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Applying Requirements Management with Use Cases Roger Oberg Leslee Probasco Maria Ericsson Technical Paper TP505 R

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Applying Requirements Managementwith Use Cases

Roger ObergLeslee Probasco

Maria EricssonTechnical Paper TP505


Roger Oberg is Vice President and General Manager for Rational Software'srequirements management products and on the Board of Directors of two start-upsoftware companies. He has 16 years of high technology marketing and engineeringmanagement experience in office automation systems, software development tools,and telecommunications, and a B.A. in Economics from the University of Michigan.

Leslee Probasco is the Product Manager for Rational University's requirementsmanagement professional education courses. She is a trainer and consultant withexperience teaching requirements management, project management, TQM, CMMand ISO 9000.

Leslee has twenty years of software management and development experience in theareas of military and aerospace systems, telecommunications, oil and gas, andelectrical engineering. Leslee has a M.S. in computer science from the University ofDenver and a B.S. in Management Science and Operations Research from ColoradoState University.

Maria Ericsson is Senior Technical Consultant for Rational Software, located inMcLean, Virginia. Maria is part of the team developing the Rational Unified Process,and the co-author of the textbook The Object Advantage: Business ProcessEngineering with Object Technology. Maria has a M.S. in Engineering Physics fromthe Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden



To make requirements management workflows more meaningful to readers, the authors have chosen specificdocument types and other requirements management artifacts from Rational Software’s Unified Process andthe industry-standard Unified Modeling Language, both of which recommend a use-case-driven softwareengineering process.

Therefore, a use-case-driven approach for specifying software requirements is described here. Theseworkflows may also be used with the more traditional Software Requirements Specifications (e.g., IEEEstandards) in place of or in addition to use-case models and use cases.

Applying Requirements Managementwith Use Cases

by Roger Oberg, Leslee Probasco and Maria Ericsson

©Copyright 1998 by Rational Software Corporation.

All Rights Reserved.

If you are new to or somewhat familiar with requirements management and are interested inrequirements process improvement, this paper offers a framework with which to develop yourown approach.

Software and System Developmentin the Age of Process

For most software and system∗ development teams, the 1990s have been process-intensive when compared tothe more freewheeling days of the past. Standards for measuring and certifying effective software developmentprocess have been introduced and popularized. Many books and articles on software development process andrelated material on business process modeling and re-engineering have been published. Increasing numbers ofsoftware tools have helped define and apply effective software development process. The global economy’sdependence on software accelerated in the decade, enabling development processes and improving systemquality.

So how do we explain the high incidence of the software project failure today? Why are many, if not most,software projects still plagued by delays, budget overruns, and quality problems? How can we improve thequality of the systems we build as our businesses, national economies, and daily activities become increasinglydependent on them?

The answers, as always, lie in the people, tools, and processes applied to our profession. Requirementsmanagement is often proposed as a solution to the ongoing problems of software development, yet relativelylittle attention has been focused on improving the practice of this discipline.

This paper presents the elements of an effective requirements management process and highlights some of theobstacles to its successful implementation.

∗ Requirements management applies equally to software-only projects and to projects in which software is only a

part of the end result or not included at all. For convenience, the paper will hereafter use the term “system” tomean any or all of these things. However, it is the abstract nature of software development, alone or incombination with hardware, that complicates requirements management and is therefore the primary focus ofthe paper.


Why Manage Requirements?

Simply put, system development teams who manage requirements do so because they want their projects tosucceed. Meeting their project’s requirements defines success. Failing to manage requirements decreases theprobability of meeting these objectives.

Recent evidence is supportive:

• The Standish Group’s CHAOS Reports from 1994 and 1997 established that the most significantcontributors to project failure relate to requirements.1

• In December 1997, Computer Industry Daily reported on a Sequent Computer Systems, Inc. study of 500IT managers in the U.S. and U.K. that found 76 percent of the respondents had experienced completeproject failure during their careers. The most frequently named cause of project failure was “changinguser requirements.”2

Avoiding failure should be sufficient motivation to manage requirements. Increasing the probability of asuccessful project and other benefits of managing requirements may be equally motivational. The StandishGroup’s CHAOS report further established that managing requirements well was the factor most related tosuccessful projects.

What is a Requirement?

The first step towards understanding requirements management is to agree on a common vocabulary. Rationaldefines a requirement as “a condition or capability to which the system [being built] must conform.” TheInstitute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers uses a similar definition.

Well-known requirements engineering authors Merlin Dorfman and Richard H. Thayer offer a compatible andmore refined definition that is specific – but not necessarily limited – to software:

“A software requirement can be defined as:

• A software capability needed by the user to solve a problem or achieve an objective.

• A software capability that must be met or possessed by a system or system component to satisfy acontract, specification, standard, or other formally imposed documentation.”3

What is Requirements Management?

Since requirements are things to which the system being built must conform, and conformance to some set ofrequirements defines the success or failure of projects, it makes sense to find out what the requirements are,write them down, organize them, and track them in the event they change.

