Pastor Jon is keeping in touch with our

youth via Zoom and Houseparty!

Thursday Day Bible Study – 11 AM (Postponed)

The Thu study, The Letters of Paul, hopes to continue this month. Jim

Wardlow at 253-219-4461 or email [email protected].

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Proverbs 4:20-22

My son, give attention to my words;

Incline your ear to my sayings.

Do not let them depart from your sight;

Keep them in the midst of your heart.

For they are life to those who find them

And health to all their body.

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Financial Report for Feb 2020

Submitted by Lynn Affeldt, Mar 10, 2020

Balance Sheet: 2-29-20 Ministry & Facility Fund $ 9,562 All Designated Funds $ 98,124 Total US Bank Checking $102,686 Thrivent Mortgage Balance $314,356 $315,290 (Jan) Income & Expense: 2-29-20 Actual Giving $ 18,671 (Plan for Giving $19,707) Actual Expense $ 16,637 YTD Income & Expense: (Jan-Feb 2020) Actual Giving $ 33,905 (Plan for Giving $39,414) Actual Expense $ 34,156 Feb Designated Funds: Income Expense Fund Balance Memorial Fund 0 0 $ 369 Emergency Fund 0 0 $10,000 (Capped at goal) Property Fund 0 0 $ 963 Refresh Team 5,000 5,884 $30,366 Good Samaritan Fund 0 0 $ 1,135 Sabbatical Fund (accrual) 100 0 $ 1,400 Reception/Kitchen Fund 0 0 $ 1,262 Campership Fund 0 0 $ 2,950 Dorcas Fund 0 233 $ 3,264 Youth Fund 0 0 $ 3,801 Uganda Fund ($300 accrual) 300 0 $27,796 Other Designated 0 0 $ 2,074 Scholarship Fund 0 0 $ 1,550 Call Committee 0 0 $ 6,193


Our Mile of Pennies container is designated toward

the PLC Campership Fund Jan-May! We believe all

youth should be able to experience uplifting time

spent at Lutherhaven and/or Shoshone Mountain

Retreat and offer $100 campership support to each

child attending a week of camp. Let’s build our fund!

Many of you have asked, “How am I going to get my offering to the church?” What faithful and conscientious

givers! Peace Lutheran has always been blessed with generosity. During quarantine time you may snail mail to

Peace Lutheran Church, 8134 N Meyer Rd, Post Falls, ID 83854, use your bank’s bill pay or auto pay feature, or

best of all – Toot & Scoot by dropping an offering envelope in our secure and locked mailbox in our drive thru.

No need to even get out of your car. Be sure to toot and wave – we love you!!

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Family Promise TY What is Ministry? One definition according to Google Webster is: “The spiritual work of any Christian or service

of any Christian or a group of Christians.” God continues to bless Peace through several community outreach

ministries. I would like to share specifically about Family Promise.

Family Promise ministry focuses on service to families experiencing temporary challenges of homelessness while

providing a safe and secure refuge where they can focus on securing the basic needs for their family. This past

month PLC had the privilege of serving two families of four each. Although one of the families had specific dietary

needs not accustom to our volunteers, it provided the opportunity to serve and realize God’s children have

unique abilities, needs and gifts.

Both guest families expressed a sincere gratitude for the care, hospitality and concern they experienced during

their week at PLC and felt it was truly a blessing from God. As they continue their journey towards independence,

it is a comfort to them knowing God cares, and provides for their needs. What a blessing it is for PLC to be a part

of HIS plan for these special families.

Family Promise offers many ways our volunteers can support and participate. First and most importantly we need

your prayers for continued guidance for our ministry. We have another hosting week coming April 19-26, and

will need help with set up, providing meals, hosting families, clean up and financial support.

If you are interested in joining PLC’s Family Promise Team or learning more, we are having a meeting, Sunday,

Mar 1 following fellowship time. Please join us!

