applying flipped classroom model to...

APPLYING FLIPPED CLASSROOM MODEL TO ENHANCE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL (A Mixed Method Research at the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 9 Kota Tangerang Selatan in Academic Year 2017/2018) A Skripsi Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in Department of English Education Mella Sarasyifa 1113014000040 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2018

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(A Mixed Method Research at the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 9 Kota Tangerang

Selatan in Academic Year 2017/2018)

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1)

in Department of English Education

Mella Sarasyifa







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Mella Sarasyifa (11130140000400). Applying Flipped Classroom Model to

Enhance Students’ Speaking Skill (A Mixed Method Research at the Eleventh

Grade of SMA Negeri 9 Kota Tangerang Selatan, Academic Year 2017/2018).

Skripsi of Department of English Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences,

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, 2018.

This research was aimed to get the empirical evidence whether Flipped Classroom

Model enhance students’ speaking skill or not. This research used a Mixed

Method Research which focused on an Exploratory Sequential Design. This

design had two phases; a qualitative phase as a pleminary research to conduct the

next quantitative phase research. This research was conducted in SMA Negeri 9

Kota Tangerang Selatan. The sample was 76 students which was classified into

the controlled class and the experimental class through purposive sampling

technique. In addition, another participants in this research was a group of

students consisted eight students, a students, and an English teacher. The data

sources was gathered from the note taking in the classroom, in-depth interview,

open-ended questionnaire, and also test. The result showed that the students were

more enthusiast, more enjoyable, more confident, and unafraid to discuss

spontaneously to each other. This model also contributed well towards their

vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency, and the background knowledge about the

topic. It is supported by the result of the test which showed the significance of

post-test in the experimental class (p=0.031) was lower than 0.05 or 0.031<0.05.

It meant there was the significant post-test score between the controlled class and

the experimental class. The calculation of enhancement size also proved that

applying flipped classroom model gave moderate enhancement at 0.51 level on

students’ speaking skill.

Keywords: Flipped Classroom Model, Speaking

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Mella Sarasyifa (11130140000400). Applying Flipped Classroom Model to

Enhance Students’ Speaking Skill (A Mixed Method Research at the Eleventh

Grade of SMA Negeri 9 Kota Tangerang Selatan, Academic Year 2017/2018).

Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan,

Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2018.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bukti empiris apakah pengaplikasian

Flipped Classroom Model meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Inggris

siswa atau tidak. Penelitian ini menggunakan Mixed Method Research yang fokus

pada Exploratory Sequential Design. Desain ini memiliki dua fase; fase penelitian

kualitatif awal sebagai persiapan untuk melakukan fase pemelitian kuantitatif

selanjutnya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 9 Kota Tangerang

Selatan. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 76 siswa yang di

klasifikasikan menjadi kelas kontrol dan kelas ekperimen dengan menggunakan

teknik sampel purposive. Kemudian, informan lain dalam penelitian ini adalah

sekelompok siswa yang terdiri dari 8 siswa, seorang siswa, dan seorang informan

guru Bahasa Inggris. Sumber data di kumpulkan dari pengambilan catatan di

kelas, wawancara mendalam, kuesioner terbuka, dan juga tes. Hasil penelitian

menunjukan bahwa para siswa lebih antusias, lebih senang, lebih percaya diri, dan

tidak takut untuk diskusi secara spontan dengan siswa lain. Hal ini di buktikan

juga dengan hasil lain yaitu tes yang menunjukan signifikansi dari nilai akhir di

kelas eksperimen (p=0.031) lebih rendah dari 0.05 atau bisa di formulasikan

dengan 0.031<0.05. Artinya, terdapat perbedaan nilai akhir yang signifikan antara

kelas kontrol dan kelas ekperimen. Hasil penghitungan kisaran peningkatan

keterampilan berbicara siswa juga membuktikan bahwa pengaplikasian Flipped

Classroom Model memberikan peningkatan yang ‘moderat’pada level 0.51

terhadap keterampilan berbicara siswa.

Kata Kunci: Model Flipped Classroom, keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Inggris

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All praises be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, who has given the author all

His promises. Peace and salutation may always be upon the Prophet Muhammad

SAW, the savior of the humankind, who gives the passport “anta ma’a man

ahbabta” in the hereafter or Allah’s paradise.

This skripsi is a scientific paper as one of requirements for the degree “S.Pd” in

Department of English Education. This assignment makes the nice story of the

process and result. Hence, in this occasion, the author would like to dedicate her

utmost gratitude to her beloved ones. The first is the author’s Love; for His Love

which envelop the mercy and blessings of faith in believing that He is the only

one the author’s adequacy. He has given the author with strength, health, and

guidance to complete this assignment with all her weaknesses.

The second is the author’s dearest little family; her great parents and her

extraordinary brother for their pure, unconditional, and endless love in all her

breath. The big family for the motivation and facilitation to cover all her hopeless

during this processes.

Besides, the author would like to express the deepest gratitude and honor to:

1. Dr. Prof. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., as the Dean of Faculty of Educational


2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., and Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., as the Head and the

Secretary of Department of English Education

3. Siti Nurul Azkiyah, Ph.D. and Desi Nahartini, M.Ed., as Advisor 1 and

Advisor 2

4. Dadan Nugraha, M.Pd. as the Advisor of Class B in academic year

2013/2014, and all lecturers in Department of English Education, Faculty

of Educational and Sciences

5. Drs. Ahmad Nana Mahmur M, M.Pd., as the Head of SMA N 9 Kota

Tangerang Selatan, who has given the permission to conduct this research

6. Tedi Yosep, M.Pd., and Wiwin Sumbawa, S.Pd., and the students of XI

MIA 1 and XI MIA 3 who helped the author during this research

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Behind this processes, the author remember all the contribution and support

from fraternity or brother- and sisterhood; Khadijah Liqo’, thanks for all their

support and motivation every weekend to charge the author’s soul. FADIL

(Forum Alumni Rohis Daarul ‘Ilmi) especially to Zaid Fadhlurrahman, Ayu

Widiastuti, Dani Arip Rahman, and Karmila Kayani who becomes the best

supporting system in the greatest point of view and du’a in variety of ways. Rohis

An-Nafi’ and SIS-UP especially Fakhri El Hakim and also the author’s mentees

for support and du’a. Then, the author’s besties ‘Moon and Star’; Rini Enggela

and Risty Avisa who infuse their happiness and becomes the author’s listeners.

POSTAR; especially Eliyana Safitri and Muhammad Nurul Fikri for protecting

the author as their little sister.

The next is The Operatives team; Meylia Azurah, Yuni Triandini, Novita Resti

Utami, Mulhimah Riyadhoh, Faiq Zamzami, Didit Radinal, Andika Afrian, Fanji

Muharram, Zezens Pratama, Rivki Surya Maulana. The author’s lovely friends in

DEE 2013, especially DEE B 2013; Siti Nurjannah, Funny Wulan, and Lukman

Bhakti Hudaya. Also, the author’s friend since Elementary School; Wahyudin

Akbar and also since Junior High School; Arif Rohmat. Thanks for always

support and help the author in different ways during the processes.

All those countless people, who could not be mentioned, for all the sincerely

contribution, may Allah reward them with goodness. Lastly, the author realizes

this skripsi is far from being perfect. She, therefore, welcomes all kinds of

constructive corrections and suggestions for a better research paper in the future.

Tangerang Selatan, April 4th 2018

The Author

Mella Sarasyifa

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APPROVAL SHEET .......................................................................................... i

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ................................................................................. ii

SURAT PERNYATAAN KARYA SENDIRI ................................................... iii

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... iv

ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. vi

TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... viii

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. xi

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Research .................................................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problem .................................................................... 6

C. Limitation of the Problems ....................................................................... 7

D. Research Questions .................................................................................. 7

E. Purpose of the Research ........................................................................... 7

F. The Significance of the Research. ............................................................ 7

CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK ........................................... 8

A. Speaking ................................................................................................... 8

1. The Nature of Speaking ......................................................................... 8

2. Speaking Skill ....................................................................................... 9

3. The Role of Speaking in Language Learning ........................................ 10

4. Problems of Speaking in Language Learning ....................................... 12

B. Flipped Classroom .................................................................................... 14

1. Characteristics of Flipped Classroom ................................................... 16

2. The Advantages of Flipped Classroom ................................................. 16

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C. The Procedures of Teaching Speaking Using Flipped Clasroom Model .. 17

D. Previous Related Research ........................................................................ 18

E. Thinking Framework ................................................................................ 19

F. Research Hypothesis. ................................................................................ 20

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................... 21

A. Research Design ....................................................................................... 21

1. Qualitative Phase ................................................................................... 21

2. Quantitative Phase ................................................................................. 22

B. Content of Intervention ............................................................................ 22

C. Research Setting ....................................................................................... 23

D. Population of Participants ......................................................................... 24

E. Data and Instruments of the Research ....................................................... 25

1. Qualitative Data and Instruments .......................................................... 25

a. Researcher’s Note ............................................................................. 25

b. Interview Sheet ................................................................................. 26

c. Questionnaire Sheet .......................................................................... 28

2. Quantitative Data and Instrument ......................................................... 28

a. Test ................................................................................................... 28

F. Preliminary Analysis. ............................................................................... 30

1. Test of Normality .................................................................................. 30

2. Test of Homogeneity ............................................................................. 32

G. Data Collection Technique ........................................................................ 32

H. Data Analysis Technique ......................................................................... 33

I. Statistical Hypothesis ................................................................................ 34

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS .......................................... 35

A. The Result of the Data ............................................................................... 35

1. The Students’ Score of Pre-Test ........................................................... 35

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2. The Students’ Score of Post-Test .......................................................... 36

3. The Students’ Gained Score .................................................................. 37

4. The Questionnaire Result ...................................................................... 38

B. The Analysis of the Data ........................................................................... 40

1. The Difference of Pre-Test, Post-test, and Gained Score in the

Controlled Class and the Experimental Class ........................................ 40

a. Pre-Test Score ................................................................................... 40

b. Post-Test Score ................................................................................. 41

c. Gained Score ..................................................................................... 42

2. The Analysis of Enhancement Size Formulation .................................. 44

3. Hypothesis Testing ................................................................................ 45

C. Discussion ................................................................................................. 46

CHAPTER V CONSLUSION AND SUGGESTION ..................................... 48

A. The Conclusion ......................................................................................... 48

B. The Suggestion .......................................................................................... 49

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 50

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 53

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Table 3.1 Design of the Research .................................................................. 22

Table 3.2 Setting of the Research .................................................................. 24

Table 3.3 The Guideline of the Researcher’s Notes ...................................... 26

Table 3.4 The Guideline of the Interview ...................................................... 27

Table 3.5 The Guideline of Open-Ended Questionnaire ................................ 28

Table 3.6 The Rubric of Speaking ................................................................ 29

Table 3.7 Normality Test of Pre-test .............................................................. 31

Table 3.8 Normality Test of Post-test ............................................................ 31

Table 3.9 Homogeneity Test of Pre-test ........................................................ 32

Table 3.10 Homogeneity Test of Post-test ....................................................... 32

Table 4.1 The Score of Pre-test ...................................................................... 35

Table 4.2 The Score of Post-test .................................................................... 36

Table 4.3 The Gained Score of Pre-test and Post-test .................................... 37

Table 4.4 The Students’ Improvement in Five Speaking Elements ............... 38

Table 4.5 The Questionnaire Result ............................................................... 38

Table 4.6 Group Statistics of Pre-test Score .................................................. 40

Table 4.7 Independent Sample test ................................................................ 40

Table 4.8 Group Statistics of Post-test Score ................................................. 41

Table 4.9 Independent Sample test ................................................................ 42

Table 4.10 Group Statistics of Gained Score ................................................... 43

Table 4.11 Independent Sample test ................................................................ 43

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Appendix 1 Silabus Bahasa Inggris Peminatan SMA Kelas XI .................... 53

Appendix 2 RPP Kelas Experimen ................................................................. 70

Appendix 3 RPP Kelas Kontrol ...................................................................... 88

Appendix 4 Pre-test Score of the Experimental Class .................................... 102

Appendix 5 Post-test Score of the Experimental Class ................................... 103

Appendix 6 Pre-test Score of the Controlled Class ......................................... 104

Appendix 7 Post-test Score of the Controlled Class ....................................... 105

Appendix 8 The Gained Score of the Experimental Class .............................. 106

Appendix 9 The Steps to Analyze the Normality and Homogeneity

Test Using SPSS ......................................................................... 107

Appendix 10 The Steps to Analyze t-Test ...................................................... 109

Appendix 11 Speaking Pre-test, Post-test, treatment ...................................... 110

Appendix 12 Example of Learning Material .................................................. 112

Appendix 13 Researcher’s Note ..................................................................... 113

Appendix 14 Interview Transcript .................................................................. 118

Appendix 14 Questionnaire Transcript ........................................................... 122

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A. Background of the Research

In this 21st century, English has encountered as the dominant conversation in

many aspects. British Council reported about a quarter of world population or

1.75 billion people using English as a dominant conversation language.1 The

dominant role of English can be seen from several aspects such as in

communication, business, information, diplomacy, science, technology and also

education, which motivates people in many countries to learn and master English.

Therefore, the people realize the importance of English to access, communicate,

and implement the project that involves teams in those aspects internationally.

Due to importance of English, many countries have used English as a priority

language, even though it has no official status (as a medium of communication in

some domains), but it is most likely to be taught as a foreign language when

students learned at school.2 Indonesia is one of those countries which also makes

English as a primary foreign language in educational domains. The English

subject in Indonesia, furthermore, has formulated in National Education System,

under the Law Number 20 of 2003 to develop English skills to achieve an

educational outcome. It is also one of the subjects which would be tested in

National Examination (UN).3

In order to achieve an educational outcome, in teaching and learning English

process, teachers are expected to have an ability to create and manage an effective

instructional classroom. According to Erben, there are five principles for creating

effective language learning environment, such as giving opportunities to use

English, drawing the attention of its patterns, giving time use English, noticing

their errors and correcting English, and constructing to interact each other in

1British Council, The English Effect, 2013, p. 5, retrieved February 2018, from 2David Crystal, English as a Global Language, Second Edition, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2003), pp. 4—5. 3Government Regulation of Indonesia, No. 32 Year 2013, about The Changes on the

Government Regulation of Indonesia Number 19 Year 2005 about National Education Standard,

Article 70, 77J, and 77K, retrieved March 2018, from

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English.4 Hence, the English teachers are required to create more suitable and

efficient use of the classroom to cover four English skills such as reading,

listening, speaking, and writing to be taught to the students.

However, many English teachers in Indonesia spend the more instructional

time to develop two skills (reading and listening) because these skills are tested in

National Examination.5 In the other words, the teachers rarely improve the

students’ skills in the rest of productive English (speaking and writing).

Meanwhile, those productive English skills, particularly in speaking, are

important to be improved by the teachers. It is because the aim of learning

language is to be able to communicate to each other eventually. Even though

speaking is not tested in National Examination (but since English as the

dominance in many aspects), it will be a bridge for students as a social human

being to communicate with each other, exchange messages, share ideas, access

information, discuss and also implement some knowledge in English. The

students are prepared to be able to collaborate in a team not only national scale but

also an International scale.

Considering the importance of speaking for the students, many teachers in

Indonesia have tried to train the students in speaking but faced some problems.

The problems are related to the 21st century which has used Communicative

Language Teaching (CLT) approach in foreign language teaching context. The

problems can be identified such as a large number of students, less supporting

environment to speak English, the time to practice is limited, students’

differences, etc.

Concerning the problems in teaching speaking, based on the researcher

observation at SMAN 9 Kota Tangerang Selatan, it also happened and related to

some of the problems above. First, in teaching and learning speaking still uses un-

interactive learning model. It is related to Yang who compared the traditional

4Tony Erben, Ruth Ban, and Martha Castaneda, Teaching English Language Learner through

Technology, (New York: Routledge, 2009), pp. 16—22. 5Karim Mattarima and Abdul R Hamdan, The Teaching Constraints of English as a Foreign

Language in Indonesia: The Context of School Based Curriculum, SOSIOHUMANIKA Article,

Vol. 4 (2), 2011, p. 295.

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classroom and interactive classroom such as student-to-student talk is

discouraged, students’ comprehension during the class is not monitored, etc.6 It is

in line with cases in SMAN 9 Kota Tangerang Selatan which the teacher manage

an instructional classroom such as, the teacher teaches or gives the new material

in class, the students work in group for some materials as homework, they prepare

the presentation of the homework for the next meeting, they (each of groups)

presents the material or homework in front of the class, and they have questions

and answers in end of the sessions. Therefore, the students have fewer

opportunities to share their ideas, practice speaking as a communication, and

interact to each other using English during the lesson. The students in this

uninteractive model commonly get minimum input and also rarely practice.

Whereas speaking needs much time and space to be practiced in the classroom

when the students could not practice easily (minimum opportunities) in the


Second, many students are lack of prior or background knowledge when the

teacher asks them to discuss spontaneously the topic in peer or group. It is related

to the learning model which sometimes uses one of the media such as PowerPoint,

videos, audios, pictures, and texts to be noticed and observed by the students

during the class and will be discussed in a real time. The students have no idea

what they are going to say about the topic, less of preparation, and have limited

vocabulary related to the topic. This problem is also revealed by Marcellino, who

stated the students have lack of vocabulary, English expression, and grammar as

one of three factors bringing on this problem.7 It can be concluded that the

students need a preparation, thus, they have background knowledge about the

topic before coming in the class and can discuss the topic freely using English.

Third, the time and the number of students to practice speaking is limited.

Allocated time on English subject at eleventh grade level is divided into two;

6Jim Eison, “Using Active Learning Instructional Strategies to Create Excitement and

Enhance Learning”, 2010, p. 6. 7M. Marcelino, English Language Teaching in Indonesia: A Continuous Challenge in

Education and Cultural Diversity, TEFLIN (Teaching English as a Foreign Language in

Indonesia) Journal, Vol. 19 (2), 2008, p. 65.

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Compulsory English 4x45 minutes per week and Elective English 2x45 minutes

per week. It means the students learn English 270 minutes or about 4.5 hours per

week. However, the teacher is required to manage this allocated time to cover the

indicators on Lesson Plan and also has the responsibility to attain the syllabus as

well. In contrast, the large number of students in the class commonly consists of

35-40 students. As a result, the teacher is difficult to train of those students and

tends to be more focus on reading, listening, grammar, writing, etc. The group

presentation, role play, open-ended question and answer, are the strategies of the

teacher to cover speaking activity. But it is still less effective to facilitate and give

many opportunities for students to speak English in the class.

The next problem is the students’ differences in attitude, motivation, and

learning style in learning English. These attitudes mean positive or negative

beliefs and opinions to learn English. Based on the interview with many students,

they tend to have negative beliefs in English such as, have less progress and

efforts to develop their willingness in learning and maintaining their English.

Then, they have low motivation such as come to class only for attendance, tend to

be more passive in the learning process, tend to be shy and afraid to speak

English, and have an assumption that English is the most difficult language.

Further, they have the different learning style which sometimes leads to being an

unconducive environment in the class.

Then, as the importance of speaking and the response to those problems, many

research has been conducted to offer some alternative ways to solve the problems

in teaching speaking. The interesting alternative comes from Bergmann who

flipped his class as a transition to the deep learning model.8 He named this model

as Flipped Classroom Model. In addition, he used this model to teach students

(math and sciences subject) in a remote area. He recorded the video of explanation

and students could watch the video at home. The next day, in the classroom,

students do homework and exercises which assisted by the teacher.

8Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams, Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every

Class Every Day, (Washington, DC: International Society for Technology in Education, 2012), pp.


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Furthermore, Khan who is a founder of Khan Academy suggested to the

teachers, to flip the traditional classroom with many videos.9 He supported the

Flipped Classroom Model because he wanted everyone can access learning in

everywhere. His first video uploaded also starts the concept of flipped classroom

up to now. In addition, this model is the best way to invert teaching methods,

deliver instruction to watch online video at home and move homework to be done

in the classroom. The flipped classroom also inverts traditional classroom which

is low of activity in the class to be active interaction such as group discussions.

The students spend more time to explore their ideas and knowledge and interact

with each other.

Moreover, the uniqueness of flipped classroom model is the uses of technology

and social media work in hand-in-hand. YouTube platform is one of the uses of

integrated technology and social media as the alternative resources for educational

material. Many videos are available on Youtube for students changing needs that

everyone can access freely. Furthermore, in 2016, statistic also showed around

1.33 billion people use YouTube.10 It means this platform has become a popular

video sharing libraries for all people in the world. Therefore, it is the beneficial

phenomenon for teachers to remix the technology and social media such as

Youtube in the implementation of the flipped classroom model. It is supported by

some previous research. One of the previous research by Wilson,11 which had

results the use of YouTube as valuable learning resource related to flipped

classroom model.

