approximation algorithms:

Approximation Algorithms: Éva Tardos Cornell University problems, techniques, and their use in game theory

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Approximation Algorithms:. problems, techniques, and their use in game theory. Éva Tardos Cornell University. What is approximation?. Find solution for an optimization problem guaranteed to have value close to the best possible. How close? additive error: (rare) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Approximation Algorithms:

Éva TardosCornell University

problems, techniques, and their use in game theory

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What is approximation?Find solution for an optimization

problem guaranteed to have value close to the best possible.

How close?• additive error: (rare)

– E.g., 3-coloring planar graphs is NP-complete, but 4-coloring always possible

• multiplicative error: -approximation: finds solution for

an optimization problem within an factor to the best possible.

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Why approximate?

• NP-hard to find the true optimum

• Just too slow to do it exactly

• Decisions made on-line

• Decisions made by selfish players

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Outline of talk

Techniques: • Greedy• Local search• LP techniques:• rounding• Primal-dual


• Disjoint paths• Multi-way cut and labeling•network design, facility location

Relation to Games– local search price of anarchy– primal dual cost sharing

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Max disjoint paths problem

Given graph G, n nodes, m edges, and source-sink pairs.

Connect as many as possible via edge-disjoint path.


s t

s s




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Greedy AlgorithmGreedily connect s-t pairs

via disjoint paths, if there is a free path using at most m½ edges:

m½ 4

s t

s s



s t

If there is no short path at all, take a single long one.

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Greedy AlgorithmTheorem: m½ –approximation.

Kleinberg’96Proof: One path used can block

m½ better paths m½ 4

s t

s s



s t

Essentially best possible: m½- lower bound unless P=NP by [Guruswami, Khanna, Rajaraman, Shepherd, Yannakakis’99]

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Disjoint paths:open problem

Connect as many as pairs possible via paths where 2 paths may share any edge


s t

s s




• Same practical motivation• Best greedy algorithm: n½ - (and also m1/3 -) approximation: Awerbuch, Azar, Plotkin’93.

• No lower bound …

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Outline of talk

Techniques: • Greedy• Local search• LP techniques:• rounding• Primal-dual


• Disjoint paths• Multi-way cut and labeling•network design, facility location

Relation to Games– local search Price of anarchy– primal dual Cost sharing

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Multi-way Cut ProblemGiven:

– a graph G = (V,E) ;– k terminals {s1, …, sk}– cost we for each edge e

Goal: Find a partition that separates terminals, and minimizes the cost

{e separated} weSeparated edgess1




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Greedy Algorithm

For each terminal in turn– Find min cut separating si

from other terminals The first cut

The next cut









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Theorem: Greedy is a2-approximation

Proof: Each cut costs at most the optimum’s cut [Dahlhaus, Johnson, Papadimitriou, Seymour, and Yannakakis’94]

Cuts found by algorithm:

Optimum partition

Selected cuts, cheaper than optimum’s cut, but

each edge in optimum is counted twice.





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Multi-way cuts extension

Given: – graph G = (V,E), we0 for e E– Labels L={1,…,k} – Lv L for each node v

Objective: Find a labeling of nodes such that each node v assigned to a label in Lv and it minimizes cost {e separated} we

Separated edges

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

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Does greedy work? For each terminal in turn

– Find min cut separating si from other terminals

Blue or greenRed

or g


Red or blue





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Greedy doesn’t workGreedyFor each terminal in turn

– Find min cut separating si from other terminals

The first two cuts:

Remaining part not valid!

Blue or greenRed

or g


Red or blues2



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Local search

[Boykov Veksler Zabih CVPR’98] 2-approximation

1. Start with any valid labeling.

2. Repeat (until we are tired):a. Choose a color c.b. Find the optimal move where a

subset of the vertices can be recolored, but only with the color c.

(We will call this a c-move.)

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A possible -move

Thm [Boykov, Vekler, Zabih] The best -move can be found via an (s,t) min-cut

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Idea of the flow networkfor finding a -move

s = all other terminals: retain current color

sc = change color to c =


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Theorem: local optimum is a 2-approximation

Partition found by algorithm:

Cuts used by optimum

The parts in optimum each give a possible local move:

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Theorem: local optimum is a 2-approximation

Partition found by algorithm:

Possible move using the optimum

Changing partition does not help current cut cheaperSum over all colors:

Each edge in optimum counted twice

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Metric labeling classification

open problemGiven:

– graph G = (V,E); we0 for e E– k labels L– subsets of allowed labels Lv – a metric d(.,.) on the labels.