Finally, none of this would be possible without YOU. We thank Peace and all the volunteers for their continued

prayers, volunteering and financial support! In John 15:16-17, Jesus said, “You did not choose me, but I choose

you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask

in my name. This is my command: Love each other.”

Celebrating Together as we Serve a Risen Savior!

Jim Wardlow, Peace FP Team

<>< <>< <>< ^ ^ ^ ><> ><> ><>

Refresh Team: Mary Cockerham, Lee Ely, Suzie English, and JoAnn Solberg

Now that painting our entire facility is in the rear-view mirror, many thanks go to all those who prepped weeks

in advance, to the Sat crew that shifted heavy sanctuary furniture, and to all who put everything back together!

Some of you have asked about contractor information and we are glad to provide it. Paint Pros USA were here

for a week and we couldn’t have asked for a better crew. Mark Populus, owner/COO, along with painters Michael,

Trish and Duncan, renewed our facility with care and respect. Paint Pros do residential work inside or outside,

cabinets, furniture, stain, and any prep work needed. Call Mark at 208-640-6541 for your painting needs!

Mr. Mom’s Carpet Cleaning service did an excellent job in our sanctuary and fellowship hall Mar 23, taking extra

care steaming and applying a Teflon coating. Owner, Michael Pritchett, always offers churches a 50% discount

for which we are grateful. Call him for your after isolation/quarantine cleaning at 208-777-7700.

NW District Gathering Team: Ken Birge, Jon Davis, Lee Ely, Marge Freligh, Rebecca Kirkpatrick, Jolene Pooley,

and JoAnn Solberg. The team met after the virus outbreak and made the prudent decision, along with the NW

District, to cancel the Gathering this year which we were hosting as a church. Perhaps next year! The District will

be returning the registration fees sent for our delegates, and we plan to honor our budgeted offering to the NW

District for their continued operating expenses in 2020.

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Sunday Worship is on our PLC YouTube channel. Click here:


April 10:00 AM Sunday Ministry Servants USHERS

Date Name Phone No.

4/05/2020 Palm Sunday service online

4/09/2020 No Maundy service here

4/10/2020 No Good Friday service here

4/12/2020 Easter Worship – Drive-in Church?

4/19/2020 Ben & Owen DeWitt

4/26/2020 Rod & Marge Freligh


Date Name Phone No.

4/12/2020 ---

4/19/2020 Gordon & Gail Schoonmaker Jennifer Murray

4/26/2020 Darryl & Tanya Frey Barbara Hunley

Communion Setup Mike & Margie Hill

Baking Bread Chris Anderson


Date Name First / Second Readings Phone No.

4/05/2020 Suzie English (video) Isaiah 50:4-9a; Phil 2:5-11

4/12/2020 David Pollard Acts 10: 34-43; Colossians 3: 1-4

4/19/2020 Connie Arthur Acts 5:29-42; 1 Peter 1:3-9

4/26/2020 Janelle Baker Acts 2:14a, 36-41; 1 Peter 1: 17-25

ACOLYTEs Date Name Phone No.

4/12/2020 ---

4/19/2020 Owen DeWitt

4/26/2020 Kira Newman

Ephesians 4:32 Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other,

just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.

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Our innovative Drive-in Church that was being planned for Palm Sunday

has now been suspended with the 21-day stay put order.

However, we are hopeful that we can worship this way

on Easter Sunday at 10 AM with certain safe procedures in place.

Get ready and study the worship guide below!!

More than ever, it’s time to prove that the building is not the church!!

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Fellowship List The Fellowship & Hospitality Team recommends just cookies or bars be served to keep things simple

for all. If you are unable to serve on your assigned Sunday, please call someone on the list to switch,

then inform the church office so correct names are listed. Thank you! – Becky Ellefloot, Coordinator

APRIL 5-Apr Closed – No Fellowship

12-Apr No Fellowship

Blessed Easter!