Previously, some researcher has conducted flipped classroom model and

argued that this model is effective to be implemented. Those researcher are

Johnson12 who investigated students’ perceptions of the flipped classroom, Li and

9Salman Khan, “Let’s Use Video to Reinvent Education,” at TED2011, retrieved February

2018 from 10Youtube Company Statistics, retrieved February 2018, from 11Andrea Wilson, YouTube in the Classroom, thesis in the University of Toronto, Canada,

2015, p. 1—78. 12Graham Brent Johnson, “Student Perceptions of the Flipped Classroom”, thesis in The

University of British Columbia, 2013, pp. 1—93.

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Suwanthep13 which investigated the effects of integrating flipped classroom model

towards speaking, Tazijan,,14 which analyzed the use of flipped learning as a

method to teach communication skills, and the research of the use of flipped

classroom model on writing ability of Indonesian students across their individual

differences in learning by Afrilasanti,,15. Then, the results of these research

revealed the flipped classroom model contributed well toward language learning.

Due to various problems of the teaching and learning speaking and also many

research has conducted about the model, the researcher intends to conduct a

research to find out students’ opinion about the application and also whether or

not the students’ speaking skill can be enhanced through the flipped classroom

model, by the title “Applying Flipped Classroom Model to Enhance Students’

Speaking Skill.” An Exploratory Sequential Design at the Eleventh Grade of

SMAN 9 Kota Tangerang Selatan, in academic year 2017/2018.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the explanation in the background, there are some problems in

teaching and learning speaking which can be identified, as follows:

1. Up to now, teaching and learning speaking uses un-interactive learning


2. The students are lack of background knowledge of the topic when discussed

spontaneously in the class

3. The time and the number of students to practice is limited

4. The students’ differences in attitude, motivation, and learning style

13Shuangjiang Li and Jitpanat Suwanthep, Integration of Flipped Classroom Model for EFL

Speaking, International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 3 (2), 2017, p. 118—123. 14Farina Tazjidan, Building Communication Skills through Flipped Classroom, International

Academic Research Journal of Social Science, 3 (1), 2017, p. 142—147. 15Rida Afrilasanti,, Effect of Flipped Classroom Model on Indonesian EFL Students’

Writing Ability Across and Individual Differences in Learning, International Journal of English

and Language and Linguistics Research, Vo. 4 (5), 2016, pp. 65—81.

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C. Limitation of the Problems

This research is intended to solve the problem in point one and two, which

relate to the problem of speaking at the eleventh-grade students of SMAN 9 Kota

Tangerang Selatan.

D. Research Questions

Based on the identification of the problem, the questions of the research was


“Is there any significant enhancement by applying Flipped Classroom Model

on Students’ Speaking Skill?”

E. Purpose of the Research

The purpose of this research is to get the empirical evidence whether applying

Flipped Classroom Model enhance students’ speaking skill or not.

F. The Significance of the Research

This research is aimed to facilitate and give many opportunities for students to

speak and interact to each other in English, motivate teachers to use Flipped

Classroom Model and also offer the next researcher an innovative ways of

teaching speaking to solve the speaking problems.

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A. Speaking

1. The Nature of Speaking

Ideas, feelings, messages and information can be conveyed by human

being through language; verbal or non-verbal, these are part of language.

Harmer described speaking as one of four skills for people to express the

language, in which involve verbal or oral production.1 In addition, speaking is

also referred as meaning-focused output which uses language productively.2

Thus, people can share the ideas and messages to someone else, talk about

things familiar and unfamiliar, exchange information to each other, and have

many opportunities to produce words in sentence by the sentence orally.

Furthermore, speaking is the access for people to express and make sense

the meaning by using the active use of language.3 People are not only know

how to use the language, but also know how to negotiate and evaluate the

meaning, then, plan and execute the real use of interlocutor to achieve

communicative objective of language. Moreover, communicative objectives

can be completed through non-verbal language. The use of the whole non-

verbal language in speaking is helpful to convey the message and negotiate

the meaning.4 The non-verbal can be divided into gestures, facial expressions,

and body language as expressions or feedback interlocutor in real time or face

to face interaction.

As stated previously, further, it has been characterized by Richard and

Rodgers such as, it is a part of system for the meaning expression, uses

functional and communicative structure, focuses on the meaning rather than

1Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (England: Longman Group

UK Limited, 1991), pp. 16. 2I. S. P Nation and J. Newton, Teaching ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking, (New York:

Routledge, 2009), pp. 4. 3Lynne Cameron, Teaching Language to Young Learners, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2001), pp. 40. 4Harmer, op. cit., pp. 52—53.

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grammatical structural features, and also allows interaction and

communication as the gist of the language function.5 Hence, speaking can be

referred as communicative language since it has those characteristics which

tends to share information, communicate ideas, and interact each other to

express the meaning. It is also in line with Hoge who stated that speaking is

not a passive activity, but something that people can do in active and

interactive ways.6 Additionally, people need to communicate their ideas and

feelings, connect the message and information, interact to each other, and also

give feedback to interlocutor.

Thus, the conclusion, speaking is the productive skill to communicate and

share the ideas, feelings, messages, and information actively. It also needs the

involvement of non-verbal communication to make sense the meaning

expressions. In addition, speaking requires communicative activity and needs

interaction in real time or face to face situation.

2. Speaking Skill

The skill of speaking relates to the reasons and purposes why people need

to speak. In real communication, conversation of two speakers is needed to

have same purposes of the nature of speaking. Furthermore, the people have

particular reasons to speak such as they want to say something, close the gap

of information, complain something wrong, and get the effect or feedback

after conveying the message.7 Without conversation with interlocutor, the

communicative purpose is not achieved and will be monotonous or extremely

be a passive speaker. Meanwhile, Bygate stated speaking is a reciprocal

which communicate simultaneously in conversation and respond immediately

5Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language

Teaching: A Description and Analysis, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001), pp. 161. 6A. J. Hoge, Effortless English: Learn to Speak English Like a Native, (Nevada: Effortless

English LLC, 2014), pp. 19. 7Harmer, op. cit., pp. 46—48.

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to interlocutor on line.8 It involves how to comprehend the messages, how to

pronunciate the words, and how to speak fluently (reply back) to interlocutor.

Speaker does not have much time to correct the words or messages while

written interaction could make a draft of it.

Furthermore, speaking skill is not only depends on language competence,

but also communicative competence that involves appropriacy and structuring

discourse.9 The choice of words (vocabulary and grammar) to be used

appropriately is conditioned by the purposes in the right circumstances. It can

be affected by some cases such as setting which involves where and when the

speaker use language, participants to exchange language, purpose of the

communication, channel which takes face to face or through media, and the

topic that will be delivered in particular aspect.

In addition, the strategic competence is also needed in structuring

discourse.10 It is about how to use language in discourse such as how to

evaluate the input and how to reply back or exchange information to

interlocutor. It can be concluded that speaking skill is not only involves

language competence but also involves communicative competence such as

appropriacy and structuring discourse in real communication of two speakers.

3. The Role of Speaking in Language Learning

The essential of the nature and speaking ability refers to Communicative

Approach in language learning. It comes from the theory of language as a

communication.11 It emphasizes speaking as an interaction and opportunities

to produce language. The teacher may facilitate the effective language

learning in particular speaking in order to give as much as possible the

opportunities to interact each other. It is in line with five principles for

8Ronald Carter and David Nunan, The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of

Other Languages, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001), pp. 16. 9Harmer, loc cit., pp. 14—16. 10Ibid., p. 16. 11Richards, op. cit., pp. 159.

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creating effective language learning. It was synthesized by Erben et al, as


Principle 1, give English language learners many opportunities to read, to

write, to listen to, and to discuss oral and written English texts expressed in a

variety of ways.12 In speaking context, the students are provided more time to

talk about the material or topics that will be discussed in peer or group. In

addition, speaking cannot be practiced without other ability such as reading,

listening, and writing. At the same time, speaking requires listening or

reading as the input before producing language orally or using writing as a

note taking to help students point out the key words related to the topic.

Principle 2, draw attention to patterns of English language structure.13 In

speaking context, it requires students to get actively involved in practicing

speaking. Grammatical structure could be enhanced when students get new

theory or notice its content and trying to utter but they still have trouble. It

means when students participated in speaking activities, the teacher can use

this advantages to give feedback in the end of the class or drill the students to

overcome the issues.

Principle 3, give English language learners classroom time to use their

English productively.14 In speaking context, students negotiate the meaning

through interaction. Students are engaged in talk to have opportunities to use

the language as well as acquire the language. Thus the students can obtain

language contribution from the environment, correct their mistakes in

structure of language they listen to, enhance their speaking fluency, and

exchange up-to-date information to each other.

Principle 4, give English language learners opportunities to notice their

errors and to correct their English.5 In speaking context, the teacher

encourage students to notice their errors, reflect and think how to use English.

12Tony Erben, Ruth Ban and Martha Castaneda, Teaching English Language Learners

through Technology, (New York: Routledge, 2009), pp. 16. 13Ibid., pp. 17. 14Ibid., pp. 18. 15Ibid.,

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In addition, there are some corrective strategies to give feedback such as

explicit correction, requesting clarification, recast, metalinguistic clue,

elicitation, and repetitions.6

Principle 5, construct activities that maximize opportunities for English

language learners to interact with others in English.17 In speaking context,

four stages as the gist in the language learning development. There are

preproduction stage, early production stage, speech emergence stage, and

intermediate fluency.18 At the preproduction stage, the students are able to use

nonverbal responses, and produce simple conversation such as “yes”, “no”,

“thank you”. The next is early production stage, the students are able to

produce short conversations. At this stage, to encourage students to speak, the

teacher should create a low-anxiety environment in the classroom.

By the time the students enters the speech emergence stage which the

students are able to interact freely. The teacher also gives the opportunities

for students to work collaboratively in small groups to share their productive

language. And the last stage is intermediate fluency which demonstrates near-

native or called native-like fluency. Hence the teacher should foster their

academic proficiency in English through providing relevant content


4. Problems of Speaking in Language Learning

Most of the students faced some difficulties to speak or utter language in

the classroom. It is caused by some factors according to Ur as follows:19

1. Inhibition

English as a foreign language setting makes the students has less

opportunities to use English in social interaction. It can affect some obstacles

to say something in English. The students are worried to make mistakes such

16Ibid., pp. 18—19. 17Ibid., pp. 20 18Ibid., pp. 21—22. 19Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1995), pp. 121.

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as pronunciation and English grammatical, the teacher gives correctness in

front of his or her friends, thus, they get down or losing face about the

feedback, and sometimes the students are shy to explore their English because

they do not have any interlocutor to practice before and pay attention the

pattern of structure when present or perform in front of the classroom. Then,

the teacher can create stress-free, create a friendly, safe, cooperative

classroom environment as the solution of these problems. 20

2. Nothing to say

Contrast with the inhibition, some students do not know what things to

say. They have less motivation to speak or express themselves. It is because

they do not comprehend the material which being taught or do not know how

to pronounce the words. The use of high language is one of the obstacles for

them to formulate their opinion or relevant comments. It is because students

extremely have negative beliefs in traditional classroom of speaking such as

memorize grammar rules and take tests.

Besides, they do not say anything as they want because English is not

interesting at all. To overcome this problem, the teacher can maintain interest

in English through a variety of activities.22 Thus, the students are motivated

and interested to response the topics.

3. Low or uneven participation

When the students have the opportunities to speak with another students,

in particular group discussion, there is the tendency of some students to

dominate, while others speak very little or not at all. The active speaker of

students has the initial motive to practice their English fluency. The middle

students or low participants do not want to say anything before the active

students ask or give the opportunities to speak up. And the passive students or

uneven participants choose to keep in silent until the end of discussion. These

20Nation, op. cit., pp. 22. 22Ibid., pp. 20.

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are caused because in foreign language classroom context, the differentiation

of background knowledge and input among students of the topic is

significant. It can be solved by the teacher through providing plenty of

comprehensible input.23 Hence the students can participate in peer or group

discussion because they have the same background knowledge that they have

already learned before related to the topic.

4. Mother-tongue use

The difference of speaking ability in a group, sometimes makes the

students feel frustrated to engage in target language. Moreover, in foreign

language learner setting, it is quite difficult to create speaking in target

language as a habit. In addition, some students in the class sometimes

reluctant speaking English in the class because lack of encouragement.24 The

less disciplined and motivated to keep in touch with the target language

makes the students feel easy to use native language to comprehend the

content, and the teacher do not give any rules to the students. It can be solved

through focus on meaningful and relevant language when the students are

asked to speak English as they could as possible.25 Thus, mother tongue is

reduced in discussion session.

B. Flipped Classroom

The students in this 21s century is categorized as Millennial students

generation. It comes from Strauss and Howe theory of generation which

Millennials were born between 1982 and 2005.26 The millennial generation is

considered unique and sophisticated in using technology such as computers,

laptop, mobile phone, and internet. They do not use this technology as a tools,

23Ibid., pp. 21 24Nation, loc. cit., pp. 112. 25Ibid., p. 19 26Neil Howe and William Strauss, “The Next 20 Years; How Customer and Workforce

Attitudes Will Evolve”, Harvard Business Review, July-August 2007, p. 45.

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but rather as integral parts of their lives.27 It means the use of technology,

characteristic and learning styles of this generation makes lecturing classroom

teaching is no longer effective.28

From this classroom teaching problem towards the millennial students, in

2007, Bergmann and Sams tried the model of classroom to solve their

problems. At the beginning, they still used lecturing model in teaching

students (math and sciences subject) in remote area which typically millennial

students. He recorded the video of explanation and students could watch the

video for learning at home. The next day, students do homework and

exercises in the classroom with assisted by the teacher. According to

Bergmann and Sams, the initial concept of this model which is homework

traditionally done at home inverts to be done in the classroom, then it is called

as The Flipped Classroom Model.29

Furthermore, Overmyer stated the flipped classroom model is the whole

classroom or homework paradigm is flipped through infusing the technology,

thus, the interaction in the classroom could be maximized.30 It rearranges how

time is spent both in and out class to shift the learning that should be learned.

Moreover, the flipped classroom inverts teaching methods, delivering

instruction online outside of class and moving homework into the

classroom.31 It is a form of blended learning where learners are asked to view

short e-learning at home or on their own time, and prepare them for the next

meeting which will be discussed in group.

It can be concluded that Flipped Classroom is the model to invert teaching

and learning model. It exchanges the commonly model which inverts

27Stephen R. Merrit, “Generation Y: A Perspective on America’s Next Generation and Their

Impat on Higher Education”, The Serials Libarrian, Vol.2, 2008, p. 46. 28Cynhia R. Phillips and Joseph E. Trainor, Millennial Students and The Flipped Classroom,

Proceedings of ASBBS, Vol. 21 (1), 2014, p. 520. 29Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams, Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every

Class Every Day, (Washington, DC: International Society for Technology in Education, 2012), pp.

13. 30Jerry Overmyer, Flipped Classrooms 101, Principal Magazine Online, 2012, p. 46.

( 31Flipped Learning, What is Flipped Learning, Retrieved from

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homework to be done in class time, and the exercises or activities in class to

be done at home to maximize the students-teacher interaction and student-

student interaction.

1. Characteristics of Flipped Classroom

a. There is a switch from the teacher-centered to students-centered.

Converting from a lecture-based class into an activity based.32 Hence,

the students more active and interactive to discuss.

b. Providing exposure prior to class.33 The exposure such as reading

from textbook, micro-lecture, or download video from Youtube,

Coursera, etc.

c. A classroom where the teacher is not the "sage on the stage", but the

"guide on the side".34 The teacher is not the main sources of the

information which generally via lecture mode.

2. The Advantages of the Flipped Classroom

a. More Interactive in Discussion

In the flipped classroom students watch video at home and discuss in

the classroom with their friends. It makes the students more interactive

and active in peer or group discussion.35

b. Increased engagement in the material

The students are given the contextual material that related to the topic.

It can help and motivate the students to prepare the material in the

32Suwarna R. Subramaniam and Muniandy, Concept and Characteristics of Flipped

Classroom, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Scienceand Technology, Vol. 3 (10),

2016, p. 4669. 33J. Brame. C, Flipping the Classroom: Center for Teaching and Learning, retrieved March

2018, from 34A. King, From Sage on the Stage to Guide on the Side, College Teaching, Vol. 41 (1),

1993, p. 30-35. 35Siti H. Halili and Zamzami Zainuddin, Flipping the Classroom: What We Know and What

We Don’t, The Online Journal of Distance Education and Learning, Vol. 3 (1), 2015, p. 17.

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outside.36 Hence, the students are confident in the classroom to discuss

because they have already known and prepared the material before

coming to the classroom.

c. Increased Interaction Between Students and Teacher

The students bring the prior and background knowledge about the

material or topic which wil be discuss in the classroom. The teacher is a

facilitator, has a role and authorities to be involved in class activities to

guide more in learning than teaching.37

C. The Procedures of Teaching Speaking Using Flipped Classroom


This procedure is adapted from Suranakkharin research38 with some

modifications in applying or implementing The Flipped Classroom Model in

Indonesia context. There are four phases in this procedure such as

introduction, learning materials, process, and evaluation.

1. Introduction Phase

The students are introduced to the use of flipped classroom to enhance

students’ speaking skill.

2. Learning Materials Phase

Before the meeting, the online video is given to facilitate the students’


3. Process Phase

3.1 Prior to Class

a. The students watch online video less than 7 minutes.

36Hamdan, Noora et al., The Flipped Learning Model: A White Paper Based on the Literature

Review, A Review of Flipped Learning, Arlington, VA: Flipped Learning Network. 2013. 37N. B. Milman, The Flipped Classroom Strategy: What is It and How can It Best be Used?

Distance Learning, Vol. 9 (3), 2012, p. 85-87. 38Todsapon Suranakkharin, Using the Flipped Model to Foster Thai Learners’ Second

Language Collocation Knowledge, The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies,

Vol. 23 (3), 2017, p. 8.

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b. The teacher gives 2 questions as a guideline and the students

should take a note (only key point) that will be discussed and

checked later

3.2 In Class

a. The students is divided into group discussions consist 5-6 students

and discuss the homework (online video in the prior to class phase).

b. The students take part in the collaborative activities to present the

answer of 2 questions to member group.

c. The teacher walks around to conduct an interactive feedback

session where the students are engaged in group discussions.

d. Then the teacher checks the note taking of the students and clarifies

their misconceptions about pronunciation, vocabulary, makes sure

all the students are active to speak up, and also checks their

understanding the main idea of the video. The total of the

discussion is about 20 minutes.

e. The teacher conducts the lesson as usual but the video also has

been watched in ‘prior to class phase’. This lesson consume about

65 minutes. Hence, the total of ‘the process phase’ is about 85


4. Evaluation Phase

The teacher evaluates per meeting about the students’ work, and evaluate

the students’ enhancement through the post-test of speaking in the last


G. Previous Related Research

The first previous research was conducted by Li.39 He examined the effect

of integrating flipped classroom model to teach speaking in EFL context.

About 12 weeks experiment through flipped instructions on grammatical and

lexical knowledge via online video lectures and practice speaking through

39Shuangjiang Li and Jitpanat Suwanthep, Integration of Flipped Classroom Model for EFL

Speaking, International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 3 (2), 2017, p. 118—123.

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role-play in the class session. The result revealed the score of post-test in the

experimental group was higher than in the controlled group. Further, the

students expressed supportive opinions about the implementation of flipped

instructions and constructive role-plays.

The second previous research was conducted by Suranakkharin.35 He

examined the students’ attitudes towards the flipped model. The experimental

class was exposed to the flipped classroom instruction which the contents

were provided outside of class time and class time was used for activities.

Then, the controlled class was taught by the traditional method which the

lesson delivered during class and supplementary exercises were given outside

of class time. The findings of this research showed that flipped instruction

can enhance the students’ collocation knowledge.

The next previous research was conducted by Afrilasanti,,.41She

found the problems in EFL writing classes, such as limited teaching time,

absence of assistance for students’ learning at home, and individual

differences in learning. To solve this problem, she investigated the effect of

the use of flipped classroom model on writing ability in Indonesia context.

The result revealed that there was a significant difference on the students’

writing ability after the implementation of the flipped classroom.

H. Thinking Framework

Teaching speaking English refers to the effort to make the students are

able to communicate to each other. Even though speaking is not tested in

National Examination (but since English as the dominance in many aspects),

it will be a bridge for students as a social human being to communicate with

each other, exchange messages, share ideas, access information, discuss and

also implement some knowledge in English after they graduate from Senior

High School or continue their study at college.