Stated another way, Requirements Management is:

• a systematic approach to eliciting, organizing, and documenting the requirements of the system, and

• a process that establishes and maintains agreement between the customer and the project team on thechanging requirements of the system.

A requirement isa condition orcapability towhich thesystem mustconform.

Meeting yourproject’srequirementsdefines success.


Figure 1

This definition is similar to Dorfman and Thayer’s and the IEEE’s “Software Requirements Engineering.”Requirements Engineering includes elicitation∗, analysis, specification, verification, and management4. All ofthese activities are incorporated in the definition of requirements management presented here and taught byRational Software. The difference lies mainly in the choice of the word “management” rather than“engineering.” Management is a more appropriate description of all the activities involved, and it accuratelyemphasizes the importance of tracking changes to maintain agreements between stakeholders and the projectteam.

The Problems of Requirements Management

So what might be difficult about a process intended to ensure that a system conforms to the expectations set forit? When put into practice on real projects, difficulties come to light. Figure 1 displays the results of a 1996survey of developers, managers, and quality assurance personnel. It shows the percentage of respondents whoexperienced the most frequently mentioned requirements-related problems.

A more comprehensive list of problems includes:

• Requirements are not always obvious and have many sources.

• Requirements are not always easy toexpress clearly in words.

• There are many different types ofrequirements at different levels of detail.

• The number of requirements can becomeunmanageable if not controlled.

• Requirements are related to one anotherand to other deliverables of the processin a variety of ways.

• Requirements have unique properties orproperty values. For example, they areneither equally important nor equallyeasy to meet.

• There are many interested andresponsible parties, which meansrequirements need to be managed bycross-functional groups of people.

• Requirements change.

• Requirements can be time-sensitive.

When these problems are combined with inadequate requirements management and process skills, and the lackof easy-to-use tools, many teams despair of ever managing requirements well. Rational Software hasdeveloped the expertise to instruct teams in requirements management skills and process. In addition, RationalRequisitePro is an accessible tool for automating effective requirements management.

∗ For those unfamiliar with the term “elicitation,” it is defined as the set of activities that teams employ to elicit or

discover stakeholder requirements.

Common Re quirements Problems

#1 Can’t track changes 71%

#2 Difficult to write 70%

#3 Feature creep 67%

#4 Not well organized 54%

August 1996 Survey by REQUISITE Inc.Use by permission only.


Requirements Management Skills

To resolve the problems mentioned above, Rational encourages the development of key skills. These skills arepresented below in what appears to be sequential order, but in an effective requirements management processthey are applied continuously in varied order. Here they are presented in the sequence one would likely apply tothe first iteration of a new project.

Key Skill 1: Problem Analysis

Problem analysis is conducted to understand business problems, target initial stakeholder needs, and proposehigh-level solutions. These acts of reasoning and analysis find “the problem behind the problem.”

During problem analysis, agreement is gainedon a statement of the real problems and thestakeholders are identified. Initial solutionboundaries and constraints are defined fromboth technical and business perspectives. Ifappropriate, the business case for the projectanalyzes return on investment that is expectedfrom the system.

Key Skill 2: UnderstandingStakeholder Needs

Requirements have many sources. They maycome from anyone with an interest in theoutcome of the project. Customers, partners,end users, and domain experts are some sourcesof requirements. Management, project teammembers, business policies, and regulatoryagencies can be others.

It is important to know how to determine who the sources should be, how to get access to those sources, andhow to elicit information from them. The individuals who serve as primary sources for this information arereferred to as “stakeholders” in the project.

If you are developing an information system to be used internally within your company, you may includepeople with end-user experience and business domain expertise in your development team. Very often you willstart the discussions at a business-model level rather than at a system level. If you are developing a product tobe sold to a marketplace, you may make extensive use of your marketing people to better understand the needsof customers in that market.

Techniques for eliciting requirements include interviews, brainstorming, conceptual prototyping,questionnaires, and competitive analysis. The result of requirements elicitation is a list of requests or needs thatare described textually and graphically, and that have been given priority relative to one another.

Key Skill 3: Defining the System

To define the system means to translate and organize the understanding of stakeholder needs into a meaningfuldescription∗ of the system to be built. Early in system definition, decisions are made on what constitutes arequirement, documentation format, language formality, degree of requirements, request priority and estimatedeffort, technical and management risks, and scope. Part of this activity may include early prototypes and designmodels directly related to the most important stakeholder requests.

∗ We use the word “description” rather than “document” to avoid the perceived limitation inherent in the

common use of the latter. A description may be a written document, electronic file, a picture, or any otherrepresentation meant to communicate system requirements short of the system itself.

2-7Requirements Management with Use Cases, v21.0 (beta) 1998 Rational Software Corporation

Steps in Problem Analysis

Step 1 - Gain agreement onthe problem beingsolved.