19-Apr Kit Carey

Bearl & Maggie Carlisle

Donna Cerman

26-Apr Anna Dailey

Candace Dyson

Lee & Heidi Ely


3-May Brian & Maren Snyders

Kristin Gorman

Myron & Gail Gutterud

10-May Verna Hamner

Chuck & Jan Somers

17-May James & Roxanne Helgeson

Mike & Margie Hill

24-May Stephanie Hite

Karen Holm

Brett & Pam Kirking

31-May Rebecca Kirkpatrick

Mona Ley

Kevin & Diana Melin

Greeters CAR Nursery Safety Team Counters

Apr 5 --- --- --- --- ---

Apr 12 Nagels waving! --- --- Colby & Josh Maggie & Amy

Apr 19 Matthews Becky Mary C Ken & Rod Chris & Barb

Apr 26 Jerry B & Carol W Maren Tanya F Dave & Gordon Maren & Debbie

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News & Events

Mar Gifts: To all those praying for and keeping in touch with others during this time of distancing. Grateful thanks to Pastor

Jon for switching gears so quickly and launching us into virtual connection with one another for Sun worship, reaching our

youth, adult study, Lenten soup supper, and inspirational posts on our YouTube channel. Thanks to Rick Straub for putting new

furniture pieces together!

Chorale CDA after heartbreaking disappointment, suspended all rehearsals, spring concert, and canceled the rest of their

season. We are uncertain at this time about the scheduled Hallelujah! concert here at Peace on May 19. Stay tuned!

Due to their own corporate mandate, the TOPS group discontinued meeting here each Thu in March. We are waiting to hear

for the all-clear so they may begin again to focus on healthy weight loss and the uplifting support they offer.

Because some of you have inquired: We can only use one household email at a time on our web-based email program which

is why we’ve been encouraging everyone to PLEASE forward on to another in your household. Many couples have two email

addresses so please share with your spouse or other family members. Thanks for helping us get the word out!

Our carpeted areas are now fresh and clean! As always, no open containers in the sanctuary please, let’s get spills in the

fellowship hall cleaned up when they happen, and vacuum up food after gathering. Keeping it fresh!!

You are all doing a great job of staying in touch with one another and using the new Toot & Scoot for dropping off your

offering. For your convenience, you may also use the drive thru and drop your envelope in our locked mailbox at any time,

not just when we are here. The office has the only key. Amy Birge, our Financial Secretary, is coming in during the week to

take care of the offering and making a deposit. Thank you for your faithful giving!

Once we are together again, our kitchen pantry could use tissues & quart size ziplock bags. The church office provides a

tax-deductible receipt for your much appreciated GIK. Thanks for all your wonderful donations throughout the year!

Quarterly devotionals may always be found on the table in the fellowship hall.

Due to the Coronavirus situation, with PLC closing down in March, and food banks on limited hours, there were no donations

taken to CAP Food Bank to report. We hope to continue this ministry when able.

> > > + < < < Copies of the April newsletter will be in the holder on the table in the fellowship hall and were mailed to those without email.

PLC Contact Directories are also available in the holder & update monthly – grab a new one!

Matthew 5:14-16

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor

does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it

gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way

that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

Liberty Quartet Returning to Peace! Something to look forward to – those great guys from Liberty Quartet will be returning to Peace on Sunday,

Aug 9, for a morning filled with uplifting worship and music. All that is required from us is to provide two

hotel rooms and the opportunity for a love offering for the group. We have gratefully supported that when

they’ve been with us in the past. While here, the group will have items setup in the fellowship hall for

purchase. If you’ve never heard their incredible voices and hopeful message, you won’t want to miss it!

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We’re Praying for… Carolyn MacPhee, fall; Tara Ovnicek, afib issues; Vivian Harvey, back & leg pain; Andy Anders, recovering; Kaylee Hite,

headaches, negative MRI!; Frank Dailey, home under Hospice care; Chris Clark, breathing difficulty, testing; Ken Gillespie,

Margie Hill, Mary Washburn, Darrel Carlson, Valda Pfundheller, Caren Woods, and Bob Newman, continuing health issues.