40Suranakkharin, op. cit., p. 1—20. 41Rida Afrilasanti,, Effect of Flipped Classroom Model on Indonesian EFL Students’

Writing Ability Across and Individual Differences in Learning, International Journal of English

and Language and Linguistics Research, Vo. 4 (5), 2016, p. 65—81.

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However, teaching speaking English in Indonesia face some problems

such as teaching and learning speaking uses un-interactive classroom model,

the students are lack of background knowledge of the topic when discussed

spontaneously in the class, the time and the number of students to practice is

limited, and also the students’ differences in attitude, motivation, and learning


By applying flipped classroom model, the students are expected to get

much input through online video from Youtube channel in the outside class

and produce the language through discuss with their group in the classroom.

Therefore, the students have many opportunities to speak and interact with

their friends in English. It is expected to make the students are more

confident, enthusiast, and also reduce their anxiety. Moreover, the flipped

classroom model is the best way to integrate technology and education for

students in this millennial era.

I. Research Hypothesis

Based on the theories, problems and previous related studies presented

before, the researcher formulated the hypothesis that there is a significant

enhancement of applying Flipped Classroom Model to enhance students’

speaking skill.

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A. Research Design

This research used a Mixed Method Research Design. Creswell stated this

design is the combination of two methods in procedures of collecting or

analyzing data; qualitative and quantitative in single research to seek the

strengths of both data and covering the weaknesses of another research.1

Moreover, this design is conducted when one type of the research is not enough

to answer the research problem or research questions.2

This research was administered one of the Mixed Method Research Design

by using The Exploratory Sequential Design. It was the procedures to gather

the data from qualitative, then move to quantitative data. It also had two

phases, there were qualitative data to observe and explore the phenomena, and

further quantitative data to find out the accurate data as the complement of the

qualitative data.3

1. Phase 1 (Preliminary Qualitative Research)

The using of qualitative design in this research was more focused on the

process as well as product and how the situation occurs.4 The researcher

conducted this design to apply flipped classroom model in teaching and

learning speaking at the eleventh grade. Before designing instruments in the

next phase, the researcher observed holistically the process since the students at

the tenth grade (X MIA 1, X MIA 2, and X MIA 3).

The main purpose was to find some problems of speaking English and also

scanned the students’ changing needs and media to be modified in applying

flipped classroom model. Six months for adaptation was enough to construct

1John W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating

Quantitative and Qualitative Research, fourth edition, (Boston: Pearson, 2012), pp. 535. 2Ibid., 3Ibid., pp. 543. 4Jack R. Fraenkel, Norman E. Wallen, How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education,

seventh edition, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008), pp. 423.

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and design the best modification of the flipped classroom model. This research

took a long time because the researcher wanted to give a space of time for

students to adapt with the different teacher at the eleventh grade.

2. Phase 2 (Quantitative)

The second phase used experimental design because it was the best way to

test the hypothesis about the relationship among variables.5 The Quasi-

Experimental Design was conducted in this research. It was chosen in order to

investigate at the end of the process in applying flipped classroom model, it

needed an accurate numerical data to reduce subjectivity and it was the most

suitable to answer the research questions.

Table 3.1

Design of the Research

Control Group P1 Y P2

Experimental Group P1 X P2


P1: Pre-test

P2: Post-test

X: Applying Flipped Classroom Model

Y: Non-Applying Flipped Classroom Model ()

B. Content of Intervention

Based on the result of preliminary analysis of qualitative, in quasi-

experimental design, there were two classes as the sample. One class was the

experimental class and the rest was the controlled class. The researcher

conducted pre-test, treatment, and post-test to investigate the enhancement of

flipped classroom model towards students’ speaking skill. First, the researcher

5Ibid., p. 261.

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administered the pre-test to gather the initial data of the students’ speaking


Second, the researcher gave treatments to get the significant result. During

the treatments in the experimental group, the students were asked to watch

short videos at home less than seven minutes as a homework. They had two

options to access the videos, offline and online link. The offline video

contained video with no subtitle at all, on the other hand, online video could be

accessed through educational channel on YouTube. It was assisted by captions

option for subtitle in English or in Bahasa Indonesia. The next step, they listed

some key vocabulary related the topic that would be discussed later. The

students were expected to have background knowledge and some key

vocabulary to help them expand some key points in a discussion session.

The next meeting, they were divided into six groups to discuss what they

have gotten from the videos to friends in a group around 15-20 minutes in

speaking activities. The next meeting, students got a variety of videos which

would be discussed in their group. While the experimental class was doing a

project, the controlled class was taught by using the regular model such as

watching the video in the class and discussed in each groups.

In the end, the post-test was administered to examine the use of flipped

classroom model to enhance students’ speaking skill.

C. Research Setting

The research was conducted in SMAN 9 Kota Tangerang Selatan. It is

located at Jalan Hidup Baru No. 31, Serua, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan, Banten.

The active research in the classroom was started at the end of February 2017,

when the researcher was teaching during Integrating Teaching Practice

Program (PPKT). Then, the passive research was conducted until December

2017, when the researcher was a Mentor Rohis SMAN 9 Kota Tangerang

Selatan. The researcher collected this data from Rohis member who was the

participant of the research through interview.

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Then, the researcher completed to gain the data in the classroom (active

research), in the middle of February 2018. Hence, this research was conducted

in an academic year 2016/2017 to 2017/2018. Further, the table was presented,

as follow:

Table 3.2

Setting of the Research


Researcher Active Passive Active

Time February 28, 2017 –

May 20, 2017

Mei 21, 2017 –

December 31, 2017

January 22, 2018 –

February 16, 2018



(SMAN 9 Kota

Tangerang Selatan)


(SMAN 9 Kota

Tangerang Selatan)


(SMAN 9 Kota

Tangerang Selatan)

Roles Participant Observer

(As PPKT teacher)



(As Mentor Rohis)

Participant Observer

(As a Researcher)

Data Preliminary Qualitative






(researcher’s note)


(Pre-test, Post-test

and Questionnaire)

C. Population and Participants

The population of this research was the students at the eleventh grade of

SMAN 9 Kota Tangerang Selatan, an academic year 2017/2018. It consisted of

five classes of XI MIA and four classes of XI IIS.

The researcher conducted purposive sampling technique because when the

researcher as a PPKT teacher, the school gave the permission to teach three

classes. There were X MIA 1, X MIA 2, and X MIA 3. In addition, according

to Cohen, purposive sampling technique is used for a specific purpose in the

research.6 It was in line with the specific purpose in this research which those

6Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion, and Keith Morrison, Research Methods in Education,

Sixth Edition, (New York: Routledge, 2007), pp. 114–115.

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classes (X MIA 1, X MIA 2, and X MIA 3) had the same characteristics of

scores in English. It was revealed by the document of scores in English subject

in the last semester at the tenth grade. Further, it was same; using purposive

sampling at the eleventh grade, which conducted XI MIA 1 as the experimental

class and XI MIA 3 as the controlled class.

Moreover, the researcher administered another participants in this research

before conducting the quantitative. The participants were an English teachers

and the group of the students who were interviewed by the researcher to gain

the qualitative data of the students’ need and media for the intervention.

D. Data and Instruments of the Research

1. Qualitative Data and Instruments

The sources of the data in this research had been collected from

reflection of the researcher, interview, and questionnaire. The researcher

also used video recorded as the additional data. Thus, the instruments of this

qualitative data used the instruments:

a. Researcher’s note

The researcher wrote on the researcher’ notes after applying the flipped

classroom model per meeting. The researcher’ notes in this research was

like a reflection which focused on how the response of the students while

flipped classroom model was conducted during the treatment. It was in line

with Russal and Kelly in Litchman which stated reflectivity is a process of

self-examination of thoughts and actions of the researcher.7 Hence, it was

the reflection of the researcher’s point of view about the students’ response

in the application of flipped classroom model in the class (the transcript

could be seen in appendix). The guideline of the researcher’s note, as


7Marilyn Lichtman, Qualitative Research in Education: A User’s Guide, (London: SAGE

Publications Inc., 2013), p. 164.

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Table 3.3

The Guideline of the Researcher’s Notes

The Guideline of

the Researcher’s Note

1. Preparation Stages

a. Video Selected and Duration: The students’ need of material

b. The Instructional of Flipped Classroom: Does students understand

the instruction?

2. The Homework Stages: Does it work? Which one of the pattern has the

positive response?

a. The first pattern: The language for Instructional (English), type of

video (One video), the time for sending links (the day before the


b. The second pattern: The language for Instructional (Bahasa), type of

video (variety but limited video), the time for sending links (two

days before the meeting).

c. The third pattern: The language for Instructional (Mixed), type of

video (unlimited), the time for sending links (Three days before the


3. The Class-Time Stages

a. The first and the second meeting: How is the situation? Any

problems? What is the solution?

b. The third and the fourth meeting: How is the situation? Any

problems? What is the solution?

c. The fifth and the sixth meeting: How is the situation? Any

problems? What is the solution?

b. Interview Sheet

The researcher used interview sheet when conducting preliminary

qualitatibe research. The interview sheet was used to compare the

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researcher’s note and the questionnaire of students’ opinion about the

flipped classroom model. The researcher asked the interviewee who had

useful information and specific information. The researcher conducted In-

Depth Interviews to collect the data. Boyce stated this interview may

provide a more relaxed atmosphere to know detailed information or personal

thought and behavior about problems.8 The researcher interviewed an

English teacher, a student, and a group students which consisted eight

students. The guideline of the questions was formulated by the researcher,

as follows:

Table 3.4

The Guideline of the Interview

The Guideline of

the Interview Questions

A. For the Teacher:

1. What is the difficulties in teaching speaking?

2. What is the sources in teaching speaking?

3. Have you ever developed your own material?

4. How to evaluate the students in speaking?

5. What is your expectation in teaching and learning speaking?

B. For the Students:

1. What is your difficulties in learning speaking?

2. Does your teacher use the media in teaching speaking?

3. Have you ever talked in English with your friends in the


4. What is your expectation in learning speaking?

8Carolyn Boyce and Palena Neale, Conducting In-Depth Interviews: A Guide for Designing

and Conducting In-Depth Interviews for Evaluation Input, (New York: Pathfinder International,

2006), p. 3.

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c. Questionnaire Sheet

The researcher also used questionnaire to get the students’ opinion when

the flipped classroom model was applied in speaking activities. It was the

additional instruments to answer the research question “Is there any

significant enhancement by applying Flipped Classroom Model on Students’

Speaking Skill?”

The researcher administered five open-ended questions. The form of

questionnaire could be seen in appendix. The guideline of questionnaire

would be presented below:

Table 3.5

The Guideline of Open-Ended Questionnaire

The Guideline of

Open-Ended Questionnaire

1. What is your opinion about the Flipped Classroom Model?

2. Is there any advantages from this model? If so, what are they?

3. Is there any obstacles? If so, what are they?

4. Does Flipped Classroom Model enhance your speaking ability/skill?

Can you tell me more in what aspect?

5. Do you recommend this model to be applied in English lesson? Why?

6. How is your impression toward this model?

2. Quantitative Data and Instruments

a. Test

The speaking test was given twice, in the pre-test and the post-test to

answer the key point of research question “Is there any significant

enhancement by applying Flipped Classroom Model on Students’ Speaking


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. The pre-test was administered before giving the treatment to know the

initial speaking of the students. Then, the post-test was administered to

check whether the flipped classroom model can enhance or not toward

students’ speaking. The instrument of the speaking test in this research used

rubric proposed by David P. Haris which has some modification, as


Table 3.6

The Rubric of Speaking

9David P. Harris, Testing English as a Foreign Language, (New York: Tata McGraw-Hill

Publishing Company Ltd., 1969), pp. 83.

No Criteria Rating

Score Description

1 Pronunciation

5 (95-

100) Has few traces of foreign language.

4 (85-94) Always intelligible, thought one is

conscious of a definite accent.

3 (75-84)

Pronunciation problem necessities

concentrated listening and occasionally

lead to misunderstanding.

2 (65-74)

Very hard to understand because of

pronunciation problem, most frequently

be asked to repeat.

1 <65 Pronunciation problem to serve as to

make speech virtually unintelligible.

2 Grammar

5 (95-


Make few (if any) noticeable errors of

grammar and word order.

4 (85-94)

Occasionally makes grammatical and or

word orders errors that do not, however

obscure meaning.

3 (75-84)

Make frequent errors of grammar and

word order, which occasionally obscure


2 (65-74)

Grammar and word order errors make

comprehension difficult, must often

rephrase sentence.

1 <65

Errors in grammar and word order, so,

severe as to make speech virtually


3 Vocabulary

5 (95-


Use of vocabulary and idioms is virtually

that of native speaker.

4 (85-94)

Sometimes uses inappropriate terms and

must rephrases ideas because of lexical

and equities.

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E. Preliminary Analysis

The researcher conducted preliminary analysis before analyzing the t-test

data. It was conducted to see whether the data was normally distributed and

homogeneous or not. The researcher used Microsoft Excel to input the data of

the students’ score and used IBM SPSS 23 statistical analysis platform

program to analyze the normality and homogeneity.

1. Test of Normality

The test of normality was conducted in order to know whether the

distribution from the two classes (the experimental and the controlled class)

3 (75-84)

Frequently uses the wrong words

conversation somewhat limited because of

inadequate vocabulary.

2 (65-74)

Misuse of words and very limited

vocabulary makes comprehension quite


1 <65 Vocabulary limitation so extreme as to

make conversation virtually impossible.

4 Fluency

5 (95-


Speech as fluent and efforts less as that of

native speaker.

4 (85-94) Speed of speech seems to be slightly

affected by language problem.

3 (75-84) Speed and fluency are rather strongly

affected by language problem.

2 (65-74) Usually hesitant, often farce into silence

by language limitation.

1 <65 Speech is halting and fragmentary as to

make conversation virtually impossible.

5 Comprehension

5 (95-


Appears to understand everything without


4 (85-94)

Understand nearly everything at normal

speed although occasionally repetition

may be necessary.

3 (75-84) Understand most of what is said at slower

than normal speed without repetition.

2 (65-74)

Has great difficulty comprehend social

conversation spoken slowly and with

frequent repetition

1 <65 Cannot be said to understand even simple


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were normal or not. This test used Shapiro-Wilk table which should be

above 0.05 to have normal distribution data. The normality of the data was

gathered from the pre-test score and the post-test score of the controlled

class and the experimental class. The steps to input the data in SPSS 23

program, could be seen in appendix. Further, the result can be seen as


Based on the Table 3.7, the significance of the controlled class was

0.051 and the significance of the experimental class was 0.058. The result

revealed the significance of these classes was above 0.05. Hence, the

distribution of pre-test score was normal.

Table 3.8

Tests of Normality Post-test

Based on the Table 3.8, the significance of the controlled class was 0.058

and the significance of the experimental class was 0.526. The result revealed

the significance of these classes was above 0.05. Hence, the distribution of

post-test score was normal.

Table 3.7

Tests of Normality Pre-test

Class Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic Df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.

Controlled Class .171 38 .007 .943 38 .051

Experimental Class .168 38 .009 .944 38 .058

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction


Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic Df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Controlled Class .155 38 .022 .942 38 .058

Eeperimental Class .125 38 .143 .974 38 .526

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

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2. Test of Homogeneity

The test of homogeneity was also conducted in order to know whether the

data from two classes (experimental and controlled class) had the same or

different variant. This test used Levene’s table which Sig. score should be

above 0.05 to have homogeneity distribution data. The steps to input the data

in SPSS version 23 software program, could be seen in appendix.

Table 3.9

Test of Homogeneity of Variances Pre-test


Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.059 1 74 .809

The homogeneity of pre-test was calculated using Levene statistic in SPSS

23. The researcher determined to use the significance value 0.05. The table

above showed the significance of pre-test score was 0.809, which was higher

than 0.05 or 0.809>0.05. Thus, the data of pre-test was homogenous.

Table 3.10

Test of Homogeneity of Variances Post-Test


Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.173 1 74 .679

The homogeneity of post-test was calculated using Levene statistic in

SPSS 23. The researcher determined to use the significance value 0.05. The

table above showed the significance of post-test score was 0.679, which was

higher than 0.05 or 0.679>0.05. Thus, the data of post-test was homogenous.

F. Data Collection Technique

Technique in collecting the data used the data through the note taking by

using researcher’s note, interview by using interview sheet and collect the

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students’ opinion by using questionnaire. The second, was the quantitative, by

testing the students’ score of using Flipped Classroom Model.

G. Data Analysis Technique

The analysis of the qualitative data used the note taking of the students’

activities during the treatment, the interview of the students, and

questionnaire. It would use the triangulation data sources. The

Then, the analysis of quantitative data, the researcher gathered the

students’ speaking score before and after the treatment using t-test in SPSS

23. After conducting t-test, the enhancement size was calculated in order to

know whether the enhancement is strong or weak. The researcher used

Cohens’d to measure the enhancement size, it could be measured through the


d = (Mean of group A – Mean of group B)

Pooled Standard Deviation


d : The enhancement size

Mean of group A : Mean of the experimental class

Mean of group B : Mean of the controlled class

Pooled Standard Deviation : (SDx + SDy)

The criteria of the enhancement size can be interpreted whether it could

give strong enhancement or not, as follows:11

0–0.20 : Weak enhancement 0.51–1.00: Moderate enhancement

0.21–0.50: Modest enhancement >1.00 : Strong enhancement

10Daniel Muijs, Doing Quantitative Research in Education with SPSS, (London: Sage

Publications Ltd, 2004), p. 136. 11Ibid.,

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H. Statistical Hypothesis

This research was conducted in order to apply the flipped classroom model

to enhance students’ speaking skill. Based on the calculation and the results

of the hypothesis testing, the mechanism could be concluded, if:

1. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): There was significant enhancement in

applying flipped classroom model in teaching speaking.

2. Null Hypothesis (Ho): There was no significant enhancement in applying

flipped classroom model in teaching.

The hypothesis could be proven with these formula:

1. If to<ttable, or the significance was >0.05, the Ho was accepted and Ha was

rejected. It means that there was no significant enhancement in applying

flipped classroom model in teaching speaking.

2. If to>ttable, or the significance was <0.05, the Ho was rejected and Ha was

accepted. It means that there was significant enhancement in applying

flipped classroom model in teaching speaking.

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1. The Students’ Score of Pre-Test

This data presented the result of the pre-test scores in experimental

class and controlled class. The standard of minimum completeness of

English mastery (KKM) SMA Negeri 9 Kota Tangerang Selatan, in both

classes was 70. Hence, the researcher classified the scores of pre-test into

three categories such as, low, middle, and high. The criteria of low score

was lower than 70 (below the standard of minimum completeness), the

middle score was 70-80, and the high score was high than 80. The score

classification could be seen on the table below.

Table 4.1

The Score of Pre-test


Experimental Class Controlled Class

Freq. F (%) Mean Freq. F (%) Mean

< 70 0 0


0 0

76.89 70—80 34 89.47 31 81.58

81—90 4 10.53 7 18.42

Based on the Table 4.1, the score of pre-test in the experimental class

showed the students who got the low score was 0, the middle score was 34

students (89.47%) with the minimum score was 70, and the high score was

4 students (10.53%) with the highest score was 83. While in the controlled

class, the students who got the low score was 0, the middle score was 31

students (81.58%) with the minimum score was 71, and the high score was

7 students (18.42%) with the highest score was 83.

The Table 4.1 also showed the mean score of the experimental class

was higher than the mean score of the controlled class. The mean score

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could be seen in the table which experimental class was 76.08 and the

controlled class was 76.89.

2. The Students’ Score of Post-Test

The data in this part presented the result of the post-test scores in

experimental and controlled class. The score of post-test was the

accumulation of the process and also progress during the treatment. The

experimental class reached the highest accumulation rather than the

controlled class. It could be seen the significant differentiation between the

experimental class and the controlled class on the table, as follows:

Table 4.2

The Score of Post-test

Score Experimental Class Controlled Class

Freq. F (%) Mean Freq. F (%) Mean

< 70 0 0


0 0

78.45 70—80 13 34.21 24 63.16

81—90 25 65.79 14 36.84

Based on the Table 4.2, the score of pre-test in the experimental class

showed the students who got the low score was 0, the middle score was 13

students (34.21%) with the minimum score was 72, and the high score was

25 students (65.79%) with the highest score was 87. While in the

controlled class, the students who got the low score was 0, the middle

score was 24 students (63.16%) with the minimum score was 72, and the

high score was 7 students (18.42%) with the highest score was 87.