Step 2 - Identify thestakeholders

Step 3 - Define the systemboundaries

Step 4 - Identify constraintsto be imposed onthe system

Figure 2


The outcome of system definition is a description of the system that is both natural language and graphical.Some suggested formats for the description are provided in later sections.

Key Skill 4: Managing the Scope of the Project

The scope of a project is defined by its requirements. Managing project scope to fit the available resources(time, people, and money) is key to managing successful projects. Managing scope is a continuous activity thatrequires iterative or incremental development, which breaks project scope into smaller more manageablepieces.

Using requirement attributes, such as priority, effort, and risk, as the basis for negotiating the inclusion of arequirement is a particularly useful technique for managing scope. Focusing on the attributes rather than therequirements themselves helps desensitize negotiations that are otherwise contentious.

It is also helpful for team leaders to be trained in negotiation skills and for the project to have a champion in theorganization, as well as on the customer side. Product/project champions should have the organizational powerto refuse scope changes beyond the available resources or to expand resources to accommodate additionalscope.

Key Skill 5: Refining the System Definition

With an agreed-upon high-level system definition and a fairly well understood initial scope, it is both possibleand economical to invest resources in more refined system definitions. Refining the system definition includestwo key considerations: developing more detailed descriptions of the high-level system definition, andverifying that the system will comply with stakeholder needs and behave as described.

The descriptions are often the critical reference materials for project teams. Descriptions are best done with theaudience in mind. A common mistake is to represent what is complex to build with a complex definition,particularly when the audience may be unable or unwilling to invest the critical thinking necessary to gainagreement. This leads to difficulties in explaining the purpose of the system to people both inside and outsidethe project team. Instead, you may discover the need to produce different kinds of descriptions for differentaudiences. This paper includes suggested formats for detailed natural language, formal text, and graphicaldescriptions. Once the description format is established, refinement continues throughout the project lifecycle.

Key Skill 6: Managing Changing Requirements

No matter how carefully you define your requirements, they will change. In fact, some requirement change isdesirable! It means that your team is engaging your stakeholders. Accommodating changing requirements is ameasure of your team’s stakeholder sensitivity and operational flexibility – team attributes that contribute tosuccessful projects. Change is not the enemy, unmanaged change is.

A changed requirement means that more or less time has to be spent on implementing a particular feature, anda change to one requirement may have an impact on other requirements. Managing requirement changeincludes activities such as establishing a baseline, keeping track of the history of each requirement, determining

Principle 55Write Natural Language Before A More Formal Model

If you write the formal model first, the tendency will be to write natural language that describes the modelinstead of the solution system. Consider the following examples:



Note that in the latter example, the text does not help the reader at all.

- Alan M. Davis, 201 Principles of Software Development, 1995


QA & Test

Dev. Mgrs & Proj. Mgrs


RequirementsAnalystsTech writers& docs

Developers& Designers QA & Test

Dev. Mgrs & Proj. Mgrs

which dependencies are important to trace,establishing traceable relationships betweenrelated items, and maintaining version control.As Figure 3 illustrates, it is also important toestablish a change control or approval process,requiring all proposed changes to be reviewedby designated team members. Sometimes thissingle channel of change control is called aChange Control Board (CCB).

Important Requirements Concepts

To apply requirements management skills to a project, certain requirements management concepts are usefulfor everyone on the project to understand. They include the following:

Requirement Type. The larger and more intricate the system, the more types of requirements appear. Arequirement type is simply a class of requirements. By identifying types of requirements, teams can organizelarge numbers of requirements into meaningful and more manageable groups. Establishing different types ofrequirements in a project helps team members classify requests for changes and communicate more clearly.

Usually, one type of requirement can be broken down, or decomposed, into other types. Business rules andvision statements can be types of high-level requirements from which teams derive user needs, features, andproduct requirement types. Use cases and other forms of modeling drive design requirements that can bedecomposed to software requirements and represented in analysis and design models. Test requirements arederived from the software requirements and decompose to specific test procedures. When there are hundreds,thousands, or even tens of thousands of instances of requirements in a given project, classifying requirementsinto types makes the project more manageable.

Cross-Functional Teams. Unlike other processes,such as testing or application modeling, which can bemanaged within a single business group,requirements management should involve everyonewho can contribute their expertise to the developmentprocess. It should include people who represent thecustomer and the business expectations.Development managers, product managers, analysts,systems engineers, and even customers shouldparticipate. Requirements teams should also includethose who create the system solution – engineers,architects, designers, programmers, technical writers,and other technical contributors. Testers and otherQA personnel should be counted as important teammembers.

Often, the responsibility for authoring and maintaining a requirement type can be allocated by functional area,further contributing to better large project management. The cross-functional nature of requirementsmanagement is one of the more challenging aspects of the discipline.

