apps for good team vert's medi-call app pitch presentation


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Page 1: Apps for good  Team vert's  medi-call app pitch presentation
Page 2: Apps for good  Team vert's  medi-call app pitch presentation

Background situation Who will the app help? The app will help people of all ages. What is the situation behind the problem? Children and adults do not have enough time to visit and wait for a doctor at the surgery. Furthermore, a surgery can actually be a breeding ground for illnesses. When does the problem occur? Everyday Where does the problem occur? The problems occurs at the surgery where colds could spread but also at other places depending on their distance to the closest surgery. Why does the problem occur? The problem occurs because adults and children are too busy to travel to the surgery as they have lots of work. Waiting at a surgery can take a long time and people with contagious diseases could spread them to other people. Not only this, some may find it difficult to reach a surgery without delaying their routine.

Page 3: Apps for good  Team vert's  medi-call app pitch presentation


Our team ‘VERT’ are developing a web based app idea to help those who are

incapable of seeing a doctor because of the distance of travel, age or those who have a contagious disease. With this app idea people can still get the opportunity to discuss issues with someone in person.

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There are many problems involved when visiting the doctors: •Children complain about visiting the doctors as some become nervous waiting in the surgery room. •Busy parents may not have a babysitter for their children so cannot leave the house to visit the doctor. •Elderly may find it difficult to travel for long and they are more susceptible to illness when waiting in the surgery room with other ill patients.

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How can you make a doctor’s appointment stress-free?

Key question

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Key insight statement

Looking at the scoping phase, we found people are worried about their health, but cannot seem to fit time in and dismiss their query because they prioritise their family or their career. The problem gets worse and then you become a little nervous about going to the surgery. So, the problem is left to develop.

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Mini Elevator Pitch

Our team, VERT, is developing a web app to help those who are incapable of seeing a doctor because of distance for travel, routine or susceptibility to disease. Our app gives these people the opportunity to discuss with a doctor any issues they may have via webcam in the comfort of their own home with doctors that speak their language . As well as this, our app contains an online database of various symptoms and problems that a person may have and information on local surgeries so everyone can resolve their health issues as quick as possible.

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User profiles

Understanding the situation our possible users face is important. This is what we found out while analysing the results:

63% of people only visit the doctor if they have a serious health issue. From this we can gather that many severe illnesses could thrive in the waiting room and some people may leave a problem until it becomes so bad as they do not have time.

It takes 15% of people half an hour or longer to travel to their local doctor surgery which may make the process of going to the doctor too stressful.

97% of our possible users have a smart phone or a computer therefore our app will be widely available to everyone.

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Competitors or alternative solutions that already exist in the market

There are two main competitors/alternatives on the market that we have found.

The first alternative is called MDLIVE-an online computer service offering webcam services to speak to a doctor.

However, what is better about our app is that our online database will assure patients of what they may have so they are bale to talk confidently with a doctor about possible outcomes.

Not only this, for appointments that may be more serious and are not suitable for webcam, we offer a database of surgeries near you by simply entering your postcode.

Our app is for a range of devices where as this service currently only operates in computer devices, it can be accessed through the phone, not instantly with an app.

Finally, MD live only offers US physicians, our service will be available worldwide.

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Competitors or alternative solutions that already exist in the market

Another competitor we identified is an app that has been created in Bangkok. Ramathibodi Hospital created this app to deal with people waiting for hours just to see a doctor for 5 to 10 minutes. In competition with this app, we think our app idea will be more successful since we have a symptom database and our app is also available worldwide where as their app is just for their own hospital. Moreover, our app will provide prescriptions which will be sent securely so medicine can be picked up within minutes of the actual appointment.

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MVP user stories and feature chosen

As a busy parent, ‘I don’t really have time to go to the doctors as I wait for ages which means I might miss work or miss picking up my children from school. An app which would allow me to use webcam to speak to a doctor would be so much easier as I could have a 10 minute appointment in my lunch break and I can meet all my deadlines without effecting my health.’ As a doctor,’ I think an app that enables doctor appointments via webcam would be useful as it would stop queues at both the doctor surgery and on the phone lines so people who need emergency assistance can get it immediately. I think everyone will benefit from an app like this. This will be the future for health services. Our app’s core feature is the video calling feature which allows the patient to contact their doctor through a compatible device.

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Flow of app

The screen map shows the flow of our app MEDI-CALL. The boxes highlighted green will be seen on every page of our app. User feedback has been integrated by allowing users to rate their doctor.

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Key wireframes

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Key wireframes

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Key wireframes


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Key wireframes

This screen will appear automatically after your doctor appointment.

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Data and technical feasibility Data:

• The data that is required for this app to function is network access or wifi to connect with a doctor and will also need to use the camera and calendar.

• The app cannot function correctly without the use of the internet as it is needed to call the doctors and to gain information stored online.

• Before installation, there will be terms of agreement which the user must agree to otherwise they cannot download the app.

Technical Feasibility:

• Our solution is technically possible to build because the functions it needs already exist and it only requires basic technology.

• We think that a professional developer could create our app in around 3 months.

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Business Case

We have chosen for our app to be funded by users who buy our app. We will also use some advertising but pop ups as they can irritate the user.

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During the process of making our app, we spoke to two experts in America and pitched our app to them. They told us that they had never heard of an app like ours therefore it is very unique and they believe that MEDI-CALL could go far.

Furthermore, in the Easter holidays, the Prime Minister David Cameron

pledged towards video calls for doctor appointments. He said, ‘Millions of people find it hard to get an appointment to see their GP at a time that fits in with their work and family life. We want to support GPs to modernise their services so they can see patients from 8am to 8pm, seven days a week. We also want greater flexibility, so people can speak to their family doctor on the phone, send them an email or even speak to them on Skype.’

As a team, we completely agree with David Cameron and this is why we want to help hard working people and create this app for them.

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