The Table 4.2 also showed the mean score of the experimental class

was higher than the mean score of the controlled class. The mean score

could be seen in the table which experimental class was 80.32 and the

controlled class was 78.45.

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3. The Students’ Gained Score

The gained score of the students through pre-test and post-test was

presented in this table. The gained score was calculated from post-test

score minus pre-test score. The data could be seen on the table below:

Table 4.3

The Gained Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test



Experimental Class Controlled Class

Freq. F (%) Mean Freq. F (%) Mean

< 0 0 0


3 7.89


0—2 8 21.05 26 68.42

3—5 20 52.63 9 23.68

6—8 9 23.68 0 0

> 8 1 2.6 0 0

Based on the Table 4.3, the mean of gained score in the experimental

class (4.24) was higher than the controlled class (1.55). It could be

interpreted that the most of students reached 0-8 point in the experimental

class. Meanwhile, the most of students in the controlled class could only

reach 0-5 point. In addition, three students had minus point in the post-test

than the pre-test. Hence, the students’ improvement in the experimental

class was significant than the controlled class.

Furthermore, the gained score of the students’ improvements in

speaking was categorized into five speaking elements. It could be proven

through speaking rubric which related to the speaking elements. The Table

4.3 also presented the total students’ score in each elements in pre-test

minus the total score in post-test.

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Table 4.4

The students’ Improvement in Five Speaking Elements



Experimental Class Controlled Class


Score F (%)


Score F (%)

Pronunciation 145 18 80 27.1

Fluency 170 21.1 90 30.5

Vocabulary 235 29.2 -40 -13.6

Comprehension 105 13.1 140 47.5

Grammar 150 18.6 25 8.5

The Table 4.4 showed that the most improvement occurred in the aspect

of vocabulary (29.2%) and fluency (21.1%) in the experimental class. On

the other hand, the most improvement in the aspect of comprehension

(47.5%) and also the decrease of vocabulary aspect (13.6%) in the

controlled class.

4. The Questionnaire Result

Table 4.5

The Questionnaire Result

No Questionnaire Positive






1. What is your opinion about the

flipped classroom model? 33 students 1 students 4 students

2 Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they? 34 students 0 students 4 students

3 Is there any obstacles?

If so, what are they? 3 students 31students 4 students

4 Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking

ability/skill? Can you tell me

more in what aspect?

30 students 4 students 4 students

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No Questionnaire Positive






5 Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson?


29 students 5 students 4 students

6 How is your impression toward

this model? 27 students 7 students 4 students

Total of Responses 153 48 24

% 68% 21.3% 10.7%

Based on the Table 4.5, the first question, the students gave positive

opinion was 33 students, negative opinion was 1 students, and no opinion

was 4 students. The students said that it was good, interesting model, and

enjoyable model. Even though the rest said it was not interesting model

and no idea to share opinion. The second question, the students gave

positive opinion was 34 students, negative opinion was 0 students, and no

opinion was 4 students. The students said that all of them took many

advantages from this model, such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,

fluency, and comprehension. In addition, the students felt more confident,

unafraid to speak in English, and know the background knowledge.

The third question, the students did not have an obstacle was 3 students,

had an obstacle was 31 students, and no opinion was 4 students. The

students said that they could not watch the video if their mobile data off,

the time for sending the video was tight. The fourth question, the students

gave positive response was 30 students, negative response was 4students,

and no response was 4 students. The fifth question, the students who

recommended this model to be applied in speaking activities was 29

students, did not recommend was 5 students, and no response was 4

students. The sixth question, the students gave positive impression was 27

students, negative impression was 7 students, and no response was 4


The total positive responses were 153 (68%), negative responses were

48 (21.3%), and no response was 24 (10.7%).

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1. The Difference of Pre-Test, Post-Test, and Gained Score in the

Controlled Class and the Experimental Class

a. Pre-Test Score

The Table 4.6 below presented the comparative result of pre-test

score in the controlled class and the experimental class. The Table

consisted the number of students was 38. The mean of the controlled

class was 76.89 and the experimental class was 76.08.

Table 4.6

Group Statistics of Pre-test Score

Class N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Controlled Class 38 76.89 3.237 .525

Experimental Class 38 76.08 3.174 .515

Table 4.7

Independent Samples Test


Test for

Equality of

Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df











95% Confidence

Interval of the












.059 .809 1.109 74 .271 .816 .735 -.649 2.281





1.109 73.972 .271 .816 .735 -.649 2.281

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The Table 4.7 showed the result of independent sample test or t-test

analyzed using SPSS 23. The researcher tested the homogeneity

variance using Levene’s test. The result showed that F=0.59 and

p=0.809. The significant value of homogeneity data was 5%=0.05

which p>0.05 or 0.809>0.05. In addition, the researcher used the equal

variances assumed because the data result was homogeneous.

The significance was 0.271 (p=0.271), it meant p>0.05 or

0.271>0.05 that null hypothesis was accepted and there was no

significant difference between the controlled class and the experimental

class. Then, the degree of freedom (df) was 74. The value of ttable with

degree of freedom, significant level 5% was 1.666 and the to was 1.109.

The result was to<ttable (1.109<1.666). Hence in the beginning, there was

no difference in the controlled class and the experimental class.

b. Post-Test Score

The score of post-test was also analyzed by the researcher to see the

improvement after the treatment was done in the experimental class,

and without the treatment in the controlled class. The result showed that

the mean of two classes were increasing. The controlled class got mean-

score improvement from 76.89 in pre-test and 78.45, while in the

experimental class got mean-score improvement from 76.08 to 80.32.

Table 4.8

Group Statistics of Post-test

Class N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Controlled Class 38 78.45 3.600 .584

Experimental Class 38 80.32 3.786 .614

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Table 4.9

Independent Samples Test


Test for

Equality of

Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. T df






Std. Error




Interval of the


Lower Upper










.173 .679 -

2.205 74 .031 -1.868 .847


3.557 -.180






2.205 73.813 .031 -1.868 .847


3.557 -.180

Table 4.9 presented the significant value of Levene’s test was 0.679.

The significant value of homogeneity data was 5%=0.05 which p>0.05.

Therefore, 0.679>0.05 meant the data of post-test was homogenous and

the researcher could use the row of equal variances assumed. The

significance of post-test was 0.031 (p=0,031) which was lower than 0.05

or 0.031<0.05. It meant null hypothesis was rejected and there was the

significant enhancement in the experimental class after applying flipped

classroom model in teaching speaking.

c. Gained Score

The gained score of pre-test and post-test score was also analyze to get

the significant enhancement of applying flipped classroom model. The

gained score was calculated from post-test score minus pre-test score using

Microsoft Excel 2013.

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Table 4.10

Group Statistics of Gained Score

Class N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Controlled Class 38 1.55 1.554 .252

Experimental Class 38 4.24 2.059 .334

The Table of gained score presented the total of gained score of the

controlled class was 59 and the mean (M1) 1.55. While in the

experimental class got 161 as the total of gained score and the mean

(M2) was 4.24.

Furthermore, in the controlled class got 1.55 as the standard

deviation (SD1) and in the experimental class got 2.06 as the standard

deviation (SD2). In addition, the standard error mean of gained score in

the controlled class (SEM1) was 0.252 and the standard error mean of

gained score in the experimental class (SEM2) was 0.334.

Table 4.11

Independent Sample Test


Test for



Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t Df















Interval of the


Lower Upper



d S







12 .087 -6.414 74 .000 -2.684 .419 -3.518 -1.850


variances not


-6.414 68.833 .000 -2.684 .419 -3.518 -1.849

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Based on the Table 4.11, the result showed that F=3.012 and

p=0.087. The significant value was 5%=0.05. The data was

homogenous because p>0.05 or 0.087>0.05, then the researcher used

the row of equal variances assumed. The significance of gained score

was 0.000 (p=0.000), which was lower than 0.05 or 0.000<0.05. It

meant null hypothesis was rejected and there was the significant

difference between the two classes.

The table also revealed that the degree of freedom (df) was 74. The

value of ttable with degree of freedom, significant level 5% was 1.666

and the to was 6.414. The result was to>ttable (6.414>1.666).

2. Analysis of Enhancement Size Formulation

After calculating the t-test, the effect size was calculated in order to

know whether the enhancement was strong or weak. The calculation, as


d = (Mean of class A – Mean of class B)

Pooled Standard Deviation

Mean of experimental class = 80.32

Mean of controlled class = 78.45

Mean of experimental class – mean of controlled class = 1.87

Standard deviation of class 1 = 3.786

Standard deviation of class 2 = 3.600

Pooled standard deviation = (3.786 + 3.600)/2

= 3.7

d = (80.32 -78.45)


d = 1.87 = 0.51


The result above showed the effect size formulation was 0.51. As the

criterion in the Chapter III, it can be concluded that there was a moderate

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enhancement of applying flipped classroom model to enhance students’

speaking English.

3. Hypothesis Testing

This research was conducted to implement flipped classroom model in

teaching speaking. Based on the calculation and the results of the

hypothesis testing, the mechanism could be concluded as follows:

1. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): There was significant enhancement in

applying flipped classroom model in teaching speaking

2. Null Hypothesis (Ho): There was no significant enhancement in

applying flipped classroom model in teaching

The hypothesis could be proven with these formula:

1. If to<ttable, or the significance was >0.05, the Ho was accepted and Ha

was rejected. It means that there was no significant enhancement in

applying flipped classroom model in teaching speaking.

2. If to>ttable, or the significance was <0.05, the Ho was rejected and Ha was

accepted. It means that there was significant enhancement in applying

flipped classroom model in teaching speaking.

Based on the SPSS result which has been presented in Gained Score

point above, the significance was 0.000 (p=0.000), which was lower than

0.05 or 0.000<0.05. It meant null hypothesis was rejected and there was

the significant enhancement in applying flipped classroom model in

teaching speaking.

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This research reveals that the application or implementation of the flipped

classroom model to enhance students’ speaking skill at the eleventh grade

students of SMAN 9 Kota Tangerang Selatan. Therefore, the research

questions of “Is there any significant enhancement by applying Flipped

Classroom Model on Students’ Speaking Skill?” had positively responded by

the students and proved that there is the significant enhancement through the

result of the post-test score. Hence, this result supported the findings of

previous research by Li,34 Suranakkharin,35 and Afrilasanti,36 that the flipped

classroom model affects students’ learning particularly in EFL context.

However, this research was different from Li who examined the effect of

integrating flipped classroom model to teach speaking in EFL context. About

12 weeks experiment through flipped instructions on grammatical and lexical

knowledge via online video lectures and practice speaking through role-play

in the class session. In contrast, this research only gave 6 treatments to

enhance students’ speaking skill using the media such as the online video

from Youtube.

Furthermore, the previous research was conducted by Suranakkharin. He

examined the students’ attitudes towards the flipped model. The experimental

class was exposed to the flipped classroom instruction which the contents

were provided outside of class time and class time was used for activities.

Then, the controlled class was taught by the traditional method which the

lesson delivered during class and supplementary exercises were given outside

of class time. It was in line with this research particularly in the procedure but

had some modification in implementing the flipped classroom model.

34Shuangjiang Li and Jitpanat Suwanthep, Integration of Flipped Classroom Model for EFL

Speaking, International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 3 (2), 2017, pp. 118-123. 35 Todsapon Suranakkharin, Using the Flipped Model to Foster Thai Learners’ Second

Language Collocation Knowledge, The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies,

Vol. 23 (3), 2017, pp. 8. 36 Rida Afrilasanti,, Effect of Flipped Classroom Model on Indonesian EFL Students’

Writing Ability Across and Individual Differences in Learning, International Journal of English

and Language and Linguistics Research, Vo. 4 (5), 2016, pp. 65-81.

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The next previous research was conducted by Afrilasanti. She found the

problems in EFL writing classes, such as limited teaching time, absence of

assistance for students’ learning at home, and individual differences in

learning. To solve this problem, she investigated the effect of the use of

flipped classroom model on writing ability in Indonesia context. The

difference from this research was the skill that would be improved. The

researcher conducted the flipped classroom model to enhance speaking skill.

In addition, the researcher used the questionnaire to get the students’

opinion after the implementation of the flipped classroom model. Most of the

students gave positive responds such as a good model, an effective model, an

interesting model to be applied in English lessons. In addition, they explained

this model had many advantages for them.

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A. The Conclusion

The researcher conducted mixed method research which focused on

exploratory sequential design to get the empirical evidence whether Flipped

Classroom Model enhance students’ speaking or not. The empirical evidence

of applying flipped classroom model to enhance students’ speaking has been

presented in the previous chapter. This model made the students were more

enthusiast, more enjoyable, more confident, and unafraid to discuss

spontaneously to each other. This model also contributed well towards their

vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency, and the background knowledge about the


Further, the result which the significance of post-test in the experimental

class (p=0.031) was lower than 0.05 or 0.031<0.05. It meant there was the

significant post-test score between the controlled class and the experimental

class. In addition, the mean score of post-test in the experimental class

(80.32) was higher than the mean score of post-test in the controlled class

(78.45). The calculation of enhancement size also proved that applying

flipped classroom model gave moderate enhancement on students’ speaking

skill which was 0.51.

It was also supported by the questionnaire result that the students were

more active, not afraid, more confident, and more fluent. The students also

stated that they got new vocabularies, knew the vocabulary related to the

topic, knew how to pronounce the words, knew the background knowledge,

and got a community to speak in English. Although, some students stated this

model needed extra mobile data, needed to change the group, and preferred

the links was sent minimum two days before the meetings because they felt

much homework to be done from other subjects.

Finally, the result of this research supported the previous research of the

flipped classroom model was effective in enhancing students’ speaking skill.

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B. The Suggestion

Based on the enhancement of applying flipped classroom model to

enhance students’ speaking skill, almost the students also recommended this

model to be applied in English lesson even though only 20 minutes per

meeting, however, it worked well. One of the students stated in the

questionnaire that she would make a group or community to continue this

model. Therefore, it is highly recommended to be applied in teaching and

learning speaking because the students are enthusiast and had many

opportunities to interact with each other in English. Also, further research

may investigate deeper in speaking with the better arrangements while

applying flipped classroom model.

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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

3.1. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan menyarankan untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu dengan penjelasan, serta meresponsnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.1. Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan menyarankan untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu dengan penjelasan, dan meresponsnya dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang

Fungsi sosial

Menjaga hubungan Interpersonal dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain

Struktur teks

- Memulai - Menanggapi

(diharapkan/tidak diharapkan)

Unsur kebahasaa

- Ungkapan yang sesuai untuk menyarankan.( I believe ..., I think ..., I suppose ..., In my opinion ...)

- Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara

Menyimak dan menirukan beberapa contoh percakapanmenyarankan untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu yang diperagakan guru, dengan ucapan dan tekanan kata yang benar.

Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari beberapa ungkapan yang sedang dipelajari.

Bertanya dan mempertanyakan tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam interaksi tersebut.

Menentukan ungkapan yang tepat secara lisan/tulis dari berbagai situasi lain yang serupa.

Secara lisan dan tulis, melakukan tindakan komunikatif yang sedang dipelajari dalam bahasa Inggris secara kontekstual.

Melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan hasil belajar.

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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

benar dan sesuai konteks tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan


Berbagai kegiatan yang terkait dengan peserta didik sebagai remaja dan pelajar SMA, yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat dalam KI.

3.2. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan

tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tindakan/kegiatan/

Fungsi sosial Menjelaskan, meyakinkan, mengarahkan, menjanjikan, dsb.

Struktur teks - Memulai - Menanggapi

Menyimak dan menirukan interaksi yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang sudah/telah dilaku-kan/terjadi dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat ini, dan waktu yang akandatang sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Membaca dengan cermat untuk mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan

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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

kejadian yang sudah/telah dilakukan/terjadi dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat ini, dan waktu yang akan datang, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan past perfect, present perfect, future perfect)

4.2. Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang sudah/telah dilakukan/terjadi dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat ini, dan waktu yang akan datang, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

(diharapkan/di luar dugaan)

Unsur kebahasaan - Pernyataan dan

pertanyaan terkait tindakan/kegiata

n/kejadian yang sudah/telah dilakukan/terjadi dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat ini, dan waktu yang akan datang

- Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi,

ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan.

percakapan tersebut.

Bertanya dan mempertanyakan tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam interaksi tersebut.

Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan antara beberapa tindakan

memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang sudah/telah dilakukan/terjadi dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat ini, dan waktu yang akan datang, dalam konteks yang berbeda

Secara lisan dan tertulis, melakukan tindakan komunikatif yang telah dipelajari untuk tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang sudah/telah dilakukan/terjadi dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat ini, dan waktu yang akan datang sesuai dengan konteks.

Melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan hasil belajarnya.

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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

Topik Perbuatan, kegiatan, dan tindakan di sekolah, rumah, dan sekitarnya dan yang relevan dengan kehidupan peserta didik sebagai remaja dan pelajar SMA, yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat dalam KI.

3.3. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait rencana yang akan datang dengan kondisi tertentu, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan if dalam present tense)

Fungsi sosial Mengingatkan, menasehati, berita-cita, menyatakan kebenaran umum, dsb.

Struktur teks

- Memulai - Menanggapi

(diharapkan/di luar dugaan)

Unsur kebahasaan - Pernyataan dan

Menyimak dan menirukan interaksi yang melibatkan rencana yang akan datang dengan kondisi tertentu sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Membaca dengan cermat untuk mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan percakapan tersebut.

Bertanya dan mempertanyakan tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam interaksi tersebut.

Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan antara beberapa rencana yang akan datang dengan kondisi tertentu, dalam konteks yang berbeda

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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

4.3. Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait rencana yang akan datang dengan kondisi tertentu, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

pertanyaan terkait menyatakan pengandaian: if …, unless …

- Adverbial dengan –ly, adverbila untuk menyatakan waktu, tempat, dsb.

- Kosa kata: benda-benda yang terkait dengan pembelajaran di SMA dan kehidupan peserta didik sebagai remaja

- Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa


- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi,

Secara lisan dan tertulis, menyampaikanrencana yang akan datang dengan kondisi tertentu sesuai dengan konteks.

Melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan hasil belajarnya.

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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan.

Topik Benda, binatang, tumbuh-tumbuhan, kejadian, peristiwa yang penting dan relevan dengan peserta didik SMA,yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat dalam KI.

3.4. Menginterpretasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk poem, lisan dan tulis, dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kehidupan remaja, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.4. Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks

Fungsi sosial Untuk menjalin pergaulan dengan lingkungannya

Unsur kebahasaan

- Tata bahasa: Simple Present Tense, Kalimat imperatif positif dan negatif, kalimat tanya, tata bahasa gaya

puisi. - Penggunaan

Menyimak dan menirukan beberapa model teks khusus dalam bentuk poem.

Membaca dengan cermat teks khusus dalam bentuk poem dengan intonasi, ucapan, dan ejaan yang benar

Bertanya dan mempertanyakan tentang hal-hal lain yang belum dipahami terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks khusus yang

sedang dipelajari.

Membaca dan mendiskusikan contoh tabel analisis isi teks khusus dalam bentuk poem yang sedang dipelajari.

Mempelajari cara mempresentasikan hasil analisis tersebut.

Mempresentasikan hasil analisis secara lisan dalam

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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

khusus dalam bentuk poem terkait kehidupan remaja

nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara

tepat dalam frasa nominal

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, tulisan tangan.


Berbagai hal terkait dengan kehidupan peserta didik sebagai remaja dan peserta didik SMA, yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat dalam KI.

kelompok masing-masing.

Membaca dan menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk poem dari sumber lain.

Mempresentasikan hasil analisis secara lisan di depan kelompok lain.

Melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan hasil belajarnya.

3.5. Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi

Fungsi sosial Memperoleh hiburan, menghibur dan

mengajarkan nilai-nilai luhur, meneladani nilai-nilai

Menyimak guru membacakan beberapa teks naratif berbentuk cerita pendek.

Menirukan guru membaca teks tersebut secara bermakna, dengan intonasi, ucapan, dan tekanan kata yang benar.

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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

terkait cerita pendek, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.5. Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif,lisan dan tulis, terkait cerita pendek

moral, dsb.

Struktur text (gagasan utama dan informasi rinci)

- Pendahuluan (orientasi) dengan

memperkenalkan tokoh, tempat, waktu, terjadinya cerita.

- Penilaian (evaluasi) tentang situasi dan kondisi terjadinya cerita.

- Krisis yang terjadi terhadap tokoh utama (komplikasi)

- Akhir cerita di mana krisis berakhir (resolusi) dengan bahagia atau sedih

- Ulasan atau komentar umum (reorientasi), opsional.