Traceability. As implied in the description of requirement types, no single expression of a requirement standsalone. Stakeholder requests are related to the product features proposed to meet them. Product features arerelated to individual requirements that specify the features in terms of functional and non-functional behavior.Test cases are related to the requirements they verify and validate. Requirements may be dependent on other

Figure 4

Figure 38-4

Requirements Management with Use Cases, v21.0 (beta) 1998 Rational Software Corporation

Customer andEnd-User Inputs





Help DeskEnd-User Inputs


Change requests come from many sourcesthroughout the product lifecycle

A Process for Managing ChangeAll Requests Go Through a Single Channel

Single Channel for Approval

Coders inputsTesters inputs

ChangeRequest (CR)







requirements or they may be mutuallyexclusive. In order for teams to determine theimpact of changes and feel confident that thesystem conforms to expectations, thesetraceability relationships must be understood,documented, and maintained. Whiletraceability is one of the most difficult conceptsto implement in requirements management, it isessential to accommodating change.Establishing clear requirement types andincorporating cross-functional participation canmake traceability easier to implement andmaintain.

Multi-Dimensional Attributes. Each type ofrequirement has attributes, and each individualrequirement has different attribute values. Forexample, requirements may be assigned priorities, identified by source and rationale, delegated to specific sub-teams within a functional area, given a degree-of-difficulty designation, or associated with a particular iterationof the system. To illustrate, Figure 6 displays attributes for a Feature Requirement Type from a LearningProject in the Rational RequisitePro requirements management tool. As implied by the title of the screen, therequirement type and attributes for each type are defined for the entire project, ensuring usage consistencyacross the team.

In Figure 7, instances of feature requirementsare displayed for a specific project in RationalRequisitePro. Note that even without displayingthe entire text for each requirement, we canlearn a great deal about each requirement fromits attribute values. In this case, its priority anddifficulty – no doubt assigned by differentmembers of the team – will help the team beginto scope the project to available resources andtime, taking into account both stakeholderpriorities and a very rough estimate of effortreflected in the difficulty attribute value. In moredetailed types of requirements, the priority andeffort attributes may have more specific values(e.g., estimated time, lines of code, etc.) withwhich to further refine scope. This multi-dimensional aspect of arequirement, compoundedby different types ofrequirements – each withits own attributes – isessential to organizinglarge numbers ofrequirements and tomanaging the overallscope of the project.

Change History.Both individualrequirementsand a collection ofrequirements havehistories that becomemeaningful over time.

Figure 6Figure 7

Figure 5

8-12Requirements Management with Use Cases, v21.0 (beta) 1998 Rational Software Corporation

Requirements TraceabilityEstablish Traceability Paths

1. Trace top levelrequirements into detailedrequirements

2. Trace requirements intodesign

3. Trace requirements intotest procedures

4. Trace requirements intouser documentation plan


Software DesignDescriptions

Object Models

Test Suites


2 3

Req A


Product Requirements


Detailed Requirements(Use Cases)

Req B


User Docs



A Few Words about Documents

The decision to describe requirements indocuments deserves some thought. On onehand, writing is a widely accepted form ofcommunication and, for most people, anatural thing to do. On the other hand, thegoal of the project is to produce a system,not documents.

Common sense and experience teach thatthe decision is not whether but how todocument requirements. Documenttemplates provide a consistent format forrequirements management. Rational’sRequisitePro offers these templates and theadditional feature of linking requirementswithin a document to a database containingall project requirements. This unique featureallows requirements to be documentednaturally while being made more accessibleand manageable in a relational database.

Change is inevitable and desirable to keep pace with a changing environment and evolving technology.Recording the versions of project requirements enables team leaders to capture the reasons for changing theproject, such as a new system release. Understanding that a collection of requirements may be associated with aparticular version of software allows you to manage change incrementally, reducing risk and improving theprobability of meeting milestones. As individual requirements evolve, it is important to understand theirhistory: what changed, why, when, and even by whose authorization.

Putting Requirements Management to Work

Requirements management employs thekey skills and concepts presented aboveto identify and resolve the problemssuccessfully.

To build a system that truly meetscustomers’ needs, the project team mustfirst define the problem to be solved bythe system. Next, the team must identifystakeholders from whom business anduser needs are elicited, described, andprioritized. From this set of high-levelexpectations or needs, a set of productor system features should be agreedupon.

Detailed software requirements shouldbe written in such a form as can beunderstood by both the customers andthe development team. We have found

that using the language of the customer to describe these software requirements is most effective in gaining theunderstanding and agreement. These detailed software requirements are then used as input for the systemdesign specifications as well as for test plans and procedures needed for implementation and validation.Software requirements should also drive the initial user documentation planning and design.

To facilitate this, the project team should:

• Agree on a common vocabulary for the project.

• Develop a vision of the system that describes theproblem to be solved by the system, as well as itsprimary features.

• Elicit stakeholders needs in at least five importantareas: functionality, usability, reliability, performance,and supportability.

• Determine what requirement types to use.

• Select attributes and values for each requirement type.

• Choose the formats in which requirements aredescribed.

• Identify team members who will author, contribute to,or simply view one or more types of requirements.

