appswiz advertising plan book

By raising awareness and interest for high-tech journalists/ bloggers/editors, as well as creating a buzz for AppsWiz brand in the general public, our primary goal is to make small businesses realise the importance of building their own mobile app and apparently, Appswix is the best company to help them achieve this. SUMMARY

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Post on 17-Mar-2016




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An Advertising Plan Book for Appswiz company


Page 1: Appswiz Advertising Plan Book

By raising awareness and interest for high-tech journalists/bloggers/editors, as well as creating a buzz for AppsWiz brand in the general public, our primary goal is to make small businesses realise the importance of building their own mobile app and apparently, Appswix is the best company to help them achieve this.


Page 2: Appswiz Advertising Plan Book

Most smartphone users check their device on an average of 34 times a day and most of them are target audiences of small-medium sized businesses.

Most importanly, normal website interface does not fit on smartphone screen and it loads very slowly on the browser. Users get struggling when reading websites on a 3-inch smartphone screen and so often they have to zoom in at least % 50 to be readable. An app, by its unique design, is a much better option for them.


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TARGET AUDIENCES. 2 combined direct target audiences that leads to an indirect (but most important) target audience. - General public (Raising the problems)- High-tech journalists/bloggers/editors (Feature the issue and mention Appswiz in their publication)=> Small/medium-sized businesses pay attention and feel the need to build their own apps.

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high-tech journalists/bloggers/editors


Small, Medium-sized Businesses


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. Single minded proposition:

“NoRMAl WeBsite does Not Fit oN sMARt pHoNe scReeN”


. Ambient

We create an interactive game for people to experience the problem of too-big-website on a small smartphone screen. We place our ambient at public spaces such as Melbourne central and Federation square.

. Poster/Ambient

the idea is to trick people as urging them to grab their free discount vouchers from a tiny smartphone screen(which is very difficult to read) and finally make them exhauted. At the end, they will realise the fact that normal website doesn’t fit on a smartphone screen is a big problem for everyone.

the posters will be placed at bus-shelters and tram stops at Melbourne areas (Mainly at st Kilda Road/ southbank and Melbourne business district, where there are lots of small businesses located)


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Chopsticks TeamRMIT University

Minh Huy leMaddison leeMinh Y Nguyen