Unsur kebahasaan

Bertanya dan mempertanyakan tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam teks tersebut.

Membaca dan mendiskusikan contoh tabel analisis isi teks yang sedang dipelajari.

Membahas cara mempresentasikan hasil analisis tersebut.

Mempresentasikan hasil analisis secara lisan dalam kelompok masing-masing.

Membaca dan menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif berbentuk cerita pendek dari sumber lain.

Mempresentasikan hasil analisis secara lisan di depan kelompok lain.

Menceritakan kembali teks naratif berbentuk cerita pendek yang telah dipelajari dengan menggunakan bahasa sederhana.

Melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan hasil belajarnya.

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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

- Tata bahasa: tense Simple, Continuous, Perfect, dalam bentuk Present dan Past, dengan atau tanpa kata kerja bantu modal, secara terintegrasi

- Kosa kata: terkait karakter, watak, dan setting dalam cerita pendek

- Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal

- Semua jenis adverbia.

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan dan tanda baca, dan tulisan

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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran


Topik Cerita-cerita pendek yang memberikan keteladanan dan yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat dalam KI.

3.6. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi melalui telepon terkait acara, tawaran, janji dan reservasi, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannyapenggunaannya

4.6. Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi melalui telepon terkait acara, tawaran, janji dan

Fungsi sosial Menjaga keharmonisan komunikasi antara penyedia jasa dan pelanggan untuk saling menguntungkan

Struktur teks - Memulai

- Menanggapi (diharapkan/di luar dugaan)

Unsur kebahasaan

- Ungkapan baku yang lazim digunakan.

- Penggunaan nominal singular

Menyimak dan menirukan percakapan untuk menelpon dan menerima telepon dalam (a) membuat perjanjian dan (b) membuat reservasi sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Bertanya dan mempertanyakan tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut.

Membaca dengan cermat beberapa percakapan serupa dari sumber lain.

Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa percakapantersebut.

Secara lisan dan tertulis, melakukan tindakan komunikatif memberi dan meminta informasi terkait menelpon dan menerima telepon dalam (a) membuat perjanjian dan (b) membuat reservasi sesuai dengan konteks yang berbeda.

Melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan hasil


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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

reservasi, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan dan tanda baca, tulisan tangan

Topik Berbagai kegiatan yang terkait dengan peserta didik sebagai remaja dan pelajar SMA, yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat dalam KI.

3.7. Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk brosur, leaflet, banner, dan pamflet, dengan memberi

Fungsi sosial Mempromosikan kegiatan, program, tokoh, dsb., agar menarik perhatian khalayak sasaran

Menyimak dan menirukan beberapa model teks khusus berbentuk brosur, leaflet, banner, dan pamflet.

Membaca dengan cermat teks khusus berbentuk

brosur, leaflet, banner, dan pamflet dengan intonasi, ucapan, dan ejaan yang benar.

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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

dan meminta informasi terkait promosi barang/jasa/kegiatan sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.7. Brosur, leaflet, banner, dan pamflet

4.7.1. Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan brosur, leaflet, banner, dan pamflet terkait promosi barang/jasa/kegiatan

4.7.2. Menyusun teks khusus brosur, leaflet, banner, dan pamflet terkait promosi barang/jasa/kegiatan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks

Struktur text - Menyebutkan

tujuan brosur, leaflet, banner, dan pamflet

- Menyebutkan informasi rinci dan informasi tertentu dari brosur, leaflet, banner, dan pamflet

Unsur kebahasaan - Ungkapan dan

kosa kata yang lazim digunakan brosur, leaflet, banner, dan pamflet

- Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara

tepat dalam frasa nominal

- Ucapan, tekanan

Bertanya dan mempertanyakan hal-hal lain yang belum dipahami terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks khusus yang sedang dipelajari.

Membaca dan menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus

berbentuk brosur, leaflet, banner, dan pamflet dari sumber lain.

Membuat proyek teks brosur, leaflet, banner, dan pamflet dan memajangnya di majalah dinding kelas.

Melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan hasil belajarnya.

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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan.

Topik Orang, barang, jasa, dan kegiatan (event) yang relevan dengan kehidupan peserta didik sebagai remaja dan peserta didik SMA,yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat dalam KI.

3.8. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pemberian contoh, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan for example, such as)

4.8. Menyusun teks interaksi

Fungsi sosial Memberikan penjelasan/memperjelas informasi.

Struktur Teks - Memulai

- Menanggapi (diharapkan/di luar dugaan)

Unsur kebahasaan Kosa kata, tata bahasa, ucapan, tekanan kata, dan

Menyimak dan menirukan percakapan terkait pemberian contoh sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Bertanya dan mempertanyakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut.

Membaca dengan cermat beberapa percakapan serupa dari sumber lain.

Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa percakapantersebut.

Secara lisan dan tertulis, melakukan tindakan komunikatif terkait pemberian contoh sesuai dengan konteks yang berbeda.

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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pemberian contoh, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks


Topik Berbagai hal terkait dengan interaksi antara guru dan peserta didik selama

proses pembelajaran, di dalam maupun di luaryang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat dalam KI.

Melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan hasil belajarnya.

3.9. Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks hortatory exposition lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pandangan/pendapat mengenai topik yang hangat dibicarakan umum, argumentasi pendukung, serta saran, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.9. Teks hortatory exposition 4.9.1. Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual

Fungsi Sosial

Mengajak, membujuk orang lain/pembaca atau pendengar untuk menyetujui melakukan tindakan yang direkomendasikan dalam teks

Struktur teks - Menyebutkan


permasalahan terhadap sesuatu

Menyimak guru membacakan beberapa teks eksposisi hortatori.

Menirukan guru membaca teks tersebut secara bermakna, dengan intonasi, ucapan, dan tekanan kata yang benar.

Bertanya dan mempertanyakan tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam teks tersebut.

Membaca dan mendiskusikan contoh tabel analisis isi teks yang sedang dipelajari.

Membahas cara mempresentasikan hasil analisis tersebut.

Mempresentasikan hasil analisis secara lisan dalam

kelompok masing-masing.

Membaca dan menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur

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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks hortatory exposition lisan dan tulis, terkait isu aktual

4.9.2. Menyusun teks hortatory exposition lisan dan tulis, terkait isu aktual, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks

yang hangat dibicarakan (Thesis statement)

- Menyebutkan pandangan/pendapat mengenai permasalahan tersebut beserta ilustrasi sebagai pendukung (Arguments)

- Diakhiri dengan jalan keluar/ solusi yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut

Unsur Kebahasaan:

- Kalimat Simple Present

- Conditional Clauses

- Modals - Kosa kata, tata

bahasa, ucapan, tekanan kata, dan intonasi.

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks eksposisi hortatori dari sumber lain.

Mempresentasikan hasil analisis secara lisan di depan kelompok lain.

Menulis teks eksposisi hortatori secara kontekstual.

Menyampaikan isi teks eksposisi hortatori yang telah dibuatnya secara lisan sesuai dengan konteksnya.

Melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan hasil belajarnya.

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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran


Berbagai hal terkait dengan interaksi antara guru dan peserta didik selama proses

pembelajaran, di dalam maupun di luar

3.10. Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA

4.10. Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait dengan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA

- Fungsi sosial Memahami pesan moral lagu dan menghargai lagu sebagai karya seni - Unsur kebahasaan

- Kata, ungkapan, dan tata bahasa dalam karya seni berbentuk lagu.

- Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal

Membaca, menyimak, dan menirukan lirik lagu secara lisan.

Mempertanyakan informasi dalam teks yang dibaca.

Bertanya dan mempertanyakan tentang fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan dari lirik lagu, yang sedang dipelajari secara kontekstual.

Membacakan dan menyalin lirik lagu yang telah dipelajari dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosialdan unsur kebahasaan.

Melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan hasil belajarnya.

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris (Peminatan)

Kelas / Semester : XI/ 2

Materi : Hortatory Text

Alokasi Waktu : 6 x 45 menit (3x pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan

pro-aktif dan menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai

permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan

alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam

pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,

kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan

kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang

spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar:

3.9 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa

teks hortatory exposition lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait pandangan/pendapat mengenai topik yang hangat

dibicarakan umum, argumentasi pendukung, serta saran, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya.

4.9.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan teks hortatory exposition lisan dan tulis, terkait isu


4.6.2 Menyusun teks hortatory exposition lisan dan tulis, terkait isu aktual,

dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,

secara benar dan sesuai konteks

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E. Materi Pembelajaran:

1. Fungsi Sosial

Mengajak, membujuk orang lain/pembaca atau pendengar untuk

menyetujui melakukan tindakan yang direkomendasikan dalam teks.

2. Struktur Teks

- Menyebutkan pokok permasalahan terhadap sesuatu yang hangat

dibicarakan (Thesis statement)

- Menyebutkan pandangan/pendapat mengenai permasalahan tersebut

beserta ilustrasi sebagai pendukung (Arguments)

- Diakhiri dengan jalan keluar/ solusi yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi

permasalahan tersebut

3. Unsur Kebahasaan:

- Kalimat Simple Present

- Conditional Clauses

- Modals

- Kosa kata, tata bahasa, ucapan, tekanan kata, dan intonasi.

4. Topik

Berbagai hal terkait dengan interaksi antara guru dan peserta didik selama

proses pembelajaran, di dalam maupun di luar.

F. MetodePembelajaran :

Model Pembelajaran : Flipped Classroom Model

Pendekatan : Scientific Learning Approach

Metode Pembelajaran : Metode bervariasi

G. Tahap Pembelajaran

Pertemuan pertama

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi



1. Guru menyapa siswa

2. Guru mengecek presensi siswa

3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan


5 menit




Siswa berkumpul dengan kelompok yang

terdiri dari 5-6 siswa untuk berdiskusi


20 menit

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Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Siswa menyampaikan video yang telah

ditonton di rumah kepada anggota grup

Guru menyampaikan arahan jika terjadi



Siswa memperhatikan kata-kata dan struktur

kalimat yang di berikan presenter

Guru mengamati 5 aspek speaking siswa


Siswa bertanya kepada presenter lebih detail

mengenai topik video


Siswa mencoba berbicara secara bergantian

mengenai topik, meluruskan, dan

memberikan tanggapan



Siswa masih begabung dengan kelompok


Siswa berdiskusi dengan memberikan

penjelasan hasil pekerjaan rumah tentang

teks hortatory

Siswa (delegasi) menyampaikan hasil



Siswa saling memperhatikan penjelasan

presenter dalam grup


Siswa mencoba membuat rangkuman

tentang kesepakatan hasil diskusi per-grup

mengenai hortatoy dalam buku tugas



Siswa bertanya kepada grup lain mengenai

presentasi teks hortatori

60 menit


1. Guru membimbing siswa untuk

menyimpulkan kegiatan yang telah


10 menit

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Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


2. Guru memberikan kesempatan pada

siswa untuk bertanya jika masih belum

mengerti dalam pemaparan grup

3. Guru memberikan tugas/pekerjaan rumah

dengan membaca teks atau menonton

video mengenai teks hortatory sebagai

bahan membuat infographic-project

dipertemuan selanjutnya

Pertemuan kedua

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi



1. Guru menyapa siswa

2. Guru mengecek presensi siswa

3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan


5 menit



Siswa berkumpul dengan kelompok yang

terdiri dari 5-6 siswa untuk berdiskusi


Siswa berdiskusi dengan memberikan

penjelasan hasil pekerjaan rumah tentang

teks hortatory

30 menit




Siswa membentuk grup baru melalui number

head games


Siswa menyampaikan video yang telah

ditonton di rumah kepada anggota grup

Siswa (delegasi) menyampaikan hasil

diskusi di grup sebelumnya


Siswa memperhatikan kata-kata dan struktur

kalimat yang di berikan presenter

Guru mengamati 5 aspek speaking siswa


Siswa bertanya kepada presenter lebih detail

20 menit

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Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


mengenai topik video

Guru mengecek dan bertanya hasil note

taking siswa


Siswa mencoba berbicara secara bergantian

mengenai topik, meluruskan, dan

memberikan tanggapan



Siswa saling memperhatikan penjelasan

presenter dalam grup


Siswa mencoba membuat rangkuman yang

disampaikan delegasi lain mengenai hortatoy

dalam buku tugas masing-masing


Siswa bertanya kepada grup lain mengenai

presentasi teks hortatory

60 menit


1. Guru membimbing siswa untuk

menyimpulkan kegiatan yang telah


2. Guru memberikan kesempatan pada

siswa untuk bertanya jika masih belum

mengerti dalam pemaparan grup

3. Guru memberikan tugas/pekerjaan rumah

dengan membaca teks atau menonton

video mengenai teks hortatory untuk di

diskusikan dipertemuan selanjutnya

10 menit

Pertemuan ketiga

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi



1. Guru menyapa siswa

2. Guru mengecek presensi siswa

3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

5 menit

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Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi




Siswa berkumpul dengan kelompok yang

terdiri dari 5-6 siswa untuk berdiskusi


Siswa berdiskusi dengan memberikan

penjelasan hasil pekerjaan rumah tentang

teks hortatory


Siswa saling memperhatikan penjelasan

presenter dalam grup


Siswa mencoba membuat rangkuman yang

disampaikan delegasi lain mengenai hortatoy

dalam buku tugas masing-masing


Siswa bertanya kepada grup lain mengenai

presentasi teks hortatory

60 menit




Siswa membentuk grup baru melalui number

head games


Siswa menyampaikan video yang telah

ditonton di rumah kepada anggota grup

Siswa (delegasi) menyampaikan hasil

diskusi di grup sebelumnya


Siswa memperhatikan kata-kata dan struktur

kalimat yang di berikan presenter

Guru mengamati 5 aspek speaking siswa


Siswa bertanya kepada presenter lebih detail

mengenai topik video

Guru mengecek dan bertanya hasil note

taking siswa


Siswa mencoba berbicara secara bergantian

20 menit

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Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


mengenai topik, meluruskan, dan

memberikan tanggapan


1. Guru membimbing siswa untuk

menyimpulkan kegiatan yang telah


2. Guru memberikan kesempatan pada

siswa untuk bertanya jika masih belum

mengerti dalam pemaparan grup

3. Guru memberikan tugas/pekerjaan rumah

dengan membaca teks atau menonton

video mengenai teks hortatory untuk di

diskusikan dipertemuan selanjutnya

10 menit

Pertemuan keempat

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi



1. Guru menyapa siswa

2. Guru mengecek presensi siswa

3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

5 menit



Siswa berkumpul dengan kelompok yang

terdiri dari 5-6 siswa untuk berdiskusi


Siswa berdiskusi dengan memberikan

penjelasan hasil pekerjaan rumah tentang

analisis tenses

30 menit




Siswa membentuk grup baru melalui number

head games


Siswa menyampaikan video yang telah

ditonton di rumah kepada anggota grup

Siswa (delegasi) menyampaikan hasil

diskusi di grup sebelumnya


Siswa memperhatikan kata-kata dan struktur

kalimat yang di berikan presenter

Guru mengamati 5 aspek speaking siswa

20 menit

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Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi



Siswa bertanya kepada presenter lebih detail

mengenai topik video

Guru mengecek dan bertanya hasil note

taking siswa


Siswa mencoba berbicara secara bergantian

mengenai topik, meluruskan, dan

memberikan tanggapan



Siswa saling memperhatikan penjelasan

presenter dalam grup


Siswa mencoba membuat rangkuman yang

disampaikan delegasi lain mengenai hortatoy

dalam buku tugas masing-masing


Siswa bertanya kepada grup lain mengenai

presentasi teks hortatory

0 menit


4. Guru membimbing siswa untuk

menyimpulkan kegiatan yang telah


5. Guru memberikan kesempatan pada

siswa untuk bertanya jika masih belum

mengerti dalam pemaparan grup

6. Guru memberikan tugas/pekerjaan rumah

dengan membaca teks atau menonton

video mengenai teks hortatory untuk di

diskusikan dipertemuan selanjutnya

10 menit

H. Sumber dan Media Pembelajaran

Sumber belajar : Internet, buku.

Media Pembelajaran : PowerPoint, Video Youtube (List di Appendix)

I. Penilaian Proses dan Hasil Pembelajaran

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No Criteria Rating

Score Description

1 Pronunciation

5 (95-100) Has few traces of foreign language.

4 (85-94) Always intelligible, thought one is conscious of

a definite accent.

3 (75-84)

Pronunciation problem necessities concentrated

listening and occasionally lead to


2 (65-74)

Very hard to understand because of

pronunciation problem, most frequently be

asked to repeat.

1 Below


Pronunciation problem to serve as to make

speech virtually unintelligible.

2 Grammar

5 (95-100) Make few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar

and word order.

4 (85-94)

Occasionally makes grammatical and or word

orders errors that do not, however obscure


3 (75-84) Make frequent errors of grammar and word

order, which occasionally obscure meaning.

2 (65-74)

Grammar and word order errors make

comprehension difficult, must often rephrase


1 Below


Errors in grammar and word order, so, severe as

to make speech virtually unintelligible.

3 Vocabulary 5 (95-100) Use of vocabulary and idioms is virtually that of

native speaker.

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4 (85-94) Sometimes uses inappropriate terms and must

rephrases ideas because of lexical and equities.

3 (75-84)

Frequently uses the wrong words conversation

somewhat limited because of inadequate


2 (65-74) Misuse of words and very limited vocabulary

makes comprehension quite difficult.

1 Below


Vocabulary limitation so extreme as to make

conversation virtually impossible.

4 Fluency

5 (95-100) Speech as fluent and efforts less as that of native


4 (85-94) Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by

language problem.

3 (75-84) Speed and fluency are rather strongly affected

by language problem.

2 (65-74) Usually hesitant, often farce into silence by

language limitation.

1 Below


Speech is halting and fragmentary as to make

conversation virtually impossible.

5 Comprehension

5 (95-100) Appears to understand everything without


4 (85-94)

Understand nearly everything at normal speed

although occasionally repetition may be


3 (75-84) Understand most of what is said at slower than

normal speed without repetition.

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2 (65-74)

Has great difficulty comprehend social

conversation spoken slowly and with frequent


1 Below


Cannot be said to understand even simple


Tangerang Selatan, 31 Januari 2018


Mella Sarasyifa

NIM: 1113014000040

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris (Peminatan)

Kelas / Semester : XI/ 2

Materi : Songs

Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 menit (2x pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan

pro-aktif dan menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai

permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan

alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam

pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,

kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan

kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang

spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar:

3.10 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait

kehidupan remaja SMA/MA

4.10 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait dengan fungsi sosial dan

unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA

E. Materi Pembelajaran:

1. Fungsi Sosial

Memahami pesan moral lagu dan menghargai lagu sebagai karya seni.

2. Unsur Kebahasaan:

- Kata, ungkapan, dan tata bahasa dalam karya seni berbentuk lagu.

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- Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a,

the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal

F. MetodePembelajaran :

Model Pembelajaran : Flipped Classroom Model

Pendekatan : Scientific Learning Approach

Metode Pembelajaran : Metode bervariasi

G. Tahap Pembelajaran

Pertemuan pertama

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi



1. Guru menyapa siswa

2. Guru mengecek presensi siswa

3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan


5 menit




Siswa berkumpul dengan kelompok yang

terdiri dari 5-6 siswa untuk berdiskusi dan



Siswa menyampaikan video yang telah

ditonton di rumah kepada anggota grup

Siswa bernyanyi lagu kesukaan kemudian

melempar tebak arti lirik lagu dan idiom


Siswa memperhatikan kata-kata dan struktur

kalimat yang di berikan presenter

Guru mengamati 5 aspek speaking siswa


Siswa bertanya kepada presenter lebih detail

mengenai lagu yang dinyanyikan


Siswa mencoba menebak arti lirik lagu dan


20 menit



Siswa masih begabung dengan kelompok


Siswa berdiskusi dengan memberikan

penjelasan hasil pekerjaan rumah tentang

makna lirik lagu yang di pilih

60 menit

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Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Siswa (delegasi) menyampaikan hasil



Siswa saling memperhatikan penjelasan

presenter dalam grup


Siswa mencoba membuat lagu pribadi

(hanya lirik lagu) dengan Bahasa



Siswa bertanya kepada grup lain mengenai

makna lagu yang telah di buat


1. Guru membimbing siswa untuk

menyimpulkan kegiatan yang telah


2.. Guru memberikan kesempatan pada

siswa untuk bertanya jika masih belum

mengerti dalam pemaparan grup

3. Guru memberikan tugas/pekerjaan rumah

dengan mencari lirik lagu atau menonton

video mengenai lirik lagu sebagai bahan

membuat mini album book-project

dipertemuan selanjutnya

10 menit

Pertemuan kedua

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi



1. Guru menyapa siswa

2. Guru mengecek presensi siswa

3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

5 menit




Siswa berkumpul dengan kelompok yang

terdiri dari 5-6 siswa untuk berdiskusi dan

persiapan menyanyi di depan kelas


Siswa menyampaikan video yang telah

20 menit

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Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


ditonton di rumah kepada anggota grup


Siswa memperhatikan temannya

menyampaikan penjelasan

Guru mengamati 5 aspek speaking siswa


Siswa bertanya mengenai video yang di

jelaskan temannya


Siswa mencoba menanggapi dan masuk ke

dalam percakapan



Siswa mempersiapkan kelompoknya maju

ke depan


Siswa bernyanyi perkelompok di depan



Siswa saling memperhatikan lagu yang

dibawakan kelompok lain


Siswa bertanya kepada grup lain mengenai

makna lagu yang telah di buat


Siswa mencoba menebak makna lagu dan

menjawab kuis yang diberikan kelompok


60 menit


1. Guru membimbing siswa untuk

menyimpulkan kegiatan yang telah


2.. Guru memberikan kesempatan pada

siswa untuk bertanya jika masih belum

mengerti dalam pemaparan grup

3. Guru memberikan tugas/pekerjaan rumah

dengan menonton video untuk

10 menit

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Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


pengambilan nilai speaking pertemuan


No Criteria Rating

Score Description

1 Pronunciation

5 (95-100) Has few traces of foreign language.