• Decide what traceability is needed.

• Establish a procedure to propose, review, and resolvechanges to requirements.

• Develop a mechanism to track requirement history.

• Create progress and status reports for team members and management.

1-6Requirements Management with Use Cases, v21.0 (beta) 1998 Rational Software Corporation

Introduction to Requirements ManagementOverview







Design UserDocs



TheTheProductProductTo BeTo BeBuiltBuilt

Figure 8


Find Actors and Use Cases

Capture a Com m on





Glossar y

Use-C ase M odel(actors on ly)

Custom er

End User


M anage Dependencies

Req uirem entsAttributes


Req uirem entsAttributesGuidelines

Figure 9

These essential requirements management activities are independent of industry, development methodology, orrequirements tools. They are also flexible, enabling effective requirements management in the most rigorousand the most rapid application development environments.

Requirements Management Workflows

Requirements management can follow an infinite number of domain-specific paths. The following approachprescribes six detailed workflows that apply to each of the key requirements management skills but can beapplied to any domain.∗

Workflow: Problem Analysis

In the Problem Analysis workflow, the primary activity is vision development. Output from this activity is avision document that identifies the high-level user or customer view of the system to be built. The visionexpresses initial requirements as key features the system must possess in order to solve the most criticalproblems. The system analyst has the primary role in this workflow. The system analyst should have problemdomain expertise and an understanding of the problem, and should be able to describe a process that he or shebelieves will solve the problem. Active involvement from various project stakeholders is required.

To begin managing dependencies, features should be assigned attributes such as rationale, relative value orpriority, and source of request. As the vision develops, the analyst identifies users and systems (the actors) ofpossible use cases. Actors are the first element of the use-case model, which will define the system’s functionaland non-functional technical requirements.

∗ The following workflow diagrams are from the Rational Unified Process Requirements Workflow. The

workflows are expressed in terms of workers, activities and artifacts (input or output). The accompanying textin this paper describes each workflow briefly, in the hopes of stimulating your thoughts and interest inimproving your requirements management process. More information on the Rational Unified Process can befound at


Use-Case Model Introduction

A use-case model consists of actors, use cases,and relations among them. Actors representeverything that must exchange information withthe system, including what are typically calledusers. When an actor uses the system, thesystem performs a use case. A good use case isa sequence of transactions that yields ameasurable result of value for an actor. Thecollection of use cases is the system’s completefunctionality.

Jacobson I., Christerson M., Jonsson P.,Overgaard G., Object-Oriented SoftwareEngineering – A Use Case Driven Approach,Addison Wesley – ACM Press, 1992

The Activities in Problem Analysis

Initiation: One or more stakeholders who perceive a problem will initiate the workflow.

One or more system analysts in a development team conduct a session to help the initial stakeholders describethe problem they want to have solved. The elements of the vision document are organized in the followingtable:

Problem define the problem

Affected Stakeholders list the stakeholders affected by the problem

Impact describe the impact of the problem

Successful Solution list some key benefits of a successful solution

The problem statements succinctly explain the purposeof the project. Problem analysis stimulates furtherinvestigation into all stakeholder needs and the initialbusiness case including compelling benefits and roughlyestimated costs. In parallel with defining problemstatements, you should also compile a glossary bykeeping track of commonly used terms and agreeing ontheir definitions.

Problem analysis also identifies the main system actors.Actors are users of the system or of any other systemthat will exchange information with it. At this stage,problem analysis should briefly identify some obviousways that the actors will interact with the system.Descriptions should be oriented towards businessprocess rather than system behavior. For example, abudgeting program may allow one type of actor to“Create departmental budget,” while another actor will be able to “Consolidate departmental budgets.” Thesystem analyst may later break them into additional use cases that align more meaningfully with specificsystem behavior. For example, “Create departmental budget” could result in system use cases such as “Importspreadsheet information” and “Create budget views.”

The problem analysis session described above is often performed more than once, maybe with differentstakeholders, and intermingled with internal development team sessions. The system analyst who conductedthe meeting with the stakeholders will lead a session with members of the development team to envision atechnical solution to the problems, derive features from the initial stakeholder inputs, and draft the visiondescription, the first definition of the system to be built. To facilitate understanding of the proposed solutionamong the initial stakeholders, the system analyst may use modeling tools or manual drawing techniques tocomplement the vision description.

The initiating stakeholders are consulted at multiple points to help refine the problem description and constrainthe number and scope of possible solutions. Stakeholders and system analysts manage dependencies in thisworkflow by negotiating the priority of key features and gaining a general understanding of the resources andeffort needed to develop them. While priority and effort/resource estimates inevitably change, managingdependencies early establishes an important pattern that continues throughout the development lifecycle. It isthe essence of the scope management and an early predictor of project success.


