appretiation of world textiles ppt 3rd

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  • 8/17/2019 Appretiation of World Textiles Ppt 3rd


  • 8/17/2019 Appretiation of World Textiles Ppt 3rd


     The Native American people were revere anappreciate !or their "ea#ti!#l artwor$% whether itwa c#lpt#re% "a$et% tool% or ceremonial 'ar"(

    )erhap the mot cele"rate part o! their hanwor$

    are the 'or'eo# han cra!te Native Americanr#' that were woven% motl+ "+ the tri"al women(

     Thee r#' were ##all+ +e with ve'eta"le +e%which i an all nat#ral wa+ o! creatin' color in

    te,tile()attern in thee Native American r#' wo#l var+

    !rom -i' -a'% to tripe% to a "ea#ti!#l iamonpattern(


  • 8/17/2019 Appretiation of World Textiles Ppt 3rd


  • 8/17/2019 Appretiation of World Textiles Ppt 3rd


    Nava.o te,tile are hi'hl+ re'are an have "een o#'ht a!ter a traeitem !or over /01 +ear(

    Commercial pro#ction o! han woven "lan$et an r#' ha "een animportant element o! the Nava.o econom+(

     The tor+ o! Nava.o r#' i intertwine with the tor+ o! Native American

    "lan$et(2eavin' amon' Native American 3rt "e'an with the )#e"lo people

    more than /%111 +ear a'o(

     The+ pro#ce a wie arra+ o! "lan$et #in' vertical loom( Cotton wathe material o! choice(

    B+ the late /4th cent#r+% the pre!erence o! white to#rit ictate what

    Native American weaver pro#ce( 5or e,ample% weaver notice thatman+ Nava.o "lan$et owner were impl+ p#ttin' their "lan$et on the6oor an #in' them a r#'(

    Nava.o weaver "e'an ma$in' r#' in aition to "lan$et% #in' aheavier t+pe o! weavin' an a"anonin' tripe !or "orer(


  • 8/17/2019 Appretiation of World Textiles Ppt 3rd


  • 8/17/2019 Appretiation of World Textiles Ppt 3rd


     Traitional Nava.o weavin' #e #pri'ht loom with no movin'part(

    S#pport pole were traitionall+ contr#cte o! woo7 teelpipe i more common toa+(

     The artian it on the 6oor #rin' weavin' an wrap the

    3nihe portion o! !a"ric #nerneath the loom a it 'row(

     The avera'e weaver ta$e an+where !rom 8 month to man++ear to 3nih a in'le r#'(

     The i-e 'reatl+ etermine the amo#nt o! time pent weavin'a r#'(

     The ratio o! we!t to warp threa ha a 3ne co#nt(

    /4th9cent#r+ warp were colore hanp#n wool or cottontrin'% then witche to white hanp#n wool in the earl+ecae o! the 81th cent#r+


  • 8/17/2019 Appretiation of World Textiles Ppt 3rd


  • 8/17/2019 Appretiation of World Textiles Ppt 3rd


    Nava.o "lan$et an r#' are the mot !amo#weavin' in North America% the+ are certainl+not the onl+ native weavin' traition(

    5in'er9weavin' ha "een importantthro#'ho#t the continent ince ancient time%an 3n'er9woven "lan$et% tapetrie% anclothin' are till mae in man+ tri"e(

     The chil$at "lan$et o! Tlin'it people are oneo! the 3net e,ample o! 3n'er9woven NativeAmerican "lan$et


  • 8/17/2019 Appretiation of World Textiles Ppt 3rd


    Chilkat Blankets

    Native American 5in'er92eavin'

  • 8/17/2019 Appretiation of World Textiles Ppt 3rd


    ( A more recent traition i tar :#ilt or"lan$et% which ori'inate amon' the Sio#,tri"e ;La$ota%

  • 8/17/2019 Appretiation of World Textiles Ppt 3rd


    Natie A!e"i#an Sta"


      Star :#ilt are a Sio#, traition B@ La$ota !amil+

  • 8/17/2019 Appretiation of World Textiles Ppt 3rd


    Another Native American "lan$et ma$in'traition that wa nearl+ lot% thi time"eca#e o! the near9e,tinction o! the "#alo(Now that "#alo pro#ct are "ecomin' moreavaila"le a'ain% ome )lain Inian artit arereclaimin' the "#alo "lan$et

    B%&al' Blankets an( R')es

  • 8/17/2019 Appretiation of World Textiles Ppt 3rd


     TANK @U