Objective: Find labeling f(v)Lv for each node v to minimizee=(v,w) we d(f(v),f(w))

Best approximation known: O(ln k ln ln k) Kleinberg-T’99

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Outline of talk

Techniques: • Greedy• Local search• LP techniques:• rounding• Primal-dual


• Disjoint paths• Multi-way cut and labeling•network design, facility location

Relation to Games– local search Price of anarchy– primal dual Cost sharing

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Using Linear Programs for multi-way cuts

Using a linear program = fractional cut probabilistic assignment of

nodes to parts


Idea: Find “optimal” fractional labeling via linear programming

Label ? as : ½ + ½

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Fractional Labeling

Variables:0 xva 1 p=node, a=label in Lv

– xva fraction of label a used on node v


xva = 1aLv

for all nodes v V

– each node is assigned to a label

cost as a linear function of x: we ½ |xua - xva |

e=(u,v) aL

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From Fractional x to multi-way cut

The Algorithm (Calinescu, Karloff, Rabani, ’98, Kleinberg-T,’99)

While there are unassigned nodes• select a label a at random



u v Unassigned nodes

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The Algorithm (Cont.)

While there are unassigned nodes– select a label a at random



u vUnassigned nodes

select 0 1 at randomassign all unassigned nodes v to selected label a if xva

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Why Is This Choice Good?

select 0 1 at randomassign all unassigned nodes v to

selected label a if xva

Note:• Probability of assigning node v to

label a is xva • Probability of separating nodes u

and v in this iteration is |xua – xva |



p qUnassigned nodes

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From Fractional x to Multi-way cut (Cont.)

Theorem: Given a fractional x, we find multi-way cut with expected

separation cost 2 (LP cost of x)

Corollary: if x is LP optimum . 2-approximation

Calinescu, Karloff, Rabani, ’98 1.5 approximation for multi-way cut

(does not work for labeling)

Karger, Klein, Stein, Thorup, Young’99 improved bound 1.3438..

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Outline of talk

Techniques: • Greedy• Local search• LP techniques:• rounding• Primal-dual


• Disjoint paths• Multi-way cut and labeling•network design, facility location

Relation to Games– local search Price of anarchy– primal dual Cost sharing

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Metric Facility Location

F is a set of facilities (servers).D is a set of clients.

cij is the distance between any i and j in D F.

Facility i in F has cost fi.




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Problem Statement

We need to:1) Pick a set S of facilities to open. 2) Assign every client to an open

facility (a facility in S).

Goal: Minimize cost of S + p dist(p,S).





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What is known?

All techniques can be used:• Clever greedy [Jain, Mahdian,

Saberi ’02]

• Local search [starting with Korupolu, Plaxton, and Rajaraman ’98], can handle capacities

• LP and rounding: [starting with Shmoys, T, Aardal ’97]

Here: primal-dual [starting with Jain-Vazirani’99]

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What is the primal-dual method?

• Uses economic intuition from cost sharing– For each requirement, like

aLv xva = 1, someone has to pay to make it true…

• Uses ideas from linear programming:– dual LP and weak duality– But does not solve linear


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Dual Problem: Collect Fees

Client p has a fee αp (cost-share)

Goal: collect as much as possible max p αp

Fairness: Do no overcharge: for any subset A of clients and any possible facility i we must have p A [αp – dist(p,i)] fi

amount client p would contribute to building facility i.

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Exact cost-sharing

• All clients connected to a facility

• Cost share αp covers connection costs for each client p

• Costs are “fair”• Cost fi of selecting a facility i is

covered by clients using it

p αp = f(S)+ p dist(p,S) , and

both facilities are fees are optimal

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Approximate cost-sharing

Idea 1: each client starts unconnected, and with fee αp=0

Then it starts raising what it is willing to pay to get connected

• Raise all shares evenly αExample:

= client= possible facility with its cost

4 4


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Primal-Dual Algorithm (1)

• Each client raises his fee α evenly what it is willing to pay

α = 1

Its α =1 share could be used towards building a connection to either facility

4 4

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Primal-Dual Algorithm (2)

• Each client raises evenly what it is willing to pay

Starts contributing towards facility cost

α = 2

4 4

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Primal-Dual Algorithm (3)

• Each client raises evenly what it is willing to pay

Three clients contributing

α = 3

4 4

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Primal-Dual Algorithm (4)

Open facility, when cost is covered by contributions


clients connected to open facility

Open facility

α = 3


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Primal-Dual Algorithm: Trouble

Trouble: – one client p connected to

facility i, but contributes to also to facility j


Open facility

α = 3

4i j


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Primal-Dual Algorithm (5)

Close facility j: will not open this facility.