After several drafts, the vision reaches a point when the team must decide whether to invest in additionalrequirements elicitation. By the same time, the business case approval process has been initiated separately.Although not addressed further in this paper, the business case describes:

• the context (product domain, market, and scope),

• the technical approach,

• the management approach (schedule, risk, objective measure of success),

• and the financial forecast.

Workflow: Understanding Stakeholder Needs

If the initial vision justifies additional investment, the Understanding Stakeholder Needs workflow begins inearnest. The key activity is eliciting stakeholder needs. The primary outputs are collections of prioritizedstakeholder needs, which enable refinement of the vision document, as well as a better understanding of therequirements attributes. Also, during this workflow you may start discussing the system in terms of its usecases and actors. Another important output is an updated glossary of terms to facilitate common vocabularyamong team members.

Find Actorsand Use Cases

Capture aCommon



Elicit StakeholderNeeds

Vision StakeholderNeeds


Use-Case Model


End User











Figure 10


Activities in Understanding Stakeholder Needs

The system analyst and key stakeholders identify additional stakeholders and elicit their needs via interviews,workshops, storyboards, business process use cases, and other techniques. One or more system analystsfacilitate these sessions. Requirements are among the most useful elicitation techniques. The process includesusers, help-desk personnel, business owners, testers, and others who have a stake in the outcome of theproposed project. Stakeholder needs are often ambiguous, overlapping, and even extraneous. In addition toformal elicitation results, stakeholder needs may be expressed in well-formatted documents, defect andenhancement requests from databases, or e-mail and groupware threads. System analysts record, categorize,and prioritize stakeholder needs .

Based on a better understanding of stakeholder needs, the system analysts in the development team refine thevision document, paying special attention to the product position statement. In two or three sentences, thisstatement establishes the compelling value of the project. The statement should include intended users, theproblems it solves, the benefits it delivers, and the competitors it replaces. All team members shouldunderstand this project theme. System analysts also update the glossary to facilitate common understanding ofterms.

Key stakeholders are consulted at multiple points to negotiate priority of new features derived fromunderstanding stakeholder needs and gain a current understanding of resources and effort needed to developthem. As with problem analysis, managing dependencies in this workflow helps manage scope. It alsoestablishes traceability between stakeholder needs and vision features so stakeholders can be sure their inputswere considered.

Understanding Stakeholder Needs: Where “Delighting Customers” Begins

Stakeholder needs are a type of proposed requirement captured as much as possible in the language andformat of the submitting stakeholder. Unlike subsequent requirement types that are usually authored byprocess-educated and technically proficient project team members, stakeholder needs are often expressedpoorly. They are duplicated or overlap. They can be expressed on anything from slips of paper toenhancement-request databases.

The analyst (or team representing the analyst role) must review them all, interpreting, grouping, perhapsretyping (without rewriting), and translating them into features in the vision description. Depending on therigor applied in your development and the availability of tools, traceability between some or all stakeholderneeds and features can be applied to help stakeholders understand how their needs were taken intoaccount.

Demonstrating serious concern for eliciting and satisfying stakeholder needs by applying the UnderstandingStakeholder Needs Workflow can be critical to establishing stakeholder confidence in your team’s abilities.


Workflow: Defining the System

The Problem Analysis workflow and the Understanding Stakeholder Needs workflow create earlyiterations of key system definitions, including the vision document, a first outline to the use-case model, and therequirements attributes. The Defining the System workflow completes the description of the system-levelrequirements with the addition of new actors, use cases, and supplementary specifications.


Find Actors and Use CasesSystem


Capture a Com mon


Use-Case Model(refined)

Use-CaseModelin g


Supp lem entar ySpec ifications

Glossar y(refined)

Glossar yStakeholderNeeds Use-Case Model

Req uirementsAttributes(refined)

Req uirementsAttributes

Manage Dependencies

Req uirementsAttributes Guidelines


Activities in Defining the System

The glossary is updated to reflect current understanding about the terms used to describe features and the use-case model.

The system analyst uses the refined vision to derive and describe the use cases that elaborate on the system’sexpected behavior. The use-case model serves as a contract between the customer, the users, and the systemdevelopers. It defines expectations for system developers and helps customers and users to validate that thesystem will meet these expectations.

The system analyst describes requirements that do not fit well in use cases in a supplementary specification.Usability, reliability, performance, and supportability requirements often end up here. It should be noted thatmany non-functional requirements of these types are specific to a single use case. It is better for use caseauthors to place these requirements in the use case specification itself (see the Refining the System workflow),leaving the supplementary specification for global non-functional requirements.

In this workflow, the system analyst creates attributes for the supplementary requirements (such as priority andrelated use cases). In addition, the system analyst adds and updates attribute values for the initial and new usecases.

Finally, the system analyst manages dependencies by tracing important user needs and critical features torelated use cases and supplementary specifications.

Figure 11


Experienceteaches that thekeys to managingscope successfullyare the well-consideredattribute valuesassigned tostakeholder needs,use cases, andsupplementaryspecifications; andregular, open, andhonest interactionwith representativestakeholders.