4 (85-94) Always intelligible, thought one is conscious of

a definite accent.

3 (75-84)

Pronunciation problem necessities concentrated

listening and occasionally lead to


2 (65-74)

Very hard to understand because of

pronunciation problem, most frequently be

asked to repeat.

1 Below


Pronunciation problem to serve as to make

speech virtually unintelligible.

2 Grammar

5 (95-100) Make few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar

and word order.

4 (85-94)

Occasionally makes grammatical and or word

orders errors that do not, however obscure


3 (75-84) Make frequent errors of grammar and word

order, which occasionally obscure meaning.

2 (65-74)

Grammar and word order errors make

comprehension difficult, must often rephrase


Page 98: APPLYING FLIPPED CLASSROOM MODEL TO Sarasyifa-FITK.pdf · Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu


1 Below


Errors in grammar and word order, so, severe as

to make speech virtually unintelligible.

3 Vocabulary

5 (95-100) Use of vocabulary and idioms is virtually that of

native speaker.

4 (85-94) Sometimes uses inappropriate terms and must

rephrases ideas because of lexical and equities.

3 (75-84)

Frequently uses the wrong words conversation

somewhat limited because of inadequate


2 (65-74) Misuse of words and very limited vocabulary

makes comprehension quite difficult.

1 Below


Vocabulary limitation so extreme as to make

conversation virtually impossible.

4 Fluency

5 (95-100) Speech as fluent and efforts less as that of native


4 (85-94) Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by

language problem.

3 (75-84) Speed and fluency are rather strongly affected

by language problem.

2 (65-74) Usually hesitant, often farce into silence by

language limitation.

1 Below


Speech is halting and fragmentary as to make

conversation virtually impossible.

5 Comprehension 5 (95-100) Appears to understand everything without


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4 (85-94)

Understand nearly everything at normal speed

although occasionally repetition may be


3 (75-84) Understand most of what is said at slower than

normal speed without repetition.

2 (65-74)

Has great difficulty comprehend social

conversation spoken slowly and with frequent


1 Below


Cannot be said to understand even simple


Tangerang Selatan, 31 Januari 2018


Mella Sarasyifa

NIM: 1113014000040

Page 100: APPLYING FLIPPED CLASSROOM MODEL TO Sarasyifa-FITK.pdf · Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu






Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris (Peminatan)

Kelas / Semester : XI/ 2

Materi : Hortatory Text

Alokasi Waktu : 6 x 45 menit (3x pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan

pro-aktif dan menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai

permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan

alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam

pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,

kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan

kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang

spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar:

3.9 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa

teks hortatory exposition lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait pandangan/pendapat mengenai topik yang hangat

dibicarakan umum, argumentasi pendukung, serta saran, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya.

4.9.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan teks hortatory exposition lisan dan tulis, terkait isu


4.6.2 Menyusun teks hortatory exposition lisan dan tulis, terkait isu aktual,

dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,

secara benar dan sesuai konteks

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E. Materi Pembelajaran:

1. Fungsi Sosial

Mengajak, membujuk orang lain/pembaca atau pendengar untuk

menyetujui melakukan tindakan yang direkomendasikan dalam teks.

2. Struktur Teks

- Menyebutkan pokok permasalahan terhadap sesuatu yang hangat

dibicarakan (Thesis statement)

- Menyebutkan pandangan/pendapat mengenai permasalahan tersebut

beserta ilustrasi sebagai pendukung (Arguments)

- Diakhiri dengan jalan keluar/ solusi yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi

permasalahan tersebut

5. Unsur Kebahasaan:

- Kalimat Simple Present

- Conditional Clauses

- Modals

- Kosa kata, tata bahasa, ucapan, tekanan kata, dan intonasi.

6. Topik

Berbagai hal terkait dengan interaksi antara guru dan peserta didik selama

proses pembelajaran, di dalam maupun di luar.

F. MetodePembelajaran :

Model Pembelajaran : Conventional Classroom Model

Pendekatan : Scientific Learning Approach

Metode Pembelajaran : Metode bervariasi

G. Tahap Pembelajaran

Pertemuan pertama

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi



1. Guru menyapa siswa

2. Guru mengecek presensi siswa

3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

10 menit



Siswa membentuk kelompok yang terdiri

dari 5-6 siswa

70 menit

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Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi



Siswa mengamati video yang ditayangkan



Siswa berdiskusi mengenai video yang

ditayangkan guru

Salah satu perwakilan grup maju untuk

mempresentasikan hasik diskusi


Siswa mencoba membuat rangkuman

tentang kesepakatan hasil diskusi per-grup

mengenai hortatoy dalam buku tugas



Siswa bertanya kepada grup lain mengenai

presentasi teks hortatori


1. Guru membimbing siswa untuk

menyimpulkan kegiatan yang telah


2. Guru memberikan kesempatan pada

siswa untuk bertanya jika masih belum

mengerti dalam pemaparan grup

3. Guru memberikan tugas

10 menit

Pertemuan kedua

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi



1. Guru menyapa siswa

2. Guru mengecek presensi siswa

3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

4. Apresepsi

10 menit



Siswa maju berkelompok


Siswa mempresentasikan tugasnya


Siswa memperhatikan temannya di depan

70 menit

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Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi




Siswa bertanya kepada presenter mengenai

presentasi teks hortatory


Siswa mencoba menjawab pertanyaan yang

diberikan kelompok lain


1. Guru membimbing siswa untuk

menyimpulkan kegiatan yang telah


2. Guru memberikan kesempatan pada

siswa untuk bertanya jika masih belum

mengerti dalam pemaparan grup

3. Salam penutup

10 menit

Pertemuan ketiga

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi



1. Guru menyapa siswa

2. Guru mengecek presensi siswa

3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

10 menit



Siswa membentuk kelompok yang terdiri

dari 5-6 siswa


Siswa mengamati video yang ditayangkan



Siswa berdiskusi mengenai video yang

ditayangkan guru

Salah satu perwakilan grup maju untuk

mempresentasikan hasik diskusi


Siswa mencoba membuat rangkuman

tentang kesepakatan hasil diskusi per-grup

70 menit

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Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


mengenai hortatoy dalam buku tugas



Siswa bertanya kepada grup lain mengenai

presentasi teks hortatori


1. Guru membimbing siswa untuk

menyimpulkan kegiatan yang telah


2. Guru memberikan kesempatan pada

siswa untuk bertanya jika masih belum

mengerti dalam pemaparan grup

3. Guru memberikan tugas

10 menit

Pertemuan keempat

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi



1. Guru menyapa siswa

2. Guru mengecek presensi siswa

3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

4. Apresepsi

10 menit



Siswa maju berkelompok


Siswa mempresentasikan tugasnya


Siswa memperhatikan temannya di depan



Siswa bertanya kepada presenter mengenai

presentasi teks hortatory


Siswa mencoba menjawab pertanyaan yang

diberikan kelompok lain

70 menit


1. Guru membimbing siswa untuk

menyimpulkan kegiatan yang telah


2. Guru memberikan kesempatan pada

10 menit

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Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


siswa untuk bertanya jika masih belum

mengerti dalam pemaparan grup

3. Salam penutup

H. Sumber dan Media Pembelajaran

Sumber belajar : Internet, buku.

Media Pembelajaran : PowerPoint

I. Penilaian Proses dan Hasil Pembelajaran

No Criteria Rating

Score Description

1 Pronunciation

5 (95-100) Has few traces of foreign language.

4 (85-94) Always intelligible, thought one is conscious of

a definite accent.

3 (75-84)

Pronunciation problem necessities concentrated

listening and occasionally lead to


2 (65-74)

Very hard to understand because of

pronunciation problem, most frequently be

asked to repeat.

1 Below


Pronunciation problem to serve as to make

speech virtually unintelligible.

2 Grammar

5 (95-100) Make few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar

and word order.

4 (85-94)

Occasionally makes grammatical and or word

orders errors that do not, however obscure


3 (75-84) Make frequent errors of grammar and word

order, which occasionally obscure meaning.

Page 106: APPLYING FLIPPED CLASSROOM MODEL TO Sarasyifa-FITK.pdf · Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu


2 (65-74)

Grammar and word order errors make

comprehension difficult, must often rephrase


1 Below


Errors in grammar and word order, so, severe as

to make speech virtually unintelligible.

3 Vocabulary

5 (95-100) Use of vocabulary and idioms is virtually that of

native speaker.

4 (85-94) Sometimes uses inappropriate terms and must

rephrases ideas because of lexical and equities.

3 (75-84)

Frequently uses the wrong words conversation

somewhat limited because of inadequate


2 (65-74) Misuse of words and very limited vocabulary

makes comprehension quite difficult.

1 Below


Vocabulary limitation so extreme as to make

conversation virtually impossible.

4 Fluency

5 (95-100) Speech as fluent and efforts less as that of native


4 (85-94) Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by

language problem.

3 (75-84) Speed and fluency are rather strongly affected

by language problem.

2 (65-74) Usually hesitant, often farce into silence by

language limitation.

1 Below


Speech is halting and fragmentary as to make

conversation virtually impossible.

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5 Comprehension

5 (95-100) Appears to understand everything without


4 (85-94)

Understand nearly everything at normal speed

although occasionally repetition may be


3 (75-84) Understand most of what is said at slower than

normal speed without repetition.

2 (65-74)

Has great difficulty comprehend social

conversation spoken slowly and with frequent


1 Below


Cannot be said to understand even simple


Tangerang Selatan, 31 Januari 2018


Mella Sarasyifa

NIM: 1113014000040

Page 108: APPLYING FLIPPED CLASSROOM MODEL TO Sarasyifa-FITK.pdf · Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu





Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris (Peminatan)

Kelas / Semester : XI/ 2

Materi : Songs

Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 menit (2x pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan

pro-aktif dan menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai

permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan

alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam

pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,

kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan

kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang

spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar:

3.10 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait

kehidupan remaja SMA/MA

4.10 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait dengan fungsi sosial dan

unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA

E. Materi Pembelajaran:

1. Fungsi Sosial

Memahami pesan moral lagu dan menghargai lagu sebagai karya seni.

2. Unsur Kebahasaan:

- Kata, ungkapan, dan tata bahasa dalam karya seni berbentuk lagu.

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- Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a,

the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal

F. MetodePembelajaran :

Model Pembelajaran : Flipped Classroom Model

Pendekatan : Scientific Learning Approach

Metode Pembelajaran : Metode bervariasi

G. Tahap Pembelajaran

Pertemuan pertama

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi



1. Guru menyapa siswa

2. Guru mengecek presensi siswa

3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan


5 menit



Siswa membentuk kelompok yang terdiri

dari 5-6 siswa


Siswa mengamati video clip/ mendengar

audio lagu yang di putar guru


Siswa menganalisa makna lagu, dan

penggunaan tenses yang dominan

Siswa menjawab kuis


Siswa berdiskusi dalam kelompok


Guru memberikan kuis

60 menit


1. Guru membimbing siswa untuk

menyimpulkan kegiatan yang telah


2. Guru memberikan kesempatan pada siswa

untuk bertanya jika masih belum

mengerti dalam pemaparan grup

3. Guru memberikan tugas/pekerjaan rumah

dengan membuat mini album book-


4. Salam penutup

10 menit

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Pertemuan kedua

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi



1. Guru menyapa siswa

2. Guru mengecek presensi siswa

3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

5 menit



Siswa membentuk kelompok 5-6 yang

terdiri dari siswa


Siswa mengumpulkan tugas

Siswa presentasi lanjutan


Siswa mendengarkan presentasi


Siswa bertanya mengenai presentasi yang



Siswa bernyanyi bersama

60 menit


1. Guru membimbing siswa untuk

menyimpulkan kegiatan yang telah


2. Guru memberikan kesempatan pada siswa

untuk bertanya jika masih belum

mengerti dalam pemaparan grup

3. Salam penutup

10 menit

H. Sumber dan Media Pembelajaran

Sumber belajar : Internet, buku.

Media Pembelajaran : PowerPoint

I. Penilaian Proses dan Hasil Pembelajaran

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No Criteria Rating

Score Description

1 Pronunciation

5 (95-100) Has few traces of foreign language.

4 (85-94) Always intelligible, thought one is conscious of

a definite accent.

3 (75-84)

Pronunciation problem necessities concentrated

listening and occasionally lead to


2 (65-74)

Very hard to understand because of

pronunciation problem, most frequently be

asked to repeat.

1 Below


Pronunciation problem to serve as to make

speech virtually unintelligible.

2 Grammar

5 (95-100) Make few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar

and word order.

4 (85-94)

Occasionally makes grammatical and or word

orders errors that do not, however obscure


3 (75-84) Make frequent errors of grammar and word

order, which occasionally obscure meaning.

2 (65-74)

Grammar and word order errors make

comprehension difficult, must often rephrase


1 Below


Errors in grammar and word order, so, severe as

to make speech virtually unintelligible.

3 Vocabulary 5 (95-100) Use of vocabulary and idioms is virtually that of

native speaker.

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4 (85-94) Sometimes uses inappropriate terms and must

rephrases ideas because of lexical and equities.

3 (75-84)

Frequently uses the wrong words conversation

somewhat limited because of inadequate


2 (65-74) Misuse of words and very limited vocabulary

makes comprehension quite difficult.

1 Below


Vocabulary limitation so extreme as to make

conversation virtually impossible.

4 Fluency

5 (95-100) Speech as fluent and efforts less as that of native


4 (85-94) Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by

language problem.

3 (75-84) Speed and fluency are rather strongly affected

by language problem.

2 (65-74) Usually hesitant, often farce into silence by

language limitation.

1 Below


Speech is halting and fragmentary as to make

conversation virtually impossible.

5 Comprehension

5 (95-100) Appears to understand everything without


4 (85-94)

Understand nearly everything at normal speed

although occasionally repetition may be


3 (75-84) Understand most of what is said at slower than

normal speed without repetition.

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2 (65-74)