Will this cause trouble?• Client p is close to both i and j

facilities i and j are at most 2α from each other.


Open facility

α = 3

4i j



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Primal-Dual Algorithm (6)

Not yet connected clients raise their fee evenly

Until all clients get connected


no not need to pay more than 3

Open facility

α =6 α =3

α =3 α =3


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Feasibility + fairness ?? All clients connected to

a facility Cost share αp covers

connection costs of client p

Cost fi of opening a facility i is covered by clients connected to it

• ?? Are costs “fair” ??

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a set of clients A, and any possible facility i we have

p A [αp – dist(p,i)] fi

– Why? we open facility i if there is enough contribution, and do not raise fees any further

But closed facilities are ignored! and may violate fairness

Are costs “fair”??


open facility

closed facility, ignored

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Fair till it reaches a “ghost” facility.

Let α’q αq be the fee till a ghost facility is reached

Are costs “fair”??


open facility

Closed facility, ignored

cause of closing




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Feasibility + fairness ?? All clients connected to a

facility Cost share αp covers

connection costs for client p Cost αp also covers cost of

selected a facilities Costs α’p are “fair”How much smaller is α’ α ??



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How much smaller is α’ α?

q client met ghost facility j j became a ghost due to client p


p stopped raising its share first αp α’q αq

Recall dist(i,j) 2 αp, soαq α’q +2 αp 3α’q




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Primal-dual approximation

The algorithm is a 3-approximation algorithm for the facility location problem

[Jain-Vazirani’99, Mettu-Plaxton’00]Proof: Fairness of the α’p fees

p α’p min cost [max min]

cost-recovery:f(S) + p dist(p,S) = p αp

α 3α’q

3-approximation algorithm

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Outline of talk

Techniques: • Greedy• Local search• LP techniques:• rounding• Primal-dual


• Disjoint paths• Multi-way cut and labeling•network design, facility location

Relation to Games– primal dual Cost sharing– local search Price of anarchy

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primal dual Cost sharing

Dual variables αp are natural cost-shares:

Recall: fair = no set is overcharged

= core allocationp Aαp – dist(p,i) fi for all A and i.

[Chardaire’98; Goemans-Skutella’00] strong connection between core cost-allocation and linear programming dual solutions

See also Shapley’67, Bondareva’63 for other games

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Primal-Dual Cost-sharing

Primal dual = for each requirement someone willing to pay to make it true

Cost-sharing: only players can have shares.

• Not all requirements are naturally associated with individual players.

• Real players need to share the cost.

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primal dual Cost sharing

Fair no subset is overcharged

Stronger desirable property: population monotone (cross-monotone):

Extra clients do not increase cost-shares.

• Spanning-tree game: [Kent and Skorin-Kapov’96 and Jain Vazirani’01]

• Facility location, single source rent-or-buy [Pal-T’02]

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Local search (for facility location)

Local search: simple search steps to improve objective:

• add(s) adds new facility s• delete(t) closes open facility t• swap(s,t) replaces open facility

s by a new facility t

Key to approximation bound:How bad can be a local optima?3-approximation [Charikar, Guha’00]

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Local search Price of anarchy in games

Price of anarchy: facilities are operated by separate selfish agents

Agents open/close facilities when it benefits their own objective.

Agent’s “best response” dynamic:• Simple local steps analogous to

local search.Price of anarchy: • How bad can be a stable state?• 2-approximation in a related

maximization game: [Vetta’02]

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Conclusions for approximation

Greedy, Local search• clever greedy/local steps can

lead to great resultsPrimal-dual algorithms• Elegant combinatorial methods• Based on linear programming

ideas, but fast, avoids explicitly solving large linear programs

Linear programming• very powerful tool, but slow to

solveInteresting connections to

issues in game theory