Figure 12

Workflow: Managing Scope

Identifying most actors, use cases, and supplementary specifications allows the system analyst to apply priority,effort, cost, and risk values to requirements attributes more accurately. This better understanding also enablesthe architect to identify the architecturally significant use cases.

The iteration plan, developed in parallel by project and development management, first appears in theManaging Scope workflow. Also known as a development plan, the iteration plan defines the number andfrequency of iterations planned for the release. The highest risk elements within scope should be planned forearly iterations.

Other important outputs from the Managing Scope workflow include the initial iteration of the softwarearchitecture document∗ and a revised vision that reflects analysts and key stakeholders’ increased understandingof system functionality and project resources.

ArchitectPrioritize Use Cases

Use-Case Model

Software ArchitectureDocument

(use-case view)


Iteration Plan(refined)

Iteration Plan

SystemAnalyst Manage





Vision Use Case




End User


∗ Like the business case earlier and first issue of the iteration plan, the software architecture document is not an

artifact of requirements management workflows, although it is related and is part of the Rational UnifiedProcess. It is not the subject of this paper.


Activities in Managing ScopeArchitects prioritize use cases for their risk coverage, architectural significance, and architectural coverage.While the system may be defined with many use-case and supplementary specification requirements, only asubset of use cases are usually critical to good system architecture. With prioritized use cases, architects refinethe iteration or development plan and model a use-case view of the system architecture in tools such asRational Rose.

System analysts manage dependencies by refining requirements attributes for features in the vision. They alsorefine requirements in use cases and supplementary specifications. System analysts ensure that appropriatetraceability∗ exists for stakeholder needs, features, use-case requirements, and supplementary specificationrequirements.

System analysts negotiate revised project scope and vision with key stakeholders. This step is among the mostimportant in the entire project. For the first time the breadth of knowledge about the proposed system isavailable to make serious commitments on requirements, project resources and delivery dates. At the sametime, it must be understood that these requirements will change as the depth of knowledge increases. Ifdependencies have been managed in the previous three workflows, this step is much easier, and future changeswill be easier.

Managing scope to match available resources is successful only if stakeholders and development teammembers view this step as a natural progression – not an ambush on users’ expectations or an attempt toblackmail the organization for more time and money. This workflow will need to be repeated at majormilestones in the project to assess whether new insight into the system and its problems requires change to thescope. While committed requirements, budgets, and deadlines are hard to change, an in-depth understanding ofprioritized use cases, supplementary specifications, and early system iterations inevitably lead to scopereconsideration.

Once again, it is critical that the project team engages in habitual scope management before reaching therefinement stage. Representative stakeholders must understand and trust that their priorities and interests aretaken seriously during increasingly difficult scope negotiations. By the time system requirements are refined,only important requirements remain to be negotiated or modified. Unless effective scope management habitshave been established, your project may be doomed as a “death march” – a hopelessly over-scoped projectmoving inexorably towards delays and cost overruns.

∗ The term “appropriate traceability” is deliberate. See the inset text on Traceability later in this paper.


Figure 13

Workflow: Refining the System

The Refining the System workflow assumes that system-level use cases have been outlined and actors havebeen described, at least briefly. Through managing the project scope, the features in the vision have been re-prioritized and are now believed to be achievable by fairly firm budgets and dates. The output of this workflowis a more in-depth understanding of system functionality expressed in detailed use cases, revisedsupplementary specifications, and early iterations of the system itself∗.

Use-Case Specifier

Detail a Use Case

Use Case(described)


Use Case(outlined)

Supplem entarySpec ifications


Supplem entarySpec ifications


User-In terfaceDesigner

User-In terfaceProto typing

User-In terfacePrototype

Use-Case Storyboard


Requirem entsAttributes

(refined)Requirem ents


User-In terfaceM odeling


Actor(briefly described)



Requirem entsAttributesGuidelines


∗ Obviously, not all systems will have user interfaces and not all early iterations will include GUI elements. We

use them here only as an example of an early iteration. Other examples includes prototypes, models, andstoryboards.



Much is made of traceability in therequirements field. Many promote the virtue oftracing individual customer requirements toeach related specification, test, model element,and ultimately source code files. Certainly,some traceability is the key to successfulrequirements change management.

Be forewarned, however, that all forms oftraceability require an investment to set up andmaintain during the life of the project. Like allinvestments, traceability has diminishing pointsof return depending on your specific situation.This paper emphasizes the value of tracingbetween types of requirements. This is a goodplace to start and can be automated by toolssuch as Rational’s RequisitePro. We believeyou will find some level of requirementstraceability to be a good investment.

Activities in Refining the System

The use-case specifier details the definition of the flow of events, pre- and post-conditions, and other textualproperties of each use case. To minimize the effort and enhance the readability, it is advisable to use a standarddocument format or a use case specification template, to capture textual information about each use case.Creating well-thought-out use case specifications is critical to the quality of the system. This specificationdevelopment requires a thorough understanding of the stakeholder needs and features related to the use case. Itis desirable to have several members of the project team (such as software engineers) participate in creating theuse cases.