Has great difficulty comprehend social

conversation spoken slowly and with frequent


1 Below


Cannot be said to understand even simple


Tangerang Selatan, 31 Januari 2018


Mella Sarasyifa

NIM: 1113014000040

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No Participants






















1 Student 1 80 80 80 80 75 79

2 Student 2 75 75 75 80 75 76

3 Student 3 75 75 70 75 70 73

4 Student 4 80 75 75 80 70 76

5 Student 5 75 75 75 75 70 74

6 Student 6 80 75 75 75 70 75

7 Student 7 80 80 75 80 75 78

8 Student 8 80 75 75 80 75 77

9 Student 9 75 75 75 80 75 76

10 Student 10 75 75 70 75 70 73

11 Student 11 75 70 70 70 65 70

12 Student 12 75 75 75 75 70 74

13 Student 13 85 85 80 80 75 81

14 Student 14 85 80 80 85 80 82

15 Student 15 80 80 75 85 75 79

16 Student 16 80 75 75 80 75 77

17 Student 17 75 80 75 80 70 76

18 Student 18 75 75 70 85 70 75

19 Student 19 75 75 75 75 75 75

20 Student 20 80 80 75 80 70 77

21 Student 21 85 85 80 85 80 83

22 Student 22 75 75 75 75 75 75

23 Student 23 80 75 75 75 75 76

24 Student 24 80 75 75 80 75 77

25 Student 25 80 75 75 75 75 76

26 Student 26 75 75 70 75 70 73

27 Student 27 75 70 75 75 70 73

28 Student 28 75 75 75 75 70 74

29 Student 29 75 75 75 80 75 76

30 Student 30 75 70 75 75 70 73

31 Student 31 80 85 85 85 80 83

32 Student 32 80 75 80 80 75 78

33 Student 33 75 70 70 70 70 71

34 Student 34 75 70 70 75 65 71

35 Student 35 85 85 80 85 75 82

36 Student 36 80 70 75 80 70 75

37 Student 37 75 80 75 75 75 76

38 Student 38 75 75 75 80 75 76

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No Participants






















1 Student 1 85 85 85 85 80 84

2 Student 2 80 85 80 80 80 81

3 Student 3 80 80 80 85 75 80

4 Student 4 80 80 80 85 75 80

5 Student 5 75 75 75 80 70 75

6 Student 6 80 80 85 80 75 80

7 Student 7 85 85 85 90 80 85

8 Student 8 85 85 85 85 80 84

9 Student 9 80 80 80 85 80 81

10 Student 10 80 80 75 75 70 76

11 Student 11 75 75 75 75 70 74

12 Student 12 75 75 75 80 70 75

13 Student 13 85 85 80 80 80 82

14 Student 14 90 85 90 85 85 87

15 Student 15 85 85 85 85 85 85

16 Student 16 85 80 80 80 80 81

17 Student 17 80 85 80 80 75 80

18 Student 18 80 85 85 85 75 82

19 Student 19 80 75 80 80 75 78

20 Student 20 85 80 80 80 75 80

21 Student 21 90 90 85 85 85 87

22 Student 22 75 80 85 75 75 78

23 Student 23 85 80 85 80 80 82

24 Student 24 85 90 85 80 80 84

25 Student 25 85 85 85 80 80 83

26 Student 26 85 80 85 80 80 82

27 Student 27 85 75 80 80 70 78

28 Student 28 80 80 75 75 75 77

29 Student 29 80 75 80 80 75 78

30 Student 30 75 75 75 75 75 75

31 Student 31 85 90 90 85 85 87

32 Student 32 85 80 85 80 80 82

33 Student 33 70 70 70 80 70 72

34 Student 34 80 75 80 80 70 77

35 Student 35 85 85 85 85 80 84

36 Student 36 85 70 75 80 70 76

37 Student 37 80 80 85 80 75 80

38 Student 38 80 80 80 80 80 80

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No Participants




















1 Student 1 80 80 75 80 75 78

2 Student 2 80 75 75 80 75 77

3 Student 3 80 80 80 85 80 81

4 Student 4 80 75 75 80 75 77

5 Student 5 80 75 75 80 75 77

6 Student 6 70 70 75 75 70 72

7 Student 7 80 80 75 80 75 78

8 Student 8 75 75 75 75 75 75

9 Student 9 80 75 75 75 75 76

10 Student 10 85 80 85 85 80 83

11 Student 11 80 75 75 75 75 76

12 Student 12 75 75 80 75 75 76

13 Student 13 80 80 80 80 75 79

14 Student 14 85 85 80 80 80 82

15 Student 15 85 80 85 80 85 83

16 Student 16 80 75 75 80 75 77

17 Student 17 70 70 75 75 70 72

18 Student 18 75 75 75 70 75 74

19 Student 19 80 75 75 80 75 77

20 Student 20 75 70 75 75 75 74

21 Student 21 85 80 80 85 80 82

22 Student 22 80 75 70 75 70 74

23 Student 23 80 85 80 85 80 82

24 Student 24 75 80 75 80 75 77

25 Student 25 80 75 70 80 75 76

26 Student 26 80 75 75 70 75 75

27 Student 27 70 75 70 70 70 71

28 Student 28 80 80 75 80 75 78

29 Student 29 80 75 75 80 75 77

30 Student 30 75 75 70 75 70 73

31 Student 31 80 75 75 80 75 77

32 Student 32 75 75 70 70 75 73

33 Student 33 70 70 75 75 75 73

34 Student 34 80 75 75 80 75 77

35 Student 35 75 75 70 80 75 75

36 Student 36 85 85 80 85 80 83

37 Student 37 85 75 80 75 80 79

38 Student 38 80 75 75 75 75 76

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No Participants






















1 Student 1 80 80 80 85 75 80

2 Student 2 75 80 75 80 75 77

3 Student 3 85 85 85 80 80 83

4 Student 4 80 80 75 80 75 78

5 Student 5 80 80 70 80 75 77

6 Student 6 75 70 70 75 70 72

7 Student 7 85 85 75 80 75 80

8 Student 8 75 80 70 85 70 76

9 Student 9 80 80 70 80 75 77

10 Student 10 80 85 85 90 85 85

11 Student 11 85 80 75 75 75 78

12 Student 12 80 75 80 80 75 78

13 Student 13 80 80 75 85 75 79

14 Student 14 90 85 80 85 90 86

15 Student 15 90 80 85 85 90 86

16 Student 16 80 80 75 85 75 79

17 Student 17 75 75 70 75 75 74

18 Student 18 75 75 70 80 75 75

19 Student 19 85 80 75 85 75 80

20 Student 20 75 80 70 80 75 76

21 Student 21 85 80 80 85 80 82

22 Student 22 70 80 70 80 75 75

23 Student 23 80 80 75 85 85 81

24 Student 24 80 80 75 85 70 78

25 Student 25 80 75 75 80 75 77

26 Student 26 80 75 70 80 75 76

27 Student 27 80 75 70 80 70 75

28 Student 28 85 80 75 85 75 80

29 Student 29 80 70 70 80 70 74

30 Student 30 80 75 70 80 70 75

31 Student 31 85 75 70 85 75 78

32 Student 32 80 75 75 80 75 77

33 Student 33 75 75 70 75 75 74

34 Student 34 80 70 75 80 75 76

35 Student 35 80 80 70 80 80 78

36 Student 36 90 90 85 90 80 87

37 Student 37 85 85 80 80 80 82

38 Student 38 85 80 75 85 75 80

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Number of the

Students Nilai Pre-Test Nilai Post-Test Gained Score

Student 1 79 84 5

Student 2 76 81 5

Student 3 73 80 7

Student 4 76 80 4

Student 5 74 75 1

Student 6 75 80 5

Student 7 78 85 7

Student 8 77 84 7

Student 9 76 81 5

Student 10 73 76 3

Student 11 70 74 4

Student 12 74 75 1

Student 13 81 82 1

Student 14 82 87 5

Student 15 79 85 6

Student 16 77 81 4

Student 17 76 80 4

Student 18 75 82 7

Student 19 75 78 3

Student 20 77 80 3

Student 21 83 87 4

Student 22 75 78 3

Student 23 76 82 6

Student 24 77 84 7

Student 25 76 83 7

Student 26 73 82 9

Student 27 73 78 5

Student 28 74 77 3

Student 29 76 78 2

Student 30 73 75 2

Student 31 83 87 4

Student 32 78 82 4

Student 33 71 72 1

Student 34 71 77 6

Student 35 82 84 2

Student 36 75 76 1

Student 37 76 80 4

Student 38 76 80 4

Total 2891 3052 161

Mean 76.1 80.3 4.2

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1. The Normality Test

a. Open SPSS version 23 software program

b. Click Variable View and complete these columns:

1) Input data information in the first row. Make sure Variable 1 name

(Pre_Test_Score/ Post_Test_Score), Decimals (0), Values (None),

Measure (Nominal).

2) Input data information in the second row. Make sure Variable 2

name (Class), Decimals (0), Values (1=’Experimental Class’,

2=’Controlled Class’), Measure (Scale).

c. Click Data View, input the pre-test score of experimental and

controlled class in the “Pre_Test_Score” column. Then, type “1” as the

representation of experimental class and type “2” as the representation

of controlled class in the “Class” column.

d. Click Analyze >> Descriptive Statistic>>Explore

e. Move ‘Pre_Test_Score’ to Dependen List box, and ‘Class’ to Factor

List box.

f. Click Plot>>checklist ‘Normality plots with test’>>Continue

g. Checklist ‘Plots’>>OK

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2. The Homogeneity Test

a. Open SPSS version 23 software program

b. Click Variable View and complete these columns:

1) Input data information in the first row. Make sure Variable 1 name

(Pre_Test_Score/ Post_Test_Score), Decimals (0), Values (None),

Measure (Nominal).

2) Input data information in the second row. Make sure Variable 2

name (Class), Decimals (0), Values (1=’Experimental Class’,

2=’Controlled Class’), Measure (Scale).

c. Click Data View, input the pre-test score of experimental and

controlled class in the “Pre_Test_Score” column. Then, type “1” as

the representation of experimental class and type “2” as the

representation of controlled class in the “Class” column.

d. Click Analyze >> Compare Means>>One-Way ANOVA

e. Move ‘Pre_Test_Score’ to Dependen List box, and ‘Class’ to Factor

List box.

f. Click Option>>checklist ‘Homogeneity of Variance test’>>OK

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a. Open SPSS version 23 software program

b. Click Variable View and complete these columns:

1) Input data information in the first row. Make sure Variable 1 name

(Pre_Test_Score/ Post_Test_Score), Decimals (0), Values (None),

Measure (Nominal).

2) Input data information in the second row. Make sure Variable 2

name (Class), Decimals (0), Values (1=’Experimental Class’,

2=’Controlled Class’), Measure (Scale).

c. Click Data View, input the pre-test score of experimental and

controlled class in the “Pre_Test_Score” column. Then, type “1” as

the representation of experimental class and type “2” as the

representation of controlled class in the “Class” column.

g. Click Analyze >> Compare Means>>Independent-Sample T-test

h. Move ‘Pre_Test_Score’ or ‘Post_Test_Score’ into Test Variable(s)

box, and ‘Class’ into Grouping Variable box.

i. Click Define groups: Group 1 (1) and Group 2 (2)>>Continue>>OK

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1. Make a group consists of 4-5 students

2. Join with your member group

3. Make a Hortatory Text by your own

4. Compile and discuss with your group at home

5. The next meeting, your group will present the Hortatory Text in front of

the class but speaking individually


Free Hortatory Text Topics.



1. Make a group consists of 4-5 students

2. Join with your member group

3. Discuss with your group

4. Explain and share about the hortatory text spontaneously

5. Speaking individually


Free topics related to the school and the education.

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Instruction for Homework:

1. Make a group consists of 4-5 students

2. You have two options to access the video:

First, offline video without subtitle at all. I will share it using SHAREIT

application if you ask.

Second, online video with subtitle on Youtube caption option.

3. The link channel of online videos will be shared via Line

4. Each students should take a note about the video. Please, just key point.

5. Note taking will be checked

6. You have the responsibility to be honest and keep talking in English when

I go around tomorrow

Instruction for Class Session:

1. Join with your member group

2. Discuss your homework (video) about 20 minutes

3. I will go around

4. Encourage your friends to talk and share their opinion

5. I will check your speaking and note taking

6. Please keep talking, I trust you!


Watch the video that I have listed.

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(VIDEO FOR HOMEWORK) (Jakarta Travel Guide) (A Japanese Technique to

Overcome Laziness) (What Happens to Your Body if You Don’t


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a. The Preparation Stages

1. Video Selection and Video Duration

The researcher determined to use videos from Youtube platform as the

primary input sources to be used in teaching speaking. It was considered

because the best input to acquire and enrich the target language was from

the native speaker since the teacher had some obstacles such as dialect or

wrong pronunciation. In addition, the consideration was many students

faced some difficulties to produce a language. It was caused by the

minimum input of the students got in the outside class. It also affected the

component of students’ speaking such as pronunciation, fluency,

vocabulary, comprehension, and grammar when the students produce an

output. For example, the students had limited vocabulary, did not know

how to pronounce some words that related to the videos, and did not

comprehend the video in the class. Based on the researcher’s note and

interview with some students the students spent more their mobile data and

be an active user on social media such as Line and Instagram.

However, in educational aspect, Youtube was the most popular

platform to be accessed by almost all the students. It was because the

students were interested to imitate the native speaker which has been

published the video on Youtube. The most popular videos that attracted

students interest such as the song videos and the Vlog (Video Blog) of

actor or actress videos. Therefore, the researcher used this opportunities to

introduce the positive content of Educational videos which they could be

accessed in the outside class. In the other word, the researcher could

control the students’ speaking activities.

The researcher had listed the educational videos in some channels

Youtube based on the students’ learning style and interest, as follows:

1) TED Talk

2) TED Education

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3) Khan Academy


5) Travel Guide

6) English Today Jakarta

7) Tech Insider

8) Bright Side

9) Business Insider*

10) ASA Vlogs*

Based on the lists above, the channels consisted the educational videos in

number 1-8, and additional videos in number 9-10. Furthermore, the

researcher required the students to watch the video duration less than 7

minutes, in order to be focused and encouraged the students to watch the

short videos.

2. The Instructional of Flipped Classroom

After the pre-test was administered in the experimental class, the

researcher explained the flipped classroom model, the regulation of the

new model, the video that should be watched and also the duration, and the

aspects of speaking that would be assessed. It was intended to encourage

and build students’ understanding of the speaking task. After the students

understand all the rules, then, the researcher gave the instructional of

flipped classroom to the students for the first-sixth meetings, as follows:

The first instruction, the students were asked to make a group consists

of 4-5 students in the class. Second, the students had two options to access

the video, there were offline and online videos as a homework. The offline

video contained video with no subtitle at all. On the other hand, online

video with subtitle on Youtube caption option could be accessed through

the link. The researcher shared the link via Line through the leader of the

class. Third, each students should take a note about the video but only key

point, and would be checked by the researcher. The last, the researcher

explained that the students had the responsibility to be honest and keep

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talking in English when the researcher went around their group in the next


b. The Homework Stages

The treatment of the experimental class spent six meetings. In six

meetings, all of the students decided to choose the online videos, therefore,

the researcher sent the links to the leader of class via Line. Then, to

explore the students’ attitude of flipped classroom model, the researcher

used three patterns when shared the links in every two meetings.

The first pattern for two meetings, the researcher used English as the

instruction, only one video for all group, and sent the link three days

before the meeting. The second pattern for two meetings, the researcher

used Bahasa as the instruction, used the variety of videos, and sent the link

at 20:50 WIB (the night) before the meeting. Actually, the researcher

should send the links two days before the meeting, but it was the

researcher’s mistakes and had the trouble with this pattern. And the third

pattern for two meetings, the researcher used mixed language (English

then translated in Bahasa) as the instruction, used the variety of channels

but the students were free to choose the topic in the channel, and sent the

links at 20:18 WIB (the night) before the meeting.

The finding could be concluded that the students had a positive

response in the first pattern, on the other hand, had a negative response

when the video was sent the day before the meetings.

c. The Class-Time Stages

The students were ready to implement the flipped classroom model.

The students have joined with their group before the researcher entered the

classroom. Each groups consisted of 5-6 students and was heterogeneous

of the speaking level. Then, the students discussed the video which has

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watched at homework. The researcher went around the groups to check the

note taking and clarified the pronunciation and the topics if needed. The

researcher reported the development of the students, as follows:

1) The First and the Second Meeting

The students still adapted with this model. They tried to speak in

English but the passive and silent participants were still dominant. When

the researcher went around to the other group, many students suddenly

kept in silent and suddenly pretended to talk with their members. In

addition, only one topic of the video which was discuss in these meetings.

As a result, they were bored and confused what else they should be

discussed. Based on this situation, the researcher evaluated and tried to

give the better requirement and solutions for the next meetings.

2) The Third and the Fourth Meeting

The students has adapted with this model. They spoke in English even

though using mixed language (English and Bahasa). They were enthusiast

to respond their friend in the group because the topics were variety. As the

result, they were challenged to join in conversation to deliver the different

topics. Based on the evaluation in the first and the second meeting, the

researcher decided to point out the leader in each groups. The leaders had a

responsibility to encourage their member who would not speak or join the

conversation through asked and gave the opportunities for them to share

their ideas. The result was they spoke in English when the researcher went

around to the other group, even though there was still one or two students

were silent in a group.

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3) The Fifth and Sixth Meeting

The researcher was surprised by the students who were passive in a

group became active members. Almost all the students in the experimental

class were interested, challenged, and enthusiast to speak in English

dependently. They were more fluent and less shy to speak in English even

though they had incorrect pronunciation and grammar. However, this

situation became an opportunities for the researcher to assist the students

and correct the students’ mistakes in speaking.

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Preliminary Qualitative Phase

*Interview a Group of the Students (8 students)

R : “Kalian kenapa tadi gak mau aktif speaking di grup?”

S1 : “Bukannya gak mau kak, tapi saya bingung mau ngomong apa.”

S2 : “Kalau aku, emang gak suka kak sama speaking. Males aja gitu


R : “Loh kok males? Emang ada apakah dengan speaking?”

S2 : “Kalau aku tergantung guru kak. Aku akan aktif speaking kalau gurunya

juga membiasakan diri speaking in English.”

S3 : “Iya kak bener. Masa princess aja pronunciationnya gitu ya kemarin.

Harusnya kan ‘c’ itu ‘s’, tapi ini princess ya ‘c’nya disebut kak.”

R : “Oh gitu. Yasudah khusnudzan aja ya. Mungkin lagi kepleset hehe”

S1 : “Tapi emang bener sih kak, kalau sekali dua kali kepleset kita maklumin.

Tapi… kayaknya ini bukan kepleset deh kak. Sering aja gitu aneh.

R : “Terus kalian maunya gimana biar speaking?”

S4 : “Duh kak, kalau ditanya gitu aku juga bingung, hehe. Soalnya otak aku

ke settingnya ya udah males karena di kelas kurang aktif speakingnya.”

R : “Hmm gitu..”

S5 : “Kita bukannya gak mau diskusi ya kak tadi pas pelajaran kakak. Tapi

kita kaget aja gitu kak baru kali ini di suruh ngomong spontan ke temen.

Kan bingung vocabnya apa dan grammarnya sih yang paling takut.”

S6 : “Nah iya tuh kata S5 bener!”

S2 : “Ya itu tadi ujung-ujungnya bener kan kata gue, males hawanya.”

S7 : “Tapi kalau lo males, kapan bisanya? Sekarang apa-apa pake English.”

S8 : “Kalau speaking, aku lebih seneng dari native langsung kak.”

S1-S7 : “Iya kak setuju.”

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Preliminary Qualitative Phase

*Interview a Teacher (Tedi Yosep, M.Pd.)

R : “Assalamu’alaikum Bapak, perkenalkan saya Mella Sarasyifa, peneliti

Flipped Classroom Model untuk pembelajaran speaking di kelas

Bapak. Saya ingin bertanya mengenai kegiatan-kegiatan speaking,

apakah bapak bersedia?”

PT : “Wa’alaikumsalam. Iya silakan, Mel.”

R : “Baik, terima kasih Pak. Langsung saja ya Pak. Jenis kegiatan apa yang

dilakukan ketika ada aktivitas speaking di kelas. Pak?”

PT : “Saya biasa pakai dialog untuk kegiatan speaking.”

R : “Apakah dengan dialog, siswa menjadi aktif di kelas?”

PT : “Pasif, karena kan kurikulum harus tercapai. Jadi, target materi lain

selain speaking itu yang lebih prioritas.”

R : “Hambatan apa saja yang Bapak hadapi selama mengajar speaking?"

PT : “Siswa tidak mau berbicara, tidak percaya diri, dan minimnya vocab.”

R : “Bagaimana cara bapak mengatasi hambatan tersebut?”

PT : “Karena tujuan bahasa Inggris khussunya speaking itu adalah

komunikasi , dan guru itu bisa mengaktivasi yang tidak aktif menjadi

aktif. Itu semua harus di mulai dari saya dulu sebagai guru, contohin

pakai bahasa Inggris. Saya juga pakai presentasi (siswanya) di kelas

per BAB materi, jadi siswa mau tidak mau saya aktivasi untuk


R : “Materi apa yang biasa Bapak gunakan untuk speaking? Sumbernya?”

PT :”Materi sesuai silabus, dan saya serahkan ke siswa sumber bebas.”

R :” Pernah tidak, Bapak mengembangkan materi sendiri?”

PT : “Tidak Pernah.”

R : “Lalu, apa yang bapak harapkan dari aktivitas speaking siswa?”

PT : “Saya mah yang penting siswa mau belajar dan termotivasi untuk

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speaking saja sudah cukup.”

R : “Bagaimana cara memotivasi siswa dan evaluasi siswa?”

PT : “Dengan nilai. Makanya saya suka kasih nilai tinggi sebagai bentuk

apresiasi dan assess saya ke mereka yang sudah berani maju ke depan

dan percaya diri. Masalah pronunciation, kadang saya perbaiki ketika

maju, dan tidak masalah dengan fluency. Jadi murni karena sudah

berani maju ke depan saja sudah dapat poin lebih, karena realitanya

siswa kita sangat sulit untuk speaking.”

R : “Bapak pernah mendengar atau menggunakan Flipped Classroom


PT : “Belum pernah, baru kali ini saya mendengarnya.”

R : “Dari banyaknya hambatan-hambatan yang bapak paparkan tadi, saya

yakin model ini bisa meningkatkan keterampilan siswa dalam


PT : “Ok, menarik. Kita coba!”

R : “Baik pak. Ok, saya cukupkan ya Pak. Terima kasih atas kesediaan

waktu Bapak. Wassalamu’alaikum.”

PT : “Iya, sip sama-sama.”

Preliminary Qualitative Phase

*Interview a Student (Putu Krisna from XI MIPA 1)

R : “Siang, Putu! Putu kan ketua English Club di sekolah ini, apa sih yang

Putu tau tentang speaking di SMA ini?

P : “Siang juga Kak! Ya disini masih pasif kak untuk speaking.”

R : “Kalau boleh tau, apa tuh yang menyebabkan pasif?

P : “Dari dalam diri siswanya malas untuk speaking dan guru yang

sebelumnya dan kebanyakan di sekolah ini terbiasa menggunakan

bahasa Indonesia di kelas.

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R : “Karena kakak kan sudah tahu latar belakang dan kemampuan bahasa

Inggris kamu, kakak yakin kamu tidak mengalami kesulitan dalam

speaking. Tapi boleh ceritakan ke kakak, apa sih kesulitan-kesulitan

yang dihadapi teman-teman lain?

P : “Kesulitannya macam-macam. Ada yang kurang input, ada yang malas,

ada yang gak suka bahasa Inggris apalagi speakingnya, terlalu takut

ngomong karena takut salah grammarnya, gak ada teman berbicara

bahasa Inggrisnya. Tapi yang paling terlihat adalah kurang practice.”

R : “Oh gitu, lalu biasanya di kelas ngapain aja?

P : “Presentasi materi per chapter/ grup, ada sesi tanya jawab in English.

Seru sih. Lumayan lah,mau gak mau pakai bahasa Inggris.”

R : “Guru kamu menggunakan media gak untuk ngajar speaking?”

P : “Yang satu (bahasa Inggris wajib) pakai PowerPoint. Sama sih yang

peminatan juga. Tapi untuk media lain paling listening pakai audio

atau speaker dan video-video.”

R : “Videonya di tonton di kelas atau di rumah?”

P : “Di kelas, Kak.”

R : “Ok. Pertanyaan selanjutnya, pernah gak sih guru kamu ngasih intsruksi

atau berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas?

P : “Kalau pelajaran bahsa Inggris (wajib) sangat jarang. Kalau pelajaran

pak Tedi (peminatan) pakai bahasa Inngris karena bapaknya itu aktif

pakai bahasa Inggris, mewajibkan kita pakai

bahasa Inggris dari presentasi sampai sesi tanya jawab, dan mengajak

siswa untuk pakai bahasa Inggris.”

R : “Memangnya ekspektasi Putu untuk speaking apa sih?”

P : “Lebih aktif speaking, ada interaksi atau diskusi dengan bahasa


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Appendix 15



Q1: Delightful. Because I could be more understand if

I study with pictures or videos. And it’s so fun to watch

many videos that I have a different title and theme.

Q2: Ada. I have a new vocabularies, to be more

fluent when speak in English, and more detail in


Q3: Yes it is me! Often forget to do homework,

including forget these Flipped Model homework.

Q4: Yes, this model increase my speaking skill,

including I got new vocab, and more detail to

listening per word, and I will ask to repeat in discussion

if I don’t understand what my friends said.

Q5: I recommend this model, because I myself is more

understand if I study with practice not theory


1. “Oh no! It’s just spend my quota internet! ”

2. “My friend is fluency to speak in English, I

should be like her!”