Rebecca Main, vision issues; Joey DeYoung (Arthurs’ son-in-law) beginning chemo; Cindy Henderson (Charlotte Newman’s

cousin) Stevens-Johnson syndrome; David Gutterud (Myron & Gail’s son) cancer surgery; Carrah Affeldt (Tom’s mom)

Hospice care; Lee (Molly Shofner’s grandmom) health issues; Tex (friend of Jan Johnson) injured, motorcycle accident; Jay

Kernen (friend of Burges) cancer; Mike Kroetch (Heidi Ely’s cousin) chemo & radiation treatments; Tom Spann (Debbie

Wardlow’s brother) stomach cancer; Jim (Ardella Quaale’s son) diabetes, heart issues; Dolly Neely (Pam Kirking’s friend)

metastatic breast cancer; Gloria Coulter (Candy Dyson’s daughter) kidney cancer; Wanda Gillespie (Jim Wardlow) congestive

heart; Wilbert Fueller (Tanya Frey) cancer; Sheila Jones (Andy Anders’ friend) lung cancer.

Our Ministry Partners:

Lutherhaven Ministries; LAM Christian Academy; Family Promise; Orchard Ridge; Champ’s Heart; Food Banks; Union Gospel

Mission; Ecumenical Food Kitchen; Open Arms; Uganda Medical Mission; OCC Shoebox Gifts, and LCMC.

Prayer requests will be revised periodically. Kindly keep the church office informed of changes. Thank you.

Have a Prayer Tree request? Please email the Church Office at [email protected]

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Page 13: April 2020 Newsletter - Peace Lutheran Churchpeace-lutheran.com/documents/newsletters/PLC-Newsletter... · 2020. 3. 26. · Peace Newsletter 3 April 2020 We encourage everyone to

Peace Newsletter April 2020


Lutherhaven Ministries Due to the current virus situation, many events are postponed, and camp is closed until April 30. Never thought we would

be writing that! If your child would like to attend camp this summer, Peace would like to support your effort with a $100

campership. Just let us know in the office and make a note of that when you fill out your camp registration. Lutherhaven

bills us at the end of the season! Here’s what’s coming up:

Man Camp: May 15-17 at Shoshone Mountain Retreat

No other weekend like it: bunch o’guys…weekend away in the mountains…

bacon…Jesus! It doesn’t get any better! It’s about bringing generations of guys together:

dads & sons, grandpas & grandsons, uncles & nephews, big brothers with younger

bros! Or how about a trifecta: grandpa, sons, and grandsons! Don’t forget! We have

special reduced rates for young men aged 12-18.

The Shoshone wood shop is open for any sort of log furniture or other woodworking

projects. Mountain bike shuttles up towards Little Guard Lookout to bike back to camp

(bring your own bike). Shoshone’s Rock Wall and Giant’s Ladder are open throughout the day Sat. Shooting Sports Fun

Competitions, Pistol and 22 rifle competitions, Modified Pinewood Derby car shootout, Clay Pigeon Shoots, Knife and Axe

throwing in the Saloon, Friday Night Bonfire, Saturday Night Mayhem…Archery Tag, Dodgeball, Sausage cannons…Worship

and Bible Study times. DON’T miss it!

Find these events and more at www.lutherhaven.com/events!

Camp Lutherhaven Shoshone Mountain Retreat Website

208-667-3459 208-682-2267 www.lutherhaven.com

8134 N Meyer Rd (at Prairie Ave & Meyer Rd) Sun Christian Ed 8:45 AM

Post Falls, ID 83854 Sun Worship at 10 AM

Phone: (208) 765-0727 Wed & Thu Bible Studies

Website: peace-lutheran.com Pastor Jon Anderson

Email: [email protected] Pastor Emeritus, Gail Gutterud