In parallel, the use case specifier revises the supplementary specification with additional requirements that arenot specific to the use case.

The user-interface designer models and prototypes the user interface of the system. This work is highlycorrelated to the evolution of the use cases.

The use-case specifier and the system analyst revise the effort, cost, risk, and other attribute values for eachrequirement that is understood better.

The result of this system refinement is submitted to another round of the Managing Scope workflow. Onceyou know more about the system, you may want to change the priorities.

Workflow: Managing Requirement Change

Like the Managing Scope workflow, the ManagingRequirements Change workflow should be appliedcontinuously. The output of this workflow can causemodification to every artifact, which requires effectivecommunication with all project team members andstakeholders.

In this workflow we introduce additional artifacts that areaffected by requirements workflows. Changes torequirements naturally affect the system models thatrepresent them in the analysis and design workflows.Requirement changes also affect tests created to validatethe proper implementation of the requirements∗.Traceability relationships identified in the process ofmanaging dependencies are the keys to understandingthese impacts.

Another important concept for Managing RequirementsChange Workflow is requirement history tracking. Bycapturing the nature and rationale of requirementschanges, reviewers (anyone on the software project team whose work is affected by the change) receive theinformation needed to respond to the change properly.

∗ As in earlier examples, these artifacts are part of the Rational Unified Process but are not the subjects of this



Figure 14

Manage Dependencies

Glossar y


Use-Case Model(restructured)

Supp lementar ySpec ifications

Review RequirementsRequirements


Structure the Use-Case Model

Use-Case Model

Req uirem entsAttributes(refined)

Test M odelDesi g nModel

User-In terfaceProtot yp e

Custom er

End User


Req uirem entsAttributesUse Case Vision

Risk List

Ite ration Plan

Req uirem entsAttributesGuidelines

Use-CaseModelin g


Activities in Managing Changing Requirements

Changes to requirements are initiated by any stakeholder or project team member for an infinite number ofreasons.

The system analyst initiates a review activity, assimilating all change requests, and classifies them as:

• defects in implementation that do not affect requirements,

• modifications to existing requirements of some type, and

• new stakeholder needs or enhancement requests.

Once classified, the proposed changes to requirements are assigned attributes and values as described in otherrequirements workflows.

In reviewing changes, the system analyst presents proposed prioritized requirement changes to a changecontrol board comprised of representative stakeholders and project team members. Scope modifications thatexceed resources should be rejected or elevated to stakeholder representatives that are empowered to approverequired changes to date and budget commitments.

The change control board approves or rejects changes to requirements.

The system analyst communicates requirements changes to requirements authors or makes changes directly torequirements in the vision, use cases, or supplementary specification documents.


The requirements reviewers (developers, testers, managers, and other project team members) evaluate theimpact of changes to requirements on their work by reviewing requirement history. Finally, they implement thechange and make appropriate changes to related requirements for which they have authority.


The need to manage requirements is not new. So, what makes the preceding information worth consideringnow?

First, if your projects are not regularly satisfying customers, meeting deadlines, and staying within budget, youhave reason to reconsider your development approach. If in doing so, you determine that requirements-relatedproblems are undermining your development efforts, you have reason to consider better requirements-management practices.

Second, the requirements management practices summarized in this paper embody the collective experience ofthousands, and are the well-considered opinions of a number of individuals who have spent years working withcustomers in the field of requirements management∗. We suggest that this overview of their contributions -- andthe more thorough presentation of them made in Rational’s Unified Process5 -- represent a “best practice” inrequirements management. You will not find more proven advice on requirements anywhere.

Finally, in the past two years Rational Software, a leader in the business of producing effective softwaredevelopment solutions, has taken on the challenge of requirements management and emerged with the tools toautomate this difficult task. The chronic, pervasive problems of requirements management are solvable. Andthat, ultimately, may be the best reason to start practicing excellence in requirements management today.

∗ The authors would like to acknowledge the direct and indirect contributions of Rational Fellow Ivar Jacobson,

and those of Dean Leffingwell, Dr. Alan Davis, Ed Yourdon, and Elemer Magaziner. Most importantly, weappreciate the Rational Software customers who have applied and improved these practices in hundreds ofdevelopment projects.


End Notes

1 CHAOS, The Standish Group International, Inc., Dennis, MA, 1994, 1997

2 Computer Industry Daily, December 12, 1997

3 Dorfman, M. and R. Thayer, Software Engineering, IEEE Computer Society Press,Los Alamitos, CA, 1997 pp. 79

4 Dorfman, M. and R. Thayer, Software Engineering, IEEE Computer Society Press,Los Alamitos, CA, 1997 pp. 80

5 Rational Unified Process™, Rational Software Corporation, Cupertino, CA, 1998

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Lit No. TP505 Rev. 10/98. Subject to change without notice.