3. “Wow, it’s so interesting to watch many videos

and talk in English”


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

4. Before :

5. Process :

6. After :


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :


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A K I L L A H D W I A Student 1 | XI-IPA 1


Q1: Bagus, beda dari model pembelajaran yang lain

Q2: Ada. Membuat murid menjadi lebih percaya diri

terhadap Bahasa Inggrisnya karena hanya

perkelompok atau beberapa orang saja yang tahu.

Kemudian, mempermudah bertukar pikiran tentang

kosakata dan grammar serta informasi yang telah di

tonton sebelumnya.

Q3: Hambatannya mungkin lebih ke ‘malas’, dan

pelafalan Bahasa Inggris di videonya.

Q4: Iya dalam hal percaya diri (karena tidak maju ke

depan), dan menjadi lebih tahu sedikit grammar.

Q5: Ya, karena bisa meningkatkan kemampuan

Bahasa Inggris dari video dan teman.


1. Merasa tidak percaya diri

2. Merasa ada kemajuan dalam Bahasa Inggris

3. Merasa lebih percaya diri.


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :


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Q1: Seru dan menarik.

Q2: Ada. Dengan adanya model seperti ini,

saya bisa menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

walaupun kurang lancar.

Q3: Ada. Saya jarang melihat video karena

gak ada paket

Q4: Iya, saya jadi lebih terbiasa berbicara

Bahasa Inggris.

Q5: Mungkin saja untuk rekomendasi.


1. Sangat ragu sekali

2. Mulai beradaptasi

3. Sangat seru


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1 Before :

2 Process :

3 After :


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Q1: Bagus, model kelas seperti ini membuat

murid menjadi lebih aktif.

Q2: Ada. Saya lebih mengerti tentang

Bahasa Inggris dan menemukan vocab baru.

Q3: Ada, kelompoknya itu itu lagi.

Q4: Iya. Menemukan vocab baru tetapi

dalam speaking masih suka bingung.

Q5: Ada. Untuk meningkatkan skill speaking.


1. Flat

2. Flat

3. Lumayan


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :

Ahmad Faris Khairy

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A K I L L A H D W I A Student 1 | XI-IPA 1


Q1: Lumayan bagus, karena masih ada

murid yang canggung untuk aktif.

Q2: Ada. Lebih mengerti tentang Bahasa

Inggris dan mendapatkan vocab baru.

Q3: Ada. Kelompokknya monoton, tidak


Q4: Iya. Menemukan vocab baru tetapi

dalam pengejaan masih bingung.

Q5: Ada. Untuk meningkatkan skill berbicara

Bahasa Inggris.


1. Flat

2. Flat

3. Lumayan


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :


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Q1: Pendapat saya bagus, karena

mendorong siswa untuk berani berbicara

apapun yang dia tau.

Q2: Ada. Saya lebih berani untuk berbicara

sebisa saya dengan teman-teman saya

menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.

Q3: Kurang semangat, monoton dan

kurangnya niat.

Q4: Iya dalam hal berbicara Bahasa Inggris

meskipun seadanya, tetapi melatih lebih

berani lagi.

Q5: Iya ingin, karena meluangkan waktu

berbicara tidak hanya materi.


1. Membosankan

2. Tertarik

3. Ingin lebih dan menyenangkan


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :


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Q1: Pendapat aku bagus, karena menurut aku

berawal kelas ini banyak yang bisa Bahasa Inggris tapi

masih pasif, sekarang lumayan ada perubahan

menjadi lebih aktif

Q2: Ada dong, yaitu menjadi lebih aktif, topik

pembicaraan lebih luas, dan banyak Bahasa Inggris

yang belum diketahui jadi tau.

Q3: Ada. Pertama-tama model ini baru dibuat ada

rasa malas menonton video dan menyimpulkan video

dengan teman-teman. Harus ngomong/diskusi pake

Bahasa Inggris tapi lama-lama jadi suka.

Q4: Iya. Aku lumayan jadi berani speaking English

sama temen-temen bisa merangkai kata sendiri

walaupun verbnya masih salah.

Q5: Iya rekomendasi! Soalnya lebih meningkat kualitas

speaking sama temen-temen di kelas dan agar

menjadi lebih aktif dan seru diskusi dengan teman.

Q6: -


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :


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Q1: It’s good. It makes us learn something


Q2: There so many benefits like we learn

something new, like new vocab.

Q3: Yes, sometime we susah ngomong/cari


Q4: Iya, menjadi lebih berani berbicara di

depan umum.

Q5: Yes, because it is berguna bagi masa



1. Biasa aja

2. Asik dan jadi mau belajar Bahasa


3. Jadi lebih mengerti Bahasa Inggris


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :


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Q1: Menurut saya, model ini bagus aja sih,

tapi tergantung anaknya mau ngobrol atau


Q2: Menambah vocab, kalau ngobrol pakai

Bahasa Inggris, sedikit nyambung.

Q3: Ada. Kuota saya sedikit dan gak ada

wifi. Kalau video offline mager.

Q4: Iya jadi paham sedikit-sedikit kalau

ngomong pakai Bahasa Inggris.

Q5: fifty fifty, because setiap saya ngobrol

pakai Bahasa Inggris susah ngeluarinnya.


1. Aneh! Apaan sih ini model?

2. Menarik. Lama-lama menarik juga

3. Lumayan lah, menambah kata-kata



Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :


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Q1: Bagus, model kelas seperti ini bisa

membantu menjadi lebih baik.

Q2: Ada. Lebiih mengerti tentang Bahasa


Q3: Ada. Kelompok tidak berubah.

Q4: Iya menemukan wacana baru tetapi

dalam pengerjaan masih bingung,

Q5: Iya rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan skill

berbicara Bahasa Inggris.


1. Flat

2. Flat

3. Lumayan


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :


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Q1: Menurut saya ide ini bagus dan bisa

membantu untuk belajar speaking.

Q2: Ada. Dari model pembelajaran ini saya bisa

mencoba speaking dan belajar bagaimana

agar bisa lancar berbahasa Inggris.

Q3: Ada, karena saya belum terlalu bisa Bahasa

Inggris, saya terkadang kesulitan dalam

menonton video yang tidak ada translate dalam

Bahasa Indonesia.

Q4: Iya dalam hal percakapan dan


Q5: Iya saya merekomendasikan karena kita bisa

terys berlatih dari awalnya gak bisa menjadi bisa

sedikit demi sedikit.


1. Menyulitkan

2. Menyenangkan

3. Menguntungkan


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :


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Q1: It’s not bad, pretty good. And it’s

something really new to me.

Q2: Students are more active and

responsible (however, this is not true)

Q3: The deadline is rather tight.

Q4: 50/50 really, it’s good to have a new

method, while in the other hand, the method

isn’t effective.

Q5: Sure, with some improvements to be

more it would be good to go.


1. Feels like kinda forced to do it.

2. It’s alright, no major issues

3. It’s not a forced activity anymore, so

it’s cool


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :

Bismoko N

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Q1: I think, it’s fun! We can talk in English to our friend

without meragukan grammar, hahaha

Q2: Yas of course! When this model is applied in my

class, aku jadi seneng banget talking in English,

sometimes (when bukan pelajaran Inggris) me and my

chairmate also talking in English and I have an idea to

make a group that contain some of my class

members that interested to chat in English, hehe.

Q3: I think it’s a no for me, but maybe for some of my

friends, English is so difficult. So when kakak ask us to

discuss in group, she/he is still using Bahasa (mix) and I

became confused to talk with her/him.

Q4: Yes, in fluency, new vocab, and speaking.

Q5: Yes, I’m very recommend it! Sometimes we

understand what people say in English even we don’t

understand the meaning of per word, but we can’t

applied it when we start to speak. Ya gitulah kak

maksudnya, wkwkkw, kepanjangan ya…


1. Fun

2. Very fun

3. Very very fun


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :

Bunaya Syifa

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Q1: So funny and make us to be more active.

Q2: Of course, we learn more about

grammar and trying to speak English and we

are not afraid to speak English in this model.

Q3: Yes, there are many friends that haven’t

watch the video, so the information isn’t


Q4: Of course, because I got new vocab.

Q5: Maybe yes, because this model force us

to speak English so we must learn speaking

English more.


1. Little confuse

2. I got new vocab

3. I’m not afraid to speak in English,

although so many mistakes


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :


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Q1: Sangat seru walaupun bicaranya begitu aktif.

Q2: Ada. Karena dengan cara ini kita belajar

menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik. Seperti

kita mencoba berbicara dengan teman dengan

Bahasa Inggris walaupun kata-katanya hanya di

sambung-sambung dan bahasanya setengah-


Q3: Kadang hanya kurang mengerti dengan arti kata-

kata yang belum di dengar.

Q4: Iya, karena lama-lama kita mengerti setiap kata-

kata yang belum kita tahu.

Q5: Lumayan merekomendasi, karena cara ini lebih

menyenangkan. Karena kalau menyenangkan, kita

pun tidak terlalu tegang/takut.


1. Tidak begitu suka, karena ngiranya ribet

2. Menyenangkan

3. Menambah ilmu, menambah kosa kata


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :


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Q1: Menurut saya mengenai model kelas yang

dibalik ini sangat bagus, karena membuat siswa-

siswa menjadi aktif berbicara (mengobrol)

menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.

Q2: Ada. Saya menjadi percaya diri saat

mengobrol dengan teman menggunakan

Bahasa Inggris.

Q3: Ada. Saya masih lama berpikir saat

berbicara, seperti: “Apa ya Bahasa Inggrisnya


Q4: Iya, menjadi lancar dalam mengucapkan


Q5: Ya, bisa meningkatkan dalam berbicara

Bahasa Inggris.


1. Bosen

2. Lumayan seru

3. Seru!


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :


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Q1: Seru sih.

Q2: Saya bisa berbicara Bahasa Inggris lebih

lancar dan menemukan Bahasa baru.

Q3: Topiknya kurang bebas. Wkwk.

Q4: Ya. Lebih meningkat di bidang

mendengarkan lagu tanpa harus subtitle

dan video.

Q5: Mungkin. Biar seru, wkwk.


1. Tidak lancar

2. Lumayan lancar

3. Jadi ngerti kalau ada orang ngomong

Bahasa Inggris dan bisa balas


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :


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Q1: Wah, keren banget kaya di kampong

Inggris yang di Kediri. Coba aja setiap hari

kaya gitu udah kaya orang bule, hahaha.

Q2: Ada kayaknya, soalnya jadi ingin tahu

Bahasa Inggrisnya ini itu apasih? Jadi

motivasi, belajar Bahasa Inggris makin


Q3: Enggak ada, paling hambatannya gak

nonton video aja sama bingung mau

ngomong apa.

Q4: Iya, pokoknya asik.

Q5: Iya, mungkin saja.


1. Sebelumnya aktif tapi gak terlalu aktif

2. Prosesnya makin aktif tapi gak aktif-

aktif banget

3. Sesudahnya jadi mau lagi :D


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :


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Q1: Menarik dan menyenangkan.

Q2: Bisa mengetahui kata-kata baru dalam

Bahasa Inggris yang belum pernah di dengar


Q3: Ada. Seperti kurang pahamnya arti dari

kalimat Bahasa Inggris yang di ucapkan.

Q4: Lumayan meningkatkan kemampuan


Q5: Mungkin saja.


1. Passive

2. Lumayan active

3. Passive


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :

Ghina Az Zahra

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Q1: I like this type of studying. It’s more fun for me +

less homework!

Q2: Yes! I could know how much is my speaking skills

and how bad my grammar is when I speak.

Q3: Yeah, I just realized how hard it is to speak English


Q4: Kind of but not really because I still use the words I

know and not the one I should be practicing.

Q5: Yes! Because it’s really important to practice your

pronunciation and speaking skills. What could be

better than practice with your friends? I’ve always

wanted to practice my English but I don’t have any

partner to do it. So, I’ll be glad if this model to be

applied in English lesson.


1. I thought this method will fail because lots of

my friends don’t like to speak English and they

seem like hate it

2. Still thought this won’t work because how

passive the other is

3. My friends are starting to open up & hope we

could continue this method


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :

Hana Rizky

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Q1: Seru!

Q2: Ada, dapat menambah kosa kata baru,

dapat melancarkan berbicara Bahasa


Q3: Ada. Kurang nyambung.

Q4: Iya. Tapi di bagian speakingnya kurang.

Q5: Maybe.


1. Sangat ragu-ragu

2. Mulai beradaptasi

3. Biasa saja


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :

Herawati Azzahra

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Q1: Menurut saya ide ini cukup bagus karena

saya kurang percaya diri untuk berbicara Bahasa

Inggris dan metode ini sangat membantu saya

mencoba berbicara Bahasa Inggris.

Q2: Ada. Saya yang dulunya tidak percaya diri

berbicara Bahasa Inggris, sekarang mulai

mencoba untuk berbicara sedikit demi sedikit.

Q3: Ada. Mungkin terkadang saya lupa Bahasa

Inggrisnya sehingga terkadang masih

menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia.

Q4: Mungkin iya, karena dengan Flipped

Classroom saya dapat mengetahui vocabulary

yang dulunya tidak tahu

Q5: Mungkin iya, karena ini sangat membantu

saya untuk speaking.


1. Saya tidak percaya diri untuk speaking

2. So fun

3. Saya sedikit percaya diri untuk speaking


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :

Ira Soffana

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Q1: It’s good because I think this model is

easy for me.

Q2: Yes, I’m studying easier and trying to

speak English better.

Q3: No.

Q4: Yes, on vocab.

Q5: Yes, back to answer number 2.


1. I’m so hard to speak English

2. I’m still silly

3. I’m to start to be active/ talk using

English language


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :

Izza Aqmarina Octavian

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Q1: About this Flipped Classroom Model, I like

it! Because it test our English skill, no problem

if I wrong in grammar.

Q2: Yes! Because I know so much about

English and any vocabulary, it makes me

active about speaking English.

Q3: Yeah, maybe little bit about speaking,

grammar, and little bit not active.

Q4: Yes, in speaking aspect. It makes me

active in speaking.

Q5: Yes! Because many people can

speaking. It enhances your speaking ability

and grammar.


1. Masih belum bisa aktif

2. Masih agak susah speak

3. Active speaking but wrong grammar.


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

4. Before :

5. Process :

6. After :

Leonardo Diego T. S

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Q1: In my opinion, I think the Flipped

Classroom Model is more active and want to

be more practice about speaking English.

Q2: Yes have any advantages. First, to

increase speaking English. Second, to

practice new words.

Q3: I’m wrong a little bit grammar.

Q4: Yes, because it increase my speaking to

the group friends.

Q5: I think yes. Because all people will get

about more ability in speaking.


1. I’m shy with my friends

2. I’m a little bit not shy

3. I’m more active and not shy


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :


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Q1: Menurut saya, model kelas seperti ini

sangat baik.

Q2: Menambah kata-kata baru yang kita

tidak ketahui.

Q3: Ada, kuota saya sangat terbatas, dan

ada kata-kata yang susah di ucap.

Q4: Lumayan meningkatkan cara

pengucapan Bahasa Inggris.

Q5: Iya, karena model pembelajarannya

menarik dan interaktif.


1. Tidak tahu kata-kata

2. Lumayan lancar

3. Menambah kata-kata Bahasa Inggris

yang saya belum ketahui sebelumnya


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :

M. Al-Raviiy A. S

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Q1: Sangat bagus dan seru!

Q2: Ada, bisa mengetahui vocab terbaru.

Q3: Ada. Bahasa dan vocab barunya.

Q4: Mungkin.

Q5: Maybe.


1. Sulit berbicara Bahasa Inggris

2. Agak sering berbicara

3. Sangat banyak mengetahui kosa kata



Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :


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Q1: I think the model is an interesting concept. It has

shown that it can enhance the overall experience in


Q2: Well yes, there’s a few. The model offers a less

monotonous way to learn and encourages students to

be more active.

Q3: The main obstacle during the application of the

model, was the difference in English speaking

capabilities and also the fact that different students

like different topics. So, I found that as an obstacle.

Q4: Yes it did. I gained confidence in using my English.

Q5: I wouldn’t exactly go as far as implementing this

model on every class, since the system/model isn’t yet

perfect. However, I would like to see more of this

model in the near future.


1. Keen on it

2. Interested

3. Looking forward for more sessions of it


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :


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Q1: Menurut saya, model pembelajaran seperti

kemarin sangat seru dan menaikan tingkat keinginan

siswa untuk lebih mempelajari Bahasa Inggris secara


Q2: Ada, manfaatnya adalah kita bisa lebih mengerti

grammar dan cara pengucapan serta intonasi untuk

membaca Bahasa Inggris secara benar.

Q3: Ada, hambatan jika kakak mengirim videonya

terlalu malam. Sehingga, pada saat jam pelajaran

ada salah satu siswa di kelas atau banyak yang

belum menonton video.

Q4: Iya, meningkatkan siswa dalam berbicara Bahasa

Inggris sesuai grammar yang benar. Banyak

mendapat kosakata baru juga sehingga menambah

vocab kita.

Q5: Iya, saya merekomendasikan model ini dalam

belajar Bahasa Inggris. Karena dengan model ini siswa

tidak merasa jenuh dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris.


1. Sebelum model ini, Saya kurang lancar dan

ragu-ragu dalam pengucapannya

2. Menggunakan mix Bahasa Inngris & Indonesia

3. Saya lebih aktif & bisa berbicara Bahasa



Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :

Rizka Novi Cahyani

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Q1: Seru, menyenangkan, kita mendapatkan wadah

yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kita

dalam conversation.

Q2: Mengasah kemampuan dalam berbicara Bahasa

Inggris, mendapatkan informasi-informasi baru dalam

Bahasa Inggris, dan menemukan konten yang tepat

untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris.

Q3: Hambatan ketika video yang di berikan terlalu

malam dimana saya sedang mengerjakan tugas

sekolah lainnya.

Q4: Bisa jadi, saya menemukan banyak kosa kata

baru dalam video-video yang telah diberikan kemarin

dengan pronunciation yang tepat.

Q5: Mungkin bisa, agar tercipta wadah bagi kita

untuk chit-chat dalam Bahasa Inggris.


1. Merasa senang dan penasaran dengan

metode ini

2. Di awal proses agak membosankan karena

bingung sudah kehabisan topik, tetapi setelah

pertemuan-pertemuan berikutnya sudah bisa


3. Cukup menarik jika ada kelas conversation

setiap pelajaran Bahasa Inggris


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :

Wina Putri Kirana

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Q1: Menurut saya, menarik mungkin dan

sedikit menyenangkan.

Q2: Dapat menonton video yang belum

pernah di tonton, menambah pengetahuan,

mengetahui cara membaca yang benar.

Q3: Ya, saat tidak ada kuota.

Q4: Sedikit mungkin.

Q5: Mungkin tidak, karena beberapa dari

kita yang masih pasif dalam berbahasa



1. Kelas terasa pasif

2. Di awal menyenangkan, tapi makin

kesini membosankan

3. Ada sedikit perubahan


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :

Yosita Vania Rizki A

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Q1: Bagus, kreatif, untuk meningkatkan bercakap

Bahasa Inggris.

Q2: Ada, dapat menambah vocabulary baru

walaupun kadang suka bingung.

Q3: Banyak, jadi ragu untuk bicara karena takut salah


Q4: Iya, dalam hal cara berbicara yang benar dalam

Bahasa Inggris.

Q5: Tidak, karena membosankan dan belum tentu

masing-masing siswa bisa berbicara Bahasa Inggris.


1. Sangat meragukan

2. Sedikit bagus

3. Lumayan masuk otak


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :

Zaini Rayhani H

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Q1: Flipped Class adalah hal dan

pengalaman baru bagi saya.

Q2: Iya, ada. Model ini membuat saya lebih

percaya diri.

Q3: Grammar merupakan hambatan bagi


Q4: Ya, dalam aspek grammar dan


Q5: Ya, karena meningkatkan skill berbahasa

Inggris perlahan-lahan


1. Tertarik dengan model ini

2. Lumayan kesulitan

3. Merasa kemampuan yang bertambah


Q1: What is your opinion about the

Flipped Classroom Model?

Q2: Is there any advantages from this

model? If so, what are they?

Q3: Is there any obstacles? If so, what

are they?

Q4: Does Flipped Classroom Model

enhance your speaking ability/skill?

If so, could you please tell me more

in what aspect?

Q5: Do you recommend this model to

be applied in English lesson? Why?

Q6: How is your impression toward

this model?

1. Before :

2. Process :

3. After :

Zaky Al Kautsar